How much percentage of hydrogen peroxide to treat the navel of a newborn. What can go wrong and what to do about it? Processing the navel: how the final version should look

After the birth of a child, the first thing the obstetrician does is put on the umbilical cord that binds for a long time baby with his mother, a special medical clamp, and then cuts her off. This is necessary in order to stop the movement of blood through the vessels of the umbilical cord, because now there is no need for this. While you and your baby were in the hospital, the treatment of the umbilical residue, as well as the umbilical wound formed after cutting off the residue for 2-3 days, lay on your shoulders medical workers. But now, if you are reading these lines, most likely, you and your baby are already at home, and caring for a newborn has completely passed into your hands. As a rule, before a young mother and baby are discharged from the hospital, maternity hospital workers talk in detail about how to swaddle, feed, bathe, and, of course, how to handle the navel of a newborn. But many will agree that at home, left alone with the baby, all the information received in the hospital is for some reason completely forgotten and a lot of questions arise, among which the most relevant is how to handle the navel in a newborn. Therefore, today we will talk about this topic.

How to treat the navel in a newborn at home?

After the birth of a child, his navel completely heals in 2-3 weeks, but for this the first 7-10 days you need to properly treat the wound. To do this, you need to prepare in advance:

  • hydrogen peroxide (if there is no special dispenser for jars of peroxide, a pipette);
  • cotton buds;
  • pieces of gauze, bandage or cotton swabs.

It is necessary to process the navel every day. It is enough to do this only 1 time, preferably in the evening after bathing. It should be noted that it is possible and necessary to bathe a child even with an unhealed navel. It does not need to be sealed or somehow protected from water. The fact that water enters the umbilical wound is nothing to worry about. It even, on the contrary, helps dried blood crusts formed on the wound to separate better and easier. However, you should refrain from water procedures if the umbilical residue in the maternity hospital was not cut off, but left to fall off by itself (this method is still practiced in some maternity hospitals).

Step-by-step instructions on how to handle the navel in a newborn:

1. So, after you bathed the baby and dried him dry, put him on a hard and flat surface (ideally, this should be a changing table). Belly button treatment should be done in a clean room and everything should be sterile: both your hands and the items you use.

2. Gently open the navel and drop hydrogen peroxide using a pipette or dispenser on a jar.

3. Wait a bit until the peroxide finishes foaming and hissing (so it softens the crusts). Note that if in Once again, while treating the navel, you do not see foam and do not hear characteristic sounds - congratulations, your baby's umbilical wound has healed.

4. After softening hemorrhagic crusts, carefully separate them from the wound. The best tool for this is cotton swabs. It is necessary to separate the crusts with gentle rotational movements. If you cannot completely remove the crusts, in no case do not pick them and do not tear them off by force! It is better to drop the peroxide again and wait a little more.

5. After you clean the navel from the remnants of the crusts, dry it thoroughly with cotton swabs or a piece of bandage with blotting movements.

6. Then gently push the navel even wider and drip a little brilliant green. And better - smear with a cotton swab, which you previously dipped into a jar of brilliant green. Be careful with this solution - brilliant green is quickly absorbed, practically does not remove from furniture and clothes, and is washed off hands for a very long time.

Remember that the treatment of the umbilical wound can only cause mild discomfort to the baby, but no pain he does not experience it. Therefore, do not be afraid, be confident in the correctness of your actions, and you will succeed!

Treatment of the navel in a newborn. What can not be done.

1. You can not wrap the navel with a bandage or seal it with cotton wool and plaster, either during bathing or after water procedures. Remember what longer belly button remains open - the faster it heals. This remark also applies to the diaper. It must be worn so that it does not cover the navel and does not rub the body around the umbilical wound. To do this, you can either wrap the edge of the diaper, or use a model that has a special cutout for the navel.

2. No need to treat the navel more than once a day. Sometimes, in cases of problems with the navel, which we will talk about later, it is recommended to treat it 2 times, but even in these cases, not more often.

3. Do not use additional drugs. Hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green are all the antiseptics you need. Sometimes, if there are problems with the navel, the doctor prescribes additional medicinal products and preparations for the navel, but you do not need to do this yourself.

Cases when you need to see a doctor.

Sometimes, those parents who know how to handle the navel in a newborn, and are even completely sure of the correctness of their actions, still have situations when they cannot do without the help of a doctor.

1. The most common problem is the weeping navel of a newborn. What to do if, in addition to sanious discharge, you notice some other incomprehensible discharge that you can’t get rid of for more than a week and the baby’s navel seems to be constantly wet? Of course, contact a healthcare professional immediately!

2. You need to consult a doctor even if you feel sharp and not nice smell from the navel and see purulent discharge from it.

3. This must also be done in case of redness or swelling around the navel.

4. And also, if the navel bleeds heavily and for a long time, the umbilical wound remains too wide, and the crusts that you remove every day remain just as big.

Processing the navel, in fact, is a simple event and everyone can learn it loving parent. However, if you observe some incomprehensible things that frighten you, call the clinic to which you belong at the place of residence and call visiting nurse on house.

The well-being of the baby largely depends on how parents take care of his hygiene. How to carry out these procedures correctly?

Until the moment of birth, the baby and his mother are connected by a special formation, which is called the umbilical cord. Its value for intrauterine life fruit is huge. But the baby was born and the umbilical cord was cut. To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, it is necessary proper care for her.

The umbilical cord is a union of three blood vessels- veins (arterial through it, rich in oxygen and nutrients blood goes from the placenta to the fetus) and two arteries through which the "waste" venous blood flows in the opposite direction - from the fetus to the mother. These vessels are surrounded by a gelatinous substance, which prevents their possible damage.

After the birth of a child, the need for communication between mother and baby through the umbilical cord disappears. The child acquires the ability to breathe independently, receive food in the form of mother's milk excrete unwanted substances through the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, almost immediately after removing the crumbs, a special clamp is applied to the umbilical cord, and it is cut. The blood flow through the umbilical vessels stops.

Treatment of the navel in the hospital

While the baby and mother are in the delivery room, the rest of the umbilical cord is additionally processed. As a result, only the umbilical cord remains small plot about 2 cm long. On the remainder of the umbilical cord is a plastic or, less often, a metal clip.

Some maternity hospitals now use open cord management. This means that a bandage is not applied to it, just every day before the baby and mother are discharged from the maternity hospital, the umbilical cord residue (and after it falls off, the wound) is processed antiseptic solutions(as a rule, it is hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate - the so-called "potassium permanganate").

Every day, the umbilical cord residue above the bracket becomes more and more dry, in other words, it mummifies. Daily processing also contributes to the drying of the umbilical cord residue. As a result, on the fourth or fifth day, in most babies, the umbilical cord looks like a patch of dry, dense, inanimate tissue. Soon, along with the clamp, this tissue "disappears". It remains a wound, which is called the umbilical. In babies with an initially thicker umbilical cord, the rest of it can dry out for quite a long time, for 6-7 or even more days.

In many maternity hospitals, a different tactic has been adopted for maintaining the umbilical cord, when it is usually cut off on the second day with a blade or sterile scissors. With surgical excision, the healing of the umbilical wound proceeds faster. A pressure bandage is applied to the wound to prevent bleeding, which is usually loosened after 1-2 hours and removed the next day during the treatment of the umbilical wound.

Some babies have a so-called "skin" navel. With it, the skin, passing from the anterior abdominal wall, covers the umbilical cord, and the impression of a "long" navel is created. It should be noted that after the umbilical cord remnant falls off or is removed, the tissues of such a navel are retracted and, as a rule, the umbilical region does not differ in any way from the usual one.

The umbilical wound gradually heals, becoming covered with a hemorrhagic (dense "bloody") crust. If the child continues to be in maternity hospital, then the umbilical wound is treated in the same way as before the umbilical cord residue - once a day. With a wide umbilical wound, possible non-abundant sanious discharge, a doctor may prescribe more frequent treatment. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical wound gradually disappears. If the healing proceeds safely, then after the thick crust falls off, there is no discharge from the wound. Sometimes, when a large crust falls off (this happens with a wide umbilical wound), there may be a release of droplets of blood, the wound "tints". Usually, in such cases, an additional (2-3 times a day) treatment with solutions of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate is sufficient, and sometimes a special hemostatic (hemostatic) sponge, which in most cases is sufficient to be applied to the wound once.

Treatment of the navel at home

At home, the umbilical wound is treated within 7-10 days before it complete healing daily 1 time per day after bathing. If the cord was surgically removed in the maternity hospital, it may take less time to treat the wound at home. Sometimes, for example, with a slow formation of a crust, the presence small secretions from it ("wet"), it is recommended to treat the wound twice a day or even more often. The wound is lubricated with an alcohol solution of brilliant green - "brilliant green". "Zelenka" at home is preferable compared, for example, with "potassium permanganate" due to the lack of the need to prepare this solution. It is sold in any pharmacy.

For the treatment of an umbilical wound, 1% may also be suitable. alcohol solution chlorophyllipt, containing a mixture of chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves. This solution is colorless, which allows you to identify signs of inflammation, since the wound is not painted over.

To avoid unnecessary trauma to the skin chemical preparation(up to a skin burn!) should avoid getting the solution on the skin around the wound.

If there is a crust on the wound that has already begun to peel off and does not hold firmly, it is better to remove it first by soaking it with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. A ready-made preparation of hydrogen peroxide can be bought at a pharmacy. It must be borne in mind that its shelf life is limited! You should not prepare a hydrogen peroxide solution yourself at home, since in this case it is difficult to achieve the desired concentration, and the sterility of the prepared preparation will be doubtful.

The crust, as a rule, after bathing the child becomes softer, and it is easier to remove it from the wound. Of course, if this is a newly formed crust on a wide wound, then it is not worth making an effort to remove it without fail. It is convenient to treat the umbilical wound at home with cosmetic cotton swabs. When treating a wound with a large and index fingers the left hand is pressed on the tissue near the navel so as to "open" the navel area as much as possible for inspection and more thorough processing.

When there is a prolonged "wetting" of the wound, bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you should consult a doctor!

If you have any doubts about the correct processing of the baby's navel, consult with nurse, which should visit the newborn daily in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Many maternity hospitals now practice early discharge of newborns. Moreover, by the time the baby is at home, the umbilical cord may not yet fall off. If the pediatrician did not give other individual recommendations at discharge, then bathe the child with a "non-fallen" umbilical cord, as well as with umbilical wound, you can on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Before falling off, the umbilical cord residue is treated at home once a day with an alcohol solution of brilliant green.

For bathing babies, you need to use a baby bath. During the first two weeks, it is better to pre-boil the water used for bathing the baby, and then cool it to a temperature of 36-37 ° C. Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, a solution of "potassium permanganate" is added to the water until the water turns slightly pink. Remember that "potassium permanganate" must first be completely dissolved in a separate container, such as a cup, in order to avoid burning the baby's skin with grains of potassium permanganate.

What not to do with the navel

Do not be afraid to touch the umbilical cord or umbilical wound when processing them! At the same time, babies, of course, may experience some discomfort, but this does not hurt them. Care of the umbilical wound should be especially careful, as it can serve as an entrance gate for infection, as a result of which catarrhal and then purulent omphalitis may occur first - inflammation of the tissues near the umbilical wound.

In cases where there is a prolonged "wetting" of the wound (more than 2 weeks), bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you should consult a doctor! Do not try to treat the baby yourself: it may be unsafe for him.

The wound should not be under a gauze or disposable diaper, as this makes it difficult for the crust to dry, provokes wetting and thus prevents rapid healing wounds and contributes to the possible attachment of infection. Sometimes there is additional irritation of the skin of the umbilical region. To avoid this, bend the belt disposable diaper to keep the navel open.

Usynina Anna, Neonatologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Neonatology and Perinatology
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk


Us so the doctor advised better ask your doctor

02/06/2016 14:53:56, 245mp

We smeared with magnesia, that is, we moistened the cotton wool and applied and fixed it with a band-aid, several times a day I did this and so for 2 days and everything went away

02/06/2016 14:51:35, 245irrr

My baby is already 8 days old. Two days ago, when we were bathing a child, his navel began to bleed a little. Please tell us to do it, we have already made peroxide and brilliant green for 1 day, but it pedals to stop the blood, but it is very small

04/24/2015 20:47:24, Suzana

Comment on the article "Attention - the navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home"

How to heal the navel. Medical questions. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. How to heal the navel. Girls, share who had difficulties with the navel. In the maternity hospital, they mercilessly unscrewed the navel, there was blood, then ...


I would unscrew the hands of those who unscrew the navels. I'm serious. younger son she gave birth in Noginsk, so there the navels were directly torn off for the babies, in some crumbs the blood was specifically whipped, the mothers were in a semi-conscious state. She shielded her own and did not let him near him. Mine just fell off and no problems. But I treated it with peroxide anyway.

After the "newfangled" recommendations, the navel began to fester a little in the middle one. A familiar ordinary teacher came. an "old school" pediatrician said:
1. Bathe in potassium permanganate or boiled water. My skin was not dry, so a couple of days isp. potassium permanganate.
2. After the bath, when the navel is "steamed", pour peroxide over the navel, plentifully, massage a little. Remove dirt with gauze (without fanaticism).
3. After that, alternate brilliant green and ... streptocide in powder.
Pour Zelenka directly, massage a little (to penetrate into all the folds).
Pour the powder generously, also massage a little.

A day later, everything dried up with my son and began to "heal".

Health and patience, everything will "grind")

The navel of a newborn baby has not healed for two weeks, redness, a crust when you peel off the crust there is blood. Attention - navel! How to properly care for the navel of a newborn. Print version. 4.2 5 (772 ratings) Rate the article.

Again about the navel. Doctors, clinics. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. I assumed an umbilical hernia, the pediatrician, when I was at the reception at 2 months, confirmed my fears. Taping the navel approved and advised ...

Discussion exercises

The small one also had a hernia the size of a five-ruble coin, even a little more, I was going to buy a bandage, but I didn’t, literally within a week (it was about a month ago, he had just grown a lot), she went back on her own and so far did not appear, as long as the umbilical is expanded, but there is no hernial protrusion. So maybe you will be lucky to heal yourself, by the way, this is not so rare and happens. and this is the reason for the "success" of grannies who speak hernias))

Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. How to properly care for the navel of a newborn. Print version. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical wound gradually disappears.


On the 12th day, the clothespin fell off, bathed from the 3rd day, then wiped it lightly with an alcohol wipe or a dry cotton swab, after it fell off, the navel was wet (oozing) for another week.

Our clothespin was removed in the hospital. and the crust fell off after 2 weeks. It is necessary to move it carefully and blot with a cotton swab with alcohol, and dry on top.
Wait, there is a point of view that it is not necessary to process - but if it gets wet, it is necessary. You really can't swim.
A few days before the "fall" may bleed a little, it's not scary.

Section: Child care (the navel gets wet in a newborn). The baby's navel gets wet - how to smear? tell me, pliz, how do you treat the navels of children? Zelenka + peroxide does not help us. The hole inside the navel is somehow wet and red. Are there special patches...

During pregnancy, the mother is connected to the baby by the umbilical cord, which is cut after birth. For a few more days after this, the newborn will have a remnant of the umbilical cord above the staple (clothespin) about two centimeters long. Gradually, it will harden and dry out, after which it will fall off painlessly.

From the first days of a child's life, it is important to properly care for the wound so that it does not become inflamed and suppuration does not begin. In the article, we will find out how long the navel heals in a newborn. Consider what to do if the wound does not heal long time, fester or bleed. Find out how to care for the navel of a newborn.

Features of the healing of the umbilical wound

Many parents are concerned about how long the navel heals in newborns. As a rule, complete healing takes about a month. The duration is affected by the immunity of the baby, the size of the umbilical cord and some other factors. At first, the remaining umbilical process dries up slightly and falls off after three to ten days.

Then the wound begins to heal, it is at this time that you need to carefully clean and treat the wound, follow the rules of hygiene so that there are no complications in the form of inflammation and pus. After two to four weeks, the navel is completely tightened and does not require such careful treatment.

Often, babies are discharged already without a clothespin, in some cases it still remains and later disappears on its own. The processing of the navel with and without a clothespin is the same. Let's find out how to properly handle the navel for a newborn and what is needed for this procedure.

How to properly handle the navel

The main means of treatment are a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, cotton pads and sticks. First, the dried crust is removed with a peroxide stick and then the wound is carefully treated with the agent. In addition, after peroxide, it is possible to treat with brilliant green, a weak solution of iodine potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate. But such antiseptics cannot treat the skin around the navel! It is enough to clean the wound with the agent.

The wound is treated once or twice a day. If it is large, the treatment is carried out three, sometimes four times. First, peroxide is applied, and then iodine or brilliant green. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before each treatment! And now let's look at how to handle the navel of a newborn with a clothespin and without a clip.

Principles of treatment of the umbilical wound

  • The navel is treated one to three times a day, depending on the size of the wound after bathing the baby;
  • After bathing, pat your belly dry with a towel. Soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and carefully remove the frozen crust. If there is a clothespin, remove it;
  • Then the wound is treated with hydrogen more thoroughly, or a weak solution of iodine, brilliant green is used for this. It is important to treat every area of ​​the skin!;
  • The clothespin is treated with peroxide and wiped dry cotton pad. After it can be treated with 70% alcohol. This will increase protection against infection and bacteria. After the procedures done, the clothespin is put back on;
  • You can bathe your baby without fear already on the first day of discharge, even if the umbilical process has not yet fallen. How to organize a bath for a newborn, see the article;
  • Do not carry out the processing procedure too often. The less you disturb and injure the navel, the faster it will heal;

  • Do not cover the navel with plaster and do not bandage it! It must “breathe” so that infection or decay does not appear;
  • When putting on a diaper, bend the belt so that the abdomen with the navel remains open;
  • Do not use other drugs other than those listed above without consulting a doctor!;
  • You can not remove the dried crust of blood without first moistening the wound with peroxide;
  • Do not pull or remove the clothespin! It will fall off on its own;
  • Watch not only for the hygiene of the baby, but also for your own hygiene. Wash your hands before each wound treatment. Use hypoallergenic liquid agent, which will not cause irritation to the newborn when hands come into contact with the baby's skin. What to do if the baby has an allergy, see.

If the belly button does not heal

Both a clothespin and an already fallen off process can provoke trouble. The wound may bleed, fester and not heal for a long time. Let's look at the causes of such complications and find out why the navel bleeds in a newborn or fester. Let's figure out what to do in this case.

When the navel is bleeding or festering in a newborn, the following reasons can be distinguished:

  • Controversy, and lack of access of air to the skin. That is why it is impossible to close, seal and bandage the wound;
  • Frequent processing and damage to the crust, due to which the wound does not have time to heal;
  • Large size of the umbilical cord and navel;
  • Violation of hygiene;
  • Infection in the wound.

The infection enters the wound if the navel was processed incorrectly, hygiene standards were not observed, or the treatment procedure was not carried out at all. As a result, inflammation begins, blood and pus are released, skin moisture is observed, redness and itching, swelling of the skin and an unpleasant odor appear. The baby begins to get nervous and worried, often crying. Seek immediate medical attention and do not self-medicate!

You need to contact a pediatrician if the navel has increased in size and become bulging, if it has not healed for more than a month, if the skin around the navel is reddened and swollen, if inflammation, decay and bleeding have begun.

The unborn child is closely connected with the mother by the umbilical cord, through which he receives everything he needs for life. And then the child was born - and the umbilical cord was cut. To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, proper care is necessary.

After that, two main methods of caring for the umbilical cord are used in maternity hospitals.

The first days of a baby's life are an amazing and very responsible period for inexperienced parents. The first question they have is how to handle the navel of a newborn? It's not at all as scary as it seems. It is only necessary to choose the right solution, follow a certain technique of manipulation and take into account the regularity of the procedures.

How the navel of a newborn is treated in a maternity hospital

The umbilical cord of the newborn is tied in two stages. At the first stage, in the rodblok, 2 sterile surgical clamps are applied to it: one at a distance of 10 cm from the umbilical ring, the second - 2 cm from the first clamp. The section of the umbilical cord between the clamps is treated with a solution of 5% iodine or brilliant green, then dissected with sterile scissors. Then, 3 mm-1 cm from the umbilical ring of the newborn, the umbilical cord is clamped with a special bracket or tied with a silk thread (ligature). The remainder of the umbilical cord is cut off with sterile scissors.

After that, two main methods of caring for the newborn's umbilical cord are used in maternity hospitals. IN last years the method of surgical cutting off the remnants of the umbilical cord on the second day of a newborn's life is becoming increasingly common. An aseptic dressing is applied to the umbilical wound, and from above the edges of the wound are pulled together with adhesive tape. This method allows you to reduce the healing period, simplify the care of the navel. Another option is that the remainder of the umbilical cord is not cut off, but together with the bracket applied to it in the rodblock, it mummifies (dries up) and falls off spontaneously over the next few days with the formation of an umbilical wound. As a rule, this also happens in the hospital. In both cases, a wound surface is formed that requires care for the navel.

Processing the navel of a newborn at home

After discharge from the hospital, the parents themselves must handle the navel of the newborn. Depending on the type of treatment that the navel has undergone in the hospital, follow-up care is carried out at home.

What should be in the first aid kit for caring for the navel of a newborn:

Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) - for the treatment of the umbilical wound.

Sterile cotton buds - for treating the umbilical wound (possible with silver ions)

5% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). It can be bought at ready-made in a pharmacy. This solution is used to treat the umbilical wound (1-2 times a day) or added to the bath when bathing a newborn.

A solution of brilliant green ("brilliant green"). If there is no potassium permanganate, they can treat the umbilical wound.

Sterile pipette, with which you will drip 1-2 drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on the umbilical wound

After the crusts soften under the action of peroxide, you can carefully remove them with a cotton swab.

What is the best way to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn?

Of all the remedies for treating the navel of a newborn, the most powerful are the good old hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate, proven for hundreds of years. They haven't come up with anything stronger yet. More expensive than them - thousands of funds, but more effective - nothing! So don't worry, everything will heal, you just need patience, strict adherence to all the doctor's advice, hygiene of the newborn.

The drugs used to treat the navel of a newborn must be used correctly and for their intended purpose, otherwise a burn or sores may occur.

The traditional ones include:

A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is instilled into the umbilical fossa.

2-5% percentage solution of potassium permanganate. It is a drying and disinfecting drug. Before treating the navel with the resulting liquid Pink colour, it is necessary to pass it through several layers of gauze, which will retain undissolved crystals.

Of the relative novelties, a 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt can be distinguished. This is a unique drug. natural origin on the basis of an extract from an eucalyptus. The drug actively fights against streptococcal infection, has a pleasant smell, acts gently and does not cause pain in the newborn.

Not so long ago, it was customary to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn with brilliant green. Brilliant green dye is used externally as an antiseptic agent in the form of a 0.1-2.0% alcohol or aqueous solution for treatment. Brilliant green has an antimicrobial effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, dermatophytes, candida, which is enhanced in alcohol solutions. But the main disadvantage when using brilliant green are allergic reactions, hyperemia, itching, and burns when used in newborns and children under 1 year old.

Treatment of the umbilical wound at home

Second, take your time and don't worry. Now the safety of the baby is completely in your hands. Remember that you are everything for the child: his support, protection, support, authority and the dearest and most beloved person, so you simply have to take care of him.

  • The first couple of days after discharge, hydrogen peroxide 3% should be used for treatment.
  • Using a pipette, apply a few drops of peroxide to the wound.
  • Carefully remove the clothespin and process the umbilical cord under it. Make sure that peroxide gets on every millimeter of skin.
  • Now treat the clothespin itself with peroxide, do it very carefully so that there are no bacteria left anywhere.
  • Wipe the clothespin with a cotton pad and treat with 70% alcohol. This will be an additional guarantee against bacteria entering the open wound.
  • Peroxide will stop bloody issues and dry, which will significantly speed up the healing process.
  • Blot the rest of the peroxide with a cotton pad. No need to press, it will cause discomfort to the child.

Diaper and navel of a newborn

For better healing of the navel, there should be air access to the wound. The diaper is worn so that its edge does not injure the umbilical wound. Some manufacturers of diapers have already taken care of this and made them with cutouts for the navel. But there are such tiny children that this cutout on the diaper will be above the waist. Therefore, on the diaper, the upper edge simply turns away. This applies to all diapers, especially those that do not have a navel cutout. Change diapers promptly to avoid getting urine on the wound. If suddenly numb on the wound, when changing diapers, take a cotton swab moistened with alcohol and blot the wound.

Bathing and the navel of a newborn

How to treat the navel of a newborn. Bathing with unhealed navel allowed. Just hold off until the umbilical cord falls off. The first time a child is bought in a maternity hospital, you can just observe this process. There is nothing to worry about if water gets into the wound. This will make the crusts come off easier. But there are basic rules for swimming:

  • modern pediatricians no longer recommend adding potassium permanganate to water, as it greatly dries the skin
  • water must be boiled

Well, after bathing, treat the navel in the above way.

Healed navel of a newborn

If the umbilical wound has already healed, it makes no sense to continue the procedures for its treatment.
How many times a day and for how long should the navel of a newborn be treated?

At normal flow recovery process, a daily one-time care for the umbilical wound is sufficient. When droplets of blood appear, it is necessary to treat the skin more often - up to three times a day.

If after three weeks the wound has not healed, despite the fact that the care was carried out correctly and regularly, you should consult a doctor. With the appearance of swelling around the navel, purulent discharge with bad smell, redness of the skin and anxiety of the newborn, it is also necessary to urgently seek help from specialists.

Pediatrician Komarovsky: how to treat the navel of a newborn? VIDEO

The first days of a baby's life are an amazing and very responsible period for inexperienced parents. The first question they have is how to handle the navel of a newborn? It's not at all as scary as it seems. It is only necessary to choose the right solution, follow a certain technique of manipulation and take into account the regularity of the procedures.

The first time in the hospital, a special clamp is applied to the remainder of the umbilical cord

Care of the navel of the baby in the maternity hospital

Immediately after the birth, the rules come into force hygiene care for a child, one of mandatory milestones which is the treatment of the navel. The length of the umbilical residue at this point does not exceed two centimeters. Processing the navel in the maternity hospital can be done in different ways.

  1. public method. A metal or plastic clip is applied to the umbilical residue, the bandage is not used in this case. Until the discharge of the newborn, the remainder is treated daily with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of potassium permanganate. After no more than five days, the excess skin falls off, leaving behind a small wound.
  2. On the second day after birth, the remainder of the umbilical cord is cut off with surgical scissors or a scalpel, followed by the application of a sterile pressure bandage. After two hours, it is weakened and removed after a day. The resulting wound is treated daily with hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate. Over time, the wound heals with the formation of a crust, which quickly disappears.

Depending on the type of treatment that the navel has undergone in the hospital, follow-up care is carried out at home.

After the crusts soften under the action of peroxide, you can carefully remove them with a cotton swab.

What is the best way to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn?

Among the most popular means used to treat the navel of a newborn, experts distinguish traditional preparations and novelties. They must be used correctly and for their intended purpose, otherwise a burn or sores may occur.

The traditional ones include:

  • 3% or alcoholic hydrogen peroxide solution. The first is instilled into the umbilical fossa, the second is moistened with a cotton swab, which is used to treat the umbilical ring.
  • 2-5% potassium permanganate solution. It is a drying and disinfecting drug. Before treating the navel with the resulting pink liquid, it is necessary to pass it through several layers of gauze, which will retain undissolved crystals.

Of the novelties, one can distinguish 1% chlorophyllipt solution. This is a unique preparation of natural origin based on extracts from eucalyptus. The drug actively fights streptococcal infection, acting gently and without causing pain.

Not so long ago, it was customary to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn with brilliant green. Today, experts recommend abandoning this option, because it causes the appearance of a thin film on the skin that prevents the navel from healing quickly.

Treatment of the umbilical wound can be carried out using various special tools.

How to properly handle the navel of a newborn at home?

Complete wound healing takes about three weeks. Within 1-1.5 weeks, parents should treat the navel after daily bathing of the newborn. The technique of manipulation will be explained by the nurses in the maternity hospital or the patronage nurse.

To properly treat the wound, it is necessary to prepare a 3% hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorophyllipt, cotton swabs and swabs, a pipette.

  1. Before treating the navel of a newborn, the baby must be bathed. Sometimes herbal decoctions are added to the bath, which also accelerates the healing of the umbilical wound.
  2. After bathing a newborn, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide are dripped onto his navel.
  3. You need to wait a few minutes, then the crust will soften.
  4. The area of ​​skin around the navel is gently moved apart, with the help of cotton buds or disks, softened pieces of the crust are removed, the skin is dried.
  5. The navel is smeared with chlorophyllipt or potassium permanganate.

At first, the first stage will be accompanied by peroxide foaming, after a while this will pass. Such a reaction will indicate that the navel has healed.

If the umbilical wound has already healed, it makes no sense to continue the procedures for its treatment.

How many times a day and for how long should the navel of a newborn be treated?

In the normal course of the recovery process, a daily one-time care for the umbilical wound is sufficient. When droplets of blood appear, it is necessary to treat the skin more often - up to three times a day.

If after three weeks the wound has not healed, despite the fact that the care was carried out correctly and regularly, you should consult a doctor. With the appearance of swelling around the navel, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, redness of the skin and anxiety of the newborn, it is also necessary to urgently seek help from specialists.

Sometimes there is increased bleeding of the wound, most often it is associated with the discharge of a very large crust. In this case, you can use a special hemostatic sponge.

The main thing that inexperienced parents should remember is that they should not be shy about seeking help or advice from doctors. The first days of a baby's life are one of the most exciting periods, and it is necessary that only positive memories of this time remain.