Treatment of the navel after piercing. How long does this piercing take to heal? Leo navel piercing

Belly button piercing


  • This type of piercing is easy to hide under clothing. This is why it is so popular among teenagers. It is also suitable for those who have a strict dress code in the office (requirements for appearance and especially for clothes)

Piercings can be easily hidden under clothing

  • Rejections are rare, despite the fact that it is planar

  • Replacing jewelry is no more difficult than replacing an ear piercing.


  • After an accidental shift of the piercing during the healing period, an infection immediately enters the wound

  • Possible severe infections and blood poisoning

But it is a myth that the infection is transmitted to the liver


Both rings and barbells are used as jewelry for navel piercings. Usually, after the puncture, a barbell is installed, which must be worn until the end of the healing period.

For navel piercing, a special type of barbell was invented - a banana barbell (the name is given for its curved shape).

Decorations such as simple curved barbells are also common; rings with a ball clasp; rods with hangers and others.

Changing jewelry in your navel is no more difficult than changing jewelry in your ear.

Main types

The following are distinguished: types of navel piercing:

  • Standard- the navel is pierced strictly vertically. The main condition is that the upper ball should rise approximately half a millimeter above the puncture site, so as not to put pressure on the navel

Standard navel piercing

  • Muliple center navel piercings– multiple navel piercings. Consists of several punctures. You can’t do it at the same time - otherwise the punctures will interfere with each other’s healing.

Every next puncture can only be done after complete healing previous one.


The main thing when piercing the navel is the distance from the inserted jewelry to the surface of the skin. If it is too close to the surface of the skin, then over time a new skin, the old one will be erased, and it will simply be pushed out. If the puncture is too deep and the needle touches the fatty tissue, then the puncture will fester for a long time, but will not heal. We'll have to grow it.

If you don't like the piercing you just made, you can immediately get another one without any harm. This piercing is not painful. The period of complete healing ends after 1-6 months.

Stages of the procedure

  • Navel piercing is performed without anesthesia.
  • The master disinfects the tools and decoration.
  • The area of ​​skin to be punctured is clamped.
  • The client takes a breath, at which time the master pierces the navel with a sterile needle.

Navel piercing process

  • The needle is then removed from the catheter, the cannula is trimmed and the clamp is removed.
  • The earring is connected to the catheter, which remains in the navel puncture, and threaded through.
  • The earring is fixed with a ball.

Navel Piercing Care

To ensure your navel piercing lasts as long as possible, follow these guidelines: rules:

  • You shouldn't bend over for the first couple of days.

  • The technician will apply a bandage to you, which should be removed 4-5 hours after the puncture.

  • For washing, you can only use antibacterial soap. It must contain Triclosan.

Antibacterial soap

  • To speed up the healing of the wound, apply to it from time to time. saline solution. You can pour this solution into a glass and, turning it over, hold it on your navel, or wet a towel with it. Each procedure lasts up to 15 minutes, the more often you do it, the faster it will heal.

  • All crusts that form must be removed. Bacteria will develop in them, and they also interfere with the healing of the wound.
  • Use a cleaning solution.

  • Lavender oil labeled BP reduces sensitivity and promotes healing. Use a cotton swab to lubricate the wound with oil, and remove all discharge with a napkin. During the first two weeks, it is recommended to constantly wear an antiseptic compress. This will help not injure the wound and protect against infection.

    Lavender oil
  • Do not wear tight or tight clothing, or clothing that restricts air flow.

  • Be sure to wipe the puncture site if you sweat. Sweat interferes with wound healing.

  • Sunbathing is not only possible, but also necessary. This will dry the wound and also help the body produce vitamin D, which promotes healing.

Need to sunbathe

To speed up the healing of the wound, apply a saline solution to it from time to time.

Many people like to decorate their body; the desire to stand out and attract attention often leads people to specialized salons. Some people limit themselves to a tattoo, while others prefer a navel piercing.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with belly piercings; it has long ceased to seem like something provocative, and nowadays a pierced navel can be seen not only in girls, but also in guys. But in most cases, this type of piercing attracts women who want to highlight the beauty of their tummy.

Therefore, they don’t hesitate for a long time about where to pierce the navel. It is curious that holes on the body first appeared among African tribes, and this was not done for aesthetics at all. On the contrary, such decorations were considered a deformity, and people resorted to them to “insure” themselves against slavery. Today, belly piercing is fashionable, original and sexy.

Girls prefer umbilical piercing not only for aesthetic pleasure. Thus, they are looking for a way to express themselves and attract the attention of the opposite sex. But is it worth getting your belly button pierced simply because you really want it?

Let's be honest: this type of decoration requires a flat tummy. And if he is not smart, then there is no point in showing him off again. It’s better to first work on your figure, pump up your abs - and only after achieving desired result You can wear an earring in your navel. When does piercing look best?

  • For dancers who practice pole dancing and oriental dancing;
  • On the beach with girls tanned skin and in separate swimsuits;
  • Under tops (short T-shirts) and low-waist jeans;
  • With a beautiful set of underwear.

To the question whether it is possible to wear a piercing if your figure is far from ideal, you can answer unequivocally: it depends on your personal relationship to your physique.

If you or your other half finds a protruding belly sexy, then there is no reason not to wear a belly button ring. The main thing is that you feel comfortable while doing this.

Who should not have their navel pierced?

Do not forget that any puncture on the body is in any case a small operation and surgical intervention. Therefore, if your health condition does not allow you, then the consequences of navel piercing can be the most negative.

We also note that this procedure is not carried out by certified doctors, but by people who often have very superficial knowledge of medicine. And it’s important not only to find good master, but make sure you have no contraindications. In what cases is it prohibited to do piercing?

  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Diabetes;
  • Ulcer and chronic gastritis;
  • HIV diseases;
  • Allergy to lidocaine;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Psoriasis and eczema.

If you have contraindications, then taking a risk and still going through the navel piercing procedure can be dangerous for your life. This is fraught with the fact that complications and inflammation will not take long to occur.

The consequences of piercing if you have any of the diseases listed above will cause you a lot of trouble in the future.

What types of jewelry are there for navel piercing?

Several types of jewelry that differ in shape are used as earrings. And if men usually don’t think twice and choose the option according to the principle “the simpler the better,” then women can think about decoration for a long time. Judge for yourself:

  1. Ring. Earring round shape, no frills. Sometimes it is supplemented with a “pendant”.
  2. Barbell. A rod with threaded edges to which two balls are screwed.
  3. Circular. Earring in the form of a strongly curved crescent with twists along the edges.
  4. Spiral. Another earring in the form of a piece from a spring with decorations on the edges.
  5. Banana. An earring with a rod and balls that can be screwed on one or both sides.

Today, the most common piercing is with a banana earring, with a barbell in second place in popularity. The ring is more of a men's navel piercing, while the helix and circular are the least preferred - they are in very moderate demand.

What material are jewelry made from?

A navel earring is chosen not only by its appearance, but also by the material from which it is made. After all, each type has its own pros and cons, starting with the high price and ending with an allergic reaction to metal. What materials are earrings made from?

  1. Medical steel. An alloy of steel, chromium and nickel, also called surgical steel. Advantages: the earrings do not rust and have a flawless smooth surface.
  2. Titanium. It does not rust and is considered an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory metal.
  3. Gold. An expensive metal that can protect the skin from infections. Both yellow and yellow can be used for piercing. White gold. The quality, of course, depends on the sample.
  4. Silver. A more affordable metal, also for those who prefer white jewelry.
  5. Medical plastic. Or bioplastic. The cheapest option, serving as a replacement in cases where any type of metal earrings has become damaged. allergic reaction.

If, some time after the puncture, damage to the piercing begins to appear (healing does not occur, the skin area becomes inflamed, the wounds take a long time to heal), then it is better to change the type of jewelry as quickly as possible. Otherwise, suppuration may begin with all the consequences.

Piercing: is it painful to pierce the navel?

Any person who decides to get a piercing is concerned about the question before the procedure: does it hurt to pierce the navel? First of all, it depends on the degree of pain defect. For some, the puncture may be quite noticeable, while others may hardly notice such an intervention. And if there was anesthesia, then pain is not felt at all.

But here it is worth considering that the navel piercing procedure itself is quick, discomfort in the abdominal area will begin a little later - the disturbed area will continue to “go away” for some time, so you need to be mentally prepared in advance for such consequences.

Also, the choice of a piercer is of no small importance, and the best option would be to have your navel pierced in a salon by a professional piercer.

Remember that such a procedure is not the case when you can do a navel piercing at home!

A certified specialist has experience, sterile instruments and high-quality anesthesia, so the session will go quickly and without unnecessary nerves. It is unlikely that any friend knows exactly how to pierce the navel at home, and due to her inexperience, she will do it crookedly and very painfully. Or even worse, it will give you an infection under your skin.

How to pierce a navel

In addition to the standard puncture method, there are two more. This is a lower piercing, when the place under the navel is pierced, but the skin there is thicker and few people choose this method. And multiple punctures, when several holes are made around the navel (bottom, top and side).

The safest and easiest way is a standard puncture above the navel. The procedure is carried out under sterile conditions to prevent infection from entering the wound.

  1. The first thing the piercer does is put on gloves and disinfect your jewelry.
  2. Then, using a marker, marks the points on the skin where the puncture will be made.
  3. Next, the skin area is treated with an antiseptic and local anesthesia is administered.
  4. Using a special clamp, the master grabs the skin so that the points are in the center.
  5. After this, a puncture is made with a quick movement using a sterile needle.
  6. Then the barbell (or another type of selected earring) is inserted and fixed.
  7. The punctured area is again treated with an antiseptic - and the procedure is completed.

If a double puncture is made, anesthesia is required; with the standard method, anesthesia may not be used - painful sensations minimal.

The navel is not pierced with a gun, only a laser-sharpened surgical needle. After the session, the master explains to the client how to care for the navel piercing, what to do and what to use. Or it gives instructions that you will need to follow in the future.

Is it possible to leave a piercing in the navel during pregnancy?

This question worries many girls, because they are expectant mothers, and not everyone knows what pregnant women should do with a pierced navel. Some people do not want to take risks - during pregnancy the barbell is removed, after which the hole, as a rule, closes up.

However, it is quite possible to leave the piercing on a rounded tummy; you just need to change your usual earring to something simpler so that the piercing does not close.

For example, on big ring, such a replacement is often used for pregnant women. But what to do on latest dates When will the belly become too large and the hole in the navel begin to enlarge? In this case, the ring is removed, and a silk thread or ordinary fishing line is placed in its place.

And after the baby is born and the physique returns to normal, you can take out the temporary replacement and decorate the tummy with an earring again.

If the piercing session was carried out in compliance with all precautions, then healing will be easy and painless. The main thing is to properly handle your navel piercing.

On average, it heals completely in six months, it all depends on the type of skin and compliance with personal hygiene rules. If you carefully care for the wound, then full recovery will come much faster. How should I care for a navel piercing after a piercing?

  1. Touch your belly button only after washing your hands, preferably with antibacterial soap.
  2. While your belly button piercing is healing, change it every few days. bed sheets.
  3. Every day you need to wash the puncture site, ideally treat it with chlorhexidine.
  4. The wound can only be disinfected with cotton pads or napkins.
  5. In the first month after the puncture, avoid sports and physical exercise.
  6. It is also very undesirable to visit the pool, sauna and go to the beach at first.
  7. At first, wear loose-fitting clothes and do not sleep with pets.
  8. Under no circumstances should you tug at the earring or remove the scab from the wound until it heals!

How can you tell if your belly button has healed? There should be no crust or redness at the puncture site, the piercing no longer itches or causes any discomfort.

If after some time you become interested in the question of how to remove the piercing from the navel in order to put on another earring, then you can do it yourself.

Wash your hands, treat your navel and new jewelry with an antiseptic, carefully remove the boring item, put on another one and secure it.

What does belly button piercing mean?

This type of piercing has a very interesting story. For example, representatives of ancient tribes pierced any place on the body, but not the navel. They believed that if a hole was made in the stomach, the soul would leave the body. However, later the situation changed in the opposite direction.

For the ancient Egyptians, piercing the navel meant belonging to the highest deities, and only the upper classes had the right to pierce the stomach. If commoners did this, they were dealt with cruelly.

Today, piercing in the navel reveals that its owner is a liberated person and indicates that before us is a self-sufficient and ambitious person, ready for self-expression and experiments.

How to do a piercing without piercing the navel

What should girls do who really want piercings, but without holes in their bodies? And it doesn’t have to be a spiral or a rod, at least just a beautiful pebble. In this case, a piercing is done without a puncture, which is called “fake” or “fake”. How does this decoration hold up?

Everything is quite simple: it is attached to the body using special glue or a clamp similar to clips. Visually, such a piercing is almost indistinguishable from a real puncture; in addition, it has many advantages. No holes in the skin, no pain and no recovery period.

The fake can be easily removed or replaced with another decoration at any time. This deception allows you to avoid a real puncture, which you may later regret.

What is the cost of belly button piercing

Every person who decides to undergo such a procedure is, of course, interested in the question: how much does it cost to pierce the navel? It depends on many things: the professionalism of the master and his reputation, the prestige of the salon and the type of service provided. For example, a piercing with a bioplast earring will cost much less than a piercing with gold jewelry.

If we're talking about about prices in Moscow, then the cost of the standard puncture method without an earring on average from 800 to 300 rubles, with an earring - from 1200 to 5000. Piercing at the bottom of the navel without decoration - from 1500 to 5000, with decoration - from 2000 to 7000. Well, the multiple method will cost between 3000-10000 - depending on the complexity of the procedure and the chosen option (with or without a product).

In any salon in Moscow, the client is invited to look at a catalog with photos of navel piercing, so that everyone can choose the sample they like.

Videos navel piercing

How is a navel piercing done? step-by-step instruction piercing in the navel.

Once you get your navel piercing, you will have to take quite a lot of careful care of the piercing to ensure it heals properly. Otherwise, infections and irritations are possible, due to which even the most beautiful decoration in the navel will not look impressive at all.

There are three stages of tissue healing:

  • Inflammatory stage. Your piercing is now an open wound. Bleeding, swelling, painful sensations are normal for this stage.
  • The healing stage can last several months. At this stage, the body reacts to the wound in one way or another. Liquids are released from the puncture site, which dry on the skin and jewelry, forming a yellowish or reddish crust. (Do not confuse this discharge with pus—it is thick, yellow-white, and usually unpleasant smell). Do not remove the crust under any circumstances, especially - with dirty hands. We'll talk about how to remove it below. The puncture site gradually heals and at the end of the second stage it is considered healed, although it still needs regular care.
  • Stage of scar tissue formation. Scar tissue forms along the edges of the puncture. Sometimes it becomes damaged and signs of the healing stage appear again - this may happen several times before the edges of the puncture are covered with dense, mature scar tissue.

Rules for caring for a pierced navel

All (quite numerous) rules for caring for a pierced navel can be divided into five main ones: maintain hygiene, take care of your health, avoid injury, wash the piercing saline solution and clean it regularly.

  • Wash your hands every time before touching the skin in the piercing area or the jewelry in the navel;
  • Change bed linen and towels at least once a week.
  • Don't sleep with pets;
  • Avoid getting saliva and other bodily fluids into the navel area (whether these fluids are yours or your sexual partners);
  • Wipe the skin in the navel piercing area with disposable paper napkins;
  • Clean the piercing every time after exercise that causes excessive sweating.

Look after your health:

  • Maintain an optimal balance of work and rest;
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet;
  • Drink plenty of water;
  • If possible, avoid severe emotional stress. How to overcome stress? Create an oasis for yourself;
  • Do not abuse alcohol and caffeine;
  • Don't take drugs;
  • Don't smoke, or at least try to smoke less - because of smoking blood vessels narrow, as a result of which the flow of blood and oxygen to damaged areas of the skin is limited and tissue healing slows down.

Avoid damage:

  • Do not play with the belly button jewelry—do not tug, twist, or pull it through the piercing unless necessary;
  • Don't change decorations too quickly;
  • Be very careful when cleaning your belly button piercing;
  • Wear clothes and underwear that do not rub against the navel and do not cling to jewelry;
  • Until the puncture heals completely, do not swim in pools or open water, or take a hot bath - these places are often breeding grounds for infection. However, you can stay safe by using waterproof patches, just be sure not to wear them for too long to allow your skin to breathe.

How to Care for a Navel Piercing

In the first days after your belly button is pierced, be especially careful to avoid damage to this area. If bleeding starts, stop it by pressing a piece of bandage against the skin. It is better not to use patches, as they limit the access of oxygen to the skin.

Swelling and pain can be relieved with a cold compress - this can be a towel dampened cold water, a cooled metal object, or ice (to avoid damage caused by cold temperatures, place a piece of cloth between the ice and the skin - for example, you can put a towel on the skin and put ice on it).

In the first few weeks or even months, the pierced belly button should be thoroughly washed at least twice a week.

Before doing this, you should wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Do not touch your navel or earring with dirty hands (staphylococci live on human skin, which usually do not cause harm, but if they get into an open wound they can lead to infection).

First, wet a cotton ball with warm water and gently rub it over your skin several times to remove any dry crust that has formed. Used cotton balls must be thrown away immediately.

After this, you need to soap the navel and the skin around it (usually it is recommended to use antibacterial soap), and after a few seconds, rinse off the soap with warm water. Apply a soft one to the skin paper napkin- it will quickly absorb moisture.

Some piercers recommend rotating the jewelry in the belly button to better clean the hole in the skin, but many piercers consider this method outdated - it causes more problems, than decides. As a result of rotation and, as a result, friction, bacteria that were on the earring can get under the skin. This usually results in minor irritation (if you take good care of your piercing), but sometimes it can result in infection. Therefore, the less you touch the belly button earring, the better.

Antimicrobial ointments should only be used if you have signs of infection. Such ointments kill bacteria, but do not speed up the tissue healing process. In addition, certain ingredients in these ointments may cause an allergic reaction in some people.

For at least three to four weeks after your piercing, try not to wear clothes that put pressure on your belly button or cause friction in the area. It is advisable to wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics as little as possible - they do not allow the skin to breathe normally.

If signs of infection appear, begin to take more careful care of your belly button piercing - cleanse the skin 3-4 times a day, use an antimicrobial ointment (for example, Neosporin). You can also take paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen and others) to relieve symptoms. If you are pregnant, you should only take paracetamol without first consulting your doctor. If your child develops symptoms of infection, remember that aspirin is only recommended for children over 16 years of age. If there are no signs of improvement after 3-4 days, you need to see a doctor - you will probably need antibiotics to treat the infection. Antibiotics - will they help you in the foreseeable future?.

How to treat a navel piercing

The best means for treating a navel piercingA navel piercing - only for the most distinguished - are warm water and soap - in most cases, nothing else is needed for normal healing of the piercing. Salt water also helps cleanse the skin and stimulates the healing process - a piece of cloth soaked in salt water can be applied to the skin for a few minutes a day. You can prepare your own saline solution, or buy purified sea water at a pharmacy.

Oil tea tree, mixed with distilled water, soothes and cleanses the skin. This oil also has antimicrobial properties.

Rinse with saline solution

In the first few weeks, the puncture should be washed with saline solution daily. Simply soak a piece of cotton wool in the solution and apply it to your navel for 5-10 minutes once or twice a day. If a dry crust has formed around the puncture, when it gets wet, carefully remove it.

You can prepare the saline solution yourself - to do this you need to dissolve a quarter teaspoon of non-iodized sea ​​salt in one clean cup warm water. You can also buy saline solution at a pharmacy. Rinsing with a saline solution must be continued for some time after the puncture has healed and crusts have stopped appearing on it - the piercer will tell you exactly how long to do this.


Never use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean your piercing. Clean it with antibacterial soap and warm water twice a day, preferably while you shower. Wash your hands before cleaning your piercing. Dry crust can be removed with a damp piece of cotton wool - but not with your nails.

Jewelry: materials that speed up the healing of a navel piercing

To speed up the healing process, you should choose belly button jewelry made from materials that reduce the chance of infection.

One of these materials is bioplastic. It does not cause rejection, and jewelry made from it is very diverse - they come in many colors and shapes. The first belly button jewelry can also be made of gold, titanium and stainless medical steel. In addition, earrings made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, also known as Teflon) are quite common today. Physiological fluids do not stick to their surface, which greatly simplifies the care of a pierced navel. Jewelry made from polytetrafluoroethylene is only available white; This material is very flexible, so it is often used by women who want to wear jewelry in their navel during pregnancy.

Some stores sell colorful belly button earrings as PTFE products. In fact, they are made of a different material, possibly dangerous; Please remember that colored jewelry is not currently made from PTFE.


It hurts?

The skin in the navel area is accustomed to rubbing against clothes and sleeping on your stomach, so the puncture will not be much more painful than a strong pinch.

How long does this piercing take to heal?

It takes 6 months for a navel piercing to heal completely. But the discomfort disappears after a month or two if you take very good care of the puncture.

When will it be possible to play sports?

For the first two weeks it is better to refrain from unnecessary physical activity, and then you can and should exercise. In this case, it is necessary to exclude for a couple of months exercises in which folds form around the navel, including the abs (classical crunches). Usually, the trainer can always choose a similar exercise in which the puncture will not be too disturbing.

Can any belly button be pierced?

No. A classic piercing can only be done on the navel, where the fold of skin is clearly visible. For other navels there are special technologies, but these punctures take root more difficult and not always.

Which earrings can I put on first?

If the anatomy allows for a classic puncture, then a titanium banana is taken, usually 10-12mm long and 1.6-2mm thick. It is better to take a banana without pendants so that the puncture is less injured, although you can heal successfully with them. If your anatomy is not suitable for a regular piercing, your piercer will tell you what your options are.

Do I need to scroll the decoration inside?

No! Every unnecessary movement is an injury to the new skin that forms around the jewelry.

What to do with a piercing during pregnancy?

If the healed puncture is more than 2-3 years old, it is better to remove the jewelry as soon as it becomes short. After childbirth, it is easy to return it back, but there is a possibility that the puncture will become bent due to the fact that the channel, which is greatly stretched in length, will shrink very quickly. Or it may leave a noticeable scar. If you need to make it smooth and beautiful again, you will have to pierce it again. Often, they choose earrings with a pendant on top that covers the old scar.

What to do?

Any piercing is a wound, and to heal it you only need 2 things:

1. Do not interfere with the body’s recovery.

How to use them?

Saline solution: Pour it into a clean lid, lower the corner of your eyebrow into it and hold it there for 2 minutes. After the puncture “floats” and the crusts adhering to it become wet, they can be carefully removed cotton swab or a toothpick. After this you need to wash off the residue clean water. The point is to remove the discharge without injuring the puncture.

Miramistin: Pour it on cotton pad, apply to the puncture. Hold this for half a minute or a minute. The point is to disinfect the puncture site if dirt or germs from another person’s body have gotten on it. So what to do?

Day 0-14: Morning and evening, and if possible, during the day, wash the puncture with saline solution. Just so that the blood and lymph released do not dry out on the jewelry, and do not tear the puncture from the inside when the jewelry moves in the puncture. Every time dirt gets in (after a shower or when touching it with your hands), apply an antiseptic. But it is advisable not more than 2-3 times a day, since it still burns new skin cells into the puncture and additional trauma slows down healing and creates a risk of growth of granulomas and growths. At night and before going outside, cover the piercing with a band-aid so that dirt cannot get into it. You can sit at home without a patch, as long as nothing touches the puncture, including clean clothes. If irritation occurs due to the patch, it would be better to sleep in a new, clean T-shirt each time and use the patch as little as possible.

How to live with this?

Day 15-60:

Continue to wash the piercing 1-2 times a day, but replace the saline solution with a weak soap solution. The navel is a very mobile place, so it can still ache and sometimes become inflamed from intense friction inside the canal due to tilting and tension of the skin in different positions bodies. Remember that it is not ointments that heal, but your body. Maintain good hygiene, eat and sleep well, strengthen your immune system, exercise, drink plenty of water and take vitamins. This way the puncture will heal faster.

Primary healing has already been completed, and you can carefully change the jewelry - either with the help of a taper yourself or with the help of a master. Then the adaptation period will begin, after which the puncture will become stable. The longer you wear the piercing, the more stable the piercing is - after 10 years of wearing it, you can go for years without an earring and then easily insert new jewelry into it! Remember about the piercing several times a week until it heals completely, it still requires a little washing and care and love.

What not to do?

1. Do not pull, twist, or remove. The less you disturb the wound, the faster the puncture will heal. And if you take out the jewelry in the first month or two, you can’t put it back on your own, you need to go to a piercer.

2. Do not use peroxide, alcohol, calendula, or any ointments. Alcohol and peroxide can give new skin chemical burn, the wound takes longer to heal, plus it is painful. Folk tinctures are most often made with alcohol, and ointments are generally a good breeding ground for bacteria.

3. Body creams and oils, as well as self-tanning - all this should not get into the puncture! They will either clog the puncture and discharge will begin to accumulate in it, or they will cause allergies and inflammation.

4. It is better not to smoke, drink coffee, alcohol and blood thinning medications, including aspirin, for about a week. All this dilates the blood vessels, and the blood flows stronger, and the wound takes longer to heal. Nicotine generally inhibits general immunity, thereby increasing the healing time by up to 2 times.

5. Refrain from visiting the solarium for 2 weeks, the swimming pool - 4 weeks, baths and saunas - 1.5-2 months. You should not swim in open water for 2 months.

Is it normal:

Q. 1. The pebble/ball is pressed into the skin and hurts!

A. This happens when the swelling is larger than the length of a banana. Just go to a piercer, he will replace the banana with a longer one, and the pain will stop!

Q. Everything is very swollen and there is redness all around!

A. If the jewelry was not purchased from us, it may simply be a severe allergic reaction to bad material, for example, for medsteel. Change to titanium jewelry And proper care, as a rule, solve this problem in a week or two. If the jewelry is ours, it is better to immediately go to the master for an examination to find out the cause of the inflammation.

Q. My earring became too big for me after a while!

A. It is normal for the length of the piercing to shorten by a couple of millimeters during the healing period. And often after childbirth, the skin stretches easily, and if you lie down, it stretches the entire length of a banana, although in the “standing” position the distance is reduced to 3-4 millimeters. In such cases, you can try to place shorter bananas.

1. During healing, you should monitor the skin at the puncture site. If it is very dry and flaky, you can moisturize it with Bepanten. If the skin, on the contrary, is too wet and loose, you can dry it with Tea Tree Oil. The main thing is not to overdo it - it’s enough to spread it, let it soak in for a couple of minutes, and wipe it off.

2. Pay attention to what you wear. Trousers and jeans with high waist who rub against the decoration - do not best clothes for healing a navel piercing. The less friction and pressure on the puncture, the fewer complications will arise.

3. If an allergy (rash, redness) has developed from constantly sticking the patch on, you need to use it less often and sleep in freshly washed T-shirts without covering the puncture at night.

4. If going to the pool is vital for you, you can cover the piercing with a water-repellent plaster, for example, from Hartmann.

The art of body modification is no longer surprising modern people. Tattoos, earrings in the ears and on the face, piercings in the navel - every second person has something from this list today. Those who want to decorate their body in this way spend many weeks thinking about the chosen procedure. How is this done, will there be any problems and, of course, will it hurt? Today we will tell you whether you should pierce your navel, and what you need to know about this procedure if you decide to do it.

Fashion trend or ancient tradition?

The worldwide fashion for pierced navels began about 20 years ago. Then for the first time we saw Western pop divas on the silver screen, performing catchy songs and dancing to rhythmic melodies, always wearing the most low-cut jeans and tops that looked more like a bra. Many fashionable youth singers of that time had their navels pierced. However this type piercing was invented back in Ancient Egypt. At that time, only the high priests and relatives of the pharaoh were allowed to pierce the skin in the navel area. The puncture was not only a decoration, but also a sign indicating the status of its owner. Today you can pierce your navel regardless of social status, but is it worth rushing to take advantage of this privilege?

Doctors' opinion: is it possible to pierce the navel?

If you ask a medical practitioner about the safety of body piercings, their answer will largely depend on their personal views on body modification. Doctors of the old school quite often convince their patients that it is permissible to pierce only the ears in the classic way. The main arguments are the unnaturalness of this type of jewelry and the risk of infection. However, piercing various types(including its most complex varieties - intimate and tongue piercings) is licensed in our country and around the world.

Where to pierce the navel?

You should carefully consider the choice of the artist and the place for the piercing. A navel piercing is considered surgery rather than a cosmetic procedure. Accordingly, only a cosmetologist of a certain qualification can perform it. You should look for such specialists in aesthetic medicine offices and beauty clinics. Large tattoo parlors often open their own piercing shops. Before getting your navel pierced by a specific specialist, try looking for reviews about his work from friends or on thematic regional forums. Many specialists today have their own websites, where the portfolio is available to everyone.

Choosing decoration

The navel is pierced in order to wear jewelry in the resulting hole. The modern market offers us big choice earrings of this type. The most popular decoration for this zone - “banana”, this is a curved bar with a large decorative element at the bottom and a small twisting ball at the top. Sometimes ordinary straight barbells are inserted into the navel piercing, but this is not the most convenient option. Classic - hoop earring.

If you are planning to pierce your navel, keep in mind that you should choose a jewelry that is not capable of causing irritation. The best option- earrings made of medical steel and titanium. High-grade gold and silver jewelry are also quite safe. Not so long ago, earrings made of plastic, niobium and Teflon appeared on sale, but today they can rarely be found in salons in our country. Buy piercing jewelry at jewelry stores, you can also purchase them in the medical office immediately before the puncture - check the availability of earrings when signing up for the procedure.

Piercing options

The cosmetologist will tell you how to pierce the navel in one case or another after examining the client’s abdomen. Traditional option puncture - the upper fold of the skin. Extreme piercing options can include creating multiple holes. In this case, the skin below is also pierced, and the shape of the jewelry is selected individually. Any navel punctures are performed manually using special needles. The doctor agrees with the patient on the location of the earring, after which he wipes the skin with an antiseptic, and then marks the puncture site with a marker and tries on the selected jewelry again. The needle has a cavity to accommodate the earring. The decoration is inserted into this hole, after which a puncture is made in one movement, and the bar immediately takes its place.

Painfulness of the procedure

The issue of discomfort during cosmetic procedures individual. Each person has a different pain threshold, and we all experience traumatic effects differently. Does it hurt to have your belly button pierced? This is a popular question among many beauty salon clients who have decided to undergo this procedure. In terms of pain, this piercing is rated as more serious than ear piercing, but less complex than tongue piercing. If the patient wishes, the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia. Usually the drug is administered into soft fabrics by injection and begins to act within a few minutes. However, many piercing fans refuse painkillers on principle. They believe that each new puncture should be fully felt and these sensations remembered.

Post-procedure care

Some people refuse piercings because they are afraid that getting their belly button pierced is painful. But unpleasant sensations can also appear after a piercing if you do not familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for your new jewelry in advance. At normal conditions and in the absence of complications, skin puncture in the navel area heals in about one month. During this period, you cannot swim in open water, visit the sauna or solarium, or remove the earring. Accordingly, piercing the navel at the very beginning of summer or in the middle is not best idea. During the first weeks, it is recommended to limit physical activity, do not perform abdominal exercises, and try not to bend over.

Usually after the procedure it is recommended to wear a special protective bandage for 5-7 days. The doctor will show you how to attach it correctly and how to treat the wound. Remember: any violation of integrity skin- This is the entry point for infection. Therefore, carefully observe the rules of hygiene - touch the puncture area only clean hands, process it regularly. The doctor who performed the piercing will recommend specific medications. Most often, hydrogen peroxide (3%) or Miramistin is prescribed for rinsing and some kind of universal healing ointment. At first, the puncture should be treated three times a day, then twice a day is enough. After complete healing, the navel piercing does not require any special care; it is enough to twist the earring while taking a shower to remove sweat, skin grease and other natural contaminants from inner surface rods.

Piercing and pregnancy

Many opponents of navel piercing urge you to think about what this decoration will look like while bearing a child. Indeed, even if a woman does not plan to have children, the likelihood of weight gain cannot be ignored. Jewelry on the body looks good only on its owners slender figures. So is it worth getting your belly button pierced if you are planning to have a baby or are afraid of gaining weight? We should not forget that our skin has the ability to regenerate. Scratches heal within a few weeks, scars after surgery within a month or two. Accordingly, the skin puncture will heal someday. Usually, with good elasticity and ability to recover, within a month after stopping wearing jewelry, a thin continuous film forms inside the piercing, and after another 2-3 months a small scar remains at the piercing site, which over the years becomes completely invisible. Be prepared for the fact that a miniature scar or pigment spot at the puncture site will remain with you for life. During pregnancy, it is better to remove the jewelry and allow the piercing to heal. If you want to show off your beautiful belly button again after giving birth, it is easier to get it pierced again.

To do it or not?

Don't chase fashion and don't get piercings for someone else. At the same time, if you really want to decorate your body, do not listen to advisors who frighten possible complications. Should I pierce my belly button? This is a question that you must answer for yourself, based on own desire and taste. A piercing done according to all the rules is safe, and if after some time you get tired of the jewelry, you can always just stop wearing it. The risk is minimal if you approach the procedure wisely and trust your body to professionals. Don't give up on your dreams because of doubts!

So, are you ready for personal experience Find out if it hurts to pierce your belly button?