Beautiful handmade decorations for the new year. Decorations for the new year with their own hands. DIY magic snow globes

The New Year is the kindest happy and long-awaited holiday that fulfills dreams and inspires many life deeds. And in order for the mood to be truly festive, happy and cheerful, it is necessary to decorate the house. I bring to your attention the seven most simple and original New Year's fakes that you can perform even with children.

Snowflakes this is a classic and essential Christmas decoration, associated with sparklers, a decorated Christmas tree, gifts, delicious treats and Santa Claus. It is very simple to make them - fold the paper (it is better to take a thick cardboard) in half three times, as a result you should get a triangle, the edges of which should be cut out (snowflake patterns). Then straighten the leaf and you will see that a funny snowflake has turned out, sprinkle it with glue, sprinkle with sparkles and when it dries, fasten it to the tape.

Beautiful and original snowflakes can be made using the Quilling technique (twisting thin paper ribbons).

Some needlewomen suggest using a carved snowflake as a ballerina's tutu: cut out a dancing figure of a ballerina and put a tutu snowflake on it. As a result, your home will “dance” with interesting and festive decorations.

Snowflakes can be made and assembled from absolutely any materials, for example, curly pasta. Therefore, show your imagination and you will get the most original and beautiful New Year's snowflakes.

Candle. Soft warm light from a burning candle will give you a festive, kind and sweet atmosphere. You can decorate the candle itself, for example, cover it with a plain shiny paint and attach cones, berries, Christmas tree branches and other elements at the base. Or you can decorate the glass and place a candle inside. As a rule, fairs are organized closer to the New Year holidays, where you can surely find an interesting beautiful festive candle, and you just have to choose a suitable place for it on a richly served table.

Paper chain. This is the most favorite, traditional and interesting pastime in childhood, when cut strips of colored paper were glued into a long chain. Instead of plain sheets, you can take multi-colored bright paper for scrapbooking, curly scissors and, in the company of children, create a festive original decoration.

Recently, more and more often you can find a paper garland not from classic rings, but from figures.

Felt jewelry- this is one of the most festive, chic and beautiful fakes. It is very simple to make them: cut out the conceived figure according to the template - a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a house, a traditional sock, a deer, a snowman and many other New Year's characters. Then, using glue, thread with a needle, beads, buttons and ribbon, assemble and decorate the figurine.

Christmas trees- a traditional festive and cute New Year's decoration. In addition to a lavishly decorated Christmas tree, you can decorate your home with cut-out cardboard decorations, and use a cookie cutter as a template. Decorate the finished Christmas tree with glitter, beads, buttons and fasten in different places with a satin ribbon.

From paper, you can assemble a real voluminous Christmas tree that will decorate your desktop, cabinet, TV and other surfaces. You can make it from absolutely any figures, of any size, the main thing is to show your imagination and desire to create a New Year's masterpiece.

Snowman. The most favorite pastime for children in the winter is to make snowballs. Give your child joy - make a snowman at home, for this stock up on cotton balls, cardboard, felt, glue, paint and a roll of kitchen towels or toilet paper. Paint the cardboard with white paint and cut out round or oval shapes, fix on a roll. Then stick around the roll with cotton balls, you can decorate the snowman with felt. You can also “blind” a snowman from socks, balls wrapped in thread, bells and other handy materials.

Sweets. Perhaps, without sweets, lollipops and chocolate, we simply cannot imagine the New Year. You can buy bright lollipops and use toothpicks, glue, double-sided tape and cardboard to make a Christmas tree, a star, and curly sweets and hang them on ribbons in everything and your guests can enjoy them at any time.

Hello everyone. It's no secret that it is often more pleasant to be in a beautifully cleaned room than in it in its usual state. That is why in this article I will tell you about DIY Christmas decorations that will be relevant in 2020 and beyond.

Everyone knows the classic decorations for this holiday - garlands, balls, etc. But today we will plunge into the world of original solutions for this case.

DIY Christmas decorations for 2020: 100 simple ideas

If you want to properly prepare for the New Year, then for this case I have prepared for you 100 interesting ideas that you can easily do very quickly, but also use the most accessible materials.

What and how to decorate

As a bonus, I will give you a plan for decorating. It sounds scary, but it doesn't mean anything terrible at all.

This is the order I suggest:

  1. Doors. Classics of the genre - Christmas wreaths. But in Russia, this is more of an adopted American tradition than a traditional New Year's decoration. In this case, you can decorate the door handles with pieces of garlands and lay out interesting patterns using them.
  2. Window. Garlands on them, of course, can also be attached. But it is better to purchase special stickers for windows, or cut out traditional snowflakes by gluing them on soap. Also, so-called vytynanki can be made from paper - beautiful patterns and paper figures (snowflakes are a subspecies of this ancient Slavic art form). They can also be used for cabinets, especially with glass inserts.
  3. Other passages and transitions. Once upon a time, curtains in transitions were popular, forming an air cascade of threads. So for the New Year, you can remember this good old fashion trend and make a kind of rain - hang a few garlands or threads with flowers, animals, toys, made by yourself or purchased.
  4. Walls. It is impossible not to remember them) Of course, the garlands will serve well here too.
  5. Ceiling. We also include chandeliers.

Decorations for the New Year from paper: master classes and photos

The first material for creating decorations for the New Year is, of course, paper and cardboard. After all, they are in every home, and it is quite simple to acquire an additional volume of this pliable material.

Paper decorations for windows with templates

Various types of window decorations are very popular in paper winter creativity. In the coming year, its symbol, the White Metal Rat, will play a special role. To decorate windows with these animals, I suggest you look at these patterns.

Want to bring good luck to your home? Cut out rats from white paper and add silver sparkles.

Here are the templates for the rest of the protrusions (namely, this is the name of window-winter paper art). Among them you will find snowmen, bluebells, snow-covered expanses with fir trees and much more. Cut with pleasure!

Paper cubes-boxes with Santa, Christmas tree and snowman

In fact, there will be even more of these original and creative cubes! Along with them, you will find little elves and a reindeer from Santa's cart. In these you can put small surprises for children or use as an independent decoration of the apartment.

Here is such a cheerful Santa.

Reindeer Rudolph, without which Santa Claus is nowhere.

Snowman looking forward to the New Year.

Decorated Christmas tree.

And finally, the elves helpers - three kind kids.

These boxes were created by a wonderful girl under the nickname hello happycrafts. Thanks to it, you can download the scans of these holiday boxes in a large extension, which will allow you to experiment with the sizes of the finished decorations:

Download box scans

Of course, it is best to print them on a color printer, and then cut them out. But if this is not possible, then you can stick elements of colored paper on a black and white printed scan.

Other paper and cardboard interior decorations

If you have heavy metallic cardboard, a few rhinestones, glue and ribbon, then create a deer pendant as shown below. The laconic design will appeal to those who do not like the abundance of details.

To make a whole interior composition, stock up on several deer of different colors and sizes. Fix them with zaponlak (in case of absence - PVA), sprinkle with sparkles.

From the same series, a patterned New Year's star. You can cut out both decorations if you save each of the options to yourself, and then print.

It is easy to make a fascinating garland out of cardboard. To do this, you just need to cut a few hundred circles and sew them on a sewing machine, connecting them in series.

If there is no typewriter or there is no confidence in the result, then slowly glue the circles to the thread to get the same garland as below. As a hanging ribbon, use a satin ribbon or a regular cord.

Another version of the garland with stars. The do-it-yourself technology is exactly the same as the first one.

A few snowflakes made using the quilling technique can complement the garlands. With such it will be easy to decorate not only the room, but also the school, classes. You can even devote a couple of labor lessons in elementary school to creating such snowflakes! After all, you only need to twist strips of paper, sometimes squeezing the edge, and glue them together.

Don't know how to bake Chinese fortune cookies, but really want to try your luck? Make them look like double-sided cardboard or thick paper. You only need to cut out a circle and fold it in a special way, putting a wish or prediction inside.

A small crepe paper decoration can be made by folding three green and red rhombuses into an accordion, and then connecting them with a ribbon.

If you want to make street lanterns, then I offer two options at once.

In the first of them you will need to fold the box using the origami technique. Such boxes can then be placed on a diode garland, creating an unusual diffused glow effect.

Fans of the exotic are waiting for the Chinese New Year's lantern. For him, prepare red and gold cardboard, floss threads, a gold marker and scissors with glue. Cut out the blank, as shown in the photo below. Circle the edges with a marker, make a floss tassel and gold cardboard cylinders on top and bottom of the lamp.

Such lanterns will decorate your garden or private house, becoming a highlight in the holiday decoration.

We decorate the house, kindergarten and school

You can decorate a room for a holiday in a variety of ways, from a wreath on the door to snowmen from cans with a variety of contents.

Made of felt and fabric

The most durable jewelry is obtained from these materials. Decorate the door with a winter wreath. It can be made from a base ring, terry yarn and felt elements chosen to your taste. Felt wreath details below:

  • three oak leaves
  • birdie,
  • three double flowers
  • three snowflakes,
  • cat,
  • additional accessories: snowflake sequins, satin ribbon, buttons, feathers, artificial twigs.

Funny deer made of fabric will turn out to be much more attractive if their legs and horns are made from twigs wrapped in threads.

When we talk about New Year's toys, we think only about Christmas toys. But these photo ideas are actually cute winter toys. Deer, bear cubs and penguin are made of fleece.

Insanely simple Christmas tree, the patterns of which can be removed directly from the photo. This can be sewn in just a couple of hours, and in a couple of days you can fill up the whole house with plush Christmas trees! Decorate it with braid, embroidery, buttons, rhinestones and more.

Burlap angels are even easier to make, they literally consist of two parts sewn together. It turns out interesting decorations in the "rustic" style, especially if you add natural material as a decor (dried leaves, flowers, etc.).

Launching satin ribbons

A very large number of New Year's decorations of a very different plan are created from ribbons. And both as an additional element, and in the main role.

The next option is suitable both for decorating a doorway and as an independent decoration (in case you have a large photo frame). You will need satin ribbons and empty transparent balloons that you can fill with whatever you like. The frame can be painted to enhance the festive effect.

The next wreath is suitable for both home and office space. In the latter case, you can choose a muted range of colors. To make one yourself, take two colors of satin ribbons and then follow the simple step below.

A small stylish Christmas tree that can be used as a hanging decoration in the car. A thick cord is taken as the basis, onto which ribbons are alternately tied.

For another Christmas tree, beads are also used. Lay the tape in loops, interspersed with beads and do not forget to put the entire structure on the thread.

Experimenting with other materials

Home decor knows no mercy! If you have a little imagination and patience, then the most unexpected masterpieces can be born.

To create such snowmen, you will need several jars (preferably plastic), which you can fill as you wish.

Do not connect banks to each other. Fill the snowmen with treats and stack one on top of the other. Now from such compositions you can help yourself.

Create snowflakes from plastic cans. Cut off the bottoms of a few pieces and paint them with acrylic paints. At the base, make fasteners so that these decorations can be hung above the windowsill or under the ceiling, or hung on a cardboard frame to get a Christmas tree.

From a wooden blank, you can quickly make an interesting decoration in the form of a snowflake by painting the tree with acrylic paints.

Crafts with embroidered elements always look unusual. To make the decorations below, you will need a plastic canvas that can be covered with a felt insert at the back. The scheme is easy to remove from the photo.

To create a ball with buttons, take a foam blank and all the decorative elements. Make a loop out of the string and glue everything else.

Beads and wire are great companions. With the help of them, with your own hands, you can create seemingly simple, but such cute pendants with which you can decorate windows and, in general, the entire space of the apartment. It is easy to make them - put on a piece of wire a sufficient amount of beads of the desired colors and bend into the desired shape.

An original idea for exotic lovers - a winter-style dream catcher.

Christmas tree decoration

Again, you don't need any special materials. As they say, everything that is at hand (well, maybe a little more).

Christmas balls

It turns out that Christmas decorations like a ball can be made from a large number of different components. For example, take a foam base and attach sequins to it with small pins.

Or finally get rid of the annoying disks and split them into many small parts, which are then glued to a transparent plastic base.

A ball of foil and cardboard also looks interesting.

Take a closer look at the New Year's ball of pompoms.

Without textiles, nowhere - it is easy to create a masterpiece from it with the help of simple patterns.

Plastic balls - a huge scope for creative imagination. They can be covered with a thread frame or sprinkled with sparkles or sequins.

I'll show you how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands - there are not many of them for the New Year.

Take the mesh, PVA glue, paper, pins and glowing garlands. Make a paper cone. Soak the mesh in glue and wrap this cone, securing the mesh with pins. Wait until dry, pull out the paper base. Everything, you can light inside the garland

For light bulb penguins, prepare old light bulbs, eyelet tape, acrylic paint, and a pencil to draw the outlines for this.

In general, all you need to do is paint the bulbs as you wish, attach loops and additionally decorate with various sequins, knitted and sewn elements, rhinestones, etc. Ready

The only negative of this idea is the need to get light bulbs somewhere.

Stars, stars

Prepare for the star thick paper, glitter (available in woven), tape for fastening and PVA glue. All you need to do is cut out a star, apply glue to it, attach a ribbon loop and sprinkle with sparkles.

What could be more pleasant on New Year's Eve (except for receiving gifts, of course) than to congratulate your relatives and friends beautifully? To do this, prepare felt, a base stick, glue, sequins, synthetic winterizer and threads with a needle. For wishes - beautiful paper and a pen.

Cut out two stars, from one of which cut off the edge. Sew a star along the edge, without sewing up the cut edge, stuff it. Decorate with sequins. Insert the rolled-up wishes into the hole left. Sew a stick at the bottom, sew up the hole.

Another variation of the star is from tree branches.

Macaroni will also serve as an excellent material.

And thread options.

We take another basis

Felt will help you create the most fabulous decoration. To do this, cut out the animals according to the pattern, which you can take from the photo, and sew along the edge.

If the feathers are covered in sparkles, you will get a cool decoration that is easy to hang anywhere in the apartment by a thread tied to the base.

A few more ideas for your creativity.

Decorations for the New Year's table

Of course, I also did not forget about the table for the New Year. Here are some ideas for you as well.

To do this, prepare a tin can, double-strand braid and braid with roses. Pins, glue and additional decorative embellishments will also come in handy. Wrap the jar with ribbons, fasten. Decorate with a bow.

To create a Christmas tree, you will need several woven or paper napkins. All that is required is to fold the napkins in four and fold them in accordance with the photo.

For decoration-candles, take simple candles and sequins. Sprinkle sequins in a candle, you can melt it a little for this.

For lamps from balls, a well-known technology is used by many. For her, you will need an inflated balloon, PVA glue and threads (preferably thick ones).

Draw a circle on the ball in the tip area (you will need it for the hole). Gradually wrap the ball with threads soaked in glue without closing the hole. When the structure is dry, pop the balloon and remove it.

You can find even more ideas for New Year's crafts in this article.

Food is the main decoration of the festive table. She can become cakes with winter patterns.

If you prepare a New Year's cake in the form of a big gift, then there will definitely be no limit to the joy and surprise of the guests.

Snowmen and cookie ornaments can be both decorations for a spruce tree and a festive table.

Small cakes with the simplest winter pattern - what could be better?

Christmas tree can be delicious too! If it is from macaroons or cookies)

A separate topic is New Year's champagne. You can decorate it indefinitely, but I will show you three cool options: with sweaters, satin ribbon and sequins.

P.S. Subscribe to updates, save interesting material for yourself and visit more often!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

There are only a few days left until New Year's Eve. New Year holidays, as always, bring a joyful mood, expectation of a magical miracle, pre-holiday chores and other pleasant moments. One of the most joyful and responsible pre-New Year activities is decorating an apartment (house) and, of course, a festive New Year tree. Garlands, snowflakes and others decorations for the New Year with their own hands will give your home a unique feeling of warmth, comfort and uniqueness, because you will definitely not find the second exactly the same New Year's decoration anywhere. And what is the process of making original New Year's crafts worth!

What decorations for the new year you can make it yourself with the children, without having special creative and artistic skills? In fact, if you still look for ideas on the Internet, there are a lot of options. From a banal snowflake cut out of a paper napkin to voluminous paper crafts (paper animals, balls, Christmas trees, garlands, etc.).

Simple and interesting tips and ideas, how to make decorations for the new year with your own hands, given in this article, as well as in the article "Do-it-yourself decorations for the New Year", will help you prepare for the holiday in the best possible way.

Decorations for the New Year with your own hands

Santa Claus origami .

Snowmen made from old socks . Socks (knee socks, tights) are white and with a color pattern, millet, an orange pencil core (we make a carrot nose out of it), threads and buttons - that's all the material you need.

Christmas balls from threads . The threads need to be dipped in PVA glue and carefully wrapped with an inflated balloon. After the glue dries, blow off the balloon.

Christmas toys from light bulbs .

Christmas decorations from pasta . In addition to pasta, you will need acrylic mother-of-pearl paints, glitters and ribbons, and a glue gun.

bottle penguins .

Openwork Christmas tree .

Snowflakes from beads .

New Year card .

Lace ball . Lace is better to take light.

Christmas wreath from baking molds . Fasten with wire or ribbons.

Clothespin Christmas wreath . And clothespins on New Year's holidays will not lose their usefulness.

Herringbone from push pins .

Ball of cinnamon . You will need a foam ball, glue and cinnamon sticks.

New Year's packaging .

coniferous box .

Christmas ball from ribbons . To make it, we need: a foam or foam ball, 2 multi-colored ribbons (for example, white and blue), scissors and sewing pins.

paper christmas tree .

Gnomes from pine cones:

As a basis for creating an original and unique Christmas decoration, namely decoupage, you can use the most ordinary and cheapest plastic Christmas ball of any color, purchased, for example, in the nearest supermarket.

Recently, handmade Christmas decorations for the home have become very popular. There are several reasons for this: home-made products are much better than purchased ones and look beautiful, the ideas are unique, making crafts captivates children.

You can make the product from any improvised material. On the Internet there is a step-by-step production of almost any New Year's toy. You can develop a design yourself, using a variety of materials.

Home decorations (MK)

Having thought about making holiday compositions on your own, a natural question arises: what kind of New Year decorations can you make with your own hands? It is clear that glass crafts at home can not be done. It is worth starting with the definition of materials that are at home and are easy to process. After that, we draw sketches, choose colors for further design.

Thanks to crafts, the holiday will seem more homely and exciting, and the home will shine with new colors. We offer several simple master classes on making decor for the New Year.

From cones

The easiest option would be to make jewelry and crafts from cones. Lush, beautiful products are obtained from spruce cones. Individual elements and single decorative ornaments are made from pine.

The original solution will be a nest of cones of different breeds of spruce trees with elements of branches:

1. First, the cones are thoroughly washed and dried.

2. The bottom and sides are formed, the cones are fastened together with glue, with the help of threads and twigs.

3. Beads, sparkles and other decor will help decorate the composition. The finished decoration can be used as a stand for candles.

In this likeness, vases for tangerines, fruits, and sweets are also made. It is easy to decorate any festive table with such original dishes.

From felt

Recently, felt toys in the New Year's style have become very popular. Felt figurines serve as the main decor of the Christmas tree and the house, because they are safe, unbreakable, eco-friendly and bright.

How to make such a toy:

1. Cut out a figure from paper.

2. Put the template on the felt and prepare the patterns.

3. Cut out blanks and make outlines.

4. Sew the details of the cut figure by hand or on a sewing machine.

5. To add volume, you can put cotton wool inside. The felt figurine is ready.

From beads

It takes a long time to make New Year's interior elements and bead drawings. This option is suitable for those who love hard work and have a lot of free time. But such products look worthy. Often there are desktop mini-Christmas trees, as well as key chains-toys. Consider the manufacturing process of the first option.

For the frame of the future Christmas tree, you will need a large bead, for example, amber, with a diameter of 2 cm. Insert a small stick into its hole. To make the frame more stable, glue it on a large coin or a flat button. Further we work according to the scheme.

The photo below shows a step-by-step master class.

From foamiran

From foamiran, you can make holiday fridge magnets with New Year's stories, a Christmas tree toy, figurines for a garland, and much more.

Let's look at the process of making a Christmas tree from this material:

Corrugated paper

Large-scale decorations for the New Year holidays are made from corrugated paper. Stylish wall decor elements are obtained from such material. Some craftsmen make up whole pictures with a plot. But we will consider the step-by-step production of the Christmas tree, see the photo below.

From polymer clay

Products closest to factory toys are formed from polymer clay. The result is durable, reusable decorations that are easy to prepare with your child. The easiest way to make such a Christmas tree toy is in the form of a snowman.

To begin with, white clay is taken - it serves as the basis, you can also use colored clay. When the body is ready, then proceed to staining. One toy is made in about 10-15 minutes.


It is better to make New Year's decor elements from foam sheets that will be used outside the home. It can be huge letters, figures, houses. It is easy to cut decorations out of polystyrene using a hacksaw. We decorate objects with luminous garlands, you can paint with paint, paste over with decorative paper.

From tapes

Small toys for the Christmas tree are formed from ribbons. Ribbons often serve as the basis, decorating material for many other compositions. Applications and hanging toys are especially often made from satin ribbons. Fixation is carried out using a thread with a needle, glue, a textile stapler.

From fabric

Decorative pillows with New Year's motifs, soft toys for children are sewn from fabric. Using different fabrics, contrasting balances and shapes are created. It is better to sew elements and details manually. It is very profitable to make New Year's interior elements from textiles - there are always a few extra shreds of fabric at home.

From plastic bottles

With the help of plastic bottles, large objects are created: beautiful houses, boxes, geometric shapes. If you decorate a plastic bottle correctly, you will get a souvenir for a New Year's gift or a decoration for a Christmas tree. See what a wonderful penguin you can get.

From disks

With the help of disks, disco balls are mainly created, which are used together with a luminous garland. The atmosphere of a night club is created. A finely chopped disk can also serve as a finishing material for other products. So, for example, you can decorate a glass ball on a Christmas tree.

From pasta

Pasta is characterized by strength and flexibility in work. From pasta, you can make a small Christmas tree, animal figurines, an asterisk or a snowflake for a Christmas tree. Finished products are easy to paint with gouache, watercolor.

From threads

Often they perform New Year's work to decorate the interior with the help of floss threads. It is enough just to tie a bunch of floss, forming figures. An unusually interesting option will be applications on the New Year theme and posters. It is easy to make a decoration for a Christmas tree from threads, for this it is enough to soak them in glue and form the shape you need. When the product dries, it will become solid.

From branches

Crafts from branches can be candlesticks, vases, decorative plates, boxes for toys, fruits and sweets. It's very fashionable. They use mainly a sprig of pine. As more non-standard wood, branches of other trees are used.

From synthetic winterizer

Soft toys for the Christmas tree are sometimes made from synthetic winterizer, but more often this material is used to create applications. With colored synthetic winterizer, you can embroider pictures on decorative pillows or canvas. The craft in the form of a snowman also looks original - such a toy will decorate the interior of any room.

On the video: a snowman from a synthetic winterizer.

From foma (polyethylene foam)

It is easy to make any shape from foma, just use stencils. Preparations are in the correct design and color scheme. You can also make a Christmas tree to decorate your New Year's table. The principle of operation is very simple, see the photo below.


You will need templates and fleece. Details are cut out, which are subsequently sewn together. The principle of operation is the same as when working with felt. Fleece makes soft and pleasant to the touch New Year's decor elements.


Foil makes disposable decorations, toys and a garland. The material is quickly torn, wrinkled and broken. It is used for decoration and keeping the shape. It is easy and simple to make snowflakes for a Christmas tree, you need to crumple pieces of foil into a sphere and fasten them together with a wire, forming a figure.

From newspapers

Newspapers and glue are used to create papier-mâché Christmas tree toys. A form blank is made from foil, on which a newspaper soaked in glue is applied in layers. When the paper is dry, you can paint the craft with colored paint or cover it with sparkles.

From plywood

Models of toys for the Christmas tree are made of plywood in the form of images of animals, houses, fruits, vegetables, fairy-tale characters. A hole is formed with an awl for attaching the thread. Toys can be used for a long time.

From light bulbs

From light bulbs we make garlands, "balls" for the Christmas tree, fixtures are suitable for the room and the street. Lamps are pasted over with bright or shiny materials. The setup takes a few minutes.

Burlap and jute

Toys are sewn from burlap and jute according to the principle of felt and fleece products. Festive bags and bandages are also made from such natural material. A bouquet of chestnuts, dried flowers, acorns can serve as an addition.

From cotton pads

Cotton wool is used as a finishing material for applications and crafts. We glue it to any base with glue. Cotton wool can be painted with watercolors, gouache. Working with such material is easy and simple.

From newspaper tubes

Interesting baskets for tangerines and other elements of New Year's decor come out of the tubes. Volumetric decorations are also made using tightly rolled sheets of newspapers. The paper can be dyed later.

From twine (string)

Balls and hanging structures are made from twine, twine, rope. Such details connected with each other form a garland. Christmas decorations made of textile material have many positive features: they do not break, they are environmentally friendly, they are safe for children.

On the video: Christmas ball of threads.

From beads

From beads, an additional decor is obtained for larger products. Beads are sewn, glued, put on the base. They make screw Christmas trees. Small crafts serve as gifts for relatives and friends.


Origami is used to create a huge number of works, you can make toys for the Christmas tree, a garland, hanging decorations. Paper figures are stored for a long time, have volume. They are used as interior decor, if the design is of impressive size.

Christmas decorations (MK)

Christmas tree decorations can be made from almost any material that is at home. Thanks to persistent means of fixation, creative ideas are created. For the base, you can use ready-made toys. On plain Christmas balls, a frosty pattern is often drawn with stained glass glue or a contour.

Decoration of Christmas balls

Decorating spheres does not require special skills and materials. This finish is ideal for clear balloons, but you can use a foam ball as a base.

Action algorithm:

  1. Remove dirt from the ball and degrease with acetone.
  2. Lubricate the surface with adhesive solution.
  3. “Dress up” the ball with finishing materials (in this case, sequins).
  4. If necessary, fix all parts with a clear varnish and allow to dry.
  5. If the ball is made of foam, stick a pin or special fasteners for hanging.

All Christmas decorations can be upgraded. Broken glass from old toys, beads, beads, sequins and ribbons are suitable for decoration.

Hair Jewelry (MK)

It is easy to make New Year's hairpins, headbands and hair ties from improvised materials. On this occasion, you can watch a lot of videos on the Internet. Let's look at two of the most interesting master classes.

Related article: How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019: ideas and creativity

Headband with horns

Creativity lies in creating a unique decoration that will decorate the hairstyle. The simplest option is a decorative headband:

1. On the old headband, with the help of wire, the frame of the future craft is formed - deer antlers.

2. The hoop from one end to the other, together with the wire frame, is wrapped with twine.

3. Secondary fastening is made with glue (deer ears and fabric flowers can act as an additional decor).

The decor can be Mickey Mouse ears, a decorative bow or a colored mohawk, Christmas trees, cones, pine branches, snowflakes - there are a lot of ideas.


For more discreet options for hair products, the kanzashi technique is suitable. Work is carried out from ribbons, which are superimposed on a base coated with glue. Practice is essential for these products.

On the video: New Year's snowflake - headband.

Crochet and knitting Christmas decorations: patterns and description

Christmas decorations can be crocheted or knitted. Knitted animals, little men, fruits, houses will decorate the Christmas tree and the house.

The work is:

  • buying thread and yarn;
  • knitting in accordance with the patterns;
  • stitching products.

Knitted toys last a long time. The technique does not take much time, calms the nerves, and is easy to master. There are combinations of knitting and embroidery in one product.

Decoration Santa Claus crochet
Knitted snowflake on the Christmas tree crochet
Christmas balls knitting pattern

wall decorations

On the wall you can hang pictures made in various techniques, simple New Year's posters. Garlands of lights or decorative material are usually placed under the ceiling. There are many options, see the photo and choose the option you like.

door decoration

The door from the street and the room is usually decorated with a New Year's wreath. Modern interpretations represent compositions not from branches and cones, but from luminous garlands. From plywood blanks and threads, you can create a composition in the form of hinged structures.

Wooden decorations also look against the background of a metal door - it is unique, fresh and modern. You can make an original decorative wreath from wood and branches.

New ideas

Original Christmas decorations are easy to create with children. Creative ideas can be drawn from the drawings and inventions of the baby.


In accordance with the decor, the following original decorations are created:

  • Garlands strung with unusual household items.

  • Framed photographs form interesting compositions.

  • They drew an incomprehensible drawing and decorated it with rain and sparkles. The main thing is to be creative.


Interesting and funny ideas can be found in children's magazines.

  • A cool option would be to create garlands from three-dimensional figures of kawaii pictures.

  • You can alter old soft toys or make them with your own hands from socks.

  • Bring an animal to life from improvised materials, for example, from branches.

Making decorations with the kids

Making jewelry for kids is exciting, and working with them is even more so. Adults can show real class for their child. For a baby, time will fly by quickly and fun.

When choosing a technique, consider:

  • the age of the child;
  • its possibilities;
  • the complexity of the work ahead;
  • material safety.

Greater preference for the manufacture of jewelry is given to: applications, drawings with additional decoration, corrugated paper, napkins.

For girl

An ideal option for a girl would be drawings that can be decorated with sparkles or sequins. The baby can offer ideas for New Year's decorations: jewelry, decorative items for furniture, Christmas toys. The main thing is to use a lot of bright colors.

The simplest and most effective option would be to create a toy of a cartoon or fairy-tale character. Mom can do the main work, and the daughter can help at first.

Decorations for the new year: snowman

You will need:

Large and small foam balls


PVA glue

Styrene foam (you can salt or other small white granules)


1. Take a small ball and insert a toothpick into it.

2. Cover the ball with glue.

3. Dip the balloon in a container of styrene foam or salt and leave to dry.

4. Insert two pins that will act as eyes.

5. Repeat steps 1-3 for the large balloon.

6. Insert three red pins into the large balloon. Which will play the role of buttons.

7. Using a toothpick, connect the balls.

8. You can use ribbon to tie a scarf for the snowman.

How to make decoration for the new year: deer

You will need:

brown yarn

Any red berry or button (for spout)

Small branches from a tree or bush

Pieces of felt (white and brown)

Decorative light bulbs or other decorations for the toy

PVA glue or hot glue


Styrofoam ball or small ball (tennis)

1. Tie a ball or small ball with brown yarn.

2. Glue a red berry or button on the place where you want to make a nose.

3. Glue two small branches to the ball, which will play the role of horns.

4. Cut out circles from white and brown felt - large white and small brown.

5. Glue white circles in place of the eyes, and brown over white circles in place of the pupils.

6. Wrap the toy with a decorative garland or tinsel. You can secure the decoration by tying it to the horns.

Decoration ideas for the new year: Christmas ball of beads and beads

You will need:

Styrofoam ball

Beads and beads

wire cutters

Fine wire or pins

PVA glue

1. Put a large bead on a piece of wire or on a pin, and a small bead on top of it.

* The length of the free part of the pin should then be long enough to insert the pin into the ball and hold it firmly.

2. Before inserting the pin into the ball, apply a little glue to the tip of the pin.

3. Cover the ball with similar blanks, and you will get a beautiful Christmas decoration.

4. You can add a ribbon that can be secured with a pin threaded through it - this will allow you to hang the toy on the tree.

Christmas tree decoration: Christmas ball decorated with handprints

You will need:

Simple Christmas ball (no pattern) - glass or plastic

White acrylic paint


Markers (felt-tip pens)

Decorations to taste (sequins, tinsel, etc.)

1. Carefully paint your children's hands with white acrylic paint.

2. Let the children carefully take the balls with the colored handles. Do not move your fingers so as not to smear the print.

3. Use markers to complete the drawing. Add a scarf, hat, buttons, spout, handles.

4. Write your child's name and age on each balloon.

Now the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Decorations for the new year (photo): cardboard snowflake and rhinestones

You will need:

Cardboard cylinder from toilet paper or paper towels

PVA glue or superglue

Hole puncher

Jewelry (rhinestones, sequins, etc.)

1. Press down on the cardboard cylinder to make it flatter and cut out several rings of the same width.

* It is better if you measure the distance between future strips with a ruler before cutting.

2. Arrange the rings the way you want them to look and start gluing them one by one.

3. Add the decorations you want to make the snowflake even more beautiful.

4. Make a hole anywhere on the snowflake and thread a ribbon through it so that the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Decorations for the New Year from paper: a snowflake from old postcards

You will need:

old postcards



PVA glue


1. Collect all your old Christmas cards and cut them into equal strips (same length and width) to make the snowflake symmetrical.

* The number of stripes depends on the snowflake you want to make - it can be an even number or an odd number. In this example, there are 16.

2. Divide the strips into groups, depending on the color scheme.

3. Connect the ends of each strip and secure them with a stapler. In the image, you can see that the red stripes are bent in three places - in the middle, on the left and on the right at a distance of 1-2 cm. This is a little more difficult to do, but the snowflake will have more diverse rays.

* You can first connect several strips into one group (in this example there are 4 of them) and then connect all the groups (since 16 strips are used in the example, 4 in a group, which means there will be 4 groups). Then all 4 groups are simply connected together with glue.

4. You can decorate the snowflake with rhinestones by adding some glue and placing the decoration on it.

5. Add some ribbon so the snowflake can be hung on the Christmas tree.

New Year's ball and its decoration with your own hands

You will need:

Glass or plastic Christmas ball without a pattern


Rhinestones (optional)

PVA glue

1. Cut a sheet of felt into thin strips.

2. Put the strips into the ball.

3. If desired, you can glue the rhinestone to the ball.

4. Tie another ribbon around the balloon (you can attach it to the balloon with glue) and tie a bow.

5. For a felt hat, you need to make a small cone. Check out our article:How to make a cone- by the same principle, a cone can be made from felt. You can also glue the hat to the balloon.

DIY Christmas tree decorations: New Year's deer from wine corks

You will need:

Several wine corks (can be purchased separately)


PVA glue or superglue

Toy (plastic) eyes

Brown fine brushes or thin wire

wire cutters

Pompoms, plasticine or crumpled threads

Jewelry (bell, button)

1. Prepare corks. The four pieces that will serve as the paws of the deer must be cut off on the sides so that they are narrower. It is worth noting that these corks are sold separately and in different sizes - so they do not have to be cut.

2. Use one cork as the body and glue four narrow corks to it.

3. Take another cork. You can also reduce it a little in diameter (but not necessarily) - this will be the head of a deer.

4. Use a toothpick to connect the head and torso. If necessary, you can shorten the toothpick so that the neck is not too long.

* You may need to make holes in the plugs in advance with a separate toothpick and only then connect the head and torso.

* If you don't want to make holes in corks, you can use superglue and a match - break off about 3/4 of the match and put on it superglue the ends, then glue the match to the head and body of the deer.

5. You can make a nose out of a small pom-pom and glue it. Instead of a pompom, you can use plasticine or crumpled thread.

6. Glue the toy eyes.

7. From a thin brown brush or wire, make horns - for this, you need to cut them with wire cutters into several pieces of the same length. Use superglue to glue the horns to the head.

8. Add decorations - hang a bell or a button.

9. You can add string to hang the toy on the Christmas tree, for example.

Decoration for the new year in kindergarten: bright Christmas tree decorations made of foil

You will need:

Felt pens (markers)

PVA glue

Glue stick

Thread or braid (to hang the toy)

1. Cut out the shape of a future Christmas tree toy from cardboard.

2. Prepare a sheet of foil and fold it into one thin strip. Secure the strip with glue.

3. Make several of these strips.

4. Use markers to color the strips in different colors and leave to dry.

5. Cut each strip into small squares.

6. Start gluing the squares to the cardboard form.

* Make some toys of different shapes.

7. Glue a ribbon or thread to hang toys on the Christmas tree.