The navel does not heal in an infant. What to do if the wound oozes and gets wet. Alcoholic solution of furacilin

Being in the mother's tummy, the baby gets everything nutrients from her through the umbilical cord, the function of which is to connect the woman's placenta with the bloodstream of the baby. After his birth, she is cut. The rest of it is covered with a special clamp, due to which the blood stops flowing through the umbilical vessels. After about 3-7 days, it completely dries up and rebounds.

In its place remains a wound that takes some time to process. As a rule, it is quickly tightened and does not cause any unrest to the parents of the baby. However, there are cases when the navel does not heal in a newborn long time. What is it connected with and how to help the crumbs in this situation?

Why the umbilical wound does not heal for a long time

There are many reasons that affect the speed of tightening the wound. Some are completely harmless, and thanks to the little effort of their parents, they are quickly eliminated. Others require surgical intervention. So why is the wound for a long time don't heal:

  • diaper. Because of him frequent use air cannot get to the wound, which means that it cannot dry out quickly.
  • too zealous treatment of the wound. Some parents, trying to help the baby, process the navel several times a day. They clean it very carefully, as a result of which the thin skin is severely damaged. Because of this, healing does not occur, and young mothers and fathers again and again notice drops of blood in the navel;
  • lack of wound care. There are times when parents, on the contrary, do not touch her on the advice of acquaintances. They do not treat the navel with either antiseptics or brilliant green. As a result, if dirt or a foreign body gets into it, it begins not only to bleed, but also pus begins to stand out from it, and also begins to emanate from it. bad smell. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • belly button size. If the umbilical wound has a large diameter, then it will take longer to heal than usual. This is fine. The fact that the navel is large, doctors say even in the hospital. There they also talk about how to properly care for him so that he drags on faster;
  • weakened immunity. If a newborn was born with weak immunity, then it is unlikely that the wound will be able to heal quickly. The body simply will not be able to fight infections and microbes that enter it. If it is revealed that it was immunity that caused the prolonged non-healing of the navel, then to an infant drugs will be prescribed to increase it.

The size of the belly button depends on the thickness of the umbilical cord. The thinner it is, the smaller its diameter and vice versa.

How long should the wound heal?

Healing of the navel occurs in several stages:

  • Falling off the umbilical cord (3-7 days).
  • Partial healing of the navel (1-3 weeks).
  • Its complete tightening (4 weeks).

The body of each baby is individual, therefore, during healing umbilical wound they may have some deviations from the norm, both up and down. If this difference does not exceed 3-4 days, then there is nothing to worry about.

If more than a month has passed, and the wound has not stopped bleeding or pus has begun to stand out from it, then this is considered serious reason visits to the doctor

Umbilical wound care

In order for the navel to heal faster, it is necessary to carry out every day hygiene procedures. They include the treatment of the wound with hydrogen peroxide and Chlorophyllipt alcohol or brilliant green.

How is the umbilical cord treated?

The procedure is best done after bathing. This is necessary so that the hemorrhagic crusts soften and can be removed without damaging the delicate skin. So what to do:

  1. Put 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide on the wound.
  2. After it foams (after about a minute), carefully open the folds of the wound. If it does not foam, then further processing is not required. The umbilicus is tightened.
  3. Then clean the wound with cotton swabs. Eliminate crusts and dried droplets of blood. Do it very carefully. If you hurt thin layer skin, then the navel will not tighten for a long time.
  4. Then apply brilliant green to the navel and the area around it.

The wound should be treated only once a day. If suppuration appears in it, the procedure is allowed twice a day.

What else you need to know about wound healing

To make the navel tighten faster, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • bathe the newborn only in boiled water.
  • perform air procedures several times a day;
  • use special diapers. They should not come into contact with the navel;
  • in no case do not seal the wound with a band-aid;
  • iron the diapers and little things of the child on both sides.

When a doctor's consultation is required

If the navel does not heal well, then this phenomenon may indicate not only the improper care of it, but also various pathologies. So, when should you contact your pediatrician:

  • The navel did not become dry 2 weeks after the birth of the crumbs. Its complete healing occurs 3-4 weeks after birth, but it should become dry after 14 days. An infant in such a situation is prescribed Dioxidin treatment.
  • Upon detection of an umbilical hernia. It is indicated by a protrusion of the navel, accompanied by minor bleeding.
  • The umbilical ring is inflamed. Part of the abdomen, the skin, as well as the hole around the ring, were swollen and reddened. These symptoms indicate the development of omphalitis in the baby. This is the name of the inflammatory process that provokes blood poisoning, as well as peritonitis. abdominal cavity.
  • The unhealed navel began to fester. An unpleasant odor emanates from it, and yellow-green pus is also released from it. These symptoms indicate an infection in the wound. It is removed with the help of antiseptic agents.
  • A "ball" on a leg appeared in the umbilical region, the skin of the baby's abdomen turned red. All these are signs of a granuloma of the navel or fungus. You can get rid of the pathology with the help of hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.

If the child has an umbilical hernia, then most likely, surgery will be required to get rid of it.

If the navel does not heal for a long time, then you should not panic. Most likely, the reasons for this phenomenon are quite harmless. However, if pus began to come out of it and an unpleasant smell appeared, then it's time to contact a specialist. Such symptoms may indicate various pathologies.

During prenatal development All the nutrients the baby receives from the placenta through the umbilical cord. Immediately after birth, it is cut, and all the organs and systems of the baby begin to work independently. At the site of attachment of the umbilical cord to the tummy of the crumbs, an umbilical wound remains, which heals over time. It is very important to take good care of her. We will figure out how to clean the navel, and also consider its main diseases.


After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped with forceps and cut. Her small plot leave and tie, after which they put a special plastic bracket (“clothespin”) on it. Future form the baby's navel depends on how exactly the midwife made the "knot".

After about 3-5 days, the remnant of the umbilical cord dries up and falls off on its own. In its place, an umbilical wound is formed. Average term its tightening is 1-3 weeks. During this period, it bleeds slightly and gets wet (an ichor is released).

What if the navel does not heal longer? 3-5 days behind the norm is not a problem, if not anxiety symptoms: color changes, heavy bleeding, selections and so on. The physiological increase in the timing of wound healing may be associated with individual characteristics baby such as a wide or deep navel.

Care rules

In the maternity hospital, the medical staff takes care of the umbilical wound of the baby; after discharge, this task falls on the shoulders of the mother. You should ask your doctor or nurse how to clean your navel during the first month of life.

Care steps:

  1. Bathe the baby in a separate bath in boiled water (36-37 ° C). You can add a weak solution of potassium permanganate or an infusion of herbs with antiseptic properties (strings, chamomile) to it.
  2. After water procedures blot the baby's skin terry towel. The abdominal area should not be rubbed.
  3. With clean fingers, gently push the skin near the navel and put a little hydrogen peroxide on it. After waiting for the reaction (hissing) to stop, blot the remnants of the product with cotton wool.
  4. Soak a cotton swab in brilliant green and apply it on the umbilical wound.

Manipulations must be carried out carefully: when trying to clean the navel, it is unacceptable to pick, rub, crush it. If there are yellowish crusts inside, pour peroxide on the wound, wait 2-3 minutes, and they will be removed.

Many modern experts believe that the navel does not need to be cleaned with antiseptics. Enough daily bathing the baby in boiled water.

In any case, it is important to ensure constant air access to the wound: do not cover it with a diaper and arrange more often air baths. Until the navel heals, the baby should not be laid on the stomach and massaged.

With improper care, as well as for other reasons, there may be various problems. Most often, young mothers are worried that the navel does not heal for a long time, gets wet, inflamed, bleeds, sticks out, changes its color to red, brown or blue. Let's see why this happens.


Omphalitis is an inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound and surrounding tissues caused by bacteria. Basic prerequisites - Not proper care and weakened immunity. The navel can become inflamed if it is not cleaned at all, and also if the treatment is too active.

There are several forms of omphalitis:

Catarrhal (simple). Symptoms:

  • the navel gets wet and does not heal for a long time;
  • transparent, bloody and serous-purulent discharge;
  • redness of the ring around the navel;
  • normal health of the child.

Sometimes the wound darkens - it covers with a crust, under which secretions accumulate. A complication of catarrhal omphalitis - fungus - a pale pink growth of granulations at the bottom of the navel.

Phlegmonous. Symptoms:

  • copious purulent discharge;
  • protrusion of subcutaneous fat near the navel;
  • redness and hyperthermia of the skin of the abdomen;
  • fever and general weakness.

This form of omphalitis is very dangerous: it can lead to the spread of infection throughout the body and necrotic tissue damage.

If the navel has become red, darkened, bloody and wet, you need to seek medical help. Catarrh is treated by treatment with hydrogen peroxide and antiseptics 3-4 times a day. Fungus is cauterized with silver nitrate. The phlegmonous form requires the appointment of local and systemic antibiotics.

Sometimes a child needs detoxification and infusion therapy. If tissue necrosis has begun, an operation is prescribed.


An umbilical hernia is a protrusion of organs (intestines, omentum) through the umbilical ring. Outwardly, it looks like a tubercle that rises above the surface of the abdomen, which appears when the child cries or pushes. When pressing on the navel, the finger easily "falls" into the abdominal cavity.

According to statistics, a hernia is found in every fifth newborn. This usually happens within the first month of a baby's life. Its dimensions can vary significantly: from 0.5-1.5 cm to 4-5 cm.

A hernia is formed due to muscle weakness and slow tightening of the umbilical ring. It is believed that the tendency to form it is inherited. Additional factor, under the influence of which a hernia is formed, is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Its causes are prolonged strained crying, flatulence, constipation.

For most children, a hernia does not cause any inconvenience. But, having found a protrusion in the navel area, you should consult a doctor. Commonly practiced conservative treatment– massage and sticking special plaster. By the age of 5-6, most often the hernia disappears without a trace due to the strengthening of the abdominal muscles. If this does not happen, an operation is prescribed to suture the muscular umbilical ring.

In very rare cases, a hernia leads to such a complication as strangulation. It can be suspected if the navel suddenly crawled out, turned blue or appeared on it dark spot and the baby is crying in pain. In such a situation, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Principles of massage

Massage will help to cure a slight protrusion in the navel. It is desirable that the course of procedures be conducted by a specialist. But if this is not possible, then the baby can be massaged independently after the umbilical wound has healed.


  1. Stroke the stomach with the palm of your hand around the navel, without affecting the liver area.
  2. Bending forefinger right hand, move it with the second phalanx around the navel 2-5 times.
  3. Put a pillow thumb on the navel and lightly press on it, simulating screwing movements 3-5 times.
  4. Tap on the stomach with the pads of your fingers.
  5. Place the palms of both hands under the child's lower back. thumbs draw over the oblique muscles and connect them above the navel.

Massage helps to train the abdominal muscles and increase their tone. It must be carried out before meals, laying the child with his back on a flat surface. Massage of the abdomen is done only in a clockwise direction.


Fistula of the navel - connection of the umbilical ring with the small intestine or bladder. IN prenatal period the fetus has choleretic and urinary embryonic ducts. Through the first, food enters, and through the second, urine is excreted. Normally, by the time of birth, they should close. In some babies, the ducts are partially or completely preserved. This is how fistulas are formed.

A full fistula of the urinary duct leads to the fact that the navel becomes wet - urine is excreted through it. At the bottom, you can see a red corolla of the mucous membrane. An incomplete fistula is characterized by the accumulation of a fetid secretion and a change in skin color in the navel area - a pinkish spot may appear on it.

A complete fistula of the choleretic duct is accompanied by a partial removal of intestinal contents and visualization of the mucous membrane. Incomplete fistula provokes serous-purulent discharge from the navel.

Fistula can be diagnosed on the basis of examination, ultrasound and radiography. Treatment is surgical only. Without therapy, a fistula can cause omphalitis and peritonitis.

Other problems

What other problems can arise with the navel of the baby? The most common situations:

  1. The wound bleeds, a bruise (dark spot) has appeared - an injury has occurred due to careless hygienic manipulations, when putting on a diaper or clothes, when turning over on the stomach. You can clean the wound with peroxide and treat with an antiseptic. If the navel does not heal and bleeds incessantly, you need to consult a doctor.
  2. The navel becomes wet - a foreign body has fallen into it. You need to visit a pediatric surgeon to remove it.
  3. The navel is red, but not inflamed - the baby "studyed" his body and injured the skin. This often happens at 6-10 months. Another cause of redness is a food or contact allergy. In this case, there will be a rash on other parts of the body.

The navel is one of the most vulnerable areas on the baby's body in the first month of life. Normally, the wound heals within 1-3 weeks. During this period, it must be cleaned very carefully, preventing infection. If the navel of the baby is inflamed, bleeding, sticking out or getting wet, you should show it to the doctor. In most cases, problems can be solved with massage and proper care.

The navel of each person is a reminder that he was nurtured and given birth for a long time, so to speak, an invisible connection between a child and his mother. However, before the navel heals and looks familiar, reminding of this connection, the baby's parents will have to take care of it for a long time and carefully, adhering to certain rules.

While in the womb, the baby receives nutrients through the mother's placenta. The placenta is connected by the umbilical cord to the baby's bloodstream. Immediately after the baby is born, doctors cut the umbilical cord, thus completely separating the baby from the mother. The remainder of the umbilical cord (approximately 2 cm) is tightly clamped with a special sterile umbilical clamp. Employees of the maternity hospital 2 times a day treat the umbilical stump with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. After 2-3 days after birth, the remnant of the umbilical cord finally dries up and falls off on its own. An umbilical wound remains in its place - a rather deep wound that requires special care.

When does the navel heal in a newborn?

There is a certain period of time during which the complete healing of the umbilical wound is normal. Deviations from this norm in one direction or another can be within 3-4 days. Doctors believe that normally the umbilical wound should heal 3-4 weeks after the birth of the baby. Faced with the problem of slow healing, many parents are at a loss: why does their baby's navel not heal? If the navel does not heal for a longer time, it is possible that an inflammatory process occurs in the child's body or he has a weak immune system.

My eldest daughter's umbilical wound healed as expected - 3 weeks after birth. However, she did not inflame and did not bleed. But in the youngest, the umbilical wound healed only a month and a half after birth, at the same time she constantly bled slightly, especially after her prolonged crying. Health visitor explained to me that this is also a variant of the norm, since the navel of the youngest was large. After a month and a half of constant daily hygiene procedures, the navel healed safely.

Let's look at the reasons why the navel does not heal in a newborn.

  1. Diaper . Most diapers for newborns close the umbilical wound with their belt. This creates a greenhouse effect and does not provide air access to the wound, and the rapid healing of wounds, as you know, occurs by drying them out and forming a hemorrhagic crust on them. To avoid prolonged healing or inflammation, from birth to complete healing the navel, the diaper belt must be wrapped outward so that it opens the umbilical wound and does not rub it.
  2. big navel . If the placental umbilical cord was large diameter, then, respectively, and the navel will be larger than usual. Such a navel also heals longer. You will most likely be told about the presence of a large navel in a child at the maternity hospital or the pediatrician at the first examination of the newborn. In case the baby big navel- you should not worry about long healing, because such a wound will heal for several days longer.
  3. Poor wound hygiene . This is the main reason for slow healing or even inflammation of the umbilical wound. Since this is a deep wound, it requires careful care and hygiene. Every day, at least 1 time, the umbilical wound must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with antiseptic agents. It is also important to monitor the hygiene of the baby by bathing him regularly. Urine or feces of the child should not fall on the area of ​​​​the umbilical wound, and if this does happen, then it must be washed well and treated with alcohol.
  4. Umbilical hernia . There are cases when the umbilical wound not only heals slowly, but also bulges noticeably. With such a phenomenon, you need to show the child to a pediatrician, perhaps even a surgeon. Timely detection of an umbilical hernia can prevent its further development and avoid surgery.
  5. Inflammation . If your baby’s navel constantly gets wet, cloudy discharge oozes out of it (except for blood and ichor, because their slight discharge is the norm), the area around the navel turns red, and an unpleasant odor from the wound appears - all these are signs inflammatory process in the wound and suppuration. Remember that any inflammatory process in the body of a newborn is very serious and bad. If it is not detected in time, it can even lead to sepsis (blood poisoning). If any of these symptoms appear, it is urgent to call a pediatrician who will prescribe the necessary treatment.
  6. Weak immunity . In children born with low birth weight, as well as in premature babies, in the first few months of life, immunity is weakened. The body of such babies is defenseless against many bacteria and infections. For this reason, the body itself cannot cope with the healing of such a large and deep wound as the umbilical one. Weakened immunity should be detected by the attending pediatrician during regular examinations of the child. He will also prescribe a suitable treatment aimed at helping the immunity of the baby.

What to do to heal the navel faster

To help the navel baby heal faster, it is necessary to carry out certain hygiene procedures with the umbilical wound every day. If the baby's navel does not bleed, then these procedures should be carried out once a day, preferably immediately after bathing the baby. If the umbilical wound bleeds a little, then these procedures are carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Hygiene of the umbilical wound is carried out as follows:

  • Put 1-2 drops of hydrogen peroxide on the umbilical wound.
  • Wait until the peroxide foams and the hemorrhagic crust softens a little, about 1 minute.
  • Gently open the folds of the umbilical wound with two fingers.
  • With a sanitary bud and cotton swab, gently but thoroughly clean the wound from crusts and dried blood. It is important to remember that the skin in this place is still very thin and when removing the crusts, try not to damage it.
  • With another hygienic stick, apply a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) to the cleaned umbilical wound. Carefully treat the wound and a small area around it with it.
  • If you dropped hydrogen peroxide on the navel, opened it, and the peroxide did not start to foam, then the navel has healed and there is no need to continue this procedure.

In addition to this procedure, until the navel is completely healed, it is important to bathe the child exclusively in boiled water to prevent infection. For the same purpose, all the clothes of the baby, as well as bed sheets and towels must be carefully ironed on maximum temperature from two sides. So you disinfect the clothes and things of the baby.

What to do if the baby's navel does not heal for a long time

If a month after birth, the navel does not heal in a baby, this is a reason to see a doctor. Only a qualified doctor, having carefully studied the history, will be able to establish the reason why the navel does not heal in a child for a long time, and also prescribe the appropriate treatment. Inflammation of the wound or its too slow healing should be a signal to you that you are doing something wrong or that the child needs more thorough care. It can also be a signal of health problems in the baby. In any case, when the wound does not go away for more than a month, do not self-medicate, but seek medical help. This is how you can maintain the excellent health of your newborn.

When a baby is born, doctors cut the umbilical cord. The cord cutting and tying procedure is painless. Bandage it anywhere. Usually the distance to the umbilical ring is 2 cm - at this distance a knot is made with a silk thread. Doctors talk with a woman in labor: they explain how the umbilical wound heals in newborns, what proper care for children should be. It is important for mothers (especially primiparas) to know what can cause a long healing of the navel.

How long does it take for a newborn's belly button to heal?

Processing of the umbilical cord begins in the hospital. The initial process consists in lubricating the wound with brilliant green, and cauterizing the umbilical cord with alcohol. After being discharged from the hospital, further care carried out by the parents. In the first days of life, the wound must be cauterized with brilliant green or iodine until the umbilical cord falls off on its own. From day to day, the umbilical wound becomes drier.

How long should the navel in newborns heal? The healing time depends on immunity, the size of the navel, and also how correct the care was. After 21-30 days, the navel of the newborn should heal completely.

How long does it take for the belly button to fall off in newborns? Wound healing occurs in several stages:

  1. from 3 to 5 days, the umbilical cord looks like a small knot;
  2. with proper care, at the end of 5-7 days, the umbilical wound epithelizes;
  3. With medical point vision, the wound is considered quite deep, respectively, heals from 1-3 weeks. During this period, moderate bleeding is observed, so it makes no sense for parents to be in a panic - this state of the navel is considered the norm;
  4. the final healing of the umbilical wound in newborns occurs after 3-4 weeks.

Problems with the navel in a newborn can be avoided by any mother. She will be helped actionable advice, with which the navel will heal quickly, and complications will be behind.

What does a healed navel look like in a newborn?

  • after the birth of the baby, the wound is wiped with hydrogen peroxide as many times as it takes time for it to stop bleeding. The best option will be applying a cotton pad moistened with peroxide to the umbilical residue;
  • at the second stage, the formation of a crust is traced yellow color. To avoid microbial contamination, cotton swab moisten with hydrogen peroxide;
  • the navel must always be kept clean;
  • It is advisable to treat the wound before going to bed, after the bathing procedure. Once a day is enough. It is undesirable to disturb the wound unnecessarily. The exception is the navel big size. It is processed 2-3 times a day;
  • during the healing of the umbilical residue, the child should be bathed in a baby bath, adding potassium permanganate; the temperature of boiled water is 36-37 degrees;
  • make it a rule to ventilate the room;
  • make sure that the navel is always dry, exclude moisture;
  • the child should not feel uncomfortable because diapers or clothes are rubbed. Otherwise, the umbilical wound will be harmed: redness may form.

Poor belly button healing in newborns

When treating the baby's umbilical wound according to the rules described above, some complications may arise: severe bleeding, suppuration.

The reasons for poor healing may be the following:

  • The baby has a large belly button. Babies' navels can be different. For example, if the placenta was thickened, then the baby's navel is larger. Accordingly, the healing process is delayed. It will dry in without fail, but slower;
  • there are cases when the wound heals slowly, and in addition to everything, a protrusion of the navel is observed. This alarm signal indicates the manifestation of an umbilical hernia. It is forbidden for the mother to take any action on her own. The child needs to be examined by a pediatrician;
  • due to suppuration of the wound, there is a possibility of infection. Accompanied by an unpleasant odor and yellow discharge. The navel is constantly wet.

How does the navel heal in a newborn photo

Not all babies are born healthy strong men. It is possible that the child may be born with weak immunity, which means it will be exposed to various microbes, infections. For a weakened body, it is difficult for mom and dad to solve a similar problem. You have to go to the doctors. A competent examination of the pediatrician will give the correct medical treatment.

Mom's inattention during the treatment of the navel will lead to long healing. All parents are different. There are dust particles that blow off the baby, and vice versa, hygiene for mothers is not so important. All two cases are bad. Parents who are clean, carefully cleaning the umbilical wound, can harm the thin skin.

If hygiene is not observed, there is a possibility of introducing dirt, developing an infection. ABOUT rapid healing out of the question. Self extraction foreign body prohibited, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner;

Actions of parents with bleeding of the umbilical wound

Despite the correct care of the navel, it is quite possible to bleed. You can observe it with an accidental separation of the crust. Usually a few drops of blood are released, but such a problem cannot be left unresolved. Severe bleeding indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process of the vessels of the navel.

How long the navel heals in a newborn directly depends on the professionalism of the assistance provided immediately after the birth of the child. The umbilical cord is a bluish "rope", 40-70 centimeters long, connecting the baby's tummy and the placenta. Through it, during pregnancy, the child ate, received all the substances necessary for growth and development.

Immediately after birth, the doctor clamps the umbilical cord with two clips or staples and cuts between them. There remains a tail (stump of the umbilical cord) 2-3 cm long, clamped with one clamp. The tail itself will fall off for 2-3 days. In some maternity hospitals, the stump is not expected to dry out on its own, but on the 2nd day it is cut off and a special sterile bandage is applied to the navel.

After the stump falls off, a thick crust will remain on the navel, which will stay in place for another 5-10 days. It is forbidden to scrape it off with a fingernail or otherwise mechanically, try to intentionally soak it with water or fill it with peroxide or other disinfectants without good reason and recommendations from the local pediatrician. The crust itself will fall off on the 7th - 14th day of the child's life. Unauthorized intervention in the process is fraught with inflammation, bleeding and immediate hospitalization.

Pediatricians do not recommend fully bathing a child in a bath until the crust from the navel completely falls off and normal healthy pinkish skin forms under the crust. Until the 7th - 14th day, until the crust falls off, it is rational to wash the baby every day after emptying, wipe the folds with a wet warm cotton pad. If the navel accidentally gets wet while washing, gently pat it dry with a soft towel or paper napkin, no more.

If, nevertheless, there is a strong need to bathe the baby before the crust falls off, and the pediatrician gave the green light, then you need to bathe in boiled water (bath in unboiled water only after the navel has completely healed), temperature 37 degrees, no more than 2-3 minutes!

How to help your belly button heal faster

In most cases, how long the navel heals in a newborn depends on the competent care of the baby:

  • wiping with wet warm cotton pads instead of bathing, without touching the navel;
  • daily air baths, starting from 2-3 minutes a day, gradually bringing up to 3 times a day for 5 minutes;
  • the diaper should not rub against the umbilical cord, for this it is worth cutting, bending the front edge, putting on the diaper lower than necessary, or purchasing special diapers with a notch for the navel;
  • in no case do not indulge the outdated advice of older relatives or neighbors that coins should be applied to the navel for quick healing and plasters should be glued - this is fraught with suppuration and abscess! Normally healing belly button modern conditions does not require daily treatment with brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide (if the pediatrician has not prescribed), but only needs air baths and refusal to bathe (wetting provokes decay under the crust!);
  • put on the baby only sliders and vests made of natural fabrics.

How to treat the navel in a newborn baby

There are situations, quite rarely, when the navel does not heal perfectly: sometimes it bleeds, is hidden under a very thick crust, has a pinkish halo. In these situations, the navel of a newborn heals longer and requires special care, prescribed strictly by a pediatrician, who always comes home for patronage. The doctor will explain how many times a day and how to treat the umbilical wound - amateur performance is unacceptable!

Most often, a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green is prescribed for processing. Processing is carried out twice a day. If any problems were noticed immediately after the birth of the baby with the navel, the treatment will be scheduled already in the maternity hospital, where the mother will be helped with this pediatrician(pediatrician) or nurse. In some maternity hospitals, umbilical cord preparations are included in the recommended list of things in the maternity hospital and they are needed expectant mother purchase in advance and have it in the first-aid kit, in most maternity hospitals there are no problems with the amount of peroxide and brilliant green and you don’t need to buy it in advance.

How long does the navel normally heal in a newborn?

  • up to 2-5 days after childbirth, the remnant of the umbilical cord, clamped with a clamp (umbilical cord stump) dries up;
  • on the 2-5th day, the residue disappears, a crust remains under it;
  • the crust gets thicker, coarsens, gradually dries out and disappears on its own after 10-15 days (sometimes after 7, but this is rare) of the baby's life.

How to process the navel (as prescribed by a doctor, in most cases processing is not required)

  • A drop of hydrogen peroxide is dripped onto the navel. Then we observe the reaction: it foams, which means that the wound has not healed, it does not foam - it has healed or everything is going as it should, there is no wetting and inflammation.
  • When the peroxide stops foaming, the crust will become softer. Carefully with a cotton swab, remove the departed fragments of the crust. In no case do not go deep into the navel with a stick, do not push the tissues excessively, do not pick off the crusts! Act carefully: the crust does not leave, which means that the time has not yet come.
  • Dry the navel with a gauze pad in a gentle, blotting motion. After that, in rare cases, pediatricians are advised to slightly treat the surface with green paint. In Europe, the use of brilliant green for the treatment of an umbilical wound has long been abandoned.

What to do if the navel of a newborn is bleeding

Most often small bloody issues from the umbilical wound are observed in the first days of the child's life, even in the maternity hospital. It should alert, if bleeding does not stop longer than 2-3 days from birth, a doctor's consultation is required. A role in slow healing and bleeding can be played by:

  • lack of air baths;
  • poor quality diapers in contact with the umbilical wound, skin allergy to their components;
  • initially there was too wide an umbilical cord, leaving a wound of a larger area than the classical one (this is an anatomical feature);
  • friction on the diaper significantly affects how much the navel in the newborn touches;
  • unprofessional clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord by a doctor immediately after childbirth;
  • premature laying on the stomach;

Laying out on the stomach before feeding, so loved by the recommendations a couple of years ago, is now not recommended, as it increases the risk of injury to the umbilical wound and does not contribute to better absorption of food, causes discomfort in the tummy and even pain. Therefore, laying on the stomach is not recommended either before feeding, or at all, until the child is 3 months old.

  • tissue injury with very active mechanical removal crusts with a cotton swab or finger; too active treatment of the navel;
  • the smallest piece of fleece caught in the wound provokes inflammation;
  • very low immunity;
  • umbilical hernia.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you see signs of inflammation: redness of the tissues around the navel, an unpleasant, putrid odor, severe protrusion of the navel, fever, protruding blood!

What to do if the navel gets wet

The navel may become wet for reasons:

  • when processing the umbilical wound, non-sterile materials are used;
  • bacteria from unboiled water got into the wound;
  • the wound was processed dirty hands;
  • the newborn is dressed in synthetic fabrics.

A weeping navel in a newborn requires an early consultation with a doctor, because it does not heal due to infection of the wound, suppuration and accumulation of fluid in the wound. A weeping navel is accompanied by:

  • reddening of tissues around;
  • swelling;
  • yellow crusts from dried pus on the navel;
  • soreness;
  • local skin temperature increase.

Even one of these symptoms, let alone several, requires an ambulance. medical care! In most cases, the child and mother will be urgently admitted to the hospital, where the doctor will prescribe how many times a day and how to treat the wound. Disinfection will take place under the strict supervision of the medical staff. Usually a solution of potassium permanganate, streptocide, xenoform, alcohol solutions, baneocin, plus an antibiotic in the hospital are prescribed to prevent sepsis.

Inaction with a weeping navel, ignoring the advice of a doctor and refusing emergency hospitalization is fraught with: sepsis, omphalitis (infectious inflammation of the navel), peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity) and death! It is also forbidden to stick a patch on the navel, this leads to the rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.