The navel does not grow. The navel does not heal for more than a month. Infection and suppuration

After the birth of the baby, the obstetrician cuts the last link with the mother's body - the umbilical cord. The remaining wound in certain period heals, but there are situations when this process is delayed. Today we will discuss the timing of healing, proper care behind the wound and possible complications in this case.

How long does the navel heal

When cutting the umbilical cord, the doctor leaves a small piece, about 2 cm long. Usually, the remainder of the umbilical cord is clamped with a special clip or clothespin made of plastic or metal.
Today, in most cases, this method is not used, the rest of the tissue is treated for healing daily, while the mother is in the hospital.

Given the early discharge practiced in Lately, further care the mother controls the wound herself, having received instructions from a doctor or patronage nurse.

As a result of treatment with antiseptics and healing solutions, the process gradually dries out or dies and falls off. Normally, this happens within three to five days, a delay in the process for three days is considered the norm.

The remaining wound on the navel, with proper care, heals before the baby reaches a month. It is considered normal if the wound bleeds a little, like any living, open wound. At the same time, the discharge is without an unpleasant odor and not plentiful - a few drops.

Did you know? Akki Sinkonen, a Finnish scientist, Ph. reproductive function its owner, as well as provide information about possible hereditary diseases of a woman.

When to see a doctor urgently

When the healing process stretches for more a long period than accepted by the norms, accompanied by a deterioration in the type and condition of the wound, as well as the health of the baby, you need to go to the doctor.

There is discharge from the navel for a long time

The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • plentiful bloody issues, yellow color or transparent;
  • unpleasant odor from the wound;
  • redness or swelling around it;
  • increase in body temperature of the baby;
  • the belly button does not dry out.

Similar symptoms can lead to the development of a serious infection and severe health complications.

The navel does not heal for more than a month

Prolonged wound healing and bleeding can be explained by the close location of the system blood vessels that supply blood internal organs baby. Careless care actions can lead to a violation of the integrity of the navel.

Prolonged healing of such a wound is extremely dangerous for the baby, since the navel is a kind of "gate" for different kind microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus.

Why does the navel not heal

When visiting a doctor, the mother should tell in detail how she looked after the wound, since in order to eliminate the problem, you need to know the specific cause of its appearance.

Error when putting on a diaper

An inexperienced woman can catch the wound by changing the diaper, or provoke a problem by wearing it incorrectly or other clothes during this period.

You should always leave a cutout for the wound - when oxygen is available, it heals faster, and the diaper material will soar the skin, slowing down the process. Do not allow a diaper or other piece of clothing to squeeze the umbilical region.

big navel

Each child is individual, in some children the umbilical cord is quite thick, and it takes more time to heal. It’s not worth sounding the alarm if the clothespin hasn’t fallen off on the fifth day, but you need to show the baby to the pediatrician when all the allowable deadlines are reached.

Improper wound care

Many inexperienced mothers go to extremes when leaving:

  • afraid of doing harm, they do not clean the navel well, which is fraught with infections;
  • they do it too "carefully", thereby causing damage.

What and how to do:

  1. Firstly, after treatment with any means, it needs to be given time to dry.
  2. Secondly, the wound must be cleaned, but with the help of soft cotton buds and very carefully, do not pick.
  3. Thirdly, the dried crust must be soaked before being removed, and not torn off.
  4. Fourth, you can not stick a wound with a band-aid: this will create a greenhouse effect and delay the drying of the skin.

How to properly handle the navel: video

Umbilical hernia

This protrusion in the area of ​​the same name, most often manifests itself during the crying or screaming of the baby. This phenomenon is not terrible, due to the fact that the muscular ring around the navel has immature tissues and cannot properly hold the internal organs of the peritoneum.

There is no pathology if, in a calm state of the child, the bulge takes normal view. If this does not happen on its own or with a slight pressure of the fingers, the baby screams without ceasing, experiencing pain, then a pinching has occurred. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of a hernia of a newborn at home is as follows:

  • prevent prolonged crying (eliminate its cause);
  • monitor the nutrition of the baby (he should not be disturbed by gaziki);
  • do massage, gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles and laying out on the tummy (after the navel has healed).

Infection and suppuration

Omphalitis (catarrhal, purulent, necrotic), fungus (granulation of connective tissue), fistula can develop due to an infection in the wound.

Symptoms indicating diseases:

  • swelling and redness of the umbilical region;
  • protrusion of the navel;
  • purulent discharge;
  • poor appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • weight loss;
  • fever, a sharp rise in temperature.

Delay in treatment leads to sepsis, tissue necrosis. At the first symptoms, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.

Important!In no case should you squeeze out pus on your own, put pressure on the wound, by doing this you can cause even more harm.

To avoid infection, you must carefully monitor the hygiene of your own and the child:

  • wash your hands during any procedures;
  • carefully and carefully treat the wound with antiseptics;
  • all the clothes bed sheets, baby diapers and diapers should be ironed with a hot iron;
  • water for water procedures the newborn must be boiled.

Prematurity and weak immunity

Premature babies have weaker immunity, their body's defense system cannot cope with viruses and bacteria that easily penetrate through an open wound. Prolonged healing in this case can be dangerous, so you need to contact your pediatrician.

Premature babies need to be seen for examinations as often as possible, only a doctor can prescribe treatment to strengthen immunity.

What to do: treatment and methods of healing the navel

Not all mothers have medical knowledge and experience in caring for the umbilical region, so when discharged from the hospital, you should consult with your doctor about the right actions.

How to treat an umbilical wound

For processing, several means are used:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green;
  • alcohol solution of calendula;
  • solution of "Chlorophyllipt" (alcohol 1 percent).

Important!It is preferable to use colorless solutions, since they do not stain the area around the navel, and possible redness will not go unnoticed.

How to handle

Basic processing rules:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before the procedure.
  2. Prepare cotton swabs or pipette.
  3. Drop a couple of drops of brilliant green or other antiseptic with a pipette, wait until it dries.
  4. If you are processing cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic, lightly press the umbilical region with two fingers to open it as much as possible, and gently lubricate the wound with light movements.
  5. With the presence of secretions of the ichor, before the main treatment, apply a cotton swab moistened with peroxide. After the cotton absorbs the spotting, process.
  6. When a crust forms, it cannot be torn off. To facilitate its discharge, you must first soak it with hydrogen peroxide, then it will easily leave.

Did you know? The clear leadership of athletes from Africa over Europeans is scientific explanation. The fact is that the navel is the center of gravity of our body, and since Africans have longer legs, the center of gravity is on average 3 cm higher than that of Europeans. This feature of the structure gives black athletes a clear advantage over whites in speed and endurance.

Is it possible to bathe a child if the navel has not yet healed

Opinions of pediatricians on the possibility of bathing with unhealed navel differ: some doctors are against bathing, others do not see this as a problem with proper conduct procedures.

The general rules are:

  • the baby should have its own bath;
  • bathing water should be boiled;
  • it is recommended to add decoctions of herbs, traditionally, this is chamomile, succession, calendula, St. John's wort;
  • you can add a solution of potassium permanganate, but very weakly concentrated, as it dries delicate skin. It is better to dilute the solution in a separate container so that the grains of manganese are completely dissolved and do not burn.

With clothespin

If there is a clothespin, it is advisable to ensure that the navel does not get wet. If you want to play it safe, you can use wet rubdowns instead of a full bath.

Without clothespin

After bathing, you need to thoroughly dry the umbilical region and the wound itself. Then treat with an antiseptic and wait for it to dry. Air baths speed up the process, while in a humid environment it slows down and the risk of reproduction of harmful bacteria increases.

In conclusion: the health of the newborn depends largely on his personal hygiene and the hygiene of his parents.

It is important to ventilate the room for constant oxygen access, observe your own diet for a nursing mother, select the appropriate food for an artificial person and monitor the cleanliness of his dishes. It is equally important to undergo scheduled examinations at the pediatrician in time, allowing to identify possible problems at an early stage.

The umbilical wound remains in all newborns after they are born. This is the place where the mother's placenta connected with the bloodstream of the child to be born. Immediately after removing the baby from the womb, the umbilical cord is blocked with a special clip and cut. The flow of blood through the umbilical vessels (one vein and two arteries) stops. As a result, it remains small plot umbilical cord about 2 cm, which is regularly processed in the maternity hospital antiseptic solutions(hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate).

Every day the rest becomes drier, mummified. But it happens that the navel of a newborn does not heal for too long, which worries parents. How long should it heal, what reasons delay its drying and how to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon?

In order to identify the problem and not worry for no reason, it is useful for parents to know how much the navel heals in a newborn, according to the norm. The terms may differ from the usual indicators by 1-3 days, according to the individual characteristics of a small organism, but no more. The healing of the umbilical wound in babies occurs in stages.

  1. From the moment of birth and for the next 3-5 days, the umbilical cord in a newborn is a nodule.
  2. From 3 to 5 days after birth, the umbilical cord finally dries up, falling off on its own.
  3. In 1-3 weeks of life, the baby's navel will heal like a normal, albeit rather deep, wound. It may even bleed slightly at first, which is very frightening for new parents. If the bleeding is small, do not panic.
  4. At 3-4 weeks of a baby's life, the umbilical wound heals completely.

Usually in the maternity hospital, a young mother is warned when the navel in newborns heals: this happens by the end of the first month of the baby's life. If given term delayed, be sure to call a doctor who will help find out the reasons this phenomenon and eliminate them, and then prescribe treatment.

There may be several reasons why the navel in a newborn does not heal for a long time. Some of them are easily corrected by the care and efforts of the parents themselves, but some can only be eliminated with the help of a doctor.

Each child, depending on individual characteristics the body and the condition of the placenta (if it was thick), the size of the navel may differ. If he's enough large diameter, it will heal longer than the rest of the children. If this is the true reason that the navel does not heal well, there is nothing to worry about. It will definitely dry out, but it will happen more slowly, because the wound itself is large.

If the baby's navel not only does not heal, but also protrudes, this is danger sign umbilical hernia. In this case, the child should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible.

All parents are different: someone zealously blows off a speck of dust from a newborn, someone does not really care about hygiene. Both options are equally bad. In the first case, the mother cleans the wound too thoroughly, thereby damaging the thin skin again and again. In the second case, dirt or some kind of foreign body. In any case, the wound can bleed, and there can be no talk of healing. You should definitely consult a doctor for advice. He may have to remove a foreign body from the umbilical wound of a newborn, since such manipulations are strictly prohibited at home.

Babies can be born too weak when weak immunity is susceptible to various infections and microbes. It is very difficult for such an organism to independently cope with the healing of such a serious wound as the umbilical one. If the reason that the child's navel does not heal for too long (in which case it may bleed) is weak immunity without medical intervention and medications is indispensable here.

If an infection has entered the wound after contamination, severe suppuration may begin in it, which is usually accompanied by a bad smell and incomprehensible secretions. At the same time, drying slows down, the navel remains wet for a long time. In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. By the end of the first month of a baby's life, parents begin to worry about what to do if the navel does not heal in a newborn, how they can help their baby. If the healing of the wound is delayed for more than a month, you must go to the hospital and do not take any independent action. This can harm the health of the baby and aggravate his condition. Only a doctor can determine true reason this unpleasant and painful phenomenon and prescribe appropriate treatment. It must be remembered that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This also applies to the healing of the umbilical wound in newborns.

In order for the baby's navel to heal as quickly as possible, parents must initially ensure proper wound care. This will make life easier for the baby and will not allow a long and painful healing of the navel.

  1. The first 7–10 days, the umbilical wound must be treated with “greenery” (it is preferable to potassium permanganate). It is recommended to do this once a day after bathing before going to bed.
  2. When a crust forms on the umbilical wound, it is better not to remove it: the risk of damage to the skin is very high. Let it fall off on its own.
  3. During the healing period of the navel, it is better for babies to bathe in a separate, baby bath. Water for these procedures is recommended to boil and then cool to 36-37°C. It is good to add a solution of "potassium permanganate" to the bath so that the water turns into a slightly pink hue.

If the umbilical wound does not heal in a newborn for a very long time (more than a month after his birth), this is a signal that something has gone wrong, and it is necessary to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Any independent actions can only worsen the condition of the child in general and the wounds in particular.

Hello! Your belly button has healed. What they were doing.

Our navel does not heal for 1.5 months. They said the fungus of the navel. Burn with potassium permanganate. For two days they burned red around the navel, I'm afraid I got a burn. normal doctors no, they don't look at all. I'm tired of these doctors.

We are 3 months old, the umbilical cord was dense and heals for a very long time, we went to the doctor, we make bandages with decasan, it’s already much better

Our navel has not healed for the fifth month, the discharge is incomprehensible and the smell is unpleasant. showed different doctors- to no avail. What can you advise?

Good afternoon Nadira, take a simple nickel 5 rubles, well, of course, disinfect it, apply it to the navel and tie it so that it does not slip. That's the whole method, the navel will be even, beautiful after a while, 1-2 months. It's simple old method and efficient. Good luck.

Our navel healed very slowly, then a hernia appeared after a month of life. Showed to the doctors, they said to put a penny. But I did that and it still didn't help. Now we are 1 year and 4 months old, during this time our navel also sticks out, but does not boil as before, and nothing flows. And it just sticks out. I seal his navel and there irritation appears, I don’t know what to do with it

The return of a young mother and baby from the maternity hospital is a responsible and very important period. After all, now all responsibility for the growth, development and health of a small person is completely assigned to his mother and all relatives. Very often, one of the most misunderstood moments is the care of the navel. The need for this can even cause panic among inexperienced parents. However, in fact, there is nothing complicated about this. After all, you can learn the basics of this business under the guidance of a patronage pediatrician.

Also in maternity hospital mothers are interested in the doctor how long the navel heals in a newborn. The answer to the question, how long does it take to heal umbilical wound rather individual. In most cases, this occurs in the third week of a child's life. But sometimes this process can take a little longer. Therefore, parents should clearly know how to understand that the navel has healed.

What you need to know about the navel

In the womb of the mother through the umbilical cord, the baby receives the necessary for him nutrients as well as oxygen. In addition, products come out through it. When a baby is born, this connection between him and his mother's body is cut. Apply to the rest of the umbilical cord bracket Rogovin .

However, even if the navel is not bandaged after birth, bleeding will not occur. The umbilical ring has two arteries and a vein. After cutting, the arteries gape due to the denser structure of the wall, and the vein will collapse. However, this does not mean that bacteria cannot enter the resulting wound. To prevent this, in the maternity hospital, the umbilical residue is bandaged and carefully processed.

And when the rest of the umbilical cord falls off, which happens after about 4-5 days, you need to continue to carefully treat the wound. There is no need to panic about the fact that “the rest has fallen off, what should I do?”, After all, provided correct processing Everything will be fine.

If the navel does not fall off, you must wait a few more days. Sometimes this does not happen in the hospital, and this means that it will disappear after 7-10 days at home. After the navel falls off, you need to treat the umbilical wound very carefully, doing this in three stages.

Initially, with the help of a sterile cotton swab, you need to treat the wound from all sides. It is best to take hydrogen peroxide 3% concentration.

To prevent infection, it is necessary to lubricate the wound alcohol 96% . The remaining stump must be dried and gently lubricated potassium permanganate 5% .

If the navel has not fallen off, is it possible to bathe the baby?

After the umbilical cord has fallen off, the mother can safely bathe the child. It is better to bathe in boiled water. But until the cord has fallen off, the baby is not bathed - his body only needs to be gently wiped with a warm, damp sponge.

Processing the navel of a newborn at home

At normal development baby, the healing of the umbilical wound occurs on the 3rd week - during this period it is epithelialized. How to treat the navel to a newborn before healing, the district nurse or pediatrician will explain to the woman. This procedure should be carried out as it happens in the maternity hospital. For a mother who needs to know exactly how to handle a newborn's navel correctly, it is important to consider that this should be done every day after bathing. First, mothers need to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water.

It is also important to know how to treat the navel of a newborn. Used for these purposes hydrogen peroxide , alcohol 96% , brilliant green solution 2% or for processing. And here is the solution potassium permanganate it is not recommended to use for these purposes, since it is not easy to prepare a solution of the correct concentration of their powder, and, moreover, if the crystal accidentally appears on the skin of a child, it can provoke burn .

Initially, you need to soften the crust with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. If at the same time the peroxide does not begin to foam, this means that the navel has healed.

In the healing process, the crusts will gradually fall off, which must be removed very carefully. You can not peel off the crusts by applying force.

When processing the navel, special attention should be paid to the base of the umbilical cord. Every time it is very carefully wiped to remove everything. wet discharge. It is most convenient to do this with a cotton swab. This will speed up the drying and healing process.

How many times per day?

This procedure should be carried out once a day.

If the navel does not heal well, regular “airing” will help speed up this process, for which you need to open the tummy more often. When using diapers, you need to bend down the girdle so that the wound remains open. Do not touch the wound if it is not necessary.

What to do if the navel is bleeding in a newborn?

Parents who do not know what to do if blood appears on the umbilical wound, initially need to figure out why the navel is bleeding in a newborn.

Sometimes the reasons for this phenomenon are simple and understandable. The umbilical wound bleeds if it occurs traumatization when the child was swaddled, wiped or bathed. The diaper should be put on very carefully until the wound is completely healed. Some mothers are too active in cleaning the wound from crusts, thereby provoking injury.

The navel may bleed due to the formation umbilical granuloma (fungus ). If the umbilical cord was thick, after cutting it, a wide umbilical ring remains, and it heals for a long time. As a result, granulations increase, and the navel resembles a mushroom in its shape. This formation is painful, and even when swaddling, catching it, you can provoke the appearance of pain. And even after a minor injury, the umbilical wound in this case begins to bleed.

When blood appears from the umbilical wound, you must act as follows:

  • If the blood appeared due to careless handling of the wound, you need to drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the umbilical wound.
  • You do not need to put the baby on the stomach.
  • Air should be provided to the navel.
  • During the period when the umbilical wound is bleeding, it is impossible to bathe the baby. You need to wait until the navel stops bleeding completely, and a crust appears on it.

But it is best to consult a doctor, show him the baby, provided that blood flows from the wound.

It is especially important to immediately show the child to the pediatrician if he not only has an umbilical wound bleeding, but also worsens general state. In such a situation, it is better to urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

If the navel does not heal for a long time in a newborn, you need to pay special attention to this. When the so-called weeping navel is noted, this indicates the first stage omphalitis inflammatory process umbilical wound. During this period, the navel does not fester yet, however, a serous discharge appears from the wound light color, and the skin around it turns a little red. In this case, the baby feels normal.

In such a situation, practice local treatment- you must first disinfect the navel with hydrogen peroxide, and then treat it with brilliant green. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day.

In some cases, additional use is indicated ultraviolet irradiation . If the navel becomes wet in a newborn, the use of ointments or powders containing is sometimes indicated. Treatment of a weeping navel in a newborn involves the use of ointments containing bacitracin And polymyxin .

Provided that the inflammation was not stopped in a timely manner, it may begin to appear from the wound. pus . In such a situation, the umbilical ring turns red, edema appears. Gradually, the navel turns outward, the skin on it and nearby becomes hot and red. With omphalitis, the body temperature rises, the child is naughty a lot, reluctantly takes the breast, and becomes lethargic.

In this case, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor and ensure proper treatment. Otherwise, the pus will begin to spread into the subcutaneous tissue, move to other organs, which can subsequently lead to the development sepsis .

Features of treatment

Such babies undergo treatment in inpatient neonatal pathology departments. They must be prescribed antibiotics.

If the baby's temperature is very high and there are signs of severe intoxication , the baby can be given intravenous administration of the necessary drugs.

Sometimes after sowing for sterility, the presence of staphylococcus in the umbilical wound. In this case, the treatment is anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin .

It is necessary to treat the inflamed area antiseptics doing this several times a day.

Provided that the body temperature has stabilized, it is possible to carry out physiotherapy namely, microwave.


Thus, you need to be very careful about the wound until the navel heals.

Parents shouldn't go to great lengths to speed up the healing process. Let everything happen by itself.

It is important to remember that the navels of babies are very different. In some children they are in-depth, in others they are protruding. You should not practice any actions to change the shape, as such actions can provoke irritation and inflammation.

In general, caring for an umbilical wound is not difficult, the main thing is to clearly follow all the recommendations and not rush things.

In many forums, mothers complain that the navel of a newborn does not heal well. This often happens, you should not panic, you need to understand the reason and take timely measures.

When should the belly button heal?

To understand when the norm becomes a pathology, you need to know correct timing tightening. So, the healing process can be divided into stages. The initial period when the umbilical cord is cut at the time of birth with the application of a tight bandage. Then the stage of mummification of the umbilical rudiment or process is 4-5 days. The umbilical wound itself should heal in a newborn within 3-4 weeks.

For the baby, the navel is a reminder of wonderful life in the womb so he demands special attention after birth. Sometimes the healing process for unknown reasons for parents is delayed. There are reasons that you can cope with on your own, and sometimes you can’t do without the help of a doctor.

In order not to panic in vain, we will tell you about each reason why the navel does not heal well in a newborn:

  • Poor care umbilical wound one of the most common causes of delayed healing. There are mothers who are not very interested in caring for a child, but sometimes they are too caring. Improper wound care leads to bleeding and long period healing. Consulting a pediatrician will help solve the problem.
  • An umbilical hernia does not allow the healing process to meet the deadline. This pathology is dangerous not only for this, therefore, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.
  • Congenital hypothyroidism can cause the umbilical wound to not heal. The disease is characterized by iodine deficiency and dysfunction thyroid gland. Usually, parents learn about the presence of a disease in a baby at the maternity hospital.
  • Genetic diseases (hemophilia, factor XIII deficiency, etc.) can lead to massive bleeding from the umbilical wound, this disease is already known immediately after the birth of a newborn.
  • Prematurity is one of the reasons why the umbilical wound does not heal on time. Such a reason should not scare parents, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the umbilical wound and process it correctly.
  • Prenatal malnutrition is a disorder prenatal development usually such children are born at term with a low birth weight. These babies have reduced immunity, impaired metabolism and many other biochemical processes of the body, so the umbilical wound heals with a significant delay.
  • The large navel is one of the individual anatomical features of the body and the state of the placenta, it will take a little more time to heal. If the problem lies only in this, you should not panic. It is necessary to continue the correct processing.
  • Weakened immunity does not allow the umbilical wound to heal on time. Infectious processes do not allow the healing process due to poor body resistance, without medical care is indispensable here.
  • Purulent inflammation or umbilical sepsis is the result of infection in the wound, while there is a release of purulent contents with bad smell. In addition to local manifestations, there may also be general symptoms intoxication: fever, vomiting, baby anxiety, etc. In case of such symptoms, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist. In case of untimely treatment, the condition can turn into generalized sepsis, phlegmon, even gangrene.

In order to avoid problems with the healing of the navel in a newborn, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the medical staff of the maternity hospital, do not hesitate to clarify all your questions in more detail.

  • Carry out daily treatment of the umbilical wound with two antiseptics, peroxide and brilliant green or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene and wash your hands thoroughly before handling.
  • The child's underwear must be clean and ironed on both sides. If it is not possible to purchase special diapers, you can bend the edge of the diaper so that there is no maceration of the wound.
  • You can not pick the navel of a child, this can lead not only to micro trauma, but infection of the wound.
  • It is necessary to bathe a child during the healing period of the navel in a baby bath, in boiled water with a few drops of a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (the color of the water for bathing a child should be pale pink).
  • If you find: changes in the appearance of the umbilical wound, hyperemia around the navel, bleeding or purulent contents, you should urgently consult a specialist. Do not self-medicate. Not timely access to a doctor can aggravate the baby's condition up to generalized sepsis.

Remember. The advice of various sites, forums, blogs only helps to understand what is going wrong with the baby, but cannot replace qualified help!

In conclusion, I would like to remind main point, Be very attentive to a condition of the kid. The child will not be able to tell you what is bothering him, so you are responsible for his condition.

Don't expect everything to go away on its own. If you notice signs of development pathological process, first of all, you need to contact specialists, and not ask for advice in forums or from neighbors. timely health care help the child quickly solve the problem. Be healthy!

Hello, dear readers, today I want to talk about a frequently asked question among newly-made mothers, namely, how long does the navel heal in a newborn. You will be surprised, but this topic is also relevant for women who have given birth to more than one child.

If at the maternity hospital they forgot to tell you how long the navel heals in a newborn, it doesn’t matter - this is fixable. We are a little luckier than our parents, because for any problem you can use the World Wide Web, which, regardless of the time of day, can answer the question of interest to us.

The process of falling off the umbilical residue can be delayed for many reasons, one of the main ones is incorrect processing. When mothers rush from one extreme to another. They begin to forcibly pick out the crusts, lubricating the navel ten times a day, using different antiseptics, or they simply forget that the umbilical wound must be treated in a timely manner.

Many parents are lost in terms and do not know how long to process the navel of a newborn, therefore, even after healing, they continue to lubricate it with brilliant green for a long time.

The period of treatment of the umbilical wound should continue until the moment complete healing. Usually it is 2-3 weeks.

Parents often have a question: “How long should the navel heal in a newborn?” I will answer that each baby has a healing period individually, but on average the whole process can take up to a month. Exceptions may be complications that prolong the healing period.

In order for the healing process not to be complicated, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules umbilical wound treatment:

What antiseptics can be used

No need to look for something supernatural for fast healing respected parents. To treat an umbilical wound, a vial of hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green is enough.

Remember.A solution of hydrogen peroxide is necessary for the treatment of the umbilical wound.

Remember Dear Parents that on how correctly you follow the umbilical wound, it depends on how many days the navel of the newborn will heal. If you notice even the slightest change in appearance navel, contact a specialist immediately. I think my article has clarified the questions you are interested in, now the small navel will not be so frightening and shocking.