How does a short term miscarriage occur? Doctors may resort to different tactics. When to plan a new pregnancy

Miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, is the termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks. It can be complete or incomplete. In case of an incomplete miscarriage, parts of the embryo and its membranes remain in the uterus, and in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to perform curettage of the uterus.

If fetal rejection has not yet occurred, but there is only a threat, the pregnancy can be saved.

The risk of miscarriage is greatest in the early stages. Before 8 weeks, miscarriage is often complete; its frequency at these times reaches 20% and then decreases. On average, up to 15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.

For what reasons does a miscarriage occur?

The most common causes of miscarriage are genetic abnormalities in the embryo. During the process of fertilization, maternal and paternal genes combine and form a new genetic makeup of the child. If any gene is damaged or lost at this stage, then the embryo is not viable from the very beginning, it dies and a miscarriage occurs.

Sometimes a gene is lost that will only be needed later in pregnancy. In such cases, the pregnancy develops normally for some time, but then, when the need for the missing or altered gene arises, it is terminated anyway.

Genetic failures occur randomly and, as a rule, do not recur in new pregnancies.

Other causes of miscarriage may include:

  • hormonal disorders, such as progesterone deficiency or increased androgen levels;
  • infectious diseases, including rubella;
  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol, stimulants;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions and others.

These factors, along with genetic abnormalities, are most often the causes of early miscarriages, while in later stages there are often other causes:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency in the mother (impaired cervical function);
  • chronic diseases (for example, kidney or heart) in the mother.

What are the symptoms of a miscarriage?

When a woman feels cramping pain in the lower abdomen and she begins to bleed profusely, then most likely a miscarriage has already occurred, and now the uterus has begun to expel the embryo. In this case, it is usually impossible to save the pregnancy.

However, it is still necessary to consult a doctor, since miscarriages often endanger not only the health, but also the life of the pregnant woman.

Sometimes it happens that a woman retains all the signs of pregnancy, while the fetus has stopped developing or even died. This condition is called, and it can also pose a threat to women.

What to do if you suspect a miscarriage

At the first suspicion of a miscarriage, you should consult a doctor. If the bleeding and pain are severe, it is better not to wait until the next morning and go to a consultation, but to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

This is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis: the cause of bleeding can be not only a miscarriage, but also, for example, placenta previa. If the diagnosis of miscarriage is not confirmed, you will be sent home.

If a miscarriage is confirmed, you may be offered uterine curettage. You should not refuse, because if at least part of the embryonic membranes remains in the uterus, the bleeding may intensify and turn into shock, and an infection may develop.

How to prevent miscarriage?

Miscarriage often occurs due to uncontrollable factors. Therefore, it is impossible to completely protect yourself, especially in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 8 weeks).

In women whose pregnancy proceeds without any particular complications, life is not associated with frequent stress and physical activity, the threat of miscarriage occurs infrequently.

Paying close attention to your health during pregnancy will help reduce the risk of a threatened miscarriage or respond to this threat in a timely manner.

If you have already suffered several miscarriages in a row, they probably have a common cause. You need to find out this by contacting a doctor at the perinatal center in your city. Hormone deficiency can be compensated for by injections; defects in the structure of the uterus can be improved surgically. Medicine knows ways to combat many common causes of miscarriages.

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy ends in childbirth. According to statistics, the probability of early miscarriage is currently 18-22%. Moreover, half of them did not even know about the presence of pregnancy.

Miscarriages, as practice shows, occur up to 12 weeks.

Duration 2-3 weeks: at this stage, usually the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy. According to statistics, miscarriages are very common at this stage. On average, every eighth woman.

Duration 4-6 weeks: According to statistics, the number of such miscarriages increased by 16%.

Duration 8-12 weeks: It is worth noting that after the eighth week the risks of spontaneous miscarriage decrease.

Miscarriage is a great psychological stress. That is why it is necessary to know all the reasons that lead to a miscarriage.


Genetic disorders in the fetus

The so-called genetic risk is heredity. This is the basis for normal fetal development. Any deviation from the norm leads to miscarriage. The genetic stamp is found both in the mother's cells and in the father's sperm.

There are many cases where genetic disorders are the main reason for the clear inability of a couple to have a baby. The cause of such deviations is both ecology and viruses. Women over 35 years of age are more prone to such diseases, which is why preparation is necessary before planning a pregnancy.

Hormonal disorders

The female reproductive system works entirely with the help of hormones. Accordingly, any malfunction in the functioning of one or another hormone leads to irreversible consequences.

Immunological causes

Statistics of the modern world say that this is the reason for 80% of miscarriage cases. This problem can be divided into two groups:

  • autoimmune (meaning a “war” of the woman’s tissue immunity to itself),
  • alloimmune (there is a “war” between the woman’s antibodies and the embryo’s antibodies, which he received directly from the man).

Currently, many infectious diseases are known that can provoke spontaneous miscarriage. The range of diseases is very wide - toxaplasmosis, dysteriosis, mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungi, etc. You need to understand that husband’s infections also lead to miscarriage.

Common infections

Many women, having heard that the long-awaited pregnancy has arrived, forget about measures to prevent airborne diseases. Don't forget about chronic diseases.


In medicine, there are very often cases when, after one or several abortions, a woman either cannot get pregnant at all or does not bear a child.

Medicines and herbal preparations

In the first trimester (up to 12 weeks), no medications other than those that support pregnancy should be used. You also need to know that many herbs can also be a threat to pregnancy. Such herbs include: St. John's wort, nettle, cornflower, bay leaf, parsley.

Stress, nervous shock

The emotional and psychological state of a woman directly depends on the course of a normal pregnancy and the development of the child.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

In the modern world, women have begun to smoke on an equal basis with men. And it is very sad that not everyone gives up their addiction. All toxic substances have the ability to penetrate through the placenta directly to the fetus. The internal organs of the woman herself also suffer (for example, lungs, stomach, liver, heart, etc.). Proper nutrition plays an important role.

Carrying heavy objects, falling, sex life

Every woman should remember that any fall or carrying a heavy object can lead to miscarriage, as well as early labor.

As for sex life. There is only a general rule that is recommended for everyone: the first two months and the last month of pregnancy are advised to limit sexual activity.

Symptoms of miscarriage

Basically, all women have the same symptoms, but the symptoms at different stages are slightly different. If you feel something is wrong, do not immediately rush into panic. First you need to find out everything: see a doctor or call an ambulance. With any symptom, it is necessary to remember that it can be not only a sign of miscarriage, but also a threat of termination of pregnancy, which makes it possible to maintain the pregnancy with timely help. Let's look at what symptoms there are by trimester of pregnancy.

First trimester (up to 12 weeks):

  • aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen,
  • strong (profuse) bleeding,
  • severe pain in the lower back.

Second trimester of pregnancy (up to 30 weeks):

  • leakage of amniotic fluid (colorless fluid that drips from the vagina),
  • bleeding,
  • There is bloody discharge when urinating,
  • severe weight loss,
  • weakness,
  • the child stopped making himself known.

4 stages of threat

The stages of miscarriage are divided into four.

Stage 1. Under the first stage, it is customary to talk about a threatening miscarriage. Often in antenatal clinics you can hear such a term as threatened miscarriage. A woman, hearing this formulation, often begins to panic. But it is worth noting that at this stage there is a very high probability of saving the child. To prevent a miscarriage, a woman should immediately consult a doctor if she feels the following symptoms: sharp or aching pain in the lower abdomen, severe pain in the lower back, or notices bleeding of any nature.

Stage 2. The second stage of the threat is the beginning of a miscarriage. This stage, of course, is more dangerous than the first, but it is worth noting that with timely seeking help, in our time doctors help prevent miscarriage. Mostly they resort to inpatient treatment. In order for a pregnant woman to seek help in time, we will tell you how to understand that it is time to urgently see a doctor. If you feel cramping pain in the lower abdomen that repeats at regular intervals, or if you have slight bleeding, call your doctor immediately!

Stage 3. The third stage is a miscarriage in progress. Unfortunately, this stage cannot be stopped; by this point, the fertilized egg has already died. At this stage, the woman feels a sharp, constant pain in the lower abdomen, which is meanwhile accompanied by heavy bleeding, mainly together with clots. A doctor's examination is also necessary here. So at this stage, the body rejects everything that is in the uterus, and the doctor must fully assess how completely everything has turned out and, if necessary, prescribe either cleaning or medications.

Stage 4. And the last stage is a completed miscarriage. At this stage, the uterus has already completely freed itself from the fertilized egg and is beginning to return to its usual size. The bleeding gradually decreases, there are no more clots. At this stage, the gynecologist should examine the woman and also prescribe an ultrasound examination.

When is progesterone prescribed?

Very often, progesterone is called the “pregnancy hormone”. It helps the endometrium prepare for pregnancy - it helps the uterus grow in accordance with the gestational age, and this hormone is also the “commander” for the onset of lactation. That is why it is very important during pregnancy. Many pregnant women are prescribed this type of hormone.

Currently, almost all women after IVF are prescribed progesterone. Other pregnant women according to indications. The initial indication for the use of the hormone is the threat of miscarriage.

Indicators also include:

  • constant tone of the uterus,
  • periodic nagging pain in the lower abdomen,
  • slight vaginal discharge (brown),
  • small placental abruption.

But the lack of progesterone in the body can also be seen by external indicators: irritability, frequent dizziness, male-type body hair, unstable blood pressure, increased sweating, acne, constipation.

From the above, we can conclude that, dear pregnant women, if your doctor has prescribed you the hormone progesterone, then do not be afraid and do not even hesitate to take it or not.

  • bleeding doesn't stop
  • the embryo has stopped developing (frozen pregnancy).
  • These indicators relate to pregnancy. There are other indicators for curettage for gynecological diseases.

    The process itself takes place under general anesthesia, which lasts no more than 10 minutes. The woman does not feel pain; after cleaning, the lower abdomen hurts a little, and therefore the woman is prescribed special medications.

    The curettage procedure itself involves the complete removal of the mucous layer of the uterine cavity.

    Many women worry, will the uterus recover later? After curettage, the endometrium is restored quite quickly and without consequences.

    Is cleaning always necessary?

    This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Since each organism is individual. One thing is for sure, that if there are direct indications for this (using diagnostics) and the doctor insists on this method of treatment, then you should not take the risk and agree to cleansing.

    Treatment after miscarriage

    Immediately after a miscarriage, the woman should remain in bed. Medicines and physical procedures are prescribed by the doctor, usually antibiotics are prescribed for 10 days. After 10-14 days, you should see the doctor again, and also repeat the ultrasound.

    The most important thing after a miscarriage is the restoration of the woman’s physical and psychological health. To do this, you need to remember and use some rules. Completely follow all doctor’s orders, completely abstain from sexual activity for a month, and be sure to use contraceptives for 3 months.

    It may take a long time to restore psychological health. A woman simply needs positive emotions, rest, and in some cases psychological help, and it is worth noting that this is not something to be ashamed of.

    The main thing to remember is that in order for a full pregnancy to occur, patience and proper recovery are necessary.

    It cannot be predicted because to some extent it is part of nature. It must be remembered that it does not have a long-term effect on the body and does not in any way affect the possibility of becoming a mother in the future.
    What is a miscarriage?

    A miscarriage, or premature birth, is a pregnancy that has stopped developing. The embryo failed to develop and the cause is most often a chromosomal aberration. This type of anomaly is not hereditary and does not affect subsequent pregnancies. There is a risk of spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy - this statistic affects 10-15% of cases, that is, it happens quite often. The risk increases with age. In some women, spontaneous abortion occurs in the first two weeks of pregnancy, that is, before menstruation, and the woman may not even notice it. If a miscarriage occurs after 3 months, it is called late (see p. 192).

    Symptoms and signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy

    The first symptoms are bleeding and uterine contractions, while other pregnancy symptoms disappear, such as tight breasts and nausea. Bleeding, initially small, subsequently becomes profuse - it lasts several days, then quickly stops. The menstrual cycle returns to normal, and a month later your period appears.

    What to do if a miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy?

    In any case, you need a doctor

    If bleeding occurs, you should immediately inform your doctor so that he can identify a possible cause. If the bleeding is not heavy, your doctor will order an ultrasound and blood tests to check for a possible ectopic pregnancy.

    The purpose of the study is to establish an initial diagnosis. If we are talking about a miscarriage, then an ultrasound shows that the embryo is not developing and has no cardiac activity. In some cases, two ultrasound examinations are necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis.

    Two options

    Most often, if the diagnosis is established, the doctor removes the egg from the body either with medication or by surgery - curettage, or curettage, under general anesthesia. Hospitalization lasts no more than one day. In some cases, the gynecologist prefers to wait until the body expels the foreign body on its own, after which it is necessary to meet with the doctor again to make sure that the egg is completely eliminated from the body. If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor (see P. 72), the doctor will prescribe gamma globulin.

    After a miscarriage in early pregnancy?

    • If a future pregnancy was seen as joy and hope for the future, then a miscarriage is perceived as a bereavement. The response emotion is endless sadness. Each woman reacts differently, depending on how long she has been waiting for this child, what her personal life is like, and on how long it all happened.
    • But the psychological trauma is obvious and requires maximum sensitivity from loved ones. At the moment of a miscarriage, various fears may arise (the sight of blood, fear of what will happen and the complications associated with this) and worries about the future (will I be able to get pregnant again? Will this happen again?). The most important thing is to be honest about your fears with your doctor, and also discuss it with your partner. Your doctor will reassure you that a miscarriage will not affect future pregnancies. This period can also be very difficult for your partner.
    • After three early miscarriages, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination to determine the cause.

    Measures to prevent miscarriage in early pregnancy

    Don't overwork yourself

    Take frequent breaks from any work. Fatigue that suddenly hits you is associated with pregnancy. This is physiological fatigue that cannot be neglected. If the work you do is stressing you out, talk to your boss about changing your schedule. Rest as soon as possible, thinking about your child.

    Avoid physical activity

    Physical activity causes muscle contractions of the uterus, leading to the gradual detachment of the fertilized egg, which is still weakly attached to its wall.

    From this point of view, it is better not to start moving during pregnancy. Inspecting various options, going up and down stairs, carrying suitcases and settling into a new place is associated with terrible fatigue. Wait to move until the beginning of the 3rd month.

    Don't plan long trips either. The road is always tiring, and on the road there are often no basic conditions for observing the rules of personal hygiene, and it is difficult to follow the diet prescribed for pregnant women.

    You found blood on your panties

    Don't panic. Blood may appear in the case of a small crack in the anus or vaginal varicose veins. To understand the cause of the blood, blot these areas with a cotton swab. If traces of blood do not appear, this means that the bleeding is uterine.

    Contact your gynecologist immediately. He can easily determine the cause and source of bleeding (vaginal or uterine).

    • Bleeding may be caused by infection. In this case, it is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment.
    • Blood may appear during the first 3 months of pregnancy on the days of the menstrual cycle on which you had your period.

    You are bleeding and have pain in your lower abdomen

    Call a doctor immediately and go to bed. A miscarriage is possible, but there may be other reasons.

    While your breasts are dense and painful to the touch, while you are tormented by toxicosis, pregnancy continues. The doctor will prescribe you an antispasmodic drug and ask you to take a blood test to measure human chorionic hormones.
    You will then have an ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

    From the end of the 3rd week, the embryo is already clearly visible. A registered heartbeat also confirms pregnancy.

    If the cervix is ​​not closed by the mucus plug, the doctor will prescribe complete bed rest. If the fetus is developing normally, then after taking precautions, all the symptoms that worry you will disappear.
    An ultrasound will help determine the cause of bleeding.

    Resorption of the second ovum

    It happens that next to the developing fertilized egg there is another, smaller one with an embryo whose heartbeat is not recorded. We are talking about a twin fertilized egg, which for unknown reasons has stopped developing and is gradually being absorbed. After its disappearance, the healthy egg continues to develop normally.

    Empty ("white") egg

    It may happen that during an ultrasound examination, an empty amniotic sac with minor cell remains will be visible on the display screen inside the uterus. In all likelihood, for some reason the pregnancy was interrupted and the fertilized egg is degenerating.

    Location of the placenta

    If the placenta is located low enough, not far from the internal os of the uterus, then during uterine contractions slight bleeding from the placenta is possible. In such cases, no special measures need to be taken. A good rest is necessary.

    Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

    Abnormal embryo development

    Miscarriages most often occur in the first three months of pregnancy. Most of them (70%) occur at the end of the second month. The cause may be genetic disturbances in the normal development of the embryo, leading to its self-destruction. Such a miscarriage is considered a “lucky accident” - not the birth of a child with deformities.

    Underdeveloped uterus

    If the uterine cavity is too narrow, then the rapidly developing embryo becomes trapped. In this case, bleeding appears before the expulsion of the fertilized egg. Such a miscarriage can occur in the first pregnancy, but does not threaten subsequent ones.

    Hormonal disorders

    A poorly developed corpus luteum produces insufficient amounts of hormones that support pregnancy. They are not enough until the 4th month of pregnancy, that is, until the moment when the already sufficiently developed placenta takes over this function.


    Toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage.

    Approximately every fifth pregnancy ends in spontaneous miscarriage. In most cases, miscarriages occur at very early stages, when the woman is not even aware of her pregnancy. There are practically no signs of miscarriage in the early stages up to 2 weeks of pregnancy.

    Symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage after the third week of pregnancy:

    1. Vaginal discharge mixed with blood

    The most reliable, but at the same time, the most formidable symptom of the onset of spontaneous abortion is the appearance of uterine bleeding of any intensity - even light discharge of ichor. As a rule, at the beginning of a miscarriage, the blood is brownish in color, and as the bleeding intensifies, it becomes bright scarlet in color. The intensity of bleeding can also be very diverse and vary from a few drops to very, very intense. Bleeding without medical intervention can continue for quite a long time. If there is severe blood loss, it will no longer be possible to save the child, but if the discharge is still spotting, then it is necessaryurgently seek help from a doctor.

    2. Pain in the uterus and ovaries.

    There is an opinion that a miscarriage is always accompanied by severe pain. However, this is not always the case - in some cases, spontaneous termination of pregnancy is absolutely painless. But most often the pain appears and then disappears again. Under no circumstances should you ignore pain in your back or lower abdomen - this may signal a threat of termination of pregnancy or the onset of a miscarriage. If pain occurs, consult a doctor immediately - only a doctor knows for sure how a miscarriage occurs and whether it is still possible to try to save your pregnancy.

    3. Regular and painful uterine tone

    Sometimes during pregnancy there is a feeling of strong tension in the lower abdomen. in the early stages it is not so noticeable, but any woman can feel it if she pays attention to this symptom. Increased tone is a contraction of the muscles of the uterus.
    What are the symptoms of uterine tone?
    Uterine tone during pregnancy is accompanied by a number of symptoms:
    - Tension and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
    - Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of contractions;
    - Pain in the pubic area and lower back;
    - Firmness to the touch of the abdomen;
    - Feeling as if the uterus were turning to stone;
    - Shortening of the cervix - this can be seen by the doctor during examination;
    - Bloody issues. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance and see a doctor.

    Does uterine tone lead to miscarriage? Most doctors are inclined to believe that no, if the tone is not regular and not painful. If tone occurs, gynecologists recommend using safe antispasmodics and lying down until everything returns to normal.

    Causes of spontaneous miscarriages in the first trimester (first 12 weeks).

    1. Hormonal imbalance, incl. increased content of male sex hormones in the body of a pregnant woman

    If a woman in early pregnancy has a disruption in her body's normal hormonal levels, spontaneous abortion is possible. Most often, miscarriages are a consequence of a lack of the most important hormone in the body of a pregnant woman - progesterone. If the problem is detected in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be saved in most cases. To do this, a gynecologist-endocrologist prescribes a course of treatment for a pregnant woman with hormonal pharmacological drugs.

    Another hormonal problem is the increased content of male sex hormones in the body of a pregnant woman. These hormones significantly reduce the normal production of progesterone and estrogens, which are responsible for the normal development and course of pregnancy. The hormones produced by the adrenal cortex and the thyroid gland are also responsible for the successful course of pregnancy. Be sure to monitor the condition of these organs before pregnancy. Quite often, spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is caused by this very reason.

    2. Causes of immunological nature

    Sometimes a pregnant woman experiences a complication such as Rh conflict. This happens if the embryo inherits a negative Rh factor from the father, and the mother has a positive Rh factor. As a result, the pregnant woman’s body perceives the embryo as something foreign to it and begins to reject them. In this case, to prevent spontaneous abortion, doctors also treat the pregnant woman with drugs containing the hormone progesterone, which in this case is the strongest immunomodulator.

    3. Presence of genetic disorders in the embryo

    According to geneticists, approximately 75% of all spontaneous abortions occur precisely because the fetus has various variants of a genetic disorder. However, do not be alarmed - in most cases, these genetic defects are random. The cause of such mutations can be a variety of environmental factors - exposure to various viruses, radiation, etc. And a pregnancy interrupted for this reason is a kind of “natural selection” that is necessary for nature in order to get rid of non-viable and sick offspring. Most often, it is almost impossible to avoid such miscarriages. And is it worth it? After all, if nature itself is trying to avoid the birth of such a child, it means that he really suffers from serious pathologies, perhaps completely incompatible with life. After all, if nature itself provokes a miscarriage, the reasons are quite serious.

    The only thing that can be done in this situation is to try to avoid its occurrence long before the expected pregnancy by visiting a geneticist who will give you advice on how to do this or at least reduce the risk to the possible minimum. However, unfortunately, given the large number of negative impacts of various factors in the modern world, the risk of developing such gene mutations always remains.

    4. Presence of infectious diseases in a pregnant woman

    There are a huge number of different sexually transmitted infections that provoke spontaneous abortion in the early stages: toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, syphilis, gonorrhea and others. And herpes and cytomegalovirus are responsible for 20% of all spontaneous miscarriages in early pregnancy.

    A large number of different infections can often occur without any signs of disease at all, that is, asymptomatic. Therefore, before you decide to become pregnant, be sure to undergo a complete examination of the body, incl. and for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

    A miscarriage occurs as a result of pathogenic viruses and bacteria leading to infection of the embryo and damage to the membranes. In order to avoid this, you need to undergo treatment before pregnancy. If this cannot be avoided, treatment must be started as quickly as possible in order to reduce the risk and degree of negative impact on the embryo.

    5. Chronic diseases of internal organs and weakened immunity

    If a woman at the very beginning of pregnancy has suffered from a disease that is accompanied by intoxication of the body and a significant increase in body temperature, the probability of spontaneous termination of pregnancy is very high. The most dangerous diseases are influenza, viral hepatitis and rubella.

    However, even the most common sore throat or runny nose suffered in the first weeks of pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage, not to mention such serious diseases as pyelonephritis, pneumonia or appendicitis. Such diseases are a very serious complication that threatens the successful course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

    It is very important to undergo a complete medical examination before planning a pregnancy. This measure is necessary in order to identify all foci of chronic inflammation present in a woman’s body and promptly begin treatment aimed at eliminating them. But even if it was not possible to get rid of chronic diseases before pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor as early as possible.

    6. History of abortion

    Many women have had abortions for whatever reason. An abortion is not just a surgical intervention on a woman’s body, but a very serious stress for it. As a result of artificial termination of pregnancy, complications may arise in a woman’s body: significant dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, ovaries and the occurrence of various inflammatory processes in the genital organs. They very often lead to disruption of the normal process of bearing subsequent pregnancies. Both habitual miscarriages and secondary infertility are all consequences of induced abortions. This is why it is so important to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies. And if, nevertheless, an abortion could not be avoided, when your next pregnancy occurs, inform your gynecologist that you have previously terminated your pregnancy.

    7. Taking medications and certain herbs

    Medicines have the ability to penetrate the placental barrier and have a negative effect on the fetus. Taking medications is especially dangerous whenI trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy, because It is during this period that the laying and formation of all the vital organs of the fetus occurs. And if during this period the fetus is exposed to drugs, fetal developmental defects and, as a consequence, premature termination of pregnancy are possible.

    The most dangerous are painkillers containing codeine, some antibiotics, and hormonal contraceptives, especially Postinor. If you took these medications during pregnancy, while you were still unaware of it, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this. Such pregnancies require more careful monitoring by doctors. And, if such a need arises, drugs in case of a threat of miscarriage should also be prescribed only by a doctor.

    There is a very widespread absolutely false belief that a woman needs to be treated with traditional medicine, that is, herbs. In fact, a pregnant woman should be extremely careful when using herbs. Many herbs have a very strong negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the formation of the fetus. The most dangerous herbs in the early stages are tansy, St. John's wort, and nettle. Also, a pregnant woman should remember that such a harmless seasoning as the familiar parsley often causes an increase in the tone of the uterus and, as a result, spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

    8. Stressful situations

    The reasons for early miscarriage are often trivial. Very often, various stressful situations have an extremely negative impact on the normal course of pregnancy. Such a stressful situation could be the death of a loved one, divorce, or tense relationships with relatives. However, loved ones should remember that under the influence of certain hormones, the emotional background of a pregnant woman becomes very, very unstable. And the cause of severe stress can be even the most insignificant reason - an accidentally dropped word or a broken cup.

    If, due to some life circumstances, a pregnant woman is nevertheless forced to be exposed to various stressful situations, she needs to tell her doctor about the current situation, who will prescribe her sedatives that have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Under no circumstances should you take any sedative medications without consulting a doctor, because... many of them can cause significant harm to the embryo and provoke spontaneous abortion.

    Lifting weights and other physical activity provoke spontaneous abortion in only 5% of all cases of miscarriage, but such a danger should in no case be ignored. Try to avoid heavy physical work during pregnancy, or at least distribute the load evenly, alternating it with rest.

    And it is absolutely unacceptable to lift heavy objects. The maximum allowable weight for a pregnant woman is five kilograms. However, very often the actual weight of bags with groceries exceeds it several times. And if there is already an older child in the family, then pulling sleds, strollers, and bicycles becomes a sacred mother’s duty. But you shouldn’t do this - it’s better to ask one of your friends, neighbors or relatives. Especially if the woman already has symptoms of a miscarriage.

    10. Falls and other injuries

    And a pregnant woman may find herself in an extreme situation, for example, getting into a car accident or simply slipping and falling. As a rule, in such situations, the embryo rarely suffers, since it is well protected: by amniotic fluid, the walls of the amniotic sac, the mother’s muscle mass and her fat layer. However, if such a problem happens to you, be on the safe side and seek medical help.

    11. Taking a hot bath

    Very rarely, but the cause of spontaneous miscarriage can still be a pregnant woman’s abuse of baths with excessively hot water and prolonged stay in it. No one is advocating for a pregnant woman to completely avoid taking a bath, but it is important to remember simple precautions. In particular, the water should not be too hot, and the duration of the bath should not be more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

    12. Bad habits

    The course of pregnancy is very negatively affected by the presence of bad habits such as smoking or alcohol abuse in a pregnant woman. But the lack of walks in the fresh air, daily routine, and abuse of caffeine-containing drinks also has a very negative effect not only on the health of a pregnant woman, but also on the development of the fetus. Otherwise, spontaneous abortion is also possible.

    Miscarriage can often be avoided if you seek prompt medical attention. There are several stages of spontaneous miscarriage: in the first two, the pregnancy can still be preserved, while the rest inevitably lead to the loss of the child.

    1. Threat of miscarriage

    This stage is characterized by the appearance of aching pain in the lumbar region and/or lower abdomen. After this, mild bleeding from the genital tract may appear. If such signs appear, a woman should immediately call an ambulance or seek help from a medical facility herself. If immediate treatment is started at this stage, then in most cases the pregnancy can be saved. Some women remain in this condition almost throughout their pregnancy.

    2. Started abortion

    This stage is characterized by the appearance of noticeable pain in the sacrum and abdomen. In this case, the pain is cramping in nature. Following the pain, bloody discharge from the genital tract appears, which significantly intensifies with the woman’s movements. Soon the woman begins to complain of feeling weak and severely dizzy. However, even at this stage of spontaneous abortion, pregnancy can still be saved if you immediately seek medical help.

    Therefore, with any bleeding, even the most minor, immediate medical attention is simply necessary.Of course, in some cases treatment is carried out at home. But most often in such situations, gynecologists prefer to place the woman for inpatient treatment in gynecological departments. A pregnant woman should under no circumstances refuse the proposed hospitalization.

    You should also not be afraid of hormonal treatment offered by doctors - after all, most often it is hormonal imbalances that threaten the normal course of pregnancy. And hormonal levels simply need to be normalized. Thus, the factor that provokes the threat of termination of pregnancy will disappear. And the hormones that doctors inject you are precisely those that the body would receive naturally in the absence of hormonal disruptions.

    3. Miscarriage in progress

    During the stage of spontaneous abortion during pregnancy, a woman feels a sharp and severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Painful sensations are accompanied by significant blood loss. At this stage of miscarriage, the fertilized egg dies, and the pregnancy can no longer be maintained. But sometimes the death of a miscarriage occurs several days before the onset of the miscarriage. In this case, the fertilized egg will not leave the uterus entirely, like a round, grayish bubble, but in parts. This phenomenon is called incomplete miscarriage.

    4. Completed abortion

    After the dead fertilized egg is completely expelled from the uterine cavity, it begins to contract, restoring its previous size. Bleeding after expulsion of the fertilized egg and contraction of the uterus almost completely stops. Complete miscarriage must be confirmed by ultrasound.

    There is another option for spontaneous miscarriage - frozen pregnancy or failed miscarriage.

    With this phenomenon, the fertilized egg dies for some reason, but it is not expelled. The woman’s signs of pregnancy disappear, and her overall health significantly worsens. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor notes the death of the fetus. In this case, the question of whether cleaning is needed after a miscarriage does not even arise - a miscarriage as such does not occur. And the only way to eliminate the fertilized egg and residues is precisely by curettage of the uterine cavity.

    Curettage of the uterine cavity

    After a miscarriage, if it occurs outside a hospital setting, the woman should seek medical help. Only a doctor will be able to objectively assess the woman’s condition, as well as whether cleaning the uterine cavity is necessary. Do not under any circumstances refuse uterine curettage if your doctor insists on it. The consequences can be serious, because complete expulsion of the fetus and membranes occurs extremely rarely. In most cases, a woman needs surgical curettage of the uterine cavity to remove any remaining fertilized egg or membranes. Otherwise, they will immediately begin to decompose, forming a wonderful breeding ground for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which will immediately lead to the development of various inflammatory processes in the female body.

    The procedure for surgical curettage:

    1. Preparation

    First, the woman will be given an enema and her pubic hair will be removed. After this, the woman will be interviewed by an anesthesiologist who will find out which type of anesthesia is best suited for her.

    2. Examination by a gynecologist

    The gynecologist who will perform the curettage will conduct a general examination of the woman using mirrors to determine the condition of the cervix and vaginal mucosa. This will also be followed by an obstetric manual examination, the purpose of which is to determine the size of the uterus, its shape and location.

    3. Anesthesia

    This may be general anesthesia, in which the woman is unconscious and unaware of what is happening. This type of anesthesia is used most often - it saves the woman from additional stress, and allows doctors to calmly and quickly do their work. However, in some cases, if there are contraindications, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. To do this, injections with an anesthetic are made into the cervix, which blocks the nerve endings responsible for pain.

    4. Operation

    The woman remains on the gynecological chair throughout the operation. Before the manipulation begins, the woman’s genitals will be treated with an iodine solution (5%). Afterwards, the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix will be treated with an alcohol solution, after which the curettage itself begins.

    Using vaginal speculum, the gynecologist will expose the woman’s cervix. After this, if the cervical canal is not open enough, the doctor will use dilators to widen it to the required extent. After this, using a special spoon-shaped curette, the doctor will remove the remains of the fertilized egg or membranes. After this, using a sharp curette, the doctor will scrape the uterine mucosa. This measure is necessary in order to prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity.

    5. Histological examination

    After curettage of the uterine cavity is performed, the biological material will be sent for histological examination to the laboratory. Histology after a miscarriage is simply mandatory. And if this is not the first miscarriage, or if it is a habitual miscarriage, then for genetic research. Such a measure will help to establish what exactly was the cause of the miscarriages.

    After surgery, be sure to follow requirements for postoperative physiological rehabilitation :

    1. Monitor vaginal discharge. If you have the slightest doubt, consult your doctor immediately.

    2. Monitor your body temperature. Its increase, as a rule, signals the beginning of an inflammatory process in the body. See a doctor immediately if you have the slightest increase in body temperature.

    3. Keep your genitals clean. Wash your genitals with antiseptic solutions at least twice a day. Change sanitary pads promptly to avoid the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

    Don't neglect advice on psychological rehabilitation after a miscarriage, they are as important as recommendations regarding the woman’s physical health.

    1. Come to terms with this loss and tune in to a new, positive result. The body is physically ready for a new pregnancy 1-2 months after a miscarriage. However, much longer time is needed for psychological rehabilitation. Often a woman cannot come to terms with the loss of a child for many months, especially if the pregnancy was desired and long-awaited.

    2. Don’t withdraw into yourself, experiencing pain and despair alone. Be sure to tell your loved ones about your feelings – your husband, mother, friend. If after this you do not feel better, it would be much wiser to seek help from a psychologist. Ignoring such a problem can lead to the development of prolonged chronic depression.

    3. There is a specific mental disorder of women who have lost a child as a result of miscarriage. Very often they have an obsessive idea that the miscarriage did not occur, and that the baby was not affected during the cleaning. As a rule, such women buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, which often turns out to be positive. And the test results are the same because the woman’s hormonal levels simply did not have time to return to their original state. But it is precisely on the basis of the hormone content in the urine that the test determines the presence or absence of pregnancy.

    4. No matter how hard it is to think about it immediately after a miscarriage, the best way to get rid of melancholy is the onset of a new, successful pregnancy. However, we should not forget that, in order to avoid a repetition of the tragedy, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it. A woman must undergo a full examination, be tested for all hidden infections, and have an ultrasound examination. And only after receiving permission from a gynecologist is pregnancy possible after a miscarriage.

    5. Never despair. Very little time will pass and you will again see two such long-awaited stripes on the test. And this time you will definitely go through the entire pregnancy journey from the very beginning to the birth of your baby! Don't be afraid that after a miscarriage you will no longer be able to see two lines on the test. And how to do this as quickly as possible - read in the best book on how to get pregnant.

    According to statistics, early miscarriage occurs in 20% of women. Moreover, most of them do not even have time to understand that something irreparable has happened. Spontaneous abortion, as doctors also call the rejection of the fetus by the female body, occurs up to 12 weeks for various reasons. The main thing to do in this case is not to miss the symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

    Read in this article

    Causes of spontaneous abortion

    What causes early miscarriages? This is a question worth asking before conception. But the information will be useful both to those who have already experienced trouble and to those who just saw two lines on the test. So, the reasons for miscarriage in early pregnancy can be:

    • hormonal imbalances (the risk is higher in women with high testosterone);
    • nervous tension, stress;
    • constant ;
    • previous ;
    • genetic abnormalities of the fetus caused by mutations at the gene level;
    • immunological abnormalities, the main one among which is;
    • , taking drugs, drinking energy drinks;
    • infectious diseases transmitted from a partner;
    • careless, rough sexual intercourse;
    • falls, injuries;
    • lifting weights;
    • mother's age is 35 years and older;
    • taking medications prohibited during pregnancy.

    Only a doctor can tell exactly why a particular couple has a miscarriage in the early stages after conducting a comprehensive examination.

    Signs and symptoms of onset of fetal rejection

    In any case, signs of miscarriage in the early stages should alert the expectant mother. These include aching pain in the lower abdomen. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not always clear whether normal menstruation has begun or whether there really is a threat of failure. Especially if the woman herself does not know whether she is pregnant. If the conception is planned, then the expectant mother should be wary of strange consistency or unusual periods. They are usually brown, with some bloody spots mixed in.

    Don't be embarrassed to see a doctor! If this is really a pregnancy, everything can be stopped at the initial stages and the pregnancy can be maintained. Of course, if there is heavy bleeding, there is no chance of saving the fetus.

    It is very important to know the indirect first signs of miscarriage in the early stages in order to at least maintain your health. The following changes will indicate spontaneous abortion:

    • weight loss;
    • persistent pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by cramps;
    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea);
    • the appearance of discharge of a strange shade.

    The symptoms of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy are similar to both and other equally dangerous pathologies. Therefore, you cannot postpone visiting a specialist.

    There is an opinion that a couple can have a spontaneous abortion more than once during the entire planning period. This is partly true. Young people can change the situation on their own, simply by being examined and undergoing a course of treatment. Spontaneous early miscarriage, the symptoms of which in the first month are very similar to menstruation, often go unnoticed by the woman. If she already knew about her new situation and was expecting a child, then after cleaning it is recommended to go to rest, change the environment and gain strength. And after that, you can start planning your conception again and believe that this time everything will definitely be fine!