How to remove a greasy stain on dark clothes. How to remove grease stains on clothes with your own hands

Old grease stains are not as easy to remove as fresh ones. But nothing is impossible. Here are some homemade ways to easily remove old grease stains.

In the difficult fight against greasy spots, we can help:

  • acetone or nail polish remover
  • potato starch
  • potato flour
  • ammonia
  • gasoline and magnesium

Acetone or acetone-based nail polish remover is the best way to remove greasy stains.

Before removing old greasy stains, they must be moistened with water. Then soak the dirt with acetone, cover with a blotter, a napkin, toilet paper in several layers or any other paper that absorbs grease well. Iron the top with a warm iron, then wash the item in warm water with laundry soap.

Starch - a way to remove greasy stains for quick use

You can remove an old greasy stain with hot starch. We put well-absorbent paper under the stain, pour starch heated in the microwave or in a mug on the fire onto the stain and rub it into the stain. Repeat until the stain is gone. This method is indispensable for those cases when the thing is impossible or very undesirable to wash. Unlike many other extraction methods greasy spots, it does not require washing.

Potato flour is an alternative to starch for removing greasy stains.

Potato flour left on it for several hours will help remove the old greasy stain. If the stain does not completely disappear, it can be wiped with gasoline, if the fabric allows.

Ammonia is a trouble-free way to remove anything

Ammonia mixed with water in a ratio of 1:4 can also remove old greasy stains. Saturate the stain, leave for 15 minutes, then wash. This method is recommended for light fabrics. , I wrote in one of the previous materials.

Gasoline and magnesia - a means for removing greasy stains from delicate fabrics

Grease stain on wool trousers and other things from wool can be removed with a mixture of gasoline and powdered magnesia. Smear the stain, leave to dry, then scrub with a brush. If the pollution is fresh, better ways we described its derivations in the material

No matter how hard you try to save things, greasy blots can end up on a T-shirt and blouse at any time. When trouble happens, you need to urgently look for a remedy than to remove a greasy stain on a T-shirt so that the clothes are like new again.

First steps

If a blot appears on a thing, do not wait until it dries. Take any improvised means and immediately sprinkle the stain. Suitable for you:

  • food salt;
  • starch;
  • baby powder;
  • chalk crushed into powder;
  • talc.

Their particles absorb fat well and prevent dirt from penetrating deep into the fabric. Before removing a grease stain from a T-shirt, remove the talcum powder or salt and treat the stained area with a stain remover.

How to remove stains on a T-shirt

If the clothes are colored, you need to be extremely careful. Strong substances can discolor its fabric, and the question of how to remove a greasy stain from a T-shirt will fade into the background. The item will be completely destroyed.

  1. Butter from any material on "fresh traces" can be removed with dishwashing detergent. Apply it thickly on a greasy mark, do not rinse for 2-3 hours, rinse and send the blouse to the wash.
  2. To enhance the effect of dishwashing gel, it is useful to mix with baking soda and generously smear the dirty place on the wrong side and front side of the product.
  3. Scrub the dirt with a toothbrush and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. The method cleans well greasy traces, but it is recommended to use it for high-quality, well-dyed fabric.

How to remove greasy stains on a T-shirt if they are fresh? Rub them as hard as possible. soap and leave to soak for several hours.

Oil stains and other dirt are removed with ordinary vinegar. Dilute it with water 1:1, wet the stain on the T-shirt and rub it lightly. After 1 hour, the product must be scrolled in washing machine.

For dark colored t-shirts, you can use mustard powder. Dilute the mustard with water to a creamy state and lubricate the stained area for 30 minutes before washing.

How to remove grease marks from jeans

You can often find a greasy stain on a denim shirt or trousers, especially after a picnic in the country or in the park. Treat it with salt right on the spot, and upon returning home, immediately begin to remove pollution.

  1. If there is refined gasoline, soak a rag with it and begin to remove the stain with wrong side jeans, gently rubbing the edges of the blot, gradually moving deeper into the stain.
  2. By doing this, you will prevent the spread of fat and the increase in the size of the contaminated area.
  3. Place immediately after cleaning denim thing in the machine, install an extra rinse and wash in intensive mode with a quality powder.

Remove stain from denim shirt soap "Antipyatnin" helps. It copes well with fat on any fabric, if the blot was recently placed. Thoroughly rub the soiled shirt with soap, brush it, leave it in the basin for half an hour and wash it in the usual way.

The subtleties of cleansing white clothes

If needed good recipe how to remove grease stains from a white t-shirt natural fabric use the proven method.

  1. Wet your shirt. Open the Vanish stain remover for light items, treat traces of grease with it and lay the item in the sink.
  2. Pour water into the kettle and boil it on fire. As it heats up, the stain remover will soak into the fibers of the material.
  3. Raise the kettle as high as possible and carefully pour boiling water over the stained cloth.
  4. A strong pressure of hot liquid quickly breaks down fat. If you immediately repeat the procedure from the inside of the product, you will no longer be disturbed by the question of how to remove stains from a T-shirt.

To white clothes, after removing the fat with boiling water, it has become like new again, wash it in the washing machine separately from other things with the addition of powder and oxygen bleach.

White T-shirts are easy to fix with hydrogen peroxide. Pour the drug on an oily mark, wait a quarter of an hour and do the usual laundry. Lubricate fresh blots with whitening toothpaste, and after 2 hours, wash the product.

What to do with old fat stains

If the pollution has been put on for a long time, it is more difficult to remove greasy stains on a T-shirt.

  1. Try to get them out by mixing equal parts turpentine and ammonia.
  2. Wipe the fat from the inside with a cotton swab and wait 2 hours.
  3. During this time, the mixture will dissolve the fat, and the removed stain will easily come off when washing.

This method can save things not only from old fat, but also from traces of iron, coffee and blood.

You can use purified turpentine separately.

  1. Put clean paper under the dirty mark and wipe the cotton soaked with turpentine first around the stain, and then the stain itself.
  2. Change the cotton wool several times to a clean one and, after processing, lather the item with soap and wash it.

How to remove a stain from a T-shirt delicate fabric? Measure out 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, dilute it with 3 tbsp. l. water and pour 1 tsp. salt. Apply to the accumulation of dirt, rinse with water after 15 minutes and wash the item.

You can deal with the problem with a special solution. Mix 1 tbsp. l. water and glycerin, add 1 tsp to them. ammonia and gently immerse the fabric with the old stain in the liquid for half an hour, and then wash it with your hands.

Housewives are well aware that it is difficult to cope with stains of various origins on clothes. In most cases, home wardrobe items, in which ladies prefer to cook, suffer from this problem.

In the process of cooking, it is very easy to accidentally drop a piece of food on your pants or robe or drip fatty oil. Weekend outfits also face this fate, so it will be useful to learn how to remove a greasy stain on clothes. There are many ways to do this: special preparations, home-made substances and even products.

The easiest way is to remove the newly received pollution. If you suddenly find a noticeable stain, then the thing needs to be restored as soon as possible. The simplest option- apply Fairy or Sort (dish detergent) to its surface. Rub the composition into the structure of the fabric with gentle movements to the center of contamination, then moisten this place warm water. Leave the product on things for twenty to forty minutes, then wash it. The greasy trace must be removed from the inside.

There are others effective methods to help get rid of stains:

How to get rid of the old greasy trace

Old dirt is much more difficult to deal with. Most likely, you will have to refer to the procedure several times or use industrial means like Vanish or Ecover. If you are trying to find a solution on how to remove a greasy stain from clothes, then Domestos can also remove old pollution. There are other ways:

Grease stain removal

This problem has quite a large number of solutions. Removing greasy traces from the fabric begins with an express test, since the substance can harm fabric material. Turn the outfit inside out and try applying some compound to one of the inside seams. In the event that the pattern and color of the material have not changed, then the procedure can be safely continued.

Ways to get rid of pollution from white things

A number of the methods mentioned above are also suitable for snow-white materials. There are some other methods as well:

Do not try to get rid of dirt on clothes white color vinegar. Otherwise, the fabric may become unpleasant yellow tint. Also Special attention it is necessary to devote to rinsing things: this must be done with special care so that no active substances remain on the surface. Washing should be done not in hot, but in warm water. You need to rinse the outfits in cool.

Stain remover for multicolored outfits

With things of bright colors, you must be extremely careful, as aggressive agents can destroy dyes. Most optimal solution- the use of a special stain remover, which is designed for a specific type of fabric. In addition, you should not use hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from bright materials, otherwise noticeable stains may remain on the surface.

If the thing was subjected to high-quality painting, then you can use ammonia, acetone or denatured alcohol. You can also use a mixture of water, salt and ammonia. The scheme of actions in this case should be as follows:

  1. Remove dust from the item and work it with a dampened sponge or brush.
  2. Turn the outfit inside out.
  3. Wrap a small plank of snow-white cloth in two or three layers.
  4. Place the blotting paper on the board with the cloth, and place the area with the grease stain on it.
  5. Soak a swab in the prepared mixture and apply it to the area near the contamination.
  6. Start cleaning the material.
  7. After the stain disappears, use ordinary laundry soap.

If you use these tips when soiling appears on your clothes, you can save a lot of nerves and money on buying new clothes.

Perhaps, every person during his life faced with the problem of greasy stains, which are formed as a result of sloppiness on clothes and spoil its beauty. Despite the fact that they are hard to wash off the fabric, practical advice that will help in the fight against them, there are a lot. In general, the solution to the issue depends solely on the characteristics of the fabric and how long ago it was.

Of course, you can try modern stain removers, but they are quite expensive and it’s impossible to choose the right one right away, so if you couldn’t remove the stain from grease with a stain remover, you should try folk recipes that have stood the test of time.

How can you get rid of grease stains on clothes?

An ordinary laundry soap, a piece of which can be found in every home, will help get rid of a greasy stain.

Important! It is necessary to wash the stain with such a tool until the stain has had time to be absorbed and dry.

Instead of soap, you can choose dishwashing detergent. You will need to apply a drop of the product to the stain, leave it to soak, and then wash it. In this way, it will even be possible to derive old stain.

If washing clothes for one reason or another is not possible, you should use the dry cleaning method. This will require napkins and potato starch, as it absorbs fat perfectly.

Clothes should be carefully placed on the board or floor, the main thing is that the surface is flat and place a napkin under the stain. Next, you need to fill the place with starch and leave it to soak for literally 5 minutes, and then repeat the procedure until the dirt disappears.

How to remove a fresh grease stain?

The most common way is to sprinkle the stain with salt and rub it gently. Many people claim that this method is ineffective, but perhaps this is the opinion of only those who do not know that a serving of salt, like potato starch, must be constantly updated.

Can use talc. Talc should be thoroughly sprinkled on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing where the greasy stain is located, but at the same time the thing should be located on a flat surface, and then you need to cover the stain with tracing paper. If the fat is not immediately absorbed into the paper, then you should leave the clothes for a day.

A solution of 0.5 tsp can help remove such dirt. table salt and 3 tbsp. l. ammonia. The stain must be treated with the resulting mixture, then put the thing aside for a while, and then wash it.

Chalk powder can help in getting rid of fresh greasy stains, which need to cover the stain for 2-3 hours, and after time will pass simply, shake off the powder with a brush residue.

Grease stains from linen and colored tablecloths can be removed with mustard powder. To a creamy consistency, you need to add water to the powder and cover the stained area for half an hour, and after the time has passed, wash the product.

If the product cannot be washed, for example, the armrests of the sofa, etc., then you can try to get rid of the greasy stain with ordinary table salt. The stain should be sprinkled with it and rubbed thoroughly, constantly changing the salt, until there is no trace of the stain left. Next, you just need to moisten a cotton or gauze swab with alcohol and remove the contamination. Then dry the fabric.

How to remove old grease stain?

You can remove old stains from clothes with a specially prepared slurry. So, it is necessary to make a thick porridge from potato flour and apply it to the stain, and if the stain does not disappear, then try to get rid of it with a cloth previously moistened with gasoline and finally blot it with a slice of stale bread.

You can also try another recipe: in a metal mug, you need to heat the potato starch, pour the hot powder on the stain and wipe the fabric with it. As the starch cools, the greasy stain will absorb it into itself and thus dissolve.

Old stains that do not disappear after many washes can be tried to be eliminated with gasoline. To do this, from below, under the speck, you need to put blotted paper, previously moistened with gasoline. The place on top must be wiped from the edges to the center. At the end, the cleaned surface should be thoroughly washed with water and then washed immediately.

The favorite drink of young people, Coca-Cola, will also help get rid of an old stain. It is necessary to immerse the stain in the solution for 2-3 hours, and then wash the thing in the usual way.

How to eliminate grease stains from certain types of fabrics?

  • So light fabric you can remove such dirt with ordinary ammonia. It is not difficult to make a solution: you need to dilute ammonia in 2 tbsp. l. cool water.
  • Such dirt can be removed from silk with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. water and half st. l. ammonia alcohol. The mixture should be left for 5-10 minutes to soak, and then rinse with warm water.
  • To eliminate a greasy stain from a woolen fabric, use gasoline. To do this, soak a piece of cotton wool or a piece of cloth with it and rub the contaminated area.
  • Light woolen fabric can be rid of such contamination using a special powder to eliminate such contamination. Contamination should be powdered, but for this, clothing must be placed on a flat surface (best ironing board), place wetted paper or tracing paper on top and iron the thing with a warm iron, put oppression on top and leave overnight. In the morning you just need to wash the thing.
  • You can remove such dirt from velvet with a crumb of warm rolls.
  • A mixture of gasoline and starch in equal amounts will help remove the stain from the skin. The stain must be treated with gruel and wait until the gasoline disappears. Next, you need to shake off the starch and if the procedure does not work right away, repeat it.
  • If the stain needs to be removed from the carpet, then you can use sawdust soaked in gasoline. They will need to fill the spot and wait complete drying gasoline. If necessary, the steps taken should be repeated.
  • Turpentine or alcohol can remove a stain from plush and velvet, but it must be recalled that when removing a stain from such a fabric, you cannot use an iron.

Features of removing grease stains from clothes

When starting to clean clothes, it is necessary to clean the fabric of dirt, but this must be done from the inside out. To do this, use a dry brush first. and then wet.

Clean the fabric from dirt with a white cloth, cotton swab or soft brush. Next, you need to wet the place where the greasy spot is located and then process it starting from the edges, eventually moving to the middle.

Before cleaning stains special tool, you need to try the product on any piece of fabric that is not needed. Synthetic and colored fabrics should be cleaned with particular care.

The greasy stain cleaner solution should not be concentrated, since you need to start cleaning the fabric with a weak solution, increasing its consistency over time.

Thus, we can say that even the oldest greasy stain can be removed if you choose the right recipe and follow it without deviating from the rules.

A good thing, and on it a speck? What to do? How to remove a greasy stain from clothes or trousers? The first thing to do is to determine the type of pollution, that is, with what we managed to decorate ourselves. What kind of greasy stain on clothes have we “rewarded” ourselves with? In the future, this will help to remove it with the least loss. Or maybe even no loss at all.

Remove fresh traces of fat

It is clear that fresh pollution is washed off much better. Therefore, much depends on how quickly we begin to act. Involuntarily, the legendary phrase from your favorite movie comes to mind: “We urgently need to sprinkle with salt. Take off your dress!" But there is also a hint that it is not always necessary to rush to wash, there are other ways. And though unlike the heroes " office romance”, we are not thinking about a trace of wine, but about how to remove a greasy stain on clothes, salt is also useful.
  1. SALT

    Salt is universal. With its help, you can easily remove any pollution without special efforts. It is impossible to only remove old or stale dirt after washing.

    Sprinkle a pinch of salt on grease stains from clothing. Gently rub in so that the salt is saturated with fat. Repeat these steps, replacing the salt with pure salt, until all the fat is absorbed completely and disappears. Then remove the grease stains in the machine or by hand in the usual way.


    It works great on dishes. But how to get rid of grease stains on clothes with it? A stain on a T-shirt, on pants and other things is easily removed with just a drop of detergent. True, if the place of pollution is large, more than one drop will be required. Hold for a few minutes and rinse with hot water. Then wash the item.


    It is quite possible to remove a stain from oil and mulberry from clothes with the help of ammonia: this tool helps in many other cases, for this, 1.5-2 tsp are added to a glass of warm water. alcohol. A cotton swab is wetted and the problem area is lubricated. You can finally reduce the fat by ironing the product through a cotton cloth with a warm iron.


    How to remove a stain from vegetable oil from clothes, without washing? Rub in starch and wait 5-15 minutes. Repeat until the oil stain is gone from the clothes.


    Mustard can help too. Before removing a greasy stain from jeans and colored items, dry mustard is diluted with warm water to the density of sour cream and applied to clothes for half an hour. Then the product must be washed. Complete removal of greasy stains, if they have had time to dry out or are completely old, with the help of mustard will come if it is heated.


    How to delete oil stain on trousers quickly and without consequences, many bachelors know. For them, removing dirt is not a problem if they use shaving foam. Foam is rubbed into a contaminated place, and after 5 minutes the clothes are washed ordinary powder. And the greasy stain on the jeans is gone!


    And chalk powder will help remove old grease stains from light clothes and leave no yellow residue. It is crushed and carefully distributed. Leave on clothes for at least 2 hours. You can remove the powder with a cloth soaked in warm water. Now the thing can be washed.


    Another way to remove oil stains from light-colored clothes. This method is more suitable for woolen products. Spread talc or powder on the problem area. Cover with tracing paper, iron with a warm iron. To completely remove fat, press down on clothes with a heavy object at night.


    You can also remove old grease stains from clothes with blotting paper and a warm iron. Line the clothes with paper, top and bottom. Iron with an iron. If you can’t get rid of it right away, remove the paper, change it to a new one, and repeat the procedure.


    Here's how to get oil stains out of clothes with laundry soap? There are 2 ways:
    - just lather the problem area well and leave for a day. Soak and wash the thing in the morning; if the dirt is not removed, repeat the procedure.
    - and the second way is more aggressive. We lather. After a day, wash the thing, lather it again, rub it with sugar and rub it with a brush.


    How to remove traces of mulberry and blots? To do this, you need a simple boiling water. A problematic place to water with a trickle hot water acidified with vinegar. This method is only for natural fabric products.


    Even with the help of a crumb of bread, you can wash off a greasy stain on jeans. Bread pressing down to dirt on jeans. Then dissolve detergent in warm water and wash.

Get rid of old contaminants

That's not the task. Change seasonal wardrobe brought a surprise. Oily contamination came from somewhere. And by the looks of it, he's been around for a few months now. How to remove old grease stains?


    You can wash off an old greasy stain in boiling water with the addition of half a glass of salt. Grease is absorbed by the salt. After that, things need to be washed with ordinary powder.


    You can remove an old greasy stain from a T-shirt without streaks and a trace with turpentine. First, a cotton swab dipped in it should be drawn along the border of the “problem”. And then, they remove it with movements from the center of pollution, to the edges.


    A few drops of glycerin will remove an old oil stain if you moisten the item with them for just 30 minutes. Then remove the glycerin with a clean cloth.


    How can I remove old greasy marks on the carpet? Wood chips soaked in refined gasoline will do. They need to be sprinkled on the carpet and wait until they dry. We get rid of sawdust with a vacuum cleaner.


It is important that we are not only concerned with how to remove grease stains from clothes, but also not to choose products that are too aggressive so that things remain intact. And here's some more useful information.


  • It is desirable to have something that can remove oil contamination from clothes, that is, a suitable tool: cotton swabs, napkins, brushes, cotton rags.
  • First, with a weaker solution, check how the oil stain can be removed with it. If possible, use a more concentrated solution.
  • Removes dirt from both front and back.

Of course, it plays a role where we put a fat stain on ourselves. We will start from this: what is at hand. If we neutralize a greasy stain from clothes at home or at a party, then almost everything is used, from chemistry to scissors, which will help to radically deal with the problem by cutting fashionable holes on clothes. :) Or, at least, sewing on the place of the "award" cute patch. And this is also an option when it seems that we have done everything, but our successes have not been crowned with success.