How to remove yellow stains from underarm sweat on white and colored clothes? How to Remove Yellow Underarm Sweat Stains from White Clothes

Traces on light-colored clothes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits do not give confidence. Therefore, today we will tell you how to remove yellow stains from sweat. Eliminate dirt from white clothes is often obtained with home-made compositions. If you have any experience with this kind of thing, please share it in the comments!

Ways to remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes

You can remove yellow spots under the armpits on white on your own by choosing the appropriate tool. Most importantly, remember that the composition is pre-tested on an invisible area.

No. 1. Peroxide

1. If you still do not know how to remove ugly yellow spots under the arms, we recommend starting with the use of peroxide. Mix 30-40 ml. drug with 1 liter. filtered water.

2. Send the gizmo to the solution or soak the dirty areas locally. Spot for 20 minutes, rub the stains with your hands or a brush. Make a new solution, immerse the product again and soak it for about half an hour.

3. You can repeat the steps until the result is achieved. Finish with a thorough rinse and dry out of the sun.

No. 2. Soda

1. Prepare a pasty mass from soda and water. Spread it over the yellow spot and rub it with a toothbrush.

2. Rinse off, reapply the compound and rub in the same way. Get around 5-8 hours.

3. After the specified period, machine / hand wash at the minimum temperature. If necessary, actions are repeated.

No. 3. Vodka

1. Before you remove the dirt, check what exactly caused the yellow spots - from sweat or deodorant? In the case of the second option, you can eliminate traces from white clothes with vodka. At home, this is the best option.

2. So, to remove deodorant stains, saturate the desired areas with vodka or diluted alcohol. Spot 30-45 minutes, stretch the thing.

No. 4. Acetylsalicylic acid

1. The drug copes with various contaminants no worse than household chemicals. Turn a packet of aspirin into dust, mix with cold water into a paste.

2. Spread on dirty places and rub. Detect about 1-2 hours, rinse the thing. If the stains are not removed, the actions are carried out until the desired result is achieved.

No. 5. Lemon acid

1. Since you can remove yellow spots on the armpits with citric acid, when removing traces on white, you should make a concentrated solution at home.

2. For 250 ml. water relies 15 gr. lemons. Stir the composition until the grains dissolve, then pour the stain with this solution. Detect a couple of hours, stretch the product.

No. 6. White Spirit

1. Since it can be difficult to get rid of ugly yellow spots under the arms, in particular on white things made of delicate material, we recommend using white spirit.

2. Combine it with ammonia 2 to 1. Gently apply to the marks and circumferential area. Detect 1.5 hours, stretch the little thing.

How to remove stubborn sweat marks

Earlier, you learned how to remove yellow sweat stains. Now it's worth considering ways to remove old marks from white clothes. At home, follow these simple tips.

No. 1. ammonium chloride

1. Mix 12 ml. ammonia with 240 ml. water. Pour into the solution 10 gr. salt.

2. Treat the contaminated area with the finished composition. After half an hour, rub with a brush.

No. 2. Vinegar, lemon, ammonia

1. Sweat stains under the armpits perfectly remove the solution from 5 liters. water and 60 ml. vinegar. Mix liquids thoroughly. Dip the item in the solution and wait 25-35 minutes.

2. Since it will not work to remove the stain immediately, then you need to mix 30 ml. ammonia and 120 ml. water. Take out the clothes and treat the stain with a new product.

3. Rinse afterwards. Make a new solution of 25 ml. lemon fresh and 100 ml. water. Treat contaminated areas. Wash the item after 2.5 hours.

No. 3. Aspirin with peroxide

1. Rub laundry / tar soap, dissolve the chips in warm water. Wait for the solution to cool down to 30 degrees. Drop an item in it.

2. In parallel, combine the powder of 3-5 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid with 30 ml. water. Apply the paste to the marks. After a few hours, wash the product.

1. Since yellow stains from sweat can be removed in various ways, do not forget that during the work to remove dirt from white clothes, you should always protect your hands with rubber gloves.

2. Be sure to test on an invisible area at home before using the composition. You must know how the fabric reacts to a given compound.

3. Always clean sweat marks from the inside of clothing. Also wet the areas around the stain with water, then stains will not appear.

4. If you have used acid or peroxide to solve a problem, always rinse thoroughly. Otherwise, poorly washed clothes will turn yellow.

It's easy to remove dirt on your favorite things. Consider different options for solving the problem. Most improvised preparations are always available at home.

How to remove underarm sweat stains on white clothes? - Sooner or later, any housewife will face such a question, because it is very difficult to protect light-colored clothes from the appearance of yellow spots under the arms.


The washing process has been greatly facilitated by the advent of washing machines, but after powder treatment it is not always possible to remove sweat stains on white clothes. To address this issue should be thoroughly prepared. To preserve the whiteness and original appearance of things, special recipes are needed.

Important! When sweating, the fluid that is excreted from the body is very strongly eaten into the fibers of the tissue. Therefore, even with careful hygiene and a timely change of clothes, yellow sweat marks can still appear in the armpits and collar. Often there is information that the use of antiperspirants prevents the appearance of unaesthetic stains. But most of the deodorants only block and eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat. And some components in the composition of the product, on the contrary, contribute to the appearance of spots.

How to remove sweat stains under the armpits?

To a greater extent, everyday clothes of light shades or strictly black color suffer from yellow traces of sweat. With constant wear, unaesthetic yellow marks appear on them very quickly. From this, things lose their appearance and become unusable. Do not get upset and panic, there are simple recipes for how to get rid of yellow spots under the arms on white things. You will find all the ingredients necessary for cleaning in the home in the kitchen, pantry or home first aid kit.

Important! It is much easier to remove yellow sweat stains under the arms, provided that they are fresh and have not been on the fabric for long.

Dishwashing liquid

The first and easiest solution to remove yellow sweat stains under the arms on white clothes, experienced housewives note the use of dishwashing liquid. This kitchen chemistry product perfectly removes greasy marks from dishes, it is also often used when greasy marks appear on fabrics.

Mode of application:

  1. Prepare a shallow bowl, pour 200 ml of water into it.
  2. Add 10 ml of liquid to the water and mix thoroughly.
  3. Lay out the soiled item on a flat surface, or place it in a basin, stains up.

Important! The best place for this treatment is the bathroom.

  1. Pour the foam mixture directly onto the blouse.
  2. Leave the processed item for several hours.
  3. Finally, wash the remaining stains with regular laundry soap.

Important! Remember that stains on light-colored clothes can appear because they were not cleaned properly or the wrong products were used. Perhaps no extra effort on your part will be needed - only a competent approach.

Laundry soap

A proven, albeit not the most effective method for removing yellow sweat stains from white things at home is to use laundry soap. In this way, you can clean clothes from fresh, not very stubborn traces. In the fight against old sweat stains, soap, unfortunately, will not give any result.

Mode of application:

  1. Rub the soiled areas of the T-shirt liberally.
  2. Leave for a while for the best effect.
  3. After an hour or two, rinse under water and carry out a normal wash.

Baking soda

Baking soda can always be found in the kitchen cabinet of every housewife. Fresh, not very stubborn traces of sweat are easily removed using a prepared product with food powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix in a small container 50 grams of soda and water in equal proportions.
  2. Mix until a slurry is formed.
  3. Using a spoon, apply the resulting raw material to the contaminated areas of the shirt.
  4. With a soft brush, with gentle movements, so as not to damage the material, rub the treated surface.
  5. Leave the product in this position for one hour.
  6. Finally, thoroughly wash the shirt with powder and rinse several times in running water.

Important! Very carefully remove the remaining soda from the surface of the product. Otherwise, whitish stains may form.


To remove underarm sweat stains from delicate fabrics like silk, you should choose more gentle products. Silk, as you know, is a very thin and delicate fabric, so in this case, use ordinary table salt.

Mode of application:

  1. Place a silk product in the wash basin.
  2. Prepare a saline solution by mixing 1 liter of water and 250 grams of salt.
  3. Stir the liquid thoroughly so that the salt is completely dissolved.
  4. Pour the stained item with liquid and leave for a while.
  5. Finally, rinse the product in cold water and machine or hand wash.


Want to know how to get underarm sweat stains out of colored clothes? - Table vinegar is an effective remedy, but it should be used with extreme caution on fabrics. If the colored fabric is prone to shedding, white streaks may appear after processing.

Important! Before applying vinegar, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute 10 ml of vinegar with 80 ml of water in a small container.
  2. Soak a soft cloth or sponge in the resulting liquid, wipe the contaminated areas.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with water after treatment.
  4. At the final stage of stain removal, machine or hand wash with powder.

Lemon acid

You can remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes with citric acid. The method is quite simple and does not take much time, while restoring the whiteness of your things.

Mode of application:

  1. In a small container, dilute 10 ml of citric acid and 200 ml of water.
  2. Stir until the acid is completely dissolved.
  3. Apply liberally to sweat-damaged areas of clothing.
  4. Leave for 2 hours for acid exposure.
  5. Finish by washing with powder or soap.

Hydrogen peroxide

Not sure how to remove sweat stains from white clothes? - It's time to look in your first aid kit and find hydrogen peroxide in it, which will very effectively help restore the whiteness of your things.

Important! This method is most suitable for removing sweat marks from cotton fabrics. With the help of peroxide in a short period of time you will achieve amazing results.

Processing way:

  1. Lay the soiled T-shirt out on a flat surface.
  2. Pour peroxide on the area contaminated with yellow spots.
  3. Let the fabric soak in the liquid for 5 minutes.
  4. In the end, rinse the product under running water.

Important! To process silk clothes, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of raw materials. In this case, use 15 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml of water to prepare a solution.


This drug will not only help reduce fever, but is also just an excellent tool to remove yellow spots under the armpits on white. On top of that, if there are antiperspirant marks on your blouse, aspirin tablets will do a great job of removing them as well.

Mode of application:

  1. To prepare the mixture, crush 4 aspirin tablets into a powder.
  2. Pour the resulting powder into a glass of warm water.
  3. Stir thoroughly to completely dissolve all the grains.
  4. In the bathroom or in the basin, lay out dirty things, pour aspirin liquid on the stains.
  5. Leave the remedy for the best effect for one hour.
  6. Finally, thoroughly rinse the shirt in water and machine wash.


As it has been proven by scientists, men have a higher level of sweating than women. Based on this, yellow sweat marks on men's shirts are quite common. In some cases, sweat is so firmly ingrained into the fibers of the fabric that machine wash and expensive stain remover are unable to cope with such contamination. In this case, gasoline will help save the shirt of your beloved man.

Mode of application:

  1. Lay the soiled shirt out on a flat surface.
  2. Soak a cotton pad or clean cloth in the refined gasoline.
  3. With rubbing movements, walk around the entire perimeter of the contamination.

Important! You need to get rid of yellow streaks by moving from the edge of the spot to its center. In this way, you will avoid stains on the shirt.

  1. When traces of contamination disappear from the surface, moisten a cotton swab with ammonia, treat the area again.
  2. Finally, wash your shirt as usual.

Homemade stain remover

All of the above methods will do a great job with fresh sweat stains. But how to remove yellow sweat stains that for a long time were on the product and managed to properly eat into the material? - In this case, you will need a more concentrated product than those mentioned above. You can easily prepare such a stain remover at home.

Mode of application:

  1. In a metal or glass container, mix 30 ml of refined gasoline, 40 ml of denatured alcohol and 20 ml of ammonia.
  2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Treat the stains on the product with the prepared product and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, rinse things under running water.

Important! If the traces are not completely removed, rub the treated areas with a soft brush and laundry soap.


If you are not one of the timid ones and are not afraid of difficulties or unpredictable consequences, we will tell you a method proven over the years and by our grandmothers, how to remove yellow stains from sweat on white. If you need to restore linen or cotton clothes, you can try boiling your clothes.

Processing sequence:

  1. Prepare an iron bucket, a metal basin or other container that can be put on fire, laundry soap (preferably 72%) and a metal grater.
  2. Grate laundry soap on a metal grater and add it to a bucket of poured water.
  3. Stir with a wooden stick until the soap dissolves in the water.

Important! To achieve a better result, you can additionally add soda or ammonia.

  1. Place the item to be boiled in the resulting soapy water.
  2. Wait until the water boils, reduce the intensity of the flame and simmer on the fire for about an hour.

Important! The contents of the bucket should be periodically stirred with a wooden spatula.


Applying the simple recommendations from this article, and knowing how to remove sweat stains under the armpits, getting rid of unaesthetic stains will not be difficult at all. Periodically inspect things for the appearance of ugly yellow streaks from sweat. Timely detection of traces will help you quickly and effortlessly bring clothes into a beautiful and tidy appearance and extend their wear. If the blouse or shirt is made of a very expensive delicate fabric and you are afraid of ruining it, contact a dry cleaner. Special tools will qualitatively and effectively restore the former beauty of things dear to you.

Sweating is a natural physiological process of the body. Sweating increases during physical activity, during periods of stress, or due to some kind of illness. Therefore, unpleasant sweat stains often appear on clothes, which are not washed in the usual way in a washing machine. Often, such spots affect our favorite light things, which we don’t want to refuse at all. And you don't need to! After all, clothes can be saved by delicately removing all sweat stains. Usually they are localized in the armpits, collar and back.

How to properly wash clothes from sweat stains

When using any stain remover, it is very important to follow the algorithm for performing all the necessary actions.

  1. As soon as you notice that a stain has appeared on your clothes, get rid of it immediately. Old stains are much more difficult to remove.
  2. White items should not be soaked in bleach. Sweat stains can oxidize and turn gray. This dullness is almost impossible to remove, especially from white things.
  3. Do not wash clothes in too hot water, it is best to use moderately warm water.
  4. It is clear that you want to get rid of annoying stains as soon as possible, but you should not rub the fabric so zealously. It can be damaged, fade, change shape, stretch, or even tear. You will definitely not need such clothes, even without stains.
  5. Before proceeding with the removal of stains, the item must be rinsed in warm water. Then try to remove the stain with ordinary laundry soap. Lather the cloth and rub it lightly with a soft brush. Laundry soap is very effective in dealing with stains of this kind.
  6. Dilute a small amount of the same laundry soap in water and soak the item in soapy water for about an hour and a half. Then once again go over the stain with a brush, repeat the entire cycle if the stain is not washed off.
  7. After the thing has become clean, it must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water. Rinse the item one last time in cold water.
  8. Let your clothes dry naturally - they should not be dried in a dryer or on a heater.

To remove stains from different fabrics, different recipes are needed. Let's consider the main ones.

How to get stains out of cotton clothes

You can remove sweat stains from natural cotton clothes with baking soda. To do this, it must be mixed with water until a thick slurry is formed. This gruel should be applied to the stain and left for 15 minutes. Then the clothes should be put in the washing machine and washed at 30 degrees as usual.

Another way to clean cotton fabrics is with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Take half a glass of water, add 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of vinegar to it. Apply the resulting liquid to the fabric and leave for 10 minutes, after which the clothes must be rinsed. This method cannot be used for colored fabrics.

Removing sweat stains from silk fabric

To clean delicate silk fabric, the following method is suitable. First lather the stain with laundry soap, and then pour a dilute hydrogen peroxide solution over the top. Then the fabric can be rinsed. After such a procedure, your clothes will change significantly and the stain will become much less noticeable. However, to completely eliminate it, clothes must be soaked in a solution of oxalic acid for half an hour. This is the final stage of cleansing. After that, the fabric must be thoroughly rinsed.

You can remove sweat stains from clothes from lye using a special substance that is sold in specialized stores for amateur photographers. This is sodium hyposulfite. It is used for developing photographs and it does a great job of removing sweat stains on clothes. To do this, a teaspoon of this chemical must be dissolved in a glass of water and the problem areas treated with the prepared liquid. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse the clothes several times.

Removing sweat stains from wool

Purification of woolen products should occur in several stages. First you need to prepare very salty water. Put at least five tablespoons of salt in a glass of water until it no longer dissolves. Apply this salt water to any sweat stained areas and hang your clothes to dry without rinsing. Then, alcohol or vodka, that is, any alcohol-containing liquid, must be poured onto dry salty areas of the fabric. After that, the thing must be washed in the usual way.

  1. Mix gasoline, ammonia and laundry soap. The prepared mixture works effectively, especially on white things. To get rid of sweat stains and other old dirt, the prepared mixture should be applied to the stain and left for half an hour. Then the fabric must be rinsed in vinegar water (a tablespoon of strong vinegar per liter of water) and dried.
  2. To eliminate small, difficult to remove stains and stains, you need to add a teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of sea salt to the powder when washing. This will avoid unpleasant surprises after washing in the form of unwashed stains.
  3. A colored shirt or blouse can also be saved. To do this, you need an iron and dry laundry soap. The iron must be heated and turned over. On it you need to lay a piece of fabric with a stain, directly on a hot surface. Scrub the stain with dry laundry soap, and then rinse the item. This is a very useful and efficient way.
  4. Regular glycerin baby soap will help rid clothes of sweat stains. Wash the stain, as you would normally hand wash your clothes, and enjoy great results.
  5. Egg yolk can save clothes. It must be shaken and applied to contaminated areas. When the yolk is dry, scrape it off with a spoon. Then the thing needs to be washed at a low temperature.
  6. You can get rid of sweat stains on white fabric using the usual grandmother's method - boiling. Usually boil underwear and bed linen. To do this, you need to draw water into the pan, bring it to a boil, add any soap product (powder or soap) and the affected item itself. Boil for at least an hour. Sometimes this is the only way that can eliminate old stubborn stains.
  7. You can get rid of sweat "contours" on clothes with gasoline. To do this, moisten a sponge in gasoline and wipe the stain with it from the edge to the center, in order to avoid the appearance of new contours of the stain. Then the thing must be rinsed or washed in the usual way.
  8. Yellow stains on clothes from sweat and deodorant can be removed with wine vinegar. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water and moisten places with stains. Rinse clothes as usual.

How to prevent sweat stains from appearing on clothes

In order not to wash sweat stains from clothes, you need to think about whether there are ways to avoid the appearance of such stains? Here are some tips.

  1. First of all, hygiene. After all, this is a consequence of the reproduction and active life of bacteria. Therefore, every day you need to take a shower in the morning and evening. On summer days, this can be done more often.
  2. Even if you take a shower every day, this is not a reason to refuse deodorant. Choose a cosmetic product that is right for you and saves you from sweat and odor.
  3. If you have excessive sweating, it makes sense to use special underarm pads. They consist of a natural material, are easily attached to clothing, are invisible and do not let sweat through. With such linings, you will be able to raise your hand without embarrassment, holding on to the handrail in public transport.
  4. Wear fresh clothes daily, especially during the hot season. If sweat comes through the shirt, it is advisable to wear a thin white T-shirt underneath.
  5. Choose clothes made from natural fabrics - linen, cotton. They are more breathable and do not clog pores.

If sweat stains appear on clothes, this does not mean that your favorite T-shirt or blouse should be used as a rag. The variety of the above recipes will help you eliminate unwanted pollution. If you can't deal with this enemy on your own, don't worry, the thing can be taken to the dry cleaners.

Video: how to remove yellow stains from underarm sweat on white clothes

How often do you have to part with your favorite clothes just because they have dirty stains from sweat that seem completely impossible to wash off! But a clean, neat look not only gives a good mood to a person, but also affects the attitude of the people around. How to remove yellow stains on clothes under the arms is described in the article.

The sweat secreted by the human body contains proteins, fatty acids, and many other organic elements. Reacting with oxygen and settling on clothing fabrics, sweat leaves unsightly yellow stains. In addition, low-quality deodorants can contaminate clothes. A simple wash usually does not solve the problem. To remove yellow underarm stains, you need to know a few secrets, which will be discussed later.

Currently, there are many different detergents, powders and bleaches that can be used to remove any contamination. And many people rightly prefer chemicals when washing their clothes. But these funds may not always be at hand, and not all types of fabric will retain a respectable appearance after being treated with powders.

Another way to deal with sweat stains involves the use of improvised products prepared at home from the most common substances. It can be salt, aspirin and more.

First of all, as soon as a stain is found, the place of contamination should be rubbed with laundry soap and washed. If the contamination has not disappeared, a more substantial method will have to be applied.

Clothes with sweat and fat contamination should not be washed in water with a temperature of more than 30 degrees. With the interaction of protein and hot water, yellowness will only become stronger. It is better to dry clothes in the shade, excluding direct sunlight.

Before applying this or that remedy, you need to try it on a small piece of cloth in an inconspicuous place.

Removing stains from light colored clothes

Removing sweat stains from a light-colored T-shirt or blouse is a difficult task, but quite doable. There are several ways to resolve this issue.

Baking soda

To prepare the remedy for stains, you need to take 4 tbsp. l. tea soda and 2 tbsp. l. water. Mix the components well and spread the resulting suspension on the stain. Set clothes aside for two hours, then wash in cool water and hang to dry.

Vinegar, vodka

If the household has vinegar or vodka, then they can also be used,. It is necessary to dilute the vinegar with water 1: 1 and wet the stain with the mixture. Then the clothes are washed in the usual way.

1 st. l. 3% peroxide is dissolved in 1 liter. liquids. A piece of clothing with a stain or the whole thing is placed in the extract and aged for 30 minutes. Then washed and dried.

Acetylsalicylic acid

2 tons of aspirin are ground into powder and dissolved in 1/2 tbsp. water. The stains are wetted with the resulting product, and the clothes are removed for 3 hours. Then the stain is washed with cold water, and the whole thing is washed in the usual way. If the spots do not disappear, then you can reduce the amount of water. Take a teaspoon instead of half a glass, apply the suspension to the dirt and wait 1 hour, then wash the clothes.

Lemon acid

1 tsp acid is mixed with 1 tbsp. liquid and sprayed onto the contaminated area. Clothes are put aside for 2 hours, then washed in cool water.


To remove stains from light-colored cotton materials, as well as from silk and linen clothes, edible salt is used, which any housewife will always have. An extract is made from 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 tbsp. liquid, applied to dirty areas and after two hours the clothes are washed.

Sometimes ammonia is used along with salt. 1 tsp. these substances are diluted in 1 tbsp. liquid and wet the damaged areas of the fabric with this mixture. Wash after half an hour and hang to dry in the fresh air in the shade.

Dish detergent

It is sometimes possible to remove sweat stains even with the help of ordinary dishwashing gel, for example, the well-known Fairy remedy. The gel must necessarily be transparent, since the dyes that make up its composition can remain on white clothes. 1 tsp "Fairy" dissolves in 1 tbsp. water and poured onto the dirty area. After 2 hours, clothes can be washed and hung out to dry.


Boiling can truly be considered the oldest way to get rid of stains. It was also known to our grandmothers, who lived in those days when, apart from laundry soap, there were no powders for washing and bleaching. Boiling is used for thin and thick cotton fabrics.

To boil clothes, you need to take a tank and rub 150 grams of laundry soap. Heat water, pour soap into the tank, stir, fold clothes and put on fire. Boil clothes for about 4 hours on a quiet fire. Then things should be rinsed and hung out to dry. This method takes a lot of time, but as a result, all stains will be washed off.

Getting rid of sweat stains on colored fabrics

Eliminating sweat stains from a light-colored shirt is difficult, and solving this problem when it comes to colored and dark fabrics is even more difficult. Before proceeding with the removal of contamination, it is necessary to check on an inconspicuous piece of fabric how the selected agent works to make sure that the material reacts normally and the thing will not be damaged.

In order not to distort the colors of the fabric, you should not allow the effect of the stain remover for more than 15 minutes. When hand washing, it is advised to add a little ammonia or salt to the water. This will help get rid of small dirt and will prevent discoloration of the fabric.

To remove stains resulting from sweating and deodorants from clothes, all those means, except for boiling, that are applicable to washing white fabrics and have been discussed above, are suitable. But there are several more recipes that are applicable specifically for colored materials.

Oxalic acid

The acidic environment wonderfully copes with various stains, including those that have appeared as a result of sweating. But the use of laundry detergents containing acids must be very careful. Even a slight exaggeration of concentration can irrevocably destroy your favorite thing.

Among the leaders in the fight against stains, citric and oxalic acids can be distinguished. To prepare a detergent, dissolve 1/2 tsp. oxalic acid in 50 ml of cool water. Then, after soaking a cloth in the resulting solution, gently wipe the stain. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the acid can ruin the material. The processed part must be set aside for an hour, and you should not take it out into the sun, otherwise the stain will only get fixed. After the set time has elapsed, the clothes should be rinsed and hung out to dry.

To remove sweat stains from natural colored fabrics, such as silk and wool, white spirit is an indispensable tool. To prepare the product, you need to combine white spirit with ammonia. It is very important to keep the right proportions. For 4 shares of white spirit, there are 2 ammonia, the proportions must be exactly observed, otherwise the stain will harden, and the color and structure of the material will also be spoiled.

The prepared solution is carefully, without zealous rubbing, applied to the stain. Clothes are laid off for 1.5 hours so that the product is absorbed into the fabric. Then the thing is rinsed in cool water and hung out to dry.

Denatured alcohol and ammonia

To remove a sweat stain, you can mix ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal amounts and apply to the contaminated area. The treated item is left in a dark place for 40 minutes, after which it is washed in cool water with alkaline soap.

In addition, denatured alcohol is sometimes used along with yolk. These two components are combined in equal parts and the resulting mixture is processed. Rinse your clothes after 20 minutes.

To remove sweat stains from colored fabrics, in no case should you use chlorine-containing products, as they lighten the color of the material. You should also avoid the use of substances such as acetone, gasoline, benzene.

Old pollution

If sweat stains have formed on the clothes, and they put it on the back burner and forgot to wash it, then it will be much more difficult to remove such pollution than it has just appeared. Removing any old stains begins with a short soak in soapy water.

Great for removing old aspirin stains. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of 2 tablets and water, as described above, and treat the stain.

Old sweat stains can be removed by flooding things for half an hour with water with the addition of acetic acid. For 6 liters of liquid, 1.5 tbsp. l. vinegar. After soaking, the stain can be treated with baking soda or ammonia.

In addition, to remove old stains from colored fabrics, you can use the following method:

  • soak the blouse with dissolved alkaline soap;
  • treat the contaminated area with a mixture of aspirin (2 tablets) and liquid (1 tsp);
  • keep the thing in solution for 4 hours;
  • wash in non-hot water;
  • stains are additionally treated with ammonia dissolved in liquid (1:10);
  • after 15 minutes, the clothes are washed again.

Do not rush to throw away your favorite clothes just because of a few yellow spots under your arms. You can always prepare a remedy for their disappearance without a trace.

To maintain thermoregulation, the body has to secrete sweat, which not only smells bad, but also pollutes clothes. There are several ways to remove sweat stains quickly and effectively using improvised and special chemicals.

How to remove sweat stains?

Sweat stains are one of the most problematic, but thanks to numerous experiments, housewives have been able to identify some really effective methods for removing them. When figuring out how to remove yellow sweat stains, it is worth saying that when choosing a product, it is important to take into account not only the color, but also the quality of the material, so as not to spoil the thing. If possible, you should first test on a small area of ​​tissue.

How to remove sweat stains from white clothes?

On light-colored clothes, pollution is visible to the naked eye, and it is difficult to remove them even after numerous washes. There are several effective and simple methods to remove sweat stains from a white shirt, T-shirt and other clothes:

  1. Rub the underarm area with laundry soap and leave for an hour. After that you need a machine wash.
  2. You can quickly wash a thing with a popular dish detergent - Fairy. In 200 ml of water, add 1 teaspoon of the product and apply the solution to problem areas. Leave for an hour and wash.
  3. Aspirin helps to get rid of not only headaches, but also yellow spots. If you want to know how to remove sweat stains quickly and without much effort, so, turn a couple of tablets into a powder and dilute it in 100 ml of water. Moisten the dirt with the finished solution, leave for three hours, and then wash in the machine. If it was not possible to remove the stains the first time, then add a few drops of water to the crushed aspirin to make a gruel, which should be applied to the stain for an hour, and then washed.

White sweat stains on black clothes

To protect against an unpleasant odor when sweat is released, many people use deodorants that leave white spots and are difficult to remove with regular washing. There are ways to remove sweat stains on dark fabrics:

  1. Lemon juice works well on stains, but it is considered an aggressive agent, so test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe damaged item. Apply freshly squeezed juice to the stain and leave for 3-5 minutes. Then hand wash in warm water.
  2. You can remove sweat stains on black with denatured alcohol. Apply a few drops to a cotton pad and apply it to the contaminated areas. Leave for 5 min. and wash well to remove the bad smell.

How to remove sweat stains on colored clothes?

If you need to clean a colored item, but so that it does not become pale and deteriorate, please note that chlorine, strong acids, acetone and solvents such as gasoline and benzene should not be used. Choose from methods to remove sweat stains on colored clothes:

  1. Alcohol and vodka have proven themselves well, since the substances included in them contribute to the separation of dirt. Dilute 96% alcohol with water, considering the ratio 1:2. If you took vodka, then use liquids in equal parts. Apply the product and leave everything for a couple of hours. After that, wash.
  2. There is another easy way to remove sweat stains. Take a dishwashing sponge and lather it with laundry soap, then scrub the stains with it. Rinse off the soap solution and sprinkle the dirt with dry oxalic acid. Please note that this is an aggressive substance, so do not keep it on the fabric for more than 15 minutes. Rinse clothes in cold water.

Sweat stains on a leather jacket

Popular outerwear, both among men and among women -. Natural material requires special care, so it is important to know how to remove sweat stains without damaging the product:

  1. A simple and effective method of removing dirt is rubbing with laundry soap. Important - you do not need to wet either the soap or the jacket. Leave on for 15 minutes and then hand wash gently in lukewarm water.
  2. You can wash the inside of the jacket with soaked baking soda. Leave the item until the powder dries and then brush it off. Laundry is optional.
  3. If there are no spots, but an unpleasant one is felt, then another method can be used. Fill the tub with very hot water to release steam. Pour vinegar (200 ml) into it and hang the jacket on the coat hanger so that the fumes fall on it. Close the bathroom door and leave everything for a couple of hours.

How to remove old sweat stains?

It is not easy to deal with old pollution, so no method can guarantee a 100% result. The instructions on how to remove old sweat stains indicate that soaking should be carried out first, and bleach, powder should be added to the water, or, in extreme cases, make it soapy. Use these cleaning methods:

  1. To remove old sweat stains, mix two crushed aspirin tablets with 1 teaspoon of water and use a brush to treat the stained area with the product. After that, soak the clothes again for three hours, and then wash them. In the next step, mix water and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 10:1, and then apply the solution to the stains. After 10 min. the final wash can be carried out and the dirt should be removed.
  2. Sweat stains can be removed by combining the effects of soda and vinegar. First, soak the thing in a solution of vinegar, for which, for 5 liters of water, use 1-2 tbsp. spoons. Separately, combine 200 ml of water and 4 tbsp. spoons of soda. Rub the stains well with the prepared solution. It remains to wash things in the usual way.

How to remove stains from deodorant and sweat?

Imagine the methods described above, this is not the whole arsenal in the stock of housewives. For example, you can cope with stains with ordinary hydrogen peroxide, which should be applied for 5 minutes. for pollution. When cleaning silk items, use a solution of 15 ml of hydrogen peroxide per 1 tbsp. water. If you are interested in how to get rid of sweat stains on clothes, then know that you can use gasoline, salt, soda, boiling and many special products.

Ammonia for sweat stains

An aqueous solution of ammonia is sold in various concentrations, and for domestic use, a product with 25% is suitable. Be aware of the toxicity of ammonia, so use personal protective equipment. Focus on the following recommendations on how to remove yellow stains from sweat and traces of deodorant:

  1. Take 200 ml of warm water and dissolve in it a small spoonful of salt and ammonia.
  2. The resulting solution must be rubbed into the dirt and left for 15 minutes. After that, wash.
  3. If the spots are large, then mix ammonia with water in equal amounts and pour the solution onto the fabric. To wash the item, leave for a couple of minutes and wash.

Citric acid for sweat stains

For cleaning, you can use citric acid, on the basis of which the solution is made. Another advantage of this method is that it gives whiteness to things. It is important to know how to quickly remove sweat stains from clothes. First mix 1 tbsp. water and 10 ml of citric acid. After complete dissolution, treat the problem areas with the finished product. To remove dirt, leave everything for a couple of hours for the acid to work. It remains only to wash it with powder or soap.

Soda for sweat stains

Every housewife can always find baking soda in a cabinet in the kitchen, which easily removes various contaminants. To remove yellow sweat stains on white, use the instructions:

  1. Mix 50 g of water and soda. The result is a gruel, which is applied to the dirt with a spoon, or do everything with your hands, but put on gloves.
  2. After that, take a soft brush and with light movements, so as not to damage the fabric, treat the surface.
  3. Leave everything for an hour, and then wash the clothes with the powder and rinse several times in running water. This is important because baking soda residue can cause white streaks.

How to remove sweat stains with vinegar?

Table vinegar can be used for white and colored clothes. It is important to do everything carefully, because if the matter is prone to molting, then white stains may form. When figuring out how to remove sweat stains, it is worth pointing out that before using vinegar, it is necessary to conduct a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing. Mix 80 ml of water and 10 ml of vinegar, and then soak a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated areas with it. Leave for a few minutes and rinse under running water. To complete the cleaning, it is recommended to carry out a machine or hand wash using a powder.

Sweat stain remover

If home recipes have not yielded any results, or you just don’t want to spend time on such experiments, then you can take industrial stain removers. How to remove old sweat stains or new dirt can be read on the packaging, since each product has its own instructions. Popular brands include: