How to refresh dark blond hair color. Shades of light brown hair color: which one to choose? Lightening brown hair with baking soda

When a lack of time or money does not allow you to turn to a professional colorist, you have to master the intricacies of hair coloring at home. . And it turns out that there is nothing complicated in this.


Tidy up your hair: Repair your hair with a deep conditioner. Then wait a few days for the sebum to be released to act as a protective barrier to the dye (this helps protect the scalp from the chemicals in the dye, improves the penetration of the dyes and improves the uniformity of the dye).

How to refresh your hair color with natural remedies

Espresso for hair: To freshen up the color of black or brown hair will help ... strong black coffee or espresso. Brew coffee, cool it and apply to dry, clean hair. Wash your hair with shampoo after about half an hour.

Nut Shake: Use hazelnuts to add shine to dark hair. Boil a glass of shelled and coarsely chopped hazelnut kernels in a glass of water. Cool the resulting mixture, strain and apply the nut decoction to the hair. Wash your hair with shampoo after half an hour.

Tea ceremony: You can give dark hair a nutty tint with ordinary tea. Brew strong black tea and rinse clean hair with tea leaves. To shade light brown or light brown hair, use a strong decoction of chamomile. Apply the decoction to your hair, and after twenty minutes, rinse, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse.

Fruit Juices: You've probably heard of the whitening properties of lemon juice. But did you know that rinsing with cranberry juice makes red hair shiny and dark hair red?

Even when using these natural hair dyes, always remember the rule of the color wheel: shades of opposite segments of the color wheel, i.e. blue and orange, purple and yellow, red and green, cancel each other out.

Tips for maintaining the color of long, gray and naturally curly hair

Long hair: When it comes to coloring long hair, four hands is definitely better than two. If you color your hair at home, ask a friend for help.

The ends of long hairs are more porous than the rest of the hair follicle. In addition, since under the influence of body heat the dyeing reaction is accelerated, the hair roots are dyed faster, therefore, dyeing should be started approximately from the middle of the strand, moving in both directions - to the roots and to the tips.

If your hair is not only long, but also thick, before dyeing it should be divided into identical strands and processed alternately.

Naturally Curly Hair: Experts do not recommend dyeing naturally curly hair with permanent dye. Any chemical treatment can negatively affect the texture of the hair. If the hair is weakened and dried as a result of straightening or other similar procedures, dyeing the hair with permanent dye will only worsen the condition. In addition, semi-permanent colors give a more saturated shade that can be effectively refreshed after a while, unlike permanent colors that do not wash off.

Gray hair: Hair turns gray when the hair follicle loses pigmentation. Gray hair has a less porous structure, so it is difficult to dye. Before dyeing gray hair should be washed with a special emollient shampoo. Therefore, choose a paint at least one shade darker than the color you want to get. The dye should remain on the hair for less than 35 minutes.

A shampoo designed specifically for color-treated hair that helps maintain softness, color and natural shine. Regular shampoo dries out and weakens color-treated hair, making it appear dull and discolored.

If possible, install a water filter in the shower. Tap water is treated with chemicals and contains many harmful elements, such as rust (if the water pipes are rusty), which settle on the hair and spoil their color.

Use a deep conditioner regularly—at least once every two weeks—to restore lost moisture and shine to color-treated hair. In addition, regular use of the conditioner makes the transition between regrown roots and dyed hair less noticeable.

After washing everything, pat your hair dry with a towel. Do not dry your hair, do not twist it into a braid, and do not wrap it in a turbaned towel. When using a hair dryer, aim it at your scalp, not your hair. Hot air currents deprive the hair of moisture, and also contributes to the accumulation of static electricity.

Never comb wet hair with a brush. Use a wide-toothed comb for this. Comb your hair from ends to roots.

Leave-in conditioners often contain sunscreen to help protect your hair color from fading.

In the summer heat, we recommend spraying your hair with mineral water. especially after swimming in the pool.

Light blond hair color takes the place of special favorites in women. This is due to the special natural naturalness of such a tone, which masks the imperfections of the face, rejuvenates it. Light brown hair of any shade looks natural and luxurious, besides, it is much easier to care for them than for dark hair.

Light blond hair color

Shades of this color are most similar to blond. Despite this, they are all distinguished by their natural beauty, rich brilliance and naturalness.

Due to its naturalness, light blond hair color suits almost everyone. The only exception is its use by ladies with a dark skin tone, eyes, and the same natural hair color. The imbalance that appears in appearance will be too conspicuous. Fair-skinned young ladies with heavenly or emerald eyes, belonging to the “Winter” or “Summer” color type, are recommended to choose shades of blond. For those who fit the description of "Spring" or "Autumn", copper colors are the best fit.

It is believed that dyeing hair in this tone is much more difficult than in bright shades of light brown. Experts advise to look closely at the colors that are as close as possible to the existing hair color. Such paints are characterized by low intensity, so you can lighten dark hair with them the first time only by a couple of tones.

Shades of light brown

Variety in warm, cold, ashy tones of light brown allows many girls to achieve the desired result when changing their image, but without harm to natural external data.

Cool shade of light brown

It is distinguished from other shades by a cold ash, also called platinum, ebb without any yellowness. It is perfect for pale-faced girls with eyes of shades of a clear and cloudy sky.

Golden shade of light brown

This tone looks as warm and sunny as possible. It is recommended to many ladies who want to refresh their appearance, add softness to it. Golden looks most advantageous on girls with pink, light beige skin tones and amber, emerald or heavenly eyes. The only exceptions are those who have a greenish or olive skin tone. Warm light blond hair color makes the skin of the face gray and unhealthy in appearance.

Beige shade of light brown

The soft wheaten color looks extremely natural, while it is almost never found in nature. This tone looks great on fair-faced female representatives with light eyes.

Copper shade of light brown

The warmest, characterized by incredible radiance. It is very similar to a red tint and also looks perfect in the company of freckles on the face, amber, emerald and even gray eyes.

All these shades, properly selected, give youth to their owners, making faces radiant and refreshed. With the help of such natural wheat tones, the hair looks healthy and beautiful.

How to get light blond hair color?

Light blond hair color is available from nature, sometimes the summer sun helps to bleach the crown and some strands, but most often a dye is used that is several tones lighter than the existing color of the curls. When choosing the latter method, preference should be given to paints of well-known brands: Wella, LOreal, Garnnier, Estel, Keune. If the natural color of the hair has a large discrepancy with the selected shade, or they are painted in a shade that is much darker than the selected one, then their preliminary discoloration with further staining is necessary. In such a situation, you need to turn to professionals. They will carefully select the composition of the coloring agents in order to obtain the desired effect and minimally injure the hair.

Those who consider light blond hair color to be banal and boring are advised to color the strands in different shades. Dark roots and lightened length look great. So the hairstyle will look more magnificent, which is essential for girls whose hair looks rather sparse.

Also, the volume of the hair helps to give coloring. This method allows you to give your hair the so-called "sun kiss", a fairly natural effect of lightening the root zone and upper strands. An even less traumatic method is hair tinting using the ombre technique, but here only the lengths are dyed in the desired shade. However, this procedure is extremely popular today, and the color load on the hair is reduced.

With self-coloring, hairdressers recommend not to forget not only about the quality, but also about the volume of coloring agents. Here it must be borne in mind that an ordinary tube of paint is enough for an average shoulder length, but if the curls are longer, then, accordingly, more will be needed. The paint is recommended to be applied in an even layer, sequentially coloring all the hair.

To avoid an unwanted yellowish or greenish tint, you can mix the paint with a blue pigment. That's what the pros always do. Upon completion of staining, the head must be washed with tinting shampoo. Otherwise, the shade may change quickly. When re-staining, it is advised not to apply paint to the entire length. To begin with, it is advised to lighten the regrown roots, and then color them completely. This method is used for ashy and light shades. This allows you to achieve an even color along the entire length.

Owners of weak and brittle hair are not advised to use lightening. To begin with, you should do the usual highlighting of dark strands, and only after that, stain with the selected paint. Such a gentle method will allow you not to injure already weak hair, and due to the fact that the strands will be colored in different ways, you will get an interesting result with spectacular overflows.

There is also an alternative solution that allows you to lighten your hair with natural remedies. This helps not only to acquire a natural shade, but also to strengthen the hair.

Below are the basic recipes for getting light brown curls.

Vinegar with honey

To prepare such a composition, you need to mix two small spoons of vinegar previously diluted by half with one teaspoon of honey. To them should be added one tablespoon of olive oil or ordinary vegetable oil and the same amount of ground cinnamon. Mix everything, apply on a pre-washed head, put on a plastic cap and leave overnight.

Chamomile decoction

You need to take a bag of this pharmacy plant and boil it for ten minutes. Then you should wait until the broth cools down, dilute it and rinse your hair with it.


A decoction or infusion of it will be an excellent tool for strengthening hair, combating dandruff and hair loss, the roots will become strong, and the hair healthy and obedient. Nettle is sometimes used as a hair conditioner, as it oxygenates hair, nourishes the roots, and thus improves blood circulation and stimulates hair growth.

Black tea

The procedure using black tea is almost the same as using chamomile, only it is replaced with ordinary tea brewing. The infusion must be saturated, otherwise the result will not be visible. After rinsing the hair with this infusion, the hair will acquire a healthy rich color, but without shine.

Vitamin C Shampoo

Vitamins in the amount of 10 pieces (usually capsules) are mixed with regular shampoo and washed with it.

Baking soda mask

To prepare it, bring soda to a mushy state with ordinary water. Then, using a comb, the resulting mixture is applied to all the curls, wrap the head with a film and you can go to sleep. In the morning, rinse your hair with water. This mask should be done once a week. The desired result will be noticeable after four applications.

Such products will help you achieve light brown hair on your own without spending the effort and money to visit the salon. But if the shade of your hair is far from this color, then in this case it is worth using the services of hairdressers.

Light brown hair care

Light blond hair color requires increased attention, in the form of good care and proper washing. When the shades characteristic of light blond color are achieved, intensive components are used, so the hair becomes more vulnerable after dyeing.

In order for the resulting light blond hair color to remain for a long time, it is necessary to apply moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics for the hair. They should contain in their composition substances that can neutralize the negative effects of calcium and manganese present in tap water. If you use them constantly, you can save the resulting color of curls.

In addition to additional care and nutrition, you also need to actively protect light curls from ultraviolet radiation in the summer. Going for a walk on a clear day, it is worth applying specially designed products to them that help protect them from exposure to sunlight. If there is no such cosmetics, then you need to put on a hat and hide your hair under it.

For additional nutrition and beauty of hair, it is recommended to prepare infusions of chamomile and lavender. This method also helps to avoid unwanted yellowness.

If you still have doubts about whether you should dye your hair in a light blond hair color, you need to ask the opinion of a specialist. He will help solve doubts with the perfect shade, advise on the optimal and safe staining technique. Then you will become the owner of a luxurious head of hair with a magnificent natural radiance.

In the video below, you will see that there is nothing difficult in switching to a light blond hair color, even if initially their shade was quite dark. Although the whole procedure is performed by a pro in his field.

Choosing a hair color is not an easy task. To create an organic appearance, you have to take into account many nuances. The appearance of a variety of dyes gives scope for choice. Blonde today, brunette tomorrow. Over time, the process is tiring, there is a desire to return the native light or dark blond hair color. With him, the image is natural, harmonious. Natural tone, contrary to popular belief, looks noble. Moreover, it can be artificially saturated, give depth, charm.

Color Features

The fashion for everything natural has not bypassed the appearance. Soft facial features, body curves, natural hair color variations are firmly entrenched trends. The light brown color of curls is considered the recognized leader among the preferred color options. Someone seeks to move from a brunette (brown-haired) to a lighter tone, others saturate, ennoble the natural color.

Blonde girls are more likely to attract the attention of men. This becomes the main reason for choosing an option close to "blonde". At the same time, dyeing in a beautiful tone of light brown most often costs the least loss to the health of the hair. Although care for bleached hair will still need to be more thorough.

Choosing a natural option is an excellent solution if you need a smooth transition from dark to light and vice versa. Having painted in the tones of the gamut, it will turn out to “try on” an uncharacteristic color scheme, to decide on a further choice.

Light brown gamma is surprisingly natural, practical. She does not emphasize the flaws in appearance (like chocolate brown), more often shading the "bottlenecks". For some, this circumstance can become a significant disadvantage. Appearance will lose brightness, become faceless. It's all about choosing the right shade.

How to choose a shade

Russified hair is versatile. By nature, it is in this range of the palette that the majority of the Slavs are located. Natural hair color is not monotonous - there are many gamut options. There is a warm and cold border of shades. Choose light and dark options. Golden, ashy or close to brown is a matter of taste.

The type of appearance when choosing is also of no small importance. If the eyes and skin are of a warm temperature (whether dark or light undertones), then you should try light versions of light brown with golden notes. The shimmering gleam will incredibly enliven the look. The choice of medium blond is a universal option. It stands on the border of dark and light, warm and cold tones. Pale skin, steel notes in the look - an occasion to try frosty, platinum options. Dark ash will suit dark skin, deep color of the iris.

Age and gender when choosing light brown as a hair color do not matter. A wide range of shades allows you to decide absolutely everything. Light brown in most cases refreshes, makes the appearance softer, has to pay attention to the person. Dark options are ideal for obtaining a strict, business image. Very light shades will create a soft, feminine look. Golden overflows will add the appearance of enthusiasm.

Note! Light brown hair color is universal for choosing a haircut. It will turn out to pick up any shape, length of hairstyle. Light shades look equally good on short and long strands, straight and wavy styling is suitable. Ash is best combined with a medium length haircut. Reddish-gold overflows are ideal in the form of curls.

Popular shades

The variety of shades of the light brown palette is great. It will be possible to choose the nature of the appearance, guided by the names. Natural options are trustworthy. It is recommended to choose natural colors of dark or light colors for a practical everyday business look.

To create a delicate, feminine charm, wheaten, golden, nude blond are suitable. The image will be soft, light, attracting male attention. Beige, natural, medium shade will become a transition from a frivolous to a business look.

Mix the ingredients (3 tablespoons each). For uniformity, it is permissible to add a little hair conditioner. The composition is applied to the hair, kept for 30-60 minutes, washed off. Painting in the desired tone will take a sufficient amount of time.

To obtain golden-caramel notes, decoctions (infusions) of cinnamon are used to rinse the curls after cleansing. It will turn out to slightly color the strands. Masks based on cinnamon powder will help to slightly lighten naturally dark curls. Henna, contrary to popular belief, will not give the desired effect.

Important! It will not be possible to achieve light shades of light brown for natural brunettes (brown-haired women), using folk affinities. You will have to recolor your hair with chemical dyes.

Partial staining

You can freshen up your hair on the basis of natural light brown color with the help of partial coloring of curls. Perform complex processing of strands (shatush, balayage) using 1 or more dyes. The procedure is recommended to be performed by an experienced master. A good knowledge of color, artistic taste is required. The master, evaluating the appearance, randomly distributes strokes, creates a real masterpiece. The result is distinguished by the beauty of the play of highlights.

On light brown hair, you can perform an ombre (partial dyeing technique). Treat exclusively the area at the roots or tips. Smooth transition of color gives an interesting effect. The technique refers to options for gentle staining. Ombre can be performed on naturally dark and light curls.

Coloring cost

Coloring can be done both in the salon and at home. Self-performing the procedure involves a risk to appearance. The lack of professionalism often has a sad effect on the appearance and health of the hair. The more complex the process, the more likely it is to get negative consequences. At home, the cost of staining will be the cost of acquiring the necessary tools and materials. In the salon, you will have to pay extra for the work of the master.

The cost of a simple procedure is usually 1-3 thousand rubles. The price of complex manipulations is rarely lower than 4-5 thousand rubles.

The complexity of caring for blond hair depends on the color change procedure performed. Simple staining does not leave a serious imprint on the care technique. It is enough to use products for colored hair. They will provide care, help to keep the color longer.

When performing clarification in the process of obtaining a light brown color, more intensive actions will be required. Discolored curls with a broken structure need careful treatment, regular moisturizing, nutrition. It is desirable to perform professional salon procedures to restore the condition of the hair.

Light brown color is multifaceted and desired by many. Choose the right shade of a rich palette for any type of appearance. It is not difficult to color, maintain an attractive hairstyle in most cases.

Useful videos

Hair coloring from blonde to medium blond.

From black to blonde hair.

Not seductive fair ones? Have you been lost in the background of bright peers since childhood?

The problem is obvious - your blond. At the same time, the matter is not only in color, but also in the fact that natural hair has such a feature: and the hairstyle seems not lush. Therefore, you want to do something with them, only they are easily damaged. But don't get upset. There is a solution, and it is already waiting for you.

5 ways to make your natural blonde hair color more attractive:

  1. Highlighting. In the case where your color is a partial staining will be a good way out. Since in this case, your hair will only be partially damaged. And at the same time, highlighting will visually add the missing volume. And this is just what you need. Your hair will become more magnificent in appearance and well-groomed.
  2. Coloring. It differs from the previous one in that all hair is dyed, but in different shades. With the right approach, you won't look like a fighting cock. If the colors are chosen close, then the difference will not be noticeable. But this will give the versatility of color and visual volume. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to radically change the color. You can look completely natural.
  3. Permanent coloration. Naturally blond hair color is easily damaged by chemical dyes. Therefore, choose sparing, without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. They will help you and harm you minimally.
  4. You can use tinting agents. For example, honey, caramel or cinnamon. So you give your hair a nice shade.
  5. Just for those who have light brown hair color, you can try to lighten with natural means. You will need lemon juice and water in a 3:1 ratio. Apply the solution completely to the hair or partially, as with highlighting, and recover from walking in the sun. This procedure can be carried out several times. Just how exactly your hair will react is difficult to predict. Therefore, follow the process for the result.

Perfect color. How to choose?

If your hair color is light brown, then burning light and dark flowers are unlikely to suit you, as well as fiery red shades. To understand this for sure, it is best to “try on” new hair on special sites or look into a store that sells wigs. So you will see the finished result and be able to evaluate it.

The best option is to choose a color 1-2 tones either lighter or darker than yours. Then you will look natural.

Pay attention to your eye color. Brown is ideally combined with golden, honey, wheat shades. In this case, it is better to lighten the hair a little.

Ashy cold shades are suitable for blue eyes. And you can use light chestnut or graphite colors. Light eyes will stand out favorably.

How not to ruin your hair?

  • It is ideal to entrust yourself to a good master. But if you decide to change the image yourself, then remember that the color shown on the package will look different on your hair.
  • When choosing a paint, focus on the tone number. So light brown shades are usually indicated by the numbers 5, 6. Lightening tones begin, as a rule, with 10s. They will be too aggressive for you. Therefore, choose numbers 7, 8, 9 for clarification. The numbers that come after the main one indicate the shades.
  • Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days before coloring. Do not paint after If you used henna, then it is better. Otherwise, the result may be unpredictable.
  • If you are dyeing your hair for the first time, then start applying the dye from the ends, they are dyed more slowly. If you tint - vice versa.

And do not forget that coloring, especially lightening, is not the end of your problems, but only the beginning. Now you will need to constantly look after your hair.

Light brown hair color has many shades, we will find the best in hair dye. The best hairstyles for them are braids and ponytails. Makeup for fair-haired is also special. Photo

Light brown hair color is, first of all, a natural tone, most often found among people of Slavic appearance. With age, the color changes: fair-haired children are always blonde, with age the color darkens, but color uniformity is almost never achieved: the tips of the strands are always lighter than the roots. In the sun, the strands of medium-blond people quickly burn out, which achieves natural highlighting.

The disadvantage of natural light brown shades is a frequent admixture of gray. If the hair is blond and shimmers with gold, then such people are considered blondes.

We can easily recognize the light brown color from a person sitting next to him, especially if it is a natural shade, but you will not find such a tone in hair dyes. Light brown is a medium between very light (blond) and dark (brunette), and the average and soft shade of hair is associated with grayness. And if you do not have an outstanding appearance, then there is a high probability that you will repaint your native blond, maybe in another blond, but the one chosen by the hair dye manufacturers.

Not only repainting will help you achieve the brightness of light strands, but also additional partial lightening, for example, an effect or ombre, or partial coloring.
The advantage of natural light brown hair is an affordable wide palette for repainting. Lightening dark strands is much more difficult than medium lightness, and very blond hair looks better on fair-haired people than on former brunettes.

Shades of light brown hair. Photo

natural blond hair color

Natural shades of light brown belong to the "summer", "summer-spring" and, to a lesser extent, "spring" color type. In their average mass, these are medium blond and dark blond colors without an admixture of gold or red tones. Only in light and light light blond are straw, golden and ash motifs found, and it is these rare shades of light brown that are chosen by hair dye manufacturers.

Hair dye colors: blond

Light light blond color paint. Photo

Light blond paint color. Photo

Medium blond paint color. Photo

Dark blond paint color. Photo

The light brown palette lies within c. At the same time, the most common 9th and 8th tones, although I would call them pure blond rather than light brown. However, the prefix blond is similar to the prefix natural, and who doesn’t want to have a “natural” light straw shade of hair? In general, you should not go into controversy, if you are looking for a light light blond from a paint manufacturer, then you should take it into service.
I also note that the tones indicate how light the paint is (or the native tone of the hair), but do not give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shade. So, 9th tone can be frankly yellow and extremely ashy.

False blond shades

Ash-brown paint color. Photo

Cold light brown paint color. Photo

Golden blond paint color. Photo

Red-brown paint color. Photo

However, in some cases, "light brown" will mean exactly the tone, and not the shade. So Ash Blonde is a very light shade of beige. Cold light brown color - gray-beige or gray-brown tone. Golden blond color also comes out of the blond palette and has a golden orange color scheme. And the reddish-blond color is a copper-brown tint.

The first thing to do before dyeing your hair is to decide which shade suits you. The most harmonious for the appearance will be the observance of the level of color saturation with slight deviations up or down. Saturation comes from the yellow and/or red pigment in the hair. You need to evaluate how bright you have them. To do this, when you come to the hairdresser, select your native hair color from the catalog (or close to it, the hairdresser can help you with this), when you see it in front of you, you can compare it with other tones of paint and determine how much they are brighter than yours. .
Light brown tones are suitable for people of "summer", "spring-summer", "winter-summer" color types with a medium contrast appearance and medium saturation of the strands...
Such color types as "winter", "spring", "autumn" (with a naturally bright hairstyle) should be limited to the choice, respectively: light-light-ash, golden-blond and red-blond shades.
As for the choice of light or dark hair dye, there are no restrictions in light brown shades. It all depends on how much you are ready to radically change your image, as well as how much time you are willing to spend on restoring and caring for your hair. After all, radical lightening is always stressful for a natural hairstyle, as a result of which, the strands will need enhanced nutrition, care and even lamination.

As I said, light brown hair is easily lightened in the sun, acquiring an uneven, albeit very attractive color. Only sometimes this sun is not enough for a sufficient effect, as we want. In addition to sunburn, there are other methods of lightening hair that preserve the beauty and vitality of naturally blond shades.

1 Lightening blond hair with honey and vinegar

2 tea cups diluted bite
1 tea cup natural honey
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon ground coriander or cinnamon

You need to mix the ingredients and apply to damp hair, using a comb or coloring brush. After careful application, you need to wrap it in polyethylene or a shower cap, tie it all with a scarf and leave it overnight.
This mixture works due to the presence of the largest amount of hydrogen peroxide in honey, and olive oil and coriander (cinnamon) enhance its effect.

2 Lightening light brown hair with chamomile tea

You can, of course, take black tea, but chamomile gives certain properties to hair: smoothness and healthy shine.
To prepare the mixture, you need to brew tea in water: boil water and a tea bag for 10 minutes. Let cool and rinse your hair with it for 15 minutes. It is possible to resort to rinsing several times during shampooing - this will enhance the lightening effect.

3 Lightening blond hair with soda

Baking soda is great for cleansing hair of chemical accumulations, it is also suitable for lightening hair. This will of course take a little longer than other methods, but it is worth considering the healing effect of soda. Apply moistened soda to your hair once a week and within a month you will see the result.

4 Lightening Brown Hair With Vitamin C

Vitamin C not only brightens the strands, but also makes them healthy and shiny. All you have to do is take 8-9 vitamin C tablets, crush them and mix them into your shampoo. Then, wash it like you would regular shampoo.

Hairstyles for light brown hair

Fashion for hairstyles is changing from long to short, from short to long hairstyles. And if in the 90s everyone tried to cut and curl, then at present the majority, submitting to the fashion trend, tend to grow and braid.
And of course, modern braids are different from "grandmother's". These are various purl braids, spikelets and "dragons" and of course bunches and "bumps".
These hairstyles look especially beautiful and beneficial on blond and light blond hair.
Light brown color is usually not uniform and additionally easily left. Beams of different shades look rich and contrasting. And hairstyles with braids on such hair look especially impressive.

Another great way to emphasize the beauty of blond hair is a ponytail. Various knots and fixed cascades of down-falling strands are very attractive. They can either reduce the volume of your hair, making you look cute, or build it up, giving you a more playful and crazy look.

Although preference is given to long blond hair, but short haircuts have a place to be. To be modern and attractive, you should follow a few rules. Firstly, for fair-haired people in a short hairstyle, volume is needed. It can be achieved by partially lightening the hair (this gives depth, and therefore volume) and vertical blow-drying. Secondly, a natural wave that does not turn into a curl is appreciated (by the way, it also gives volume). This is also achieved by styling hair with special round combs.

Short haircuts for blond hair

Makeup girl with blond hair

Fair-haired girls are mostly blondes or tend to be. The blonde is a gentle image with expressive eyes and sensual lips. One of the factors influencing the creation of the image is light eyebrows, which give softness to the face. It is not necessary to highlight the eyebrows with black or very dark color. Use a soft brown or gray tone. However, on eyelashes, you can completely recoup the eyebrows.
Daytime makeup for a girl with blond hair is work on her eyes: various eyeliners, shadows, mascara. Lips, on the other hand, can do just gloss, or soft light lipstick.