Books developing motor skills. How is a soft educational book made? What colors to choose for decorating a fabric book

An educational book made of fabric is an interesting and useful gift for a baby. You don’t have to buy it for a lot of money; you can make it yourself. To do this, you don’t need to be a professional seamstress or a keen needlewoman; it’s very easy to sew such a thing yourself.

About the benefits of educational fabric books for children

Such a book can captivate the baby for quite a long time, which the mother can devote to herself or to homework.

Such books, unlike cardboard or paper ones, can be crushed, twisted, chewed, wet - absolutely nothing will happen to them. If necessary, they can be washed and ironed, and the book will serve for a long time.

To sew books, they use various fabrics, such as fur, felt, or various fillings, for example, cereals, rustling candy wrappers, and bells. This promotes the development of the baby's tactile sensations.

Thanks to many details, such as lacing, linden, zippers, buttons, buttons and others, A fabric book promotes the development of fine motor skills and teaches the child to be independent. In the future, the baby will be able to easily button a jacket, shirt, tie a knot, etc.

With the help of this wonderful educational toy, you can teach your little one colors, counting, letters, seasons, the concepts of “day-night”, “big-small”, geometric shapes and much more. Here everything will depend only on your imagination.

You can take this sensory book with you anywhere, and the child will be busy with useful activities when it is necessary to behave calmly.

At what age should it be used?

Fabric books must be made taking into account the age of your child:

  • Children under 1 year old can only be offered options that do not contain small fastening parts.
  • Starting from 1 year old, you can already place large parts on the pages that can be removed and attached back, for example, on linden trees.
  • At the age of three, the content of pages can expand. There is already a much larger variety of fasteners and fasteners; the plot of the book may include simple games that can be played together, role-playing games in the form of a fairy tale.
  • Children of older preschool age will like a more complex version that develops logical thinking. Here you can place a finger theater based on a specific fairy tale or cartoon, complicated games and tasks.


To sew a children's book from fabric, natural materials are used - felt, fur, leather, woolen threads, chintz, silk, linen, etc.

It is better to choose bright colors (red, blue, green, purple, white, black, etc.), they are more attractive to children, especially at an early age.

Make sure that the color of the plot matches reality. For example, a dog cannot be blue, and the sea cannot be yellow.

Choose a suitable pattern on the fabric. If the balloons can be “floral” or “polka dot”, then for the spruce you need a plain green fabric, the pattern in this case will be inappropriate.

You may also need:

  • cardboard;
  • padding polyester;
  • cotton wool;
  • threads of different thicknesses;
  • ribbons of different colors and widths;
  • different types of fasteners - linden, magnetic buttons, zippers, buttons, etc.
  • fabric applications;
  • beads;
  • laces of different colors;
  • rustling candy wrappers;
  • cereals;
  • small pebbles;
  • bells.

Your imagination, shown when creating the layout of each page, will tell you what else you need to purchase.

To learn about what materials can be used for sewing educational books, see the following video.

Where to start?

Before you start sewing a book for your baby you need:

  • Consider the number of pages.
  • Show your imagination and work out the plot of each page in detail;
  • Think about what each spread of the book will teach your little one, and what elements are needed for this.
  • Choose the shape and size of the future book. The easiest shapes to sew are square or rectangle. For those who have sewing skills and are confident in their abilities, you can choose more complex shapes - a circle, an oval, a boat, a flower, a sun - it depends on your imagination, sewing ability, and the thematic content of the book.
  • Decide how the pages will be attached to each other - you can fasten them with ribbons, strips of felt, using rings or laces. The most convenient size is approximately 20 cm wide and 25 cm long.

On small pages you will not be able to place all the material that you would like, and when looking at large pages, the child will get lost, get tired quickly, and attention will be scattered.

  • Select or draw the patterns you need. There is no need to look for any specific patterns for your book; you can even use children's coloring books.
  • Calculate approximately how much material and various decorative elements you will need for sewing. Get everything you need.
  • Choose your free time to create a unique book for your beloved child.

Step-by-step guide and basic principles

The principles of sewing books from fabric are the same, only the content of the pages changes:

  • In order to sew the pages, you will need to cut them out of the fabric and sew them on three sides (if you chose a square or rectangular shape).
  • Next, we fill the resulting pocket with sealing material - it can be thick cardboard, foam rubber or padding polyester - and sew up the pocket.
  • It is more convenient to design the pages and cover before you have sewn the pocket, that is, on felt cut out for the page. On it you sew appliques and various details in accordance with your idea.

  • At the decorating stage, attach various accessories and ribbons. Then two sheets of felt are sewn together so that the wrong side is hidden.
  • The algorithm for sewing a book cover is approximately the same. The difference is that you need to leave a supply of felt for the spine, the size of which depends on the thickness and how many pages you make. Don't forget that the cover should be thicker than the pages. To do this, if you are sewing a book from felt, you can fold it in half.

Master Class

We offer you a master class on sewing a simple book.

You will need:

  • 11 sheets of felt measuring 20*20 cm for sewing pages and 20 leaves measuring 15*15 cm for details;
  • needles and threads, the color of which should be matched to the page and details, pins;
  • magnetic buttons – 5 pcs;
  • buttons for decoration (butterflies, birds) – 10 pcs. It is better to choose buttons made from natural materials, such as wood.
  • 6 beads each in black and white;
  • 2 white flat buttons and 6 pieces of black;
  • hat elastic will require 1 m of black and 1 m of purple;
  • 50 cm black and 50 cm white Velcro tape;
  • simple buttons – 4 pcs;
  • 20 grams of holofiber as a filler or you can use padding polyester;
  • 15 cm of regular grosgrain ribbon;
  • 1 m each of blue, white and light blue zigzag grosgrain ribbon;
  • zipper: 15 cm and 20 cm.

Here are approximate calculations for sewing a sample book. It’s better if you have a small supply of the necessary materials (felt, tape, Velcro, holofiber). Depending on your desire or the availability of the necessary materials in stores, you can easily change them.

To sew pages, use the above algorithm. In this case it does not change. Seams can be done by hand or using a sewing machine.

Elements attached to the pages are sewn separately.

If you sew by hand, then choose a “forward with a needle” seam for removable elements, “behind the needle” for elements that will be sewn, and a “loop” seam for processing pages.

When sewing elements on linden, it is better to sew the part with hooks on removable parts, and the soft part of linden to the page itself. This will be much more convenient to use the book, because if the book is closed without removable parts, its pages will remain safe and sound.

If you want to make the pages more rigid, you can use thick cardboard or tarpaulin rather than padding polyester. We will attach the pages to each other using felt, cutting it into strips. The patterns in this version are very simple; we draw them by hand.

The first cover of the book will look like this. On it we place an inscription and a cute lamb, as well as a button for fastening the book.

On the first page we have a flower and ladybugs, which are attached to it using magnetic buttons. With this page you will learn colors with your baby. It is also good for strengthening counting skills from 1 to 5.

A large ladybug has settled on the second page. Its wings are connected with a zipper, and underneath there is a pocket where you can put the ladybugs from the previous page.

On the third page there is a beautiful apple tree. Flowers or apples are attached to it using linden. This apple tree will help you and your child learn the stages of tree development and the seasons (spring, summer). You can complicate this page if you first make a large pocket where you will put removable elements, and on top of it you only sew the trunk and bare branches; the foliage will also be attached using linden.

In this case, you will need two options for the tree crown - spring and autumn.

This way you will expand the development capabilities of this page. In the spring, green foliage and flowers will appear on the apple tree, in the summer apples will grow instead of flowers, in the fall the foliage will change its color to yellow, and by winter it will fall off.

On the next page we will introduce a cheerful hedgehog harvesting his crops. Using Velcro, you can attach mushrooms or apples from an apple tree to its needles.

On the second, a jellyfish will swim in the sea. Instead of tentacles, we sew multi-colored ribbons and beads onto the hat's elastic band. We sew the sea in the form of a pocket and we can let the residents into it, whom it is worth introducing the child to before this.

On the cover we make a pocket with a zipper for removable elements and embroider the contours of the pyramid on top. We sew the details of the pyramid separately and attach them to the contours using linden.

An interesting book for your baby is ready! It will certainly become one of his favorite toys, because it was made by his beloved mother!

Bright natural fabrics are suitable for creating educational books. By making a book with your own hands, you can give free rein to your imagination and create a unique masterpiece.

The best gift is a book, this will always be the case. And if for adult children the store shelves are strewn with printed materials with fairy tales and fascinating stories, then for the little ones who are just beginning to taste the new world, a soft educational book will be a reliable assistant on the path of knowledge.

It is not at all necessary to buy such a toy for a lot of money; it is not difficult to make it yourself. You will not have time to notice how a little time spent and a minimum of materials will bring invaluable benefits to the development of the child.

Where to begin

First you need to decide what you want the book to look like. It is easier to make square or rectangular products. For those who are not afraid of difficulties, you can offer a circle, a triangle, or even a book in the shape of a butterfly or flower.

If we talk about sizes, then the best option is toys 20 cm wide and 20-25 cm long. Pages that are too large will tire children and distract their attention, and small ones will not fit the necessary decorations.

Now about the thickness of the homemade product. As a rule, these are 8 pages, including 3 spreads and a cover. You can limit yourself to just one, and “finish” the rest as the baby grows up.

We select materials

To create an educational book, bright natural fabrics (silk, felt, chintz), yarn or fur trimmings and foam rubber are suitable, which will add volume to the product.

It’s not for nothing that felt is popular among needlewomen: it is easy to hem and glue, and the cut edges of the material do not fray even over time.

You will also need sewing accessories:

  • Velcro, buttons, buttons on which decorative parts are attached;
  • beads, bells, large beads;
  • ribbons, braid, laces;
  • threads of various thicknesses and needles.

Appliques and character figures can be purchased in specialized stores or made from fabric and cardboard.

Operating procedure

The principle of sewing soft mini-books is always the same. Only the scenery and plots change.

First, the pages are cut out of fabric (felt), then sewn up on three sides and filled with foam rubber. All that remains is to sew the resulting pocket.

The cover is made according to the same algorithm with only one difference - when cutting, a reserve is left for the spine. Its width depends on the number and thickness of pages. The same felt, only folded in half, is suitable for the cover.

Similar material:

At the next stage, the design begins. Prepared appliqués are sewn or attached with Velcro, depending on their purpose. Then everything is decorated with finishing materials - ribbons, bells, soft toys.

They complete the work by stitching together a developmental book: first the central spread, then the side ones. The pages are fastened with rings or laces.

Design features

The most interesting work is creative. By making a book with your own hands, you can give free rein to your imagination and create a unique masterpiece. But do not forget about the age characteristics of children.

If the baby is not yet a year old, he will like simple, unpretentious pictures with contrasting colors. Children especially love everything that rustles, crackles, rings and rustles. For example, a pussy that can be pulled by the whiskers, with a beaded collar and a bell on the tail. Or a bunny with a pocket on its tummy and furry paws in which candy wrappers rustle.

Books intended for children over one year old have different content. Their task is to develop the necessary skills (fastening and unfastening snakes, buttons, Velcro, buttons), to introduce basic concepts (color, size, shape, names of objects), to be educational in nature (numbers and numbers, the alphabet, seasons, animals, professions and etc.). All pages are united by one storyline, the main character of which is the child himself or his favorite fairy-tale character.

Thematic material:

For example, on one page a bear plays “peek-a-boo” with a child, and on another page it helps to learn counting.

Developmental elements

Properly selected details and plots will entertain children and help them master new knowledge.

Learning colors

Dedicate 2-3 pages of the book to getting to know the basic colors and shades. To do this, select different textured elements for each color and place them on one page. Looking at the details, explain: “This is light blue, dark blue, light blue.”

Studying forms

On the first spread, draw the outlines of geometric shapes, and on the second, attach their overhead copies. Hide the parts in your pocket or simply sew them to the ribbons. Having found the necessary shapes, the baby will connect them using Velcro or buttons.

Learning to button up

From 1.5-2 years old, children are attracted to fasteners: snakes, hooks, loops, buttons. Hide hiding places behind them or attach educational elements with them. For example, draw a tree whose apples are attached to buttons. At the bottom, make a basket in the form of a pocket where the child will collect the harvest.

Create a picture

Removable appliques, the parts of which are attached with Velcro, snaps or buttons, will help you get acquainted with the concepts of “parts - whole”. For example, invite your baby to assemble a felt pyramid, animal figures or flowers.

Mastering counting

For “mathematical” pages, prepare dense applications of numbers, and next to them attach elements that display their quantitative value (beads on a string, mushrooms, flowers). Make the numbers removable so that the baby can attach them himself, taking into account the number of objects depicted.

About our smaller brothers

Children will remember the names of animals faster if they place the animals in trailers, feed them, or put them to bed in a crib.

Thematic material:

Getting to know fairy tales

Make the central spread in the form of a fairy tale. Children remember the text and storyline more easily if they touch the characters with their hands and independently move them to the right place. This is explained by the fact that preschoolers are characterized by visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking.

For example, the heroes of our fairy tale “Turnip” are hiding behind a strip of fabric with Velcro.

An example of a book design for little ones

On the first page lives a fleece bunny with a bow. His ears are filled with rustling candy wrappers and beads.

On the next page the kids will find his vegetable garden. Carrots grow there, which can be collected in a basket made in the form of a pocket. For older children, ask them to count the vegetables.

On the second spread there is a flower growing where a bee lives, filled with buckwheat. It is attached with a ribbon. When the baby pulls out the bee, its place in the flower is taken by a beaded caterpillar connected to the same ribbon.

A butterfly was located nearby. But she has a secret. If you remove her body, which is held on by an elastic band, she will turn into a doll.

Turning the page, the child will meet his favorite toys. This is a pyramid that teaches color and size, and a bear sleeping under a blanket. The elements are attached with Velcro and are easy for children's fingers to grasp.

The covers are made in the theme “Day - Night”. This is a bright sun with ribbon rays and a month. The stars on the laces can be pulled in one direction or another.

By making things for children, you put a piece of yourself and inner warmth into them. Not a single toy purchased is more expensive than one created by a loving mother.

Toys for children should not only be beautiful, but educational and safe. Fabric books are just such toys. They help children acquire useful skills, since the pages of such a book contain many individual developmental elements.

To make a book you will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle;
  • Threads;
  • Buttons;
  • Beads;
  • Colored fabric.

As a base, you can use cardboard folded like an accordion. This way you won’t be afraid that the pages will come off and fall out. We will give an example of a master class on creating a cover for a fabric book with your own hands.

First you will need to cut out two rectangles from construction paper that will be the outer covers for your book. They need to be covered with suitable fabric or felt, decorated according to your taste and idea.

For the pages you will also need to choose thick cardboard, but it should be thinner than the cardboard for the cover. The height of the pages should be the same as for the cover, and the width can be calculated by multiplying the width of the cover by the number of pages you need, plus two more pages to glue them to the cover. Cardboard pages can also be covered with felt or covered with fabric, as you wish. After the cover is ready, you can start decorating the pages of the felt book with your hands.

DIY educational book for a child. How to make.

What colors to choose for decorating a fabric book

Educational fabric books are created to teach your child important and necessary skills, so choose clean and simple colors for decoration. Let it be red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange, purple. Based on these colors, you will teach your child to recognize them, so it is better to make sure that the baby does not get confused.

You can sew one page in a book or stick multi-colored geometric shapes on Velcro, then you can teach your baby how to recognize shapes and learn colors at the same time.

What ideas to use to decorate a fabric book

We will give a master class on creating pages for a book from felt. Of course, it will be interesting for kids if you use buttons, buttons, snakes, ribbons and other things that develop fine motor skills.

On one of the pages you can sew or attach snakes, buttons, snaps, carabiners, Velcro, and laces. Let your child practice fastening and unfastening these useful devices. You can use the pocket making tutorial and make the pockets fasten with buttons, press studs and Velcro.

You can fasten circles on buttons, not just one, but several, the kids will really like this opportunity. On the page you can sew an improvised sketchy sneaker and try to teach children lacing.

On another page you can use a master class on creating balls and pyramid puzzles from felt with your own hands. For example, to make a puzzle ball, you will first need to start with a pattern. Cut out a circle of paper that suits your diameter and cut it into 4. Take colored felt and cut out each piece from it. Sew Velcro to the place where the circle is attached to the page, also sew the corresponding part of the Velcro to each piece and your puzzle is ready.

A master class on creating a pyramid will be very similar to a master class on creating a circle puzzle. You will need to cut out the details of the pyramid, let there be 3-5 of them. Each piece will need to be made in the form of a rectangle; you can sew felt pads and stuff them with cotton wool. Then you will have a beautiful interactive toy; you will need to sew Velcro onto each part. On the page of the book you also need to sew the velcro backing.

A good idea would be to use ribbons to decorate a fabric book with your own hands. For educational fabric books to be useful, they must teach something. This way you can sew three ribbons onto the page of the book. You can show your child how to braid a hair and he can repeat this training with his own hands.

On a felt page you can make a sign in which your child will learn to count. The simplest master class is to cut out numbers from felt and sew them to a page. Stretch a ribbon near each number and put the number of beads corresponding to the number on each ribbon. This handmade educational book will be very convenient to use when teaching your child to count.

On one page you can make a small garden with fruits and vegetables. You can sew vegetables and fruits from felt with your own hands, or you can stick a photo of these fruits and vegetables on Velcro. This page will be very useful for children, as they can easily remember the names of vegetables and fruits.

Instead of a vegetable garden, you can make roads with cars or a sea with boats. the master class on creating such pages will be the same as the others - you will only need felt and Velcro, as well as a little of your own imagination.

Patterning a boat or bus is very simple. You can find a photo of the object you need and simply print it, cutting it into important components. If this is a boat, then these will be the sails, anchor and sides.

You can make an educational game of hide and seek with your baby on some page. For example, you might find this master class useful. Cut out a cap or hat from felt. Sew it so that the hat can be raised. You can hide your eyes, smiling mouth and hair under the hat. You can use photos of eyes and other ideas. If you use this master class, you will delight the children and they will be delighted.

Educational book made of fabric and felt. Handmade

With the birth of my first daughter, I was inspired by this idea. I bought felt and began to gradually master sewing developments. Of course, at first it turned out a little crooked, lopsided, but over time, having gained enough experience, it began to turn out neater and more beautiful.

In addition, I didn’t understand felt at all, that is, I didn’t even have anything to compare it with. And, as it turns out, a lot depends on it, in particular the quality of the product.

As far as I remember, I have about 10 educational books made of felt. Somewhere only this material was used, somewhere it was combined with other fabrics. But an integral part of development, without which nothing can be achieved, is imagination and creative thinking.

At the moment there is not a single product I have sewn at home. I sold something, donated something. I gave the last book about colors, which you will learn about later, to my youngest daughter in kindergarten.

Believe me, even if you have never picked up this material, much less sewed on a sewing machine, you will still succeed in something. Many mothers sew for their children by hand. And it’s a hundred times more pleasant than a similar industrial analogue.

In general, felt is an incredible material. It is light, durable, and the edges do not fray. The only drawback is the price, especially the Korean one. But I will tell you about this later.

How to sew an educational book from felt with your own hands

If you suddenly want to sew an educational book out of felt with your own hands, then you need to first work with the idea.

  • What age will the book be for?
  • What size (usually they sew 20x20 centimeters, but sometimes 18x18)?
  • Will you use only felt or another material? I had a book where I used cotton and fleece in addition to felt.
  • Draw a sketch of an educational book on pieces of paper. What plots will you use, what details will be developing. Consider everything, right down to the button and ribbon.
  • Make a list of the materials you will need for sewing. As a rule, this is felt itself in various colors, fabric, ribbons, clasps, buttons, beads, Velcro, buttons, and so on.
  • Based on their sketch, make patterns for each detail. This was the most difficult and tedious stage for me personally. But the quality and accuracy of the product itself depends on this.

Patterns are very easy to find on the Internet. For example, children's coloring books will work perfectly as a sketch of a detail. Many people do this: they find the desired design in pictures, print it out in the required size and cut it out.

Which fert to choose for an educational book?

There are several felt manufacturers: China, Korea, Spain, Russia. I’ll talk a little about the first two, since they were the only ones I dealt with.

Chinese felt it is of lower quality, rough, and after a while pellets appear on it, but it is much cheaper than the Korean one. It is perfect for beginner needlewomen, so to speak, for training.

Korean felt- the best. It does not roll down, does not wrinkle, it is brighter and more pleasant to the touch, but it is a little expensive.

The thickness of felt can also be different - 1 mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4 and even 5. Korean felt is divided into 2 more subtypes - hard (ideal for educational books, cards) and soft (used for sewing bulky toys and educational toys).

And so, you have decided what you will sew, what material to work with, and all that remains is to purchase it all. If you have pieces of fabric and accessories lying around somewhere, then you are very lucky. Well, felt, as a rule, is sold in sets of various colors and shades. One set will be more than enough for you. Otherwise, you can buy exactly the colors that are needed to create an educational felt book.

You can see examples of hard felt sets Here, with whom it is a pleasure to work or sheets separately. I recommend this online store to everyone to purchase the necessary materials. I order there myself.

Now all that's left to do is cut out all the details, sew them to the pages, seal the pages if necessary, assemble sheets from them and assemble the sheets into a book.

The binding of soft books can also be different. I will not dwell on this separately. Since this is a separate topic that should be accompanied by a master class with photographs. And they are available in huge quantities on the Internet.

If you decide to sew a book whose pages are made of fabric (fleece, cotton), then be sure to make a lining from thick fabric or padding polyester. This is necessary in order to give rigidity to the page. In the case of hard felt, you don’t have to do this, since it itself holds its shape perfectly.

DIY felt educational books: my work and ideas for inspiration

I'll start, perhaps, with the earliest works. They were made as a gift. Here you can see the imperfection of technology. But again, everything comes with experience, so don’t judge too harshly.)) If we talk about age, then most likely these books are suitable for children from 2 to 3-4 years old. They have many puzzles and accessories that help develop fine motor skills and thinking.

Option 1. Book with a bear.

The cover is simple and made in the form of an applique made of hard felt, and the base is made of Chinese. The book has 4 spreads.

Insects on buttons - learning colors. A crooked mushroom with animals hiding behind the leaf and the door.

The following pages have all the details on Velcro.

Tale of a bun. The fox, the hare, the wolf and the bear and the bun are separate independent parts.

And the last spread is a lacing, where a mouse is looking for a way in a hole and a small scene for studying the phenomenon - day and night. The curtain is assembled into an improvised tie with a button.

Option 2. Book with a snail.

This product is small and has only 3 spreads. Designed for children up to 3 years old.

Page with a bee and her house. The flowers are removable with buttons. For games, the set includes a butterfly, which is attached to the finger on the back side with an elastic band.

Sea World. The fish are attached with Velcro, and the octopus acts as a pocket for the fish.

Here is lacing and a page for learning shapes and forms.

Baby educational book made of felt

I sewed it for my second daughter when she was one year old. It literally took a couple of hours for it to be completely ready. The book is small in size, 15x15 cm. It is almost entirely sewn from hard Korean felt. The exception is moth wings, which are made of cotton.

Here is the clasp cover.

The wings are rustling, there is a baking bag inside, it produces excellent sound when pressed. Caterpillar with hanging legs.

Search page. The duck and cloud can be moved back and forth along the cord. Velcro spider.

And finally, I left my best products, which have also already been given away. I'm very proud of them!

Felt book “Merry Rainbow”

It is based on the children's cartoon of the same name. And it is completely sewn from Korean hard felt. There are magnets glued inside the pages on four sides and inside the removable figures. They are not visible, so the product looks neat. Surely, you guessed that the book is intended for studying colors and developing a child’s horizons.

However, see for yourself.

All details of the pyramid are on Velcro.

Felt alphabet

Well, the last book for today is the fruit of my long hours of sewing. The book turned out to be super durable and even the playful little hands of little ones are not able to tear it. This means that it will serve faithfully even the smallest pranksters.

Sewing the book turned out to be easy, but time-consuming. I also took patterns from children's coloring books. For this case, I specially bought grommets and a special installer. This is how the work acquired a presentable appearance.

That's all for today! Do you sew anything from felt? In the next article I will show you a felt dollhouse, don’t miss it and subscribe to blog updates! Bye!

In order to sew an educational textile book for a child, you need to stock up on bright plain cotton fabric, thin padding polyester, felt of different colors, beads, buttons, snaps, ribbons, cords and other interesting little things that every needlewoman probably has.

Almost everyone can make toys with their own hands. To do this, you need wish, step by step master classes with a photo, and preferably, patterns)

Also for work you will need: a transparent plastic lid for yogurt or mayonnaise, transparent quick-drying glue, a magnet in the form of a thin plate, a rustling film, a bell, a small carabiner, soap or chalk for drawing lines on fabric, cutting scissors, a household sewing machine, an iron.

Making a developmental book includes 3 stages

Stage 1. Preparation of pages

First of all, you need to cut out the pages of the future book from fabric and padding polyester. The most convenient size for children is a book size of approximately 20*20 cm. So the pages should be cut out in size 22*22 cm.

The fabric page must be placed on the padding polyester and a fastening machine stitch must be laid around the perimeter 3 mm from the cuts.

After the required number of pages has been prepared, you can begin stage 2 of working on the book.

Stage 2. Design of book covers and pages

In an educational book, not only the pages should be interesting, but also the covers. You can, for example, depict a large bright flower on the cover, the core of which will be made of a transparent plastic cover. You can place multi-colored beads under it. Flower petals can be made from hard felt in different colors. The background of the cover will be harmoniously complemented by colored buttons. Rattles with any movement, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow - such a cover will not leave any child indifferent.

The subject of the pages can be anything. When working on an educational book, it is important to adhere to a simple rule - thanks to the artistic design of the book, the child must acquire and develop new skills and abilities, broaden his horizons, and train his memory.

A wide variety of technical techniques will come to the rescue here. You can attach elements to pages using buttons, buttons, or magnets. You can put a piece of rustling film inside the characters sewn onto the page.

You can intentionally “hide” some elements so that the child looks for them. So, for example, you can place a bee inside a flower, a ladybug under a leaf, a piece of candy in a felt envelope. Other elements, on the contrary, should be large, bright, immediately catch the eye and call for action, for example, a butterfly “flies” on a thin cord, on a snail shell there is a bright button that needs to be moved in a spiral under a fine mesh stitched on top.

Little children love different sound effects. Therefore, you can place a plastic squeaker or bell under an element on the page, for example, under the cap of a mushroom house. A window in the house, behind the curtains of which someone’s face can be seen, and a door that can be opened by unfastening the carabiner can also arouse additional interest in the little reader. And behind the door there could also be someone who lives in this forest house.

You can switch the child’s attention from the natural world to familiar toys, cubes, pyramids, and balls made of felt. They can be attached to the page using adhesive tape.

The back cover of a textile book can also give a child a surprise - just make a simple pocket on it and put candy or even cards with riddles about the characters in the book.

When all the invented pages are designed, you can move on to the last stage of working on the book.

Stage 3. Book installation

Covers and pages must be sewn together sequentially and in pairs. To do this, they are folded face inward and stitched along the edges, leaving a small hole somewhere for turning them inside out. At the same stage, loops and ribbon ties are provided and sewn in. Using the loops, the pages can be gathered together onto a ribbon, and the ties will serve as a kind of clasp for the book. The stitched pages are turned inside out, ironed, and the hole is sewn up. Then all that remains is to assemble the textile book into a single product.