Eyebrow types: professional advice from stylists and makeup artists on how to choose the right one. Rules for creating the correct shape of the eyebrows. Eyebrow shaping video

female beauty- This permanent care for themselves and harmony in everything. It is for this reason that it is very important to know how to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face. They can become both your decoration and spoil even the perfect makeup. Pick up suitable shape individually for yourself is not so easy. It is important to understand what type of face is, how to correct eye imperfections and how to emphasize the advantages.

What are the types of faces?

Six main types of face were identified, taking into account the facial angles, the ratio of length and width, cheekbones and chin. Let's see what happened:

  • Face round shape.
  • Square.
  • In the shape of a heart (or triangle).
  • Oval face (considered the ideal shape, very rare).
  • Rectangle.
  • Diamond shape.

Eyebrow shapes for different types faces are different, so before you start adjusting, you need to understand which of the listed categories you belong to.

Eyebrow shape for round face

If you have a round chin and wide face then you belong to this category. With the help of eyebrows, you can slightly smooth the contour, visually lengthen the face. It is desirable that their shape be in the form of a broken line. As for raising the eyebrow, it can be made not only high, but also pointed. It is this form that will give the look more expressiveness and correct all the shortcomings.

In no case should the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face of this category be arched, this will make you look even more like a “ball”.

Square face

This category includes faces where the chin line is reinforced, and the cheekbones are quite wide. Eyebrows of a rounded shape, a bit reminiscent of a rainbow, will look great. If you manage to make a gracefully curved line, then the square face will become more feminine, softer.

Of course, achieve good result You may not be able to do it on your own the first time. In beauty salons, they now offer to choose individual eyebrow shapes according to the type of face. Photos, which depict the tattoo, you can see to understand what the result will be. By the way, it is the tattoo that is now very popular. This greatly simplifies self-care.

triangular shape

A pointed chin and a broad forehead are characteristics heart-shaped face. Optimal brow shape this case- a smooth curve, slightly raised near the eye. It is impossible to make a straight line, because a lot will appear on the face. pronounced geometry, and it will look messy.

Oval face

It is believed that the oval face is perfect shape. If you belong to this category, then you can safely experiment, try something new. The shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face in this case can be both rounded and sharp. Perfect fit classic version- soft break. Thus, you can make the look more expressive, bright. Correct, sharp corners will give your appearance its zest, neat bend add mystery and sophistication.

Rectangular face

If the distance between the cheekbones and temples is the same, then your face has rectangular shape. To give more harmony, make the eyebrows straight. So the face will look wider, visually the lines of the oval will become softer. More eyebrow hairs should be removed at the bridge of the nose. But don't overdo it, too narrow a line can only ruin everything.

diamond face

The main goal of the eyebrows in this case is to smooth out all sharp corners as much as possible, to make the shape of the face softer. The best option is eyebrows with a sharp bend. A round line will also look good, but it is very important to make the arc perfect. If you are afraid to spoil everything on your own, contact the specialists of the beauty salon, then the shape of the eyebrows at home will simply need to be adjusted.

Eyebrow correction technique at home

If you have already decided which shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face is right for you, you need to learn how to correct them correctly at home. Some simple steps will help you do everything without errors:

  • Take a cosmetic pencil, attach it to a point on the wing of the nose and direct it to the eyebrow through the inner corner of the eye. In the place where the pencil will intersect with the eyebrow, put a small dot - this is the beginning.
  • To find the end of the eyebrow, now point the pencil in the same way, from the nose to the eyebrow, but already through the outer edge of the eye. Mark the intersection with a dot.
  • Now you have points that are very easy to navigate. The hairs that remain behind the end of the eyebrow must be removed.
  • The shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face also implies that you need to take into account the distance between the eyes. The optimal is two fingers located on the bridge of the nose. You can also use them to navigate where the eyebrow should end.

It is very convenient to use these rules, especially if you sat in front of a mirror for the first time in order to correct the shape of your eyebrows.

Eyebrow shape by face type: how to do

Helpful Hints:

  • Tweeze hairs only from the bottom of the eyebrow. If you get rid of the "vegetation" from above, then the form will turn out to be unnatural and sloppy.
  • Before you start the procedure, be sure to draw with a pencil the outline that you will follow. This will minimize the risk of errors.
  • Do not make eyebrows too thin, regardless of the type of face, it does not look the best. in the best way. Better just adjust their shape, leaving the natural width.
  • Get a special brush for smoothing eyebrows. It is very convenient to use it. During the procedure, constantly smooth the hairs. It will be more convenient for you to see where something extra is left.
  • If you plucked your eyebrows once, this does not mean that now you should forget about them for a month. Care must be systematic. Spend five minutes every day in the mirror to remove the hairs that have appeared, and you will always look well-groomed.

What is needed for the procedure?

A list of what is useful to you for adjusting eyebrows at home:

  • Eyebrow brush.
  • Tweezers (hard, so that the hairs are easy to remove).
  • Contour pencil.
  • Antiseptic (in order to treat the skin area at the end of the procedure).

With removal extra hairs eyebrows should never be in a hurry. Remember that your opinion depends on it. It is for this reason that the procedure must be approached very carefully and carefully. If you doubt your abilities, then it is better to contact beauty salon to a specialist.

Now you know what your ideal eyebrow shape should be according to your face type. Using the tips above, you can easily carry out the correction yourself at home. Give this procedure a little time every day, and you will always look well-groomed and attractive. Not getting the correct shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face? Tattoo - perfect solution. It is beautiful, inexpensive, and it will be easier to maintain beauty.

From correct form eyebrow dependent attractive image. They hide the flaws of appearance and emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

You can choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face. Learn the advice of experts on how to do it at home.

A round face has the same width and length. The purpose of the eyebrows is to visually lengthen it.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is raised high with a noticeable break, wide beginning and thin ending. They create a vertical point and provide the illusion of an oval face. Thanks to them, the cheekbones become more noticeable, and the eyes are larger. To emphasize the shape, makeup artists advise making them darker. Another trick to lengthen your face is to brush your eyebrows up.

Eyebrows that should not be done are round.

Eyebrows for an oval face

An oval face has a forehead wider than the chin and high cheekbones. The purpose of eyebrows is to balance facial features.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is any, except for the over-plucked ones from the 90s. According to makeup artists, the best option– horizontal eyebrows with a soft break and a small arc.

Eyebrows that should not be done are too wide. They give the face a stern look.

Eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

The face with a heart has a sharp chin and a wide forehead. The purpose of eyebrows is to soften the shape of the face.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is rounded or “take-off”. They should be of medium width. And always well-groomed. Soft rounded eyebrows smooth out the angularity of the face.

Eyebrows that should not be done are straight.

Eyebrows for a square face

A square face has cheekbones, chin and forehead of the same width. The purpose of the eyebrows is to take the emphasis away from the wide cheekbones and chin and onto the eyes.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is slightly arched. They visually soften the angular appearance. If you make them wider, they will become more noticeable.

Eyebrows that should not be done are sharp and thin.

Eyebrows for a diamond face

A diamond-shaped face has wide cheekbones with narrow forehead and chin. The purpose of the eyebrows is to soften the angularity and give the wide part of the sophistication.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is wide with a soft bend. They make the face round and short.

Eyebrows that should not be done are straight or with a clear bend.

Correctly draw eyebrows

  1. Comb your brows with a brush. You will see gaps that need to be drawn.
  2. Draw an outline of the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil. First, the upper one - on both eyebrows. Then the bottom one. So get symmetrical lines. Makeup artists do not recommend using an eyebrow pencil. Get an unnatural shade. For this case, choose eyebrow shadows.
  3. Use shadows to fill in gaps with short strokes.
  4. Finish off your brows with a tint or colorless gel. It will smooth the hairs and fix the shape.

The correct shape and curvature of the eyebrows is primarily determined by the shape of your face.

Eyebrow shape for an oval face

Eva Mendes and Heidi Klum have oval faces

The oval shape of the face is considered ideal, and the main task of the eyebrows is not to disturb the beautiful natural proportions. If you are a happy owner of the correct oval face, choose horizontal eyebrows. They can be rounded a little, but you don’t need to raise the kink of the eyebrow too high. This will visually stretch the face.

The correct shape of the eyebrows for an oval face

Eyebrow shape for a long face

Sarah Jessica Parker and Liv Tyler have long faces

An elongated face needs to be made visually wider. This problem is solved by absolutely straight eyebrows. By the way, this form this season is also considered the most trendy. Straight horizontal lines round the face, giving it softness.

Straight eyebrows for a long face

Selena Gomez and Kirsten Dunst are round-faced actresses

Opposite long face- round. Accordingly, the task is the opposite - to visually stretch the shape of the face and bring it closer to the oval. For owners round face eyebrows with a noticeable break, raised high, with a thin tip and a slightly wider beginning, are suitable. It is very important not to overdo it and not make a comma instead of a beautiful eyebrow.

Angelina Jolie and Olivia Wilde square shape faces

The face in the form of a square is straight hard lines of the jaw and cheekbones. To soften the transitions, the eyebrows should be arched, without a clear break. High rounded eyebrows will suit you, you can even make them quite wide and noticeable.

Arched eyebrows for a square face

Eyebrow shape for heart shaped face

Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon have heart faces

The heart-shaped face has sharp corners around the cheekbones and chin. The correct shape of the eyebrows will help soften them and visually even out the width of the face. You need raised eyebrows with a smooth, even curve. This is a classic brow shape.

Correct eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

Taylor Swift and Jennifer Aniston diamond shape faces

A diamond-shaped face is a combination of square and heart shapes. Therefore, the task is the same - to soften the contours and make the zygomatic part less wide. The classic shape of the eyebrows with a soft bend will do just fine. Only, unlike the face-heart, shape the eyebrows a little wider than the natural shape.

Eyebrow shape for a diamond face

Focusing only on photographs or diagrams in the pictures, you will not be able to 100% correctly choose the correct shape of the eyebrows. To do this, you need to conduct an experiment. Buy eyebrow stencils or draw and cut different eyebrows out of paper. Sit in front of a mirror in good light, remove your hair from your face, wash off your makeup, and open up your neckline. Alternately apply stencils and carefully examine your face. In this case, a selfie or an outside opinion helps a lot. When you find the shape that suits you best, draw it directly on your eyebrows with a dark pencil. If even in such a comical form the face looks good, feel free to pluck and tint your eyebrows according to this shape. This is your ideal!

A beautiful and well-chosen eyebrow shape is an essential attribute of a modern woman. By changing just one detail on your face, you can completely change your image. Just one bend - and you are already a temperamental business woman. Remove it - and your image will change dramatically.

What are eyebrows in shape

Cosmetologists conventionally divide eyebrows into three parts:

  • The head is a thickened part at the bridge of the nose;
  • The body is the middle;
  • The tail is its outer part.

To find out what type your eyebrows are, try connecting the head and tail with a straight line and determine where it is directed. The line can run parallel to the floor, be facing the sky or falling. An arc moving away from a straight line will tell you about the shape of the eyebrow. It may belong to one of the following species:

  • Horizontal/straight eyebrows. The beginning of this type of eyebrow and its end are on the same straight line. Such eyebrows will visually expand an elongated or narrow face in the upper part. it's the same the right remedy to smooth out a sharp chin;
  • Rising eyebrow shape can visually lengthen the face. However, by raising the eyebrow line too high, there is a risk of achieving theatricality, unnatural surprise, and sometimes even hysteria in the look, which can alienate others.
  • Falling eyebrows, in which the inner edges are high, and the outer ones are lowered to the temporal region, make the facial expression sad and dreary, and age their owner. How to shape eyebrows of this type? This will take a lot of time. As new hairs appear, you need to gradually pluck the part of the eyebrow located closer to the nose from above, and only the edge of the eyebrow from below.
  • Smooth / Oval / Arcuate knowing considered the ideal and most correct shape of the eyebrows due to the fact that the proportions of the face of any shape with them usually do not undergo any significant changes. Arched eyebrows not only open the eyelid, but also can rejuvenate your appearance to some extent.
  • rounded eyebrows are familiar to residents of the Far East. This form is flawless suitable for women with rather rough facial features, visually softening the hard outlines and right angles of a square chin. On a face with an oval shape, a rounded shape of the eyebrows looks very natural.
  • Broken. It is possible to make the face younger and give it a playful expression with the help of a break in the eyebrow line. It's incredible beautiful shape eyebrows, according to most modern women, which most often prefer it for corrective measures for the eyebrows. To the greatest extent, it is combined with a round face. Broken eyebrows help to veil some facial disproportions, give expressiveness to the look, and with a strong break, the look becomes tougher.
  • Eyebrows "house" you should choose with caution and only in the case when a professional takes on the formation of the arc, as they give the face a surprised, and sometimes stupid, look. So triangular shape fit women who have a somewhat overestimated center of the eyebrow by nature.

The classic, most delightful and closest to the ideal is the eyebrow, which is wider at the base, slightly raised in the middle and gradually narrowed closer to the edge. The main thing that is important to understand when choosing a shape: take into account all the proportions of the face.

How to choose the right eyebrow shape?

When shaping your eyebrows, you should not focus on the covers of glossy magazines, but approach this issue with scientific point vision. Scientists like to calculate all sorts of proportions. So in terms of the face there is a certain method for calculating the eyebrows. To do this, I suggest arming yourself with a cosmetic pencil. The circuit is actually very simple.

As you know, everything has its beginning and end, and eyebrows are no exception. So, to determine where your eyebrow should start, attach the pencil mentioned above with one tip to the wing of the nose, and the other to the inner corner of the eye, at the intersection with the superciliary arch, set a reference point. Each eyebrow should have a middle, the place of the highest rise.

To calculate it, from the wing of the nose, attach a pencil so that it "passes" through the pupil, at the intersection with the same arc, put another point. Then we determine the final point - for this, take the outer corner of the eye as a guide for applying. Place a third reference point at the intersection. It remains only to connect the outlined outlines with cosmetic pencil.

How to know the boundaries of the eyebrow?

A peculiar technique for building an impeccable eyebrow is widely known. When defining the inner border of the nose, use a pen to touch the edge of the nose so that it points towards inner corner eyes.

Mark the point where this line intersects with the superciliary arch. You will determine the peak of the eyebrow if you attach one edge of the pen to the edge of the nose, and draw the other up past the pupil. To find out where the outer edge of the arch should be, place a pen at the outer corner of the eye from the wing of the nose and mark the third point. By connecting all the points together with one line, you will see your perfect line brows.

Make-up artists of international level consider the shape called “gull wing” to be fashionable today. Eyebrows, in their opinion, should imitate the wings of a bird: they rise from the nose to the temple with a slight fracture. This form is universal, as it suits almost everyone without exception.

Eyebrow shape by face type

First of all, suitable eyebrow shapes are determined according to the type of person's face. According to the simplest classification, there are the following types faces:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • A-triangular;
  • V-triangular;
  • Rhomboid

What eyebrows to choose for a round face

A well-chosen eyebrow shape for a round face is able to hide one significant flaw that is characteristic of people of this type. It consists in rounded faces are quite wide in width. The length and width of faces of this type are actually equal.

Therefore, girls and women, endowed by nature with round faces, have no choice but to come up with many ways, at least a little, but to stretch the outline of the face. According to their ideas, this visually brings them closer to achieving the standard recognized by all - the oval contour.

And the solution to their problem lies on the surface. It is enough to choose the right eyebrow shape for a round face. First of all, let's talk about what shape of eyebrows is contraindicated for a rounded face. They categorically should not repeat the contours of the face, that is, be rounded. Eyebrows of a round shape will only emphasize its spherical shape.

Now back to the search for a suitable configuration. What eyebrows suit a round face? They should be broken, significantly raised and have a short downward tip. Only under these conditions, the eyebrows are able to switch attention from the horizontal to the vertical, thereby visually stretching and narrowing the contour of the face.

Eyebrow shape for an oval face

Eyebrows for an oval face are best made arched or horizontal. You can give them a slight soft break. It is believed that an oval-shaped face, gently rounded and narrowed in the cheekbone area, is the standard of beauty. Classic "eyebrows" are considered ideal for an oval face of this type. With a somewhat elongated oval of the face, the same shape of the eyebrows will visually give it roundness. Eyebrows with an arch will also be very appropriate in this case.

How to shape eyebrows for a square face

It is well known that well-formed, beautiful eyebrows are able not only to decorate their “owner” and make her face more expressive and “pedigreed”, but also to hide her true age, reducing a couple of years. The shape of the eyebrows directly affects the expression of our faces.

This "trick" is well known to professional actors and make-up artists who use it to create various images. In this case, the bend of the eyebrows is made depending on the type of face. For example, the shape of the eyebrows for a square face is selected in order to soften its somewhat heavy and rough lines, and allows you to make the features more elegant and feminine.

How to make the shape of the eyebrows a house (with a kink)

Modern eyebrows with a kink have become a truly trendy eyebrow shape! And no wonder, because they go to almost all girls. Eyebrows with a kink are the perfect frame for the eyes. The kink of the eyebrow can be selected based on your type of appearance or style of clothing - from a soft, barely noticeable corner to radical “house” eyebrows. When choosing a form, rely on how your natural eyebrows. In most cases, only a slight adjustment with tweezers is enough to give the eyebrows the desired shape and graceful kink.

But the extreme version of this form - “eyebrows with a house” - is not for everyone. Eyebrows with a house will not suit you if you have:

  • Triangular face, pointed chin;
  • Pronounced cheekbones;
  • Massive lower jaw.

Eyebrows with a house look harmoniously on round ones, oval faces, with soft, not sharp features. Such eyebrows are suitable for girls with small eyes, as they visually “open” the look. Eyebrows with a house should be moderately thick, as the "strings" make the face constantly surprised.

Correct brow density

Nowadays, eyebrows in the form of a thin thread are considered a sign of a lack of taste among their owners and lagging behind fashion trends. The correct shape of the eyebrows is now beautifully curved arches of natural density, preserving as much as possible natural form. But this does not mean at all that, by focusing on thick eyebrows natural width, you can forever forget about the need to care for them. Wide eyebrows you always need to carefully comb and style using special gels, and sometimes cut it so as not to be associated with Brezhnev. And if the eyebrows grow together on the bridge of the nose, thereby giving the look of gloom, the removal of excess hairs will be most welcome.

Wanting to follow the fashion, know that massive eyebrows can disfigure a sweet and delicate face. Thick eyebrows on ladies with small eyes will also look ridiculous. And, on the contrary, narrow eyebrows are absolutely not suitable for people with rough facial features. "Sable" lines look rather unnatural in people with a low forehead, thin features of the lips and face.

Recommendations for the correct shape of the eyebrows

These tips will be useful in most cases. It should be remembered that there are always exceptions and blindly follow fashion trends not always helpful.

  • Keep the width and density of the eyebrows constant from the beginning to their peak;
  • If you need to make your face visually wider, give preference to straight, thin eyebrows;
  • Small eyes will visually increase if the distance between the eyebrows is expanded;
  • If you want to visually make the face narrower, round off the shape of the eyebrows, but do not make the bend too catchy so that the facial expression does not become proud or amazed;
  • A large face shape and eyebrows of greater density are successfully combined, as well as thin lips with thin eyebrows;
  • Make sure that the eyebrow hairs look in one direction;
  • Shorten the length of the eyebrows from the side of the nose with a wide chin, and with outside- with a wide frontal part;
  • You need to remove hairs from the side of the eyes, and not the frontal part. In this case, the eyebrows will not become excessively low, which could make the eyes smaller and violate the natural proportions of the face;
  • It is best if the eyebrows are located a couple of centimeters apart. The distance between them should be widened for people whose eyes are set very close. If the eyes are set far apart, try to bring their growth lines as close as possible, while not closing the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose;
  • Finish off your perfect brow shape with cosmetic tricks like special mascaras, brow powders and gels.

We hope that the editors of the site protatuaz.ru helped you choose the right shape for your eyebrows. wish good health and irresistible look!

What brushes are needed for perfect eyebrow makeup?

Often, how your eyebrows will look and how well they will emphasize your facial features depends on more than just the correct shape of the eyebrows. Another an important factor is makeup. IN minimum set eyebrow make-up brushes include a brush for combing eyebrows and eyelashes (it is the least versatile of the entire set, but it cannot be replaced by any other), an eyebrow correction brush, and a pencil blending brush. Experts recommend choosing only high-quality brushes made from natural bristles.

Tools d for shaping eyebrows

  • brush,
  • hair removal device (good quality tweezers).
  • eyebrow contour pencil of a suitable color,
  • antiseptic (to treat possible wounds),
  • eyebrow shaping gel

Do not rush and pluck everything. Carefully and accurately get down to business, and do not be discouraged if an extra hair is removed and a empty place. The hairs will grow back very quickly, but for now they can be shaded with a pencil.

How to choose the right eyebrow size

The most important thing to understand when choosing a shape is that you need to take into account all kinds of facial proportions. There is a peculiar calculation method - in fact, quite simple circuit. To define the inner border, place a cosmetic pencil on the wing of the nose, so that it looks towards the inner corner of the eye. Mark the point of intersection with the superciliary arch.

Determine the place of the highest rise in this way: attach a pencil to the wing of the nose, so that it passes through the point of the pupil upwards. At the intersection at the top, put a second point. Next, we determine the outer corner - we apply a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. We put the third point. To get the diagram, simply connect all three points continuously.

How to Prepare for Eyebrow Tweezing

Only a small part of women get to beauty salons for this, the rest manage on their own. At first, the procedure can be painful, to reduce these sensations, steam your face. steam bath expands the pores, and the hairs are pulled out much easier. Anesthetize places best with ice cubes. Dermatologists urge to be very careful with sudden changes in temperature.

Since the likelihood of the occurrence of vascular "stars" is high. But the alternative application of a moisturizer is also not always justified - although pulling out the hairs will not be so painful, the hairs become slippery, and you can make a mistake in choosing them. The easiest way is to rub the place of correction so that it loses its sensitivity. There are special anesthetic sprays and cosmetic wipes for hair removal. Correction is carried out at least once a month.

fashion eyebrows

Rounded lines that emphasize the eyes are also popular. The classic width is preserved, but the density is necessarily thinned out, without frills. The color varies from black to light brown, the main thing is maximum naturalness. To get rid of sticking hairs, use a fixative gel to give the desired shape and fix it in a perfect way. If you correct your eyebrows at least once according to the type of face, it will be almost impossible to refuse this in the future.

Video: how to choose the shape of the eyebrows

Recently, in cosmetology and the fashion industry has appeared new trend- the perfect shape of the eyebrows. Even if there is no time for a full-fledged make-up, you can just tint the perfect eyebrows a little, and this will already give the face a special character, freshness and accuracy. But how to choose the right form, what should be considered when choosing? The answer to this and many other questions in this article.


Now there are a lot different forms: some are in trend, some are already out of fashion. Eyebrows are in trend almost all the time:

  • arcuate shape;
  • horizontal;
  • with a break.

Eyebrows-house and ascenders are considered less popular.

There is also a classification of forms, taking into account length and width:

  • harmonious;
  • short;
  • long;
  • narrow;
  • wide.

Both the axis of the eyebrow and the height of the arch (the top point, if you draw a line from the tip of the nose) are taken into account. There are eyebrows

  • horizontal;
  • ascending;
  • falling;
  • rounded (low, medium and high arch);
  • with a soft slope (the arch is also of different levels);
  • with a sharp slope;
  • curved;
  • straight lines (high and low).

Eyebrow shapes for different face types

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows? The question is complex, the main thing is to remember that a beautiful shape of eyebrows created at home is not a myth. You can achieve excellent results without resorting to the help of a beautician. The bend, thickness, length and direction of the eyebrow is primarily determined by the shape of the face. There are face shapes such as:

  • oval - the face is slightly narrowed to a rounded chin; the widest place is in the area of ​​​​the cheeks;
  • circle - a regular, symmetrical face, the length of which is equal to the width;
  • heart - a narrow, pointed chin, a wide forehead and cheekbones;
  • rhombus - a narrow chin, sharp cheekbones, which are much wider than the forehead;
  • square - a hard, square chin, and the forehead, cheekbones and cheeks have the same width;
  • elongated oval - the width is much less than the length, high cheekbones, a slightly pointed chin;
  • triangle - the forehead is much wider than the cheekbones and chin.

Note! A reasonable question arises, how to determine the form own face. It's simple: with the help of a cosmetic pencil and a mirror. Comb your hair into a tight ponytail, lean your face against the mirror and outline the contours. Received on it geometric figure and there is your type. The main thing here is to carefully remove all the hair in the tail so that the skin is slightly stretched and the shape is more pronounced.

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face? The main thing is to follow the advice of the masters of the beauty industry, who have already got their hands on it and know exactly what suits whom. The correct shape of the eyebrows, selected taking into account the general type of face, can give a woman's appearance additional charm.

Eyebrow shape for an oval face

Many beauticians believe oval shape the best for a woman. natural beauty the oval is important to emphasize, and not to improve in any way. What eyebrow shape is ideal for oval type faces? It is best to make them moderately thick, slightly rounded, without a high break, which can visually lengthen the face.

The horizontal brow shape is the easiest to create and maintain. The main thing here is not to do everything too directly. This will give the appearance of excessive gloom and rigidity, make the look heavy and stern, which is useless for a beautiful young woman.

Eyebrow shape for round face

What eyebrow shape is ideal for a round face? This question is easy to answer: the ideal shape of the eyebrows for a round face type is kinks that are raised high enough, have a wide base and more thin tip. By the way, you should follow the tip especially carefully, otherwise you can overdo it and get a comma instead of a neat and well-defined line.

Note! Women with round type faces with round eyebrows are not recommended. This will make the face look wider and a little puffier.

Heart shape

Creating the perfect arc for a heart-shaped face is hard enough. The type of eyebrow and the shape of the eyebrows here can be different. For example:

  • ascending eyebrow shape - slightly raised, with a softened bend;
  • eyebrows flying apart without bending - wide along the entire length or slightly narrowed at the end.

The main thing is to slightly even out the width of the face visually. Retouch all the sharp corners, soften the lines and give the face a little more smoothness, characteristic of this classic shape.

Note! It is not necessary to leave or additionally give density. Moderate width and smoothness is the best solution.

Eyebrow shape for a diamond-shaped face

What are the shapes of eyebrows for girls with such a complex face shape? The answer is simple: the eyebrow looks like a classic, natural, with a slightly noticeable bend. The only caveat is the width. It is necessary to achieve a strip that will be slightly wider than the natural classics.

Eyebrow shape for a square face

The shape of the ideal eyebrow for a square face is an arc or a high semicircle. The main thing here is to give a naturally hard and expressive face a little softness and female charm. An arc and a semicircle do a great job of this. By the way, the length and width of the eyebrows is not important here, the main thing is not to make them too thin and sharp at the end, this is not in trend.

Note! Some women with this type of appearance make the mistake of creating the shape of the eyebrows in the form of a house. Sharp corner in this case, it only makes the face more rigid, which should be avoided.

Eyebrow shape for a long face

How to choose the right eyebrow shape for this type of appearance? It's simple: the ideal shape is straight, horizontal. the main task here - to make the face a little wider visually, to hide the elongation. Interestingly, the straight shape of the eyebrows is considered the most fashionable this season. This is probably the most fashion shape eyebrows 2018. At least, judging by the autumn-winter fashion shows, this is an absolute trend.

Note! Many women with elongated shape faces try, following fashion trends, to create a high arch from the eyebrows. This is strictly prohibited. The fact is that this form makes the face even more elongated, giving it a resemblance to the muzzle of a horse. Is such a comparison like a woman?!

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face

The main task when creating is to divert attention from a too wide forehead. The ideal would be a high and even arc in width. Moreover, the beginning and end of the eyebrow should be at the same height. Low tips will draw attention to a narrow chin.

The shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face is not selected immediately, you need to experiment a little. In order to better understand what exactly is suitable, you can use special stencils. Selfies work great too. The picture allows you to look at yourself from the outside, evaluate the effect and make the right choice.

When creating eyebrows, it is better to use the right and high-quality tools. This is an important part of creating the right shape. Will definitely come in handy:

  • tweezers (sharp);
  • eyebrow brush;
  • scissors for manicure;
  • double-sided mirror with magnifying effect;
  • cosmetic products for skin disinfection and skin care after the procedure.

To remove hairs better, faster and without pain, you can:

  • slightly steam the skin;
  • cool the skin around the eyebrows with ice cubes;
  • soften the skin with baby cream;
  • rub the skin;
  • take advantage by special means with the effect of local anesthesia.

During the procedure, you need to light the room well, wash your hands thoroughly and disinfect (you can use alcohol) tools. The skin can be slightly stretched. It is also necessary to remember that it is better not to remove the hairs above the eyebrows, otherwise it will turn out too artificially. Only the hair under the eyebrow is subject to removal and correction.

Note! Professionals divide the eyebrow into three parts: head, body, tail. So, the head should always be wide, the body - a little narrower, and the tail is very thin. This is a traditional technique that visually enlarges the eyes.

Remember, fashionable eyebrow shape is not necessarily your option. The main task of any woman is to choose something that will emphasize the dignity of the face and visually smooth out imperfections. After a few experiments, through trial and error perfect option will surely be found.
