Is it necessary and how to trim eyebrows at home for a woman and a man, a master class of correction. How to cut and achieve the perfect eyebrow line at home

Any girl and even many men who pay attention to their appearance dream of neat, smoothly curved eyebrows. Special attention. A beautiful regular shape is achieved with tweezers, as well as by resorting to the threading procedure (removal of excess hairs with a cosmetic thread). But these measures are not always enough, the villi can grow too long, and their removal will only spoil all the beauty or they do not fit correctly. Then the question arises, how to cut your eyebrows and how to deal with naughty hairs.

This question is purely individual, and everyone decides for himself whether he needs such a haircut. You can also consult a specialist, but there are certain indications that necessitate eyebrow trimming:

When the eyebrow, even after threading or correction with tweezers, loses its shape, the hairs grow down, thereby visually lowering the upper eyelid, a haircut may be the only way out. It is not always possible to remove hair, and paint over the place with a cosmetic pencil. It is best to trim your eyebrows properly and do it regularly.

As a rule, using scissors or a trimmer, several hairs are cut selectively, and the shape also changes from them.

The procedure is best done in a specialized salon, but if you get used to trimming your eyebrows, you can give them the necessary shape at home on your own.

Moreover, a specialist, whether it is a man or a girl, sees the image and evaluates external data with his own eyes, but the result does not always satisfy the client, who has his own vision.

Benefits of a home haircut

For help, you can turn to a specialist who will correct the shape of the eyebrows, remove all unnecessary and cut hairs that are too long, but salon procedures can be costly and hit the pocket. You can cut your eyebrows at home, and this procedure has its own advantages. It is performed without correction, but simply with a haircut, the eyebrow retains its natural density, its lines remain the same, and as a result, the face preserves its natural beauty. A haircut excludes the removal of the desired hairs, as happens when plucking with tweezers.

Only by getting used to it a little, you can save the natural beauty by correcting it a little. With the help of scissors and minimal skills, you can give a beautiful, regular, and most importantly, natural shape to the eyebrows.

Eyebrow cutting at home allows you to resort to the procedure as needed and not wait for an appointment with a specialist, and also saves money.

Disadvantages of a home haircut

Like any cosmetic procedure, a haircut has its significant disadvantages. Relying only on your own opinion and skill, you can both give the right beautiful shape and ruin it. When performing a haircut on your own, it is important to be extremely careful, because the work is done with a sharp object. It is worth shaking your hand, and the mistake will be difficult to correct, and you can also harm your health, for example, cut yourself with a sharp blade of scissors or a trimmer.

A stupid mistake can be painted over with a pencil, but by the time new hairs have grown, the girl will already regret her awkwardness.

The specialist, on the other hand, will trim the eyebrows using a proven method and is responsible for the result, although he is not immune from mistakes.

What should be the interval

It is impossible to say exactly how often the procedure should be carried out, this question is individual - it all depends on the rate of hair growth. For some, the problem of protruding eyebrows reappears after a haircut after 5-7 days, while others may forget about it for 1-2 months. It is also worth noting that during the winter, hair growth slows down, and a haircut may be needed after 3 or 4 months. This applies to those who need to shorten one or two hairs that do not want to obey. Those who use scissors rather than tweezers will have to adjust their eyebrows at least once every 1-2 weeks.

Unlike the removal of unwanted hairs, such a correction makes the eyebrows stronger, after plucking the lines become softer, in fair-haired girls they become almost invisible over time. But after cutting the hair is strengthened, it can acquire a darker shade.

What is the difference between men's and women's eyebrows

Not only female representatives, but also men monitor their appearance. For many, thick eyelashes and eyebrows are nothing more than a sign of masculinity, but sometimes they only spoil the look. The idea of ​​cutting eyebrows at home has become popular not only among girls, but there is no significant difference in carrying out this procedure for men, although there are some differences.

Trimming the hairs of a woman, the specialist tries to achieve an ideal even shape and smooth curves, for a man this is not so important. When cutting thick male eyebrows, you need to remove only interfering hairs or too long ones, and it is not at all necessary to give the perfect shape - this can spoil the militant image.

With age, men's eyebrows become thicker and stiffer, their length also increases, so they need a home method no less than a woman. In this way, you can make your face younger and visually remove a few extra years.

Preparatory stage before cutting eyebrows

To give the desired shape to the eyebrows, it is not necessary to go to the salon - this can be done at home. Haircuts do not require special equipment, but only a minimum set of tools and training.

A trimmer or nail scissors is suitable for cutting eyebrows, you also need to take a pencil or shadows in order to correct the mistake if something happens. You will also need wax, fixing the result.

A pencil is also needed to clearly outline the border - everything that remains behind it should be removed or trimmed. To make the hairs of the same length, and also if the eyebrows are too thick, you need to use a brush or comb. The hair is pulled up and excess is removed with scissors.

It is important to cut hair on clean villi, having previously removed cosmetics - this is an indispensable condition that both women and men must comply with. It is not necessary to steam the face or resort to other methods, as when plucking, the procedure is absolutely painless, since there is no contact with the skin and hair follicles.

Features of the eyebrow trimming procedure

Eyebrow correction with scissors, like any other cosmetic procedure, requires attention. It has its own characteristics, which should not be forgotten, and it is important to learn about them before the haircut.

The use of a trimmer or scissors requires accuracy - one wrong move, the hand slips, and you can not only spoil the shape, but also damage the skin or, even worse, the eyes.

Eyebrow hair grows more slowly than other parts of the body, so if you cut the wrong hair, you will have to wait a long time for it to grow back.

In order not to spoil the natural beauty, it is important to follow simple rules:

  • the hairs are combed upwards, and everything behind the eyebrow line is cut;
  • the villi are directed down and do the same manipulation;
  • shorten hairs that go beyond the boundaries with the correct position;
  • in conclusion, it is important to make sure that both eyebrows are identical.

A woman gets rid of hairs on the bridge of her nose with tweezers, since she does not need them at all. In men, this area is paid more attention, and it is recommended to cut the hair on the bridge of the nose at least 1 time in 2-3 weeks - this is an important condition, especially if a home method is used.

And for those who have just decided on a haircut, and for everyone who does it regularly, it is important to listen to the opinion of experts. Their advice will help you avoid mistakes and make your eyebrows perfect even at home.

At the first experience, a haircut is first performed, and then the shape is corrected with tweezers or a trimmer. Gaps are filled with a cosmetic pencil or shaded with shadows.

Scissors do not allow haste, so you should remove excess hairs slowly, without rushing. It is impossible to press hard and make efforts, otherwise the hairs will stick out - the procedure requires accuracy. In order not to lose a beautiful shape, it is important to correct regularly, and remove individual hairs as needed: cut or pluck.

Often women doubt the need for cutting their eyebrows and fear unpleasant consequences. However, in reality, this procedure is simple and affordable. And, if you follow some simple rules, with the help of scissors, anyone can give their eyebrows a well-groomed look.

The essence of the procedure

Eyebrow trimming is essential to create the perfect look. It is thanks to the eyebrows that the face becomes expressive and bright - which means that their grooming and beautiful shape play an important role. If the eyebrow hairs are too long, if they sloppily and ugly stick out in different directions and are completely unstylishable - only with the help of a neat haircut can you cope with them.

Indications for carrying out

  • Eyebrow hairs are too long.
  • Eyebrow hairs are hard and unruly.
  • The hairs are unmanageable and sloppy in all directions.
  • Regular care of eyebrows after their transplantation.


Completely absent.


  • The result of this procedure is beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows of an attractive shape.
  • Eyebrows remain thick, the lines of their contours are natural. And in general, the eyebrows look natural.
  • There is no risk of accidentally removing those hairs that are needed for the beauty of the shape of the eyebrows.
  • The procedure is simple enough to carry out on your own.
  • The procedure is equally suitable for both men and women.
  • The entire haircut of the eyebrows takes an extremely short time - literally 10 minutes.


Doing this procedure too often can lead to the fact that the eyebrow hairs become stiffer and begin to grow more intensively.

The rest of the shortcomings relate for the most part only to self-cutting eyebrows:

  • great care is required, as the sharp ends of the scissors can injure;
  • it is likely that the result, due to the inexperience of the person cutting the eyebrows, will differ significantly from the intended one;
  • there is a risk of making a blunder when cutting, which will require a lot of time and some effort to correct - for example, constantly tinting eyebrows while waiting for the cut to grow back.

How often do you need to trim your eyebrows?

The frequency of eyebrow trimming is determined individually and depends on several factors.

Firstly, on the rate of hair growth. Someone has to repeat this procedure after two weeks, while others need to cut their eyebrows every two or even three months.

Secondly, from the season. In winter, the growth rate of body hair slows down, and this significantly affects the frequency of the procedure.

Third, from the female color type. Brunettes will have to cut their eyebrows once every 2 weeks, blondes and brown-haired women, due to the fact that their hairs will grow more slowly, can carry out this procedure once a month or less.

How and with what to cut eyebrows?


A trimmer is a special device, thanks to which you can make a point haircut.

When choosing a trimmer, you should first of all pay attention to the material from which the blade is made. It is best to choose those that are made of medical steel or titanium.

Trimmers are available for men and women. Women are more suitable for cutting eyebrows, as they usually come with a large range of attachments that allow you to create perfectly shaped eyebrows. Of these, the recommended ones are special nozzles for eyebrow correction (3-8 mm long) and nozzles that allow you to give the hairs the same length.


Two types of scissors are suitable:

  • simple nail scissors with straight blades;
  • special scissors for cutting eyebrows. They have narrow blades and a rounded tip, which avoids damage to the skin during cutting.

For those who do not have much experience in cutting eyebrows (or are going to carry out this procedure for the first time), it is recommended to use scissors - it is easier to control the process with their help, while a trimmer can immediately cut the entire eyebrow to the root or leave a bald spot.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. You should prepare a place for a haircut. It should be well lit, the light should be bright enough, but at the same time diffused, and not leave shadows on the face. It is better to do a haircut in the daytime.
  2. It is necessary to carefully examine the eyebrows, determine how much the hairs need to be shortened and what shape the eyebrows will be given.
  3. Make-up must be removed from the face.
  4. Disinfect all instruments with rubbing alcohol, chlorhexidine, or other disinfectant.

Eyebrow cutting technique at home

  1. With a brush or comb for eyebrows, comb the hairs and comb them up.
  2. With scissors or a trimmer, those hairs that protrude beyond the eyebrow contour from above are cut.
  3. With the same brush or comb, all the hairs are combed down.
  4. The hairs that protrude beyond the contour are cut again, but from below.
  5. Eyebrows are stacked in the direction opposite to their growth, the result is studied. If some hairs seem to stand out too much from the general appearance, they should also be trimmed.
  6. Eyebrow hairs are finally laid, their symmetry is being studied.

To make the eyebrows more symmetrical, each stage should be carried out first with one eyebrow, then with the second. This will make it easier to trim them the same way.

The video talks about one of the eyebrow cutting methods and some rules that must be followed.

What length is optimal?

The optimal length is a length that does not disrupt the shape of the eyebrows, but at the same time does not allow the hairs to stick out in different directions or turn into coarse bristles.

To determine whether it is optimal in each case, you should comb your eyebrows up. A haircut will be necessary if the hairs protrude beyond the upper border of the eyebrow.

Features of men's eyebrow haircuts

A haircut for men's eyebrows differs little from a haircut for women. The only difference is that only hard and long hairs are cut, so that the eyebrows become more well-groomed.

In this case, it is better to use a beard trimmer, as it copes better with thick and coarse hairs. You can also use a hair clipper with the right attachment, but this should be done very carefully.

The video talks about cutting male eyebrows with a trimmer.

  • If tweezers are also needed for eyebrow correction, you should first use it and remove all excess hairs, and only then cut all the rest.
  • When trimming your eyebrows, you should not rush, so as not to make a mistake. Eyebrows grow slowly, so you have to walk long enough with unevenly trimmed eyebrows.
  • It is better to leave the hairs a little longer than to overdo it and shorten them too much.
  • You should not cut your eyebrows too often - it is enough to cut your eyebrows once every 2-3 weeks.
  • It is permissible to cut only separate parts of the eyebrows or even just individual hairs that are out of shape and do not fit well.

Photos before and after

Approximate cost in salons

50-100 rubles depending on the salon. It is also worth considering that, in addition to a haircut, eyebrow correction may be needed in other ways.

Eyebrow cutting is a fairly simple and safe procedure that can easily make any eyebrows more beautiful and well-groomed, while having no contraindications and unpleasant consequences. All that is needed is accuracy and a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired result.

How to cut your eyebrows? The question seems to be trivial. But only at first glance. Despite the fact that eyebrows take up very little space on a person’s face, they play an important role in creating a particular image.

Overgrown, unkempt eyebrows can spoil the impression of even a well-chosen suit and add a couple of years to the age of its owner.

In contact with

That is why, carefully caring for her face, every girl should not forget about caring for her eyebrows. It is necessary not only to tint them and pluck out excess hairs, maintaining the desired shape, but also to adjust the length of the hairs themselves in a timely manner. Only in this case, the eyebrows will look neat and well-groomed.

Today we will talk about how to properly trim eyebrow hairs, because illiterate actions can lead to:

  • to the appearance of bald spots,
  • to slow hair growth
  • distortion of the original eyebrow pattern.

What are the signs that your eyebrows need trimming? This procedure is not for everyone a haircut is necessary if:

  1. Eyebrows are made up of hairs that randomly stick out in different directions.
  2. After getting up after sleep, the girl regularly sees in the mirror that the hairs on the eyebrows are deformed and crumpled (as a result of friction on the pillow).
  3. Eyebrows stubbornly resist styling.

What are the benefits of eyebrow trimming?

Opinions regarding the advisability of trimming eyebrow hairs are often very controversial. You can hear that the eyebrows subjected to this procedure subsequently begin to bush, and the hairs themselves become coarser and uncontrollable over time. Of course, all these opinions are completely groundless and do not correspond to reality.

We will try to talk about all the positive and negative aspects of this procedure, and let the reader draw his own conclusions from the information received.

Benefits of trimming your eyebrows at home

  • The eyebrow, subjected to a haircut, will not lose its natural density and natural pattern inherent in it.
  • Trimming (as opposed to plucking) eliminates the risk of removing the hairs needed to form the correct eyebrow shape.

Correctly cutting the eyebrows, you can achieve the creation of their ideal shape.

  • Self-cutting eyebrows, regularly performed at home, will significantly save the family budget.

Disadvantages of home haircuts

Tools needed for trimming eyebrows

If you are going to do eyebrow cutting, you need to take care of special tools. To do this, you can get:

When starting to trim your eyebrows, you must thoroughly disinfect the instrument with alcohol.

Step-by-step instructions for cutting eyebrows

How to trim your eyebrows in your own home?

  • The main condition for the success of this procedure is to be extremely careful in shortening the hairs that make up them, since in case of unsuccessful actions, even a beautiful eyebrow line can be ruined. At the first stage, preceding the haircut, it is necessary to establish the area that really needs to be adjusted.

How to cut and pluck eyebrows - video:

  • If you are going to do a haircut, you need to choose a well-lit place. In this case, the best lighting may be diffused daylight, which allows you to see each hair and eliminates the presence of shadows in a mirror image.
  • To make the hairs more obedient, washing them with a mild herbal shampoo and rinsing with a decoction of calendula or chamomile flowers will help. The use of the cream is impractical, since the scissors will slide off the superciliary arches treated with it.
  • Sitting in front of a mirror, they begin to determine the shape of the eyebrows that is optimal for their type of face. Successful eyebrows can be neither too thin nor too wide. Their length is no less important: they should begin above the inner corners of the eyes and end above the highest points of the cheekbones.

Having determined the intended contour of the eyebrows, proceed to their haircut.

  1. Taking a special comb or brush from the old carcass, carefully comb the hairs down.
  2. The longest of them will necessarily cross the natural border of the trimmed edge. The excess length of these particular hairs should be carefully removed with the help of manicure or specialized scissors. Girls who know how to use a trimmer can perform this operation with it using a special nozzle. How does an eyebrow trimmer work - video:
  3. The procedure is alternately carried out first for one, and then for the other eyebrow.
  4. After this step, the hairs are combed in the opposite direction, that is, up. At this stage, the hairs that cross the upper border of the eyebrow will be subject to shortening.

How to shorten the eyebrows if there was neither a brush nor a suitable comb in the house? This manipulation can be performed without them, with a finger.

  • Raising the hairs and holding them in the direction opposite to the growth line, it is necessary to press its tip to the upper border of the eyebrow.
  • The tips of the hairs protruding from under the finger are carefully trimmed.
  • Having removed the finger, the trimmed brow is smoothed, and the procedure is repeated if necessary.

Recently gained popularity eyebrow trimming in the bridge of the nose. It consists in the fact that the hairs growing at the base of the eyebrow are shortened to a minimum, and the length of other hairs is simply not adjusted.

Correction of the shape of the eyebrows is done with tweezers and consists in removing excess hairs. To maintain this shape of the eyebrows, trimming the hairs on the bridge of the nose and plucking out excess vegetation must be done weekly.

  • Having finished cutting the eyebrows, they are made more expressive and noticeable with the help of shadows or a pencil of the required tone.

If there are bald spots in the eyebrows due to unsuccessful thinning or excessive cutting, the missing hairs can be depicted using a regular cosmetic pencil.

  • Trimmed eyebrows can be covered with a special gel or wax for styling hair: this will help accelerate their growth, strengthen the roots and fix the shape.

Eyebrow trimming for men

Should men trim their eyebrows? Some of them believe that unkempt and bushy vegetation on the superciliary arches is a sign of true brutality. In fact, this indicates a man's extreme disregard for his own appearance and his unwillingness to take care of himself.

  • Anticipating a storm of indignation on the part of the strong half of humanity, we hasten to inform you: in order to keep your eyebrows in order, a man it is enough to shorten the length of only the most unruly and long hairs. He can do this on his own, using a trimmer with a special nozzle. For many men, this will not be difficult, since they use this hair clipper regularly, caring for their beards and mustaches.

Correction of male eyebrows - video:

  • Another way to get rid of excessive hair density on male eyebrows is thinning them out with tweezers, but this method will probably not be to their liking.

Correctly correct male bushy eyebrows can be corrected by an experienced stylist in a professional hairdressing salon, where, if necessary, their owner can apply.

  • Too long hairs on the eyebrows become with age, under the influence of hormonal changes in the body: that is why the eyebrows of many old people look so intimidating. The female half of the family can take care of elderly relatives by offering them to slightly thin out and trim the hairs on overgrown eyebrows.

You can not radically reduce the length of the hairs: becoming too short, they will begin to bristle and cease to obey styling.

  • When trimming the eyebrow, it is not at all necessary to shorten most of the hairs that make it up. Sometimes it is quite enough to cut two or three of the longest hairs that cannot be styled and spoil the whole picture.
  • While correcting the shape of the eyebrows, one should achieve their strict symmetry, since eyebrows of different shapes and lengths will look ridiculous and comical.

We have covered in sufficient detail all the nuances associated with the procedure for cutting eyebrows. If you are confident that you can do it on your own, feel free to proceed with this lesson. If you still have doubts, it is better to entrust your beauty to the hands of professional stylists.

Why you can and when you can not cut your eyebrows

Every girl and woman tries to emphasize her individual attractiveness. But excellent quality make-up and expressiveness of the eyes can only be spoiled by unkempt thick or sparse irregularly shaped eyebrows.

In such cases, it is possible and simply necessary to resort to the procedure for cutting eyebrows. Why they say that you can't cut your eyebrows? This is an erroneous opinion. When professionally cut, they look great.

When the eyebrows cease to take on an ideal shape, are deformed and do not obey even when leaving, it's time to correct them. The advantage of cutting eyebrows from traditional tweezers is significant:

  • a painless procedure, while the use of tweezers causes discomfort, with severe pain, tears sometimes come out and severe sweating begins, caused by the stress of the body;
  • the choice of a suitable contour, with tweezers this is problematic;
  • the hairs of the base necessary to give volume remain intact, and the tweezers eliminate the hairs along with the bulb. Due to this removal, the eyebrows seem rare and inconspicuous;
  • with tweezers you will never achieve the desired symmetry of the eyebrows. A haircut will bring the shape as close as possible;
  • eyebrow cutting does not affect the condition of the skin around. After applying the tweezers, slight redness and dots remain. Poor-quality coating of tweezers can scratch the delicate skin of the eyelids.

After the haircut, do not forget about the care of the eyebrows. Every morning, you need to correct their shape yourself for a clear, correct contour. If necessary, comb with a special small brush.

The downside of cutting eyebrows can only be ignorance of the basic rules for choosing the shape of eyebrows and the inability to work with special scissors. Well, the price for shaping and subsequent adjustments is also not small. And it will have to be done 1 time every three weeks.

Why You Shouldn't Trim Your Eyebrows, and it is better to pluck them?

Cutting your eyebrows with scissors is the same as using a popular razor. By shortening the eyebrows, thus, the remaining hairs become denser and stiffer. This is very inconvenient in the absence of a salon for correction.

The procedure for permanent haircuts and shaping is not cheap. If you do not know how and do not know how to use special devices and cut your eyebrows, then you will not be able to do it for free at home.

Do not experiment with a special trimmer. It works on the principle of tweezers and you can generally be left without eyebrows, waiting until they start growing again.

The old proven way to get rid of unwanted eyebrow hairs is to use tweezers. Here, too, skill and appropriate skills are indispensable. You can end up with ugly brows or no hair at all. They'll still have to be painted. But absolutely free.

Why someone said that you can't cut your eyebrows man

And why can't a man clean himself up and cut his eyebrows too? Not all men have them as perfect as women would like. Eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose into one arc are unlikely to please the opposite sex. Yes, and too thick hairs - it's not attractive.

Men's eyebrow haircut is not so long and laborious procedure:

  • shortening only the upper naughty eyebrow hairs. Women's thin and curved eyebrows will not make men;
  • getting rid of excess density. The removal of individual hairs, the so-called thinning, is used;
  • a clear demarcation of the eyebrows in the region of the bridge of the nose. Removing excess hair, highlighting a clear border with an invisible neat line.

Nothing terrible or painful happens. Very gentle and completely pain free procedure.

Of course, you will have to spend money, but the result will be amazing.

A man can independently carry out simple shaping of eyebrows with a trimmer. At a cost it is inexpensive and will always be at hand at the right time. Save time and money on trips to salons.

Sable eyebrows have long been considered an invariable attribute of a Russian beauty for a reason. Under two evenly outlined arcs flying to the temples, the look becomes expressive, the image is perfect, the face is well-groomed. One thing is bad: naturally ideal eyebrows go to units, everyone else has to put them in order on their own. But when did that stop fashionistas? Women have long ago mastered the artful science of bringing to perfection what nature has endowed them with. The only question is the methods by which to cut recalcitrant eyebrows.

  • “drawing”, when missing hairs are added in the right places with the help of a pencil, shadows or tattoo, ugly voids are filled, and the eyebrow itself is given a clearer outline;
  • plucking, when everything that stands out from the overall harmonious picture is removed with tweezers or thread;
  • a haircut, when scissors or a special trimmer are taken to correct eyebrows.

If the first two methods usually do not cause complaints, then there is a lot of controversy around the third. Even experienced makeup artists, and they can not come to a consensus: to cut or not to cut?

Arguments for:

  • you can easily give the eyebrows the intended shape without damaging their density in the least;
  • if the result does not satisfy you, it will take much less time to wait until the shortened hairs grow back than after using tweezers;
  • the natural line of the eyebrows is preserved, which is especially important in recent years, when the fashion for naturalness is at its peak.

The main requirement of fashion: let the eyebrows be natural and neat

Arguments against:

  • there is a risk of injury when working with scissors;
  • to independently give the eyebrows the shape that your imagination has drawn is quite difficult if you do not have enough experience;
  • too dense, unruly hairs, after meeting with scissors, can completely get out of control and begin to bristle in different directions.

But the fear “after a haircut, the hair will begin to grow faster and become stiff” is more likely to be a legend. It is on the head that the curls, freed from split ends, can get healthy and please the hostess with stable growth, your manipulations with scissors will practically not affect the condition of the eyebrows.

So to cut or not to cut? As you wish. In fact, very few people need a radical adjustment of this part of the face:

  • “direct descendants of Brezhnev”, who cannot do without a trimmer and scissors;
  • young ladies with separate long and stiff hairs in their eyebrows (they are easier to cut than to tame with a gel or mousse);
  • owners of tight curls - often in such girls not only the strands on the head curl into spirals, but also the hairs of the eyebrows try to curl slightly.

Everyone else is free to choose between tweezers and scissors the tool that they like best. But if you decide to adjust with a haircut for the first time, it’s better to entrust this matter to a professional: he certainly won’t mess up with the shape, scratch you with the sharp tips of scissors and cut off the excess, which beginners often sin.

If you are a burning brunette, the idea of ​​trimming your eyebrows with a haircut may be a failure. After a day or two, each cut hair will make itself known as a black dot on the skin, which will eventually ruin the whole picture.

Video: professional opinion

How and what to cut your eyebrows

So, it was decided: there will be a haircut! What tool to prefer and how to organize the procedure in order to get a result at home that is not inferior to the salon?

First step: prepare a place to work. You will need a large mirror, good lighting so that you can see every hair, and an eyebrow brush. If nothing suitable is at hand, a brush from an old carcass, previously washed with soap and dried well, will help you out.

Second step: clean your face of makeup and pin up your hair. The skin must be clean, the future "front of work" - completely open.

Third step: Decide on a form. Since fashion today does not set strict conditions for us on how eyebrows should look, the main criteria here will be your taste and face type. Focus on them.

Finding your image can be difficult.

A little tip: the ideal "starting point" for the beginning of the eyebrow is the one that is located directly above the inner corner of the eye. And to find the end, mentally draw a straight line from the wing of the nose to the temple through the outer corner of the eye. Where it intersects with the eyebrow, and mark the place for the end of the arc. If imaginary drawing is difficult for you, arm yourself with a long brush or stick and take all measurements in front of a mirror in real mode.

Remember to make sure that the right and left edges are symmetrical

At the end, with a sharpened eyeliner, outline the contour of the future eyebrow. On this, the preparatory part can be considered complete - then scissors or a trimmer come into play.


If you have a steady hand and a sure eye, opt for scissors. It is desirable that they have blunt rounded tips: this way the likelihood of injury will be significantly reduced. And of course, your tool must be perfectly sharpened, otherwise a high-quality result cannot be achieved.

Further actions:

  • with a brush, comb all the hairs of the eyebrow vertically upwards;
  • everything that goes beyond the intended contour, carefully cut with scissors;
  • comb the eyebrow again with a brush, this time in the opposite direction - straight down;
  • and again cut off all unnecessary;
  • some advise combing the hairs for the third time against their growth and adjusting the eyebrow a little more, but in most cases this is no longer required;
  • smooth the hair in the direction of its growth and evaluate the result.

If you are not completely confident in your own abilities, you can enlist a friend to help you put your eyebrows in order. But in fact, this procedure is so simple that it takes a little practice, and you will be able to cope with the adjustment in a matter of minutes.

Good Buy: Eyebrow Scissors


A special machine with attachments - a trimmer - can greatly simplify the process of cutting. Or maybe turn it into a disaster! Especially in the hands of a hasty beginner: with one clumsy movement, such a “craftswoman” is able to immediately demolish half of her eyebrow or arrange a bald spot on it, which will have to be painted over with a pencil and shadows for a long time.

To prevent such a nuisance from happening to you, you can try the following method:

Should you comb your eyebrows up and down, as is the case with scissors? If you used the comb attachment, you won't need it. If your machine is not equipped with such a device, the hairs can be combed and trimmed in shape.

Another technology suggests not combing or cutting the eyebrow along its entire length, but simply gently walk the trimmer above and below it strictly in those places where the longest hairs protrude.

A few more tips from the pros for beginners.

  1. Don't cut your hair too short. "Stumps" 1-2 mm long will ugly stick up, no matter how much you smooth them with gel.
  2. Never cut your hair in a hurry. Your movements should be accurate, confident, but unhurried.
  3. If you use scissors, just in case, wipe them with alcohol before the procedure - protect yourself from possible infections.

Video: how to use an electric trimmer

Will height change after a haircut?

By itself, a haircut has little effect on hair growth, although experts still do not recommend doing it more than once every 2-3 weeks, so as not to really add rigidity to the eyebrows. But if growth suddenly stops, most likely, it will not be the scissors that are to blame, but problems with the follicles or the state of health in general. You will have to adjust your diet, reconsider your lifestyle, and maintain the density of your eyebrows with the help of nourishing castor oil masks.

That's all the wisdom regarding eyebrow cutting. It remains only to decide whether you personally add a new correction method to your “beauty piggy bank” or will continue to give preference to tweezers and a pencil. As they say, the taste and color ...