Expressive makeup. Makeup for the expressiveness of beautiful eyes. Expressive makeup for blue eyes

With the help of makeup, you can make your look expressive, because cosmetics can either hide or emphasize both flaws and virtues.

In order to give expressiveness to the eyes, a woman must learn how to apply makeup correctly and remember some little secrets.

TIP 1: Take care of the skin around the eyes daily

For a fresher look, do not forget about the skin around the eyes. In the morning, semi-circular masks for the lower eyelids should be used. They perfectly moisturize and also tone the skin. In the evening, apply serum or eye cream, which is selected according to skin type. These funds prevent the occurrence of unwanted wrinkles, due to the fact that they can penetrate deep into the layers of the skin.

TIP 2: Fight under eye circles

The main sign of fatigue is circles under the eyes. Be sure to mask the circles under the eyes so that they do not focus on themselves. Here it is very important to choose the right concealer.

Concealers often emphasize the texture of the skin, so you should not choose a thick consistency concealer. Due to small reflective particles, when light hits the skin, it visually hides imperfections, and also gives a fresh look. To prevent the concealer from rolling, you need to fix it with powder.

TIP 3: Make eyelashes visually thicker

Pencil is an essential part of eye makeup. It is necessary to draw the line of the eyes between the eyelashes and then they will immediately become more expressive, without the feeling that they are made up. It is not necessary to circle the eyes along the contour or draw arrows.

How to draw the contour of the eyes: lift the upper eyelid with your finger, then carefully paint the line between the eyelashes with a well-sharpened pencil. It is necessary to use hypoallergenic products if you have sensitive eyes.

TIP 4: Use a light pencil

To emphasize the inner line of the lower eyelid, it is better to use a beige, milky or light pink tone pencil. This will help mask redness, visually enlarge your eyes, make the iris more saturated.

TIP 5: Try beauty lenses

An additional tool for giving greater expressiveness to the eyes is the use of contact lenses. They make the eyes brighter. The pattern of the lenses corresponds to the natural color of the eyes, the look becomes deeper, and the contour around the iris is clear. Thanks to the clear contours, as well as the special design of the lenses on the eyes of women, they create a unique beauty effect.

TIP 6: Choose your mascara

There is no perfect mascara for everyone. But if you try and experiment, you will definitely find “your” mascara that suits you. For example, mascara with a volume effect will always be a versatile option. It follows from the roots to the very tips, making zigzag movements, paint over the eyelashes. In this way, it is easy to evenly distribute the product along the entire length of the eyelashes, as well as reduce the likelihood of lumps.

Without long, as well as thick eyelashes, an expressive look is impossible. However, the use of mascara alone is not enough. It is very important to take care of the eyelashes, properly nourish them, sometimes you can apply olive oil to the eyelashes. Before going to bed, you should always remove makeup in order for the eyelashes to be healthy.

Large and expressive eyes are considered one of the most important conditions under which a woman is called beautiful, but by nature they are not given to everyone. Fortunately, over thousands of years of perfection in the art of charm, women have learned to create beauty literally from scratch, thanks to the possibilities of cosmetics - the art of decorating and improving a person's appearance.

Popular supermodels, "stars" of cinema and show business, looking at us from glossy pages, in everyday life do not always have a bright, extraordinary appearance, and most of them have the most ordinary eyes. The mysterious brilliance, expressiveness and attractiveness of the look of "star" ladies are given by modern cosmetics, skillfully selected and applied by professional cosmetologists and makeup artists. With a little patience, any woman can learn to visually enlarge her eyes with the help of cosmetics, making them expressive, and the look - bewitching and magnetic.

Eyebrows and eyelashes: shape and structure

First of all, you can visually enlarge the eyes by giving the eyebrows and eyelashes a certain look and shape.

Eyebrows of any shape should always be neat and clear, not very thick - this makes the look heavier, but too thin, “in a thread”, eyebrows are not the best option. The best choice is the natural shape and color of the eyebrows, but sometimes the eyebrows need to be tinted: there are a lot of pencils of different shades. A dark pencil is suitable for girls with dark skin, and for the rest - in hair color, or a tone darker. Gel is applied to stiff eyebrows and smoothed with brushes. The bend of the eyebrows is well drawn, and, closer to the outside, slightly raised.

On the inside, under the bend, you need to apply some light shadows, you can combine it with a highlighter: on a bright background, the eyes will already look larger.

The longer and thicker the eyelashes, the more “open” the eyes will be: this is achieved with the help of good mascara (volumizing, lengthening), applied in 2-3 layers. The same is with the lower lashes: a good mascara lengthens them and makes the look more expressive, but here one layer is enough. On the outer corners, the eyelashes should be stained so that the eye lengthens as much as possible.

If you need to “twist” your eyelashes, use tweezers, but now a more convenient and safer device has appeared - thermal eyelash curlers. By the principle of action, it is sometimes compared with an electric toothbrush. The device is plugged into a power outlet, but it can also work on a battery - more than 40 minutes: during this time, you can curl the eyelashes of a whole “squad” of girls. Eyelashes are not only gracefully curved, but also separated from one another - a double benefit.

False or extended eyelashes also make the eyes look bigger. This method is proposed to be used for brittle or too short natural eyelashes, although in the first case it is still better to strengthen them first.

Expressive eyes: how shadows, pencils and correctors work

Knowing how to use a pencil correctly, you can make your eyes even bigger by slightly changing their shape: flaws are masked, and advantageous features are emphasized.

If the eyes are rounded, it is necessary to draw out the corners, outer and inner, drawing them with a pencil and making them brighter.

With an almond-shaped form, the lines along which the eyelashes grow are traced with a pencil and shaded.

The European form is usually understood as “something in between”, although this is not true - there cannot be a general type here: for example, the shape of the eyes of ethnic English women and residents of southern Europe is noticeably different. However, it is generally accepted that European eyes are not elongated and not round, not very large, but not small either. Here it is proposed to highlight the outer corner of the eye - “pull” to the temple and blend upwards; there is no need to focus on the lower eyelid: lightly walk with a pencil.

If the eyes are “deep-set” and small, an arrow is drawn along the eyelash growth line, its expanding tip is bent upwards, pointing to the tip of the eyebrow; shade the corner. Dark pencils will not work - on the contrary, they will reduce the eyes, but gold and silver, in combination with light shadows, will come in handy.

We will not talk about combinations of shadows and their choice by eye color here - this is not difficult to find out. However, "neutral" shades, like light beige, pale pink, peach, etc., can be used with contrasting colors - for example, light mother-of-pearl shadows with dark ones: this way even the most inconspicuous look will become richer and more attractive.

Highlighter, if desired, is applied under the eyebrows, and on the inner contour of the lower eyelid, and in the inner corners of the eyes, above and below: in this way, any look will be more “open” and expressive, because the whites will continue. In general, it is worth experimenting with a highlighter: this light tool that works real miracles is not only white, but also pinkish and golden.

Concealer, which must be used if there are spots or blackouts under the eyes, you can also try “unconventional”: not yellow, but pink or blue - the result is often more natural.

Now briefly about the sequence of applying makeup that enlarges the eyes.

How to make eyes expressive

First, a base is applied - such that it holds well. The fold of the eyelid is indicated with a fluffy brush: it should seem a little higher than it actually is. The selected shadows are carefully so that they lie evenly, and the shades smoothly pass one into another or mix, shade over the eyelid. Under the eyebrows, apply a little white or matte eyeshadow (with or without a highlighter), and grind it so that you get a light, slightly noticeable shade.

Dark shadows are placed on the crease of the eyelid, darken the edge, shade; circle the contour of the lower eyelid with a highlighter, highlight the inner corners - the look is given a “radiance”.

Eyeliner is not always used, but dark eyeliner is suitable for enlarging the eyes: the face seems thinner and more elegant - the eyes on it become more noticeable. The lines are drawn near the eyelashes, thinly, from the beginning or middle of the eyelids beyond the outer corners of the eyes. A little before reaching the corner (or in the middle), make the line a little thicker, and then thinner again: gradually reduce the thickness, leading to the end. Along the contour of the line, gently shade with a beveled brush.

Lower eyelid: eyeliner is applied not along the lash line itself, but just below. You can first apply the dots with a pencil, and then connect them with the same beveled brush, and just as gently blend.

What prevents you from opening your eyes

Passion for dark shadows and eyeliners makes the eyes smaller: a “look from the depths” is obtained.

Too much mascara leads to the same result: the eyelashes become heavier, the look too.

Liquid eyeliner makes the overall look of the makeup heavier - it turns out to be unnatural, but it can be used to fill in the gaps left between the cilia after the pencil.

And once again about the area under the eyes. Be sure to pay attention to it: both too dark and pale skin in this place creates the effect of “sunken” eyes.

By itself, cosmetics are not capable of working miracles, only by choosing the appropriate method of applying it, it will be possible to achieve a certain goal, for example, to perform makeup for the expressiveness of the eyes. Correct technique is developed on the basis of general rules, as well as through trial and error, but experimentation in this matter is indispensable. Eyes can not only be made visually larger, but also hide some significant flaws without cosmetic surgery. Absolutely any look can become breathtakingly beautiful, you just need to know what needs to be done for this. And, of course, do not be afraid to try something new, trying out different combinations of colors and ways of applying cosmetics.

So, we have a goal - to create expressive eye makeup, but does this mean that we need exceptionally bright and saturated colors, catchy and sparkling shadows? Of course not, because makeup is designed for real life, and not for a carnival show or clown performance. The main thing in makeup should always remain unchanged - these are the eyes themselves., it is precisely their natural beauty that has to be emphasized and expressed all the advantages, veiling the shortcomings. It must be remembered that cosmetics are only a means, but the goal is the eyes. To make them large and beautiful, so that it is difficult to take your eyes off them, is a completely solvable task with the help of various shades and textures of modern cosmetology products.

Expressive technique involving light and dark tones

Makeup that emphasizes the eyes is based on the correct color combination of different shades of shadows - it is this tool that is the basis of any eye makeup. The main rule of make-up is that a dark color is better than any other capable of giving expressiveness, but at the same time visually so. So if your eyes are naturally large, then dark shades of shadows are exactly what you need if you want to emphasize your beauty. If the eyes are not big enough, then you can make them more expressive with the help of light tones that will enlarge this part of the face, but for this you need to find the right combination of not only shadows, but also all other means of decoration.

Great makeup that highlights the eyes based on dark colors - smoky, or smokey ice. Its traditional performance is based on brown and gray-green tones, but new times bring other trends, so the technique is becoming more and more perfect and diverse. With a dark gamut, you should be careful not to overdo it, which will eventually narrow your eyes. Therefore, it is better to abandon too dark shadows, choosing something in between, and filling the eyes with an attractive gray haze. Makeup in this design will never lose its popularity, which proves again and again the fashion industry.

With a dark gamut, you should be careful not to overdo it, which will eventually narrow your eyes.

Expressive eye makeup begins with covering the upper eyelid with a light shade, the base. Dark shadows are superimposed along the contour of the upper eyelashes, focusing on the outer part and up to the middle of the eye. All this is well shaded, and then brightening shadows are added to the inside of the eye, for which gold and silver mother-of-pearl shades are perfect. This technique will allow you to qualitatively open your eyes, give them expressiveness, especially if you draw a dark contour line at the outer corner of the eye.

Moderation of color and volume is the best way to express the eyes

In make-up created for greater expressiveness of the eyes, one cannot do without the so-called liner, that is, a soft contour pencil or liquid eyeliner. In smoky makeup, the contour lines should not have clear boundaries, but in other cases a qualitatively improved line is created that does not coincide with the natural growth of eyelashes. If the eyes are very small, you can superimpose the contours one on top of the other, but make sure that there is no significant space between them, which will give out an artificially created expressiveness. In addition, a common mistake women make when trying to make expressive eye makeup is a bold stroke with a regular black line along the upper eyelid, as a result of which the eyes seem to be pressed inward and look even smaller. If you draw a black line under the lower eyelashes, then the result will be similar when the whites of the eyes still stand out, but the eyes themselves, at the same time, significantly lose in size.

Also, makeup with an emphasis on the eyes likes arrows in the corners, but, again, they should be compact and have a moderate thickness. The line of arrows only slightly winds up beyond the outer corner, but this will certainly make it possible to enlarge the eyes. It happens that the eyes are already large, but not round enough, so the arrows will not help them much, it is better to leave them for small and round eyes. And, of course, mascara will complete the extravaganza, especially if the eyelashes are slightly curled before applying it.

This is the dream of not only every beautiful girl, but also a woman of any age. After all, you really want to look into bright and expressive eyes and see your own reflection in their depths. But this is impossible to achieve without the right makeup, which you can do yourself by following the tips in this article. In it, you will learn how to make a bright and expressive make-up so that your eyes sparkle like mirrors in a bright frame. Here are some of the simplest options that can transform the image of any girl beyond recognition.

Blue and gray eyes

They themselves resemble crystals, so they require decent decoration. Moreover, in blue-eyed blondes with light eyebrows and hair, they can be lost and be expressionless. They need to use high-quality, but not bright means. Here's how to do daytime makeup for blue eyes:

Highlight the area under the lower eyelids with a corrector and apply a little highlighter to the area of ​​​​the inner corners. Already this procedure will help open your eyes and hide fatigue.

We draw thin arrows. For daytime makeup, you can choose colors slightly darker than your natural shade of eyebrows and hair, but here you need an exact hit. Otherwise, the eyes will appear drawn. If you have warm hair, close to corn, then you need to take a pencil shade of caramel or milk toffee, depending on the severity of the red and yellow. For fair-haired, any eyeliner tones of wet asphalt, as well as black, are suitable, but owners of chestnut curls cannot do without deep chocolate. Only not the one that you want to eat right away, but a pencil of this shade. The arrow should be as natural as possible and give your eyes a beautiful shape, as in the photo. After that, proceed to the shadows.

Additional expressiveness. In daytime makeup, you need to use shades of powder shades. Apply the lightest ones on the inner corner and on the moving eyelid, and emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes with the dark ones, as if drawing shadow areas that will visually make your eyes large, as in the video.

Ink. Contrary to popular belief, blue and blue shades do not suit blue-eyed ladies. With them, your look can turn out to be inexpressive and blurry. But if you like this color, you can only use dark tones, such as the color of the night sky with a blue spray. In order to make expressive eyes day makeup, take mascara a little darker than the shade of your pencil. For example, brown, gray or black. It should be fresh, lengthening and without lumps. For evening make-up, you can use only dark purple or blue eyeliner and mascara, but only dark shades. Then your eyes will become expressive, as in the photo.

Green eyes

In this case, knowledge of the features of your appearance and your color type is required. The fact is that eyes of this color can be both warm and cold, so they require a non-standard approach. It is no coincidence that stylists are reluctant to describe makeup for green eyes. In principle, it is no different from blue eye makeup, if you follow a few simple rules. Any girl can remember them, especially if she paints for the first time. Now you will know exactly how to make the look expressive.

Green eyes do not like gray and blue shades, and not only in shadows, but also in mascara.

Dramatic evening make-up you get using black eyeliner and false eyelashes of the same color. Well, if you want to seem mysterious, then you can’t do without mascara of a deep purple hue and expressive makeup to match it. Whatever your eyes are, they sparkle like gems, especially in artificial light.
In daytime make-up, use dark brown mascara, and if you are blonde, then malachite, darker than your eye color, as in the video.

Brown eyes

Nature itself made them bright, so they require a minimum of decorative cosmetics. But still they need a little correction. Brown eyes in themselves attract attention, so the makeup will be the same as for blue and gray, if you follow the rules. Then you will get a beautiful result, as shown in the photo.

Expressive and clear eyebrows. They should always be tinted, especially if you are a brunette, then the look will acquire the necessary depth.

Eyeliner and mascara. In daytime makeup, brown-eyed girls should avoid gray and too light tones, as their eyes will be lost. The pencil should be very dark and without mother-of-pearl, like ink. During the day, you can use brown shades, and in the evening - black, expressive eggplant or bright blue combined with shimmering mother-of-pearl shadows.

The arrows should be located along the lash line and merge with them, otherwise the makeup will look sloppy.
You can write about expressive means for a long time, but the principle of their selection is the same. This is quality and beauty, and most importantly, that they suit you.

Big eyes make the face expressive and memorable. Many girls and women who naturally have a narrow eyelid slit dream of making their eyes look more open, at least visually.

To succeed, it is enough to have a few tools in the cosmetic arsenal, as well as a little time for training. Using the right makeup, you can easily shape your eyes and make them look bigger.

There are many ways to create the illusion that the eyes are larger than they really are. To correctly place accents, you need to know simple rules and things that make the size smaller:

  • the shape and position of the eyes largely depend on the eyebrows, so it is important, first of all, to slightly adjust their shape, if necessary;
  • the fit of the eyes on the face relative to the bridge of the nose greatly affects the perception of their size; even large but close-set eyes will look smaller;
  • depth also affects the visual picture: recessed into the head, the eyes seem much smaller, so you need to correct this moment by aligning the tone around and making the depth less;
  • overhanging eyelids, bruises and bags under the eyes also hide their size, so you can not do without corrective cosmetics;
  • fatigue, swelling and redness also do not make the look more attractive.

What helps in eye enlargement:

  • concealers for retouching bruises and traces of lack of sleep;
  • highlighter to create beautiful highlights and shine and accents;
  • light and flesh-colored shadows, mother-of-pearl and sparkles in a reasonable amount work to increase the size;
  • voluminous fluffy mascara with a curling brush opens up the eyelashes, making the look more expressive;
  • eyelashes twisted to the top open the eyes and frame them beautifully;
  • a neat shape of the eyebrows, with the removal of excess hairs at the bridge of the nose, if the eyes are close-set; the tail should also be neat and not exceed too much the length of the eye;
  • the raised arch of the eyebrow and the tip raised to the top make the look more open.

How to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger

Eye makeup to increase them can be done in several ways:

  • apply concealer on the lower eyelid and slightly down in the shape of a triangle; gently distribute the product with a sponge, also slightly evening out the color on the upper eyelid;
  • apply tone to the entire face;
  • powder the areas of the face that begin to shine first, apply a little powder on the eyelid;

When making up the eyes, you can also use a special white soft eyeliner - kajal. If you bring the lower eyelids to them from the inside, you can visually open your eyes, make them more rested and larger.

A dark pencil with feathering can also be used for the “beam” focus at the corner of the eyes, which was described above.

In this method, a gap of skin is left that is not covered with color at the junction of the lines of the upper and lower eyelids.

How to make eyes big and expressive with arrows

For lovers of shooters, too, there are secrets:

How to make your eyes look bigger without makeup

To visually increase the size of the eyes, it is important to monitor their condition. If they are very tired and have a sickly look, a large amount of shadow on the eyelids will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, if any problems arise, it is necessary to solve them before applying cosmetics.

So, for example, washing with ice refreshes and slightly relieves swelling and removes redness.

To restore the purity of the eyes, you can apply cotton compresses with tea leaves, parsley or cucumber juice. These fluids work well for bruising and swelling.

If the retina turns red, blood vessels burst and the look becomes dull, you can use special drops that remove these signs of fatigue. It is important to take care of the delicate skin of the eyelids using gels and gentle creams. Some of them refresh, relieve swelling and slightly improve the color of the skin around.

When everything is in order with the skin around the eyes and with them, you can use other tricks. So, for example, colored contact lenses make the look very expressive, even without the use of makeup, and in combination with it, the changes are simply incredible. By the way, there are special lenses in which the radius is slightly larger than the iris, which makes the eyes even larger.

An open face and tied hair also work wonders. If you make up your lips with a rich color, you can not even paint your eyes. Surprisingly, the emphasis on the lips makes the eyes look brighter.

How to make eyes bigger with exercise

The size of the eyes and their incision from the exercises, of course, will no longer become, however, by making a little effort with the muscles, you can slightly tighten the eyelids and get rid of the swelling.

Exercise not only engages the muscles, but also promotes a rush of blood, which is very useful, including for vision.

It is also a great rest from long sitting at the computer. This exercise can only be done for centuries, or you can still use your fingers:

You can also squeeze and unclench the eyelids for the same purpose. It is possible to pull the lower eyelid to the upper eyelid without applying fingers to the indicated points. They are placed there to regulate the voltage and determine the pulsation at the time of the exercise.

And some more eye makeup tips in the next video.