Eggshell craquelure for beginners. Mosaic from an eggshell. And these are works made from painted eggshells.

Eggshell mosaic - CRACKLE

Many centuries ago, Chinese and Vietnamese lacquer artists began to use this raw material to create their miniatures. They drew attention to the fact that when pressed on the shell, a beautiful pattern is formed from the finest cracks, making the blanks look like the surface of a cracked rock or an ancient wall. The shell began to be used in lacquer painting to depict various buildings and crowns of flowering trees. Masters of the East managed to turn the main drawback of the eggshell - fragility - into its main artistic merit.

In general, the decoration of the background with a mesh of cracks is used not only in eggshell mosaics, but also in other decorative crafts. Such a pattern can be seen on pottery covered with a special glaze, or on hand-painted fabric. Regardless of what material they are made on, such cracks are always called craquelure, and the technique of creating a pattern of cracks that creates the effect of antiquity is called CRACKLE.

Unlike eggshell toys, crackle mosaics made from the same material are strong and durable. If you work carefully, carefully finish even small details of a mosaic set, you can learn how to make crafts that are in no way inferior to purchased souvenirs. Not only flat objects - all kinds of caskets and wall panels, but also blanks turned on a lathe - vases, pencil holders, decorative dishes and plates get off with an eggshell ornament.

Let's try to make a mosaic picture out of an eggshell or, as experienced artists say, a mosaic set. Unprepared raw materials for our mosaic are more like garbage - these are not even whole eggshells, but just their uneven fragments. It is not easy to imagine that facing plates can be made from them, which have a special decorative property and look like ivory. Nevertheless, it is so.

Of course, you will immediately want to decorate a specific thing with a crackle mosaic - decorate a box or a vase with a shell. Take your time. Let's first practice on small boards, and then, having mastered the secrets of the craft, we will do more complex work. By the way, if any educational craft turns out to be very successful, it can be used as the basis for a small wall panel or other souvenir.

You will need:

- Wooden base - plywood, chipboard or thick cardboard about the size of a notebook sheet.
- Chipboard, Thick cardboard, Paper
- PVA glue or "Moment"
- flour paste
- Tracing paper
- Ink (black or color)
- Writing paper
- Scissors
- Fine sandpaper
- Rag
- Stick-"trowel" - a stick made of solid wood with a smooth, well-polished cut at the end.

Before you start work, you need to stock up on raw materials, that is, eggshells.

1. Be sure to rinse the shells in lukewarm water.

2. And then dip into a solution of baking soda in order to degrease their surface.

3. Now it remains only to dry the blanks well.

4. And for the time being, put them in cardboard boxes for storage. When a large number of shells of different shades are typed, we will be engaged in the manufacture of facing plates.

First of all, we will decide which glue is more convenient to use for gluing parts.
The fact is that when using PVA, the quality of gluing is higher, but insufficiently experienced craftsmen often fail to firmly connect the shell to the paper.
Working with "Moment" is easier, but this glue has a pungent odor, and the strength of the connection of parts decreases over time.
If we choose PVA, then it is enough to apply a thin layer of glue on the inner surface of the shells, and when gluing the parts with “Moment”, it is necessary to lubricate both the lining and the shell.

Now we are all set to flatten and smooth the shells.

If you carefully examine the shell of a fresh egg, you can see a thin film lining it from the inside. Upon impact, such a shell will not crumble into separate fragments - its pieces will be held together by an elastic film. We will use the hint of nature and glue a special lining under the fragile shells, for example, a sheet of thin paper. The blanks supplemented with a lining are easy to cut with ordinary scissors - the shells do not crumble into separate pieces. But how to glue semicircular shells to a flat sheet of paper? That's what we need a trowel for.

Lay out the prepared shell with the convex side up on sheets of paper. While doing this work, it’s a good idea to sort the blanks by color - stick only snow-white shells on one sheet, yellowish on the other, pinkish-brown on the third, and spotted fragments of quail eggs on the fourth.

Such a division into colors and shades will help us when making a mosaic set.

We cover the shells with a sheet of plywood and slightly press on it - you will hear a slight crackle, and the blanks will be flattened.

If the raw material was glued with PVA, we will hold the plywood in this position for about a minute, and if with the “Moment”, then we will immediately proceed to the next operation.

We take a trowel in our hands and with a little effort we iron each piece of the shell.

The blanks will crack into many tiny pieces and at the same time adhere more firmly to the paper. Let's take a closer look - an almost indistinguishable network of cracks covers the shell. These are the very craquelures that we have already talked about. So far, they do not affect the appearance of the facing plates, and we have yet to develop the crackle pattern.

Facing plates must be covered on top with a protective layer of tracing paper. The protective layer will not only protect the shell from crumbling, but also facilitate the transfer of the working drawing to the material. It is necessary to stick the tracing paper with a paste, it is easily washed off from the surface of the workpieces, leaving no traces. Under translucent paper, it can be difficult to distinguish the color of the prepared raw materials, so we mark each sealed sheet with a small shell of the desired shade. The label will tell us the color of the blanks hidden under the paper.


And now, when we have prepared a sufficient number of facing plates, let's try to make our first mosaic set.
First, we will master the simplest kind of crackle mosaic, and then, having gained a little experience, more complex ones.
The easiest way to stick on the background are the details of the ornament pre-cut from the eggshell. This method is suitable for small jobs in which image details do not exceed the dimensions of flattened shells, and a significant amount of space is given to the background.

Now that we have prepared a sufficient number of facing plates, let's try to make our first mosaic set.

First, let's draw a simple drawing.

We put tracing paper on the page of the book and outline the contours of the image - the working drawing is ready.

It can be used repeatedly - just put a sheet of carbon paper under the tracing paper and circle the lines of the ornament again. When making a mosaic set, the drawing will have to be transferred twice - onto a board, which serves as the basis for the product, and onto facing plates.

Applying an image to a smooth board is easy - you need to put carbon paper and tracing paper on it, fasten them with buttons and carefully trace the lines with a hard, sharp
sharpened pencil.

The drawing is transferred to small, uneven pieces of the shell piece by piece.

Let's first number all the details of the ornament as shown in the figure - this will help us not to make mistakes when assembling the mosaic.

Now let's put the image of one of the parts of the ornament on the shell and circle it with a pencil.

Let's assign each part a number corresponding to the number in the working drawing.

Having cut out all the parts of the mosaic from the eggshell, grease them on the inside with PVA glue and glue them to the background.

Let's wait for the glue to dry completely and remove the protective layer of paper covering the shells. To do this, slightly moisten the mosaic set with a sponge or a wide brush. Let's wait until the paper softens, and remove it from the shell.

The crackle mosaic is almost ready, and all that remains for us is to color the background and develop the craquelures.

We use black or colored ink for painting crafts.

Our choice is not accidental - the chemical properties of the carcass allow you to quickly and efficiently finish the workpiece. The bile that is part of this dye penetrates into the thinnest, invisible cracks, dragging particles of paint with it, and the shellac contained in them, after drying, ceases to dissolve in water and turns into a kind of cement that holds the tiny shells together.

First, ink on the background of the mosaic set. And then, when it dries, - and an ornament from the shell. When coloring the shells, it is very interesting to watch how graceful dark branches of cracks grow. Here they rush forward, scatter to the sides, branch out, filling the white background with an unusual mesh pattern.

Having shown the craquelures in this way, wipe the plates from the shell with a damp cloth, removing excess ink. After rubbing, the paint will remain only in the cracks, and the ornament itself will again acquire a white or cream shade.

Grinding a mosaic set is a very responsible operation! The thickness of the shell is small, and careless movement of the grinding bar can easily damage the facing plate.

To begin with, we will process the mosaic set with a wooden block wrapped in the finest sandpaper. Then we start polishing. We need a very simple tool for polishing - a piece of ordinary writing paper.

In the manufacture of paper, substances such as chalk and kaolin are introduced into it, giving it a roughness. With their help, we will polish the mosaic set, which, after a short treatment, will acquire a soft silky sheen, which is especially noticeable against the dark background of the ink-painted board.

Ira Kondratieva

Dear teachers, I bring to your attention the sequence of work made from eggshells using the crackle technique.

Preparation of material for work:

Rinse the egg shells in warm water (it is better to use raw egg shells);

Dip in a solution of baking soda to degrease the surface;

Dry eggshells;

Sort by shade.

Work sequence:

1. Cover the surface selected for work with PVA glue.

2. Glue the eggshells to the surface.

3. After the shell is glued, create a background (paint with acrylic or gouache paints). It is better to paint with foam rubber.

4. When the paint dries, make a decoupage from a multilayer colored napkin (cut out the details of the pattern and stick on the surface).

Works made from eggshells using the crackle technique are very durable and aesthetic. Children can be offered to decorate a box or a vase, a plate or a panel, flower pots,

Eggshell activities develop in children:

Fine motor skills of the hands;

Color perception;

Artistic taste.

Pieces of eggshell can decorate the surface of various materials:




"Three Girlfriends"


"Branch Rosehip"


And these are works made from painted eggshells.

The outline of the drawing is applied to the base, then the pre-painted shells are glued in stages.

Egg shells are difficult to scratch with a knife and are close to marble in hardness. It is perfectly ground and polished, acquiring a pleasant soft sheen.

In oriental lacquer painting, eggshells were glued where it was necessary to depict a cracked stone wall or rock. A scattering of small shells imitated the flowering of spring gardens.

The expressiveness of the crackle mosaic is given by the so-called craquelure - cracks that form a bizarre mesh pattern on the surface of various materials.

When straightened, the eggshell breaks into many tiny pieces that do not fall apart due to the thin film on the inside. Many of the cracks formed between the shells are almost invisible. But as soon as they are developed with some kind of dye, the mesh pattern of cracks becomes visible, turning an ordinary eggshell into an attractive decorative material.

Material preparation

The collected shells are dipped for two to three minutes in a five percent solution of baking soda, and then thoroughly washed in running water.

The shell is so fragile that it has become a kind of symbol of fragility. When making a mosaic set, the fragility of the eggshell causes a lot of trouble, forcing the master to take special measures and be extremely careful.


KSU "Complex Tarkhan secondary school - kindergarten"

Development of technology teacher Sheveleva Natalya Dmitrievna

The outline of a technology lesson in grade 4 (continuity between primary and secondary education), is designed for 2 hours.

Task: teach students making a mosaic of eggshells using the crackle technique.

Goals : -educational: to acquaint students with the history of the emergence and development of mosaics, types of products, materials and devices for work, workplace equipment, familiarize them with manufacturing technology;

-educational: contribute to the education of the formation of aesthetic taste, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance;

-developing: with the help of a drawing, give an opportunity to perform practical work, instill skills and abilities, teach students to analyze, determine the features of the implementation of this technology.

Lesson type : lesson-acquisition of new knowledge, application of knowledge and skills.

Type of lesson : practical work.

Lesson Methods : explanatory and illustrative, story, demonstration; reproductive (instruction, practical work).

Means of education :

Object-natural objects, visual aids;

Practical: labor activity;

Emotional: creative interest, job satisfaction.

Equipment and visuals : a sample of the finished product, color photographs of the panel, handout - a drawing, eggshell, PVA glue, a brush for applying glue, sandpaper, a cloth napkin, tweezers, gouache, for decoration - sparkles, beads.

During the classes:

1. Organizational part:

Preparing students for the start of work;


Mark absent;

Check readiness for the lesson.

2. Opening remarks:

The message of the topic of the lesson;

Setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

3. Main body:

3.1 Guys, do you like beautiful and unusual things? Then I will introduce you to the amazing world of an ancient art form, tell you how unique products are made from small pieces of eggshells. Each thing is individual, keeps the warmth of the hands of the master and can become an original souvenir and a gift for friends and relatives (demonstration of photographs of the panel and the finished product).

Mosaic needlework has existed for a long time and keeps many secrets that everyone can master if they wish. And, if skill can be learned, then such character traits as perseverance and patience should be inherent in those who want to do this type of needlework.

3.2 Information from history.

Like any kind of needlework, mosaic has its own history of origin and development. Listen to a short story about it.

Mosaic- a widespread type of decorative and applied art. It is used to decorate wall panels, decorate fountains, create paintings. The word “mosaic” (from Latin “attaching”) is the creation of artistic images by gluing pieces of some material onto a certain surface (base); also - an image, a pattern created in this way.

The history of making mosaics goes back centuries. Listen to how Victor Hugo talked about the mosaic: “... Notre Dame Cathedral is a remarkable example of this variety. Each side, each stone of the venerable monument is not only a page in the history of France, but also in the history of art…. The inside of the cathedral was dark and gloomy. The side lengths were shrouded in darkness, the lamps flickered like stars. So deep was the darkness that enveloped the vaults, only the large rosette of the facade, the multi-colored glass of which bathed in the sunset beam, shimmered in the darkness, like a pile of diamonds, casting its spectrum to the other end of the sky ... "

Each nation is looking for its own material, its own ways of working. For example, in the cities of Central Asia, a mosaic of bricks covered with gray-yellow, blue, white, blue glaze is very common. They richly decorate ancient mosques, mausoleums, palaces.

Lao artists make colorful mosaics from colored mirror pieces. This mosaic, sparkling and shimmering in the sun, creates a joyful, triumphant mood.

For work, fragments of various materials are used: glass, ceramics, stone, polymer, paper and others. Using the techniques of mosaic, you can create thematic compositions for various subjects.

Most often, eggshells are used to make mosaics using the crackle technique, when individual pieces of the shell are glued to the surface. When straightened, the shells break into many small pieces, which are held by a thin film located on the inside. Craquelure - cracks form fancy mesh patterns on various materials, but they are almost invisible. It is worth covering the shells with varnish or paint, as the drawing immediately appears, and the usual shell turns into a great material for creativity. This technique is very ancient, in oriental lacquer painting masters glued eggshells in those fragments of the picture where it was necessary to depict a rock or a stone wall covered with cracks, and with a scattering of small colored shells they exactly imitated the flowering of spring gardens.

3.3 Materials and devices for work.

Before taking on a large mosaic panel, it is advisable to practice and try your hand at a piece of cardboard or thick paper - to make an application from an eggshell. It is better to choose figurines of different geometric shapes in order to learn how to fill sharp corners and smooth bends with shells. This work will seem difficult only at first, then the shells will easily line up in patterns and drawings.
Today we will acquire the first skills to perform such a mosaic.

Before we get started, let's talk a little about those materials and fixtures that you will use in your work today.

Main material, of course, is eggshell This - the most interesting natural material, which gives great opportunities for the development of creative activity and imagination. Its white surface gives us a huge opportunity to choose colors when working. Also, eggshell mosaic is a relatively cheap type of needlework. There is plenty of material for work in every home, shells can be used, both boiled eggs and raw, white or colored. The shells need to be prepared for work in advance - rinse under running water, dry well, they must be completely dry, you can paint them already in the finished application.
For gluing fragments of the picture, PVA glue is used. For convenience, we use tweezers in the process of work - they lay out pieces of the shell according to the pattern.

3.4 Workplace organization Well, now, when, I think, you are still interested in the theme of the mosaic - you got acquainted with the history, materials - you can take up the details of organizing the workplace.

    The workplace should not be cluttered.

    A special place should be given to the desktop - its height should correspond to the height of the chair.

    It is convenient when tools and fixtures are located on the right hand of the worker, and materials on the left.

    During operation, the light should fall from the left side or from the front.

    During work, you need to sit straight, on the entire surface of the chair, slightly tilting the body and head forward

    To make the work neat, a cloth is used to remove excess glue on the product, tweezers and hands.

3.5 Safety briefing.

You are already big - next year you will move to the secondary level of education at school, so you should know that when carrying out any work, you must follow the rules of safety and labor protection. The type of our activity in the lesson refers to manual types of work. I will not dwell on this for a long time, because you already know the general requirements of safety regulations, right? (student responses are “yes”). So, in addition to this, let's pay attention to the fact that the main method of work will bebreaking eggshell, the danger during work is that small fragments can get into the eye or prick the hand. It is fragile, but at the same time it approaches marble in hardness, it is easily broken by hands, but there are practically no scratches on the surface.. Therefore, as already mentioned, the product should be at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from the eyes. You do not need to wave your hands in which the material is located, as you can injure your desk mate and injure yourself.

3.6 Induction training

And now let's get to work - let's try to make these flowers (distribute prepared drawings).

    Repeat safety precautions at work.

    Check the student’s readiness for work: for work you will need eggshells, PVA glue, a brush for applying glue, sandpaper, a cloth napkin, tweezers, gouache, for decorating - sparkles, beads, you prepared all this for the lesson at home.

    Conduct a briefing on the implementation of the mosaic.

1. Prepare a drawing that will be laid out with a shell. Cover a small part of the pattern with glue. Attach a piece of shell to the smeared area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pattern and lightly press down on the glue. The shell will crack, you get a mesh pattern. Spread glue on the next section and stick a piece of shell that is suitable in size.
2. So fill in the entire drawing. The shells should be placed as close to each other as possible, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the picture. The gaps that remain between the shells are filled at the end of the work. Pick up small shells according to the size and shape of the gaps, apply glue to the empty places with a thin brush, carefully attach pieces of the shell with tweezers. It is not necessary to fill in very small areas in the application, but with further work, you can simply mix small particles of the shell with glue and fill in tiny gaps with such a mixture.
3. Let the application dry and paint over, trying to paint over all the small cracks. Leave to dry. After the paint is completely dry, start sanding with sandpaper. There are several options here - you can lighten individual places or heavily sand the entire drawing so that the paint remains only in cracks. It all depends on the effect you want to achieve.

4. After that, decorate the pattern with sparkles or beads.

5. Stick the finished application on cardboard, frame it and hang it on the wall.
Students start practical work.

3.7 Current briefing

Target rounds of workplaces:

    check the organization of workplaces,

    check the correctness of the work,

    check compliance with TB.

4. Final briefing.

    Summing up the work in the lesson (demonstration of work, repetition of acquired knowledge)

5 . Grading.

6 . Final word from the teacher.

Today you have learned the mosaic technique - crackle. Eggshells can decorate a variety of items - vases, plates, bottles, boxes, frames for pictures and photographs. You can decorate any surface - from wood and metal to thick paper and glass. The costs are minimal and if you like the work, a huge scope for creativity will open up, and you can turn ordinary things into unique works of art. I wish you continued success!



Topic: "Mosaic from the shell - crackle technique."

The lesson of technology in the 4th grade is connected with the continuity between the primary and secondary levels of education, it is designed for 2 hours.

This lesson is carried out in the form of practical work. The lesson is the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, their application.

At the end of the lesson, students demonstrated products, expanded their horizons on this topic.

Even such "garbage" as an eggshell can be useful to a creative person. Indeed, amazing things can be made from this fragile natural material using the technique of the so-called egg crackle.

In general, craquelures are cracks in the paint that distinguish really old things. In decoupage, a special varnish is used to create craquelure, and the egg crackle technique is also practiced.

So, we need an eggshell of any color. Traditionally master classes recommend take still not dried shells, because it is easier to peel off the inner film lining the egg from the inside. If you soak the shells in a weak soda solution, the cleaning process will go even faster, but in principle, it is quite possible (only more difficult) to clean those shells that have been removed from boiled eggs.

It happens that you are preparing a dish that uses a lot of eggs, but you have no time to mess with the shell. It doesn't matter - fill it with water, it can wait several hours until you are free!

After cleaning (it is more convenient to do this under running water), the shell must be dried properly. You can paint it in different colors: then it will be possible to lay out a mosaic from the painted fragments. You can pick up shells of different shades and lay out drawings from them.

Just try not to include those pieces of shell on which there is a blue stamp of the poultry farm in your products. However, if you glue crackle for painting and further decoupage, you can put up with stamps.

Is the material ready? You can start!

Glue the shells on PVA glue or varnish. If you need to glue the surface not very “thickly”, it is more convenient to take rather large pieces of the shell and press them on the spot, gently “pulling” the fragments to the sides. This will make the cracks uniform and the coating flat. You can stack the debris with a toothpick and take only small pieces, then your work will last longer, but the coating will be more "dense".

After the whole product is covered with a shell, it must be dried properly. Then it all depends on your future plans.

Directly on the shell, you can stick motifs from napkins or a whole napkin. You can pre-paint the shell with acrylic, or you can glue it right. If the surface is painted, you can later tint the design around the napkin in the shades of the motif pasted on it.

If you glue colored pieces of the shell, laying out some kind of ornaments or drawing, then all that remains is to properly varnish the finished product, carefully drying each layer of varnish (see the instructions for how long drying takes).

In the previous photo, you can see that shells of different shades are used in a chaotic manner. It is possible that you want to lay out some multi-colored elements from the shell itself, because it is quite different in color, as on the following cutting board: