Year of the blue water dog 1698. Types of dogs according to the eastern horoscope

Throughout life, people born in the year of the Dog do not feel peace of mind. They are quite restless, uncollected, for this reason they are not always lucky in love relationships. We will consider the compatibility of the Dog with other signs in our article today.

Common character traits: male and female Dog

According to the Chinese horoscope, a dog is a faithful companion and friend who, for happiness, needs to find the same partner. What does it mean? Just entered into trusting relationship, and then, starting to respect the person, she ceases to be wary of her partner or friends.

The ruling element influences the formation of the character of people born this year:

  1. Wooden (1994) - evenness itself, they become the best fighters for truth and justice. Likes to work in a team, does not differ in independence, but without support loved one becomes confused.
  2. Metallic (1970) is the most decisive type of this sign. She is distinguished by straightforwardness, amazing determination.
  3. Fiery (1946 and 2006) - charm itself, a wonderful friend and soul of the company. These people easily achieve respect and success, thanks in part to useful connections and sociability.
  4. Vodyanaya (1982) is a person who loves travel and new experiences. Very friendly and sympathetic, distinguished by fidelity in marriage.
  5. Earth (1958) - creative person who excels in the arts of drawing, cinema and poetry.

Characteristics of an ideal marriage

A partner who has shown restraint and understanding will become a partner of the most loving and gentle person. Near the right man she flourishes, and can achieve the most desired career heights.

With whom are Dogs compatible, and with which partner will they be comfortable? Surprisingly, they will find mutual language with all signs of the zodiac. Libra, Gemini, Fire Sagittarius Leo or Scorpio - a person born this year gently gets used to a partner, yields to him and shows just angelic patience.

Dog problems in love

This is one of the nicest people you will ever know. A person of this sign will never make a rude remark, will not get into the soul with questions, and will gladly come to the rescue. To sit with a child, to help a sick friend, to do work for someone - this is her style.

The opposite sex, seeing these qualities of character, immediately begin to consider the Dog as a potential partner for marriage. Add external attractiveness, calmness and sexuality to positive features.

People of this sign in a love relationship need a golden mean - not a too harsh partner who can praise her and express admiration. Without prompting from outside, the person of this sign also loses faith in himself, falls into depression.

Compatibility in love Dogs with other signs of the Chinese horoscope

Who is the dog compatible with? Let's look at all 12 signs Chinese horoscope.

Paired with a dog

Two people born in the year of the Dog will be fine together, but they are both too disinterested and inert. Their cordiality and friendliness have no boundaries, but someone has to feed the family?

Compatibility Horoscope for Dog and Rat

Compatibility with the Rat for a woman and a Dog man is just perfect. The Rat sees a profitable partner in the Dog, and does not skimp on compliments and praise of the mind of his partner.

With the Rat, the Dog has a real chance to realize its potential at 100%. The rat will help not only to open up, but will also the best companion for relaxation, travel and all that the Dog will not allow itself to be paired with another sign.

Paired with Bull

The dog is a craftsman to adapt, and only this trait of her character explains the success of the marriage with the Ox. But the latter does not know how to adapt and tolerate the oddities of his partner, on this basis disputes often arise.

The obligation of self-sacrifice, patience and forgiveness rests with the Dog. Will she survive? Of course, yes, because people born this year appreciate the family and sincerely love their partner.

Paired with Tiger

The Tiger is not the most suitable partner for the Dog. A man leads everything around, does not accept disputes, and does not understand mental anguish women. Tiger Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces or Taurus can bring a little variety to the life of the Dog, but strong relationships unlikely to succeed.

But the man Dog with the woman Tiger will be happy. After all, she will gently push him to more, and will take over the leadership of the family and the decision various problems. In sex, these partners have complete harmony.

Paired with Rabbit

If each partner is endowed with character traits typical of his sign, then the marriage will almost always be successful. At any stage of the relationship, such a couple feels spiritual unity, and they really feel good with each other.

Partners are not looking for material benefits from marriage; it is to them that the saying about paradise in a hut can be applied.

Together with the Dragon

Paired with the Dragon, the end will come to the almost inexhaustible patience of the Dog. Dragons are the opposite of Dogs, their union rarely becomes happy.

From the outside, their marriage seems perfect, but it is not: the Dragon regularly offends and teases his partner, as if testing his patience. The Dragon does not notice the Dog's complaisance and complaisance, then gets used to them and forgets that there is a limit to any extremes. For years, the Dog has been waiting for changes, and then he abruptly leaves his partner.

Paired with the snake

It is impossible to imagine this couple during a scandal - their marriage proceeds so smoothly and quietly. They quickly find a common language, goals and principles. They have something to talk about and it happens that a couple begins to live in solitude, not looking for someone else's society.

Please note that such relationships are monotonous, and an active and restless Dog can get bored.

Paired with a Horse

That's who the Dog person is ideally compatible with - this is with the Horse. They give harmony and love to each other and others. As a couple, these two succeed by supporting and helping. Not here in question about treason, their love and mutual respect is higher than a minute connection.

Paired with Goat

The goat is one of the most calm and balanced signs of the zodiac, but she is always looking for benefits in everything. A dog, as a love partner, does not suit the Goat for 2 reasons: talkativeness and not success. Of course, under the strict guidance of the Goat, her soulmate can become financially successful. But after all, the Goat wants not to be disturbed, she is not worried about other people's worries.

The talkativeness of a partner irritates the Goat, she is burdened by the company of her husband or wife. As a result, one person from this couple goes in search of a new happiness.

Paired with Rooster

The Rooster loves his home, strives to return to it as soon as possible, and the Dog is not averse to wandering, taking a walk, thinking. For this reason, partners may not meet for days, because each of them lives in his own world.

The secret of the happiness of this couple is unknown, in response to the remarks or rudeness of the Rooster, the Dog may smile mysteriously. Perhaps there is no secret here, but mutual love decides everything.

Paired with the Pig

The compatibility horoscope of the Dog and the Pig is unfavorable, and such couples are quite rare. Most often, they simply do not pay attention to each other due to different characters.

If the couple managed to get together, then the Dog will immediately guess about the sensuality of the Pig, and the Pig will be glad to see an optimistic person nearby.

Together with Monkey

Makings happy life in a relationship is. Partners perfectly complement and support each other. They are unable to be offended for a long time or put pressure on their soulmate, so the marriage goes smoothly.

A problem in a couple may arise because of the question of who will be in charge. It is important for the monkey that the palm goes to her, and then she will easily betray the control of the family to the Dog.

People born in the year of the Dog are often restless and anxious. They make plans all their lives, but reaching the goal are not happy. For peace of mind, they need a dream, albeit an unrealizable one. In love, they are often unhappy. Despite the seeming frivolity and desire for new adventures, Dogs are always looking for constancy and a kindred spirit.

When people of this sign find their love and start a family, they are simply the ideal of fidelity. But they expect the same from their partner, they don’t forgive betrayals. The compatibility of the Dog with other signs is different. We will tell you more about it below.

Characteristics of a man and woman born in the year of the Dog

Woman Dog has a remarkable mind and ambition. She can seem cold and a little withdrawn at the first meeting. When she reveals herself to her partner, she appears in a sensual and tender image. Dogs are a little adventurous, they are not alien to the passion for love adventures. But they are also often loyal to their partners. Especially if they find reliable support and understanding in them.

A woman born in the year of the Dog has a heightened sense of justice.

She worries about everything from global problems, to all sorts of little things that happen in her life and in the lives of loved ones. Family relationships are highly valued by her. Children for women of this sign are the greatest joy in life. For the sake of their children, they are ready for anything. Loyalty to the spouse of the Dog will also be protected, but only if they meet complete understanding on his part. When a woman realizes that her husband simply does not hear her, ignores her aspirations, albeit a little contradictory, she can go on an adventure that will destroy the family.

The Dog man has a very strong intellect, and no less strong will.

Therefore, he can often be found in leadership positions. But he rarely achieves real success, money and a career are not so important for this sign. He prefers to set himself goals and make plans, and achieving them does not bring much pleasure. Many of the grandiose plans are initially unrealistic, which absolutely does not prevent a man from devoting a lot of his time to them.

In love, a man, like a woman, is prone to adventures. He is famous for his sexual fantasies and passion for experiments. The dog can be very jealous, which often negatively affects relationships. When he finds his soul mate, he may well become a wonderful family man. Fathers love children and devote a lot of time to their upbringing. A man is also able to provide for his family. Perhaps there will not be much wealth in it, but there will be unnecessary, unnecessary expenses too.

Compatibility by years

Compatibility in love with a Dog with other signs may be different. With some partners, marriage turns out to be almost perfect, with others you need to make a little effort so that conflicts do not arise, but with others it is better not to bind your fate. Here are the best partners for the Dog:

  • Rabbit
  • Horse
  • Dog

Signs with which marriage is acceptable, but difficulties in relationships cannot be avoided:

  • Rat
  • Monkey
  • Boar

Signs with which it will be very difficult to find a common language:

  • The Dragon
  • Rooster

The marriage of two representatives of this sign will be almost ideal. Two true friend will be able to go through life together, overcoming any difficulties. An alliance with a serene Rabbit will be no less ideal for the Dog. The partner will be able to appreciate her honesty and loyalty, to understand all the noble impulses and experiences. Everything will work out with the Tiger, because he is an eternal fighter for justice, a noble warrior. The dog can be a faithful squire next to him, and general views for life, for a family, for the upbringing of children will unite the spouses even more. good marriage it will work out with the Horse, both partners are honest and know how to respect each other. The Dog will never claim the independence of the Horse, will support it in all life endeavors.

It is more difficult to get along with the Rat, because this sign is a little prone to hypocrisy and lies, which is absolutely unacceptable for a noble Dog. But with some effort, anything is possible. The rat will be impressed by the privacy and devotion of the partner. Relationships will be especially good if the Rat is a woman. It will be even more difficult with the Ox, his conservatism is contrary to the desire for justice inherent in the Dog. But the commonality of views can unite these, such different people.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Compatibility by year of birth and zodiac sign. Compatibility of signs by years

It will be a little easier with the Snake, her wisdom allows you to understand all the noble impulses of a partner. Both spouses in such a union will be quite independent, but they can be tied deep friendship. Monkey and Dog understand each other very well, so they quickly find a common language. But over time, the tricks and tricks of the Monkey begin to annoy and the marriage may break up. But with the Pig, everything will turn out much better. A cheerful sign can balance the pessimism of their partner a little. But it is quite difficult for these two signs to meet and get along, it is unlikely that love at first sight will arise between them.

It is very difficult to build relationships with the Dragon, because this sign is powerful and does not accept criticism. The signs are astrological opposites, so they rarely get into a relationship. The Dragon constantly bullies the Dog, and she criticizes him. Over time, the patience of both partners will burst and the union will end in failure. You should not connect your life with the Goat, her calmness will become very annoying over time. A goat, on the other hand, will never be able to understand the active, and slightly restless life position of a partner. Conflicts on everyday grounds will constantly arise with the Rooster, because this sign is extremely pedantic and clean, which is not very characteristic of the Dog.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The western horoscope to a certain extent intersects with the eastern one. For example, it is believed that the Dog corresponds to Libra. Also great importance has an element that governs a particular year. The Chinese horoscope distinguishes five different elements:

  • Water
  • Wooden
  • metal
  • fiery
  • earthly

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are most suitable for the Dog. They are also noble, honest, and strive for justice. None of them can be suspected of deceit, not even the secretive Pisces or the suspicious Scorpio. With air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) it will be more difficult. Their inconstancy will soon begin to annoy the Dog, because it is capable of great affection. Relationships with Libra are best, since both of these signs are in the same astrological field.

Fire signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) can become good partners, they will always play first fiddle in the family.

Relations will be especially good with them if the Dog is a woman and when both spouses have the same views on life. Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) family relationships are also possible. They, like the Dog, value loyalty and constancy. But too much attachment to the house and the conservatism of the earth sign can create difficulties. After all, the Dog, although a pet, still loves some freedom, adventures, the struggle for justice.

It should be remembered that the compatibility horoscope of his Dog must also be coordinated with his own zodiac sign.

After all, it can both strengthen contradictions and level them. Relationships are also affected by her own element. More precisely, compatibility can be determined individual horoscope, which takes into account the year of birth, and the month, and the influence of the moon, and other factors. And remember, no matter who you are according to the horoscope, compatibility between partners does not arise by itself, it is built over the years, and with many efforts. It's just easier in some cases and harder in others.

Year of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope

Hieroglyph Dog: Xu.

Motto of the Dog:"I'm worry".

Sign location: eleventh.

Triad: the third (triangle of Defenders).

Element (element) of the sign Dog: Earth-Yang.

The nature of the sign: Jan.

Direction: west-northwest.

Approximately corresponding to this period, the sign of the western zodiac: Scales.

Time of day under the control of the Dog: 19.00 – 21.00.

Color: yellow.

Gem Dog: diamond.

Food Traditions: meat dishes.

Years of the Dog

Characteristics of the Dog

The dog in the eastern horoscope is loyal, compassionate, responsible, reliable, honest, curious, intelligent, fair, sociable, selfless, open, modest, calm and idealistic, but in adverse circumstances may show excessive anxiety, pessimism, coldness, laziness and stubbornness. .
The dog is the sign of the eleventh year of the Chinese 12-year cycle. It symbolizes such qualities as honesty, justice, dedication, reliability and loyalty.

This sign has a pronounced nature of Yang, the nature of the elements is also Yang, it is for this reason that people born in the year of the Dog have Yang qualities - honesty, reliability, striving for ideals, are expressed to a very strong degree.

Man's best friends

The direction that is associated with the sign of the Dog - west-northwest, in turn corresponds to the end of autumn: the sign of the Dog corresponds to the 9th month in Chinese calendar(according to the Gregorian calendar, this is the period October 8 - November 7). Under the control of the Dog is the time of day 19.00-21.00 - the so-called "eleventh guard".

The yellow color, with which the sign of the Dog is correlated, as the bearer of the Earth element inherent in it, in Chinese mythology symbolizes the Center of the World - China proper, the Celestial Empire, and means stability, fertility, support, law, success and eternity, is associated with glory and achievements. yellow color in Chinese tradition correspond to the Yellow (imperial) dragon with five claws, the Yellow Emperor Huang-di - the legendary ruler who united most of China under his rule, and the land god Hou-tu.

tint yellow color, corresponding to the sign Dog, is bright yellow (minghuang). Being a sign whose natural element is Earth, the Dog is under strong influence Saturn (Tianxing), which, by the way, is also associated with yellow.

The dog enters the third Triangle of Spiritual Kinship - the Triangle of Defenders, the vertices of which are the third, seventh and eleventh earthly branches, i.e., respectively. Tiger, Horse and Dog. In this trio, the Dog acts as a guardian.

The best partnerships - in marriage, friendship or business, the Dog develops with the Horse and Tiger, as well as with the Hare, Rooster, Dog and Pig. On the other hand, the worst partner for the Dog is its antagonist - the Dragon.

In ancient ideas, the dog was associated with the afterlife - as its guardian and as a guide, delivering the souls of the dead there.

Thus, the dog, being a constant companion of a person during his lifetime, remained with him even after his death, performing the functions of a psychopomp, that is, a guide in the afterlife.

Dog and Rat

The union with the Rat may not be ideal, but it is possible: the Dog is impressed by the mind and practicality of the Rat, and she, marveling at the idealism of the Dog in her soul, will enjoy her loyalty and devotion. The union of the Rat woman and the Dog man is especially good.

Dog and Bull

The union of the Dog with the Ox usually has no prospects - neither in marriage, nor in love, nor in friendships, nor in partnerships. The conservative Ox will never be able to accept the Dog's inherent desire for justice. This unresolvable contradiction does not bode well for both.

Dog and Tiger

A very good union. The Dog and the Tiger have a lot in common. The Tiger is an eternal warrior, and the Dog always rebels against injustice and will be his constant support.

Compatibility Tiger and Dog in the eastern horoscope

They are firmly bound by mutual respect, friendship and children who share their views.

Dog and Hare

An excellent union can arise between the Dog and the Hare, in which they will find peace of mind and happiness. The Hare highly appreciates the faithful and honest Dog, but is unlikely to be able to endure for a long time if she is carried away by some noble deed to the detriment of the family.

dog and dragon

The dog really looked at the world, and the Dragon hovers in the clouds, and the framework of everyday life and reality is tight for him. This union can only be based on mutual respect.

Dog and snake

The dog is trusting and allows the Snake to do whatever it wants. This suits the snake, because she herself interferes little in the life of the dog, allowing her to completely devote herself to her beloved work - the struggle for justice.

This is a very good union - both of them are honest and can rely on each other in everything. In addition, the Dog, busy with his own affairs, will never encroach on the independence of the Horse.

Compatibility Dogs and Horses in the eastern horoscope

They will always remain like-minded, comrades-in-arms and passionate lovers.

Dog and goat

The love union of the Dog and the Goat is almost doomed to failure. The dog is busy with serious matters, and it is a pity for her to waste time creating a comfortable life for the Goat. In addition, together these pessimists are able to make their lives simply unbearable.

Dog and Monkey

These two know and understand each other too well, and therefore do not build any illusions about the future. principled, honest dog will suffer from the tricks and tricks of the Monkey. And she, even if she loves the Dog, will not be able to restrain her nature for a long time.

Dog and Rooster

A very good union, but in it all responsible issues, including financial ones, will have to be decided by the Dog - however, she likes it. Dogs for ideals. The dog evaluates the merits of the Rooster very realistically, and she is not in danger of disappointment.

Compatibility of the Rooster and the Dog in the eastern horoscope

The rooster is always ready for heroic deeds, and therefore will accept Active participation in the struggle of the Dog, in which he will get the brightest and most heroic role.

Dog and Dog

The ideal couple is two friends, two associates, two like-minded people. They good lovers, they have spiritual unity, full compatibility of natures. Love makes this union indestructible.

Dog and Pig

Two generous natures, fully understand each other and are able to create one of those unions that others envy. The cheerfulness of the Pig balances some of the pessimism of the Dog.

They are loyal, honest and devoted people who do not seek comfort and enrichment. They know how to keep secrets. They can be unsociable and critical of idle entertainment. Renowned for its sharp tongue. Always stand for justice. Purposeful, they usually win. Excellent leaders.

The dog is fickle and restless, but treats marriage with reverent respect. She faithfully and carefully guards her home and all household members. Regardless of what happens in the world and in her soul, constancy and stability reign in the house.

The best match for a dog man

Man - Dog - is practical, smart and cheerful person. With him, the ladies will not be bored. His sense of humor and broad outlook will conquer any girl's heart. He always has many friends, he is the soul of any company. Often he is attracted to calmer women with quieter hobbies - opposites attract, as they say.

In a pair, he likes to play first violin, while constantly being interested in the opinion of his passion about a particular event. In marriage, he will be a good earner and a handy master. He acts with the utmost care and diligence. great attention paying attention to the wishes of the partner. Over time, he will become a real master. Virtuoso preludes are of great importance to him. Selfishness is alien to him, and he will first of all try to please his beloved.

The best match for a dog woman

Woman - Dog - this is a very active, ideological, friendly and sociable young lady. She is always on a positive wave and tolerates boring introverts next to her. Only the same open and cheerful man with strong moral standards will be able to please her. In relations between the sexes, her lively disposition is revealed even more. Woman - Dog tries to live full life, and her companion should do the same.

In a couple, she prefers equality and mutual respect. Another of her traits - practicality - will help a lot in marriage. This lady will be an excellent hostess. In bed, she reveals herself as a tireless pleasure seeker. She constantly strives to diversify her life and expand the range of pleasures for herself and her partner.

Compatibility Horoscope for Dogs

The ideal couple for those born in the year of the Dog are the Horse, Tiger, Rabbit. Rat, Snake, Monkey, Dog, Boar are well suited. Absolutely not suitable Dragon, Goat.

Dog - Rat- With a partner born in the year of the Dog, the compatibility of the Rat is excellent. The dog is so easy to get along with that the Rat will almost instinctively move in that direction. From the point of view of the Rat, this combination will be the most promising, but the dog can easily live with almost any sign. Most dogs easily accept life and are ready to put up with what is happening around them, but they love adventure, and that is what the Rat is ready to give. At the level personal relationships this combination may be the brightest of all possible. It is unlikely to be a place for surprises.

Dog - Bull- Dogs adapt easily, there is no doubt about it. This fact alone may explain why success is possible in this combination. However, the same cannot be said about the Bull, therefore, all the bestowal, change and self-sacrifice will be given to the relationship by a loving and patient Dog. At the same time, the Ox will be uncomfortable with the eternal enthusiasm of the Dog, which can be the cause of short-term quarrels. In this alliance, everyone will find their own benefit, enriched by the strengths of the partner.

Dog - Tiger- The Dog is unusually easy to adapt to circumstances, and for this reason alone the Dog is able to be happy in almost any relationship. However, in this case The tiger will probably give her too much, because he understands what a treasure she is. Of course, this couple may be limited to discussions and not reach action, but this will cause disorganization, and not a lack of happiness. In their house you can find a stack of unpaid bills - not because they have no money, but as a result of negligence.

Dog - Rabbit- In general, if both partners are typical representatives of their signs, they will have a long and successful union. The reason is that in each other's company they will feel very happy. Although at times there will be slight disagreements between them, the Dog will be able to understand even the most "outstanding" ideas that the Rabbit can put forward in abundance. Each of them is great about marriage, both will make good parents. important to them common Home in which a good understanding at the sexual level will quickly be established. This easy-to-communicate couple is one of the most ideal options.

Dog - Dragon- Before you are a pair of astrological opposites, and although the Dog is flexible and adapts well to circumstances, even this naturally kind sign has its limits. For some reason, the dragon will always feel the need to bully the dog, and although the Dog usually good manners, she is ready to endure such treatment only limited time. For a long time, their relationship will seem harmonious to strangers, but then one day the Dog decides that enough is enough. If you are a dragon in this pair, then remember that although Dogs easily agree with everything, they still have their own opinions. This may be enough for a happy life together.

Dog - Snake- It's hard to even imagine how the snake and the Dog will quarrel with each other. The dog, as we have seen, very easily adapts to others, but even she does not have to change anything in order to get along in the same house with a fairly docile snake. They will quickly achieve harmony, come to an agreement on the basic principles of life, and this will become the key to happiness, which some combinations of signs will never achieve. However, there is something to be warned about. In relationships, variety and excitement are also necessary, especially for the Dog, and boredom can easily settle in this combination.

Dog - Horse- When a stranger sees them together for the first time and pays attention to the degree of mutual understanding and love between them, he will most likely experience joy himself. Horse and Dog together can make not only each other happy, but the whole world too. The disadvantages of one of them are compensated strengths the other, and this principle works both ways. At the same time, they are both quite cocky, and therefore there will be ups and downs on their life path.

Dog - Goat- The goat is probably one of the most calm signs of the Chinese horoscope, but the same cannot be said for a dog that is ready to talk from morning to evening. This is the reason for the tension in the relationship. The Goat is usually happy when no one bothers her and she can sit in silence, and the Dog simply does not understand this. As a result, the Goat may be accused of being too gloomy, while the Goat will respond with accusations that the Dog cannot shut up. As a result, either one or the other may get tired and go in search of someone else. However, you can be sure that in other areas of their life together they will succeed.

Dog - Monkey- There is everything for a happy life together, if only for the reason that both of these signs complement each other well on many levels. The average dog is much more self-confident than it might seem at first glance, although diplomatic enough to allow the Monkey to consider himself the main one. This is all she needs, then the calmed Monkey can voluntarily transfer control of what is happening. She will only react if something turns against her, which is unlikely when the dog is around. The couple will be pleased with each other and happy in almost everything, so they better try to be together.

Dog - Rooster- A dog, although he is usually smart and loving home life, and not half as clean as the Rooster. This is partly due to the fact that the Dog would rather have fun than worry about the condition of his apartment. They may not meet in the evening, because the Rooster is often tied to his house, but the Dog is not. Rooster-Dog compatibility is not as rosy as we would like, what is their recipe family happiness, unknown. The Dog recognizes equality and may simply smile in response to the oddities of the Rooster.

Dog - Dog- If a Dog falls in love with a dog, they are likely to succeed, although a few warnings must be given. Dogs are kind and full of love, they really want to please their partner and are very loyal, but don't rush! This sign does not give birth to people with a high self-esteem, and if the Dog usually cannot cope with its own weaknesses, then how will it feel when they are present in double quantity? The compatibility of those born in the year of the Dog is quite good, it will either allow them both to gain more self-confidence, or vice versa, it will not allow them to increase self-esteem. Good news that Dogs are receptive and easily adapt to circumstances. And most importantly, they are able to take strength for optimism from almost nothing.

Dog - Pig- For those born in the year of the Dog, compatibility with the Pig is very doubtful. Firstly, this combination is quite rare, since initial sympathy is unlikely to arise between them. However, if this does happen, they may end up together, and the prognosis will be very good. The adaptable and imaginative Dog is able to cope with the depth and sensitivity of the Pig, while he will always be happy to see the smiling face of the Dog next to him, expressing love and devotion. If, as the Chinese say, it's all about "quietly start and grow further", then they will succeed. This house will be quite happy.