Retired women: a better life or domestic slavery. What to do in retirement for a woman

Governments, business circles, trade unions, women's organizations pay a lot of attention to overcoming stereotypes that create barriers to decent work and income for women. But with retirement, they are almost always left to their own devices. Many do not know what to do in their free time, and do not even realize that pensioners can earn good money.

How to find yourself in retirement?

According to statistical data, the main share of employees in almost all sectors of the economy falls on representatives of older age groups of workers (with the exception of the segment of trade, management, and the financial sector). But the majority is concentrated in low-paid segments - public sectors (education, health care, science, culture), agriculture, where it will not be possible to earn much. In addition, not everyone manages to keep their job, and it is very difficult for a pensioner, especially a woman, to find a job.

This is largely due to the difficult adaptation of older workers to a new specialty, less mobility, and the lack of special state programs. As a rule, the number of real options for finding an official job in retirement is very limited - participation in a job quota program for especially vulnerable citizens, courses at state employment centers. But they are not adapted to the psychological characteristics of this age group. If this path turns out to be ineffective, you need to independently engage in an interesting business that generates income.

Psychologists note that the older the unemployed, the more prone to depression, nervous tension, more often he feels helpless and unable to earn money on his own. It is quite possible to overcome all difficulties, albeit without state support, if you only want to. At the initial stage, before you do something that generates income, you should relax mentally by taking up an interesting hobby. To understand in which direction to act and what type of earnings to choose, it is worth paying attention to psychological preparation:

  • listen to several online trainings, seminars that are dedicated to earning money in retirement, in particular for the category of women (several free ones can be found on YouTube);
  • read specialized literature (A. Popov "100 ways to make money in difficult times", Bodo Schaefer "Breakthrough to financial success", etc.);
  • visit special courses at the city employment center.

In Russia, there are no special official structures dealing with the problems of the elderly. But in order to spend leisure time and increase the level of knowledge, adapt to a new life, a pensioner can consult, take educational courses at Information and Education Centers for the Elderly (Moscow, Yaroslavl, Chelyabinsk, Orel and Novosibirsk), become a member of a public organization (for example, there is a “Public the movement of older people “Sources”, “Union of Pensioners of Russia”, etc.). These steps will help you understand how to earn money in retirement, where to start. During this period of life, men and women will be able to successfully realize an old dream for which there was not enough time, to find a new occupation that will bring income. Many decide to build (in demand all year round), create,.

Profitable occupation options for a retired woman

According to VTsIOM, Russian pensioners continue to work after retirement due to insufficient pensions, the desire to financially help children, to be in a team, and to realize their potential. On average, after reaching retirement age, they remain active for another 5 years, and most of them have a vocational education. In retirement, a woman can successfully apply her experience, talent or skills and earn on it. Depending on the interests, the level of PC proficiency, the state of health, we propose to consider such options for cases that can generate income for a person in retirement:

  1. Engage in personal subsidiary farming (breeding birds, pets for the sale of meat, milk, eggs).
  2. Make money on the manufacture and sale of handmade souvenirs using various techniques (caskets made of cardboard, newspaper tubes, hair ornaments made of ribbons, decorating glassware with painting, polymer clay, creating bouquets of sweets to order, dolls made of fabric).
  3. Knitting and sewing to order, clothing repair.
  4. Creation and sale of author's handmade soap.
  5. Tutoring, writing essays, term papers, theses to order.
  6. Creation of a mini-bakery at home, production and sale of semi-finished products.
  7. You can also earn money on the Internet (writing articles, scripts for events to order - eTXT, TEXT.RU, TextSail, Advego, creating an author's blog, performing simple tasks, such as clicking on links, viewing ads, on specialized exchanges - SeoSprint, SeoFast, SOCPUBLIC and etc.).
  8. Engage in network marketing (distribution of cosmetics, perfumes, children's products as a distributor).
  9. Real estate services and mediation.
  10. Creation of accounting reports for private firms.
  11. Working for a cleaning company.
  12. If health and age allow, with professional knowledge and experience, a retired woman will be able to provide services at home (massage, creative activities with children, hair care, hairstyles), conduct master classes in needlework, consulting.

A retired woman can offer the services of a babysitter, a daily salesman, a housekeeper for an hour, resell hot goods, sell fresh baked goods in the market.

Advice: you can find customers to sell your products through the Internet, acquaintances, by organizing a point of sale in the market. It is important to objectively evaluate your labor costs, the amount of time, the cost of goods and the income received. For example, if a woman has never been seriously engaged in knitting, and in retirement she decides to make money on this idea and immediately buys a lot of material, spends a lot of time creating a good thing (without first looking for customers), then compared to the resources spent, the income will be negligible.

Belonging to certain age periods predetermines both the restrictions and the direction of the search for paid employment. The most difficult thing is to find yourself after retirement, when the level of ability to work falls, and employers quite rarely approve such a candidate. But pensioners should not support this stereotype. For older people, there are plenty of opportunities to realize themselves and do business that will bring income, you just have to choose the most interesting option for yourself.

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Despite the large selection of options regarding how you can make money on the Internet, including pensioners, you need to be careful not to fall for the trick of scammers. You should not take seriously (let alone transfer money for a service or product as an advance payment) the following offers: buy an author's business course for the elderly, download a paid program to earn money, transfer money to someone else's account to purchase materials for work and send to home address. You can only rely on yourself and your knowledge, skills, no one will help you in search of a profitable type of income, everyone needs to choose and implement it on their own.

In contact with

The third period, the autumn of life. As soon as they do not call the retirement age. Contrary to popular belief, pensioners are not only grandmothers on benches at the entrances and "old people who still knock on dominoes."

It is also called a well-deserved rest. But does this necessarily mean that people sit in front of the TV for days and nights, sleeping to the bone? And the only entertainment is grumbling about the failure of the younger generation in all respects?

A person absorbed in worries and a crazy rhythm in life has no idea what to do in retirement and what to do with so much time. Whereas a lot of activities and opportunities open up just after going on a well-deserved rest.

The third age is no time for discouragement

Nature is so arranged that any changes are stressful for a person. They are the threshold beyond which the unknown. Therefore, at first, a retired person may believe that he has been thrown overboard by life. Hence the despondency, bad mood, bad thoughts. Such a state is addictive, therefore it is immediately necessary to start planning further actions.

An example of this is the success of people, part-time work for pensioners, which turned them into successful businessmen. One developed ideas, but since there was no investor, he realized his achievements himself and became the director of a large company. Another woman decided to help her grandson pay for tuition, and after 5 years she turned into a successful business woman, the owner of a chain of stores.

Studies show that the number of travelers among retirees has also increased. Many couples seek to visit places where they could not go in their youth, and are in a hurry to experience unforgettable emotions.

Lesson options

Now all kinds of courses, part-time jobs, schools and much more are provided for pensioners. In order not to get lost in the abundance of proposals, you need to decide on your desires, and based on what your darling wants, choose ways to implement it.

So what can you do in retirement?

    open your business;

    learn new skills and master other professions, languages;

    finally start traveling


    hit the needlework;

    become an advanced user;

    make money on the Internet;

    fulfill old and secret dreams;

    participate in retirement programs.

The listed options make up a list of the most popular and bringing pleasure and even income. In fact, retirement age is not a diagnosis, but open new opportunities and time, which young people so often lack. In addition, a great chance to prove to yourself and others that life during this period is full of interesting things.

Open your business

Someone dreamed of a perfume shop, someone reads the classics and gets upset when they don’t find the right book in the library or store. The main thing is to find the product or service that will be interesting to sell.

Now there are many free trainings and programs, thanks to which learning how to conduct business competently is as easy as shelling pears. There are sites on the Internet dedicated to business ideas with plans posted.

In addition, you can open your own private business at any age. And you can easily complete the documents yourself. A simplified system of the process of starting a business makes it possible to become an entrepreneur in one day.

On your side - experience and wisdom, the ability to understand people. Professionals advise starting a business from two or three positions, and then increasing the range of services, guided by the needs of customers.

Another plus is the availability of cash payments. Risk is a noble cause, but it is much more pleasant if at least some minimum is left behind. And what can you do in retirement, how not to fulfill your dreams?


Many, when they retire, feel like they are degrading without communication, development needs and aspirations. This can be compensated by the beginning of training.

Let a walk around the city be accompanied by looking at ads and various offices of companies that provide training services. Also, all the necessary information can be found on the Internet.

You should not be limited to only courses for pensioners. There are many organizations that recruit multi-age groups. It is not uncommon for them to become the favorites of the group at the dance school or give odds to the young.

In addition, no one canceled lectures, libraries, video and audio courses, trainings, and so on. Many of them are free.

The advantage of such training is that it completely lacks the hated word "should". Doing something for yourself is always easier and more enjoyable.


“Where I just haven’t been: in Paris, and in Berlin, and in New York ... Yes, I haven’t been to Voronezh either!”. The phrase sparkles with sarcasm that will touch every person who is a traveler at heart. What to do in retirement, how not to make friends with many countries and cities, immerse yourself in the culture, traditions of different peoples and overflow with impressions?

It's great if you have a small bunch of grandchildren. Then you will not only please yourself, but also give an unforgettable experience to your children. Give the kids the long-awaited moments of relaxation from the screeching and hassle associated with little monsters.

Travel restrictions are dictated only by the state of health and material possibilities. But if a newly-made successful businessman who went on vacation, then why not get medical treatment on the shores of the foamy sea?

Among the things you can do in retirement, travel is one of the most popular in the ratings of various websites and magazines, as well as special publications. Travel agencies even offer special tours for them at a lower price than regular ones.

Go in for sports

It's never too late to take care of yourself and start leading a healthy lifestyle. At a mature age, this is even more necessary than at a young age. The body is not the same, and you need to try at least to strengthen and maintain health.

There are cases when women of advanced age (not just retirement) showed miracles of flexibility, which even young gymnasts would envy. And retired men carry tables with their teeth, do push-ups on their fists.

If setting world records is not included in the plans, then morning exercises, walking or jogging will significantly improve overall well-being. Grandchildren can also be involved in such activities.

You can enroll in the sports section, where the same active people are engaged. Or arrange a chess tournament in your own backyard.

For former athletes, it is suitable in the form of training for the younger generation.


When the question arises: “What do people do in retirement?”, in the imagination of many, a granny in glasses immediately appears, which is knitting a hundred-kilometer scarf. In fact, needlework does not end with knitting. Quilling, patchwork, drawing, modeling from dough or polymer clay also do not limit the list of activities.

Both women and men can find themselves in this. You can acquire the necessary skills through magazines, courses, and even naked fantasy. The choice of materials is the widest.

The beauty of this activity is also that it can generate income. There are two main options:

    organize your studio of creativity and teach it to others;

    put your creations up for sale.

Needlework makes it possible to find many new friends of interest, to find peace and tranquility. A nice bonus will be material incentives from customers. Yes, and you will bother with a gift an order of magnitude less - a masterpiece made by yourself is highly valued.

What to do in retirement for a man, how impatiently to hold the yarn of his beloved?

Become a user

The Internet erases borders. And not only between cities and countries, but also between age categories. Communication in social networks has gained such momentum that it is a common occurrence to see an elderly person with a fancy phone on the bus, who surfs the expanses of the World Wide Web.

Computer courses for pensioners will help "dummies" to become professional users. In addition, you can use the miracle of technology in business. This will facilitate many processes and allow you to reach a new, high-quality level of business.

Computer courses for pensioners also teach simple programs, thanks to which communication with clients, colleagues or friends will become more accessible.

At the moment, a large number of courses are being organized, in which those who wish will be willingly taught to communicate with complex technology. Some are so immersed in the process that they become top-level IT specialists.

Take advantage of retirement programs

Due to the fact that not everyone can live in a big way, the state and private entrepreneurs are trying in every possible way to support and lighten the burden. For this, special programs for pensioners are being created.

They are aimed at creating cheaper goods and services, and also involve a large number of discounts. In addition, this is both a PR move for the company and an opportunity to save money for pensioners.

Paradoxically, sometimes young people also chase after such programs because they offer more benefits. These include training events, courses for pensioners.

Earn money online

Another way to spend your leisure time usefully is to earn money online without straining. For the same, you went to additional computer courses. Now that the mystery of Google has been comprehended, it can be safely strained by looking for a part-time job on the Internet without investment or risk.

Through this great invention, you can sell your crafts, resell foreign goods, write articles, and so on.

There are also many other ideas of what to do in retirement and at the same time not only earn money, but also enjoy your favorite pastime.

Make your dreams come true

There is nothing better than what you can do in retirement, how to start pursuing your dreams. This may be a long forgotten but desired recklessness or a set of activities that are described above.

Firstly, no one has the right to judge you, and in adulthood everyone comes to understand this. Therefore, even the most daring dream has the right to exist and come true.

Secondly, while health and time allow, why not do what you have long wanted to do? Moreover, you can put off forever and never have time to do what you want.

Based on the foregoing, we hope that the question: "What to do in retirement?" for you will never remain unanswered.

You are finally retired! Or maybe this event was not at all long-awaited for you? Are you afraid that you won't have anything to do in retirement? Let me dispel your fears and convince you that a free, harmonious, interesting life is just beginning in retirement..

You have a lot of free time, which was so lacking before, when you sat at your workplace from 9 to 6, and in the evening ran to the kindergarten for your younger child and checked the lessons of the older one. Now the children have grown up, they have their own lives, they don’t have to go to work, and you have a question “what to do in retirement?”

Let's say right away that the site site considers only pastime options that are useful for the soul and body. So…

If in recent years you have formed unattractive folds at the waist, extra weight has appeared, then now is the time to take care of yourself. Start with morning exercises if possible, sign up for a pool near your house or yoga classes.

For the most active and courageous pensioners, we suggest making it a habit morning runs.

The main thing here is consistency and constancy. If you regularly include physical exercise in your daily routine, the question of “what to do in retirement” will not be so acute: after all, there will be less free time!

If you once knitted well or started sewing, but then abandoned it for lack of time, why not remember these skills now? (And if you've never tried it, try it!) Doesn't it look tempting to sew on and impose cute cozy little things on yourself - from dressing gowns and skirts to sweaters and hats?

Keep following fashion trends, go shopping. You can buy cheap on sale Fashion magazines and the Internet they will tell you what accessories to choose, how to update the things in your wardrobe.

And there, you look, and throw out of the cabinets what is already outdated or bothered you.

Retirement is not a reason to look ugly and unfashionable!

Wholesome and healthy food is the key to active longevity. If, before retirement, you constantly snacked on the run, ate dry food, abused unhealthy foods, then doing proper nutrition in retirement is your responsibility to your own body.

Healthy foods(cereals, dairy products, seasonal vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish) are not that expensive, especially if you exclude sausage, smoked meats, fatty meats, and sweets from your diet.

Make a menu and write down how much and what products you need. Buy products in different stores, keep receipts. Keep a diary of your purchases for a month, and after this period you will see how much money you really spend on products and where to buy them cheaper.

Start collecting and mastering recipes. A nice bonus to you will be excellent health and improved digestion.

Yes, yes, this is such an unexpected, but very effective advice.

What do pensioners do while sitting at home? They watch TV, namely serials, talk shows, crime news and other “brain-clogging” programs. And as a result, dullness, fatigue, negative emotions ...

Do you need it? Do you need something to do in retirement? positive, life-affirming and giving pleasant emotions. So we urge you to re-read the eternal, never outdated classics - when you were working, did you have much time for this?

Lermontov, Gogol, Kuprin, Bunin, Shukshin - remember these authors if you read them once upon a time, or discover the wondrous world of Russian literature for the first time!

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive volumes in beautiful covers in the store - just go to the library!

We are sure: reading is such an occupation in retirement that will not let you get bored!

Here's another tip on what to do in retirement - do not lock yourself in four walls.

Any will do types of walks- in the park, along the streets of the city, to museums and exhibitions. Go to those streets where you have not been for a long time, see how they have changed.

Find a good book on the history of your city in the library and take a walk around the places it describes.

Do not miss exhibitions and expositions (they are usually written about in newspapers and reported in the news) - you can visit them on a weekday without haste and hustle. Find like-minded people with whom you can go on a long walk in nature or go on an excursion to neighboring cities.

Take advantage of the Internet - even if finances do not allow you to go where you want, you can always create your own virtual route through the castles of France or the fjords of Norway.

So, to summarize for our readers - what to do in retirement? Anything that gives you positive emotions promotes well-being, good spirits and health promotion. Fill your every day with such things and you definitely won’t have to be bored and mope in retirement.

Who is over 30 - a club for women after 30.

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Friday, 09/19/2014, 10:00:00

Women live longer than men, this is the modern reality. Among the world leaders in women's life expectancy are Japan (inhabitants of the land of the rising sun live to an average of 87 years), Italy and France - here the average life expectancy of a woman reaches 84 years, as well as Spain, where Carmen's heirs live to an average of 83 years. In Russia, the average life expectancy of a woman barely reaches 76 years (and the life expectancy of a man is only up to 64 years). How does a Russian woman live for years after her retirement (55 years) until the last term measured by her fate? Depending on the personality of the woman and the circumstances of her life - of course, in different ways. However, there are several typical life scenarios for our beautiful ladies of "golden" and "silver" age, which we will discuss below.

Women live longer than men, that's the reality. Among the world leaders in women's life expectancy are Japan (inhabitants of the land of the rising sun live to an average of 87 years), Italy and France - here the average life expectancy of a woman reaches 84 years, as well as Spain, where Carmen's heirs live to an average of 83 years. In Russia, the average life expectancy of a woman barely reaches 76 years (and the life expectancy of a man is only up to 64 years). How does a Russian woman live for years after her retirement (55 years) until the last term measured by her fate? Depending on the personality of the woman and the circumstances of her life - of course, in different ways. However, there are several typical life scenarios for our beautiful ladies of the “golden” and “silver” age, which we will discuss below >>

Young pensioners

The first case: a woman is 55-60 years old, she does not have the responsibility to care for children or grandchildren. If a woman is relatively healthy (it is clear that absolute health is usually not observed at this age), then she, of course, works. Citizens look, as a rule, rather youthful, although the problems of ageism (age discrimination) overtake them from the age of 40-45 - personnel officers look into the passport. After retirement, often solemnly celebrated by the labor collective, the inhabitants of our large cities most often continue to work in the same place, but their position becomes rather precarious by the age of 60, and only a very small number manage to hold out at work until 70 years.

The exceptions are teachers, doctors, as well as employees of museums and libraries. The first - because a good specialist is always held in high esteem (and in short supply), the second - because salaries, as well as competition for places, are very small here. Another "exceptional" category is women entrepreneurs who are their own housewives.

Work after 60

Women who have reached the age of 60 already experience discriminatory pressure from colleagues to a rather greater extent. They have, as at the beginning of their career, with tripled energy to prove their professional suitability and indispensability. They must, on a par with younger employees, be proficient in modern computer technologies, not lose their working pace, be reliable and disciplined, once again try to do without sick leave - and at the same time look great, be well-groomed and tidy. It is very good if such women have their own "horse" in the profession - then they are constantly contacted, because. for example, they know by heart the contents of some racks, they will immediately tell you where to look, etc.

In the case when 60-year-old ladies are denied a job, they are often forced to change not only their jobs, but also their profession. Some do it even with pleasure, but most, especially at first, experience severe discomfort, and sometimes become depressed. Those who are lucky find work in accordance with their tastes and moods - for example, they go as caretakers to museums, ushers to the theater; Finally, the dream of life comes true when you can review all your favorite performances. Someone manages to realize their needlework talents. These are the easiest and most affordable options.

For Muscovites, there is a less pleasant, but achievable way: to choose a profession from the so-called. "Luzhkov's list". The history of the emergence of this nominal list of working specialties is as follows: in 2008 - i.e. during his tenure as mayor of Moscow, Yu. M. Luzhkov, the government of the capital published a large list of professions necessary for the city. Pensioners whose professions fall into this list are not removed from the city pension supplement.

In total, the "Luzhkov List" includes more than 200 professions, including such as: auto mechanic, librarian, usher, props, janitor, educator, gas welder, cloakroom attendant, make-up artist-pastiger, nurses, dentists, manufacturers of play dolls and semi-finished food products, prompter , an accompanist and even a taxidermist, as well as the professions of stoker, projectionist, etc., which have become frankly exotic today. The full list can be found here: refer only to professions in which people work in budgetary institutions.

The best part of life

Meanwhile, according to many older people, the age between 60 and 70 years can be considered the best time of life. Imminent weaknesses can still be overcome. Adult children no longer cause great worries - as they say, what has grown has grown. Life experience and understanding of the essence of things reach a peak, and they can still be successfully implemented quite fruitfully. It is no coincidence that many people at this age (which is not for nothing called “golden”) suddenly wake up new creative abilities. (However, according to scientists, the indicated age in this sense is not the limit, because at 75 years old people reach another - qualitatively new - peak of their creative abilities). Finally, by the age of 60-70, a person acquires the maximum degree of freedom. Remember, you probably happened to observe brightly dressed elderly foreigners - and this, oddly enough, is quite normal for the "foreign" mentality. Our women, with the onset of their “golden” years, also often begin to relate to their appearance in a new way, dress more carefully, and remember the skills of cutting and sewing they learned at school. The result is wonderful. See, for example, photos of Igor Gavar from the site "Oldushka":

However, a woman after 60 is, among other things, also in a certain sense the result of a fate built by her own hands. If such a woman has children and grandchildren, then, as we know, in Russia she becomes a welcome worker on the domestic front - or simply a domestic slave, and in most cases voluntary.

Granddaughters - grandmothers

A very common variant of the behavior of our elderly women is to completely shift the entire burden of caring for their loved ones, and above all, of course, for their beloved grandchildren. Usually a decision is made in the family: the one who earns more works; and since the cases when the older generation earns more than the younger ones are extremely rare, then, in accordance with the “master plan”, fathers and mothers with a calm soul shift all the responsibilities for raising kids to grandmothers. It is considered, for example, quite natural that a “non-working” pensioner should cook meals for the whole family, and also keep the house, if possible, in perfect order. At the same time, no one somehow thinks that the degree of her fatigue can be quite comparable, and sometimes significantly exceeds the labor costs of sons and daughters. Nevertheless, the elderly woman continues to “unload” the youth even after their working day: after all, it is necessary that the young have fun, otherwise their family, God forbid, will fall apart, according to the poet, “breaking into everyday life”; in the event that the barely created cell of society nevertheless disintegrated, it is necessary that the daughter (son) as soon as possible find a worthy mate for herself, for which, again, they need to be given as much freedom as possible in time and space, etc. d. and so on.

And now, with an impeccably straight back, albeit on elderly legs, the grandmother valiantly leads her grandchildren to a regular school, as well as to a “musician”, as well as to circles and additional classes, for walks and excursions, to theaters and museums . It is thanks to our wonderful grandmothers that in the young generation of Russians, as a result, the foundations of aesthetic education are laid (of course, if grandmothers have enough strength and years for this), they learn their first lessons in ethics, religious studies, and finally, they receive the most important ideas about good and evil. .

Grandmother today is at the same time a kind nanny, a professional cook, a nurse, a teacher, an elementary school teacher, and sometimes, moreover, an accompanist, choreographer, director, and, finally, an actress, who, as a rule, has only one, but also The best viewer is your own grandson. And how much tact and patience is needed for two parallel education systems - grandmothers and parents - to successfully converge in infinity, without injuring the psyche of the younger generation ... God grant you strength and health, our dear grandmothers!

care for the elderly

Now let's move on to one more - and probably the most difficult, but also a very common scenario: a pensioner, an elderly woman takes on the responsibility of caring for representatives of the older generation - very old people: mom, dad, mother-in-law, aunt, neighbors. Here begins real slavery, from which no social service will help to get rid of, if only because slavery is purely voluntary, but also because for the majority, children are psychologically still a lighter burden than the elderly. Women see their continuation in their grandchildren, put their whole soul into them - so that life continues and improves in those who grow up and, perhaps, remember with a kind word. On the other hand, investing your soul in the elderly seems to many to be a waste of time. Monotonous, routine business: breakfast-lunch-dinner, toilet, bad smells, bad characters, accompanied by dementia, Alzheimer's and other serious illnesses ominously looming in the background. It is a shame to realize that the forces allotted to you go not into the development of a new life, but into creating conditions for a more or less worthy completion of the old one.

Consequently, a compassionate pensioner who provides assistance to old parents or neighbors is not legally entitled to even these crumbs. At the same time, thanks to this state of affairs, our social services have a wonderful, and most importantly, completely legitimate reason to be relieved of so many duties: in fact, an old person who is cared for by such a truly kind and merciful soul can no longer be considered “lonely”, he lives “not alone” - which means that he not only can, but also needs, or rather, no longer needs to provide a number of official services from the state. And even if the courting party still gets the right to the mentioned ridiculous, but rather sad financial support from the authorities, let's think: can a person today live on these 1,200 rubles a month? Thus, we are dealing with a situation where the state provokes its citizens to cheat, to violate the law. The ways and methods of such deception are legion, and it is hardly worth listing them here. We only note that, even speaking of the unfortunate one thousand two hundred rubles paid (however, as we have already found out, by no means to everyone and not always) as official assistance, it must be emphasized that for many of our fellow citizens today this amount seems quite significant, so that in order to obtain it, people often deceive the state, for example, by hiding additional sources of income.

How to support yourself in a difficult situation

But in addition to material costs, a person caring for an old man also experiences a lot of psychological problems. In this case, experts offer a number of recommendations, following which, a person who “burns out” from psychophysical overstrain can quite successfully help himself. Here are some - the most effective - of these recommendations:

First and foremost - oddly enough, it is especially necessary for an altruist to respect the priority of his interests in a situation where he has to sacrifice very, very much in favor of another. Remember: if you are simply satisfied with your life, then your old people will also be able to become satisfied with their lives, thanks to your attitude - they will just immediately feel your good mood, and, accordingly, an unfeigned cordial attitude towards them. Never immerse yourself in care completely, as they say, "with your head." Do not abandon your life, look for an opportunity to pamper yourself, take a walk, get fresh impressions - in this situation you need them more than ever. Remember: your patient will inevitably go to another world, and you will stay alive. His departure should not leave you alone with emptiness, involve you in depression. If, while caring for a person, you experience constant irritation and dissatisfaction, then any person will immediately feel this - and react accordingly; as a result, negative emotions become twice as heavy, so that the burden of mutual negativity “hangs” like a real sword of Damocles over the atmosphere of your entire home. Remove this load. Read funny books, watch comedies, listen to light music.

The second advice: use all possible methods and means that would help you share caregiving responsibilities among the maximum number of participants in this situation, one way or another involved in it. Consult with doctors more often, visit the social center. Of course, do not hesitate to share caregiving responsibilities among all family members. By the way, try to give easy tasks to the person you are caring for, so that he also does not feel “aside”, but on the contrary, feels like an important part of one big and, of course, noble common cause. For example, if he is able to walk, let him regularly water the flowers. If not, let him at least sort out the washed socks in pairs. The main thing is to convince the suffering person that his contribution in the fight against this suffering and misfortune is also important; in this difficult situation, not only you, his relatives and friends, his true friends, are able to help him, but he, as your true friend, is able, but no - he just has to help you ... at least by the very simple fact of realizing the importance of his participation .

The third tip: always let the old person know when you absolutely can be with him, and when you are just as definitely not around. It would be nice to establish some more or less clear mode of communication: for you this is a convenience, and for an elderly person it is also a plus. As a result, he (she) will know for sure that it is not worth disturbing you when, for example, you are browsing the Internet, taking a bath, etc. After periods of forced separation, be sure to try to give the elderly person even a little increased attention. Warn in advance about your upcoming trip to the theater, to visit, while not forgetting to say that you will call once during the intermission - and most importantly, do not forget to fulfill this promise. As a result, the old person will not feel abandoned, and you may even have more free time. Well, and finally, the most important thing - do not deceive the expectations of the elderly, especially the smallest, seemingly insignificant. After all, if you fulfill, first of all, your smallest promises (approach at least for 5 minutes, call at least once - but exactly when you agreed) - then the elderly person will probably not be intrusive. But if he is not sure of you, get ready for "psychological attacks", chronic grouchiness and even quarrels. Think: why do you need it? Wouldn't it be easier to keep your word, even if it was said so quietly that it was almost to yourself?

The fourth recommendation: be sure to share your problems with a friend or girlfriend - and try, as far as possible, of course, to talk about them with humor. Thus, you will speak out, look at everything as if from the outside - and at the same time through the eyes of a friend, and if you are lucky, even laugh. Look for support on the Internet (for example, good advice can be found on psychological forums).

Old age is one's own

I must say that, despite all the problems of our women listed above, representatives of two categories of the female population of Russia live long enough and quite often live to be 90 or more years old. These two categories are not interconnected by anything other than living conditions: in the first case, these are precisely the conditions of existence, i.e., first of all, the healthy climate of the region of residence of the fair sex, belonging to the very numerous mountain peoples that inhabit modern Dagestan ; and in the second case, these are the conditions of treatment, a rather high level of which is demonstrated by medicine in a number of large cities of our country. Thus, the fertile nature allows a person to remain active even in the most advanced years, and modern medicine is able to significantly prolong the active work of human organs - but not the person himself.

The fear of becoming a “vegetable” on the slope of life makes the young, half-jokingly, half-seriously, declare: “I won’t live to old age,” thus relieving themselves of responsibility for their own life, which, by the way, can be made not so gloomy even in advanced years. You just need to start taking care of it as early as possible: more specifically, as soon as possible, you need to force yourself to quit smoking, drinking, and above all, getting angry. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Rejoice. Common truths? Got pissed off? Do you want to lie in sores, torturing yourself and others? If not, then you must immediately set yourself the goal of being happy and healthy to the very end measured by fate - and once and for all decide to steadily pursue this noble goal, no matter how difficult it may sometimes be along the way. Of course, for this you will have to make some - and very considerable - efforts, which, however, can even become pleasant over time. What are these efforts? First of all, these are regular physical exercises, preferably with music and in the fresh air. Then: long walks, tourism, excursions, communication, dancing or singing - in general, any feasible and useful activities. Next: moderate portions of food put on your plate. Well, in the end - or rather, as a result of all of the above - a positive attitude towards life and people. Of course, we are not able to radically change fate, but let's at least try to treat her in a good way - suddenly, yes, she will reciprocate?

S. Karpova, psychologist / "New pensioner"


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For someone earlier, for someone later, there comes a moment when you wake up in the morning, but you don’t have to go to work, pension!

And what should a young pensioner/pensioner, full of energy, do, especially when pensions are meager, health does not bother, and there is a lot of time? We have found the TOP 10 activities for men and women that can bring additional income. When choosing a new field of activity, it should be borne in mind that qualified and high-quality work with the application of knowledge and experience is well paid.

What can a woman do in retirement?

We leave advice on acquiring a ready-made business or franchises to those pensioners who have a start-up capital of one million rubles or more, and it may not be enough to rent premises, purchase goods, and so on.

Our advice- for that part of compatriots who need earnings without initial investment. A 55-year-old woman is full of strength and energy, and her life experience and skills, developed during the Soviet period of life with a constant shortage of everything, will be enough to ensure a comfortable old age.

Here are 10 lessons, which do not require expensive lease of retail space, attracting sponsors or hiring employees:

№1 . Needlework. This is not just knitting socks and hats, although they are in demand.

The current handmade involves more sophisticated types of needlework:

  • Diamond embroidery;
  • scrapbooking;
  • embroidery ribbons;
  • making accessories from ribbons using the “kanzashi” technique;
  • beading;
  • wallow,
  • patchwork.

Of course, this is not a complete list of possible needlework options. Master classes in all types of creativity easy to find online. It is profitable to trade products on free classifieds sites, hand-made product fairs. The best platform for trading is your own online store, but it is recommended to open it when your products acquire a significant number of admirers.

№2 . Sewing to order.

  • If you have a sewing machine, the appropriate skills and taste, and the products are neat and fit exactly to the figure of the customer, sewing at home brings income, especially the creation of designer models in the spirit of the latest fashion trends.
  • Clothing repair, sewing in zippers, artistic embroidery and darning on knitwear are also popular.

№3 . Soap making. All ingredients for making soap purchased at the pharmacy and recipes online are free.

  • At the forefront of the eco-friendly product craze, natural-based soaps with aromatic oils, clay, sea salt, handmade, beautifully packaged, will help you survive in difficult times.

№4 . Making to order baking or cooking.

  • Cakes and pies, dumplings and dumplings, chebureks and khachapuri according to a homemade recipe - all this can be cooked at home. If you know how and love to cook, and it turns out tasty and enjoyable for you, this is a great way to combine business with pleasure.
  • True, to organize your own pastry shop or sell set meals, you will need permits and a sanitary book. Sales of products can be organized at nearby transport stations, in offices, through "word of mouth" - on the recommendation of relatives and friends.

№5 . Growing seedlings of flowers, fruits and vegetables, medicinal plants.

  • For pensioners living in a village near summer cottages or having their own summer cottage with a greenhouse, growing seedlings for sale and collecting medicinal herbs is an excellent occupation that brings additional income. For the sale of seedlings, summer residents are especially relevant - by purchasing plants near their allotment, they will not have to take them to distant lands, and the price will be lower.

№6 . Growing chickens, rabbits, ornamental animals.

  • For a pensioner with an agronomic, veterinary or biological education, it may be suitable as a hobby for retirement, generating income, raising chickens, quails, rabbits, as well as decorative and exotic animals - hedgehogs, guinea pigs, hamsters.
  • Chickens, ducks, turkeys, quails will provide you environmentally friendly eggs and meat, and chickens in spring and early summer are a popular commodity among the same summer residents.
  • Breeding ornamental rabbits, hedgehogs, snails, plants and fish for aquarists requires experience, professional knowledge, but is also in great demand.

№7 . It is not difficult for a single city dweller to find a job as a nanny, nurse or companion who comes for several hours a day, especially if she has a specialized medical or pedagogical education.

  • Many young mothers try to return to work as soon as possible after the birth of a child. With the current distrust of public kindergartens and nurseries, they need the services of a babysitter like air. You can look after the child on your territory or at the client's home.
  • Nurses and companions with the possibility of medical care for a bedridden patient are always in short supply, while such a service is well paid, especially if it is associated with permanent residence with the client.

№8 . Tutoring is another profitable occupation for retired teachers; former teachers with knowledge of foreign and Russian languages, exact sciences are especially popular as tutors.

  • To pull up a lagging student, to prepare for passing the exam or entrance exams to a college or a prestigious university - such earnings do not depend on the season and bring a good income.

№9 . A 55-year-old woman will be suitable for vacancies of a cloakroom attendant, concierge, janitor, cleaner, which are open to pensioners in many employment centers. Various recruitment agencies are looking for consultants and call center employees for home work via the Internet.

  • The only inconvenience is that the work of a cloakroom attendant or a concierge requires a constant presence at the workplace, unlike at home, and unskilled labor is paid at minimum rates.

№10 . Creation of own school.

  • If you are strong in drawing, arts and crafts, choreography, music, dance, you can start creating your own school with ad lessons.
  • All of the above are just a few of the possibilities. Both a villager and a city dweller can use these opportunities, regardless of the region.

What can a man do in retirement?

Men usually retire at age 60. However, there are categories of pensioners younger age- what to do for a retired military or police officer , served 25 years? Age - not even 50, and you need to start life anew. Most often they go to various security structures, watchmen, watchmen. But this is not the only opportunity for additional income:

№1 . The Reserve Officers Forum gives such a recommendation to retirees - to send a resume with documents to all universities in the region where there is a military department. In case of interest in your candidacy, you will be enrolled in a teaching position - a prestigious and highly paid job.

№2 . The second option is a teacher of primary military training at school. Retirees are also willingly hired for this job, especially since in most schools this position is occupied part-time by teachers - women who are little familiar with the subject.

№3 . Through job centers or your friends, you can look for a position as a consultant or assistant to the head of the company. Such a position requires relevant knowledge, an excellent track record and references.

№4 . Employment centers offer military retirees jobs as consultants in real estate, construction, and repair of complex equipment. Former military builders may well become both ordinary realtors and consultants on industrial and business real estate, and military electronics engineers will be in demand in the field of IT technologies.

№5 . Companies selling weapons and equipment for hunting, fishing and extreme tourism are interested in retirees. As a rule, it is possible to take the position of a consultant manager or an online seller of the relevant goods.

№6 . Travel companies organizing tours of exotic hunting and extreme tourism need instructors with special training and knowledge of the area. An instructor-guide on routes of increased complexity must be able to wield weapons, know the rules of survival in the wild.

№7 . Taxi driver, freight forwarder, personal driver. Not every pensioner wants to earn extra money as a taxi driver or a personal driver, spending long hours behind the wheel, but there are enough such offers on the labor market.

№8 . Men who know how to hold tools in their hands will easily find the opportunity to use their skills in domestic services as a “handyman for an hour”, a plumber, an electrician, a carpenter, a furniture upholstery master.

  • You can turn your own apartment into a mini carpentry workshop and make cutting boards, spatulas, spoons - a product that is always in demand. The service "master for an hour" is especially popular among single city dwellers.

№9 . Craft workshop.

No one has canceled for retired men the opportunity to engage in decorative and applied arts - ceramics, pottery, forging, creating compositions from tree roots or improvised materials, and sales of products are possible on the market or hand-made exhibitions.

№10 . Tutoring.

  • Just like for women, for retired men there is the possibility of tutoring in a variety of fields of knowledge.
  • With retirement, life does not end, it just goes into a new quality. The main thing at this moment is to determine what you want: to develop, acquiring new skills, or to be content with previously acquired knowledge.

You can try your hand at the Internet

Freelancers or self-employed citizens - the new reality era of universal computer literacy, and the Internet is the biggest field for finding additional income. Without additional financial investments, having only a computer connected to the World Wide Web, you can find a new type of activity to your liking:

If you have experience writing articles, knowledge of any topic from home economics to jurisprudence, you can do copywriting or rewriting - just register on one of the exchanges, which are now many.

  • The work is suitable for philologists, linguists, and those who speak the word and write competently, but this is just extra money - it is difficult to earn more than 10 thousand a month on copyright. In addition, you cannot immediately count on a decent level of payment for articles: on many exchanges, you need to work without complaints from customers for a long time in order to gain access to well-paid orders.

Writing student papers, diplomas, essays to order is a very popular service for wealthy losers.

  • For this type of running-in, you need knowledge of the subject and requirements for registration.


  • Pensioners who speak foreign languages ​​will easily find work translating texts or documents.

Conducting and organizing the sale of master classes on Skype.

  • The presence of Skype makes it possible to arrange master classes and give lessons in cooking, baking, and various types of needlework. You can organize a platform on social networks for the sale of master classes of your production or other masters.

Creating custom sites requires more professional knowledge and promoted your own site.

  • There are a lot of announcements about creating websites to order or ready-made ones, the need for such a service is constantly growing, and this brings a good income.

Processing and sale of photos.

  • If you own photography business, the ability to work in graphic editors, it will not be difficult to find orders on the Internet.

Another type of income is surveys conducted by a variety of companies, or writing reviews on an order.

  • you post the supplier's products on your website, in an online store or in ads on free websites with a markup of 25 ... 30%,
  • look for a buyer who orders the product he needs from you,
  • take an advance payment from the buyer,
  • pay the supplier with the buyer's money,
  • The supplier sends the goods to the buyer without specifying the details of the sender,
  • You keep the extra charge as compensation for the service rendered.

The disadvantage of the system is the search for responsible suppliers, since when returning a low-quality product, you will have to pay with your own money, and then demand a refund from the supplier.

Owners of websites, pages and blogs with several thousand subscribers have the opportunity to earn on the sale of advertising space, and the larger the audience, the higher the price of advertising.

  • You can create a community of interest for pensioners in your city, district, village, and by joint efforts to change life for the better, including the organization of a workshop for the provision of personal services to the population, computer or financial literacy courses for peers.

Precautionary measures

Often unscrupulous employers offer to distribute their products or manufacture various trifles, offering to pre-pay for goods and consumables. This is the first sign of deceit, such offers must be immediately refused.

Various sites on the Internet offer jobs subject to advance payment for the production of a bank card, registration, or something else. You pay money, but you don't.


Work should bring pleasure in addition to money, especially if it is a job in retirement. If the soul requires action, new knowledge, expanding the circle of acquaintances, one must use the slightest opportunity to change one's life. It is never too late to sign up for advanced training courses or a new type of embroidery, the main thing is not to sit in four walls waiting for a miracle.