Funny contests for three people for Halloween. Halloween contests for kids

Each of the guests pulls out a phantom from a witch's hat, in which a hero is indicated, for example, a Werewolf, Dracula, Frankenstein, a Mummy, and it can also be more difficult - bringing a man who has been decapitated, a ghost of a bride, a vampire on a diet, and so on. Each of the participants in turn shows their hero, the rest guess. Prizes are awarded for the brightest and most eccentric roles.

Mystery of Destiny

The host gives the participants their new characteristics: cards with an inscription are fixed on the backs of the players (for example, a vampire, a demon, a sorcerer, a werewolf). At the same time, everyone can read the name of the others, but cannot find out who he himself is. During the allotted time, players can ask questions about their “rank” to the others, and answer the questions of others only with “yes” or “no”. At the end, the players tell the facilitator what they think is written on the card. Those who guessed correctly or were closest to the solution win.

Count Dracula

Each of the guests is Count Dracula, who must drink a glass of blood faster than the others. In fact, there will be ordinary tomato juice in the glass, but guests should not immediately talk about this, let them think that it is, for example, pig's blood. At the “strat” command, each of the guests begins to drink blood (juice) through a straw. Not everyone will immediately start drinking, because they think that this is real blood, but when they understand by smell and taste that this is tomato juice, things will go faster. And whoever completes the task faster than the rest, he will win.

ghost head

An inflated balloon with a painted face is placed in the middle of the table. Two participants are blindfolded, and seated at the table opposite each other and offered to blow the ball towards the opponent. Before the contestants start, the ball is removed and a plate of flour is placed in its place. Not only the ball turns out to be a ghost, but also the participants.

The most terrible death

Competition for the best horror story and fantasy. Each of the participants in turn must tell the most terrible story of death, for example, a Man was flying on a plane, but then his heart stopped, but he was rescued, suddenly the plane got into a storm and the engine started to burn, a man jumped out of the plane with a parachute, the parachute did not open , but from the 10th time it still worked out, but then lightning struck and hit a man directly, killed him, but after a few seconds he woke up, caught on tree branches, a kite suddenly flew in and began to peck at him, but then the branches broke and the man fell into the sea, began to swim to the shore, and then a shark bit off his leg, but the man was able to get to the shore, began to lose consciousness from loss of blood, but still got to his home, bandaged his wounds and made himself tea and died. And the thing is that his wife mixed a strong poison into the sugar bowl. End. Which of the guys (by voting) will be able to compose the most terrible, interesting and long story, he will receive a prize.

Maniac letter

Players are divided into two teams, which are given newspapers. The task of the teams is to compose and paste a “threatening” letter on paper in the allotted time, cutting out only whole words from newspapers. The winning team is chosen based on the quality and quantity of the text.

terrible witchcraft

Participants need to come up with and pronounce a "real spell", which should not contain meaningful words or phrases. It is important that the invented set of sounds sound as gloomy as possible, and most importantly, to explain to others what magical effect is obtained with the help of the spoken. It will be interesting if the result of the spell is something funny, for example, "This curse makes a man grow frogs on his nose."

Sabbath pass

The facilitator asks the players a question: “Who wants to get on the Sabbath?”. Each participant must say who he is (any word: witch, skeleton, closet, cucumber) until the leader misses him. You can skip a person according to any pre-selected criterion (for example, the first letters of skip words are vowels). The task of the players is to find out what criterion the leader uses.

You recognize the subject - do not eat this muck

The guests sit in a circle with their eyes closed. The host launches some kind of terrible object into the circle around the hands, for example, a rubber spider or a toy rat, jaws (chewing candy) or a real chicken foot. Which of the guests is the first to dose the object in his hands, that fellow is out of the circle. The last 3 participants who remained in the circle and did not guess a single item will be punished, for example, they will drink a glass of blood (tomato juice) or eat a spoonful of brains with their eyes closed (any salad or porridge).

A Halloween party can host many popular games adapted to the theme of the holiday. For example, everyone knows the game with the transfer of an object in a circle to the music. Whoever has an object in his hands at the moment when the music stops, he must, for example, crow and leave the game. And then the transfer of the item continues until one participant remains. On Halloween, you can have a similar entertainment by passing around a pumpkin or a plastic model of a skull. The one who has the transferred object in his hands at the moment the music is turned off needs to scream loudly, as if from fear, and leave the circle.

Known entertainment "Musical chair" (everyone walks around the chairs, and when the music stops, they rush to sit down) can also be adapted. You can, for example, walk around the table, on which there are heads of garlic - one less than the number of participants. When the music stops, everyone takes a head of garlic in their hands. Whoever didn’t have enough was bitten by a vampire. It means that he has no place among people, and he leaves. You need to choose the appropriate music - forcing, disturbing. The soundtrack from The Pink Panther will do.

Can arrange tomato juice speed drinking competition , which at the Halloween holiday is called nothing more than blood.

And among adults, you can hold a pair competition for the absorption of "Bloody Mary": cocktails are made in tall glasses (vodka with tomato juice), each pair is given a glass and two straws. Which pair will empty the glass faster through the tubes - that prize.

Relay races are traditional on holidays. Halloween can be relay race on high-speed transfer of the "eye" in a spoon. The eyes are painted tennis balls. The eye ball is placed in a spoon and carried by the team members.

We offer a few more games and contests for Halloween.

Halloween games and contests for adults and… almost adults

1. Game for couples "Pumpkin explosion". You will need balloons (orange, yellow, or pumpkin), spools of thread, and ballpoint pens or permanent markers.

Couples participate. Each pair is given a set: a ball, threads, a marker. Task: inflate your balloon as quickly as possible with joint efforts, tie it up and draw eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth with a marker, that is, turn the balloon into a kind of pumpkin lamp. Which couple will do it first - that prize.

However, you need to wait until the rest of the couples complete their "pumpkins". After that - the second part of the competition. Couples need to make their balloon pop. Moreover, this should be done during the dance, using only your bodies. You can not put the ball on the floor and step on it. It is necessary to clamp the ball between the bodies and press, while making dance movements. Which of the couples manages to "blow up" their pumpkin - that one wins.

2. The game "And in my pants." Many people know this table game. For those who do not know, we will briefly explain: various phrases are written on paper strips, which are the names of films or books, proverbs, set expressions, etc. The strips are folded in a box, in an opaque bag or in baby sliders. This container is launched in a circle. Everyone to whom she gets, pulls out, without looking, one piece of paper. Before reading out its contents, a person says: “And in my pants ...”, after which he voices what is written on a piece of paper. It turns out funny. For example: “And in my pants ... a holiday that is always with you”, “And in my pants ... a sad time”, “And in my pants ... the gold of the party.”

A similar game can be played on Halloween, linking the answers to the theme of the holiday. These can be the names of horror films, phrases from these films, famous expressions on the topic of evil spirits and death, etc.

Answer examples:

And in my pants...

  • elixir of immortality
  • Pannochka died
  • rise of the dead
  • deathly silence
  • the dead with scythes stand
  • Koshcheev's death
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • resident Evil
  • Magic wand
  • chicken legs
  • the corpse stinks, the soul soars

3. The game "Confessions". Before the participants - two decks of cards: in one the beginning of the phrase, in the other - the end. The shuffled decks are face down. Participants take turns drawing cards. First, a card is drawn with the beginning of the phrase, the phrase is read out in an intriguing tone. After that, a card with the end of the phrase is drawn, and its contents are voiced. The point is that the beginnings and endings of phrases are arranged randomly. The game is uplifting.

Cards with the beginning of the phrase:

1. Every full moon comes to my bedroom ...

2. As a child, I dreamed of becoming ...

3. I recently found out that I am an illegitimate son (daughter) ...

4. I want to have children from ...

5. I think that the title of “Sexiest Creature on the Planet” should go to…

6. I tremble with fear every time at the mere mention of ...

7. Exactly at midnight, I turn into ...

8. I sleep in an embrace with a portrait ...

9. As a child, my parents affectionately called me ...

10. I believe that our president (mayor, boss, class teacher) is actually ...

Phrase ending cards:

1. brownie Kuzya

2. Freddy Krueger

3. Koschey the Immortal

4. Sergey Zverev

5. Walking corpse

6. Lamb

7. Dzhigurda

8. An old woman with a scythe

9. "Sinister pisyunyavy"

10 Chupacabra

11. Conchita Wurst

12. Rotten egg

4. The game "Terrible bag". Various objects are put into a fabric bag, which can be perceived ambiguously by touch. For example, a sponge for washing dishes, dried apricots, pumice stone, curly pasta of an unusual shape, rubber carpal expander, kiwi fruit, sesal washcloth, chewing worm, etc.

The bag is passed around. Participants take turns putting their hand into the bag, groping for the first object they come across, and, without looking, offer their version of what this sinister object is, where it came from and to whom it belonged. In general, they fantasize on the go, inventing a scary story about a little thing from a bag.

After each story, the object is removed and shown to others. This can be very funny: for example, having felt for a certain object, the participant says that he has in his hands the eyes of a 10-year-old girl who dared to go to the neighboring village to her sick grandmother on Halloween night. He immediately reports who and under what circumstances deprived the girl of her eyes. And as a result, a tangerine is extracted from the bag.

This game can be played in competition form. A person launches his hand, gropes for an object, invents a story on the go, as in the example above, after which the rest are invited to guess what kind of object lies there In fact. The one who guesses gets a point. The object is removed, and the bag goes further in a circle. Whoever scores the most points will receive a prize at the end of the game.

Halloween Games and Contests for Kids and Big Kids

1. The game "Trick-and-treat". It can be carried out among both children and adults. From the name it is clear that "tricks and treats" await us. For the game you will need prizes-treats. It can be chocolates, boxes of chocolates, bags of dragees. It is desirable that the treats were different. For adults, you can choose other treats.

Prizes-treats must be numbered and put in a box. Separately prepare cards with the numbers of these prizes. In addition, you will need two more stacks of cards. In one of them - wishes or predictions, and in the other - stupid, ridiculous, funny tasks. All three stacks of cards are laid out separately on the table with the contents down.

The game goes like this: the participant comes to the table and draws a card with the number of the prize. The host shows which prize he has drawn and asks if he wants to receive it. If the participant agrees, then the facilitator offers to draw out a card with the task.

After completing the task, the participant receives his prize-treat and draws a card with a prediction. This card remains with him.

Predictions might just be kind (“wealth and success await you in the coming year”, “you will soon find your love”, “you will study for fives” etc.) or cool (“beware of the hairdresser - he will cut off your ears”, “do not go to horror movies next year - there will be a heart break from fear”, “check the bench near your house at exactly three in the morning - one day you will find a suitcase with money” and so on.).

Possible tasks:

Draw a bat
- crawl like a spider
- scare us: shout "Boo!" as loud as you can
- draw a zombie
- hoot like a night owl
- kiss with a vampire kiss of three people
- scare us: show a scary face
- draw a ghost

2. The game "Whose nose?". The game will go if there are quite a few people at the party who know each other well.

You need to divide the participants into two teams. First, one team guesses, and the other, respectively, guesses.

It is necessary to prepare a kind of screen that will completely hide a person, but will allow him to demonstrate his nose. You can, for example, stretch a rope and hang an old sheet on it to the floor. You need to make a hole in the fabric - such that the nose crawls through.

The members of the guessing team leave the room or hide behind a screen. The guessing team turns away. At this time, one person from the guessing team sticks his nose into the hole. The host, making sure that nothing but the nose is visible, says: “The evil witch stole someone's nose, and we found it. Let's guess who it is."

The guessers turn, look at the nose, confer and call the name of the one to whom, in their opinion, this nose belongs. If you guessed correctly, one point is counted.

Then they turn away again, and the guessers prepare a new nose for demonstration. Noses can be repeated - this will confuse the guessers even more. Noses are guessed a certain number of times - for example, ten. How many times the guessers guessed, so many points received. Then the teams change places. Whichever scores the most points is the winner.

Instead of a screen, there is another option: put a chair in the room. The guessers turn away and do not peep. At this time, one of the guessers enters the room, sits on a chair, and the host covers him with a sheet from head to toe. Well, a nose is threaded into the hole made in the fabric of the sheet. Further, everything is the same as described above.

You can demonstrate not noses, but any other parts of the body - for example, a finger.

3. Team game "Catch the eye". It is necessary to divide the participants into two or three teams. Each team selects one catcher. Catchers are given half a gutted pumpkin.

The rest will be throwers. That is, white tennis balls painted like eyes will be thrown into the half of the pumpkin.

The catchers stand separately - a couple of meters from their team. Team members take turns throwing the ball, trying to hit the pumpkin with it. The catcher also does not stand still, but tries to catch the ball with a pumpkin. Each team member gets multiple attempts. The team's total hits count. The team with the most hits wins.

4. Game for little ones "Halloween lantern". Cut out pumpkin-shaped figures from paper, color them. These blanks need to be made as much as possible so that all the children have enough. You also need to figure out how to hang paper pumpkins (fix them on an easel, hook them with a pushpin on a door or a pin on a curtain, etc.). You will also need a black marker.

Participants are blindfolded in turn, given a marker in their hands and offered to turn a pumpkin into a Jack-o-lantern, that is, draw an ominous face: eyes, nose and big mouth. When the child draws the details of the face, you need to remove the blindfold from the eyes and show what he did. The child takes his “pumpkin” as a keepsake. But first you should take a picture of him with her.

Creative Halloween Fun for Adults and Kids

1. Burime. Burime is a creative game, the essence of which is the compilation of quatrains according to given rhymes. Initially, four words are given, that is, 2 pairs that rhyme with each other. Participants need to come up with a meaningful quatrain as soon as possible - with humor and creativity. The quatrains are read out, after which the best is determined by voting. Those who composed the rhyme first are also encouraged.

The lines must end with the given words, but the rhyme can change: it can be cross, paired or encircling. That is, pairs of rhyming words can be spread over a quatrain.

Example. The following rhymes are given: blood-carrots, guts-bags.

Cowardly snowman
The snowman saw somehow: a trickle of blood on a snowdrift.
Frightened, trembling and wrinkled his nose-carrot.
He imagined mountains of corpses, fingers, ears and intestines.
It was someone with a jar of lecho carrying bags to the trash can.

Examples of rhymes for the task:

  • blood-eyebrow, class-eye
  • heart-pepper, eyelid-human
  • fist-ghoul, frog-girlfriend
  • egg-sorceress, glass-cockroach

2. Halloween photo session. Participants are divided into pairs. Couples are invited to come up with a scary pose for. You can use the inventory and makeup available nearby. Having come up with an idea, the couples take turns taking part in a photo session, demonstrating their idea. Each pair must be photographed. Winners can be determined by a jury or a general vote.

3. Restoration. It is necessary to give the participants sheets with the image of the details of some object. It should be a well-known subject, dangerous, but ordinary, not related to evil spirits. For example, a meat grinder.

A sheet can show a couple of details of this item. The host reports that this is something dangerous and even scary. And this is something that needs to be fixed.

Participants receive pencils and finish drawing - whoever is in what much. Few people draw a meat grinder, but you will see enough of monsters, robots, killer plants or gutted corpses.

At the end, all drawings are considered, after which the presenter demonstrates the original. It will be very unexpected. But if someone guesses and draws a meat grinder, he is entitled to a prize.

All Saints' Day or Halloween is a holiday that recently came to us from the West. And if it is alien to the older generation, then young people, teenagers and children fell in love with this cheerful holiday of evil spirits. After all, if you are afraid of something or someone, then the easiest way to overcome your fear is to laugh at it. Therefore, Halloween is becoming more and more popular every year.

For the holiday, people dress up in costumes of witches and ghosts, prepare sweets decorated in the style of All Saints' Day, and Halloween contests are the most interesting part of the celebration for children. Here we will dwell on them in more detail. Especially for you, a selection of fun themed entertainment. Here you will find options for different age categories of participants. Most of them do not require any special props, which means they can be performed at home, at a school holiday or at a party without much preparation.

It will need several rolls of toilet paper. This is a well-known game for a long time, but nevertheless it does not lose its popularity. After all, it is simple to conduct it, and the result is quite fun. Yes, and the mummy - an image from the other world, fits the theme of the holiday very well.

How to run a contest? Participants are divided into several teams. Each team has two people. One of the participants stands, and the second wraps him with toilet paper, starting from the legs and ending with the head. The mouth and eyes should remain open. This is a game of speed, but do not forget that the team that breaks the paper leaves the game.

pumpkin crab

Prepare two large pumpkins. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants, the start and finish of the distance are indicated. The child lies down on a pumpkin and in this position goes the distance, moving his legs and arms like a crab, then returns in the same way to the start and passes the pumpkin to the next participant. The team whose members complete the path the fastest wins.

hungry monster


  • a large sheet of thick paper or a large cardboard box with a painted monster;
  • balls or balls.

At the monster, a hole is pre-cut in place of the mouth. The essence of entertainment is to feed the monster. Children should put as many balls as possible into the mouth of a hungry monster. Participants can be divided into teams, or you can make an individual competition, where each participant will play for himself.

Who is scarier


  • inflatable balls (as many as participants);
  • felt-tip pens or markers.

The task of the contestants is to make a scary face out of the balloon. A certain period of time is given during which the players paint the balls. At the end of the allotted time, guests vote for each of the “works”. Whose face gets the most votes is the winner.

apple bobbin


  • basins of water or ropes;
  • medium-sized apples (donuts, bagels).

The essence of entertainment is to catch the maximum number of apples from the bowl with the help of the mouth. The hands remain behind the back.

If this version of the competition does not seem very suitable to you, you can try to slightly change the conditions - hang apples on ropes and invite participants to eat them at speed. Again, without the help of hands. Well, a completely modified option is to replace the apples on the ropes with bagels or donuts. It won't be quite an apple spool, but that doesn't make it any less fun.

Tail trait


  • thread or rope;
  • pencil;
  • bottle.

We take all the props in multiples of the number of participants. The rope is attached to the participant's belt so that it hangs down from behind to the level of the knees. A pencil is tied to the end of the rope. The task of the contestant is to lower the pencil into the bottle without helping himself with his hands. The winner is the one who manages to do it faster than the rest. What is interesting here is not so much the result as the process of getting the pencil into the bottle. For the competition, pick up a fun musical accompaniment.

Maniac letter

You will need:

  • newspapers or magazines;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

This option is more suitable for schoolchildren who are already good at reading and wielding scissors without the help of adults. You can carry it out at home, because it does not need a lot of free space.

Children are divided into two or more teams. Their task is to cut out letters and words from newspapers and magazines, and make a scary letter out of them. Whose letter according to the voting results will be scarier, longer and more interesting, he is declared the winner.

Catch the witch


  • several bells;
  • shawls or scarves for blindfolding.

Among the participants in the competition, two witch hunters are chosen, they are blindfolded. Those who get the role of a witch pick up bells and mingle with other participants. The task of the hunters is to catch the maximum number of witches in a certain period of time. The most dexterous hunter is awarded with a prize. The competition is quite mobile, so it is better to hold it in a spacious room so that the kids have somewhere to scatter. While the hunters are catching the witches, put on a fun, upbeat tune.

Dracula's meal


  • red juice (cherry, tomato, pomegranate);
  • glasses with straws.

Each contestant is given a glass of “blood” and a straw. The task of little Dracula is to empty the glass as quickly as possible. The fastest participant is awarded the honorary title of a real Dracula. As a prize, you can issue an appropriate medal, badge or diploma.

Collect the Halloween hero

  • images of ghosts, witches, vampires, pumpkins, cut into pieces. Thematic puzzles are also suitable.

Participants are given pictures, and they collect them at speed. Whoever collected the fastest is the winner. Such entertainment is perfect for preschoolers, because it is quite simple.

pumpkin explosion

Necessary props

  • a large board, a piece of cardboard, or just a free wall;
  • green paper;
  • orange balloons;
  • question cards;
  • small sweets;
  • threads.

We throw candy into the balls, after which we inflate them and tie them. We fix the balls in such a way that a pumpkin of balls is obtained on the wall or board. From green paper, cut out a ponytail for a pumpkin.

Participants take turns taking cards with questions and answering them. These can be questions from the school curriculum, about Halloween, or based on a book or movie. The one who answered correctly gets the right to burst any balloon and take the candy. To make it more interesting, you can put sweets not in all the balls or replace some of the sweets with other small souvenirs. And for entertainment, add confetti or sparkles to each balloon, which will effectively scatter when the balloon bursts.

This kids Halloween contest isn't as easy as the previous ones, but the kids' balloon-popping delight is well worth the effort.

guess the ghost

To organize this entertainment, one white sheet is enough. Participants are divided into two teams and go to different rooms. Then we put a sheet on one participant and let the opposing team into the room. The child should try to scare the opponents with a terrible sound “Oooh!”, And their task is to guess who it is by the sound. Which team guesses more “ghosts” wins.


Props are several soft toys in the form of bats. They can be replaced with cardboard figures.

One of the children hides bats in the room, and the other participant must find all the figures using hints. Hints are formulated in only two words - either warm or cold, or close or far.

Figures for the competition can be not only in the form of bats, it can be any item associated with Halloween - a pumpkin, a witch, a cross, a monster. And you can use several holiday characters at once.

Cardboard figures are easier to hide - they are light and can be attached to furniture, curtains, chandeliers. Use pins or double-sided tape to attach.

Looking for a couple

It is necessary to prepare several pairs of images drawn or printed on paper. It can be pumpkins, bats, crosses. The competition is similar to the previous one, but the difference is that here the children need not only to look for figures, but to pick up a pair for them. One figurine from a pair is given to the child, and he must find the second. Whoever makes the maximum number of pairs is the winner.

This option is well suited for the smallest participants.

scary monster


  • paper;
  • pencils or markers.

The game can be played with both toddlers and older children.

The essence of the game: each participant is given a piece of paper and he draws a monster's head on it. Next, the sheet is folded so that the drawing is not visible, and the participants exchange drawings. The next step is to draw the torso and arms, and hide the drawn again. We exchange leaves and draw the legs of the monster. The drawings are then unfolded and shown to the public. Lots of fun guaranteed! And another plus of this entertainment is that there are no winners and losers - work on monsters is carried out jointly. But, as an option, you can vote for the ugliest monster.

Color the monster

Prepare in advance printed coloring pages with images of monsters, bats, pumpkins or other attributes of the holiday.

This type of entertainment is suitable for any age, because coloring pages come in varying degrees of complexity. Three-year-olds can be offered to color a simple pumpkin, and a schoolchild will be able to paint an image of a devil with small details. This competition can be held both for speed and for the best drawing.

Creepy makeup

You will need mom's cosmetics in dark shades: shadows, pencils, lipstick.

It’s worth mentioning right away that cosmetics are unlikely to be usable after the holiday, so we choose something that we won’t be sorry to throw away later)

Participants are divided into teams of two people and draw each other's make-up, corresponding to the theme of the holiday. The team with the most original makeup wins.

Third wheel

For this competition you will need a selection of pictures. Two pictures from the set must correspond to the theme of Halloween, and the third is selected randomly. We divide the children into teams, take turns showing them the selections. Their task is to quickly shout out the name of what is shown in a non-thematic picture. This entertainment option is suitable for preschoolers.

How to reward the winners and participants?

For competitions, it is necessary to prepare not only props, but also prizes. Here are a few small and inexpensive gifts for the winners:

  • a small soft toy in the shape of a holiday hero: a ghost, a bat;
  • sweets. These can be ordinary sweets, or you can bake or order cupcakes decorated with the image of a cobweb, pumpkin, monster or ghost;
  • carnival masks with scary faces. Such props will surely come in handy at the holiday;
  • medals for “The Best Monster”, “The Best Ghost”, “The Coolest Witch”, etc.;
  • letters. The meaning is the same as the paragraph above;
  • small souvenirs with symbols of All Saints' Day.

These are just a few ideas, the list goes on. The main thing is that none of the participants is left without a prize, and the holiday was fun and unusual!

A fun Halloween party is great. Not a single such friendly meeting should be complete without fun entertainment, which means that you will need entertaining contests.

You don't have to go anywhere to have fun on Halloween. You can organize a party in your own home. Moreover, you yourself will be able to control the process of preparing for the holiday and will not be limited in time. But this requires careful preparation.

For a full-fledged holiday, you will need candies in the form of ghosts and witches on broomsticks, beautiful apartment decoration and much more than you can please at home Halloween. But it is very important to think about competitions. We offer you some interesting fun.

vampire pranks

For the competition you will need to be divided into two teams. You will need plastic glasses that you can write on and a black marker. Write the name of each contestant on the bottom of the cup. Pour red juice into glasses: tomato, cherry or pomegranate. Arrange them on the table: opposite the first team - cups with the names of members of the other team, and vice versa.

On a signal, the first person needs to run up to the table, drink any juice and take a glass with them. Let the other participants do the same in turn. Which team can do it faster is the winner. They signal the end by shouting the word "Halloween" and receive a prize from the losers. The losers drink up, look at the name written on their glass, and treat the winners.

Guess who you are

To make the holiday atmospheric, many of your guests will probably come in costume. You, as the owner or hostess of the holiday, should also take care of the frightening appearance. If you don't want to buy a costume, you can always make your own. As ideas, they usually offer mummy costumes, a vampire, or just apply a frightening make-up. In any case, everyone will portray someone, and this can be beaten in the next competition.

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards with the names of objects that are thematically suitable for Halloween. For example, you can write "werewolf" or "pumpkin" and similar things on them. Each stick this card on the forehead. Thus, a person does not know who he is, but sees other people's cards. The first of the participants asks about himself questions that can be answered "yes" or "no". For example, "Am I alive or dead?" or “Do I have big nails?”. Based on the answers to the questions, you need to guess what is written on the piece of paper. Everyone who guessed right - a candy, a glass of wine or any other reward.

Sabbath invitation

This Halloween contest will require care and ingenuity. The leader pretends to be the prince of darkness. He asks the question "who wants to go to the Sabbath?" and get answers. The answers should always be a noun: a witch, a cucumber, a chair, and so on. For convenience, the prince of darkness asks in turn. Silently, he chooses the main criterion for welcome guests at the Sabbath: for example, it will be something with a vowel. Those who guess this criterion will get to the Sabbath. The game lasts until those who did not get to the Sabbath give up and agree to a penalty dance.

Love potion

Divide everyone who wants to participate into two teams. You will need a few sweets for each participant. Place a container at a decent distance into which you can throw sweets. Whichever team has the most candy in the pot wins and they can eat the candy they earned as a prize. And the losing team gets nothing.

very scary letter

For the competition you will need newspapers and magazines, an A4 sheet and scissors. Divide the contestants into two teams. On a signal, you need to quickly start cutting out the words and sticking them on paper. You should end up with a Halloween invitation text. In this case, it is necessary to use the words "terrible", "terrible" and their synonyms, as well as other words related to Halloween. The competition lasts no more than 3-5 minutes. Whose letter is completed, they won. The losing team must perform a Halloween dance to music or pay off with candy.

In addition to competitions for October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day, there have long been fortune-telling among the people: for love, for the future, and much more. Get Your Accurate Predictions With Simple Halloween Divination and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.10.2016 03:06

The main attribute of the Halloween decorations is, of course, the pumpkin. And to make it look good...

This Halloween scenario is designed for a company of different ages. There are games, contests, animated dances, flashes, as well as special effects - elements of the bubble show

The holiday was held in a youth cafe. A week before this event, the room was decorated thematically, and placed on the wall giant coloring book, and next to it are colored wax crayons.

Visitors (especially small ones) took part in joint creativity with pleasure. Thus, by the beginning of the holiday, the panel was painted and became part of the design.

We were happy to take pictures against its backdrop. For us, the organizers, it was not only pleasant, but also useful, because we unobtrusively introduced our advertising into the coloring book.

A few words should be said about the holiday itself. I must admit that I am saddened by the abundance of foreign holidays, while their own holidays, fairy tales and traditions are forgotten, forced out, mixed with "imported" ones. But what can you do? Don't notice it? Ignore? Fight?

In my work, I promote my native culture in every possible way and introduce elements of folk art, Russian fairy tales on holidays. So on Halloween, I tell the audience that this holiday is not completely alien to us.

In ancient times, there was a similar holiday and it took place around the same time as Halloween. You can read more about this in these articles. Feast of the Goddess Mokosh, Veles night.

Is it a bad holiday?

So, we found out that this holiday is not alien to us. Is it harmful? I personally consulted with a Catholic priest. My good childhood friend, now living in Germany. Considering that this is a professor, author of many works in the field of psychology and PR, and now a clergyman, his opinion is very valuable.

Halloween is a pagan holiday and the church is definitely against it. But the harm from him is no more than from Maslenitsa.

Considered in this context, then Shrovetide is even scarier- after all, on Forgiveness Sunday, most Orthodox indulge in pagan festivities, gluttony, burn an effigy and dress up in such costumes that Halloween will seem like a childish prank to you.

Halloween scenes

Characters: 2 witches
The main character and host of the holiday is me, the second witch basically acts as my assistant

Work with the audience before the start of the holiday

Guests gather in a cafe, show tickets, go into the hall. Most of the bottom are unfamiliar with each other, they are squeezed, feel uncomfortable. Work in the name of a common cause will help relieve tension and unite them. We immediately inform you that we did not have time to properly decorate the hall, therefore we need the help of children (and teenagers)

They are offered blanks of small ghosts, who need to draw eyes, a mouth and stick it on a garland, or place it on the walls

Holiday start

Hello. We introduce ourselves. We ask the audience to clap the hands of those who are ready to have fun, who are ready to be scared, who are not afraid of anything at all. And now let's stop chaotic clapping and do it technically: stomp our feet 2 times - once clapping over our heads

Phonogram 001. "I came to the holiday"
(author Daria Zaitseva)

Let's check your readiness.

Game: Make a scream:

  • the most formidable
  • creepiest
  • the most frightened
  • the most cowardly screech
  • the most terrible roar

LEADING WITCH: Tonight, on Halloween night, we will move into the unknown new, meet the winter. Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming. According to ancient belief, it is tonight that the door to the other world will open. Are you ready to go there? Then join hands and let's go.

holding a chain or a train, we walk around the hall, raising our legs high and repeating the movements after the leader

We enter the dark forest (take a few stalking steps forward), Where the trees reach the sky (pull our hands up)!

Let's walk along the path (a few more steps),

We will wander into the thicket of the forest (we spread our fingers so that it looks like tree branches).

We reach the ravine (sneaking),

Oh, we will suffer fear (we tremble):

Rumble everywhere, howl everywhere (stomp and make scary sounds) -In an hour we will come home (let go of our hands)

P od cheerful music, children crawl into the tunnel

We divide the children into 2 teams.

WITCH: Now we will fly to Bald Mountain. Did you bring brooms with you? Whoa?!?!? And now what i can do? Okay, I have 2 brooms lying around here, but they won’t be able to fly - they need to be charged with energy.

Halloween games, contests for children, teenagers and youth

2-3 people are selected from the team.
In turn and together they dance with a broom

RELAY COMPETITION: the first participant sits astride a chalk,
runs along the route, while overcoming obstacles: run around a mountain (chair), jump over a lake (bowls of water), fly over a skyscraper (tower of cubes or paper cups),
return to the team and pass the broom to another

making a voodoo doll
1 person from the team stand at a distance. They have orange balloons in their hands. One person from the team in turn runs up and turns the ball into a talisman: One person draws an eye, the other the second eye, etc. Next, we put a wig, a hat, something else on the ball, depending on the number of participants.
With the help of applause, we decide whose doll is better

Fabric bats are hidden around the hall. They must be found and tied to a rope. Thus it turned out limbo.
Limbo game


What was the name of a character in a famous horror movie - a vampire hunter who was himself half a vampire? (BEID).

From which movie are the words of the next children's rhyme: “One, two, Freddy is coming for you, three or four, he is already here. Five-six, close the windows and doors"? ("A Nightmare on Elm Street")

Name the first, most famous and main vampire. (Count Dracula). Homeland of Count Dracula? (Transylvania).

One of the legendary fighters with evil spirits who defeated Dracula. (Van Helsing)

A three-letter word, there is a letter Y - this is a famous character in the first Russian horror film. (VII)

The question is difficult. What is the name of the people who revive the dead (not to be confused with the resurrection of people)? (Necromancers)

Whose blood did Anton Gorodetsky drink in the movie Night Watch? (Pigs).

Name the means to fight vampires. (Aspen stake, garlic, silver bullets, sunlight, sometimes a cross, holy water).

What is another name for the walking dead? (Zombie).

Game LETTERS REFRAME. Participants are given letters. They stand in one line. The host reads the sticks or makes riddles. The answer should not be said, but shown by composing a word from letters

  1. Viscous slurry at the bottom of a pond or lake. IL
  2. Small particles that carry an electrical charge. AND HE

3. Herbaceous plant with a fibrous stem and oil-rich seeds. LINEN

  1. Not quite smart and lucky person in modern slang LOH
  2. Unidentified UFO flying object
  3. simpleton, simpleton, simpleton, rotozey; sluggish, stupid, rude, ignorant. BORT
  4. Body Part EAR
  5. large hall (lobby) in English. HALL

9 Hello

10 Large river in Africa-Nile

11 President Clinton's name is HILL

12. All Saints' Day. HALLOWEEN


Defile of participants who came in costumes

scary halloween contests

The participants take their seats. The special effects block begins. Who will participate? Only the smartest. Who can answer the questions:

1. Is there a Slavic Halloween? (yeah) Who answered comes on stage

2. On this day, there is a "closure of land and water" for the winter (land and water were covered with snow and ice). The goddess does it. Old East Slavic goddess of family, well-being, patroness of women. It is very similar to the Roman Venus. Her name? (Makosha)

We hold a competition with them: with the help of a foam tube, we turn children into animals. We make them ears, ponytails. On the handle - a foam cake.

3. Now we need the most courageous He must eat these pills » We asked the children who wants to do it. Everyone raised their hands. and then I in a stern voice she said that never and nowhere should children swallow pills. These are all leprosy of evil spirits - throwing all sorts of nasty things at us. Only a mother, grandmother or a doctor should give permission for this. Who wants to swallow them? Nobody raised their hand. And then we put these pills in the fire. After a few seconds, snakes began to appear from them and dance (experiment with calcium gluconate). The children are in shock. After a few minutes of action (it can last a long time), we doused the fire with water

4. If on a full moon you are drawn to howl at the moon, and the hairline of your body grows violently, then you are turning ... (Into a werewolf).

October 31 - the day of the goddess Makoshi makoshe the Slavs are filled with the same meaning and rituals. Remembrance of deceased ancestors, requests for patronage and communication with the dead were important spiritual practices for the ancients. But the evil forces put out the spark that ignites ... the sun?

6. Where do they fly to? (ON the bald mountain).

7. What is the name of their party? (Sabbath).

We perform tricks with them - we light a soap bubble on a pumpkin, on a hand, on a head

You can also play familiar games: a ball of soda on a bottle of water, etc.

Competition for teenagers "SELFI"

participants take out their phones or make their hand as if they were holding a phone. Song cuts are played. Hearing what is sung in the song, they must take a selfie with this object or person.
For example: the song of the Zveri group - “Bright yellow glasses, two hearts on a keychain” ... - we take pictures with those who have glasses
“A gloomy day is brighter from a smile” - we smile into the phone
"Natural blond" - taking a picture with a blond, etc.

The final

An excellent end to the holiday will be breaking the piñata.

Pinata for halloween

Piñata is best made by hand. It's not difficult at all, but very exciting.

A simple piñata - we glue the box with paper, glue the eyes to it. By all means, it is necessary to flash the piñata with braid - a rope for which the lna will be hung

A more complicated and more interesting option is to glue a balloon over papier-mâché. Five layers at least. Then, after drying, we sew with braid and paste over with paper, leaving a small window for sweets.

Presentation of prizes and certificates

Group photo


The holiday turned out to be not so scary. A little educational. Everyone made friends and left very happy.

If you want to get musical accompaniment for free - write to me on social networks. I will be happy to share with you if you write three comments on the site and make three reposts of any articles. Or you can purchase music cuts from me for a reasonable fee.

All the best and happy holidays!