Pleasant words about love to your loved one. Tender words in prose to your beloved

Beautiful, affectionate words to your beloved man:

1. Dear, dear, beloved…. You are the best man in the world! You are even better than the best. And I am the happiest. Say that we are a beautiful couple? The best and happiest. We can switch “roles”: I will make you the happiest, and you will make me the best. I love you so much that it’s difficult to even say it, because there are no suitable words. Feel my love with all your best heart. (Prose).
2. Today, again and again, I re-read all your messages saved in your mobile phone. I am sure that I will never delete them, because they are dear to me. Every word written in “text message” opens up a “second wind” of inspiration in me. I know all your "phone letters", practically by heart. Which one do I like best? Each! And each in its own way. They contain pieces of you and rays of your energy. I will be pleased if you write to me again and again. And I will answer them so that you love me more.
3.Beautiful words to your beloved man in prose. - Everything is like in a dream... Your eyes, your lips, your facial features, your hair, your body…. I can't believe that all these treasures are yours. And you gave yourself to me. Thank you very much for such a gift! I will not say that I am unworthy of such a gift, because I am sure that you will try to dissuade me. I will say this: we deserve each other. And we will always be worth each other - always! This is what I promise you and I will not stop promising you.
4.Words of love to your loved one. – Do you know why I believe in miracles? Because the miracle is you! Beloved, plunge into my eyes, fill the niche of emptiness with your gaze... I won’t get tired of repeating “I love you.” I won’t get tired of repeating “I’m sorry.” I will cover your life with love, so that in this life you will rarely be sad...
5.I have asked you for forgiveness so often... I ask him, from you, and this time. For what? Because the sun in the sky is warmer than me. But I don’t need his warmth: you are my only sunshine, with whom I will never have to feel cold. Thank you for your sunshine, my love!
6.I love chocolates as much as you love cars. But I'm ready to give up sweets if you ask. I don’t ask you to do the same, because thanks to your car, you come to me faster, without wasting extra time on trolleybuses and buses. Let's get into your beautiful and comfortable car and rush to the ends of the world, where only you and I will be together... I, next to you, have nothing to fear. And, the ends of the world - even more so. Well, let's go, or will we fly there on the wings of crazy love?
7.You are my big secret that lurks in my heart. But I’m ready to open it to the whole world! I'm ready to scream that you are my beloved. I am ready to whisper endlessly that you are the best and most wonderful. But only you can hear my whispers and my screams, because you feel me. And you love so much that the clouds seem very low... Love you!
8. In your gaze is my reflection. I know that we will be together forever. I love you. I adore you! And only about you, day and night, I dream... I dream that you will always be near. I will carry all my feelings for you through the years... (beautiful words about life and love in prose).
9.You like it when I call you bunny or sunshine, beloved or dear. I'll call you whatever you want. Only, I beg you very much: do not disappear like a sincere dawn. I can't survive your disappearance! Stay close, I beg you. You are everything I need in earthly life.
10.I love, respect, appreciate, adore…. What else can I tell you so that you are there every split second? I'm ready to say everything! And I’m ready to do whatever you say. I'm obsessed with you, I can't go a day without you... I miss you, I love you, I promise to always love you.
11.Your eyes are the bottomlessness of the turquoise sky. I want to plunge into it, swim, and not emerge. If I drown, don’t save me: I dreamed, all my life, of drowning in your eyes. They are the most beautiful thing in the white world...
12.Prose. - When I say “love”, you lower your eyes. Are you embarrassed to reciprocate? Do not be shy! I am waiting for your reciprocity, living in words and in the heart. I'm really looking forward to your “I love you.” This word, for me, is a big and long-awaited holiday.
13. When I see your whole body, I become a very small child who knows only one word: “I want.” I want you…. I love…. I think about you at night, and during the day, and in the morning. I don’t know when more often, but I’m sure that I love you, that I miss you, and that I won’t give you away to anyone.
14. To a loved one. You are sweet, you are bitter, you are salty, you are sour. You have all the taste qualities. That is why I may not eat, being full and looking at you. You are my ice cream and my favorite cake. Aren't you offended by me for calling you that? Thank you for allowing me to do this too. You are the best man!
15.Your body is impeccable, your face is amazing, your physique is beautiful, your voice is wonderful…. I just can’t live without you and I don’t want to be without you. Don't let me be alone: ​​you are my life! I am (without you) absolutely nothing.
16.You are more valuable than mom and dad. You are more valuable than all the most precious people in the world. Do not be surprised: my love is the power of the entire universe. Even stronger! And you will feel it when I give you my billions of kisses.
17. There are no such people anymore. You're the one. And so unique that I even wonder. Didn't know such things existed. You are the only one. And you are mine. Thank you very much for this. I'm so glad that it's me with you, and not another ....
18. I am a girl - the wind. But you can turn me into a sweetheart girl if you say you love me. After all, you are more tender than all tenderness, more affectionate than all caresses .... Turn me into the one that you like more and more. I agree to any transformation.
19. Declarations of love to a man. - I draw our love. The main character in the picture is, of course, you. And I am the one who is ready to give my long and happy life for you. I am ready to do anything to make you live, breathe, and be happy like I was when you touched me….
20. The night whispered to me about you. I adore her for this. I didn't think I would be so happy. Honestly, I didn't think so. It seemed to me that I just imagined you, but you came true. And, since it came true, stay close and live, receiving, as a gift, all my feelings and their strength. Give me reciprocity if you think that I am worthy of it. I will always love you, my gentle and only one.

, beloved in prose

Declaration of love to your loved one in prose

My unshaven sun! My gloomy breeze! My prickly cloud! All the words of all the languages ​​of the world are not able to contain the depth of my feelings for you. When you're with me, it takes my breath away. When I'm with you, I breathe quickly and often. When we are close, I want to bury my nose in your strong shoulder and not pay attention to the whole world.
But this is unfair: after all, it was this world that gave me you, your strong hands, your smart eyes, your tender words... I can no longer imagine how I would live without you! I am grateful to fate for giving me the opportunity to love, and I am happy that this opportunity is to love you, my unshaven sun!

Do you know what happiness is? Happiness is love and complete reunion with your loved one. I dream about you every night, and I can no longer keep my feelings for you to myself! I love you! I love you as you can only love once in a lifetime, so selflessly and deeply, with a pure heart and soul! Believe that I will always be your support in all your deeds, successes and failures. I will always be there no matter what happens and no matter what! I can give you joy and great love, without which life loses its meaning! Should we try? I love you, understand? I love you so much that you occupy all my thoughts. You are in my dreams and they are all dedicated to you! My dear, I will never betray you and will always help you in everything! I love you very much!

My sun is clear, my joy is boundless, my ocean is boiling! I feel cold, painful and sad without you. You fill my life with meaning, paint the world in all colors, launch a rainbow into the sky, disperse the clouds above my head. Thank you, dear, for everything! I love you. Very! Your unruly hair, radiant eyes, kiss-hungry lips, courageous hands.
My heart beats in unison with yours - do you hear? And this trepidation cannot be drowned out by anything - neither adversity, nor difficulties, nor problems. I can overcome anything when you're by my side! I will endure everything! And then our great love, like a balloon, will lift us to the skies, and the rest of the world with its mortal affairs will lie at our feet. He will cease to exist for us! Just me and you, my love! Forever. Forever.

Since I met you, it always seems to me that this has already happened in my life, only many millions of years ago. You won my heart with your seriousness, restraint and true masculinity. You made me the most devoted member of your “sect”, you never cease to amaze with your views on life, somehow everything was harmoniously combined in you: tenderness, strength, audacity, and timidity. What are we on this island of the Universe called Earth?! We are just like Adam and Eve, the discoverers of the most real, sincere, human feelings called love! I am made from your rib, I am your soul mate, and therefore I am so happy to see you, feel you, live by you and your interests, I accept everything that you come up with, and whatever else you come up with, it’s nice to feel united with you whole! Therefore, I can tell you with complete confidence that I love you, I love you to the very depths of my soul, I love you with every fiber of my being, and may this love make us happy!

The world has an infinity of human lives, a chaos of threads woven by Fate. And in this tangle it is so difficult to find the intersection of lines, it is difficult to untangle grievances and misunderstandings, indifference and random knots in relationships. But one day, light appears in this chaos. And then the insight comes:
The world does not live without your smile, without your eyes. The world doesn't want to be happy when you're not around. The world freezes when it hears your steps and voice. The world shines when you appear on the threshold...
My world is you. The thundering heart is you too. Happiness, hopes, dreams, inspiration... The desire to live, fly, sing and dance. And listen to the pulse beat: you, you, you, you...
It is so difficult to convey all the colors that fill the soul. But you see: I love you. I say this word out loud to express with one breath all my feelings, all my desires: I love...

A long time ago, there lived a very proud beauty in the Caucasus. Once she told a young man who was in love with her: “Climb high into the mountains. There, on the steepest rock, a beautiful flower grows - a symbol of eternal love. Bring this flower to me, and then I will give you my love.” So says the old Caucasian legend.
But for me there is no need to climb mountains. Because the flower of love has long bloomed in my heart. Its timid sprout sprouted on the day when I first saw you. And it began to grow day by day. Each meeting made him more and more beautiful, and each separation made him stronger and stronger. I love you my dear man! And I want your eyes to be the sun for our love, and your hands to be true support. I'm happy to have you by my side!

Ever since we met, I've been really happy. Every moment spent next to you is a fairy tale for me, which I have dreamed about since a young age. You are my hero, with whom I am always calm and comfortable, fun and good. When we are together, I am ready to conquer mountains, to shout to the whole world about what happiness fate has given me. Yes, I am the happiest woman on earth, because I have you. I love you! I breathe you, I am ready to follow you to the ends of the earth, because I will only be happy when you are nearby. Look into my eyes and you will see a whole world there, in which there will be only you and me. Look into my heart and there you will see a place where you will be warm and comfortable. Look into my soul - it is open to you. Darling, it is destined for us to be together and I will do everything to ensure that you are the happiest man on earth.

When a girl is asked a question about her ideal man, you can often hear the answer: to be kind, honest, and so on. I always assumed that it was really possible to be guided by such criteria in life, until... Until I fell in love with you. Now it seems to me that all this does not matter, because the person I love is completely absorbed in love and care. He is both protection and support in life, and a strict father, and an attentive friend, and simply your whole integral world. I feel very good and comfortable next to you, I believe that together we can overcome a lot. I like to close my eyes and imagine that you are nearby, and when you are nearby, I simply don’t think about anything. To be myself, to love, to give you happiness - this is what my life acquired when you appeared in it!

Today I dreamed of you again, so beautiful, silent and dear. I felt dizzy with happiness, I hugged you and didn’t believe what was happening. Then I woke up, images from our past life tirelessly crawled into my head and stood before my eyes. Your beautiful, kind and slightly stern eyes, your sincere smile. I miss you so much, every day, every hour, every minute. Without you, I have nothing to breathe and nothing to think about. Everything is different without you. How dear you are to me, the imprint of your hot, passionate, loving soul remains in my soul forever. The words spoken in your native voice will always ring in my head. No one and nothing can change this. Our past, my memories and my fallen asleep happiness will always remain with me. I still love you.

We have been together for a long time, we have gone through so much. There were moments of frantic passion, and hours of magical tenderness, and blades of jealousy, and clouds of charm, and there were needles of quarrels and misunderstandings. All this has only made our relationship stronger and more precious. But I no longer love you as I did then, in the days of our first meetings, in the days of our first kisses and first confessions. After all, it was only a strong love that excited my heart, clouded my mind, mixed and confused all my thoughts. And now, after so much time, I can say with complete confidence that I love you. I love truly, devotedly and deeply. I accept you entirely, with all your strengths and weaknesses, with all your habits. You have become the dearest and closest man on earth to me, and all I want is for you to be happy. I love you, my dear!

You are the man without whom my happy life is completely impossible. You are the man without whom I cannot breathe air. My dreams, my desires, my hopes, my faith, all of this is you! You are the man without whom I cannot sleep. You are the man I see every night in exciting, colorful, unforgettable dreams. You are the man with whom I wake up every morning. Everything that is good, interesting, real, deep, sensual, tender in my life, all this is you! You are my most cherished, most desired, closest, dearest, most necessary. You are the one without whom the whole world will become black and white, monotonous, insipid. You are the one I enjoy, you are the one I adore, you are the one I pray to and look up to, you are the one who makes me happy. I love you! I will love you alone forever!

I am the happiest girl in the world, and do you know why? Because I got the best man in the world! You are such an extraordinary person; you contain so many seemingly completely incompatible qualities. You are such a strong-willed, strong, courageous, ambitious, assertive and purposeful person, you walk through life firmly, knowing all your goals and the ways to achieve them. And you achieve them. You take your peaks one after another, you are a warrior in life - a winner. But at the same time, you can be the most caring, the most tender, the most sensual, the most emotional with me. You are so subtle, understanding, romantic, special. I always feel very good next to you, very interesting, very calm. In your arms I feel protected. Next to you I feel desired, necessary, better. Thank you for this. I love you so much!

You and I are completely different from each other. But this is only if it seems so at first glance. Look, are you happy? And I am happy! This means that we have so much in common that no one else in the world has! I believe that our strong love will overcome all adversity, smooth out rough edges, reconcile characters and temperaments. After all, this is the most important feeling, which at all times has triumphed over everything else. I don’t want to tell you a lot of unnecessary, albeit beautiful words, let all this ornateness remain in books, it will be useful to poets in sleepless nights of creative torment. I want to say only the three most important words for me, the most important, three words that turned my world upside down, three words that became my beacon, my wings, my inspiration. I love you! I love you more than life itself, I will be happy only with you!

If I don’t see you for at least one day, my beloved, I get a strange feeling, it’s like a chill. It was as if all the frost in the world had shackled me, turning me into a block of ice. You're like my drug, I'm hooked on you, I'm addicted. Without a constant dose, I start to literally go crazy, I shake, I can’t find a place for myself. I can’t think about anything or anyone, everything falls out of my hands, everything becomes indifferent. There is only one single word that sounds in my head, but it is so important and necessary: ​​I love, I love, I love, I love, I love. Without you, I look like a disembodied ghost, like a sun-dried plant in the desert. So come to me soon, fill me with the juices of life, the juices of love, the juices of our crazy passion. Revive me, bring a riot of colors into my life, bewitch me with your gaze, burn me with your hands. Make my heart beat in the same rhythm as your warm heart.

You know, perhaps many would say that I am banal and that my girlish dreams have long gone out of fashion and are of no interest to anyone. But, no matter what, I still want to remain myself, the way nature created me. Do you want to know about my dreams? I dream of always being with you. For you to be my leader, my idol, my beacon, my preacher. I want to follow you, after you, absorbing your words, looking into your eyes, openly and honestly. I want to learn to love you, I want to learn to make you happy. I so dream of falling asleep under your “wing” and, waking up, immediately seeing your eyes, your smile, feeling your warmth. I want to accompany you to work, kiss you and wave your hand after you, I want to cook various goodies for you, wait for you, get bored, look out the window and jump out into the street to meet you. I want to always be in your arms, I want to feel your strength, your protection, your love. I love you, honey, I love you very much.

Tell me, my beloved, why are you so harsh with me? Why don’t you notice me, why do you make me suffer? After all, you know very well how much I love you, how my heart burns, every day, every hour. Tell me why you are so harsh and cold, why you torture me. How can I prove my love to you, how can I convey to you my crystal feelings of tenderness and affection. My eyes are filled with tears, all because every day when I wake up with your name on my lips, I immediately run into a wall of indifference. Please hear me, I beg you to understand me. I love you so much, more than my own life. Without you, the world is not dear to me, I need nothing, nothing is interesting. Without you, my life no longer has any value. Please, stop being silent, look into my eyes and answer me my most important, most important, most cherished question: do you love me?

The once cherished words “I love you,” it seems to me, have long lost their weight, their meaning and their importance. They are said too often, the Internet is full of them, people litter them without putting absolutely anything into this phrase. Thus, they deprive me of the opportunity to convey in just three words everything that has been living in me for a long time, blazing with a bright flame. Therefore, my dear and dear man, I will tell you about my feelings in other words. I’m standing on the street, a strong wind is blowing, blowing everything in its path, blowing into the most hidden corners of our souls, it pierces with cold to the bones, and, friend, I remember you, I imagine your face, your deep eyes, your lips in front of me , your smile. You look at me, and the wind subsides, I no longer feel its gusts, nothing in the universe no longer exists for me. It's just you and me. Your eyes look into mine, and in them I see a completely different universe - the universe of love!

There are moments when it seems to me that you are just a mirage, a fleeting glimpse, a figment of my imagination. All because you are too perfect. Everything about you is beautiful, absolutely everything. Your eyes are like a separate galaxy in which planets unknown to mankind live. Your smile is like the light of the rising spring sun, it can warm and instill warmth in my soul. Your hands, they are like unshakable rocks, when you hug me and hold me in your arms for a long time, I feel incredible security, as if these hands can protect me from everything in the world, from any trouble, from any adversity. When you begin to speak, your voice flows like the whisper of summer oriental herbs, it bewitches my thoughts, and I literally freeze, not daring to even move, so that this special charm does not dissipate. You are made of pure virtues, there is no flaw in you. You are the best man in the world, I love you.

Today I will become like Pushkin’s Tatiana and I will be brave, not as usual. I will open the door to you into the treasury of my secret feelings and desires. My dearest person, recently, this is a timid declaration of love that unexpectedly captured my entire being. You managed to stir up an avalanche of unspent tenderness in my heart and revive a young ardent girl to life. It doesn’t matter that gray hair silvered our temples, Cupid did not miss – these arrows were intended for us. And it was like the explosion of a huge ball with multi-colored paints. These colors splashed onto our lives, coloring everything around us, giving our destinies a special meaning. Thank you, beloved, for existing, as I dreamed, already, it would seem, completely hopeless. Love you! I love everything connected with you! Walking through the park, ruffling the colorful carpet of autumn foliage, listening to the sound of rain, admiring the flowers, absolutely everything with you next to you becomes completely special. I love!

My beloved, the only man! You are my most important person in life. You are my support, you are very reliable, sensitive and calm. I always look forward to our meeting. I feel incredibly pleased with you and feel good when you are around. All my life I want to walk beside you, along the same road of love and not turn anywhere. I am incredibly grateful to fate for giving me you, the most beautiful man on earth. I am proud of you, my dear, and I love you more than life itself! May our happiness and love last forever. Let our every meeting, every touch, every word spoken to each other become even more pleasant. I want to give all my tenderness, affection, all my unspent love to you, my only and dear man! I love you! I will love you all my life!

My dear boy, every time I am surprised at how you and I coincide in a single thought, in a single impulse, in a single dream. You have become a real knight for me, the same one who, many centuries ago, could give his life for one glance from a beautiful lady’s heart. I didn’t even believe that such men existed in the modern world. How pleasantly I was wrong. One day, when I met you, I felt that a real feeling had settled in my heart, which was still completely unfamiliar to me. You became the first man, the memory of whom brings a blush to my cheeks. You became the first man whose eyes I remember before falling asleep. You became the first man in my life, and in my heart. Thank you for treating me so tenderly and carefully. Because you respect me and protect me. Because you can listen to me and hear, you understand the very essence of me. Thank you for loving me!

Today is such a beautiful day, everything around froze in anticipation of some incredible miracle. The air rings with bells of happiness, the sun shines in a special way. It’s as if this day was specially created by God so that I would confess my deepest feelings to you, so that for the first time I would say words of love to you. Every person in life wants to love and be loved in return. Every person on this earth is looking for his half, the one who will become the only one forever. And today I want to whisper to you, so that no one knows my secret, and I want to shout so that the whole planet knows that I love you. That I found what I had dreamed of for so long. I met you, my ideal man. And I knew the feeling of love and felt mutual love. This is so important, it is so moving, it filled me with indescribable emotions. I became the happiest person in the world. Thank you for giving me these feelings, thank you for your love.

I want to tell you, my beloved, that every minute spent with you is very special. So many things, when we are together, side by side, can bring true pleasure to the soul. I love it so much when we talk about all sorts of little things and vital things, when we dream about something incredible, talk about space, about universes, about the universe. I love it so much when we are silent next to each other, silent, probably knowing each other’s secret thoughts, silent, listening in complete silence to the beating of our hearts. I love walking with you so much, no matter where or when, it doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon, evening, or late night. It makes no sense whether the snow is falling, whether the leaves are rustling under our feet, or whether our feet are getting wet in puddles. The main thing is that we walk side by side, shrouded in an invisible haze of love fog. And even in moments when you cannot be near me, I am not upset, because you are still in my thoughts, in my heart, in my soul. And this makes me completely happy. I love you.

Every day, with all my heart, I thank heaven and fate for this incredible happiness - to love and be loved by such a wonderful person like you. Just thinking about you, my heart contracts and begins to produce blood in double rhythm, my pulse quickens and my head begins to feel slightly dizzy. What can we say about my state when you are nearby. Real wings grow on me, and I fly away with you into the skies of love and happiness, and soar there, in clouds of tenderness, affection, passion and all the feelings that you evoke in me. I love you very much, and this love gives me an incredible feeling of lightness, freedom, optimism and inspiration. With you next to me, I have become a completely different woman, I am no longer afraid of any adversity or sorrow, I am not afraid of sadness. I constantly enjoy life, every morning and, of course, every minute spent next to you.

My gentle, affectionate, dear and best man in the world! I want to confess to you my feelings that are tearing my heart, I want to give you all my tenderness and care, affection and attention! I love you! Do you hear? I love! I pray to heaven that our feelings will be mutual for more than one year, because you and I are halves of one whole! Every day my feelings for you become stronger and stronger. I really want to cuddle up to you and feel protected from all sorrows and adversity. I love you, and my confessions are sincere and pure! Only with you I feel complete harmony and merging of our souls, only with you I am truly happy! You are always attentive, kind and caring. I will try to make you the happiest man on the planet! I trust you in everything and want to be with you all my life! I give you this recognition as a sign of our eternal love!

I used to think a lot about love and relationships, but I didn’t even imagine that this was possible! To know a person enough to guess his thoughts and desires, to know what can please him and what can upset him. And at the same time, understand that your loved one is a completely different universe that you can explore all your life without ever fully knowing. I had no idea that words like “I love you,” even though you say them to me a hundred times a day, would excite my heart every time and sound completely different. I never thought that next to a loved one, a day could fly by in just one minute. I didn’t think it was possible to love so much that every parting, even if only for a short time, would be like a small death. I never imagined that a once complete stranger could become so close, so dear. Now I know for sure, this happens!

From the moment my eyes met your eyes, you became the only and most important meaning of my life, my entire existence. Every morning, as soon as I have time to open my eyes, I begin to think about you, and every night, before I fall asleep, I think about you, remembering every moment from our past and rejoicing, reliving all these feelings. And even when I fall asleep, I see you in my dreams, I probably smile in my sleep every night. I want to shout about my love on every corner, tell everyone I meet about it, write poetry and novels. I cannot imagine my life without your dearest eyes, without your dearest and most beautiful smile, without your pleasant voice - without you! I need your hot hugs, your kisses that burn to the very heart, your confessions. You have become my happiness, my joy, my luck and my inspiration. I very love you!

My beloved boy, everything that is connected with happiness in life, all this is connected with you, my dreams and desires are about you alone, with you my feelings and sensations open up, like a delicate bud of a young rose! I am sure that it is you who are destined for me. Only you live in my heart, only you I call desired and beloved. I want our sparks of sympathy to flare up between us into a huge flame of passion, fidelity and mutual feeling - love! May our tremulous, crystalline love overcome all adversity, because love is the strongest feeling that exists in this world! And it’s so good that this feeling visited you and me at the same time. My only man, I am so grateful to fate for you! You are the person I have dreamed of all my life, searched for with my eyes and heart, and found! I love you, my dear, and I won’t give you up to anyone! After all, I've been waiting for you for so long!

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If you want to formulate a confession to your beloved man in your own words, but the words are mixed into a mess and just don’t want to be arranged into coherent sentences, then this collection is especially for you.

Declaration of love to your beloved man in your own words:

The rivers all flow into the sea, and all my roads lead to you, my love. You know that flowers die without water, and my soul also dries up without you. I can’t live without you, just like the sun can’t live without the morning. You are my man and the greatest joy in life: to be with you and love you with all my heart, with all my soul.
You are the best man in the world! I decided to make a list of your positive qualities and, you just won’t believe it, I didn’t have enough album page. I especially want to note how you accept all my whims and mood swings with a genuine sense of humor. You are also attentive, caring and gentle. I am happy with you and sincerely grateful to you for everything you do. Now it’s clear to me why exactly I love you so much!
My love for you is so strong that it is impossible to express it in my own words. I would like to find a way to convey this intensity of feeling to you. But first, of course, I’ll try with words. I love you madly and I can’t breathe without you, like a fish thrown ashore. Let me just be there and just love you.
During the day there are a huge number of thoughts in my head. But at night, falling asleep, I only think about you. This is the reason why I always dream: they are full of flowers, colors and love. In the morning, when I just wake up and don’t even have time to open my eyes, my first thought is also about you. Therefore, I know that every morning will be good. Needless to say, my happiness overflows with what happiness when, opening my eyes, I see you. We will meet in the evening, and we will be together again, as always. I want it to be like this for another hundred years!

We may have known each other for a certain number of years, but thanks to our strong love, it seems to me that I have known you all my life. Often I already guess in advance what you will say in a certain situation, how you will comment on the event. I like being with you, loving you. I want to get to know you more deeply every day, and thanks to this our feeling will grow stronger.
You are my most beloved man. You and I have already experienced so much that sometimes it’s even scary to think about it. But I know there is more to come. Moreover, I am sure that these will be extremely wonderful events.
Today is such a romantic day: flowers, hearts and sweets are everywhere. I suddenly realized how much I love you. Thank you for the confidence and determination you give me. You are real and I am glad that you are mine.

I will never get tired of your words, smiles, gestures and caresses. I have you, and because of this I am simply the most beautiful and happiest woman in the world. So simple, but so nice!
You are mine from head to toe and that is why I love you. Stay like this always, I will beg you for this with a smile on my face and tenderness in my eyes. My love has no boundaries, promise to take care of this love and do everything to preserve it for many, many years to come.
Nothing can be more beautiful in this world than having a loved one nearby. Life immediately becomes meaningful, and everything around takes on pleasant positive shades. You are strong and courageous, understanding and very beautiful. Thank you for giving me your life. I love you very much!
Every person on earth should have reliable support. That's why we are looking for our soul mate. Thank God I already found you. You are the man who makes me happy every day. You are my ideal and I will do everything to make your life as bright, rich, colorful and passionate as mine. We complement each other perfectly, and this is what is most important for a good union of two loving hearts.
You are kind and sweet, you are beautiful, you have a great sense of humor. You are my monster, and like princesses from a fairy tale, I am head over heels in love with you.

Coming up with a greeting for Valentine's Day or just an unreasonable declaration of love in your own words is not at all difficult. It is necessary to remember all the good things that unite you with your beloved man and try to imagine an even better future. May butterflies always float in your stomach, and may your love only grow stronger every day. You can also make something delicious for your beloved man.

You are the sun that lights my path. You are a sky full of stars and I am ready to give you my small but very loving heart! In love of his own free will with an incredible girl with a cosmic aura!*

Confession to a girl in your own words that inspires

Now I'm listening to beautiful music and I'm overwhelmed with feelings. I cannot remain silent, so I want to confess, to express in my own words everything that I am thinking about now. I remember the first time I saw you, or rather, first I noticed your sweetest smile. You were so positive, cheerful, stunningly beautiful and incredibly easy to talk to. It seemed to me that everything around had frozen, time had stopped and you, as if in slow motion, were smiling and looking somewhere in the other direction. At that moment, I was pierced by cupid's arrow and I realized: “Here is SHE, whom I have been waiting for so long, about whom I have dreamed.” Darling, you are my inspiration and the greatest love in life. It’s good to chat with you, be silent, have fun and be sad. I love you with all my heart, with all my soul.

Beautiful words of recognition

When I’m next to you, there’s spring in my soul, my heart skips a beat with excitement, my pulse quickens, my palms tremble and sweat like a first-grader, my words disappear somewhere, and my thoughts are only about one thing: Kissing you until you go crazy! You turned my inner world upside down. Every day I look forward to meeting you. I want to feel a thrill somewhere in my lower belly and enjoy your beauty again and again. I want to look at you enough, breathe in the delicate aroma of your hair, and talk about all sorts of trifles. Hare, you are my universe, you are my love!

Confession to the woman you love

Darling, you have opened a new feeling in me. I have always considered myself a callous and cold guy who does not know how to love. I only needed whims and pleasures. With you everything is different. I don’t know how or what you do, but I like it. I like it when you call me often, when you bombard me with your funny messages and photos. I like it when you speak quickly, when you are silent, when you laugh or cry. In you I see the woman with whom I want to spend my whole life. I want to grow old with you and read books together somewhere on the ocean shore. With you I want to meet sunrises and see off sunsets, gossip about our children and grandchildren, look through photographs from the past and remember our joint travels. Only with you because I don’t need anyone else!

I love you, I will take care of you and protect you all my life*

When I saw you for the first time, I didn't pay attention. You seemed arrogant to me. But I decided to watch you and at the end of the evening you hooked me with your indifference to me. Over time, I saw something in you that others cannot. Under this hard mask hides a small, fragile, bright creature that I wanted to know, warm and protect. Baby, you are incredible, you are definitely special! I am glad that only for me you are a soft, caring, gentle cat. All my life I will protect and protect you like a devoted cat. I love you, I will take care of you and protect you all my life*

Be mine always: every day, every night, every minute

My soul belongs to you, my heart is captivated by your charm, my thoughts are in the clouds of love. Alone, my world is destroyed, I am drawn to you like a magnet. I want to wake up with you, fall asleep, dream, travel, love and hate, laugh, have children, grow old. I want to touch you again and again, I want to warm you with my love and give you a happy life as a beautiful woman, a loving wife and a wise mother. Be mine always: every day, every night, every minute and I will give you everything you dream of! I confess that I love you, baby!

A beautiful letter of declaration of love

My dear, before I did not think about such serious things as love. I did not make far-reaching plans. It seemed to me that the main thing in life is to have fun. But you turned my world upside down. Since I got to know you better, my life has made sense. I had to think about how and why I live. Having met you, I realized how much I missed this indescribable feeling that inspires me to great deeds. The time spent with you was the best of my life! I really hope that we will go on a long and happy journey together. In the meantime, I’m just writing this letter, these lines and saying that I love you madly! I love!

Now I realized that we belong to each other!

Now I realized that we belong to each other! You are not just my other half, you are my everything. I always want to know where you are and what you are doing, I want to be your invisible protector and if someone offends you, immediately punish the enemy) but all that is in my power now is to love you and do everything to make you happy! I want to see a smile and sparkling eyes on your face! You are the most precious thing I have! There is no better and more beautiful girl in the world! I know that we are made for each other and will always be so! I love you with all my heart, my girl!

It's great that I have you!

I rarely say any words of love and gratitude to you, my baby, but now I want to speak out. I am not always perfect and rather the opposite. I understand that it is very difficult with me, but I will try to be better for you! Life is fleeting and now we are young and cheerful, but I want to meet old age only with you! Reminisce about travels and past days, dream about the future of our children and grandchildren, go to exercise for pensioners and watch movies together in the evenings! I am very grateful to you for your care, love and patience. You are the main person in my life and will always remain so. It's great that I have you! Love you, kiss you, hug you!

I fell in love with you the day I saw you. Before that, of course, I had other boyfriends, but I didn’t know anything about true love. It is next to you that I feel truly calm and serene. Next to you, I can be myself - sad, crazy, funny, sad, thoughtful, reckless. Thank you, dear, for having me, thank you for putting up with me. I love you, my first and only!

My beloved, precious! You have become a real guiding star for me. When I look into your eyes, I see the whole world in them. When you kiss me, it seems to me that I am floating on a warm sea on a starry summer night. And when you touch me and gently run your tiny fingers through my hair, then I want only one thing - to stop this most beautiful moment. I love you, my happiness! You burst into my life like a hurricane. He captivated me at first sight with his colossal sense of humor, charming smile and sparkling eyes. And every day I fell in love with you more and more, revealing you from new and new sides. You made me believe that real Men exist, that they are not a myth. You gave me a fairy tale. And I give you myself and my love, which grows stronger every day. The soul is in turmoil from the charm that flows from your beautiful eyes. Looking at them for the first time, I drowned in deep tenderness and trembling embarrassment. I am bewitched by their languid twinkle, I want to be their prisoner forever. Your hand is softer than silk, its touch is an elixir for pain, anguish and anxiety. And even the thought of parting pierces me like an arrow. I love you, I breathe you! You are my prophetic dream in reality. How long have I been waiting for you, praying all night long. And the day has come, you have appeared! Your voice enveloped me, gently luring me into your arms. And everything that was suddenly disappeared. You replaced the universe, the moon and the sun, light and darkness for me. Now I know that love consumes everything without a trace. And covers the soul with a gentle layer of forgiveness, awe and overcoming. I love you, and there are no limits to happiness! Your breath, your voice and hands - I don’t need anything more on Earth. The morning wind brought me your image in a soft frame of transparent light clouds. You came down from heaven, touching me with the hem of your dress. She captivated me with her graceful gait and bewitched me with her honeyed voice. Now the autumn wind sings to me about you, and smiling, the rainbow sparkles. Your ringing laughter flows in streams. Your magical touches are like the rays of the sun, warming you tenderly and burning you passionately! You are my air, my dream and dream! My dear, dear, you are like an angel in heaven! Before you, I didn’t live, I didn’t think, I didn’t expect anything from life. I stood like a blade of grass by the road in the dust and wind. You opened the light to me, lit a fire in my soul, with you I came to life and received my sight. I will humbly bow my head at your feet, you are my light, my universe, I love you. I love you so much, I don’t want to be without you even a day. Not a minute, not a second - you are mine forever!

Don't be afraid to be first in a relationship

Opening our feelings to a person and hoping for the beginning of a relationship, we all hope for our heart, which will be able to express everything that has accumulated in it, for the soul, which will not allow making a mistake, and for the mind, which will help put everything on the shelves, sort and correctly form random and incoherent words into beautiful and heartfelt phrases! And when our chosen and betrothed receive such messages, where we are frank, as in confession, they rejoice and smile. After all, they are adored and desired. What else is needed more for happiness? But there are also such cases. when a person cannot express his feelings beautifully and competently. He can be a master of any business: a blacksmith, a steelworker, a carpenter, an electrician and a locksmith, a seamstress or a weaver, a janitor, a cleaner, or even a secretary to the director, who can quickly type dictated texts, but cannot compose himself. And this is not a vice - the person simply lacks a gift for literature. And so I want to write something rainbow and beautiful to a sweet and dear person! What to do?

Well, just don’t get upset, because there are a lot of ways out of such a situation. Our authors, who have long specialized in the literary genre, have prepared for you original and unique declarations of love in prose for boys and girls, for men and women. In the texts brought to your attention, the authors put all their inner emotions and deep feelings, tried to write in such a way that it would suit many people. You just have to go to our section dedicated to this topic and choose a work that matches the state of your soul. You can write it to a dear person at, send it by phone in SMS or with a private message on the Internet. And if someone learns by heart and reads it personally at a meeting, this is only welcome and will be credited to you for the future as your object of passion or sympathy. Do not be afraid to be the first in a relationship, always go to meet each other and do not hesitate to express your feelings in beautiful words!

I don’t even know how best to start my confession, because words cannot describe all the feelings that I feel towards you. How can I describe that besides you, nothing else exists for me. How to say that you are more than the whole world to me. That you are the air that I breathe. That love for you flows through my veins like blood, permeating through my entire being. The feelings that I experience when communicating with you can only be compared to a flight into the heavens, when complete euphoria and freedom sets in. I love you, truly, with all my heart, with all my soul, with every cell of my body. I always want to be an important part of your magnificent life, so that you would value me as a real priceless treasure. So that everything in our life together turns out as well as possible, so that we deservedly bear the title of the best and most loving couple on this planet. I want a smile to always illuminate your face if you see me. You are simply perfect, and I will try to become the best for you and show all my best qualities, so that our love can bloom like a beautiful flower, enchanting everyone with its aroma and appearance, of unprecedented luxury and beauty. I kiss you billions of times and hug you trillions. ©

Dear and beautiful, the dearest person to me, I want to confess to you my love for you, as big as an ocean. She is like an eternal flame that keeps me alive. The spark of my feelings for you allows me to remain indecently happy every day. After all, when I think that I am the girl of such a wonderful and excellent person in everything, then I am ready to simply jump to the ceiling. These feelings allow me to fly as if on wings. I want all our days spent together to be reminiscent of our first date, in which emotions were seething like a volcano, so that joy would always overwhelm us just like on the day when you smiled at me for the first time, with your irresistible and seductive smile. And I immediately melted, like chocolate in the blazing sun. I am ready to admire you for hours, because every feature of yours, I like to drown in your beautiful and mysterious tears. I like to hold your strong hand full of strength and energy. I feel like I’m behind you like a stone wall. You are my unique and most beloved. ©

I guess I didn’t really believe in her before, she was love at first sight. And in general, that it can be durable, that real feelings can live indefinitely, and there is no time limit for them. I no longer believe in just habit, pheromones and the fact that love only lasts three years. After meeting you, I realized that this is all nonsense and the “machinations” of skeptics who simply have not yet met their person with whom they would want to spend their whole life, and then all their doubts will undoubtedly dissipate. I am lucky, because I do not have to wait any longer, I have already met you, the dearest and most beloved person in my life. And this man is now standing right in front of me, and I look directly into your incredibly beautiful eyes and admire your snow-white smile and understand that this is real female happiness. I love you more than anything in the world, let's overcome all stereotypes and live together happily every second, forever, until death do us part. And even then, I am sure we will meet you in heaven, because our feelings have no boundaries, they will always exist, like the Universe. Now I want to hug you tightly and never let you go again, my most wonderful. ©

You make me count every second when you are not around, I just go crazy, because I need you like air, like water, I need you for life, for my existence. So, I won’t let you go anywhere. I’ll hug you, I’ll grab you tightly like a koala to my eucalyptus tree. And no one, you hear, no one will tear me away from you. For me, you are like a tailwind that inflates the sail of my ship, which, with your help, rushes at full speed to happiness. You are the most extraordinary person I have ever met in my life. I have never met a person who was so different from me, but so suited to me. They say opposites attract, and I believe that in our case it works one hundred percent. We are so different, but still together. We are like day and night, like north and south, but everyone around says that we are the most harmonious couple in the world. I appreciate everything you do for me, you have taught me so much and I am ready to continue to follow you. I am so happy, right up to the butterflies in my stomach, that I have you so unique and unforgettable, the man of my whole life. You are my superman, who can do anything in this life, there are no things for you that you could do badly, you are perfect. And I have thousands of reasons to fall in love with you every day again and again every day. ©


You are the dearest and most beloved person in the world. When you're not around for a long time, the world becomes uninteresting. And when you are with me, there is no happiness in this world. You are the air that I breathe and without which I cannot live even a second. I love you more and stronger than anyone in the world!!!

When you finish reading this SMS, you will know that there is a little man in this world who loves you so much that he cannot even imagine life without you... I love you...

When I read your messages, I want to hear you as soon as possible... so that the words from paper, from monitor and phone screens are warmed by the warmth of your voice. When I hear your voice, I dream of seeing you as soon as possible... because looks speak more sincerely than words. When I look at your photo, I want to touch you... to feel the warmth of your hands. Let's meet soon!

Yesterday, when we parted, you kissed me for the first time. It was so divine, it was a beginning that has no end. This was the beginning of my love for you. Infinite, tender, eternal, affectionate, passionate, burning, alluring, piercing, sleepless, merciless. Happiness, smile, anticipation, joy of meeting... thank you for that. I fell in love with you.

You know, honey, I need to tell you something very important. I thought for a long time and finally decided to admit that I love you so much. You know, it seems to me that the whole world freezes next to you, and the time on the clock just stops. Only in your arms do I so want to fall asleep in the evenings and wake up every morning. Thank you for the fact that next to you I was able to feel weak and so defenseless, and you know, I really like it, because next to me is the best, strongest and caring man in the world. Now I want to find the warmest, most tender and beautiful words for you, but it still seems to me that they cannot fully express the depth of all the feelings that overwhelm me. Thank you, my dear, for making me fall in love with you again every day and feel like the happiest girl in the world.

You know, I used to be sure that falling in love at first sight was simply impossible, but today I don’t think so anymore, because after I looked into your eyes, the whole world around me simply ceased to exist, just like other men. . Only you give me real warmth, care and tenderness, without which I now cannot live. A day spent away from you becomes very long and somehow completely empty, but next to you time flies by, everything seems much brighter, more fun and rosy. I would like to thank you for the emotions with which you fill my every day and ask you never to let go of my hand again in your life, because only with you do I feel confident and protected. Thank you for every smile, for bright emotions, for flowers for no reason and gentle messages for the night. Once again I want to confess my love to you and say that you are the best.

For some reason, today I want to once again admit that I very much love the best young man in the world. You know, it's probably very difficult in simple terms express the feelings that are inside me now. Previously, life was interesting, but somehow gray, but after you entered it, I realized that I had previously been deprived of real happiness, what you gave me and continue to give every day. Now I am sure that only you are the person with whom I want to spend my whole life and never part. I am sure that with you I will be happy and no problems and other troubles, I will simply not be afraid. Only next to you does my heart begin to beat much more often, and sometimes it even seems that everything around ceases to exist, except for such an attractive whirlpool of your most beautiful and beloved eyes.

I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. Weeks, months, years and centuries... We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don’t think so, then I won’t be able to live anymore, because the heart can’t beat only halfway ...

My dearest man. I remember the time when I just saw your photo, just read a couple of phrases addressed to me as a stranger in your life. The threads of our destinies are so unusually intertwined. I felt something unusual when I was going to our first meeting, no, it was my heart that felt ... I was lost in my feelings then, but I understood that a miracle was happening, two souls found each other. Now I can shout to the whole world that I am happy, but then everything that happened stunned me. All I know is that I fell in love with you. I always want to be with you.

Dreams! Joy! Love! World! Life! Fate! What do all these words have in common? Only one person - a loved one! You! And my heart is much more sensitive than myself, as soon as it hears your knock, it immediately begins to beat louder, more often, as if saying: we are one. And I'm drowning in your eyes.

I never thought that it is possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that this person still has so much to unravel. I never knew that the words “I love you” sound like the first time every time ... I have never met a person with whom the hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part ... I did not find it so close and dear person. Darling, I have never loved as much as I love you.