It is not necessary to apply all daytime makeup on your face in the morning. Morning training rules for schoolchildren and their parents

Very often you can hear parents complain that a younger student is slowly going to school in the morning, does not understand that there is not much time and everything needs to be done quickly so as not to be late. Parents are nervous and push the child every minute, tension sometimes leads to breakdowns to a scream.

Most often, then the adult feels very bad, in his soul realizing that he is very wrong, tormented by guilt and at the same time angry at the child for being so irresponsible and not independent.

Many parents want to understand what needs to be changed so that morning preparations do not turn into daily torment. Some try to "pull themselves together" and endure: push, remind, but not break into a cry. For a long time, such tactics are usually not enough - it is difficult for any person, even an adult, to control the fees of two people at once - himself and a child. All the same, there is irritation and a desire for the child to do at least something himself. And this desire is legitimate and correct - a person grows and sooner or later will grow, so he really needs to become independent. But how can this be achieved if conversations, reminders, punishments do not help?

The method is quite simple: start teaching your child to do morning things on his own, just as you once taught him to eat and dress. There are several techniques that will help start teaching your child independence and make morning time easier.

Start morning and evening rituals. A ritual is a certain sequence of actions that is easier to remember than a chaotic set of them, and then begins to be played automatically, without requiring constant concentration of attention and memory strain. The sequence of actions can be drawn in comics (separate pictures) and hung on the wall like a cheat sheet for a child.

Draw and discuss with the child: this alone will help the child take some of the responsibility. When he himself planned, he himself decided, then it is much easier to carry out. You can leave space and glue or draw reward badges for successful actions. Children are very fond of collecting rewards, even the simplest ones.

Try to leave in the morning only what cannot be done in the evening. That is, in the morning it should be minimal amount affairs. Most people don't have time in the morning. Therefore, for example, it is best to collect everything you need for tomorrow's classes in the evening, in the morning even adults forget a lot.

Teach your child to analyze tomorrow's schedule (it should hang on the wall) and collect everything that will be needed at school, including change of shoes, physical education, equipment for extracurricular activities. Separate bags and pouches, from experience, are very easy to forget at home, at school and in other places that the child visits.

Get ready for the fact that the process of teaching a child independence will not go quickly, and you still have to participate in the training camp in one way or another both in the morning and in the evening. Sometimes, especially in late autumn, there may be days when it will be very difficult for a child to do anything at all, even something that he has long mastered.

Treat this with understanding, because everyone has " bad days”, when everything literally “falls out of hand” and you don’t want to do anything. At such moments, your help should be more than usual. The child will receive invaluable experience of understanding and support. This will help him cope with difficulties on his own, and eventually support you and his own children willingly and without too much effort.

School fees for most families become a wild nightmare. It is necessary to do a bunch of small things at once, and correctly: firstly, everyone must have time to wake up on time; secondly - to wash, dress, have breakfast; thirdly, collect a portfolio.
Many parents have a problem: the child does not want to get up early in the morning and get ready for school. Some of the mothers try to get their kids interested in watching morning cartoons. Sometimes it helps, but not for long. This is wrong, because at first the child must wash, make the bed, get dressed, have breakfast, and only then watch cartoons. In this case, a children's alarm clock will help you, which will help your baby wake up without problems, teach him to be independent and responsible, and become a necessary gadget throughout the whole school year. Such an excellent alarm clock for schoolchildren will be the original multi-colored luminous Clock - an alarm clock with a projector of the starry sky. Pleasant melodies will help the child wake up on time and not oversleep the beginning of the new school year. It is necessary that the child has learned to install in the evening right time on the alarm clock. All children need to be nurtured to love school at a young age. early age so they don't doubt that learning knowledge are urgently needed and necessary, and in no case should you be late for school, even for a minute.
Other no less important issue for parents are breakfasts, the child refuses to eat in the morning. Breakfasts at school do not need to be made too complicated, since the child will not eat vegetable or meat stew with a side dish, or salad in the morning, and even more so take all this with him to school. Majority modern children attract delicious fast foods, but it will be better if they are cooked at home, without preservatives and flavorings with harmful additives. For example, you can make a hot cheese and sausage sandwich using the SMILE RS 3632 Roaster (3in1). You can also prepare a delicious omelette or fried eggs in a matter of minutes.

Even if you are suddenly very busy in the morning and cannot treat your child to a delicious breakfast, then offer him to cook it himself. All you need is a SMILE RS 3632 Roaster (3in1). The special thermally insulated body of the product is absolutely safe, the child will not be able to burn himself. Hot toast is tastier than cold, so the child will be able to have breakfast with pleasure.

Many children do not like food from the school cafeteria. Most of the parents give money to their child, hoping that he will be able to buy food in the school cafeteria. essential food. But there is a possibility that the money will be used for harmful products: chips, chocolates, sparkling water. For those parents who doubt the quality of the buffet menu at school or the consciousness of their children, we can recommend collecting healthy breakfasts, lunches for the child in special containers from the Food Container Set (5 pcs.)

Breakfast is always necessary, but we must not forget about festive dinner on September 1 for a child. With the help of the SMILE FD 4001 Chocolate Fondue Maker you will be able to prepare delicious sweets in the form of hearts, bears, stars (molds are included in the kit), as well as various fruits and berries in chocolate fondue for your children.

We wish you and your children a great new school year!

Edition Julsa remembered all the secrets of how to wake up in the morning in good mood, have time to put yourself in order for a short time and hide imperfections.

1. If you get up with difficulty, many doctors recommend not setting the alarm two hours before getting up and setting it every five minutes, but immediately set it for the time you need to get ready. So the body will rest, the mood will be good, and the morning will be joyful.

2. Glass warm water with lemon juice, drunk 10–15 minutes before breakfast, will help the body start the day, and the rashes will disappear on the skin in a week and disappear dark circles under the eyes.

3. Morning should start with a healthy and hearty breakfast. Breakfast is the key to a healthy stomach, vivacity and the fact that you will not go hungry all day, and in the evening you will throw yourself at dinner.

4. With bruises under the eyes, patches or ice will help. You can freeze the chamomile decoction in advance and massage the area under the eyes for several minutes in the morning. Patches - perfect option for those who do not like unnecessary movements: stick the product on the area around the eyes, and while it works, do morning exercises.

5. You overslept, and there is no time to wash your hair? You can wash only the bangs or use dry shampoo, then comb the hair at the roots and collect them in a ponytail.

6. To avoid skin problems in the morning, it is worth applying a moisturizer at night in the evening. Then in the morning, after cleansing the skin, you will get fresh, toned skin.

7. To refresh gray skin apply a BB or CC cream with shining particles on the face, mask the skin under the eyes with a concealer and highlight the cheekbones with a bronzer.

8. If you are going to a meeting with friends in the evening or romantic date better to do it in the morning day makeup: apply perfect tone, tint eyelashes with mascara, and lips with gloss. Take bright shadows or lipstick, highlighter and matting wipes with you to refresh your look and turn daytime makeup into an evening one.

9. Also for creating double image you can twist your hair into a bun and pin it up, and after work, let your hair down, and you get a light romantic wave.

10. If you don’t have time to pluck your eyebrows or you can’t avoid redness after correction, paint them! Choose the tone of the shadows or eyebrow pencil darker and carefully paint over, and apply a highlighter under the eyebrow with a thin line.

get enough sleep

First and most main advice. Our well-being, mood and performance depend on the quality and quantity of rest. Did not get enough sleep - the whole day is derailed. Is it difficult to navigate when you need to say “stop” to household chores and go to the side? We are talking about a handy calculator that will help determine right moment going to sleep. For children, simply add another 2-3 hours to the resulting time. For example, if you and your child need to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning, the baby should be in bed by 20:00, and you go to bed no later than 22:00.

Gather in the evening

To get rid of a fair amount of morning stress, do everything you need the night before. For example, immediately after dinner, put what the household will take with them tomorrow into containers and put them in the refrigerator. We have a weekly takeaway so you don't have to worry about it. Make breakfast in the evening or so as not to waste time in the morning.

Children can collect their notebooks and textbooks and prepare what they will wear tomorrow. Allocate a separate place where everything will be stored school supplies so that you don’t have to look for where the backpack, change of shoes or lunch boxes have disappeared this time. By the way, organize such a place for your things - running around the house looking for a phone or keys looks funny only the first time.

Get up earlier than your kids

If you set the alarm clock 15-30 minutes before the time of the rise of the household, it will be much easier to enter the working rhythm. Ideally, you should have time to shower, get dressed, and have your caffeine fix. Come up with one that will provide you a good start day and do it before the children wake up.


Just a list of everything you need to do in the morning. For young children, pictures with actions can be used instead of verbal descriptions.

Example points:

  • Brush your teeth.
  • Comb your hair.
  • Wash up.
  • Get dressed.
  • Have breakfast.
  • Put on shoes.
  • Take a backpack and a container with lunch.

Once you've made the list, go through the steps with your child, reciting the importance of each step.

Set challenging tasks

Give the children tasks they can handle. If an older child can take a shower and get dressed on their own, the baby will not be able to do it. Consider children's opportunities and set reasonable deadlines for the task to be sure of its completion. Encourage the initiative of the child in the execution of these instructions and do not do absolutely everything for him. Of course, it will be much faster for you to dress the baby, but this is a disservice that discourages children from learning new things.

The When-Then Rule

One of the most effective means in the arsenal of the parent - the rule of sequential performance of actions with deferred reward. Or, to put it more simply, "When - then." This rule will help motivate your child to do all the morning chores, even the nasty ones like brushing teeth or getting dressed. Hateful activities are interspersed with the most desirable ones - breakfast, games or watching cartoons. We determine what the child likes the most from the list of morning things, and make it possible to receive this only after doing everything else. For example, when the baby gets dressed and makes the bed, then everyone will sit down to have breakfast. Be confident in your firmness and determination, otherwise the use of the rule loses all meaning.

Keep calm

Children perfectly feel that you are in a hurry, and in contrast to this, they involuntarily begin to “slow down”. When things go wrong, breathe out, explain to your child why you need his help now, and calmly tell him what he needs to do. Toddlers tend to copy our actions and tone of conversation, so if you notice yourself that in the morning you often communicate in raised voices or show your displeasure with slaps or pushes, try to reconsider your behavior.

Weekend is a holiday

On Saturday and Sunday, you can not strive at all costs to fulfill all the points of the traditional schedule. Just make sure the kids get a good night's sleep, otherwise you can relax and deviate from the usual scenario. Cook together, read a fairy tale to the children before they go to wash and brush their teeth, watch cartoons with the whole family, go to a cafe or go shopping. Together with the children, come up with such entertainment options that will delight every member of the family.

Dealing with the need for attention

Children may defy the established routine in every possible way, starting endless arguments about what's for breakfast, refusing to put on prepared things, or simply playing when they should be fully prepared to go out. In the morning, they often want their parents to give them a little attention, and resistance or inaction is guaranteed to help achieve what they want. There are several ways to satisfy both sides of the conflict - the child will receive a dose of your care, and you will be able to leave the house on time.

  • Encourage and remind, but don't coddle. Let the child realize for himself the consequences of his digging - a missed breakfast, for example, or a forgotten notebook with homework.
  • Agree that TV can be watched only after all fees are over.
  • Use in the children's alarm clock. So you will be sure that the child will get up every day at the same time and will not oversleep if you wrap yourself up and forget to wake him up.
  • Avoid notations. Questions like “What happens if you don’t get dressed on time?” and “How did you feel when you were late for class?” much more effectively help to involve the child in the dialogue. From boring lectures, you want to plug your ears, and independent reasoning helps to understand the connection between an act and a result.
  • Tell us about times in your life when you put off things for later, and about the consequences of this procrastination. Such stories are very instructive for children.
  • Plan ahead and give your child enough time to complete their tasks. Remember the importance of sober expectations.
  • Let your child know that you need his help, and say that you will be very grateful if he gets dressed on time so that you can get to school. It invites cooperation, not provokes protest.

A Short Action Plan for Good Parents

Here are a few questions, the answers to which will tell you what is wrong with your morning.

  • Do the children have their own morning to-do list and follow it? Will the kids fulfill their duties with great pleasure if you make a list of duties in the form of a colorful schedule?
  • Are there any routines you and your children do each morning that could be done the night before? For example, choosing clothes, preparing and packing lunch, packing a backpack, and so on.
  • Do you have time in peace and quiet to have a cup of coffee before the children wake up?

There are no right or wrong answers here. The purpose of these questions is simply to help you figure out what's going on and what you can do to make a good morning for you and your family.

Study the sleep schedule of the household and make sure that no one suffers from sleep deprivation. Just a few weeks of normal sleep will help to understand how much easier it became to get up. Discuss with the family the importance of everyone's efforts to ensure that everyone is in a good mood and ready on time in the morning. Come up with weekend fun ideas together so everyone can look forward to these days.

At first, attempts to establish a morning routine can be frightening with imaginary laboriousness, but the ease with which you and your children will gather after a while fully justifies the effort expended. Your morning will turn from the most disgusting time into the most peaceful time and will be a great start to a good day.

Wake up and get out of bed, wash your face and brush your teeth, get dressed and have time to eat, pack a briefcase and don’t forget your shift at home, leave the house on time - this is the minimum list of morning “exploits” for a child. But for older schoolchildren, this list is much longer - to do exercises, take a shower, walk the dog, feed the fish ... How to do everything so that the morning does not turn into continuous stress?

Why is it important

Often the morning in the house turns into a nightmare! The child is naughty, not wanting to go to kindergarten or school, the mother is nervous in a hurry, breaking down on the child, and the father silently rolls his eyes, dreaming of being somewhere away from the epicenter of the morning battle ... As a result, everyone everywhere is late, and everyone's mood is worse than ever.

But how the child spends the morning at home can determine the mood of the rest of the day. Children who come to school in a calm relaxed state, feeling full and satisfied, will be able to get the most benefit from school activities.

Studies show that arguing with children in the morning makes it difficult to work normally and even increases the risk of unpleasant incidents at work. Therefore, adults will also feel much better if, instead of swearing in the morning, they will have a pleasant pastime with their family. What is needed for this?

getting enough sleep

Perhaps the main thing to do in order to start the day well and productively is to get enough sleep. Good sleep guarantees not only good health And appearance but also leads to improved memory and problem-solving skills.

Everyone's sleep needs are different and depend on age. An infant's sleep is about 15 hours, toddlers should sleep at least 12, primary and secondary school students at least 10, and teenagers at least 8 hours. And one more thing: during an illness or a series of severe stresses, the body needs more time to recover.

Get up early

Even if you are a typical "night owl", it is better to get up before the children - at least for 15-20 minutes. Then you can wash your face without fuss, put yourself in order, calmly think about the plans for the day over a cup of coffee and view today's schedule for yourself and the children. A handicap of half an hour will allow you to treat yourself to morning exercises and take cold and hot shower for vivacity.

It is also better to start waking up a child a little earlier than he is supposed to get up - in 5-10 minutes. Then he will have the opportunity to lie a little more and start the day smoothly, and not jump up from the alarm clock. You can just turn on your favorite song quietly - as a reminder that after 2-3 minutes, when the song ends, you need to get up and start the day. Small children will be helped to wake up by a light massage of the palms and stroking on the head.

We look at the clock

Order and predictability are what will help to avoid stress during the morning training. Well, if every day all the morning things are done in the same order, well known child, and at the same time. For example, a child knows that you need to sit down for breakfast no later than 7.20, otherwise you will have to hurry, and leave the house no later than 8.00, otherwise you may be late. If the child himself is not very well oriented in time, then you can remind the time aloud and suggest what needs to be done now in order to be in time.

Some parents find it effective to make a list that details everything that needs to be done from the moment you wake up until you leave the house. The list may concern only the child, or include the responsibilities of all family members. Often this really helps, organizes and allows, as a result, to come to school, work, etc. on time.

Coming up with a reward system

The holidays are long over, and it is important to let the children feel how serious you are about the morning preparations and how important this particular part of the day is. Therefore, consider rewards for good morning behavior: for example, whoever gets together first chooses a seat in the car. Everything you can think of should make your morning as easy and pleasant as possible for everyone.

You can also turn morning gatherings into a game. little child easily motivated by achieving morning “mini goals”: ​​for example, put on a playlist of his favorite music and ask him to brush his teeth by the end of the first song, get dressed by the end of the second, and so on.

We don't get distracted

Nothing spoils the mood like the morning rush and fuss. That's why you shouldn't give your kids extra chores in the morning. It's great if they have time to make their bed before going out - but nothing terrible will happen if the child does not have time to put something in its place.

Try to exclude everything that can distract the child from the morning preparations. One of the culprits that children's attention is scattered, and they cannot get together in time, is the TV. Consider turning off the "box" in the morning - unless, of course, you use cartoons as a reward for the fact that the child will be ready for school on time.

We collect things and clothes

The portfolio should be completed in the evening - this is not even worth discussing. The same applies to sportswear, pajamas in kindergarten or materials for any additional classes. In the morning, you can put a box with lunch in your bag, but that's all.

Also in the evening, prepare clothes for yourself and the child, and the baby must definitely take part in this (older children can do it on their own, but only if they are already accustomed to this order). Put together not only clothes, but also shoes, a hat and scarf, a change, socks, watches, tights, hairpins ... - everything you might need. Don't forget to check the weather forecast ahead of time: it's the most The best way prevent the morning rush with getting dressed and don't forget your umbrella.

We have breakfast correctly

If your children eat fairly carefully, then in the morning it is better to go out to breakfast already dressed for the garden or school. This way, by preparing everything in advance, they can enjoy a leisurely breakfast instead of snacking in a hurry or on the go. On the other hand, no one is immune from accidents: spilled compote on yourself and the famous sandwich, always falling butter down, is extra time for changing clothes (and washing).

Another fast way to simplify the morning routine is to make breakfast as simple as possible. Choose nutritious meals fast food- oatmeal with fresh fruit, scrambled eggs with greens, yogurt or toast with cream cheese.

We do not conflict

You need to try not to discuss obviously conflicting issues in the morning - for example, about academic performance or behavior, and also pay less attention to small morning whims - getting up early is not so easy for both big and small.

Remember that "brevity is the sister of talent." Even if time is running out, try to speak to the children in simple and clear phrases. For example, instead of saying: “Well, how many times do I have to tell you, I’m late for work, it’s time to go, and you haven’t dressed yet, robber,” it’s better to say: “Put on a jacket, we’re going out.”