Congratulations on the day of knowledge and the beginning of the school year. Best congratulations on Knowledge Day

Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and learn. Ease in the new school year. friendly atmosphere, interesting events, excellent grades and a constant desire to be better than yesterday. Success, good luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than learning new things, learning, reading and remembering wise lines for life! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge, on the day of wisdom and diligence! Let there be an opportunity in your life to learn and gain knowledge not only in your school years, but also in the future, throughout your life! Knowledge makes a person stronger, wiser, kinder, helps to discover new truths, make scientific discoveries and discover the mysteries of nature. Let your mind never refuse new knowledge, but always strive for knowledge and wisdom!

The Day of Knowledge. I wish you to gain patience, strength, courage and perseverance for new discoveries, for new victories and achievements, for new knowledge and aspirations. I wish you fun and easy learning, as well as being successful in all areas of your life. Good luck, Have a good mood, cheerfulness and positive for the whole academic year.

A joyful autumn day filled with smiles and flowers, a holiday for all children. Congratulations on the day of knowledge, with the new academic year! May this year bring many new discoveries. Let every day be bright, memorable, fruitful and filled only positive results, new experience and excellent mood.

The Day of Knowledge. I wish you successful school year without difficulties and laziness, I wish every day to be filled with interest and fun, I wish this year to take a lot of knowledge and a considerable backpack of joyful events.

School years ... Perhaps this is the most best time in the life of any person. Every year we replenish our baggage of knowledge, which we then carry throughout our lives. At school we meet our first love, best friends and girlfriends, for the first time in our lives we make important decisions. I really want you to remember these years as the most great time your childhood. I wish you to find your way into life here, as well as the people who will be your companions in it.

The Day of Knowledge. May this year be much brighter, cooler and more successful than the previous year of study, may there be many discoveries, achievements and brilliant victories ahead. Strive, participate, learn, act, dream, work, try, believe and win! I want only fives and only good mood.

Today is a solemn and important day, the day of start to new discoveries and great knowledge. Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and I want to wish you perseverance at your desk and attention in the classroom, cheerful mood and loud laughter at breaks, wonderful ideas And exciting activities, high marks and worthy victories.

Happy knowledge Day. I wish you a successful stratum and undoubted victories in the new battle. Let this academic year be easy, interesting, kind and eventful, let the grades in the magazine be high, and the opportunities in life wide.

Happy knowledge Day. Let this year be incredibly interesting and successful, let every day be fruitful, eventful, bright, joyful and memorable. I wish you high marks and creative flights, I wish you wide opportunities and expanses of fun.

    I congratulate you on Knowledge Day today,
    I want only positive ratings.
    So that all sciences are easy for you,
    So that you do not yawn in class from boredom.
    To make teachers proud of you
    And knowledge in life is useful to you.

    Knowledge Day is an important, bright date.
    Lots of things are waiting for you guys now.
    There are many things for you to discover.
    Go forward with all your agility!

    I wish you to find reliable friends,
    Then you will have more fun learning.
    Go confidently with knowledge into battle,
    And keep love for school in your heart!

    Happy Knowledge Day, dear student!
    Let a year will pass it's like a fairytale,
    The diary is full of success
    And life thickens colors.

    May each teacher
    Finds personality in you.
    Walk boldly into the country of sciences,
    Study well!

    Happy Knowledge Day, guys, I congratulate you!
    I wish you success in your studies, I wish you victories,
    Find real friends for you
    It's easy to pass the tests of life!

    On the Day of Knowledge, guys, having heard the call,
    Go to your first school lesson.
    Let it kindle a great interest in you,
    I wish that he did not disappear for the whole year!

    Let the thirst for discoveries and knowledge torment you,
    I want to read many different publications.
    Let every new day bring benefits
    I wish you not to know about boredom and laziness!

    Guys, congratulations
    Happy Knowledge Day in this bright hour.
    And let this academic year
    It will only bring you joy!

    Items will be interesting
    The teachers are kind and honest.
    We call you on the road of knowledge
    And open the doors of the school.

    I want to congratulate you today on the Day of Knowledge!
    The bell rings merrily on the first day of September.
    I wish you patience in your studies and efforts,
    Set up for victory let the glare of amber.

    Good luck, I believe you can excel
    You can always help your friends with a hint at the blackboard.
    I wish you to strive for knowledge, discoveries,
    Let the lessons be interesting and easy!

Here is the breath of autumn
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!

You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
Solution for any question
Can you find it then?

And with any school task,
We know you can do it jokingly.
Rejoice in the merry years
They fly by fast!

more discoveries,
wonderful events,
Patience, skill
For all moods.

For everything to work out
Dreams to come true.
And without testing
Study. The Day of Knowledge!

Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and learn. Ease in the new school year. Friendly atmosphere, interesting events, excellent grades and constant striving to be better than yesterday. Success, good luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!

Here the summer has flown by
September has come again.
And solemnly the Day of Knowledge
Marks the whole world.

We wish you guys
Only fives in the diary
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in the head!

Know, remember everything in the world,
Think it over and understand everything
For everything in the world to be responsible -
We celebrate Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday, it means that it is needed,
And if there was a reason in September ...
Here the yellow leaf will spin again
Autumn day on the calendar.
When you need both intelligence and knowledge
... which means the soul is alive ...
The world will be born through trials
Hurrying stubbornly to wisdom!

There is not much knowledge
Let your mind keep them.
After all, without knowledge, nowhere -
Neither here nor there.

Don't be lazy, learn
Discover the secrets of the world.
And let every knowledge gram
Helps you in life.

Happy Knowledge Day, with the beginning of achievements!
Good grades, create.
Clear puzzles, correct solutions,
Beautiful, confident life.

Wonderful projects, great achievements,
Worthy deeds, good.
May the year be full of fire, surprise.
It's time to learn.

Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1!
It's not worth wasting time
Always strive for something new
Now without knowledge - nowhere.
Smarter try to become faster
And listen to your teachers.

Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1!
Opened the door of the native school,
Fascinating beckoning to the world,
Where everything is mysterious and new.

So let the school year fly by
Without failures and stumbling
Let everyone find for themselves
Treasure of valuable knowledge and skills!

Autumn has come again
The school bell rang
He congratulates on the Day of Knowledge,
Invites you to a lesson.

All the kids have grown up
Gained strength over the summer
We want the academic year
Only brought joy!

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!
Oh, it's mission season
tricky questions
Yes, quizzes and surveys.
Zealously you learn everything
Don't be lazy in your studies
Try to be the first in everything
Open your reserves.
Strive for new knowledge
Rise up quickly
Get very smart!

Knowledge Day is a quivering event in everyone's life! It affects literally everyone - from first-graders to final-year students, from teachers primary school to teachers at universities, from moms and dads to grandparents! And everyone remembers how not so long ago he himself was going to a solemn line in honor of the first of September, where congratulatory and parting speeches, as well as the first bell, were sure to sound ...

Official congratulations of schoolchildren on the day of knowledge (September 1) in prose

Our priceless, dear students! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and a new beginning! Each new school year provides another opportunity to learn something new, but it's not just about school curriculum. After all, along with the introduction of new subjects, it is likely that you will learn something about yourself. Do not be shy about your interests, on the contrary, develop them, and we will help you with this. It is important for us not only to convey basic knowledge to you, but also to help you decide in life.

First of all, I want to congratulate everyone on the first day of the coming golden autumn - the favorite time of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin! Oh yes, and on the first of September, you guys, Happy Knowledge Day! Study well, please us, parents, and then yourself, because education is the key to success in the future!

Dear, dear, dear students! I hasten to congratulate you on the day of knowledge and the beginning of the school year! I wish that the thirst for new knowledge never leaves you, but only draws you into the learning process. I wish that the inquisitiveness of your minds and curiosity overpowered laziness! We will try to make this academic year really interesting for you, where there is a place for joyful experiences and unexpected discoveries!

I'm glad to see you all here today! On this significant day - September 1 - Knowledge Day! Yes, the carefree summer is over, but do not rush to be sad, because an exciting study of something new is waiting for you ahead! Congratulations on the start of the new school year!

Congratulations on September 1 to teachers in prose

Each of you is a storehouse of knowledge! You help children to learn various sciences and this is a pleasant, but hard work. I wish you inquisitive and obedient students who will not play with your nerves 🙂 Today is not only a holiday, but also the beginning of a long journey ... May there be more joyful and positive moments on it. The Day of Knowledge!

Dear teachers! Today is a special day for all of us! Someone meets first-graders, and someone who has matured over the summer high school students. And I know that this is no less exciting for you than for them. But I wish to start the new school year with a positive and also finish it! More inspiration, energy, health, enthusiasm, good mood and inquisitive students! Let each of you at the end of the school year feel a sense of pride in the work done!

A teacher is one of the most important and responsible professions - after all, it is you who are laying the foundation of our society. It is your foundations and virtues that settle in young minds. We understand how difficult it is, so we appreciate and respect your work. We wish that in the coming academic year nothing interferes with your learning process, and the end result only pleases and brings satisfaction.

First of all, I want to congratulate the youngest knowledge hunters - our first graders! Children, you are no longer children! All so serious and solid in school uniform! In the eyes I see the keen interest and curiosity that fills your hearts. Well, I promise, it won't be boring!

Our dear first-graders, most likely, you still don’t understand everything about what these adults sometimes talk about! I hasten to assure you that graduation class You definitely won't have any questions! I also hope that all parting words and wishes will find a response in your hearts. With all my heart I wish that the school years opened you exclusively from the positive side.

We, with all sincerity and pure heart We wish you to be kind, sympathetic, hardworking and moderately obedient! Try to study well, do not upset mom and dad, do not let down teachers and your homeland, because you are our future! Be cool, active and attentive! Remember that knowledge is the basis of any of your undertakings!

Congratulations on September 1 from first graders to teachers

The first bell has already sounded
And the flowers have already been presented,
Thank you words
And all the parting words were heard
They promised to hooligan less
And study as hard as you can
So why aren't we going home yet?

Today is the Day of Knowledge and it is the holiday of teachers! We congratulate you in absentia, because we are still strangers, but we believe that you are not too demanding, funny and love to play!

Of course, we will try, but we do not promise that we will always listen to you and will not misbehave! We are still children. So be patient! We promise one thing for sure - you will not get bored with us! Congratulations on the day of knowledge!

Dear friends! Today is a very important day for many students. Some go to the first and some to the last grade. It is also an important day for teachers and parents who are responsible for educating and teaching children.

By tradition, all students and teachers celebrate it, starting with the line at the school. Well-dressed students, especially first-graders, excited parents with cameras, schoolchildren with flowers and a sea of ​​emotions - this is the holiday on September 1st. In 2018, congratulations will be showered on students, teachers, parents from all around, and even those who are far from here. To make it easier and faster for you to choose necessary congratulations, you can not look for other poems on the Internet, because we have the best ones.

The Day of Knowledge!

Congratulations on the day of knowledge in verse

Congratulations, first grader!
Sweet boy Sasha!
I want you to study
Achieved a lot.

So that you fall in love with the primer
And when January comes
Sign all the letters and read -
You dreamed about it.

I ran fast to go to school
And I did not know that grief in life.
Made friends to the guys
Both boys and girls.

Friends with arithmetic
And he deserved the award.
To be proud of you
And could not be indignant

Not just one teacher in the school.
And so that you yourself are satisfied,
That the school year has come
And that you yourself have become big.
Summer flew by
Autumn has taken over.
Knowledge day has come kids -
Both girls and boys.

And now you are first graders.
They brought chamomile in their hands,
Roses, asters - all colors.
The bouquet is ready for the holiday.

Let study be given to you,
May you succeed:
To be written and read
And that everything is resolved quickly.
Another school year has begun
Knowledge Day opens the doors of the school!
A fascinating world of knowledge awaits you,
And this holiday brings joy!

Let the load of knowledge not pull you very much,
Let the granite of science yield to you!
Let there be a chance to become smarter soon,
After all, without education there will be boredom!

I send congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart,
To wish to dissolve in studies!
I, as students, love you all
And I will be you whole century be proud!
So I want the best words
On Knowledge Day, wish you good luck!
You, no doubt, know yourself
How important it is for you to comprehend science!

And the school will give you the best lessons,
To teach what the world is based on!
Let it be little crumbs
On the way to the knowledge of true paintings!

May all your studies be easy for you,
May all lessons be a joy to you!
I want to wish you only at school so that
You trusted your teachers!
You are our beloved, affectionate teacher,
You are one of our great leaders!
On the Day of Knowledge, we send our congratulations to you
And wishes of happiness and luck!

We want you to work with us
And just smile more often!
To love work, our whole friendly class,
So that happiness is in your soul!

Let joyful chores come
To you, life is only a friendly succession!
Let the sorrows soon all go away!
Let there be affection and peace in your heart!

I congratulate you today
You since September 1,
I wish new knowledge
May good luck await you!
New knowledge and discoveries
I wish on this day
Let the academic year give
Lots of ideas for you!
You have a holiday today
You go back to school
Lots of interesting knowledge
You will buy again!
I congratulate you today
You since September 1,
Let the fives be the sea
May good luck await you!
Again the bell rang at the school,
It's time for our lessons
We take books off the shelves
To study, kids!
Opens doors again
School is nice for us
Happy Knowledge Day
From the bottom of my heart today!
Summer flew by quickly
And September has come
I want the academic year
Successful for you!
Again you sit down at the desk,
Take out your notebook
After all, in the new academic year
Get a lot of knowledge!
Congratulations today
All children, teachers,
May there be many new discoveries
Will bring you this day!
I want you to learn
Get a lot of knowledge
All this will come in handy
To become successful in life!
There is a proverb
That learning is light
Get more knowledge
And success will come to you!
To achieve a lot
Hard work is needed
We need to study for a long time
And then the rewards await!
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge
And with all our hearts we wish
Become more beautiful than everyone else
We give you this verse!
On Knowledge Day, congratulations are all big
I want to send you. Embrace wider
I want to open in order to enclose you in them,
So that you can teach your children everything!
Anyone who has ever been to school
I want to wish on Knowledge Day again,
So that life is like a field with a harvest,
And so that the science of the century be the basis!
On Knowledge Day, accept congratulations,
You are our favorite teachers!
How better feelings beautiful manifestations,
We wish you to live always a hundred times more beautiful!
May your work be famous and invariably
Big changes await you in your life!
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you now,
To wish you a life of clear days!
On Knowledge Day, let hopes come true
May tomorrow be better than before!
Let the students appreciate and honor you,
May your everyday life be easy!
I do not regret the best wishes for you,
To congratulate you generously, from the bottom of my heart!
On Knowledge Day with your school anniversary
We will hasten to congratulate you with the class!
Let the anniversary year be yours
Add experience and increase seniority!
The Day of Knowledge! Happy holiday, friends!
Accept all congratulations from the heart!
Let not a day pass without school,
While we are students without a doubt!
Let the school of knowledge give us baggage,
So that in life we ​​each go through a turn!
Without knowledge, our age is simply nowhere,
But this is definitely not a problem now!
Knowledge Day has come across the country
And we are all happy about it!
Now we will definitely learn a lot,
So that we become smarter and better!
Another school year is coming
And a lot of wonderful knowledge awaits us ...
In the meantime, the Day of Knowledge has come
In honor of this, I wrote a poem for you!
I write to you with a confident hand
All the best congratulations on the day of knowledge!
I want you to be proud of yourself forever!
I wish your wishes come true!
A lot of happiness and luck, a lot of joy of love!
I wish you inspiration, all my students!
May you go to school again on Knowledge Day in a crowd
A lot of knowledge is waiting for you new! Graduation year too!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge are beautiful in prose

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 in verse and short for SMS, as well as congratulations on Knowledge Day in prose

Our dear first-graders, we congratulate you on an important event, on your first step into school life. We wish you to never be afraid and be self-confident, boldly overcome lesson after lesson, page after page, notebook after notebook. Great success to you, dear, good mood, fun adventures and excellent marks in the diaries.
Congratulations in prose on the Day of Knowledge from the director

Dear colleagues, dear students, I want to congratulate you on the new academic year!

September 1 is a special holiday, the day when the first school bell rings after a long summer break. During the summer, the students rested and matured, managed to miss their teachers and classmates. The teachers went on vacation, saved up a lot interesting ideas for engaging lessons. We all have to plunge into the whirlpool again school life full of bright events and impressions.

Today I wish all those gathered that the coming year will bring everything that is planned. May plans come true and dreams come true. Believe in yourself, work hard on your goals, don't be discouraged when faced with difficulties - and you will succeed!
Congratulations to the student on September 1 in prose

Congratulations on September 1st! Today is your holiday and thousands of other schoolchildren, and all of you are celebrating the beginning of the new school year together! I wish you more excellent grades in the diary and less difficult tasks in the coming year. Let learning be easy, let the lessons be interesting, let the changes be fun. I wish the new school year brought a lot amazing discoveries and true friends. Do not be afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself, strive for knowledge - and I believe you will succeed!
Congratulations on September 1 for first graders

Dear first graders! Today is your first school day - the first holiday of knowledge! All of you are so elegant, solemn.

Of course, you are worried about entering into new world, both your parents and teachers are worried. All together we have to long haul– 11 school years. I hope that this path will be bright, that new friends are waiting for you ahead, good grades, many pleasant, unforgettable minutes.

At school you will learn to read and write, master foreign languages, get the necessary knowledge in mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, but I want to tell you that this is by no means the main thing. The most important thing that a school can teach you is the ability to think, to independently find solutions to complex problems, to analyze, the ability to sympathize, empathize. I wish you that the first school year, and all subsequent ones after it, will be like one of the chapters of an amazing book full of miracles and new discoveries.
Dear first graders!
We welcome you to our school! Now this is your second home, where you will learn to comprehend new, complex sciences, learn to read and write, make friends, help your classmates. School is a whole life, bright and interesting, which you will remember with warmth when you grow up.
Summer is over, and now your first school bell is calling you. Behind school desk you will get to know the whole world, visit different corners the globe, you can easily go around the world!
Learn guys! Have an easy road on the ladder of knowledge!
Congratulations to students from teachers

Knowledge Day is always a warm, especially exciting holiday for everyone who comes to study, to receive new and new knowledge. All of us, once first graders, came to the door of the school with new satchels over our shoulders, bouquets in our hands and excitement in our chests! How endless the school road seemed to us, and now we have already studied at school, we ourselves have become teachers and now we meet you guys in order to transfer all our knowledge to you so that you become worthy people, get an education, choose a profession to your liking.
Today the New Academic Year begins and let today's red day of the Knowledge Day calendar be a good start for the entire academic year!
Congratulations on September 1 in prose to the teacher

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!
You give us your knowledge, your wealth of experience. And gratitude to Vamu is the bright, intelligent eyes of the children, who, like a sponge, absorb your kindness, care, participation! Thank you for your generous sensitive heart!
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge in prose to students

Guys, today is open for you new road to knowledge, you take another step towards discoveries, research. Take care of knowledge, try, learn! Knowledge is the key to your successful future. Happy holiday! From September 1!
Today, September 1, early morning is especially beautiful: the sun is waking up, and it seems that even the trees are festively dressed up for Knowledge Day - they are pouring golden, red leaves on the heads of students hurrying to school! I congratulate you on the start of another academic year and wish you good luck and good mood!
September 1 starts new time knowledge, from which all schoolchildren, both large and small, need to take as much as possible! I congratulate you and am proud of you - because you have to become smarter, learn so many new and interesting things! And I also wish you high marks and good mood on every day!
The academic year begins with a holiday - September 1, which fell so well at the beginning of golden autumn, when nature is so beautiful even in the city! So let your mood be as bright on this day when you have to see friends and teachers again!
Today, schools and gymnasiums have again opened their doors to students, and teachers have saved up more knowledge for their young pupils! Today I hug you tightly and congratulate you on September 1 with pleasure! Learn well, remember - right now you are creating your future! And then luck will always smile at you!
Summer flew by so quickly, leaving a lot of the most pleasant memories and interesting adventures! Ahead is autumn, but not a boring time at all, because it's time to go back to school! I congratulate you on September 1, I wish you never to be lazy, study with interest and please your family only with brilliant successes!
I cordially congratulate you on the holiday that the whole country celebrates on September 1 - the Day of Knowledge. This holiday is one of the most solemn and exciting of the year. Today, schools will open their doors to accept students within their walls - those who are behind the future of the city. First of all, I want to congratulate the first-graders, for whom the coming academic year will be milestone a new, eventful life, and school everyday life prepares many responsible and serious tests. For pupils and students - September 1 - the beginning of the next stage on the way to new heights and personal growth.
I wish all the guys excellent grades. Let it be easy and interesting for you in teaching, let your successes become the pride of parents and teachers. And for teachers - optimism, energy, new professional victories and fruitful work.
Happy holiday! The Day of Knowledge!
When summer turns to autumn, we all celebrate wonderful holiday- Day of Knowledge. Ever since school, we have all got used to the fact that this is a special day. And even as adults, we still celebrate it as one of the most important holidays of the year. Only today the whole country is watching festively dressed schoolchildren and students who have missed each other over the summer. And today I want to congratulate you on this wonderful Day. May September 1 bring you new hopes and dreams, help you gain new knowledge and successfully spend another academic year. Let the ringing school bells inspires you to new heights.
This day always breaks into life noisily, loudly, unexpectedly. Although everyone is always waiting for him. He is special: pure as autumn sky, kind, like the first teacher, and solemn, like any an important event In human life. Congratulations on September 1st! The beginning of education is actually the beginning of life. New, mysterious, unknown. So let's write it together without blots from scratch!

Health to teachers, good luck to students and great patience to parents! Yes, there are no surprises. There will be many of them, and let them become pleasant, bright, unforgettable for everyone! In the meantime, let the first September bell ring loudly! He calls not only to classes, but also to order, discipline, attentiveness. Happy holiday everyone!
Summer flew by in one bright moment, today is September, ahead is autumn, winter, spring, school ... I want to wish that the entire upcoming academic year becomes not a boring list of pages from a diary, but crumbles towards each of us with a thousand bright moments: calls, lessons, change, school events, interesting communication… Let the Day of Knowledge begin our common path to knowledge this year. And it will be interesting, fascinating, a little mysterious, in some ways - a little difficult, because through overcoming difficulties we are preparing for life. And, as you know, life does not forgive mistakes. But the school helps to warn them.

From September 1! Let's learn to learn without mistakes!
The first of September is the day of Knowledge! It's good to have a day like this in the year. And this is not only children's holiday all students and professional holiday all teachers. I so want to wish that we all learn and develop throughout our lives, become better, wiser. After all, it is precisely in such a movement, in the spiritual and spiritual development and life is made up. And development without knowledge is impossible. Therefore, I wish that everyone can celebrate this holiday for themselves. Let the first of September annually celebrate your successes, according to which, like milestones, your life will go uphill. Let the achievements be marked, and on the second of September you will strive for new knowledge, for new heights that will again submit to you, so that on the Day of Knowledge in next year you could celebrate it with pride!
Dear Guys! The hot summer is over, and the upcoming autumn has already arranged for you new meeting in the land of knowledge. On this day, traditionally gathering everyone for school yard I want to congratulate you on the start of the new school year. Let your efforts be crowned with excellent grades, and the acquired skills and abilities will definitely come in handy in your life. For those who came to their last First Bell, I wish to realize their wildest ideas, and for the kids who crossed the school threshold for the first time, patience, perseverance and a thirst for learning. May your teachers be pleased with you, and you, in turn, do not cease to please them with your successes! Happy holiday to you! The Day of Knowledge!