Candy school bell. Candy bouquets: master class (bouquets of roses, bells, tulips, etc.) Candy bell skirt step by step

Hello dear friends! On the occasion of the upcoming big school holiday - Teacher's Day - we have prepared for you another version of an original gift that you can make yourself. This is a bright bouquet of sweets in the form of a school bell. The most remarkable thing is that its manufacture practically does not require any specific materials, most of them can be found, as they say, at hand or in the nearest store. And the result is very impressive!

The master of suite design will tell you how to achieve such a result and prepare for the upcoming celebration.

Master class: candy school bell

Materials and tools:

- candies;
- colored corrugated paper;
- plastic bottle 1.5 l;
- cardboard sleeve from food foil or cling film;
- foam plastic (or polystyrene);
- floristic wire;
- bank rubber bands;
- scissors;
- thermal gun;
- ribbon;
- other decor.

We make the frame of our school bell. Cut off the top of a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. From a cardboard tube (sleeve from food foil or film), we cut off a piece that will serve as the handle of the bell.

We cut out a circle of such a diameter from foam plastic (or foam plastic) so that it can be fixed inside the blank from a plastic bottle. In the penoplex, we will subsequently fix flowers from sweets and make a bouquet.

We assemble the frame: we glue (on hot glue) a cardboard handle and a foam circle to a blank from a plastic bottle.

We make a bell. We take gold-colored corrugated paper, measure the strip, wrapping it around the plastic part of the bell.

At the same time, we leave an allowance from one edge 10 cm, of which 5 cm we bend.

From the other edge we make cuts so that the paper fits snugly around the bell in the upper part.

Paste (on hot glue) with gold paper the plastic part of the frame. We stretch the protruding edge of the paper, giving the shape of a bell.

Then we completely paste over the handle with the same paper.

I glued the bottom edge of the bell with artificial maple leaves. You can use any other suitable decor here. You can even use not artificial, but natural autumn leaves, as in an autumn bouquet for a teacher.

We mask the joint of paper between the bell and the pen with a ribbon and a bow.

Now you can start making flowers and arranging a bouquet.

From colored corrugated paper we make 3 blanks for a candy flower:

- a strip for the core (approximate size 3×13 cm, depends on the size of the candy);

- strip approx. 10×8 cm, which we cut with a “fence” - this is the second layer of the flower;

- strip approx. 20×8 cm, in which we make transverse cuts with an interval 1 cm, without reaching the edge of about 1 cm, is the third layer of the flower.

Pay attention to the stretching direction of the corrugated paper. When the strips are arranged, as in the photo, the paper is stretched to the sides.

We twist the first strip in the middle and, stretching the paper, make indentations for the candy.

At the third strip, twist the tips of the petals 1 time, bend and fix with glue.

We hide the candy between the halves of the first strip. We fix the base with a thread.

We wrap the candy core with a second layer of petals. And we intercept at the base with a bank rubber band.

We stretch the petals of the third layer a little at the ends, making them more voluminous.

We wrap our flower again. The splendor of the flower can be adjusted by changing the number of petals in the third layer.

And this is another version of the flower. Here the bud I am the same as for the rosette.

Then I cut out a "fence" with petals wide 2 cm. The splendor of the flower can also be adjusted by the number of petals.

At the end, we fix the flowers at the base with bank rubber bands. Glue a wire stem to each flower.

You will find a few more options for flowers from sweets and how to make them in my previous master classes. Choose and arrange a bouquet of sweets to your liking.

And I got it like this:

Here is such an original and memorable gift in the form of a school bell with candy flowers can be made on Teacher's Day.

However, for such holidays as Knowledge Day or school graduation, a school bell made of sweets will also be very appropriate.

I hope you liked this idea, and it will be useful to you in preparation for the school holidays.

Thank you all for your attention!

Happy Holidays, dear teachers!

The following articles will describe the lessons on making bouquets of your favorite delicious sweets. Step-by-step photos will be attached to the proposed descriptions.

We make a delicious bouquet of roses with our own hands in a master class

The article offers everyone to easily learn how to make original gifts for loved ones. In this case, here is a detailed lesson on creating a bouquet of sweets, which will consist of roses and sweets.

To make a bouquet, you will need round candies, corrugated paper, skewers and threads.

To make rose petals, you need to cut yellow paper (or another) into rectangles that will be four and a half by seven centimeters in size. Trim each corner of the resulting rectangles a little. Such petals need to cut a sufficient number. Stretch the upper edges of the petals along the contour, and with your fingers give a convex shape to the petal.

Candies are attached to skewers and wrapped in a finished petal, after the second, so that the candy is not visible. Wrap the edge of the petal with a thread to the skewer, make a loop and tighten. Attach the next petal in the same way. For splendor, you can attach more petals, but two are enough for the bud itself.

From green paper, cut out a blank in the form of a fence for leaves, which must be wrapped at the base of the bud and wrapped with thread. Use this method to make the rest of the flowers. Thus, the bouquet is ready. It can be strengthened in a basket and safely presented to your loved ones.

Step-by-step manufacturing photos are also attached:

We create a beautiful gift from crocuses and favorite sweets

First of all, you need to attach the candy to the skewer with tape. The candy is fixed by the tail and very carefully so that the packaging is not damaged. The free tail from the package is wrapped and glued with tape.

Next, you need to cut out a rectangle twelve and a half centimeters wide and sixteen and a half centimeters high. It should be cut crosswise into five parts. You don't have to cut all the way through. As a result, the crocuses should have five petals. Each petal blank must be twisted in the middle and superimposed on their continuation. The middle of the petals is given a convex shape.

The candy is inserted into the very first petal, and all the rest are wrapped in a circle. All petals are neatly leveled and secured under the base with a thread.

Next, you need to cut a thin strip of green crepe to prepare the stalk. The strip must be stretched and glued with glue from the petals to the very bottom of the stick, glue the ends. All other flowers are collected in the same way. At the end, ready-made crocuses can be collected in a basket.

You can arrange the flowers in the basket the way you want. Aspidistra leaves can also be a wonderful decoration if they are inserted between crocuses. The edges of the basket are pasted over with floral felt. The handle can be decorated with ribbons and a felt butterfly. This is how the bouquet turned out:

Step-by-step photos of manufacturing are attached:

We are trying to make a simple bouquet of bells ourselves

The simplest bouquet of sweets, the main flowers of which will be bells, is presented in this article.

To create a bouquet, you will need a one and a half liter plastic bottle with a round top. Cut off the top of the bottle using a sharp utility knife. Prepare a foam circle and insert it into the bottle. Wooden sticks are attached to the neck, which must first be cut.

The skirt for the bell is made of cardboard, which is fixed with glue to the bottle. After that, the bells need to be wrapped with corrugated paper. The finished bouquet is decorated with ribbons and candy flowers. Such a handmade bouquet of sweets is ideal for schoolchildren on the first of September.

We create candy tulips as a gift for teachers

To create a bouquet of tulips, you need to purchase round-shaped sweets with a non-liquid filling. Candies are best wrapped in food foil. Each candy must be taken out of the candy wrapper and put in the middle of the cut foil with the bottom down. Connect the edges very carefully so as not to tear the foil. Next, attach a toothpick to the tail of the foil-wrapped candy and wrap it in foil again. All excess is cut off. Such blanks will need to be made seven pieces, if desired, more can be done.

From green corrugated paper, cut strips about four centimeters wide. Each strip must be cut across into three parts. Carefully twist one strip in the middle. In this case, the halves should be turned over three hundred and sixty degrees. Having folded the finished strip in half, stretch the paper to form a petal shape. You need to make three such blanks. Next, these petals are wrapped around the base of the candy and fastened with double-sided tape. The bottom is wrapped with a thin ribbon.

The trunk of the flower is wrapped with a strip of green paper, which is first glued under the base of the flower and wrapped to the very bottom.

For leaves, cut strips two centimeters wide. Each flower needs two leaves. The leaves are glued to the trunk, and the gluing points must be covered with a strip of green paper. To create a contrast to the bouquet, flowers of a different color can be made in the same way.

Ready flowers are collected in a low basket, which is filled with green sisal. You can insert flowers into the basket in any order and alternate by color. Candy bouquet of tulips is ready. Below are step-by-step photos for manufacturing.

Hello dear friends! On the occasion of the upcoming big school holiday - Teacher's Day - we have prepared for you another version of an original gift that you can make yourself. This is a bright bouquet of sweets in the form of a school bell. The most remarkable thing is that its manufacture practically does not require any specific materials, most of them can be found, as they say, at hand or in the nearest store. And the result is very impressive!

The master of suite design will tell you how to achieve such a result and prepare for the upcoming celebration.

Master class: candy school bell

Materials and tools:

- candies;
- colored corrugated paper;
- plastic bottle 1.5 l;
- cardboard sleeve from food foil or cling film;
- foam plastic (or polystyrene);
- floristic wire;
- bank rubber bands;
- scissors;
- thermal gun;
- ribbon;
- other decor.

We make the frame of our school bell. Cut off the top of a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. From a cardboard tube (sleeve from food foil or film), we cut off a piece that will serve as the handle of the bell.

We cut out a circle of such a diameter from foam plastic (or foam plastic) so that it can be fixed inside the blank from a plastic bottle. In the penoplex, we will subsequently fix flowers from sweets and make a bouquet.

We assemble the frame: we glue (on hot glue) a cardboard handle and a foam circle to a blank from a plastic bottle.

We make a bell. We take gold-colored corrugated paper, measure the strip, wrapping it around the plastic part of the bell.

At the same time, we leave an allowance from one edge 10 cm, of which 5 cm we bend.

From the other edge we make cuts so that the paper fits snugly around the bell in the upper part.

Paste (on hot glue) with gold paper the plastic part of the frame. We stretch the protruding edge of the paper, giving the shape of a bell.

Then we completely paste over the handle with the same paper.

I glued the bottom edge of the bell with artificial maple leaves. You can use any other suitable decor here. You can even use not artificial, but natural autumn leaves, as in an autumn bouquet for a teacher.

We mask the joint of paper between the bell and the pen with a ribbon and a bow.

Now you can start making flowers and arranging a bouquet.

From colored corrugated paper we make 3 blanks for a candy flower:

- a strip for the core (approximate size 3×13 cm, depends on the size of the candy);

- strip approx. 10×8 cm, which we cut with a “fence” - this is the second layer of the flower;

- strip approx. 20×8 cm, in which we make transverse cuts with an interval 1 cm, without reaching the edge of about 1 cm, is the third layer of the flower.

Pay attention to the stretching direction of the corrugated paper. When the strips are arranged, as in the photo, the paper is stretched to the sides.

We twist the first strip in the middle and, stretching the paper, make indentations for the candy.

At the third strip, twist the tips of the petals 1 time, bend and fix with glue.

We hide the candy between the halves of the first strip. We fix the base with a thread.

We wrap the candy core with a second layer of petals. And we intercept at the base with a bank rubber band.

We stretch the petals of the third layer a little at the ends, making them more voluminous.

We wrap our flower again. The splendor of the flower can be adjusted by changing the number of petals in the third layer.

And this is another version of the flower. Here the bud I am the same as for the rosette.

Then I cut out a "fence" with petals wide 2 cm. The splendor of the flower can also be adjusted by the number of petals.

At the end, we fix the flowers at the base with bank rubber bands. Glue a wire stem to each flower.

You will find a few more options for flowers from sweets and how to make them in my previous master classes. Choose and arrange a bouquet of sweets to your liking.

And I got it like this:

Here is such an original and memorable gift in the form of a school bell with candy flowers can be made on Teacher's Day.

However, for such holidays as Knowledge Day or school graduation, a school bell made of sweets will also be very appropriate.

I hope you liked this idea, and it will be useful to you in preparation for the school holidays.

Thank you all for your attention!

Happy Holidays, dear teachers!

The bell symbolizes the beginning of a new year - academic or calendar, as well as the end of studies, the entry into a new, student life. Therefore, a souvenir in the form of a bell will be relevant for many moments in the life of a child and even an adult, and if you make it yourself, you will get an interesting and original surprise gift.

Since making a bell with your own hands is a simple task, even children can cope with it.

There are many options for making souvenir bells. One of the most interesting ways to make a bell with your own hands is to use a ready-made small bell souvenir and a beautiful tea cup with a handle for this.

We tie a thin cord to the bell.

Glue its tip to the bottom of the cup from the inside.

From the outside, we glue a tighter cord to the bottom, for which the bowl will be hung.

We tie the lace on the outside with a bright wide satin ribbon.

Such a bell will do a good job of giving the first bell in the school year.

The easiest and most effective way to make a bell is from a plastic cup. Using sharp scissors, make two holes in the glass.

Using a can, cover the cup with red paint. When the paint is dry, color the glass with a golden marker.

We will need a small bell with a hole, which can be bought at craft stores. We insert a rigid wire into the hole and twist it several times.

We insert the bell on the wire into the holes. The bell should hang low enough in the cup. To fix the bell, twist the wire at the top of the cup.

Apply glue to the top and bottom of the cup and sprinkle with sparkles.

We decorate our craft with a ribbon tied with a bow. Our bell is ready!

paper bells

Someone may find the paper bell idea interesting. We glue a small iron bell and colored ribbons to it. Such a bell can be used to decorate the classroom.

Very elegant bells are obtained from a folded disposable plate. We cover the plate with golden paint and fold it in two, as shown in the photo. The craft should be decorated with a red bow.

Watch the video on how to make beautiful paper bells:

Egg carton bells

For graduates, bells are needed that can be hung around the neck. Since it will be necessary to make a bell for the last call for each graduate, it is better to use ready-made template forms for its manufacture - for example, cardboard egg packaging cells.

Carefully cut out each cell. We use the cardboard remaining from the packaging to cut out decorative oval leaflets, pointed on the sides, in shape.

We color the cells and leaves, give time to dry.

We string several leaves on a thin cord, then thread a cell (bell) and a large bead into it.

Again we pull the end of the lace out, string a few more leaves, tie the ends.

A gift for a graduate is ready!

And here is another quilling bell in the article ""

Clay bell

Bells can be so different, symbolizing the beginning of a new period in a person's life.