Interesting questions when communicating with a guy. Questions for girlfriends. Tricky questions for a guy about work and friends

Dating is so exciting that even thoughts disappear from my head. But you really want to be witty and know what questions to ask guys at a meeting, date or during correspondence, so that he pays attention to you and falls in love. But it doesn't matter if you don't know how to strike up a conversation. We have collected the best questions for a guy, which are compiled according to the dating method of American intelligence agencies Jack Schafer. Well, go ahead to win his heart!

If you don’t know what to ask a guy, then pay attention to the recommendations of Jack Schafer, who compiled 6 rules of charm according to the methodology of the special services. Based on them, you can choose a question for a guy who will not be ashamed to ask and to which he wants to answer. Here are the rules:

  1. Make a mistake;
  2. Ask guys interesting questions about themselves;
  3. Address him by another name;
  4. Sympathize;
  5. Ask for a favor;
  6. Make the guy praise himself with your question.

Perhaps enough theory, and let's start to analyze the original questions to the guy, which are drawn up according to these rules.

95% of guys love it when a girl texts him first! Poll data

The first is to make a mistake. And what error can occur when you first contact a guy? Of course, you made a mistake with the address, phone number or VKontakte page. Write him a provocative question that was supposedly not addressed to him.

  • Have you by any chance changed your mind about tomorrow?
  • How did you like me yesterday?
  • I saw you yesterday near ...?

With these questions for a guy, you will show that you are not a bore, and at the same time start a conversation. At this stage, it is better not to ask intimate questions to the guy, but to be more modest so as not to scare him away.

Maybe you have a question that will help other girls get to know a guy? Share them in a comment.

If your chosen one answers briefly and does not continue the conversation, then he himself may be shy or not know what to answer you. In this case, take the initiative and ask a question for the guy from the second rule. Try to find out about him, since you have already written to him, or tell him that it may not be accidental with the following questions:

  • Do you think accidents really happen for a reason?
  • I wonder why exactly your address came into my hand?
  • And you definitely don’t know me, it seems to me that I’ve known you for a long time?

If you are ashamed to cheat, and you do not want to play by chance, then we will tell you what you can ask the guy in this case. Here it is necessary to act according to the third rule: "turn on someone else's behalf."

  • I was told you're a great guitar player?
  • Is it true what they say about you? (think about what exactly)
  • My friend says you're cool. I wonder if this is true?
  • Heard you don't have a girlfriend? (for the most daring)

Of course, if you are asking such unusual questions for a guy, then you need to be ready for an answer. Find out a little about him, meet his friends, or at least read his VK page.

Guys who are well dressed and have tattoos are lonely at heart and try to express themselves like that!

The ideal question to ask a guy is asking for a favor. Real men rarely answer “no” to them, so after these provocative questions, you will probably not only talk to him, but also meet him.

  • Could you show me the places where the cool kids hang out? Kind of boring.
  • Sorry, those guys got me, can I pretend to be your girlfriend so they get behind?
  • Could you help me with the computer?
  • May I ask you for a favor? (think about what)

Another option to easily strike up a conversation. Of course, here you have to learn a little more about the guy. Namely, about his achievements and ask such a question that the guy can be proud of himself.

  • You played great football yesterday. Are you the leader of the team?
  • How long have you been doing karate? I liked your moves.
  • What do you play in the Comedy Club? I laughed to tears at that joke.
  • How old are you? You look so young.

These provocative questions will not leave him a chance to pay attention to you. In this case, it is not necessary to use these particular questions for a guy. What to ask, you must decide for yourself according to these principles. Also, not every girl can meet in person, because it is men who should be the first to get acquainted. This is best done in correspondence.

Next, we will tell you what questions to ask a guy during correspondence, so that there is time to think and not worry so much. The subsequent meeting will be easier, because you will talk online and will already partially know each other.

Tell me in the comments, did these psychological questions help the guy? Share your experience with other girls.

Many girls think what to ask a guy in VK or ask. And indeed there is something to think about. After all, there are a lot of “bad” questions for a guy that can scare him off and make you look weird. That is why we will tell you not only what to ask the guy in Ask, but also explain why.

Before you decide what to ask a guy on VK, you should know a few good manners when communicating online:

  • Don't be intrusive - would you like to be bombarded with messages every day?
  • Have a dialogue - think not only about what to ask in VK, but talk with him, preferably about him first;
  • Report to him - say that you will write tomorrow, that you need to leave with your mother or on business. Men like it when they have everything under control;
  • Awkward questions - avoid vulgar questions to the guy, only if he himself does not begin to be frank;
  • Always speak honestly - do not lie, because in the future it may say badly on your friendship or even relationship.

By following these rules that pickup girls use, you will not get into an unpleasant situation, but will seem good, interesting and loyal to him. This will be the key to successful communication. Now, what to ask the guy in Asuka?

Guys love girls with their own opinion!

First of all, you don't have to ask dumb questions. Banal questions for a guy, which you want to ask, should be immediately thrown out of your head. Try to show your sharp mind, sense of humor, relaxed behavior, interest in him with the following questions:

  • Why is one head good and two better?
  • Do you know how to "google" in Yandex? (need to come up with an answer)
  • Do you know how erotic lingerie differs from men's?
  • What would you do if you were alone with me for a week?
  • I'm playing Pokemon now, what are you doing?
  • Guess what's my name?
  • How to stir tea, clockwise and counterclockwise?
  • Who is third on your VK friends list?
  • What do you value most in a relationship?
  • Sneakers or shoes?
  • Do you play poker?
  • Last movie you liked?
  • What to ask a guy to like him?
  • Where will we meet?
  • By what principle do you live?

Any of these questions can reveal a lot about a guy, so before you annoy him or get a date, try to find out more about him. And if it still comes to a meeting, then you should know what questions you can ask guys when meeting. They will help you avoid awkward silence and again help you learn more about it.

What questions can you ask guys when meeting?

If you still managed to meet and you need to keep the conversation going, then it is best to do this with a question. We will tell you not only what questions to ask a guy when meeting, but also why they are good. So here are the best things to ask a guy on a date:

  • What is your hobby? (will help to find out his hobbies)
  • Do you like extreme? (shows how crazy he is)
  • Who's your sign? (you can check compatibility if you are interested)
  • What do you like from alcohol? (will show whether he drinks or not, and what he prefers if he likes to drink)
  • Do you like taking pictures? (will let you know how selfish he is)
  • What cheers you up?
  • How many friends do you have on VK? (a reason to add him as a friend or to understand how popular he is)
  • What is your dream? (will show about his plans for life)
  • What bands/movies/games do you like the most? (a reason to find common interests)
  • Do you believe in omens?

Of course, these are not the only questions for a guy, but they should show the principle of communication, and not give ready-made solutions. We hope that after reading our article you will not have a question what to ask the guy.

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When you meet a new guy on the Internet, the first question that arises in your head is: what questions can you ask a pen pal? Some say that you need to be sincere and communicate with a new acquaintance as with everyone else.

But do not forget that from the first days you need to show your best sides. Although communication by correspondence is easier than a personal acquaintance, but even here you can’t fall into the dirt on your face, asking stupid questions.

So, here's what you can ask the guy in the correspondence. If you already know what he does, then this can be a good topic to start communication, for example:

  • How did you go to the gym today?
  • What's new at work today?

If nothing is known yet, then the first thing to do is find out about your favorite hobbies, work or institute. For example, you can ask the guy in the correspondence:

  • How was the day?
  • How are you?
  • What are you doing?

It’s not worth it to immediately attack the guy and ask about the year in which Moscow burned. Also, in the first couple, you should avoid questions about previous relationships.

The questions you can ask a pen pal also depend on his age, it would be inappropriate to ask a 17 year old guy if he has a car, just like asking a 30 year old guy about what grades he got in school.

If, there was an acquaintance with a man from another city, then it would be good to talk about it, for example:

  • Is your city big (small)?
  • Are you cold? (ask about the weather)
  • I have been dreaming of going there for a long time! (if we are talking about a metropolis or a famous city).

Here's another thing you can ask the guy in the correspondence:

  • Where have you traveled? (this question will help you find out if a person is sociable, whether he likes new acquaintances and places).
  • What are you reading now? (if the guy says that he does not like to read, then you should think about further continuation of communication).
  • Do you have a brother/sister?
  • When is your birthday? What is your zodiac sign?

If the acquaintance happened before any holiday, then of course you should not forget about it.

  • Are you going somewhere for New Years?
  • How will you celebrate February 23rd?
  • Have you already prepared a gift for your mother (sister, grandmother) on March 8?
  • Let's go to the May holidays to rest together? (depending on the situation, this question can sound like a joke, or quite seriously).

When thinking about what you can ask a guy in correspondence, the main thing is to choose questions that will help you find common interests. It can be anything:

  1. Pets;
  2. cars;
  3. love for music, films, serials;
  4. trips;
  5. work, college, school.

If a personal acquaintance has already happened, then you should not delay the next meeting. No need to think that only guys are required to ask out on a date. About what questions you can ask a guy on a date read here. Here's how to make an appointment:

  • What are you doing tonight?
  • I'm also going to this station, let's meet?
  • I propose to ride bicycles (go on a picnic or just take a walk) on the weekends.

This list of questions can be continued endlessly, the main thing is to remain yourself, because this is the only way you can find your true soul mate.

What questions to ask a guy to interest him

What questions not to ask guys

Questions to ask a guy in a text

  1. What's the best gift you've received?
  2. What did you dream of growing up as a child?
  3. Do you have any nickname?
  4. If you could go on vacation right now, where would you go?
  5. What would you never do in your life?
  6. Is there something you've been dreaming of doing for a long time but haven't done yet?
  7. If you could live in any other city, where would you live?
  8. Which famous historical figure would you like to be?
  9. What was your favorite toy or game as a child?
  10. What was your best birthday ever?
  11. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done?
  12. What's the craziest and most spontaneous thing you've ever done in your life?
  13. If you could time travel, where would you go?
  14. What is your biggest achievement in life?
  15. What do you like most about the city where you live?
  16. What would you do if you won $1 million?
  17. What is your favorite movie/book?
  18. You're a night owl or an early bird?
  19. If this was the last day of your life, how would you like to spend it?
  20. How close are you to your family?
  21. What do you think is true love?
  22. What is the funniest thing that has happened to you in your life?
  23. Is there a person in your life that you admire?
  24. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  25. How would you describe your friends in three words?
  26. What is the earliest memory in your life?
  27. If you had three wishes that could be granted, what would you wish for?
  28. Do you believe in horoscopes and characteristics of zodiac signs?
  29. What was the worst online dating experience/worst date ever?
  30. What is your most ideal weekend?
  31. Do you prefer beach or outdoor activities?
  32. The most rude act in your life?
  33. What do you dislike most about dating?
  34. How did you meet your best friend?

And some funny questions

  1. What do you have in the fridge now?
  2. Do you believe in aliens?
  3. If you were an animal, what would you be?
  4. Steak or cheesecake?
  5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
  6. Where are you most ticklish?

The article "What questions can you ask a pen pal" partially used materials

Correspondence that begins with a complete stranger is rarely successful if the interlocutors have nothing to establish contact with. Before starting a conversation on the Internet, you need to carefully study the page of the person you are going to write to. A profile can say a lot about a person:

  • the complete absence of posts means that he uses social networks exclusively for utilitarian needs: communication, dating, messages to friends;
  • closed to outsiders - the presence of activities that he wants to hide;
  • music, poetry, witty or beautiful pictures in a reasonable amount - about the versatility of the personality, which will make a good interlocutor;
  • interest posts - football, drinking, fighting, obscene swearing - think again if such a person needs to be interested;
  • a page full of photos with different girls - that a potential conversation partner is clearly not suitable if a girl is trying to find love, and not just chat about anything, or start a non-committal sexual relationship.

The list of top questions often recommended to start a conversation online consists of hackneyed phrases that every second social media user uses. If you want to really interest your interlocutor, you need to stand out among a dozen of the same type of messages that he receives every day. To understand this, it is enough to imagine yourself in the place of a handsome guy who is daily written by strangers who begin their acquaintance with the standard: “Hello! What are you doing?" or "What are you doing?" You don’t want to answer such boring and trivial questions, so most often they are simply ignored.

Neutral, or questions about nothing

There are certain restrictions on the topics of questions that can be asked if the goal of the upcoming acquaintance is a long-term acquaintance. The purpose of questions about nothing is to prove that the guy at the time of the first contact simply acts as an interesting interlocutor whose opinion you want to hear. The best option is to start a conversation with the weather or some significant event:

  • how do you like the weather today?
  • do you like autumn? (rain, heat, snow)
  • Have you seen what's going on outside?
  • Do you also have bad weather, or can you take a walk?
  • Do you like it better when it's hot or cool?
  • Is it really nice weather today?
  • how do you feel about ... (if the event is important for a common city or country)
  • Do you like walking in this weather?
  • and our fellows, right? (if the page shows signs that the alleged friend is a sports fan), etc.

The more unusual the form of the question on the simplest topic, the more likely it is to interest a potential interlocutor, especially if the man (boy, guy) is handsome and used to female attention. The initial stage of a relationship suggests a complete absence of familiarity and jarring intimacy.

The purpose of the first conversation is to prove that the conversation can continue to be of interest to both parties, because the new interlocutor is an interesting person who is able to easily and unobtrusively maintain communication. Topics about nothing are ideal for this: weather, city events, sports, music, literature, art. From them you can easily go to any bridge leading to the personality of a man. And this, as you know, is the most interesting topic for him.

Personality of the interlocutor and possible questions

The conversation does not have to be fully developed at the first moment of acquaintance. It can be delicately interrupted under a plausible pretext, and resumed in a day or two. This option will work under one condition: if the interlocutor became interested in the conversation about nothing, and made it clear that he was not against continuing the conversation. To do this, the next topic (himself) should start after a few neutral questions.

There are some questions that should never be asked at the beginning of a conversation: “how much do you earn”, “how many rooms do you have in your apartment”, as well as intimate questions about your personal life. Questions should relate to the personality of the guy, his passions, you need to grope for a sphere of common interests, force him to talk about himself:

  • did you have a good day?
  • how did you get home?
  • Am I wrong, or are you an incorrigible romantic at heart?
  • do you like to meet the sunrise?
  • What superpower would you like for yourself?
  • I love champagne, but real men don't drink it, do they?
  • do you like detectives?
  • do you write poetry, or do you just have a good style?
  • what color are your eyes?
  • Have you always had such a beautiful hairstyle, as in the photo?

In questions, it is imperative to demonstrate that the interlocutor begins to like it, that the correspondence with him is interesting, and to some extent intriguing, that he is an intelligent and nice person, even if this is not entirely true. At the same time, in no case should you ask a personal question that interests you most when meeting: does he have a girlfriend, wife or permanent partner. If there is, and he has serious feelings for her, he himself will let you know about it. If not, then in response to a frontal question, he can lie in order to give himself weight in the eyes of a new acquaintance. Role and topics for the next 2-3 days - a sweet, unobtrusive, modest girl who is sincerely interested in the personality of her interlocutor.

Weaknesses and careful probing

The list of possible questions in the correspondence can be carefully expanded as soon as the author of the answers begins to ask his questions. For communication on a social network from the side of someone who had previously only reluctantly answered, this is a sure sign that a potential lover is really interested in a girl with whom he has been corresponding for several days. At the same time, any information about yourself must be truthful, but carefully filtered. No phrases about the fact that the former turned out to be somehow “not like that”, no “my old boy”. Now is the time to transfer the conversation to the interlocutor in order to start getting information about him.

  • What are you doing in your spare time?
  • Do you have brothers and sisters, or are you alone in the family?
  • Do you like to go to museums, or do you hate it, like me?
  • Do you think it's better to wear a blue sweater or a red one?
  • here you are, as a man, you know the answer to this question better, tell me, is that right?
  • you're so reasonable, do you think I'm doing the right thing?
  • Where do you like to go on your day off?
  • Do you like to go to the cinema or watch movies at home?
  • Are you interested in talking to me?

Such questions allow you to find out the so-called "weak points", transferring the conversation to which you can make the interlocutor think about the conversation that took place. Look for better answers instead of those that have already been written, come to the conclusion that it is not some talker who writes to him, but a smart, independent and interesting girl with whom it is interesting to talk in her free time.

It’s still quite a long way from the stage of relationships in the real world, but the pen-pal friendship has almost taken place. The guy received a certain amount of self-confidence, he is confident in his own potential and that the girl is sincerely interested in him. It remains a little to play along with him, so that he is convinced of the coincidence of mutual emotional fields that has happened.

How realistic is it to fall in love by correspondence

When a virtual relationship moves into a trusting stage, you should ask questions that will help you learn as much as possible about the true nature of the interlocutor. That's when you can already ask about the connections in which he was previously, and about intimate addictions, and even about everyday habits. The more truthful information you can get, the less likely you will be disappointed in a real meeting. And one more thing: you must certainly listen to the answers to your questions, memorize them and analyze them. Sometimes that's the only way to find out the truth.

Numerous examples from life prove that loving a stranger, about whom you know only what he saw fit to write about himself, is a very real thing in modern society. Sometimes this feeling ends with personal contact, sometimes it turns into real life and ends in a serious relationship. All it takes is sincerity in the dialogue. But if possible, it is better not to delay a personal meeting in order to quickly determine your compatibility in real life. It's not worth spending years suffering over a person you've never seen.

To conduct an interesting dialogue with the opposite sex is a real art. In real life, it is difficult to talk with an unfamiliar person and get around awkward pauses that often occur. You need to be able not only to listen to the interlocutor, but also to ask the right questions. The situation is different when communicating via the Internet, for example, in social networks. What questions can you ask a pen pal to interest the interlocutor in your person? With a lot of examples and tips, lovely ladies can be found below.

Dirty questions for a guy

If you met recently, you should not ask a guy vulgar questions. This may frighten him away, and only a nascent friendship can die without being born. If the daily correspondence lasts more than a week, then you can flirt a little.

Naturally don't bend too hard you are still a girl.

  • What part of my body do you like the most? A wonderful question that allows a guy to plunge into sweet erotic fantasies. Be sure - he will review all the photos posted on your page more than once after that.
  • Do you like sunbathing naked?"Yes" or "No" doesn't matter. There was an excellent occasion to hint about his strong and beautiful body.
  • What is your favorite pose from Kamasutra? The main thing that you have done is to make it clear that you are not averse to developing your relationship not only by correspondence at the computer, but also in real life.
  • You know how to do massage? The question finally puts all the dots over the "i". If a guy is interested in you, he will definitely ask you out on a date.

Online chatting is like a job interview. You do not know the person at all, and in the case of a chat conversation, you do not even know what he looks like. Boring and banal questions will turn the conversation dry and uninteresting. However, you need to finally decide - whether to continue the relationship? The proposed questions will be not only memorable and lively, but also informational:


Possible answers

What are you into?

« What are you? I also love morning runs... You can talk about hobbies indefinitely, and if you also have a common hobby, this is fate.

What is your dream?

« I've always dreamed about it too... Talking about dreams will definitely take the pressure off the conversation. If, of course, that was the case.

What kind of music do you prefer?

« It's great, it's good that our musical preferences are the same ... " Even if this is not the case, then within a minute you can find the necessary information on the Internet.

Your favorite dish?

« I love to cook, and chicken with apples is my signature dish…» A great reason to invite a guy to visit you at home.

What kind of girls do you like?

« Blondes? It was yesterday that I changed my image ... " What can you do to further develop relations with an interesting person! A great opportunity to experiment with your appearance.

How to start a chat with a guy

It is very difficult for a girl to start a conversation with a guy she is interested in. This is how it happened historically, but the first step must be taken by him - a strong representative of humanity. What if the guy is shy? How to start a correspondence, and indeed to draw his attention to your individual? Here are some ideas on how to casually and "accidentally" start chatting with a guy:

  • Ask for advice. After carefully reading the information on the page of the individual of interest, you can ask for advice. This, for example, may relate to the profession of a guy - Example: « What programming language is it important to start learning now?
  • Photo clue. Seeing a huge number of photos with your favorite dog, you can ask - Example: « I'm thinking of getting a French Bulldog too. Is this breed aggressive in life?
  • chance meeting. Turn on your imagination here. Any questions, from - « It's not you I saw last Saturday at the concert of the group "Vintage""?, before - « Familiar face. You did not rest this August in Sochi?».

5 rules for good online communication

As a representative of the most tender and beautiful half of humanity, even in electronic correspondence, you must behave accordingly.

  1. obsession. Don't be overly intrusive. How would you yourself react to the fact that you are being pursued by a person with whom there is no desire to communicate?
  2. Dialogue. It is necessary to conduct a dialogue, and not to overwhelm the interlocutor with questions. Learn to listen to it.
  3. Virtual punctuality. Having agreed to appear on the network the next day, you should not force the guy to reap. Urgent business has appeared - let him know about it, and set the time for the next virtual meeting.
  4. Tact. Do not force a man to answer questions that he is trying to ignore. If there is an awkward pause, you need to take communication in a completely different direction.
  5. Honesty. False information about you may backfire on you in the future. Try to be as honest as possible and you won't have to blush when you meet in person.

Get ready: what a guy might ask

We offer a list of questions that you are likely to hear from a young man during the first correspondence. Be ready. Roughness and straightforwardness should not confuse you:

10 questions you shouldn't ask a guy

There is a list questions not worth asking to your new virtual friend. Never, and under no circumstances:

  1. Are you already a man?
  2. When was your last sex?
  3. Do you like to watch erotic films?
  4. How many girls have you already had?
  5. Are you (your parents) rich?
  6. Do you have an apartment (car, own business, etc.)?
  7. At what age are you going to get married?
  8. Do you like children? How many children are you planning to have?
  9. What is your attitude to intimacy on a first date?
  10. Do you like giving gifts to girls?

The problem is, what questions can you ask a pen pal, you will no longer be bothered . The most important - leave a good first impression of yourself . Who knows, maybe a casual virtual conversation will turn into a first date, which will end in a wedding and a long family life.

Video: questions not to ask guys in correspondence

In this video, Nastya will talk about 20 questions that you should never ask guys, otherwise it may put you in an awkward position:

Greetings to all our unmarried readers! Are you looking for opportunities to clarify your relationship with a guy by fully forming your opinion about his character? This can be done using well-designed tricky . This article is your godsend, because here we have compiled a list of well-thought-out, most interesting tricky questions for guys about finances, work, family, friends, and also about love, relationships. Read these questions, which show that guys are different in nature from girls. They do not flaunt their inner world. They rarely share their personal lives with others. This means that a cunning approach is required - thoughtful questions that will help the girl penetrate the "heart" of the guy and get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis character.

Tricky - these are questions with a trick, which are difficult to answer unambiguously. So the guys will have to use their brains to answer. This will help the girl see his real, unfeigned character. Questions like these can make a conversation with a guy hilarious, making it more interesting than usual.

These questions are taken from observations in life, so they should be asked to the guy. For example, one of them: Will you take your mother-in-law on vacation with your family? How do you like this question? Others on the list are also cool and interesting, which you can ask a guy even by correspondence.

Let's call these tricky questions a master class in polishing knowledge about men. So I would definitely recommend that girls have a list of these questions for their boyfriend in their arsenal of communication.

Tough questions for guys

  1. Are you deceiving others? How often, in what case?
  2. In a relationship, who should be in charge - a man or a woman?
  3. What would you do if you could be invisible all day long?
  4. What is the one thing you will definitely try to save if the house suddenly goes on fire?
  5. Suppose you become a woman for a day, what is the first thing you do?
  6. Having the opportunity to commit any crime with impunity, what will you do?
  7. What is better for a man - to be smart and ugly or mute, but beautiful?
  8. With the ability to lock up any one person in a psychiatric hospital, who would be locked up?
  9. What is more important for a girl to have - intelligence or beauty? What do you prefer?
  10. There are different opinions, what do you say, how often should a man and a woman take a bath?
  11. How often should men and women change their underwear and socks?
  12. Can you stand bad breath, sweat or dirty clothes? Should we talk about it if this happens?
  13. Does it annoy you if a person "burps" or "gases"?
  14. Have you ever had a mental disorder?
  15. Does this suit me...?
  16. Will you buy me...?

Tricky questions for a guy about work and friends

  1. What kind of person do you consider your boss and how do you treat him?
  2. When you get married, how much time will you devote to your friends, work?
  3. For the sake of the family, will you be able to refuse frequent communication and meetings with friends, or leave your job?
  4. Would you support your wife's desire to go to work?
  5. Do you like my friends?
  6. Can you give up your friends for the girl you love?
  7. Could your wife refuse a romantic dinner for a beer with a friend whom I saw a long time ago?

Tricky financial questions for guys

  • Should the money earned by the spouses go into a common “boiler” or should each have their own cash desk?
  • Should a wife always ask her husband for permission to buy some things?
  • Should a wife, especially if she does not work, always give her husband an account of the money spent?
  • When buying real estate in marriage, who is it better to register it - for a husband or wife?
  • Can you trust me with your money?
  • Would you risk today - to invest in some shares, assets?

Tricky money questions for a guy

  • Should spouses hide the amount of their salary from each other? Should everyone have their own box office? Are they obligated to save?
  • What would you do if you had a lot of money?
  • Will you give your wife a salary?
  • Can you honestly tell your wife what salary you get?

Relationship trick questions

  1. Have you ever hit a woman. Could you hit your girlfriend?
  2. As a man, what is your attitude towards women's emancipation?
  3. Can you cheat on your girlfriend knowing that cheating will not be recognized?
  4. I have big breasts, beautiful bust. I am fat?
  5. Dancing with guys in clubs when you're away, is that considered cheating?
  6. If you meet an ex-girlfriend who offers you to renew the relationship, what will you do?
  7. Will you continue your relationship with me if I fundamentally do not talk about my past?
  8. Is it okay to open each other's emails without asking?
  9. What is your attitude to my style of clothing, the way I dress? Do you want me to look different? How?
  10. Do you want to be alone without me? What causes you such a desire: my behavior, words or something else?
  11. Who should be the first to stop "sorting things out" with each other in case of disagreement? Is it always necessary to sort things out "to the end"? Whose word should be the last in the dispute?
  12. How would you react to a message from your prospective mate that you need to delay your wedding? Could this affect your relationship?
  13. What will you do if you are forbidden to date or marry your girlfriend? And if the ban up to the deprivation of the paternal inheritance?
  14. What is your attitude towards free love?
  15. Will you let a girl look through your text messages and your address book?
  16. Can you tell the girl you like about her shortcomings?
  17. Could you change religion to marry a girl?
  18. When we get married?

Tricky uncomfortable questions about family/marriage

  1. Who should take the first step towards reconciliation after a family quarrel has arisen?
  2. If your wife does not want to have children, how will you react? Could this be a marriage problem?
  3. How much does it cost for a wife to be on maternity leave?
  4. How do you feel about separation in marriage? Would you let your wife go to a resort alone?
  5. What is your attitude towards living after marriage with your parents? To mother-in-law lived with us?
  6. Will you be jealous if I closely communicate or be friends with men, for example, work colleagues? (You will be interested to read the article on male jealousy).
  7. If you have to take care of one of the parents, what will you do: hire a person to take care of them; you will take care of your parents yourself; Or will you entrust “care” to a nursing home?
  8. Would you agree to adopt adopted children if you don't have your own?
  9. If some behavior, words will cause constant dissatisfaction with irritation, is it worth trying to save the marriage or not?
  10. How will you react when you find out that someone has hit or hurt your child?
  11. Who should go to parent-teacher meetings at school?
  12. Having your own family, can you deny your parents something?
  13. What will you do if the wife cools down to sexual relations? (Read the article about the contract between spouses about sex).
  14. Would you let your wife change religion?
  15. Who will you love more - the child's wife or mother?
  16. Would you enter into a prenuptial agreement at the request of the bride?
  17. Can you call your mother-in-law and father-in-law mom and dad?
  18. Will you agree that the bride should leave her last name at the time of marriage?
  19. What annoys you about my parents, family, relatives?

Tips and warnings for girls

  • In the initial period of courtship, be careful asking tricky questions that you have prepared for a guy. Since it is not known what can anger or embarrass him.
  • Think about the possible consequences - resentment, embarrassment, anger.
  • It is important to remember: the guy's reaction to these questions will depend on his nature and temperament.
  • Don't try to ask all these questions in a few weeks of courtship.
  • Don't fundamentally try to figure out the answer to a question that the guy refuses to discuss.
  • It is better to ask questions not in the form of testing, but flirtatiously. This will help the guy to be more liberated.


Thinking about how to choose difficult questions for a guy, think about why you want to ask him? Are you asking just for fun, to confuse or is it a flirtatious game? Obviously, some questions from the list may seem uncomfortable, others are tricky, funny, but without them there will be no complete picture of the guy’s way of thinking and character. These questions can be a fun conversation starter or an interesting puzzle to spice up your conversation.

Communication is by far the best way to get to know a guy. Tricky questions for a guy are a veiled way to get to know his character. Asking them when meeting girls will bring a pleasure.

Sincerely, Andronik Oleg, Anna.