Different feelings: love and falling in love. Ten scientific discoveries about the feeling of love and why a person needs it

For a long time, people have been trying to find a scientific basis for the feeling of love. They try to substantiate it and adjust it to some material base. Many researchers measure the pulse and. The behavior of people in love is analyzed and compared. And all this is done in order to explain these emotions and sensations with scientific point vision. We will give you ten discoveries made during the course of various studies.

Discovery 1: Love has the same effect as cocaine

If a person who is experiencing wonderful feeling Love, do computed tomography brain, you can find one interesting feature: there will be noticeable strong excitement of the two areas that are responsible for a kind of reward system. Researchers explain this fact by the fact that in the blood serum when falling in love, there is a significant increase in the concentration of dopamine - a substance that is responsible for obtaining a feeling of pleasure (and also causes it). Moreover, it is curious that in this way these zones respond only to the effects of cocaine with all the various external stimuli tested.

Opening 2: love feeling soul, which is based on the preservation of the form

Biologists in the study of animals have noticed that in those couples where long-term relationships are formed, these feelings go through three stages on the way of their formation: a period of desire, then hobbies and attachments. Desire does not mean that feeling of sexual drive, directed at some particular object, inherent only in man, but a completely different state, for which zoologists use this term. At the heart of desire from a biological point of view is the satisfaction of basic animal needs: quenching thirst, hunger and sexual instinct. Passion in this context means the appeared fixation on some specific biological object.

Attachment is a strong established bond between two living beings, which is calculated and aimed at fulfilling a long-term program for reproduction and conservation of the species. Scientists have proven that romantic feeling love in humans is a modified form of passion in the animal world. It arose even among our distant ancestors as a means for the survival of the species. Thus, the feeling of love is aimed at helping to save energy and efforts, so as not to be scattered, but to seek the favor of one partner in order to continue one's kind.

Opening 3: Strange feeling love does not last long, from one and a half to three years

And it is in this interval that the secret biological meaning is laid. Nature thus guaranteed for our ancestors the participation of a man and help in the very first, which are the most difficult, months of the life of a newborn child and his mother. Sometimes the interval for maintaining a feeling of love increases. This happens most often when there are some barriers (for example, separation, lack of reciprocity, mismatch between schedules in love and rare meetings).

Discovery 4: A person experiencing a feeling of love becomes blind

The German scientist Andreas Bartel conducted a study and obtained, which indicate that a person in love is in a sleeping (inactive) state those areas that are usually active in healthy people who do not experience feelings of love.

These areas are areas responsible for making rational decisions and feeling negative emotions, which determines the peculiar worldview of a loving person and the well-known assertion that love is blind.

Discovery 5: Depression almost always accompanies love

It has been found that a person who experiences unrequited love, goes through two physiological stages. Initially, the concentration of dopamine in the blood serum increases even more than at the beginning, when a feeling of love arises.

The result of this rise and overdose is an intense rage that appears and an even greater aggravation of the original state of love. However, sooner or later, the time comes for the arrival of the second phase, which is caused by a drop in dopamine levels much lower than the level usually for a healthy and unloved person, which leads to a state of severe depression.

Discovery 6: Getting rid of love is like curing addiction

Since it was found that love, in terms of its mechanism of action, is similar to the effect of cocaine (point No. 1), then treat given state unhappy love, according to scientists, is as necessary as drug addiction. It is recommended that you definitely eliminate everything that reminds you of the object of passion, all incentives - throw away photographs, do not try to see or hear a voice. And, most importantly, you need to allow yourself to be carried away by something radically new. That is to start all over again.

Discovery 7: Feelings of Love Can Be Treated With Medications

A man in love who is not able to control his actions is like a maniac in this respect. In both, this condition occurs as a result of ongoing serious chemical changes in the blood, which are caused by a decrease in the concentration of an important hormone called serotonin. His fall occurs as a result of an increase in the content of dopamine, a natural drug that pushes a person in love to commit various crazy acts and completely disables his control system.

The number of crimes committed because of love is such that in the United States of America they are beginning to seriously discuss the possibility of treating this feeling with medications.

Discovery 8: The feeling of love can be killed by the introduction of serotonin

Practical studies have found that when a large dose of serotonin is injected into a laboratory mouse, it rejects its permanent partner, and began to mate with everyone. This phenomenon was explained by the fact that under the influence of the introduced serotonin, the concentration of dopamine in the blood and, accordingly, the degree of love fell, but the attraction did not disappear. In the context of this study, it is important for a person to remember that the level of serotonin in the blood can increase as a result of the action of modern antidepressant drugs.

Discovery 9: Faded feelings of love can renew the feeling of novelty

When couples arrive in another country, find themselves in an unfamiliar environment in a hotel, many of them are capable of doing crazy things. Love researchers explain this by saying that in response to any new sensations, high concentrations of dopamine begin to be released in the brain again, which can renew old sensations and bring to life the lost drive of lovers. In this regard, American psychologists for many years in their family therapy sessions advise couples to go on dates with each other at least once a week. However, it must be remembered that you should not visit the same restaurant. It is imperative to look for a sense of novelty and change the meeting place.

Emotions in which the feeling of love is manifested

The feeling of love is accompanied, depending on the situation, by different emotions, both positive and negative (for example, May (1969) emphasizes the presence of the emotion of sadness in a love relationship). On this occasion, X. Ortega y Gasset writes that its consequences are constantly mistaken for love, confusing the picture as much as possible. Love experience, perhaps the most common of mental states human being is associated with a vast array of emotions. Love as a feeling always gives rise to emotions, the object of which is the beloved, but these emotions themselves are not love (feeling), although they testify to it, because they are generated by it. This needs to be emphasized because some psychotherapists' minds are confused and they take the feeling of love for anything but what it really is (see box below).

Point of view

Love is an action, an activity. Here we come to another serious misunderstanding about love, which should be carefully considered. Love is not a feeling. Very many people who experience a feeling of love and even act under the dictates of this feeling actually commit acts of dislike and destruction. A truly loving person often takes loving and constructive actions towards a person who is clearly unsympathetic to him, for whom at that moment he feels not love, but rather disgust.

The feeling of love is the emotion that accompanies the experience of cathexis. Cathexis, we recall, is an event or process as a result of which an object becomes important to us. In this object ("object of love" or "object of love") we begin to invest our energy, as if it had become a part of ourselves; this connection between us and the object we also call cathexis. One can speak of many cathexis if we have many such connections at the same time. The process of cutting off the energy supply to the object of love, as a result of which it loses its meaning for us, is called decathexis.

The misconception about love as a feeling arises from the fact that we confuse cathexis with love. This fallacy is easy to understand because we are talking about similar processes, but still there are clear differences between them.

First of all, as already noted, we can experience cathexis in relation to any object - living and inanimate, animate and inanimate. Thus, someone may feel cathexis towards the stock market or jewelry can feel love for them. If we feel cathexis towards another human being, this does not mean at all that we are in any way interested in his spiritual development. A dependent person is almost always afraid of the spiritual development of her own spouse, towards which she harbors cathexis. The mother, who stubbornly drove her son to school and back, undoubtedly experiences cathexis towards the boy: he was important to her - he, but not his spiritual growth. The intensity of our cathexis usually has nothing to do with either wisdom or devotion. Two people can meet in a bar, and the mutual cathexis will be so strong that no previously scheduled meetings, promises made, even peace and quiet in the family cannot be compared in importance - for a while - with the experience of sexual pleasure. Finally, our cathexis are shaky and fleeting. Said couple, having experienced sexual pleasure, may immediately find that the partner is unattractive and undesirable. A decathexis can be as fast as a cathexis.

Genuine love means commitment and actionable wisdom. If we are interested in someone spiritual development, then we understand that the lack of commitment will most likely be painfully perceived by this person and that the commitment to him is necessary first of all for ourselves in order to show our interest more effectively.

Pekk M.S., psychotherapist // Based on the materials of the Internet (realove.ru)

It is embarrassing to even comment on these reflections of the psychotherapist. Here love is either an action, or not a feeling, but still a feeling, or an emotion.

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The Feeling of Love Love is the mother of all virtues. Ephraim Sirin Great feeling, ruling the world and that which creates life is Love. Watching the world and people, I realized that this feeling is different for everyone, and everyone understands this state in their own way. I would like to tell you

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Chapter 7 different people. All of them differ from each other - intellect, their creativity. A person is a person, and everyone has their own problems. One of

Nature endowed man with a sense of sexual satisfaction, which made sex too popular, and in Lately even fashionable, as a means of self-expression and show.

Love can be from a man to a woman, or vice versa, from a woman to a man, it is better when mutually, as a result of the attraction of different sexes, expressed in mutual sympathy, need for each other. The result of such love can be sex and children. Well, I don't want to tell you about it.

Sex can be without Love.

Sex can be for Love.

LOVE can exist without sex.

LOVE is a great feeling of mutual attraction and unity with nature, Motherland, humanity, space, the universe, the creator.

Do you want to feel this LOVE? We must try.

Retire so that no one and nothing interferes with you or distracts you. Better silence or very quiet, pleasant music without words. Close your eyes. Forget about all the problems, about plans for tomorrow and about the cabbage pie, about everything.

Remember something very personal, maybe from your childhood, maybe your old yard, your favorite corner in the forest or park, or the nursery, your favorite toy, mom, when did you experience amazing feeling quiet joy, security, warmth in the chest (pinched in the chest). And don't be afraid to show weakness. This is not a weakness, this is something that is hidden somewhere very deep, which we are arrogantly afraid to admit to ourselves. Plunge deeper into this state, when everything around is familiar, familiar to the smallest detail, there is no need to rush anywhere, no one here will offend or disturb you. It's very nice here and I'm not going anywhere! Let this feeling fill and warm your whole body, every cell. Don't hold back your emotions! Remember this state. Remember this emotionally, muscularly, energetically, by all possible ways. And now remember about our planet, about Mother Earth, which gave us life, air, water, forests and mountains. Transfer that warm feeling in your chest to her. Call her. Wait, be quiet and listen, listen there, inside in the very heart. Call again, once or twice, and listen again. And she will call back. You should feel this very quiet touch, approach, her warmth, her energy, her breath. You are her child! Tell her that you love her, thank her, just like that, for nothing, for her LOVE for you. Breathe with her, synchronize your breath with her. And you will definitely feel her LOVE. You have returned Home!

Such communication can be carried out with Mother Earth and the Sun, with the river, the sea, the stars, with God (whatever name you call him).

Know that such LOVE is always present in the process of CREATION.

If you practice, then filling your heart with such LOVE will not be difficult and not long. Soon, for this it will not be necessary to look for a secluded place and enter a “special” state, it will be obtained immediately by mental “order”.

In this state, the physical body of a person generates a special “electromagnetic” field of very high vibrations (it has been repeatedly verified modern appliances). These vibrations have a very strong effect on the surrounding people and space. You have probably heard the phrase: "I will cure you with my LOVE." And miraculous healing took place. This is not mysticism or fantasy. It is in this state, with these high vibrations, with this LOVE, that a person can be healed. Of course you need high level(power) of such energy, and pure thoughts!

In this article, we will look at the difference between love and falling in love.

Love, sympathy or falling in love, and sometimes just passion - these are the feelings that are familiar to each of us. Well, that's just the way we are - we will definitely be drawn to another person and we will always have a desire to be attached to someone. Love and infatuation, as well as friendship and affection, go together. Yes, they stand so close and go toe to toe that many of us confuse them or are not even aware of the presence of any feeling.

How to distinguish love from a feeling of falling in love: comparison, signs, psychology, test

Love and falling in love are very closely related, they are similar and cannot exist without each other. More precisely, how to say, love will not arise without sympathy and previous love. After all, love takes time. Therefore, these feelings are often confused. Perhaps this is due to the fact that each of us wants to find that same, true love. By the way, a lot depends on the character. There are individuals who fall in love every week with a new partner. Naturally, in this case it's about love.

What are the signs of love. Everyone is familiar with these riots of hormones, butterflies in the stomach, feelings of sublimity - all this is a side of the emotional aspect of falling in love.

  • As they say, "love at first sight" is a myth. Only love can arise. Here she will take you by surprise. And we, unfortunately, cannot choose who and when this will happen.
  • Falling in love starts like the flu. Yes exactly. Some scientists even attribute the status of a disease to this feeling. A person in love has mood swings, pressure surges and insomnia, and some even have headaches.
  • The desire to always and more be close to the person you like. Yes, now we are talking about those “random” meetings.
  • Lovers want to communicate, talk, act and learn something new about each other every day. And most importantly, that there is no boredom and monotony.
  • But a person in love often feels absent-mindedness, confusion in thoughts (from this, delusional first speeches are obtained). And what kind of rash acts love pushes. If you look at your life in the past, you already become ashamed of yourself. Yes, this item applies more to teenagers, but a person in love is susceptible to them at any age.
  • How would you like to present yourself? best quality and light. That is, a man in love, as if making it clear that he is the one.

IMPORTANT: Falling in love is more selfish, because a person in this state, first of all, thinks about himself. He wants to look, touch and be near, so that he feels good. A man in love rarely wonders what his soulmate is like. Even if such thoughts arise (purely because of common sense), on the scales always outweigh personal interests and benefits.

  • In a passion, you cannot be 100% sure (no, for example, girls often have thoughts about future wedding and children), and external data (smile, eyes, gait) can cause feelings.
  • By the way, when interests collide, each other's shortcomings begin to appear, which we may not accept. Some even manage to start a family or create civil marriage. And then, a whole bunch of discontent blooms.
  • If you can't be around, then look with your eyes. Yes, a man in love as often as possible (almost constantly) will look for his passion with his eyes. Therefore, so often lovers meet eyes.
  • And yet, when we start talking with a person we like, the timbre of the voice involuntarily softens and becomes quieter.

But love already has slightly different characteristics:

  • The first thing I would like to highlight is time. Love does not arise quickly and spontaneously. It takes time and work on yourself (both partners). But on the other hand, one can be sure of the duration of such a feeling for many years.
  • We mentioned that only external data causes feelings in a person in love, and flaws can be wildly annoying. In a state of love, we perceive a person as he is. That is, they love him not behind the eyes or expensive gifts, but simply for what he is, he is the best and the only one.
  • There shouldn't be anyone else. That is, a person becomes everything for you. For example, a girl walks and looks at nice guy, but he thinks to himself: “the jacket is beautiful, I should buy my husband!”. You do not pay attention to others and do not even notice their positive qualities.
  • No, contact is maintained with friends or relatives. Even more than during the period of love. It means that no one else causes such sympathy.
  • With a loved one, you can just be silent. Yes, loving people can communicate, as if with a glance or at a telepathic level. And with such a person you feel calm, safe and comfortable. After all, you are in the right place.
  • In love, there are no thoughts of separation (divorce). Even during quarrels (they happen to everyone - this is also a natural and normal process), a loving person understands that they will reconcile, find a compromise and move on. And how else! After all, now they have become halves of one whole.
  • By the way, those who love do not have “mine” or “yours”, but “ours” comes to replace it. Moreover, both partners have not only common interests, but even general habits and even character traits become a little similar.
  • The main thing is to always work on yourself. Both partners. This also includes the feeling of forgiveness. Yes, you always need to specify the problem and seek a compromise.

IMPORTANT: A loving person is always more concerned about the state of his soul mate. That is, he does not think about his own benefit or convenience, but about making his beloved feel good and comfortable.

Now let's touch on their psychological side.


  1. We all want to continue our family. This is inherent in nature and not only in man, but in any living creature on the planet. Therefore, there is such a feeling as falling in love. Therefore, one thing can be said - the human body itself induces a feeling of love.
  2. By the way, love is often deceptive. A person was attracted by external data, and the mind and imagination have already done everything else. And then, when we have to face reality, we are disappointed. In other words, we idealize a partner.
  3. Under the influence of hormones, a person rises, becomes joyful and cheerful. Moreover, the feeling of falling in love is also reflected in our luck. After all, with a positive personality, things go much higher than the rest. Therefore, being in love is even beneficial for our body.
  4. And it is impossible not to touch upon such an aspect as parents. No, now we are not talking about the love of parents and children. Probably, many have heard that on an unconscious level we choose as partners such a person who is similar (if positive points) or, conversely, the opposite (when parents are associated with negative memories) with our parents.

Now let's talk about love:

  1. Love arises over the years - this is a fact. But there are also some types of love, for example, maternal or brotherly, and there is also love for a neighbor, for the Motherland or work. And, of course, there is sexual love, that is, between a man and a woman, between spouses.
  2. Love is often confused with feelings of affection or fear of being alone. But more on that later. I just wanted to say a few words about love - the lover will not suppress her partner or create unsuitable living conditions for him, and he will not try to assert himself by any means.
  3. And it is impossible not to note the stages of love. Yes, they exist:
    • Sympathy or falling in love is a period when hormones are dancing a waltz, and rose-colored glasses are in front of our eyes.
    • A glut or tipping point is the period when all the shortcomings begin to be noticed. Moreover, the glasses are off, and we really don’t like these partner’s habits. And he (or she) does not want to give them up or change them.
    • Denial or the desire to quit everything arises after pink glasses. It is difficult to find a compromise, the partner has many claims, and he himself does nothing for the sake of the relationship (and each of the partners thinks so). And then there are thoughts that ideal option there will be a breakup. Unfortunately, this is the longest period and most couples end up in a breakup.
    • The beginning or birth of love occurs when partners dare to stay together and begin to work on themselves. Once again, do not confuse with hopelessness or a sense of affection. In love, care and tenderness for a loved one comes first.
    • AND real love as the final step. Unfortunately, only mature partners who really know both joys and sorrows can achieve it. With love, friendship, passion, interest and intimacy. Of course, partners must be able to get along in a team, be responsible and devoted to each other.

To finally establish the final verdict, we offer you a small test:

  1. Pay attention to your appearance.
    • A man in love is prettier and tries to attract attention as much as possible. There is a blush on the cheeks, a radiance in the eyes, and a smile on the face.
    • Love does not like loud and flashy outfits. She is generally more inconspicuous, and the changes in appearance are minor.
  2. Character and conversation.
    • During the period of falling in love, we try to be near our chosen one more often, and conversations can only be about him. Constantly tormented by questions: “Do you like me?”, “Do I look good?”, “Did my outfit notice?”.
    • In love, there is a desire to make your soul mate only better, so that he feels good. And not only, others also fall under the distribution of happiness and help.
  3. What emotions are overwhelmed.
    • Jumps and mood swings - this is what is characteristic of falling in love. Cry because you didn’t call in time, or didn’t meet at the first break, and then at the sight of your passion, it all changes with loud laughter and high spirits.
    • The weak point of lovers is their looks. There are no longer those jumps (sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly), feelings are more stable and calm.
  4. What is the difference in behaviour.
    • When falling in love, some may blush sharply, others become silent or, conversely, begin to communicate loudly and provocatively. And there are cases when shy representatives simply run away.
    • In love, everything is different - with a relative (in love, he becomes like that), you feel yourself easily and at ease. There is no desire or need to show yourself from the other, unnatural side.

How to distinguish love from feelings of affection: comparison, signs, psychology, test

We have indicated above the symptoms and signs of such a feeling as love. Therefore, we will not go deeper again. Let's talk about attachment, which is also often confused with love. Falling in love is more related to schoolchildren and teenagers, but affection is more characteristic of those partners who have managed to live together.

  • In general, affection is a feeling of closeness, which is based on sympathy or the same love. As you can see, all these feelings are very closely interconnected.
  • In a couple where there is affection, one always gives and the other receives. That is, one loves, and the second turns the cheek.
  • Attacks of jealousy are also more related to attachment. The desire to control and completely personally possess a partner does not speak of love at all. So there is too much control. There is always room for trust in love!
  • Fear. Important indicator because the attached person is afraid of losing a partner. And they are more concerned about material qualities. This is where the extra attention comes from.
  • Also, it is worth noting that there is no development of partners as individuals. That is, loving people can develop not only together, everyone can have their own hobby or passion.
  • And yet, attachment, like falling in love, is based on external qualities.
  • Let's also talk about distance. Attachment can at first lead to melancholy, and then, on the contrary, cause a feeling of lightness and freedom.

Therefore, you can easily pass a small test:

  1. Again, pay attention to what you like in a partner.
  2. How do you feel after a week off?
  3. You put your interests above that of your partner. Or vice versa?
  4. Now remember about the shortcomings of the partner and your attitude towards them.

Answer only honestly, and the conclusion can be drawn from the above signs.

How to distinguish love from a feeling of passion: comparison, signs, psychology, test

The Kama Sutra interprets love in its own way. Every person has three drives: mind, soul and body. In the first case, respect is born, in the second - friendship, in the third - desire (aka passion). Love is the combination of all three qualities together. We will not go around in circles for a long time and repeat ourselves, so we will immediately move on to passion.

  • Again, it is based only on physical sympathy.
  • It flares up like a forest fire. But it fades just as quickly.
  • Passion often makes you resolve any conflict in bed. Pay attention to how you resolve your conflicts. In love, there is always a place for calm conversations, but passion overshadows the mind.
  • loving person he will never insult his partner, but passion allows barbs and rudeness towards the second half.
  • And an important criterion! Passion can refer to several. Love is monogamous (we have already mentioned this above).

If we talk about the test, then it is enough to answer the questions from the previous paragraph. Answer honestly and quickly, and also remember (we already mentioned) such aspects as conflict resolution and flirting on the side.

How to distinguish love from a feeling of passion: comparison, signs, psychology, test

To distinguish the feeling of infatuation from love, and to understand what kind of feeling overwhelms you, it is enough just to give answers to next questions. The feeling of infatuation is very similar to falling in love, but it can even be called the initial stage.

  • Naturally, answer honestly what attracts you in a partner. Only a few points can be called a hobby. And only external or physical aspects.
  • How often and for how long interest is shown. The passion is so fleeting (yes, falling in love is more permanent in this matter) that a person very quickly switches to another object. Moreover, the person goes out very quickly. He is engaged in other things, only when reminded can he remember his passion.

  • Again, the topic is how conflicts are resolved. With passion, of course, all roads lead to bed, but attraction is expressed by too emotional perception. Yes, a person begins to react very sharply to any comments. And any quarrel turns into a world-class conflict.
  • Do you care about your soul mate? This item plays important role. Yes, love arises gradually and, naturally, people get to know each other in detail. Hobbies are selfish in nature and are aimed only at personal gain.
  • And it is necessary to note such an aspect - an earthly or supermundane feeling. The fact is that when carried away, only earthly needs are of interest, which are expressed by thoughts, pleasures and banal deeds. Love has no barriers, and for lovers, intimacy is in the first place.

How to distinguish love from a feeling of friendship: comparison, signs, psychology, test

They say that between a man and a woman there is never a feeling of friendship. We will not delve too deeply into this issue, since this is a “sick” and eternal topic for controversy. Maybe friendship will turn into love. Or maybe someone's feeling of sympathy, on the contrary, will destroy friendship in a few years. We will consider an example when there is only spiritual intimacy (that is, friendship) or the desire for the body (love) already appears.

  1. How do you behave. If it is easy and at ease, do not be afraid to make yourself look ridiculous, then there is only friendship between you. No, in love, too, no one experiences tension, but it comes with age. Communication goes to another level, and it is different from all other friendships.
  2. There should be no place for jealousy in friendship. You easily communicate with the passion of a friend (girlfriend) or you can simply discuss the person you like. And no negative. That is, a person specifically does not want to put a passion in a bad light. Of course, if the circumstances really do not require it.
  3. Care. No, friends also take care of each other, but lovers do it differently. You will not be able to allow a loved one to snack on dry food or junk food (or drink a lot of alcohol), but a friend will sit down for such a meal with you.
  4. Analyze time apart. How often do you remember a friend, but think about who and what you do with. Friends don't have this issue. They live their lives.
  5. How do you feel about a friend's criticism of you? As a rule, a loving person wants to show himself from the best side. Of course, it is too early to talk about deep love, but here it is. initial stage will not let you listen to reproaches or even comic barbs addressed to you. The words of a friend are perceived easier, moreover, you can even laugh at them together.

Of course, you can endlessly consider examples of love and friendship, but to understand your feelings, the above five points are enough.

How to distinguish love from feeling that a person just likes: comparison, signs, psychology, test

We won't beat around the bush. Since we have considered several options, simple sympathy similar to ordinary love or infatuation. The only difference is that we can like many representatives. One person who likes beautiful eyes, and the other has a smile, and the third jokes well. But! All of them have and negative sides which we immediately notice.

  • That is, in a simply sympathetic person, we single out only one or two qualities that we like.
  • And this is necessarily either external data, or just some kind of behavior.
  • I don't want to be around all the time. You can have your own life, but you remember about passion only if necessary.
  • With the person we like, we always feel embarrassed and awkward.
  • And sympathy can fade away very quickly, and in general it is characterized by its inconstancy. Appear someone who has more beautiful eyes, and attention will switch to him.

What is the difference between true love and other feelings: psychology

We have indicated what are the main features of each of the senses and how to recognize them. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves, but simply summarize the information.

  • Love is a feeling that arises gradually and after a certain time.
  • A person is loved in the overall picture, yes, for his soul (as they often say). No, external data is also important, but not put in the first place.
  • Love includes friendship, passion, and spiritual intimacy.
  • Love does not idealize like other feelings. A person is perceived with all the pluses and minuses. And they love it because it is just there and nearby.
  • Love does not require constant presence (like falling in love), control (like affection), and at a distance or through time it does not pass and does not go out (like passion).

  • In love, they always put their soul mate above their hobbies, amenities, and even happiness. More precisely, in a loving person, it consists in making the partner feel good.
  • You can have your own entertainment, hobbies and even different friends. But this does not become a reason for jealousy and conflicts on this basis. This is what love is.
  • Don't forget to pay attention to those around you. Love has enough time and attention for everyone, and even a piece of your happiness. Other feelings are simply fixated on one person until they go out. Or until they develop into something bigger and higher.
  • And once again we will touch upon the topic of conflicts. In love, quarrels become rare over time. Yes, the reason for this is that you perceive your partner completely and completely, and with all the shortcomings. Moreover, they are also easier to solve. Conversations are calmer, and compromise is easier to find.

Can there be love without falling in love?

No, he can not. All these stages of sympathy must necessarily go through the lover. Moreover, love also requires friendship and mutual respect. The fact is that everything is thought out to the smallest detail by nature.

  • If it were not for the hormones and the euphoria of falling in love, then not a single couple would have lived together for more than a week.
    • Remember that conflict is normal. After all, two are on the scales different person. If everyone does not begin to regulate the scales on their part, then they will continue to outweigh and fluctuate.
  • Next comes the habit. Yes, her role is also important. You don’t need to live only out of habit or attachment, it’s just that at that turning point when you want to drop everything and run away, it’s just that – attachment that slows you down.

  • And only then, when you pass "seven circles family problems”, Learn to put up and accept your partner as he is, then love will begin to engender.
  • And then, for its development, you need to constantly work on yourself and your relationships.

How long does love and falling in love last and can falling in love turn into love?

They say "love lasts 3 years". This is both true and wrong at the same time. This is the period of love. When the butterflies from the stomach are gone, and you begin to look at the world with a sober look. By the way, for some, this period develops in different ways - from 6 months to 4 years. Love is born for a long time and has no definite time. They say that it is eternal. Yes, love can really last a lifetime.

Love and Love: a parable

There is a very informative, instructive and touching parable. The essence of the parable is that Love will forgive and endure much, except for Indifference.

What is falling in love and love, there is a difference between these feelings. Many are interested in how to differentiate these concepts, what is common between them, and how they differ. How to distinguish love from falling in love will be of interest to everyone, because almost every person encounters such feelings. The first concept is more capacious. Love is a deep feeling, acceptance of a person with his strengths and weaknesses. It does not belong to everyone. Some people falsely believe that they love, but after a while they realize the absurdity of their judgment, forgetting the person.

What is the difference between love and infatuation? The second feeling is a kind of euphoria, in which there is a constant desire for the presence of the object. There are enough differences between the two concepts, but some of them are controversial, because everyone loves in their own way.

The difference between love and falling in love also lies in the attitude towards a person. In the first case, there is no dependence, jealousy, rejection, violent emotions. A person feels comfort, peace. In the second case, euphoria first arises, then it is replaced by irritability in the absence of an object.

The difference between concepts

The difference between love and falling in love lies in the energy that fills a person, and in a kind of aftertaste. In the second case, when a stormy feeling arises, there is a surge of strength, emotions overflow. The object is often idialized. When a feeling of love arises, there is no need for the constant presence of a person. You can safely let him go, wishing happiness. In this case, there is no violent reaction inside. The concept of love is so vast that it is rather difficult to describe it.

Men and women experience this feeling differently. Representatives of the stronger sex are more restrained in the manifestation of emotions, so you should not expect such a reaction, as in the case of girls. Women often do not know the measure and often fall into dependence on feelings, which is also not positive.

How to understand, love or love? This will help you understand modern psychology. Popular author Viktor Dobroslavovich points out that there is a huge difference between falling in love and love. At the same time, he describes possible mistakes who are waiting for a couple at the very beginning of the relationship.

When we fall in love, it seems that the whole world is changing. The colors become so bright that everything around is seen in the sunlight. One of the world's psychotherapists compared this feeling with a kind of addiction. In the presence of the desired object, a a large number of hormones of joy and pleasure. If you abruptly remove a person or cut off contact, then the real breakdown begins.

Falling in love develops into love, but only under the condition of the work of the mind. Often, at the initial stage of a relationship, people spoil everything themselves, succumbing to the so-called withdrawal. Jealousy begins, one accuses the other of lack of attention. While popular authors of transurfing believe that it is enough to change your behavior to bathe in love all your life.

Fundamental differences

How to cope with falling in love and turn it into love? It is enough to adhere to the principle of frayling, which Vadim Zeland outlined in one of his popular books. Intentions need to be changed. We must strive not to take, but to give. Only then can love be learned. This feeling, unlike falling in love, does not provide for constant demands. A loving person does not expect constant attention, but appreciates the space of a partner. If he wants a good attitude and care for himself, then he gives it all first of all himself.

Many people tend to fall in love, falling into direct dependence on the object. And who will fall into the trap depends on the strength of the individual. These are the laws of nature. You can see how strong men willingly twirl weak women like puppets. At the same time, spiritually stable representatives of the weaker sex do not fall into addiction and are emotionally balanced. Such persons are often attracted to people who want to fill some spiritual emptiness. This is why they say that opposites attract.

When you love, such contradictions do not arise. There is no need to balance the balance. Both personalities complement each other. One girl was in love and did not understand how she became a hostage to this feeling. Most of these stories have sad endings. People who become addicted often become only a temporary hobby.

Falling in love and love are also different in that the second feeling can continue indefinitely, there is no satiety. In the first case, euphoria is often replaced by disappointment and emptiness. Wise people always control their feelings. Admission positive energy during falling in love, they transform into a deeper feeling. At the same time, enlightened people do not look for flaws in their partner, but only virtues.

At the same time, life is not overshadowed by empty experiences and pain, but, on the contrary, becomes filled with joy, a pleasant feeling of closeness of souls. What else is the difference? A loving person is patient. He knows how to forgive, accept and give joy. If there is only love, then negative feelings often prevail. A deep feeling always gives freedom to both people. There is infinite trust.

In order for a light feeling to develop into a deeper one, it is necessary to give maximum freedom to the object. Do not force him to report, do not make scenes, but also do not behave in a playful way. It's important to be yourself. Don't try to be better than you really are.

Additional Information

Many will understand that falling in love has passed if it was not the right person. In fact, a deep feeling is possible only with a partner who came into life not for a lesson, but sent by fate. To reject such a concept is absurd, because all people live along the flow of options, although they are the arbiters.

You can get only what is embedded in the subconscious. It is impossible to be with someone to whom you do not correspond spiritually. There are many differences between infatuation and love. How can you tell if one feeling turns into another? This changes the feeling. There is harmony within. There are no bright flashes, especially negative ones. There is a feeling of boundless trust. When light feelings turn into deeper ones, a person begins to feel the stability of his position and enjoy life even without the presence of an object of love.

This does not include a mandatory sexual contact. There are many cases of manifestation platonic love that lasts a lifetime. The main thing is the presence of peace of mind, which brings people together. The partners seem to be on the same wavelength. They often complement each other's phrases and understand without words.

In order not to destroy the feeling at the root and translate it into a deeper one, one should take into account equality, forget about selfishness and treat a person not only as an object of sexual attraction, but also as a friend and even a brother or sister. Love differs from falling in love also in that it can heal not only the body, but also the soul of a person, changing in better side personality and transforming it.