Intuition of the subconscious 6th sense. We give freedom to intuition. How to develop intuition according to the method of John Kehoe

1. physical control.

The first step to development is to link your intuition to certain physical sensations. The subconscious mind throws clear clues to us - only most people miss them, being in a constant stream of internal dialogue. Take the whole day to understand exactly how your intuition "talks" to you. Write down on paper what sensations you experienced anticipating something that came true later.

2. turn on the telepath.

3. disable templates.
The next exercise is aimed at the emancipation of consciousness. Spend a whole day trying to guess the events. What is the name of the waiter? What will the boss wear to work? Where will this dog turn? Don't be afraid of mistakes. Our task is to relax and tune the brain to the right job. Month such practice will teach the mind to connect the process of guessing in the "Background" mode - and you will be surprised at the rapid progress.

4. morning workout.
You will need to get up a little earlier than usual to do this little workout. Ten minutes will be enough. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Let images and fragments of thoughts walk chaotically. Take a notebook and try to transfer all this nonsense to paper. In the evening, reread the notes and compare them with the events of the day. Did you find strange coincidences? That's the way it should be. Over time, there will be more and more coincidences.

5. associations.
Again we pick up a notebook and start the game of association. Choose ten words and write your own associative series for each. When finished, start again, trying to find other associations for the same words. Gradually, logical chains will give way to obvious delirium - this is our catch. Analyze what you have received carefully, a phrase like "forest - Wolf" may well signal an imminent loss of work.

6. stay within limits.

Spiritual practices contribute to the rapid development of intuition. The most popular among them are mantras and meditations.

Mantras for the development of the Sixth Sense, combined with meditation, allow a person to approach the boundaries of the unknown, thanks to a special concentration of the mind and certain postures. Such mantras are read exclusively on the growing moon. Working with such mantras, a person discovers in himself special abilities that affect both him and the environment.

Mantras that develop the Sixth Sense:

  1. The mantra for opening the Third Eye is Om Qassiyana HaRa Shanatar.
  2. Mantra for the rapid development of intuition: “HaRoHaRa2.
  3. A powerful mantra for gaining super-perception: "Om RaoRemFaoFeroEimForam."

A person who uses mantras for intuition acquires such abilities as transmitting love to his loved ones and receiving it, treating diseases with the help of strong biofield, see the future, warning of possible disasters. The use of mantras implies the greatest responsibility of man for knowledge.

To accomplish it, you will need some goal, some object.
Stand up, stretch out your hand and forefinger. Try to feel your target: how far it is located, what vibrations come from it.

After establishing contact, close your eyes, spin around yourself. When you stop, feel in which direction and how far this object is from you.

Did you feel? Open your eyes, see if it's right. If you made a mistake, then try to understand why it happened, what prevented it. Do the exercise a few more times.

Train psychoradar until you can "see" objects with eyes closed. After that, do household chores with your eyes closed, first for 5 minutes, then longer.

An inner voice - someone believes him, and someone does not even believe in his existence. Intuition for many people remains a kind of strange property, close to obviously fantastic telepathy or levitation. But, in fact, every person can develop a sixth sense in himself. You just need to put in the effort.

1. Physical control

2. Turn on the telepath

Now that you already have a clear understanding physical sensation insight, you need to learn how to turn it on own will. Ask yourself a simple question and focus on the desired part of the body. Feeling familiar sensations, squeeze the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Repeat the exercise day after day - at one point, it will be enough for you to simply squeeze your hand to start the whole mechanism.

3. Disable Templates

4. Morning workout

5. Associations

6. Stay within limits

The most important thing is not to try to turn into a superman, relying only on your intuition. Check all received data with logical control. Think about how to use the prompts of the subconscious and remember that you can very well deceive yourself.

An inner voice - someone believes him, and someone does not even believe in his existence. Intuition for many people remains a kind of strange property, close to obviously fantastic telepathy or levitation. But in fact, every person can develop a sixth sense in himself. You just need to make an effort.

Physical control

The first step to development is to link your intuition to certain physical sensations. The subconscious mind throws clear clues to us - only most people miss them, being in a constant stream of internal dialogue. Take the whole day to understand exactly how your intuition "talks" to you. Write down on paper what sensations you experienced anticipating something that came true later.

Turn on the telepath

Now that you already have a clear understanding of the physical sensation of insight, you need to learn how to turn it on at will. Ask yourself a simple question and focus on the desired part of the body. Feeling familiar sensations, squeeze the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Repeat the exercise day after day - at one fine moment, it will be enough for you to simply squeeze your hand to start the whole mechanism.

Turning off templates

The next exercise is aimed at the emancipation of consciousness. Spend a whole day trying to guess the events. What is the name of the waiter? What will the boss wear to work? Where will this dog turn? Don't be afraid of mistakes. Our task is to relax and tune the brain to the desired work. A month of such practice will teach the mind to connect the process of guessing in the "background" - and you will be surprised at the rapid progress.

morning workout

You will need to get up a little earlier than usual to do this little workout. Ten minutes will be enough. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Let images and fragments of thoughts walk chaotically. Take a notebook and try to transfer all this nonsense to paper. In the evening, reread the notes and compare them with the events of the day. Discovered strange coincidences? That's the way it should be. Over time, there will be more and more coincidences.


Again we pick up a notebook and start the game of association. Choose ten words and write your own associative series for each. When finished, start again, trying to find other associations for the same words. Gradually, logical chains will give way to obvious delirium - this is our catch. Analyze what you have received carefully, a phrase like “forest wolf” may well signal an imminent loss of work.

We stay within

The most important thing is not to try to turn into a superman, relying only on your intuition. Check all received data with logical control. Think about how to use the prompts of the subconscious and remember that you can very well deceive yourself.

Video What interferes with intuition and how to develop a sixth sense - How to develop ...

Develop anticipation. How to learn to listen to intuition

If you expect a direct answer to a question, you will be disappointed.

The subconscious mind sends signals in the form of images, vivid impressions, sensations and smells. For example, there are widely known cases when passengers canceled plane tickets at the last moment because they subconsciously felt impending misfortune and thus saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, and they know how to listen to its warnings. Signals of intuition are manifested in a rapid heartbeat, you can be thrown into a fever or cold. Some people feel tingling in the balls of their fingers.

Listen to your feelings before making an important decision. If they are joyful, the subconscious sends you a positive response. When the chest is squeezed by an unpleasant foreboding and a feeling of anxiety appears, the answer is no.

In rare cases, the subconscious sends answers through intuition, expressed different smells. There were cases when people before an important joyful event smelled oranges, and before troubles, the aroma of rotten fruit. Sometimes a person is not able to subtly feel the signals of the subconscious, and then he can receive signs from the outside.

For example, when you are suffering for a long time and cannot make the right decision, an article comes across that indicates Right way or a bird will knock on the window. In order to push you to the right decision, different events can happen.

  • To develop intuition, you need to constantly listen to your subconscious and increase self-esteem.
  • If a person does not believe in himself, then he will not be able to use his intuition, as he will be afraid to follow the advice that she gives.
  • Those who have low self-esteem do what more confident, successful and strong people dictate to them.
  • When you become confident, you will understand that intuition works. If there is no faith in this, then it will not work to use her channel, since it opens up to those who believe in it.
  • Learn to ask your subconscious the right questions. Speak each of them clearly, clearly, meaningfully and always in the affirmative.

Let's take specific example: You want to get an important position, but do not know if you will be hired. Ask your subconscious mind a clear phrase: "I will get this job." Next, listen to the inner sensations that come from the heart and soul. Those phrases that were built in the affirmative form do not affect logical thinking, so do not spoil the answers sent by intuition.

Many people have noticed strange things behind them more than once, when something inside told them what to do and the decision turned out to be correct. People with developed intuition rent tickets for a plane that crashes later, foresee the illness of loved ones, and some are able to see people through and through in the literal sense of the word. The sixth sense is any sense that is in addition to the basic five – touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste. It can be called the ability to communicate with one's own soul.

Someone consciously develops a sixth sense in himself by doing spiritual practices, meditating and clearing his mind, while for someone this gift is given from above for merits in past lives or is inherited. More and more scientists are studying this phenomenon, and there are those who consider the discovery of the sixth sense gene a scientifically proven fact. American pediatric neurologist K. Benneman called this term the ability of a person to feel the position of body parts in space relative to each other.

Alexander Litvin - I will not be higher than God. How to develop a sixth sense

"I am Alexander Litvin. My name is familiar to you from the program" Battle of Psychics ". I became the winner of the 6th season and ... I consider this topic closed.

I don't think my ability is a miracle or a special talent. And I don't really like the word "psychic" because of the associations and stereotypes. Rather, I'm closer - "probability analyst". I don't have any special gift. My gift is solely in the fact that I believe in my strength. And no one can take away faith.

The knowledge I have is knowledge narrow circle, and my task is to convey them to as many people as possible, to explain the cause-and-effect relationships, to teach how to catch a fair wind.

I return again and again to the past. My life. My history. She is different. It was no accident that I won that sixth "Battle". And it was just a battle, a real one, and it's not over yet. My battle for truth.

The sixth sense, which is in the last place in the hierarchy, I would put in the first place. All other feelings are important, but they are only an addition to intuition. I wrote this book not only to understand my biography, but also to tell you how to develop your intuition or, as it is also called, the sixth sense!

How to develop intuition and get advice, hints, warnings? 2 powerful yet simple simple ways will help!

Hypersensitivity (extrasensory perception) is the ability to perceive information that comes intuitively, without logical analysis. A person with hypersensitivity perceives sensations that are inaccessible to the usual senses.

For example, someone suddenly becomes uncomfortable, instinctively turns around and sees someone staring at him.

In fact, all people have hypersensitivity, and most use it every day unconsciously.

How is intuition manifested?

Intuition¹ or the sixth sense is the ability to receive information instantly from the information field of the Universe. Often this is accompanied by an emotional experience.

There are many examples of such feelings:

  • There is an expression "to suck in the spoon." This has happened to so many people when intuition warns of possible risk or danger. This often occurs before any business or trip, and then it turns out that the fears were justified.

Often the logical mind discards these sensations, and many people later regret that they did not listen to themselves; remember that shortly before the unpleasant event they received the correct information.

  • There is a feeling of joy in the chest: this is how intuition says that a person is on the right path.
  • A feeling of unrest in the intestines often occurs to warn against some kind of negativity.
  • Inner peace is an indication that a business or person is trustworthy.
  • And vice versa: sometimes when looking at a person inside, there is a feeling (knowledge) that it is better not to have anything to do with him.

Experienced people urge you to trust yourself, "instinct", because it never deceives, even contrary to logic! Intuition, the ability to subtly feel your inner feelings is one of the main qualities of successful people.

How to develop intuition and increase hypersensitivity?

There is one interesting and simple practice

1. Practice will need help loved one(friend) to do the exercise.

2. He asks a friend to show a photo stranger, whom the friend himself knows well personally.

3. The practitioner tunes in to the person's energy from the photo, looks into his eyes. To train and develop hypersensitivity, you need to mentally ask a simple question: “What kind of person is this good evil?”

4. Then he plunges his mind into silence, stops thinking and begins to listen, to feel the silence within himself. Intuition always gives an answer, it just needs to be “heard”. This is achieved through regular exercise.

With development extrasensory perception need to learn to get more complex information!

For example, you can ask yourself the question: “How did this person feel when they were photographed?”, “Is he trustworthy? After that, you also need to listen to your feelings.

Information from the chakras as a way to develop intuition!

Chakras⁵ are energy centers of nervous energy in the human body that regulate the functioning of the body and various areas human life.

It is very important to be able to receive information from your own chakras. This helps in internal harmonization and trains extrasensory perception well.

This exercisehelps to develop hypersensitivity, makes a person more sensitive to inner emotions.

Exercise progress:

1. The practitioner assumes a sitting or lying position with a straight spine and focuses on the sensations of the body.

2. Then he begins to “open” each chakra in turn, starting with the first root chakra ().The person visualizes each chakra as a colored wheel.

3. While inhaling, the practitioner imagines how the energy of inhalation penetrates the chakra, holds the breath for 3 seconds, focuses attention on the chakra.

4. Then he exhales slowly and imagines how the chakra expands and begins to spin clockwise. The practitioner may feel a vibration or warmth at the point of the body where the chakra is located. 5-7 such breaths for each chakra is enough.

5. Feeling the resonance from the chakra, the person asks himself: "What do I feel in this chakra?"It is necessary to “walk” through all the chakras and memorizeany sensations in your body, those emotions that cause the chakras.

He says that the first time he did this exercise with the fourth chakra, he felt empty and felt like he cared about everyone but himself. In the fifth chakra () he felt a tightness: it was a recent insult and unspoken words.

By defining your emotional blocks in this way, you can harmonize yourself, eliminate the causes of diseases and negative life situations and develop your intuition!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Intuition - direct comprehension of the truth without logical analysis, based on imagination, empathy and previous experience, "flair", insight (

Intuition- a rather complex phenomenon, especially since everyone has a different idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit. It is a natural part of our mental capacity and depends on genetics and experience. There is an opinion that intuition is something mystical, and you are either born with it or without it. But, in fact, anyone can develop their intuitive abilities. The only question is whether you believe in them or not.

For that to develop your intuition there are a few simple rules:

1. Faith in your own strength. Intuition mainly comes from two sources: your instincts and experience. Instincts are laid down genetically from birth, and your experience is accumulated and stored in memory. Your intuition is a certain kind of messages from your subconscious, coming from a storehouse of information that is collected through your feelings and sensations.

2. When building an intuitive database, observation is very important. You get information through the 5 senses, and when you use your deductive reasoning skills, your intuition helps you make the right decision. It is extremely important to learn to listen to your inner voice. Try to train your powers of observation: just look, listen, analyze, etc. Absorbing as much as possible of the most diverse information, you contribute to the development of intuition. Your reasoning over purposeful observation also plays a significant role.

3. Use your curiosity. Curiosity stimulates attention, observation and reasoning, contributes to obtaining the most valuable data necessary to replenish the knowledge base. By encouraging your curiosity, you can save necessary information to improve intuitive abilities. And, having learned to listen to the inner voice, you can always find answers to your questions.

In order to increase the effectiveness of your perception inner voice It is also worth considering some nuances:

Keep in mind that your intuition is always working. She helps you to accept right decisions. Many people don't believe because they don't see it. All you have to do is learn to listen to your intuition.

Let your intuition guide you naturally and don't make it work. When needed, the inner voice itself finds its way to your consciousness.
Be more sensitive to your emotions, as well as the emotions of other people.

Exercises for developing intuition

Each person is endowed with an inner instinct from birth, but many people, being under the constant influence of stress, are so accustomed to relying on their mind that they relegated the voice of the soul to the background. Their attention is focused on the physical aspect of reality. But in vain, because inner instinct, unlike logic, can protect against unpleasant situations and bad decisions. Unfortunately, already in childhood, many lose touch with the inner voice, acquiring conventions that block the subtlest connection with the voice of the soul.

You can develop intuition, you just have to set such a goal and put in a little effort. With good intuition, you will be able to:

  1. Make decisions quickly;
  2. Anticipate upcoming events
  3. Find out the reasons for certain circumstances;
  4. Get information about a person.


Starting to perform the exercises, you should relax, take a comfortable position, distract yourself from unnecessary thoughts, clothing should not hamper movement. It is better to set a pleasant temperature in the room, if you wish, light a candle. Hands are free, so that the energy flows calmly through the body, breathing is conscious.


1. Traffic light.

This exercise will help you to know yourself more deeply. It is basic, so it will take some time. So, draw three colors of traffic lights and hang them in front of you. Note to yourself that green color- well-being, yellow - caution, red - alarm signal, stop. Sit opposite and direct your attention to the green color, only pleasant sensations are associated with it. Having found such associations in yourself, go to yellow. Completely dissolve in it. The feeling of alertness increases, remember this feeling. No need to rush, just feel yellow and all the emotions it evokes.

You can go to red, do you recognize the danger signal? Contemplating this color, you may understand how harmful and untimely for you certain actions. Beginners should ask themselves easy questions, the answers to which are already known. For example, I am 25 years old and you are checking the signal. Then next question, gradually getting to the most difficult.

Each color should be given 10 minutes, accelerating the pace of perception of colors.

You can then use this practice to ordinary life. Let's say you make a decision, ask your inner voice, what signal will it give you? Over time, you will be able to automatically receive answers from your intuition.

2. Activation of the right hemisphere.

Stand up straight and raise your arms to the sides, turning your palms. Imagine that in right hand you hold the right, and in the left - the left hemisphere of the brain. Close your eyes and ask yourself a question while bringing your hands together. Squeeze your palms, thereby connecting both hemispheres and now your mind and intuition will interact.

3. Intuitive answer.

Take a notebook and a pen deep breath and write down the question. Now let the spontaneous flow of words flow from you. Just trust your intuition and write down all the images and thoughts that float before your inner eye. This will take no more than a minute. Now we can start interpreting the images. This will not be difficult, but it is advisable to do it unemotionally.

Intuition is largely related to the quality of your information base. This means that your judgments and biases can affect your intuition.

By developing your intuition, you not only improve your information level, but also protect yourself from making wrong decisions.

Many today live like in a dream: home-work-home. But in order to achieve something in life and climb up, you must have certain traits, such as intuition. But not everyone has these qualities. Therefore, the question arises: how to develop intuition and hidden abilities? Let's find out together.

What are we talking about?

Before finding out, and hidden abilities, let's find out what is meant by this expression? What are these qualities that should help and make our lives easier?

So, hidden abilities are understood not so much as extrasensory perception, but as a skillful possession of psychology, hypnosis and suggestion. These three qualities will help, with the proper level of development, to achieve any goal and convince people of your point of view (up to the fact that the sky above your head is green). For some people, this is given by nature, but for the majority, all these traits have to be developed in themselves.

So let's find out how to develop intuition and hidden abilities in yourself? We will immediately stipulate that, like any science, this practice requires a certain amount of time and patience. The exercises must be regular in order to develop a habit, and the practice must be carried out in life. After all, theory is theory, and without skills you won’t get far on the text.

How to develop intuition?

Strictly speaking, what is intuition and what does it "eat" with? This quality is also called the sixth sense, which helps to predict or, if you like, anticipate events and people's reactions to one or another factor. Everyone has this trait from birth, like sight, smell or touch. But because of the "settled" and insipid life, we suppress it for years, stop listening to the inner voice. Therefore, it is necessary to develop not intuition itself, but the ability to listen to it. Start small, not big. When well developed intuition her responses can be manifested in tactile, olfactory, visual, auditory effects. For those who are just starting to work with it, these may be signals from outside, such as the words of a bystander, news from the media, and so on - all that people usually call "signs".

There are several rules that will show you how to develop intuition and latent abilities. The first is an unshakable belief in the existence of the subconscious and everything connected with it. The second rule is that self-confidence must be at the proper level. Without it, you probably won't be able to do anything. The third rule - in order for intuition to give you an answer, you need to ask a question to the subconscious, your inner self, and of such a nature that the answer is either "yes" or "no". The fourth rule is that any sensation sent by intuition cannot be ignored. Fifth - the vital importance of questions to intuition: "Should I go to the shower?" - you don't even have to think about it. Sixth - do not set the path for solving the problem, but listen to yourself and your feelings. Seventh - at first, you should do it alone. Any practice for early stages should be accompanied by a calm environment. When receiving an answer, do not "turn on" logic, but simply listen to yourself. When you fail, don't give up. On the contrary, they should encourage you to move forward. But if the answers of the subconscious are unclear or did not coincide with reality, you should understand what could interfere with the process. Maybe the same logic intervened in the process?

How to develop hidden abilities?

Conscious and subconscious are two different things. And radically different. Consciousness belongs to the realm of reflection. All the thoughts that have ever been born in your head have been produced by consciousness. The subconscious is the area of ​​unconscious, unclear feelings. It is in it that an individual understanding of the world around is born.

Hidden abilities are also referred to as the subconscious. Specialists singled them out into separate concepts: telepathy, foresight, clairvoyance, retrocognitivism, psychometry.

Each of these abilities can be developed, but to be frank, it is very difficult and will require much more time than the development of intuition, which is given to us by nature. There are a number of exercises that will help you test one or another side of extrasensory perception, allowing you to identify exactly your data. And there are a number of exercises to work with. And believe me, it will be very difficult. You will give up more than once. Some people take years to move plastic cup for a couple of millimeters. Therefore, if you firmly decided and believed that you need these abilities, you need to practice a lot of exercises, about which many books have been written.

So, for example, quite a lot of exercises are given in the book "Parapsychology" by the author C. Litbeater. Moreover, not only theoretical knowledge is given, but also exercises, additional information about preparation before the start of training. We hope that the article "How to develop intuition and

Insights, forebodings, intuition, decisions prompted by the "spinal cord", sudden surges of energy and prophetic dreams... All these are signs of a well-developed intuition, a powerful source of inner wisdom that is not controlled by our consciousness. These 5 exercises will teach you to decipher the signals that intuition gives us, which will help you find internal reserves to cope with illnesses and avoid troubles, add energy and self-confidence to you.
The secret of women's flexibility and endurance is their ability to make decisions intuitively, not based on pure logic. Like muscles, intuition can be developed.

1. Fine tuning
Free your mind

By listening to yourself, you can understand whether the time has come to take care of your health and whether there is a need to rest. Unfortunately, usually our mind is so full of daily routine that the voice of intuition simply drowns among momentary trifles, current thoughts and deeds. Set aside time each day to be quiet and alone (or meditate). This will help you learn to recognize your inner voice, which may come in the form of a sudden insight, image or feeling. When you learn not to be distracted by external stimuli, it will become much easier for you to “read” internal messages.

Close the door and turn off your phone. Sit with your back straight. Close your eyes.
Breathe slowly, as you exhale, allowing the tension to gradually leave the body.
If extraneous thoughts begin to invade your mind, simply brush them aside.
Once your mind has calmed down, ask yourself a specific question, such as, “How can I get rid of the pain? What to say to an impudent colleague in order to defend your interests and avoid conflict? How do I deal with the stress that my work constantly causes me? ”, And in the next few minutes, listen very carefully to your inner voice. Maybe a picture will appear in your mind's eye - "view" it like a movie. That's how life's most important decisions sometimes come.
Don't force yourself into demanding an immediate response, but don't dismiss the premonition, even if it seems illogical or absurd.
Repeat this exercise more often, and over time, the answers will begin to come by themselves. The main thing is not to miss them.

Appreciate the people passing through your life. Ask yourself: “Whose presence energizes me? What causes fatigue? And in what situations does this usually happen to me?
Has it happened that after a short, nothing meaningful conversation Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed at any party?
Did you feel exhausted after an endlessly long call from a friend who chose you as a "vest" in which you can cry all your problems? When you understand that a person is acting as " energy vampire", or try to avoid him, or - if he is dear to you - internally step back and protect yourself from the negative "wave" that he "radiates" on you. At the same time, try to build a relationship with this person in such a way as to continue to avoid similar situations.
Try to spend as much time as possible with people, communication with which usually gives you a surge of positive energy, calms, causes joy and good mood.

2. Turn on the radar
Listen to your body

To save good health, watch the reactions of your body, because it is a finely tuned instrument of intuition. We live by reason, and in fact often reason contradicts intuition, and, refusing to inner knowledge, we reject reserves vital energy. Reorient yourself: without giving up reasonable and logical actions, still listen to the signals of your body more often. So you can on early stage detect symptoms of illness, overwork, fatigue, instead of acting with the same intensity, thereby pushing yourself to nervous breakdown or injury. For example, loads that are considered excessive for everyone, you may be quite on the shoulder. But some emotional trifle from the point of view of others in your inner world has far-reaching consequences. So let them not reach insomnia and gastritis.

Before making any major decision, tune in to your body frequency and listen to what it is telling you.
Do you feel energized when you think about this matter?
Do you feel like you're doing the right thing?
Is it easy for you to breathe?
Does he suck under the spoon?
Do you feel tension?
Does it make you feel nauseous?
Do you have a lump in your throat?
These are the signals that your intuition usually gives you: do not rush to reject them.

3. Quality check
How to spend your life energy

Any living organism has its own bioelectric field, and our nervous processes are regulated by special electrical impulses. Interacting with other people and living beings (animals, plants), a person receives both positive and negative charges from them. This energy exchange is the essence of relationships. receiving positive energy, we experience a surge of inspiration and feel support - from a beloved husband, or a cat, or a bush of violets ... And after taking a portion negative energy feeling tired, irritated, or insecure. By learning to intuitively capture the "sign" of the energy that your friends and colleagues radiate, you will understand who in this situation "feeds" you with energy, and who "pulls" it out. But do not rush to divide people into selfless donors and complete vampires! Depending on the situation, they - and you yourself as well - can act either in a "giving" or "taking" role. If balance is maintained, the relationship is normal. Only if you give more than you receive, it is worth considering: do you need this person?

Dreams visit us every 90 minutes during the phase REM sleep, but the mind does not always reflect them. Decipher your remembered dreams. They will give you advice in love and suggest a way out of difficult situations.

Buy a dream notebook and put it next to your bed, along with a pen or pencil.
Before falling asleep, ask yourself one specific question, such as "Is this job right for me?" and write it down in your notebook.
The next morning, do not get up immediately, soak up a little under the covers, remembering dreams.
Write them down right there before they slip away from you.
Rereading dreams, look out for them figurative reflection your situation.
Keep asking yourself the question at night until you feel that the answer has come "by itself".
If you keep such diaries for many years in a row, then by rereading them and comparing repeated situations, you can understand what are the main problems that concern you.

5. Change of landmarks
Get in an active position

The mind is inextricably linked to the body. Studies show that an optimistic attitude improves a person's well-being, while a pessimistic one worsens it. Get rid of the position of the victim: review your beliefs and choose life-affirming ones - and your health will improve.

Make a list of "disruptive thoughts" ("I'm low on energy", "I'm too fat to exercise", "I'll never get rid of my fatigue").
Replace them with life-affirming ones (“I do my best to be healthy and happy”, “I deserve order in my life”).
Forbid yourself to repeat any negative, “bad” thoughts, not only out loud, but also to yourself.
Repeat the "good" ones daily, force yourself to say them out loud more often if necessary.

Our test
I can feel it...

Intuition comes to the rescue when common sense fails, and logic fails. But do you hear the prompts of the inner voice. Rate 1 point for each statement you agree with.
Sometimes I know in advance what the interlocutor will say.
I like purple.
Sometimes the information that dreams carry is surprisingly accurate.
I believe in love at first sight.
Premonitions do not deceive me.
I take pride in my ability to understand people.
I'm lucky in games for money.
On the exam, I managed to pull out a "lucky" ticket.
Before picking up the phone, I often know who is calling me.
The first impression is the most correct.
Calculate the amount of points scored.
More than 7 . You surprise your friends with unexpected and even illogical actions, which, oddly enough, turn out to be the only correct ones. “Lucky, but it's just an accident,” many people think. No - great insight!
3-7 . You know perfectly well that intuition very often helps to make the right decisions, but, alas, you do not always trust it. Doubt my innocence? Well, I’m silent, I’m silent, ”the inner voice is offended.
Less than 3 . Intuition, in your opinion, is something too ephemeral and unreliable to rely on. Whether it's a sober calculation: take everything into account, weigh it ... Only now life too often violates carefully thought-out plans!