How to make name bracelets. We make personalized bracelets with our own hands from beads, threads, beads for lovers. For work you will need

Being a bright personality is not shameful. Some, of course, consider sticking out their own name as arrogance, but agree that this is very convenient for dating? A person immediately sees your name, you don’t even have to ask.

Personalized bracelets, pendants, necklaces are now in fashion. They are made of wire, fabric, metal fittings. Entire shops have appeared that offer us a set of letters made of metal or plastic. With the help of such blanks, you can collect your name with your own hands. A bracelet with a name will adorn your wrist and add zest to your look.

But the author of the these-days blog, fashionista Jade Alice, offers us to make such a wire decoration. Naturally, in order to demonstrate this master class to us, she chose (oddly enough) her own name.

You will need copper wire and round nose pliers. It is also advisable to have a name in front of your eyes, made in a special font - this way you will check what you get according to the model.

We turn the end of the wire into a small spiral.

We start with the last letter. It is desirable that initially the metal cord was not short, otherwise you will be left without a capital letter.

Round nose pliers are very handy for bending wire. If the letter does not want to work out, straighten it and try again.

Do not forget to attach the craft to the sample.

And now your personalized bracelet with your own hands is ready!

Make the ends of the decoration in the form of a loop and a hook. How to do this is clearly seen in this:

In addition to yourself, you can please a girlfriend or sister with a similar little thing.


Make a weaving pattern for the future bracelet. To do this, draw a rectangle on a piece of paper in a cell, the number of cells in which should be equal to the number of beads in the bracelet. Fill in the cells for a schematic representation of the letters with a felt-tip pen in a contrasting color.

Calibrate the beads. Pick up beads of the same size with a fairly large hole so that waxed thread or fishing line can freely pass through it. Arrange it by shades in different containers.

One of the easiest ways to weave a bracelet is with a cross. Fold the waxed thread (fishing line) in half and string 4 beads on it. Thread the second end of the thread into the outermost bead and tighten it into a ring. Then string 2 beads on the left end, and one bead of the main color on the right end.

Pass the right end of the thread through the second bead on the left side and tighten. Weave in this way to the desired length. Next, weave according to the scheme, stringing beads of a contrasting color in the right place to form the letters of the name according to your scheme.

To make a wider bracelet, string 3 beads on one thread, and pass the second end through the third bead. As a result, it will turn out that both ends of the thread come out of the side bead of the first row.

Then string 2 beads on the right side of the thread, and 1 on the left, thread the right end of the thread through it to the left, that is, as a result, the sides will change places. Then pull the thread through the beads on the side of the first row and tighten.

String on the right and on the left side of the thread one bead each. Pull the right end through the left bead and side bead of the first row, tighten the thread. Continue to weave to the desired length in the same way as in the scheme, changing the beads where necessary.

To make a bracelet with a name by weaving, you must first make a special machine. Decorations made with it will turn out neat and even, in addition, your work will speed up several times.

To do this, you can use a cardboard box, on the edges of which attach tailor's pins. Tie the warp threads to them, which should be one more than the number of beads in the ornament. Pull the warp threads not too tight, but not too loose (threads should not sag).

Cut off the waxed thread (or fishing line). String on it the required number of beads, according to your scheme in rows. Fasten the end of the thread with beads on the extreme warp thread on the loom on the left side.

Weave a row, pulling a thread with beads horizontally through one warp thread, first the needle is located above, then below the warp, and so on. Straighten the row and do the next one in the opposite direction, that is, string the beads on the thread and pull them through the warp threads, as described above.

Weave in this way to the required length of the bracelet, fasten the last bead. Remove the warp threads from the pins on both sides of the loom. Fold all the threads together and tie in one knot. To make ties, divide the threads into 3 equal parts, braid a regular pigtail on each side of the bracelet. Make another knot at the ends of the ties.

Weaving from beads has always been fond of and, obviously, always will be. The best beadworkers are men. However, who can repeat the gentle and romantic, the first girl's bracelet? Probably just girls. Bead weaving is a very important experience, developing a sense of beauty, practicing perseverance and attention. Perhaps at first patience will not be enough, so start with the simplest bracelets. Pride and admiration for your creation will be completely deserved.
We offer simple schemes for beginners. They are also understandable to the child, and if you have patience and determination, you can easily weave a wide royal bracelet, collar necklace or headband based on this pattern. You will be very surprised to find out what a pleasant and inspiring, as well as calming activity -.

How are beaded bracelets made?
Do you know that only two basic techniques are used to create all kinds of beadwork (necklaces, clothing and interior decorations)? Of course, it seems as if there are an incalculable number of them. This impression comes from a combination of two basic techniques and color variations. Using the name bracelet as an example, we will study one of these techniques - mosaic. Following the example of the initial letter of embroidery, you can build a weaving pattern of any other name yourself.

Join this wonderful craft. After bracelets, you can move on to more voluminous and craft products of complex design (for example, earrings).
Everything you need for beading
1. Beads and glass beads (for a bracelet of medium length: 50 pieces of black beads - much less than a standard bag, and 1 bag of pink beads, as well as 100 pieces of blue or lilac beads);
2. Fishing line (you can use needles for beads, they will speed up weaving);
3. Scissors, saucers for laying out beads;
4. Sewing hooks.

It is important for weaving with beads to have good lighting at the work table, a large and fenced (or, for example, covered with cloth) work surface that will prevent the loss of beads that fall out of the fishing line.
Weaving algorithm: step by step according to the photo and diagram.
1. Pour the beads from the bags into open containers, cut off the fishing line and, following the scheme, weave the first row, using the two ends of the fishing line.

2. In total, we will weave 5 more rows of the bracelet according to the mosaic pattern, but the most difficult thing is not to make a mistake in the first row, which will become the basis for easy weaving of the name in the bracelet. You can use bugle beads (1 bugle = 2 standard beads), which will surprise you with time saving, besides, bead decoration of different shapes looks especially elegant. This is what the top horizontal row of the bracelet looks like.

3. When the first row is ready for the size of the wrist, we fix the fishing line and add blue beads with the help of another piece of fishing line.

We thread the fishing line into the outermost blue row and lead along it, adding a bead through each pair already woven in the canvas.

4. More about weaving with a mosaic method of the second and subsequent rows based on the woven first: two ends of the fishing line are also used.

Another example on blue beads: two beads are woven with two fishing lines - simultaneously in opposite directions. Then, put two beads on the side end of the fishing line, and thread the end of the fishing line, which is closer to the product, into two beads of an already woven fabric. Then again we pass the next two beads at the same time. Thus, the entire bracelet is woven.

5. In these patterns of weaving letters, gray circles circled in black indicate additional beads that will be woven at the end of the work according to the method described in the previous step.

6. This method makes any pattern clearer and text readable. You can see the difference in the following photos. In the second, we wove additional black beads.

Today, even the most demanding fashionista has the opportunity to choose an accessory to taste - after all, there are a lot of options! But whatever the newly acquired decoration, nothing compares to the one you made with your own hands. And in terms of originality, it certainly will not yield even to designer ones, because if you wish, you can use the most unexpected material - a plastic bottle, a zipper, clothespins, pins and hairpins, egg trays ... And that's not all!

1.From lace and pendants

This is the easiest option to make a bracelet with your own hands, and the most labor-intensive. Take the pendant you like and attach strong threads to it (cords, ribbons, plaits). You can fasten the ends with clasps, or you can simply tie them on your wrist with a bow.


Tie a finished piece of wood or make a base out of a plastic bottle (see step 13). If you are not particularly fond of yarn and knitting needles, you can simply buy a ready-made "tie" or use a piece of an unnecessary knitted thing.

3. Buttons

Very original and bright bracelets! Absolutely everything is used: the smallest and largest, wooden, plastic, iron, convex and embossed, children's figured and old-fashioned with mother of pearl ...

4. Use pins

Recently, such bracelets are gaining more and more popularity among needlewomen - here and there you can see stylish "pin" ribbons on graceful tassels. Experiment - change the color of beads and pins, vary their size and shape until you find your perfect option.

The decoupage technique is suitable for both plastic and wooden blanks. It is only necessary to thoroughly degrease the surface of the base with alcohol or nail polish remover, prime it (with paints or PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1). Then cut out some element from any napkin you like (it is very difficult to glue a solid napkin without a certain skill) and glue it on the bracelet. Remember to only use the top ball of the napkin (usually they are three ply). The primer must dry completely! When the glue and the napkin stop sticking to your hands, you can varnish the product. Instead of a napkin, you can use newspaper clippings.

6.Polymer clay or thermoplastic

7. Old zippers

An excellent solution on how to use failed "snakes".

8. In the style of Coco Chanel

Madame Coco was the first to come up with the idea of ​​attaching long straps to miniature clutches, and to make them stronger, she pulled them through large chains. We use the same technique when creating such a stylish bracelet ...

You can add a few large beads if you like.

9. Beads

Do you think you can only weave baubles from beads? But no! A few basic techniques...

10 Ice Cream Sticks

It's funny, but even they can be used in the creation of costume jewelry! Boil wooden sticks in a small saucepan for 15 minutes to make them more pliable. Then place them in cups or mugs so that future bracelets get the desired shape (make sure that the neck of the container is not too narrow, otherwise your hand simply won’t fit through!). In a day you can start decorating! To do this, you can paint blanks, decoupage them, cover them with fabric or paste over ... with stamps, for example!

11. Bracelet from ... an egg tray!

Yes, there is even such a base option as an egg tray. To do this, tear the trays into pieces, soak them overnight in water, wring out the resulting mass, add a little glue and knead like a dough. Now from this "clay" you can sculpt anything! But you can try to make a bracelet using a bottle or a glass as a base for shaping. Stick the mixture from the egg tray onto the base, give it a clear shape, but don't try too hard - this will make the bracelet more authentic. After the finished bracelet dries, you can paint it.

12. Use hex nuts

A little photo tutorial...

Such a bracelet cannot but interest lovers of all kinds of originality.

13. Plastic bottle

A blank from a plastic bottle can be tied, covered with fabric, embroidered with beads or sequins.

14. Leather, suede or felt - stylish "eight"

For such a bracelet, you will need a thick fabric and a stencil that you can draw by hand and cut out. A detailed master class will help you fold it correctly ...

Photos are clickable.

15. Flirty bow

Another fabric bracelet. Try also using tight lace!

16. Mouline thread and afro style

For the base, take rubber or plastic straws (there is a reason to visit the plumbing department!). Wrap them with multi-colored floss and secure with large fasteners at the ends. You can create a similar necklace for such a bracelet - just take a longer pipe.