How can you develop intuition? How to develop intuition and hidden abilities yourself

In life, everyone wants to avoid as many mistakes as possible and achieve the best option of your future. How can you improve your intuition? There are 5 simple techniques that will help you train your sixth sense.

1. Contact with the right hemisphere

Since everyone is taught from childhood to develop logical thinking, we, by inertia, try to listen to the voice of reason, which in practice does not always pay off. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of intuition, and the left hemisphere for the work of logic.

In the body, contact with the hemispheres is recorded in the hands: left hand contacts the right hemisphere, right hand- with the left. To develop the work of the right hemisphere and, as a result, intuition, you need to train by performing familiar actions with your left hand. The simplest example is learning to eat or brush your teeth with your left hand, ideally writing or drawing. This will improve your contact with the right hemisphere of your brain and at the same time make your intuition work better.

2. In which hand is the coin?

You will need a second person for this exercise. Ask your assistant to put his hands behind his back and hide the coin in one of them. Once he's ready, have him put his hands out in front of him and you try to guess which hand the coin is currently in.

Do the exercise 10-15 times. After this, pay attention to what your sensations were in your body before you managed to guess the location of the coin, and what they were like before you gave the wrong answer. Notice and record the difference. Continue the exercise, paying attention to the sensations. Your efficiency will increase.

3. Going to bed

To perform the following technique, you need to have new habit. When you go to bed, the first thing you should do is release all tension and relax completely. And then move on to dialogue with the unconscious. To do this, think about the question that worries you the most, and mentally ask your subconscious to give you the answer to it in a dream.

You can develop the work of the right hemisphere and, as a result, intuition, if you perform familiar actions with your left hand: eating, brushing your teeth, drawing, writing

Keep a piece of paper with a pen next to your sleeping area. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember about your dream. The answer can be given in the form of a metaphor that only you can understand, or in direct text. For the purity of the experiment, repeat the exercise several times with one question, for example, throughout the week. Then you will better learn to understand the answers of the subconscious and be able to solve them.

4. Who and why?

Make it a rule that every time the phone rings, do not look at the screen, but try to guess who it is. After two or three days you will notice positive changes in the functioning of your intuition.

After this skill has been honed, move on to the second part of the technique: having guessed who is calling, try to feel for what purpose, and then pick up the phone and clarify the purpose of the call.

5. A powerful argument

Another interesting way development of intuition - determining the weight of the decision. There are situations when you hesitate between two answers and cannot decide what is the right thing to do. This exercise will help you.

First, practice getting an answer to a question for which you know the correct answer. Sit up straight, relax, bend both arms at the elbows, turning them palms up, while they should be suspended in the air, and not lying on your knees.

Every time the phone rings, don't look at the screen, but try to guess who it is. In two to three days you will notice positive changes in your intuition.

For example, you remember exactly that you ate scrambled eggs for breakfast today. Mentally place the answer “scrambled eggs” in one palm, and, for example, the word “cabbage” in the other.

After that, ask yourself: what did I eat for breakfast today? Notice the feeling in your palms. The correct answer will seem to put more pressure on the palm, having more “weight”. Do the technique for several days with various questions, the answers to which you know. And then move on to issues in which you find it difficult to make a decision.

The benefits of developing intuition

When you learn to listen to your sixth sense, you will be surprised how often it can be beneficial. Choose a profession or decide to leave for a new place, make useful contacts, improve the quality of your diet by choosing good products, get rid of many unnecessary habits and doubts, determine whether you are starting a relationship with the right man.

Start training your intuition and notice the positive results.

about the author

Coach, personality transformation consultant.

Everyone has a sixth sense, but not everyone is able to feel it and recognize the signals of the inner voice. To learn to use intuition, it must be developed and trained, like any other human ability. If you want to figure out how to develop intuition, you need to clearly understand how it works.

What is intuition

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres:

  • The left is responsible for logic and analytical thinking, by which the majority lives ordinary people. They do not listen to signs, but follow the voice of reason, often accepting right decisions, ignoring the sixth sense.
  • The right hemisphere is responsible for inspiration, makes you do illogical things and is well developed in creative people. It contains the subconscious, which contains everything that happened in our lives, all feelings and thoughts. The subconscious mind is capable of capturing a million pieces of information per second and storing this knowledge to use for making the right decisions.

Intuition is a kind of channel for communication with the subconscious. Through it, from the right hemisphere of the brain, the insights necessary for non-standard solutions problems, and answers to important questions.

Man reveals hidden abilities and develops psychological skills when able to use the two hemispheres of the brain equally. According to scientists, many successful people have this feature.

What is needed to develop intuition?

To develop intuition, you need to learn to listen to your subconscious. First of all, increase your self-esteem.

People who do not believe in themselves cannot use intuition, because if they hear its advice, they will be afraid to follow it.

A person with low self-esteem tends to do what stronger, more confident people tell him.

Once you have built up your self-confidence, trust that intuition exists. Without this faith, you won’t be able to use the channel, because it only works for those who believe.

It is important to learn to ask the right questions. They need to be spoken clearly and clearly, preferably in an affirmative form.

For example, if you want to know whether you will get a job, you need to mentally voice: “I will get a job.” And listen to the sensations that appear in your soul. Phrases constructed in the form of a statement do not affect logical thinking and are not capable of spoiling the answers sent by the intuition channel.

How to learn to hear intuition

If you expect to hear a straight answer to a question, you will be disappointed. The subconscious mind sends signals in the form of images, vivid impressions, sensations and smells.

For example, there are widely known cases where passengers canceled their plane tickets at the last moment, because on a subconscious level they sensed impending misfortune and thereby saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, and they know how to listen to its warnings.

Signals of intuition manifest themselves in a rapid heartbeat; you may suddenly feel hot or cold. Some people feel a tingling sensation in the pads of their fingers.

Before making an important decision, listen to your feelings. If they are joyful, the subconscious mind sends you a positive response. When the chest is compressed by an unpleasant feeling and a feeling of anxiety appears, the answer is negative.

In rare cases, the subconscious mind sends through intuition answers expressed different smells. There have been cases when people, before an important joyful event, smelled the smell of oranges, and before troubles, the aroma of rotten fruit.

Sometimes a person is not able to subtly sense signals from the subconscious, and then he can receive signs from the outside. For example, when you are suffering for a long time and cannot make the right decision, an article comes across your eye that indicates Right way, or a bird will knock on the window. In order to push you to the right decision, various events can happen.

How to tune in to the desired channel

Meditation helps to develop intuition. Find a quiet place and get lost in your thoughts. Having completely relaxed, ask your subconscious a question that worries you and wait for an answer. The sixth sense does not always answer immediately, but the answer will definitely come, you just need not to miss it.

When inspiration strikes you and appears new idea, turn off logic, follow your intuition and see what comes of it.

How to use your intuition

To avoid making mistakes in people, use your intuition. Everyone has had a case in life when, during an acquaintance, they did not like a person, despite decent clothes and manners. An inner voice whispered: “Be careful and don’t trust him.”

Your subconscious has caught on negative energy emanating from this person, and sent a warning through the channel of intuition. If, when you first meet a person, you have a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, stomach cramps, or headache, do not ignore the warning, but listen to your feelings and try to trust them.

  • The subconscious mind gives us the ability to distinguish lies from truth using intuition.

When a person tells a story with all sincerity, his energetic vibrations are picked up by your sixth sense. If he is lying, intuition speaks about this with internal resistance and anxiety.

  • Learn to recognize these signals; they will help you avoid many mistakes.

The development of intuition begins when you listen more to feelings rather than thoughts. Pay attention to your instincts and the world, trying to catch what the inner voice is saying.

Technique for developing intuition

The American psychologist’s technique, which he called “Glass of Water,” helps to develop intuition well.

  • To do this, pour a full glass before going to bed. clean water, tune in to the problem for which you want to know the solution and drink half the water with the words: “I know the answer to the question I’m thinking about.”
  • After this phrase, go to bed, and in the morning drink your water, repeating the same words.
  • In a few days, the subconscious will reach you and send you a dream with an answer to a question or give a sign to solve a problem.

The main rule for receiving answers from the subconscious is the specific formulation of the question in a positive way. Don't forget that you can ask one question at a time and not use the particle "not" in it.

Practical lessons

Developed intuition has many possibilities. Try sending a signal to your loved ones using your sixth sense.

To do this, think about relatives or friends who are far away all day and before going to bed. Imagine them in your imagination as clearly as possible and do not stop doing this for several days. Energy waves will reach these people and they will contact you. They will call, write a letter or come to visit.

  • Find what's lost

With the help of intuition, you can find a lost thing, you just need to tune in to the right channel and release energy for the search. If you have lost your keys or phone in your apartment, close your eyes, relax and allow the energy waves emanating from the subconscious to fill the entire house.

Listen carefully to inner voice, and you will feel where the loss is. Perhaps not everything will work out the first time, but if you constantly practice, you will be surprised at the accuracy of your sensations.

  • Maps and flashcards

The development of intuition is improved by a regular deck of cards. Place 4 cards face down on the table and try to determine what suit they are.

To do this, start slowly moving your hand over each card and listen to your sensations. You may feel heat or cold coming from a certain suit of cards. Trust your first impression, turn over the shirts and check how many suits of cards you guessed. With each new training, your intuition will strengthen, and soon you will accurately determine the suit of each card.

  • Blind reading

The correct answer to a question can be obtained by blind reading. This method is easy to use and quickly develops intuition.

When you are worried about a certain situation or question, focus on thinking about it, prepare 3 sheets of cardboard, sit at the table, take a pen and write on the cardboard possible options resolving the issue. Place the cards with the inscriptions down, mix thoroughly, relax and hold your hands over the cardboard.

Tune in to receive information, and soon your palms will feel a slight warmth or tingling. The card with the strongest feeling carries the correct answer.

  • Mantras

In addition to meditation, mantras can be used to develop intuition. These are poems written in Sanskrit that have a mystical meaning. Many people believe that with the help of mantras you can fulfill any desire and greatly improve your life.

There are special poems for developing the sixth sense, which need to be read during the waxing moon and combined with meditation. This technique releases a person’s hidden abilities, allowing him to see the future and treat diseases with his biofield.

It is very difficult to achieve this; constant training of intuition and spiritual development. Such a gift requires great responsibility in the use of knowledge.

In a person with developed intuition opens extrasensory perception, and he can heal diseases with the help of the subconscious. To do this, you need to concentrate and hold your hands over the body of a sick person, listening to sensations and signs. The energy of the biofield will quickly find pain points and let your palms feel warm or cold. Initiating healing is more difficult than making a diagnosis; it requires special training and a lot of intuitive experience.

To develop intuition, you need to understand that it is not a unique feature inherited by a select few. This is a gift of nature, available to anyone who wants to master this skill and use it to help themselves and their loved ones.

This is, first of all, knowledge of the world through the sixth sense.

More complex definition: Intuition is a non-linear, non-empirical process of collecting and interpreting information in response to questions.

This definition is difficult to digest, so let's take it step by step - then we will understand what it means.

First, intuition is a non-linear process.

Deduction, one of the types of reasoning in formal logic, begins with premises and information on the basis of which conclusions and conclusions are drawn. Intuition, on the contrary, does not develop as a sequence of “logical” steps. It does not use reasoning, nor does it need it. Intuition just knows. Immediately. Where the mind takes successive steps, intuition acts like a flash. Intuition gives a snapshot of reality in bits and pieces, usually in the form of symbols. These symbols must be interpreted and put together into a coherent picture.

Second, intuition gathers information through non-empirical means.

Empirical means are “based on experience or experiment.” If I ask you whether you will come to your office tomorrow, then using the empirical approach assumes the knowledge that this event occurs every day, which means you will be in the office (except in the event of a sudden illness or other emergency). Intuition, however, does not need “data” to get an answer. With the help of intuition, you can even answer questions about things you “know nothing about.”

Having outlined these differences, I must say that the line between intuitive and empirical data is not always clear. Is an intuitive prediction of rain based on a body of less empirical data than a weather forecaster's erroneous forecast based on such data?
All we're talking about is the information we get from the many ways we have access to. Intuitive rain prediction uses different data than meteorological data - but so does the sea captain or the arthritic. When humans were a tribe without a language, they probably used their intuition to communicate and gain knowledge about environment to a much greater extent than we do now. Intuitive information is not experiential because you do not receive it through your senses. However, an intuitive impression becomes empirical once you receive it and use it in your conclusions. When you perceive an intuitive image of a future event, your conscious mind can use it as easily as any tangible image.

Third, intuition interprets information.

Intuition doesn't just collect information, it interprets it. Indeed, intuitive impressions must be interpreted to be useful, just like the information contained in a dream. The information we receive through intuition is usually symbolic rather than literal. Such symbolism is characteristic and integral to all internal language (as opposed to the language we use to understand the world).

Many of us consider symbols or parables to be a primitive, obscure or indirect form of communication. Why, we ask, can’t our intuition speak to us more “clearly”?

In fact, symbols are a very complex form of communication. They transmit a large number of details more economically than literal presentation. The writer uses allegories and symbols to convey information to the reader on different levels.

Fourth, intuition answers questions.

Finally, the definition implies that intuition must be “set in motion” by a question. A question focuses your intuition and tells you what to pay attention to in the world around you. Every second there are millions of questions that you want answered, and millions of answers in the process of being formed. Even belief is a matter at rest. All our senses respond to questions posed by the environment and the “body machine”. This is their job. The job of your rational mind is to interpret the information provided by your senses. This is done for more effective survival. The job of your intuitive mind is to interpret these sensations (for the same purpose). By re-awakening the work of your intuitive mind, you will understand how far your sensations go.

Intuition functions to bring to consciousness information that lies beyond what our rational mind perceives from the five senses. This is information about people we don’t know, places we haven’t been (or couldn’t see) - and the future.


Consciously using intuition takes courage.

It is sometimes said at length that you must “learn to trust” your intuition. We often hear people advising others to “trust your gut feeling” or “trust your hunches.” However, using intuition requires more than trust, because sometimes you don't get it. feedback months or even years until someone interested calls you and says, “Hey, you were right!”

Intuition must combat our preconceptions about how the world works, our tendency toward “logic” and over-reliance on “common sense.”

Here is a list of the most common ways people get rid of valid intuition clues:

. It does not make sense.

. This is illogical.

. I just made it up.

. It is simply impossible to know with certainty what will happen in the future.

. This can't be right.

. This is unrealistic.

. This is silly.

How many of these expressions must you get rid of in your thinking?!


“Before I went into the hospital for hip surgery, I held a meeting with the managers of my company. We have used Laura's intuitive methods in our strategy meetings for many years. We had all just put our questions on the table and were writing down our impressions, when suddenly I had a strong feeling that this meeting could be my last. I put my hands on the table, hid my face in them and stopped writing. Several people, noticing that I was experiencing discomfort, also stopped writing. We had the same intuitions.

During the operation, my heart began to act up, which was immediately detected by the monitor. Apparently, the drugs were administered too quickly during the operation, which led to an increase in the load on the heart. Later the doctor told me that if the monitor had not recorded this immediately, the heart probably would have given in and stopped. It would be necessary to run it again - and this procedure does not always lead to success. The doctor probably would never have mentioned this if he had not been a family friend. Although I am being treated by excellent doctors whom I trust, I will never again ignore the clues of my intuition about myself. They are part of the information that I use always and everywhere.”

How to develop intuition. Exercises

The ability to use intuitive decisions is one of the components of success and an indicator of how much a person has developed his inner self. One day life brought me together with one of the richest and most successful entrepreneurs in Australia. We were sitting in the hotel lobby, and there was still an hour left before my speech. I recognized him because I had seen his pictures in newspapers and magazines, so I walked up and introduced myself. Having read in one newspaper that he really believes in intuition, I decided to ask if this is really so. “Intuition is central to everything I do,” my interlocutor confirmed. “In my entire life, I have never taken a single important step without consulting my inner voice.”

He is not the only one who does this. Mozart claimed that he received inspiration from within.* Socrates said that he obeyed his inner voice. Einstein, Edison, Marconi, Henry Ford, Luther Burbank, Madame Curie - this list can be continued with the names of many, many famous people who directly linked their successes to intuition. Henry Mintzberg, a columnist for the Harvard Business Review, conducted a survey of high-ranking government officials and businessmen, which revealed that many of them "constantly solve problems too complex for rational thinking using intuition."

From this he concludes: “The secret of success is not in straightforward thinking, called “rational,” but in the interrelation of clear logic and powerful intuition.” Billionaire and founder of CNN, one of richest people world's Ted Turner holds similar views: "Insight and intuition go hand in hand." Conrad Hilton says he once offered $165,000 for an item at auction. When he woke up the next morning, he thought about the number 180,000. “Connie” was known for always listening to his inner voice, so he changed his bet to $180,000. He received this lot (which, by the way, he later sold for more than $2 million), since the highest bid for it the next day rose to $179,000. Ray Cros bought the McDonald's restaurant chain on the advice of his lawyers and accountants, because he "felt in his spinal cord that it was reliable." Today McDonald's restaurants are truly reliable, being the most prosperous business in the whole world, Cros' decision to buy "several tents at selling hamburgers" has already made him a multimillionaire several times over. By listening to his inner voice, a person makes the most correct decisions, puts forward the most creative ideas and looks deeper at things, finding shortest way from awareness of your desire to its implementation. People who always find themselves in right time V in the right place and who are lucky with astonishing frequency in life are not just lucky people.

They have developed an intuition that tells them what to do and when to do it. Intuition allows them to question what seems obvious, opening up new possibilities. From here they obtain the necessary knowledge, as well as instructions on when and how to use it. Cognitive scientists who study how information passes through the brain say that only a small portion of what the brain receives (less than one percent) reaches our consciousness. It's scary to think how much we are losing. At the beginning of the book, I said that each person's brain is part of one large hologram, and each of these parts contains the whole. Your consciousness can only contain your personal experience and knowledge, while the subconscious is connected to the whole system, having access to all the information stored in it. You also access it through intuition.


Arm yourself with all the facts and information available. Force your subconscious to work at full capacity. Look for any information on the issue that interests you. Take in everything that is in some way related to what you are currently working on. Your goal is to collect so much information that even the most incredible and disparate facts complement each other. Let your imagination run wild. Immerse yourself in this sea of ​​information without trying to comprehend it logically - this is the work of the subconscious.

Having thoroughly considered all the facts, you can relax a little. Preparation requires activity on your part, while maturation is a calmer stage. Now let your subconscious mind work. It works day and night trying to find a solution whether you think about it or not. By the way, practice proves that the subconscious mind works better if left alone. A person becomes more receptive to what the subconscious tells him if this moment doesn't think about anything specific. For creative process ideal moments when you can relax and dream: a long journey, a bath, a walk in the forest. Thus, Nolan Tower, the founder of Atari, first imagined what would later become the most sold video game during a morning walk along a deserted beach. Steven Spielberg says that the most best ideas arise when he drives a car without a specific goal. And Albert Einstein once said to his colleague: “Why do all my best ideas come to me while I’m in the shower?” Constantly thinking about how to find the right answer, you can get the opposite result. This is like the case of an athlete who only thinks about winning a competition. Athletes know that in order to win a competition, you need to be focused, but not tense, otherwise mistakes will immediately begin. For your intuition to help you, you need to relax and give it the opportunity to work.


Below are three steps that will help you naturally and without special effort awaken your intuition and get answers to your questions:

1 Step
Take a few minutes to think that you do have a powerful subconscious mind, that there are absolutely correct answers and solutions, and that your subconscious mind will find them for you. Try to move from logical awareness of these facts to their emotional perception. When this happens, you will feel joyful excitement. The consciousness should be constantly reminded of the existence of such a powerful assistant as the subconscious. You should feel confident, realizing the power hidden within you.

2 Step
Clearly formulate what you want from your subconscious: what answers, solutions and views on the problem you want to receive from it. Repeat to yourself several times that at this very moment your subconscious is working for you. Don't stress yourself out trying to imagine possible answers. Talk to your subconscious mind confidently, constantly repeating what you want from it, but verbalize it as if it is already doing it for you. “Now my subconscious mind is telling me...” Repeat this to yourself at least ten times to feel that the process has begun.

3 Step
Relax and fill your brain with confidence that the correct answer will be revealed to you. Remember that faith and confidence are not just sensations, but vibrations of energy. These vibrations will attract correct decisions and answers, just like a magnet attracts metal. The brain, in which the energy of confidence in the correct answer fluctuates, naturally will find this answer. Imagine how you will feel when you find the correct answer: excitement, joy, relief. Feel it right now, but don't stress too much. You shouldn’t think day and night that your subconscious will soon tell you the correct answer. Completing all three steps takes no more than five to ten minutes. They are best done every evening before bed. The transition from wakefulness to sleep is the most opportune time to reach the subconscious.

Foresight of events, the ability to find the most good decision, avoiding troubles - all this is given to us by intuition. Some people have it quite well developed, while others notice that their intuition is weak. There is no need to despair, it can be developed, for which you need to do some exercises and, first of all, want to do it.

Why do we need intuition and what is it?

Intuition is the ability to instantly solve problems based on a sense of foresight, as well as own experience. Many decisions arise spontaneously and unconsciously; a person makes an impulsive action or a refusal to do so. This feeling has a lot to do with the ability to deeply sense current events and people, ahead of actions by a few seconds, minutes or hours. Often, when making intuitive decisions, there is no logic; a person does not always understand why he suddenly did it this way and not otherwise. Sometimes decisions are made that are completely extraordinary and unexpected.

Why do we need this feeling? Intuition helps you avoid dangerous situations. Everyone knows of cases when people suddenly changed their minds about boarding a plane, and then found out about a plane crash. Intuition helps not only to save lives, but also to ordinary work, for example, when making business decisions.

Without this feeling, a person commits much more errors, which is why it is so important to develop intuition and help yourself most effectively navigate events and respond to them.

11 ways to develop intuition

Even if it seems to you that your intuition is bad, it is quite possible to develop it quite quickly. Next, you will learn the simplest and most accessible exercises on how to develop intuition for any person at any age.

We track the mood of the interlocutor

When communicating with other people, watch their reactions and at the same time try to understand what is hidden behind their emotions and what their true intentions are. Notice any changes in facial expressions, gestures, posture, or tone of voice. Gradually, you will learn to quickly respond to changes in behavior and be able to guess what the person is going to do next. The ability to track facial expressions will help you identify a person who is lying to you or is going to harm you.

Follow your feelings

Set aside a day that you completely devote to studying yourself, your feelings and actions. Evaluate everything you feel, or better yet, write it down. Follow your feelings. Think, for example, what time you need to leave the house in order to be on time for a meeting. Which route would be the most optimal? After completing the action, evaluate the result - did you guess correctly? right time, place or behavior of a specific person.

Feelings can tell us a lot. If it seems to you that it is better not to do something today, listen to your intuition. The more often you listen to it, the more it will begin to develop. Any sense, even the sixth, should be trained, because without training, skills fade away.

Bring your inner world into harmony

If you are tense, prone to fears, nervous breakdowns, doubts, then these states do not allow the feeling of intuition to manifest itself. Bring your world into harmony. Take care of yourself, your mental balance. For these purposes, calm meditation, yoga or energy practices. Learn to listen to yourself. Learn the ability to calm down and tune in to the current moment.

Ask questions

This practice will allow you not only to learn a lot, but also to relate your answers or assumptions to a real-life answer. Guess what answer you will get and ask a question. It’s okay if you don’t guess right the first time, everything comes with experience. The more questions you have, the more correct answers you will learn to give. By asking questions, stimulate the emergence of new questions. Such exercises in the form of games are good to perform in a group of people. They will also help to develop the creative process.

Don't be afraid of the lack of logic in decisions made

The sixth sense is often incompatible with logic; decisions come suddenly and some of them surprise. If you are wondering how to develop intuition , then don’t be afraid to be illogical and make extraordinary decisions. Listen to the subconscious, it is illogical, but it is capable of giving the right answers, while the conscious mind works to make analytical decisions.

For good intuition, develop the right hemisphere

This hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, imaginative and spatial thinking, perception of music and smells. Do exercises that will help you get your right brain to work.

Guessing events

Before you go to work in the morning, guess who you might meet on your way. Imagine these people. Are they familiar to you or not? Think about what the weather will be like today. Don't take an umbrella if you think it won't rain. Listen to your intuition, it helps it develop.

The phone rings? Before you pick up the phone, try to feel who is on the other end of the line, what his mood is and what he wants from you.

Train yourself to guess events. At first it will be difficult to do this, but then you will begin to automatically know what will happen in the coming hours.

Developing intuition through play

The simplest exercise is a guessing game with a deck of cards. First, try to guess simply the color of the card you are holding in your hands. When the success rate exceeds 50% of the correctly guessed color, you can move on to guessing the suits.

To complicate the process, take cards with drawn pictures. At first they should be the simplest, it is better to take geometric figures. Then you can add animals, plants, people, etc. You can also play with a coin, guessing which side it will fall on. Statistics say that heads come up in 50% of cases. You need to make sure that the number of guesses differs from the statistics. Even if you guessed 40%, that’s already good - intuition works, just the other way around. In this case, analyze your feelings when you tried to feel which side the coin would fall on.

Program for smartphone or tablet

If you don't have cards at hand or want to develop your intuition anywhere, download a special program to your phone. The principle is the same - you need to correctly guess numbers, figures or other images.

Learning to visualize

Do you know that many things we think about can come true? To develop intuition, it is useful to visualize positive dreams. At the same time, you develop imagination and help good events come true. Sit back, close your eyes, relax and imagine what you want to receive. You should only replay positive events in your head. As you scroll through events, monitor your feelings. Perhaps you will see exactly the action that will happen. Remember your thoughts.

Get rid of fears

Fears prevent you from thinking and acting effectively. Fears block intuition. You feel doubts whether you understood everything correctly and began to act. Of course, sometimes fear is part of the manifestation of the sixth sense, for example, when for some unknown reason you decide not to board a plane or suddenly change the route. In this case, you need to listen to your fear. Thus, constant anxiety interferes with intuition, and rare bursts of fear can be a way of its manifestation.

We looked at simple but accessible exercises. The most important thing is the desire to do it and constant training. Pay attention to any events that happen in your life. Compare them with your feelings, and especially those that you had shortly before something happened. Try to pay more attention to positive events, but sometimes listen to the fear that has arisen for no reason.

Intuition is, first of all, knowledge and the ability to lead your life. Use it and success will come immediately.

Each of us periodically utters this phrase: “I knew it...”. Intuition or life experience? This main question, which you should ask yourself.

Foresight is the gift of both intuition and wisdom. We all have the ability to predict the future. Many people call them the sixth sense or intuition. Intuition, in turn, is a complex ability that includes both life experience and logic. In any case, this is a type of extrasensory abilities, the development of which we wrote earlier.


So, intuition is logic + life experience. Logic is a whole branch of science. In simple terms, it shows a person's ability to draw conclusions based on a certain situation or set of data. If a person is angry, it means he was offended. If he was offended, there could be many reasons for this. You can express your opinion and it may be correct. But how did you come to it? The answer is simple - knowledge and effective work brain

Our example is primitive, but real life many people show true miracles of intuition. The clearest example is detectives and investigators. They can paint a huge picture from small grains, connecting all the details together.

Sixth Sense

Many scientists believe that best indicator The fact that you have precognitive abilities is déjà vu, a kind of manifestation of the sixth sense. We previously wrote that deja vu is a kind of look into the future. This phenomenon suggests that the gift of prediction is not only experience, but also the development of the brain and the power of energy. The main thing is to learn how to correctly interpret déjà vu in accordance with the work of your brain and worldview. No one but yourself can learn this.

The sixth sense can also manifest itself in non-visual images. These are experiences when, for example, you are driving somewhere, and cats are scratching at your heart, you are not in the mood, you are depressed. Then you arrive, and trouble awaits you on the spot. This is a prime example of how the sixth sense can manifest itself.

It is very difficult to develop it, since we inherited it from our ancestors. According to scientists, at the dawn of civilization, people were able to communicate telepathically because the brain was larger and worked much faster. Psychics advise using special talismans to improve the almost completely lost sixth sense.

How to develop intuition

Method one: practice. Practice every day, trying to guess some simple things - how a colleague will be dressed at work, names strangers, their hobbies, date of birth. Try to somehow connect the details of their behavior and communication style in order to come to some conclusions. Decide logic puzzles and constantly train your memory. Intuition is only an incredibly small part of magic. The main success depends on the functioning of the brain.

Method two: broaden your horizons and accumulate knowledge. Our life teaches us a lot. When parents tell their child that he or she may fall out of a tree, in most cases this indicates that they have experienced this themselves or know someone who has experienced this. This is life experience. Absorb everything that happens around you, so that in the future you can save yourself or your loved ones from trouble or trouble.

Method three: projection of thoughts. there is very little magic in extrasensory perception as such, but it can also play its part important role in the development of intuition and the gift of foresight for every person. They say that any reflective surface can be used as a window into the future. Use talismans to improve these abilities at the same time as mirrors. To do this, turn off the lights at night and try to look at something unusual in the mirror. The same can be done with a glass of water. At night, light candles, find a transparent container for water and try to peer into the calm water surface. Think about what you want to see, so that this image is projected onto the surface of the water or even onto the walls of the glass. The main thing is silence and loneliness.

Many experts believe that psychic abilities can also be assessed by eye color. This theory will help you assess your own potential in advance. Remember that everyone can learn to see the future. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.05.2016 07:12

You can find out what fate has in store for the new year 2019 with the help of interesting fortune telling. Your intuition...