What does a regular chest look like? We determine the character of a woman by the shape of her breasts. Features of the water surface

Acquaintance, date, sex - you see your partner completely naked, you can fully appreciate the breasts, and with it what kind of life partner her owner can be. Exciting forms have been driving men crazy since time immemorial, kindling a fire in their hearts and fogging their minds, forcing them to unquestioningly worship the beautiful. Individual scientists, instead of just enjoying, are trying to analyze and systematize the various forms of the female breast, trying to derive some patterns from them ... In real life, the tastes of men regarding breast shapes differ in an amazing way, so any breast for someone will become the most desirable and attractive. Another thing is whether the woman herself is satisfied with what she has at the moment of her life.

Sexologists believe that the breast determines the character of a woman even more than the sign of the zodiac. They divided the shape of women's breasts into two dozen categories and for each of them determined the character traits of a woman, her attitude to sex, love and family. The most accurate way to determine the character of a woman is by her breasts if the latter is natural, although an “improved” breast changes a woman not only outwardly - if she is satisfied with the result of the operation, then her self-esteem rises, she becomes self-confident - hence the changes in character and behavior. In confirmation of this, read interviews with girls who have enlarged their breasts. Also, the shape of the breast often changes after the birth and feeding of the child, although motherhood also leaves its mark on the character of a woman. Therefore, I suggest that we take a hypothetical nulliparous young woman and try to determine her character by the shape and size of her breasts.

fox nose. The "owner" of such a breast has Nordic character traits and a sharp logical mind. Women with such breasts are very responsible and diligent, quite often they are middle managers, they strive for heights in business, but practically do not reach them, because these women are overcome by such a state as laziness in showing their own initiative. The main feature of Chanterelle is fidelity and the ability to adapt to the desired man, so marriage with such a woman is very successful. And in an intimate way, she shows ingenuity, gluttony and looseness.

apples. Alas, among the owners of such breasts there is a relatively large percentage of frigidity. And, accordingly, in order to bring such a girl to orgasm, you need to try very, very hard. At the same time, she herself is ready for anything to give her man an unforgettable and true pleasure. The main feature of the "Apples" is constancy and unwillingness to change their partners, therefore, early marriages are observed for them, often these women go through their whole lives with their first love. They make excellent wives and housewives, living by the principle: my house is my fortress.

Grushenki. A pear-shaped chest says, first of all, that its owner is a strong and independent person who has her own will to achieve her goals. But at the same time, senseless actions are often observed for such women. The main features of "Grushenka" are scandalousness in the case and the ability to lead men by their nose. In marriage, women give men enchanting sex and are even capable of perversion.

eggplant. The chest, resembling an eggplant in its shape, received the corresponding name. The owner of such a breast is sweet, pleasant in communication, cheerful. She is always the mistress of her life, and any man next to her will be "henpecked". In my opinion, it makes no sense to tell further - men do not like to be under the heel.

Lemons. Women with a breast shape similar to a large lemon are cheerful in everyday life, they follow it with their established way of life. They are actresses by nature, as they always adapt to the circumstances and play their part to the end. Women with lemon-shaped breasts are sincere and devoted. Good party for men.

melons. Such women like to feel like the soul of the company. In general, they seek power and almost always achieve it. And money for them acts as a means to achieve their goals. The main motto: I can do everything myself and achieve everything, even where other ladies have given up before me. In marriage, they are leaders. They believe that they themselves must win or win back men. If strong women scare you, this option is not for you.

oranges. A chest shaped like an orange, alas, suggests that its owner is practically not interested in the physical side of love. The main feature of such a girl is temperament and purposefulness. Intimately, they are liberated and always give their partner a lot of pleasure, relying solely on a sense of love and devotion. They always show themselves as reliable partners in all spheres of life.

Saucers. The owners of such breasts are very hardy and prudent in life. They will not stop at any difficulties, they always and everywhere find the cause of any problem and immediately eliminate it. The main motto: movement is life. Of the character traits, it is necessary to note touchiness and vindictiveness. That is why a competitor from her is dangerous, it is better not to cross her path, not to offend or anger - otherwise it will be more expensive for yourself.

pancakes. Women with such breasts are always sexually insatiable. They are never enough. For them, life consists only of sexual pleasures. They don't know the concept of shame. Of the character traits, aggressiveness and jealousy are most pronounced. But they will not tolerate this with their partners. These girls make great porn actresses.

bottles. The owner of such a breast is always self-confident. She likes to do everything herself, without relying on anyone. Life motto: I will do everything myself better than anyone else. All her feelings are always controlled only by the mind. The main character traits are purposefulness and order in everything. In sex, they are quite reserved. Very good life companions.

Teapots. Owners of breasts, shaped like teapots (when the nipples look up), are unstable in relationships, they can meet several men at the same time. They need to possess several men, while they do not want to lose each of them, they fight hard for them. A rare example of polygamy among women. To men who are not interested in them sexually, they are windy and only tease them.

grapefruit. Women endowed with the nature of such a breast shape, by all indications, would have to have a pronounced sexuality. But no - they are shy, attached to one man and to the hearth. In sex, they prefer tenderness and affection. And the main character trait is practicality in everything. Of particular note is self-control and self-critical analysis - "a woman with grapefruits" always controls and evaluates herself and her actions, but often does not know a sense of proportion. As a wife, such a woman will be loving and tender, with a constant order in the house and ready dinner for the arrival of her husband.

Potatoes. The owners of such breasts always strive for the possession of one man, the only one for them. At the same time, they feel perfect only when they are in demand for the opposite sex, when they are loved, and have been loved for a long time. This is the most important thing for them. As a wife, such a woman is the most ideal option. Their originality will not let their chosen one get bored, and devotion will not make you jealous and worry about your family.

Klyukovki. Women with such small breasts are very cheerful. At the same time, they have a sensitive nature and live in "their own" world - more fictional than real. They prefer a slow, calm and familiar rhythm of life. Natures, very attached to their home and family. They make great partners for any occasion. But they are interested in sex only in moderation, they love the measured pace of movements.

Hooks. The owners of this breast shape are very smart and prudent in all life positions. If you already fell into her hands, then you will not break off the “hook” until she herself wants it. The motto of life: I don’t need someone else’s, but I’ll take my own, no matter what it costs me. In intimate life they are very fickle - it depends on the mood and circumstances.

Peaches. Women with similar breasts are very sensitive natures. They always strive to satisfy, first of all, themselves in their needs, therefore, they almost always see a partner as an instrument for the realization of their sexual desires. In intimate terms, she is easily excited, is always a leader, loves to take the initiative herself. Therefore, you will not find the best partner for sex, but in family life with such a woman it will not be easy.

Handbags. Women with such breasts are very purposeful, they always choose a partner for themselves, and only with him they fully "reveal" themselves and show all the power of their feelings. With the rest of the men, they are cold and unapproachable. The main character trait is capriciousness and exactingness. Communication with such a woman requires patience and endurance.

bee stings. These are women who do not like to change their habits. The main character trait is perseverance and calmness. Cheating on her man on her part is impossible. She attracts money like a magnet. The favorite occupation of such a woman is housekeeping and receiving welcome guests. She loves the attention of others, is always the soul of the company, loves fun. The ideal family wife. And with sex - how lucky.

spaniel ears. The name brings a smile to the lips of many, and a sigh of sympathy for some. But! It is these women who are the most liberated and temperamental in sex. They are characterized by inconstancy, they can change partners one after another, even in one day, and the men abandoned by them will "dry" and yearn for them. From such women the most virtuoso prostitutes are obtained. And the older the woman, the more hurricane she is in bed.

bombs. Women with very lush breasts - it would seem that they should be sex bombs, but this is not always the case. Yes, they love to make love. But do not confuse love and sex. They open up with only one and only man, they are constant in their choice. The main feature of their character is romance. In life they are looking for their "prince on a white horse", but until they find him, they can change men like gloves.

It is also worth noting that the nipple itself can tell a lot about its owner. So, a standing nipple speaks of a generous nature and a desire for power. And drawn in and small speaks of secrecy and modesty. Pinkish-light areolas around the nipples mean soulfulness and softness. And the dark ones are passion and firmness

Your chest can be a fairly accurate barometer, signaling possible malfunctions in your body. Given some indicators, you can understand whether your health is in order and whether you need to take any preventive or medical measures.

Your breasts have grown

This fact may indicate that you just gained weight. After the end of puberty, the breast grows only when all the dimensions of your body increase. Start watching your diet and try to move as much as possible.

Sometimes breasts enlarge without gaining weight. This condition indicates that your period will begin soon or you have started taking new birth control pills. The level of hormones directly affects this condition. If you do not observe asymmetry, and your two breasts have increased equally, this should not bother you.

Your breasts have shrunk

First of all, this indicates that you have lost weight. The breasts are predominantly made up of fat, so if you lose weight, the breasts also shrink. If you are losing weight without dieting and exercising, then check to see if you have any thyroid problems. Sometimes she is the reason for this.

Also, the breasts may decrease at the beginning of the cycle. This phenomenon is absolutely normal and is caused by a jump in hormones.

One of your breasts is bigger than the other

In most cases, this is completely normal. No one has two absolutely identical and symmetrical breasts, so a small difference in size and shape should not cause panic.

In some cases, however, if the asymmetry is very noticeable and one breast is much larger, this may be a symptom of cancer. Be sure to check with a specialist.

You have irritation on the skin under your breasts

Most often, this is a symptom of an allergy, which may have been caused by your bra fabric or soap. Sometimes irritation appears due to wearing tight clothes, heat and strong sweating. Try an allergy cream. If the problem does not go away for several days, then consult a doctor.

It can also be an intertrigo. This condition often appears in the summer, especially if you have chosen the wrong bra size. Special creams can help with this.

Wash your laundry thoroughly. Otherwise, bacteria can multiply on it, which cause such an unpleasant reaction.

Stretch marks on the skin

As a rule, this indicates that you have gained or lost weight very quickly. This led to the fact that the skin did not have time to adapt, which led to its stretching. Quite often it appears after pregnancy. Some women naturally have skin prone to stretch marks.

Your nipples are very dark or very light

This should not cause any concern. Pigmentation is unique to every woman.

Your nipples are very large or very small

This is absolutely normal. Everything is individual.

There are many small bumps around your nipples.

This is also normal. Your breasts are meant to feed babies and that is part of the process.

There is one big bulge near your nipples

This may be a sign of a benign cyst or cancer. Do not worry ahead of time and make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible. Only he can establish an accurate diagnosis and save you from unnecessary worries.

You have enough hair on your chest

If a few hairs are normal, then a large number of them may indicate an increased level of testosterone. Go to the doctor.

Your nipples are itchy

Most likely, the reason lies in the remnants of soap or shampoo that you did not rinse well. Wash your nipples with water and apply moisturizer. You will immediately feel better.

It may also indicate an allergic reaction caused by your clothing or cosmetics. Observe yourself and find out exactly when itching occurs. Eliminate annoying factors.

Sometimes this problem also appears during the period of menstruation. After a few days, everything goes away on its own.

If, in addition to itching, you also have dry and slightly yellow skin, and possibly even bruising, then contact your doctor immediately, as this may be one of the symptoms of cancer.

Your breasts feel swollen and painful to the touch

Most often this happens before the onset of menstruation and is absolutely normal. Also, this is accompanied by increased sensitivity or pain in only one breast. With the onset of menstruation, the problem recedes itself.

Sometimes it can also be the result of excessive caffeine intake. Cut it down and watch yourself.

Fluid comes out of your chest

The breasts are meant for feeding, so if stimulated, even if you are not pregnant or having children, something like this may come out of it. If this brings you some inconvenience, see your doctor for special pills.

Sometimes this problem appears after taking antidepressants or any psychotropic drugs. This affects hormones, which leads to such secretions. This process is normal and should not bother you.

There is bloody discharge from the chest

This could be a sign of a benign tumor or something more serious. It is bad if it is observed only on one breast. Consult a doctor.

Your nipples are hard

One of the signs that you are sexually aroused. This symptom is completely normal. If you do not think about sex, then the reason for this can also be the cold.

Dimples appear on your breasts and nipples

This should be a concern. Quite often, these symptoms indicate cancer. Consult a doctor.

Your breasts have become firmer to the touch

Most often, this symptom is erroneous. Before menstruation, the breast becomes more sensitive, so when you feel it, it sometimes seems that it has become more dense. Actually it is not.

Sometimes, however, it can indeed indicate possible cancer. In order to dispel fears and not be nervous about this, contact a professional.

Veins are clearly visible on the mammary glands

This is a sign that you have very thin and fair skin. It also points to an increased risk of skin cancer. However, as long as you do not abuse the sun and regularly use sunscreen cosmetics, you should not be afraid.

Your chest feels like the skin of an orange

If the usual smoothness of the skin is gone, and now the mammary glands feel like oranges to the touch, then this may also indicate an oncological disease. Be sure to see a doctor.

You may feel a lump in one breast

It could be a benign cyst. This is especially indicated by the fact that it seems smooth and round to the touch. Sometimes it comes and goes by itself until the next cycle. If you are concerned, then ask your doctor to check you.

Sometimes it can still be cancer, or something that can eventually become cancer. In any case, you need to contact a specialist.

Pay attention to such symptoms, and if you notice alarming signals or are not sure about something, then it is better to play it safe and seek medical help. At some points, time is a key factor on the path to a quick and painless recovery.

One of the most important decorations of the fair sex is the chest. Girls believe that it is this outstanding part of the body that directly affects the desire of men. Various fashion houses and glossy magazines have long imposed certain stereotypes of the ideal female breast. Every day there are articles and advertisements about how to enlarge the breast or change its shape, with the obligatory mention that after the operation a woman's life will change for the better.

But why go for marketing campaigns? Every woman is beautiful and unique in her own way, just like her breasts. A well-groomed and self-confident woman will be able to present a bust of any shape and size from the best side and will not leave men indifferent. And our article will help determine what forms, parameters and types of female breasts exist, how to choose the right underwear and take care of the bust.

What determines the shape of the breast

Starting from adolescence, the breast goes through a lot of changes and only after puberty does it acquire its final size and shape.

However, even after this period, these parameters may change for a number of reasons:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • chronic and other breast diseases;
  • sports;
  • carrying out mammoplasty;
  • climax.

But still, the main factors that determine the shape of the breast and its size are hereditary indicators that contribute to the development of the mammary glands in adolescence. Sex hormones also play a very important role. If there is an interruption in their functioning, then the growth of the mammary glands can stop or, on the contrary, increase significantly. The subcutaneous layer of fat and the condition of the ligaments, the strength of the connective tissues and the fitness of the muscles also determine the shape of the mammary glands.

Main settings

There are several main parameters used to characterize the mammary glands:

  1. According to the location on the chest, the chest is low and high. But do not confuse sagging breasts with a low rise.
  2. The elasticity and density of the mammary glands also characterizes the shape of the breasts in women. Ideally, the bust should be elastic and soft. But during pregnancy and lactation, it can become less elastic or even lethargic. This problem can only be corrected by surgery.
  3. According to the width of the base of the mammary gland, the forms of the female bust are classified into narrow, medium or wide.
  4. In terms of volume, the chest can be retracted, convex or flat.

Not all girls can boast of perfect breasts.

In many cases, the chest differs from the classic version in its parameters and characteristics:

  1. Conical. The small size of the breast is most often conical in shape. This form of the female bust is different in that its base is normal, but higher towards the nipples it becomes cone-shaped.
  2. Asymmetrical. This shape is different in that one breast is larger than the other. Usually such a difference is not significant, the difference is only one size. But if the excess is 2 or more sizes, then the question arises of changing it with the help of a surgeon.
  3. Incomplete. A special shape with a very narrow base. Such mammary glands look elongated and incomplete.
  4. spherical. Another name for this form is "Omega". The base of the bust is the same size as the entire mammary gland. This difference is not congenital and can only be present in girls with full breasts.
  5. Low projection form. The bust of this form has a rather small size, and the circumference is standard. Thus, there is a discrepancy between the two parameters.

Distance between breasts

There are other features that distinguish the female bust - this is the direction of the nipples and the distance between the left and right breasts.

Distinctive features depending on the distance:

  • the chest is very tight to each other, the distance is not visible at all;
  • between the right and left mammary glands, the distance is 2-3 centimeters;
  • the left and right mammary glands are located close to each other from above, and towards the bottom - the interval between them diverges, forming a triangle;
  • widely spaced bust, a distance of more than 5 centimeters is considered;
  • a mixed situation is rare, when the mammary glands are both far from each other and diverge to the bottom in opposite directions.

Nipple directions

Distinctive features of the direction and types of nipples in women:

  • the perfect shape is when the nipples look clearly straight and have a small areola around them. Some girls even resort to the services of a surgeon to achieve such results;
  • a common feature is when the nipples look in exactly opposite directions;
  • at an older age (after 40 years), the breasts may sag and then the nipples become directed downwards.

Basic forms

American experts studying the mental characteristics of a person analyzed the physical forms of girls and made interesting conclusions. It turns out that their breasts can tell a lot about the character of beautiful women. Different forms of female breasts speak of different temperaments of their owners.

Let's look at what women's breasts are and how it affects the character of a woman.


This form is quite rare and is considered the most beautiful form of the breast. The most popular of all types of female breasts, which is done in plastic surgery. Lucky women with such a perfect shape are often spoiled by the attention of men, have inflated ambitions and are careerists. Men who are capable of treason immediately fall into the black list, since these ladies will not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves, they will never suffer because of sad love.


Most often, this type of bust has tomboy girls. They are active, friendly, most often go in for active sports and are fond of "male" hobbies. Such girls are always the soul of the company and good friends. They do not occupy male attention, and it is not uncommon for their great mutual love to emerge from close friendship. They will be devoted and faithful to their chosen one, and for a child they will become a good girlfriend.

Wide set

Girls with this form are quite sincere and open. They do not take part in women's gossip and intrigue. They can be described as honest, decent and frank. Always ready to help those in need, often to their own detriment. But sometimes they are too straightforward, but not in order to hurt someone on purpose, but simply because that is their nature.

Teardrop shape

The owners of this form have a heightened emotional sensitivity to the outside world. Girls are predisposed to "inflate out of molehills", to make small problems big, and to be nervous and worried about this. Such sentimental persons often look for a “prince on a white horse” in men, idealizing a partner, take any troubles to heart. They greatly appreciate the romantic impulses of the second half, idolize the man who protects them and takes care. In the future, they become loving mothers.


Women with such breasts never fall into despair. From the outside, it seems that they have inexhaustible energy and optimism, but the truth is that they do not openly show their experiences. The same happens in society: many acquaintances with whom you can have fun, but real friends that she can completely trust, of which there may be only a couple of people.


The girls are very emotional, with a changeable mood that changes for no apparent reason. However, these individuals are creative people with non-standard ideas and original approaches to problem solving. They know how to come up with several solutions at once in these situations.


Other varieties

In different eras of time, there was a standard of the female breast. In some times, a large and magnificent bust was revered, in others, small breasts were especially valued. But one thing remains unchanged - the chest is always in the center of male attention and is an adornment of any woman.

Therefore, not only the main types of breasts have been identified, but even original names have been invented:

  1. "Dulki". Sophisticated charms with a narrow shape that become wider in the area of ​​the dark nipple.
  2. "Buttons". The chest is no more than the 2nd size with a slightly elongated narrow shape and sharp nipples.
  3. "Snow Hills". A neat chest of small size with light, slightly sharp nipples.
  4. "Water surface". Quite weighty and soft bust (4, 5 or more sizes) with thin skin and veins translucent through it.
  5. "Alma mater". Bust of considerable size with low projection and strongly elastic nipples.
  6. "Circe". Perfect tight chest, slightly above average size, but no more than 3, with a brown halo and nipples pointing forward.
  7. "Ripe Pears" The mammary glands are large, slightly soft and saggy, with a large nipple and a brown halo.
  8. "Globes". Significant size (4.5 and over) and rounded bust, with a clear prominent nipple that is whiter at the edge and darker towards the center.
  9. "Chestnuts". Slightly flattened, soft chest size 3-4 with large nipples and light.
  10. "Renaissance". Soft large bust with a full top and slightly sheer skin.
  11. "Peach". The name speaks for itself. A charming variety of female breasts - elastic, large, with a delicate color of light nipples.
  12. "Lady fingers". It has a large size and its shape is similar to the famous grape.
  13. Turkish Eyes. Elongated and narrow chest, with medium-sized nipples, looking in different directions.
  14. "African Savannah". It has a medium size and a clear halo around the nipple, as well as dark skin.
  15. "Sappho". Soft and even slightly flaccid chest, elongated to the bottom and no more than 2nd size.
  16. "Chloe". Miniature and well-shaped breasts with a small and light nipple.

There are many more names for this lovely part of the female body. Comparing the bust in shape and size with vegetables and fruits, such names were born: oranges, cranberries, lemons, melons, watermelons, grapefruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, turnips. The most unusual and funny names: handbags, bee stings, hooks, oars, spaniel ears, pointers, saucers, bottles, teapots.

Types of nipples

The female breast is a unique organ created by nature to produce milk and feed babies with it. The nipple, just, is responsible for where the accumulated milk will come out. The nipple is surrounded by an areola that is light pink to dark brown in color. Forms of nipples are: small, medium, large.

There are five types of female nipples according to the degree of bulge:

  1. Normal nipple. The nipple protrudes significantly from the areola even without stimulation. If, however, to use the latter, then it increases and becomes solid.
  2. Bulging nipple. The appearance of the nipple appears slightly swollen due to the fact that the areola around it is slightly raised. When stimulation is applied, the size of the nipple increases.
  3. Inverted nipple. Almost all the time the nipple is inside the areola, but when aroused, it can become noticeable.
  4. Flat nipple. Practically does not protrude due to the areola and sometimes may not respond to stimulation.
  5. Unilateral nipple. Another name is different nipples, when one nipple is convex and the other is not.

How to choose the right underwear

When it comes to choosing a bra, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • the bra should always be in size;
  • a bra with cups made of thick foam rubber is more suitable for owners of modest forms;
  • a bra in the form of the letter "T" is better for girls and women with a large bust size and a fallen shape;
  • a bra with a horizontal seam visually makes the bust more rounded.

The choice of underwear depending on the shape of the breast

Different forms of female breasts also imply wearing different underwear:

  1. "Circe" or classical form. Girls with such an ideal breast shape are suitable for any model of bras. When choosing underwear, you can focus only on personal preferences.
  2. "Globe". It is recommended to wear a bra with a jumper, which will be completely adjacent to the breast bone or in which it will be completely absent. In order to raise the bust, it is better to choose a bodice with bones that reach the middle of the chest, the seams in the cups of the bodice should be stitched. The Plange bra is a good choice.
  3. "Renaissance". Special attention requires only the right choice of size.
  4. "Chestnut". Suitable for bralettes with contour cups, or bodices with a three-piece cup, as well as bodices with a central seam in the lower half.
  5. "Water surface". The cups of the bodice should be full-sized and have inserts on the side, in order to freely place the chest in them and direct it forward.
  6. "Alma mater". Models with bones are suitable, smoothly fitting the chest and made of dense fabric inserts to compensate for the volume. Minimizer bras are ideal.
  7. "Buds". Bras with contoured cups and extra padding are great for this type of bust. Push-up bodices, bandeau bras will be the best choice.
  8. "Sappho". A push-up bodice with bottom and side inserts is best suited to give volume to the bust.
  9. "Chloe". To add volume, bodices with bones and soft contour cups are suitable.

The formula for the perfect female breast

Scientists from Italy discovered the formula for the ideal female bust. To do this, you need to imagine a triangle ABC, as shown in the picture. Segment AC - we will consider it as the base of the triangle, the corners - on the nipples and in the cavity of the clavicle.

The length of the AC must be divided by 2, then the resulting number is divided by the length of the segment AB and we find out the number of breast parameters. The correct and most beautiful shape of the breast corresponds to a number from 0.4 to 0.6.

Distance parameters of the ideal chest:

  • between the nipples should be from 20 cm to 21 cm;
  • from the navel to the nipple - from 24 cm to 25 cm;
  • diameter of the base of the chest from 12 to 13 cm.

Care and preservation of the shape of the breast

Whatever shape and parameters the bust has, timely care and properly selected underwear can keep it in great shape.

Proper care is as follows:

  1. Cleansing of the breast skin with water and soft gel products, gentle peeling;
  2. Wearing the right and comfortable bra;
  3. Performing exercises to strengthen the muscle tissue of the chest;
  4. The use of creams that improve the condition of the skin;
  5. Carrying out massage;
  6. Protecting the breast skin from ultraviolet rays with special means;
  7. Posture and weight control.

Follow these simple rules to keep and maintain beautiful and elastic forms.


How to tighten the muscles of the chest to give it a more beautiful shape, you will learn from our video.

Swelling of the mammary glands, which ladies still often characterize as “breast fullness”, is a fairly common phenomenon. And often it can characterize anything - from pregnancy to cancer. Experts recommend that women whose breasts fill up regularly or remain so all the time, see a doctor. Especially if the increase in its size is accompanied by pain.

Swelling of the breast and mammary glands

Photo Shutterstock

Breast enlargement is a phenomenon that women usually do not particularly worry about. Most often, they associate this with the days of the menstrual cycle (ovulation has passed - the breast has increased, the phase has changed - disgrace). However, it is necessary to observe very carefully how exactly this breast enlargement occurs. If not much, nothing to worry about. But if the dimensions have changed decently - by 2 or even 3, this is a reason to visit a specialist.

Reasons why breasts can grow

There are quite a few reasons why breasts can swell quite strongly. These are: - hormonal disruptions in the body; - adding extra pounds; - pregnancy; - dangerous carcinogens; - sports; - oncology.

If some of the reasons are quite simple and banal, and also do not cause any particular harm to health (such as breast augmentation due to working out its muscles), then in other situations such fullness can serve as a signal of a rather serious illness.

Trying to distinguish one cause from another is quite possible on your own. So, for example, regular cycle fluctuations are usually referred to as hormonal breast enlargement. Breast augmentation during ovulation depends on them. It should be remembered that at this moment the breast increases unprincipledly - by half a size or by one. Mild soreness or tension in this case may well be noted. But at the same time, the chest should be homogeneous, without any signs of compaction. When the menstruation is over, the swelling of the mammary glands will pass, and they will return to their usual size.

If you can't relate breast enlargement to ovulation, try taking an ovulation test. But then see a doctor

Very often, ladies on plump breasts diagnose themselves with pregnancy. This can be suspected only if there are prerequisites - unprotected sexual intercourse (and possibly more than one), lack of menstruation, frequent urge to go to the toilet, constant and painful feeling of hunger, etc. Hormones are also the cause of breast swelling during pregnancy. After all, the body of a pregnant woman is rebuilt for gestation, childbirth and lactation. In this case, you need to do a pregnancy test. In any case, see a doctor.

Being overweight and adding extra pounds can also make your breasts look fuller. This is due to the fact that it mostly consists of adipose tissue, which is significantly replenished with a change in the weight of the lady. Again, the chest in this case should be filled evenly. After losing weight (if this happens to a lady), the breasts will also fall off.

If a woman has developed oncology, an increase in breast size will be accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. So, for example, the chest will be swollen, and seals in the form of nodules can be felt in it. The shape and shape of the breast also change. In addition, peeling of the skin, its retraction, the presence of red dimples may appear. Of course, in this case, the chest will begin chest pain.

If you have found at least one of these symptoms, very urgently contact a mammologist. Remember that breast cancer is easier to treat in its early stages.

Do not panic. Having these symptoms doesn't mean you have cancer. But you need to see a specialist urgently.

What to do with swollen breasts

If the problem of breast enlargement overtakes you regularly, depending on the cycle, there is nothing to be done. You just need to prepare and purchase underwear designed for the increased size of the mammary glands. And this must be done, because. squeezing the chest does not lead to anything good.

If you suspect that you may be pregnant, do not rub your breasts, trying to feel for certain defects. It is better to immediately contact a gynecologist or do an ultrasound to understand exactly whether you are in a position or not.

Breast exams should be done regularly. To do this, it is enough to raise your hand up and put it behind your head, and gently probe the gland with the other to identify any nodules, etc. If you find something that confuses you, make an appointment with your doctor to rule out cancer.

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There are no medications prescribed for this symptom. The only thing is that they can begin to treat the cause. But for the most part, the health reasons are not dangerous, so the woman will be advised to learn to ignore such regular increases.

There are no two identical people in the world, for this reason every woman can have different types of breasts. Each person is unique, and differs from another both externally and internally. No person should be classifiable on any grounds. But still, in some cases, people are distinguished by some similar features of appearance, and according to the principle, types of body parts are formed.

And even if every woman is unique, nevertheless, some patterns are distinguished in the structure and body. For example, they distinguish different types of figures, which, by the way, is very convenient, especially when it comes to choosing clothes and accessories. In the same way, there are different types of forms of the female breast.

Breasts are classified scientifically and they are named according to what they look like the most. Most often, body parts are identified with fruits and vegetables or with geometric shapes.

The scientific classification of the forms of the female breast is determined by their external similarity with fruits and vegetables, landforms and more. Classification units have an artistic, figurative name that fully characterizes a separate chest shape and its distinctive features. In this article, we will give a short overview of each of the forms of the female breast. They are all different, but based on the listed signs, you can easily determine your breast shape. And already by the shape of the chest, you can determine the features of your temperament. Don't believe? And check.

The main types of female breasts

  • Snow mounds. This type of bust is characterized primarily by a small volume. Most often, owners of this type wear bras of the size of one or even zero. The halo usually has a wide diameter, light. The nipples are cone-shaped, slightly pointed. For the owners of this breast shape, the richness and diversity of the inner world, an extensive worldview, dreaminess are very characteristic features, they are often idealistic.
  • Globe. In shape, such a breast is really very close to a ball. The breasts are round, most often medium or larger than average in size. The nipples and areolas are characterized by a wide radius and are often dark in color. All forms are correct and well defined. Women with such breasts often have a strong and strict character, their behavior is characterized by a certain challenge. These women go through life with their heads held high and looking down on men. They are wonderful seductresses, skillful lovers, but impregnable and principled. These women know how to achieve goals, they are independent, demanding of themselves and others, and what is called "fatal women".

  • Renaissance. The name of this type was “given” by the paintings of the famous Renaissance artist Rubens, or rather, the nude or semi-nude women depicted on these canvases. This breast shape is characterized by a fairly large volume, it is soft to the touch and seems fluffy. The skin of the chest is very light, almost transparent, covered with small but noticeable moles. Areoles are well defined, but small in size. The nipples and areolas are dark and very well defined.
  • Chloe. The owners of this type of breast are characterized by elastic breasts of small volumes. Halos are not very wide, nipples are very elastic. About the character traits of the owners of such breasts, we can say that such girls are "eternal children." They need to be looked after, taken care of, patronized. Often they are very naive, gullible, they, like children, are easy to deceive. They trust anyone who is kind to them. But when the deception is revealed, they take it hard. Women of this type are extremely vulnerable and painfully perceive deceit and betrayal in their direction. In a sense, they are irresponsible and frivolous, you will not be able to make them think about the future, but she will easily allow everything to be decided for her. Often there is such a feature as self-doubt and self-doubt.

  • African savanna. As a rule, women with such breasts are very hot, sexy, feminine and spontaneous. This breast shape is primarily characterized by dark skin color, hence the name. They also have fairly wide and well-defined nipples and areolas. The size is medium or larger than average. For men, such a woman is a real find. In it they will find the embodiment of femininity and sexuality, fidelity, beauty, sublimity, and at the same time, these women are seductive and desirable. They become good mothers, smart and attentive wives.
  • Turkish eyes. This is a rather large breast, it has nipples sticking out in different directions with pointed tips and not very wide areolas. The skin of the chest is swarthy. You have to be very careful with these women. They are cunning and prudent. They are very good at lying and throwing dust in the eyes. Men should be especially careful with them - if you deceive a woman with such a breast shape, she will certainly take revenge on you, and revenge will be cruel beyond measure. These women are secretive, and I know how to hide their true motives and feelings from the world. Who knows what thoughts are running through the head of this mysterious woman? Her eyes say one thing, her smile says another, and her words say another, but they all lie.
  • Water surface. Women with such breasts are the best wives and mothers. The size of the chest is quite large, and it is slightly "blurred" - it has lost its shape a little. Although the chest is not so elastic, it has very beautiful outlines, and the opposite sex really appreciates just such a shape. The nipples are wide and do not stick out.

Features of the water surface

They say about the character of such a woman that this is exactly the person who will come to the aid of anyone who needs her. Women with “water surface” breasts are sensitive and gentle natures, open and sincere.

The body composition of such women is often quite dense. Although if a woman takes care of her figure, she will remain sexy for many years.

These women rarely ask for help, preferring to deal with problems on their own. Since they help everyone, and they rarely ask for help, they may feel injustice against them and start to worry about it, and it’s completely unfair, because if you don’t hide your problems, someone will definitely respond and help.

Most often, they are completely devoid of career ambitions, but at the same time they are excellent housewives, and can make a career in a field related to household affairs - for example, a chef.

  • Circe. This form is considered the most perfect of all. Therefore, this breast shape has a good average size - the "golden mean" between large and small. Its shape is really according to the best canons of ancient sculpture. The geometric shape is spherical, even, taut. The chest is quite elastic and remains so for many years.
    Speaking of character, it is worth saying that these women are independent, or at least strive to be independent. They work hard and strive for a better life for themselves. Often these women are successful both in their careers and in the family. In bed with them it is interesting, each time they strive to achieve a feeling of some kind of novelty, which, no doubt, is attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Lady fingers. Probably everyone knows what the shape of the grape looks like, after which the name of this shape of the female breast was given. This chest has an elongated shape, just very similar to grapes of this shape. The skin on the chest is light and smooth, but the nipples and areolas, on the contrary, are dark. Such a woman has an easy character, she is simple and pleasant in communication, smart and witty.

They are soft, supple, slightly naive, able to keep up the conversation on absolutely any topic.

In a career, they are successful solely due to diligence and commitment. They rarely go about their business - they prefer to follow orders than to be responsible for something and make independent decisions.

  • Alma mater. This is the shape of the female breast that men love the most. And indeed, she looks very seductive - large, nipples almost always stand out well, the skin is elastic and toned, light and smooth, and the breasts themselves are soft to the touch.

And the name in this case rather characterizes not the shape of the breast, but the qualities that are characteristic of women who have such a shape. The thing is that such ladies strive to patronize everyone in everything, both children and their soulmate. Their maternal instinct exceeds the instinct of all listed species. This is not always good. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the fact that a mother takes care of her children, but sometimes this care is too much, which is why children do not grow up independent.

  • Breasts "Fox noses". In shape, these breasts really resemble fox noses - stretched forward, small, with pointed little nipples.

What can be said about the character of women with this kind of breasts? First of all, they are ideal women for marriage - they know how to find an approach to a man, adapt to him, seduce and praise. You won’t get bored in bed with them - they are impatient, active, love experiments.

In their careers, they strive for more, but very often laziness interferes with them. Perhaps, if they were not lazy, they would have reached the heights in big business, but it often happens that they lack the initiative or desire, and they do not even start doing something that could bring success and money.

  • The next breast shape is pear-shaped. In women with this form, the size of the breasts is usually medium, the nipples and areolas are small, the nipples protrude forward and the breasts are slightly pointed. The skin is elastic, the chest itself is soft.

Their character is strong, they are independent, intelligent and cunning. Men will have a hard time building relationships with such a woman, because she will argue with you, show an independent disposition, which not every member of the stronger sex will like.

And who knows, maybe this sly-eyed beauty is just leading you by the nose? Women with pear-shaped breasts are careerists, purposeful individuals who relentlessly follow their goal.

  • "Lemons" - as a rule, not very large breasts, with large nipples, protruding in different directions. The nipples are light, most often pink. About the character of these women, we can say that they are playful, sexy, seductive, charismatic, witty. These are notorious adventurers, leaders, such a woman, no doubt, can become even a man's best friend. But building a love relationship with her is not always easy, because they are fickle in love, change partners often and almost without hesitation.

They are lucky in their careers, and often they manage to build a business or make a career out of just their ability to spin and get out of any situation. But do not underestimate them or consider them stupid because of this - they have more than enough intelligence and resourcefulness, but they prefer to hide it for profit and to splurge on you.

  • Pineapples. This, as you may have guessed, is a large and oblong chest. The nipples are medium in size, pink in color and show through well. As for the character, they are capricious, spoiled, selfish. But at the same time, they often show signs of striving for something more than a successful career or a happy family.


In the end, it is worth saying that the shape of a female bust does not necessarily determine her character, but such patterns are indeed present.

Yes, and every woman will be interested to know what the shape of her bust can mean. Also, this topic may be of interest to men who learn something new about the nature of their soulmate.