The sixth sense: how to develop intuition. How to quickly develop intuition: rules and exercises

When making decisions, many of us are guided solely by logic. Alas, there are situations when logic is simply powerless: there is not enough information. And then intuition comes to the rescue. But if someone has naturally developed intuition, then some simply do not notice the signs of fate. But this skill can be developed.

Intuition is the ability to perceive information from the surrounding world using the so-called “sixth sense”. All people by nature have this property, but not everyone knows how to use it: much more often we listen to the voice of reason. But in vain! Would you like to learn?

Women are more susceptible to suggestion than men, they fall into trance states more easily, and therefore the opportunities to use the “sixth sense” are more accessible to them. It was the fair sex who in ancient times acted as Pythia (fortune tellers), and subsequently successfully practiced as mediums during spiritualistic sessions, entering into communication with spirits.

Parapsychologists are convinced that women by nature have a special energy that allows them to feel more subtly... It is not for nothing that mostly women became witches, and this gift was inherited through the female line. As for psychologists, they are sure that women simply have more developed intuition and the so-called “sixth sense”.

To determine how developed your visionary gift is, mentally answer a number of questions:

1. Do you often have prophetic dreams?

2. Do you have premonitions of certain events, and in what form do they manifest themselves?

3. Do you sometimes feel what is happening with your family or friends at the moment?

5. Have you ever, looking at another person, suddenly realized what will happen to him in the near future?

Here they are, signs of fate, or manifestations of intuition:

1. Premonitions are familiar to everyone: for example, at school you knew for sure that you would be called to the blackboard today. And when you went to the exam, you learned one single ticket, and that’s what you got! We often anticipate events that happen to our loved ones.

Do you want to perfect your premonition technique? We take a deck of cards and, without looking, listening only to the “inner voice,” we arrange the first ten into two piles: red and black suit. Do the exercise several times with breaks of 2-3 hours.

Another exercise. Standing at a bus stop, try to guess the number of the nearest bus. Or leave the coin, trying to guess whether it came up heads or tails. Over time, the hit rate will become higher...

2. Remember your main successes and failures in life. How did you feel the day before? Most likely, success was preceded by feelings of inspiration and confidence: “I can do everything!” But if you were destined to fail, you could not get rid of an incomprehensible despondency and apathy, although you persuaded yourself that “everything will be all right.” These premonitions are the “sixth sense”.

Let's say you have business negotiations coming up. Imagine yourself from the outside: here you are entering the office, greeting your partners... How do you feel? Joy? Excitement? Boredom? If you feel uncomfortable, it is better to cancel the appointment or reschedule it for another day. Or accept the impending defeat. You are not ready to win yet.

3. If you are going or driving somewhere and something is bothering you, change the route, reschedule the meeting, or don’t go there at all. After some time, check to see if any emergencies have happened in this place.

4. But you should buy new things based on intuition only if the desire to have this or that thing literally does not allow you to live. Don't confuse your inner voice with your desire to follow fashion or your passion for spending money!

5. Pay attention to “accidental” clauses. For example, you recommend to your colleagues a person about whom you know only by hearsay: “They say he is a wonderful sadist!” You meant to say “specialist”! But the subconscious revealed something completely different...

6. It happens, as soon as we talk about some event or person, that you commit some erroneous action: you stumble or drop a cup of tea... Think about it: maybe these are signs indicating a hidden danger?

Do the following exercise. Within 10-15 minutes. track the flow of thoughts that come into your head. Let them flow freely, without tension, as if without your control. Take a look and grab the necessary “information”.

7. What about signs of fate? Let's say you've been proposed to for marriage. You turn on the radio, and from there it sounds: “Don’t marry him!” Or you open a newspaper and the phrase catches your eye: “A good deed won’t be called marriage!”

However, you shouldn’t see encrypted messages in everything. Set aside a strictly defined time for them - say, from 18.00 to 19.00 on Tuesday. Whatever you see or hear during this period, analyze the information received and draw conclusions. But under no circumstances focus on negative “signals.”

Remember: higher powers are simply warning you about possible developments, and not passing judgment!

Often a person can easily find the right solution in a given situation. The answer seems to appear in his head on its own. This is called intuition or sixth sense. Some people have developed intuition since childhood. Others have to learn to listen to their inner voice.

How to develop intuition and hidden abilities

To develop your intuition, you need to be patient. Constantly perform certain exercises and practice in life. You need to learn to predict events. With a good result, answers can appear from the outside. Such clues are also called “signs”.

If you are trying to make a decision, be fully immersed in the situation. All thoughts should be occupied only with solving your problem. When you fall asleep thinking about it, the answer may even come in your sleep. Just try not to put too much strain on your psyche, so as not to cause insomnia.

Learn to manage. Feeling fear, people try to close themselves off from it, and therefore their intuition turns off. If fear develops into panic, then intuition also disappears. Fear is needed. Don't let him control you.

When communicating with other people, pay attention to their gestures and facial expressions. Using intuition, you can learn more about a person. The main thing is not to reason, so as not to suppress your sixth sense.

Staying in promotes the development of intuition. Walk more often, meditate.

How to develop intuition exercises

To choose the right path in life, you need to learn to use the prompts of your inner voice. There are several ways to develop intuition.

First way. Draw three colors on paper, like in a traffic light. Attach the sheet to the wall and sit opposite. Assign each color its own meaning:

  • Green means moving forward.
  • Yellow color - be more careful.
  • Red symbolizes danger.

Be calm, breathe evenly. Now imagine that you have lit all the colors. If the result is positive, continue further. Mentally ask yourself a simple question (for example, say your name). Try asking questions that green will respond to. Then also work with yellow and red.

Each color evokes a certain feeling. Green should be associated with the correct answer. Red warns of an incorrectly chosen path. Practice with each color separately for 10 minutes. Then try alternating them, gradually speeding up.

After a successful workout, it's time to move on to practice. Let's say you choose a bag. Having settled on a certain model, trust your intuition. What traffic light color pops into your head? If it's red, then continue choosing further. When it's green, it means it's worth buying.

By constantly using this exercise on easy questions, you will learn how to use it on more difficult ones. Intuition itself will suggest the right decision.

Second way. Take some object. Touch it with outstretched arms. Feel it, determine the distance from you. Then step away and spin around with your eyes closed. Without opening your eyes, try to determine in which direction this object is located and at what distance it is now. Open your eyes and check. If you don't succeed the first time, try again. Thanks to such training, you will learn to see with your eyes closed.

Third way. If you are right-handed, hold the pen in your right hand. If left-handed - to the left. Write any question on paper. Now take a pen in your other hand and write the answer to this question. At this moment, your mind begins to guide this process. It turns out that you write the answer intuitively.

Well-developed intuition: how to understand

Remember how often similar things happened in life:

  • You suddenly received a knock on the door or on the phone, and you guessed who it was.
  • When you go to work, you imagine your employee pouring herself coffee. A picture appears in my head. You see the color of the cup, feel the aroma. You can even predict what your colleague is wearing today.
  • You are about to tell the news to your friend, and in your mind you are already imagining her reaction and facial expressions.
  • The interlocutor is just about to say a phrase, and it has already flashed through your head.
  • You can predict how this or that situation will end.

If this is exactly about you, then everything is fine with your intuition. Feel free to trust her and then you will be able to solve even the most difficult task in life.

Scientists have proven that the sixth sense is not a myth, but a subconscious alternative mind. It can and should be improved. A few of our tips will help you decide how to develop intuition with exercises.

Intuition is an innate property. All the necessary knowledge and answers to the most difficult questions are already concentrated in our minds; we just have to learn to listen to our deep inner resources.

The subconscious captures the slightest shades of information coming from reality. The inner voice is able to suggest a way out of the most problematic situations.

To learn how to use and develop intuitive thinking, try mastering several techniques.

  • Believe in the power of intuition! A person is able to perceive any existing information intuitively - faith opens access to new opportunities.
  • Remember more often situations when your sixth sense already helped you find a way out - at least once this happened to everyone. A saving thought often appears during stressful events.

For example, during an exam we often guess the correct answer or already know in advance the number of the ticket we got. If you still find it difficult to remember, mentally return to the time you were in love.

Love can develop and strengthen our intuitive capabilities: we feel loved ones at a distance, we simultaneously experience the same emotions, we can guess their desires and very often, without agreeing, we simultaneously find ourselves in one of the places that is significant for us. Feel this state again, fix it and return to it as often as possible.

  • Try to “immerse” yourself in your intuition, choose feelings that are close to you. If you like the field of human relations, do not try to predict economic surges and the next collapse of the dollar.
  • Limit logic. Artificially simulate stressful situations - intuitive vision is activated precisely in them. Do not try long and painfully to find a solution to the problem. On the contrary, reduce your thinking time as much as possible and ask someone to constantly interrupt you.

An important change that can and should happen in your life, as well as improve it in all areas, will happen with the help of a wonderful one. With it, you will reveal your potential and improve your life in all its manifestations: more money, better relationships, better health and happiness.

The best exercises for developing intuition

1. D We give intuition freedom

Try to constantly make as many unexpected assumptions as possible. Try to guess everything: who you will see first at work, what the name of the waitress in the restaurant is, what your partner will be wearing at the meeting, why your boss is calling. Most of the time you will be wrong. However, you shouldn’t take your guesses seriously - let them, on the contrary, improve your mood.

The purpose of the task is to develop freedom of thinking, learn to turn off logic and think relaxed. Over time, you will notice that your assumptions turn out to be correct more and more often. Practice shows that you will learn to predict telephone calls the fastest. Compete with caller ID - it's useful and interesting.


This is a very simple mechanical exercise to develop your sixth sense. Write a question on a piece of paper - make it your main working hand. You must answer it with the opposite hand, transfer the pen to the other palm and write the first thing that comes to mind.

Your mind will be confused, so your intuition will come first. With your dominant hand you can write not only questions, but also the first part of a sentence. For example: “I prefer dark colors in clothes, because...”, “I don’t like talking about this topic, because...”, “I love sweets, because...”.

You need to finish the phrase with your non-dominant hand. The intuitive answers you receive in this task can be used to combat bad habits, in psychological self-improvement programs, and even to speed up the process of losing weight.

3. Exercise “Reading People”

During any conversation with a person, try to imagine how he is feeling right now. Or put yourself in his place. It is not particularly important how the communication takes place - in fact, by telephone or via the Internet.

Tune into the wavelength of your interlocutor - his thoughts and emotions, try to recognize them. Later you will understand how useful it is to develop such a skill.

4. Exercise “Guess from the photo”

When looking at photographs of people you know, try to imagine what is happening to the person in the image in reality right now. Start with simple questions about life that require a one-word yes or no answer.

The next time you meet someone you know, ask them what has happened to them lately. Match the answer with your guess. If you do the exercise regularly, the information will very soon begin to coincide.

5. Removing fear

The main obstacle to the development of intuition is the feeling of fear. For intuitive thinking to work in full force, you need to learn to cope with your fears. In this task, it is important not to overcome fear, but to completely surrender to its power.

Be careful - this is a very strong feeling. However, only by becoming aware of your fears will you gain the ability to hear your inner voice. You will feel freedom and begin to better understand the deep properties of your personality.

6. Turn on positive thinking

Forget about negative assessments of the situation and people’s actions - learn to think in positive categories. If a negative attitude enters your head, immediately change it to a positive one. For example, you thought, “I can never do this.”

The next thought should be: “What should I do to change the situation?” Constantly searching for solutions will force your thinking to work at full capacity. Gradually, the subconscious will begin to get involved in solving problems.

7. Meditation and relaxation

These exercises are really effective - practice them regularly. To make completing tasks even more interesting, try to attract the attention of your friends to them. To do this, tell us about the article on social networks - you will definitely find like-minded people among your friends.

Remember - the way out of any problem is within us. Develop your intuition! Over time, you will have new opportunities. You will make only the right decisions!

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Each of us periodically utters this phrase: “I knew it...”. Intuition or life experience? This is the main question to ask yourself.

Foresight is the gift of both intuition and wisdom. We all have the ability to predict the future. Many people call them the sixth sense or intuition. Intuition, in turn, is a complex ability that includes both life experience and logic. In any case, this is a type of extrasensory abilities, the development of which we wrote earlier.


So, intuition is logic + life experience. Logic is a whole branch of science. In simple terms, it shows a person's ability to draw conclusions based on a certain situation or set of data. If a person is angry, it means he was offended. If he was offended, there could be many reasons for this. You can express your opinion and it may be correct. But how did you come to it? The answer is simple - knowledge and effective brain function.

Our example is primitive, but in real life many people show true miracles of intuition. The clearest example is detectives and investigators. They can paint a huge picture from small grains, connecting all the details together.

Sixth Sense

Many scientists believe that the best indicator that you have precognitive abilities is déjà vu, a kind of sixth sense. We previously wrote that deja vu is a kind of look into the future. This phenomenon suggests that the gift of prediction is not only experience, but also the development of the brain and the power of energy. The main thing is to learn how to correctly interpret déjà vu in accordance with the work of your brain and worldview. No one but yourself can learn this.

The sixth sense can also manifest itself in non-visual images. These are experiences when, for example, you are driving somewhere, and cats are scratching at your heart, you are not in the mood, you are depressed. Then you arrive, and trouble awaits you on the spot. This is a prime example of how the sixth sense can manifest itself.

It is very difficult to develop it, since we inherited it from our ancestors. According to scientists, at the dawn of civilization, people were able to communicate telepathically because the brain was larger and worked much faster. Psychics advise using special talismans to improve the almost completely lost sixth sense.

How to develop intuition

Method one: practice. Practice every day, trying to guess some simple things - how a colleague will be dressed at work, the names of strangers, their hobbies, date of birth. Try to somehow connect the details of their behavior and communication style in order to come to some conclusions. Solve logic puzzles and constantly train your memory. Intuition is only an incredibly small part of magic. The main success depends on the functioning of the brain.

Method two: broaden your horizons and accumulate knowledge. Our life teaches us a lot. When parents tell their child that he or she may fall out of a tree, in most cases this indicates that they have experienced this themselves or know someone who has experienced this. This is life experience. Absorb everything that happens around you, so that in the future you can save yourself or your loved ones from trouble or trouble.

Method three: projection of thoughts. There is very little magic in extrasensory perception as such, but it can also play an important role in the development of intuition and the gift of foresight for every person. They say that any reflective surface can be used as a window into the future. Use talismans to improve these abilities at the same time as mirrors. To do this, turn off the lights at night and try to look at something unusual in the mirror. The same can be done with a glass of water. At night, light candles, find a transparent container for water and try to peer into the calm surface of the water. Think about what you want to see, so that this image is projected onto the surface of the water or even onto the walls of the glass. The main thing is silence and loneliness.

Many experts believe that psychic abilities can also be assessed by eye color. This theory will help you assess your own potential in advance. Remember that everyone can learn to see the future. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.05.2016 07:12

You can find out what fate has in store for the new year 2019 with the help of interesting fortune telling. Your intuition...

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! The sixth sense is a huge help for any person in his daily life. It can quickly suggest a way out in the most difficult situation or open access to your own inner world. To do this, first of all, you need to bring your “I” into complete order and harmony in order to establish a dialogue with it and be able to hear it. It's amazing how much useful and important you can learn from communicating with yourself. Any person already knows the answers to all questions in advance, but not everyone is able to reach their intellectual hidden resources. And today we will talk to you about how to develop intuition.

The Essence of Intuition

The eyes see a lot, the ears hear a lot, the body constantly senses any change in the external environment, but a person does not comprehend all this. The sixth sense should be constantly activated. You need to do this even for the smallest trifles, deciding, for example, whether to take an umbrella if the sun is shining in the sky, which way is best to get to work, or trying to guess what your spouse wants for dinner today. The more often this practice is used, the fewer errors will occur.

Therefore, such skills must be constantly trained and developed in oneself consciously and purposefully. It should be understood that you can make mistakes, but this does not mean that you should completely stop trusting your inner voice.

Every unexpected thought that arises must be recognized. Do not brush it aside and do not immediately accept it as an immediate guide to action, but think about it in detail, weigh all the pros and cons that arise. The human consciousness records and processes any information, but sends signals to the brain only in cases of urgent need.

Intuition can manifest itself in the form of:

  • nagging question;
  • it is unclear where the answer came from;
  • inexplicable sensations;
  • catchy words on a billboard;
  • amazing sleep;
  • fantasies;
  • quiet voice;
  • strong reluctance to do something;
  • metaphors.

When people are struggling with some problem, suddenly the answer comes unexpectedly, but they do not pay attention to it.

Looking at the interlocutor, they understand that he does not like him, but since he smiles pleasantly, they ignore this feeling.

You need to learn to analyze and accept such thoughts. Not all of them are insights, but each has to do with the human subconscious.

It is a fine-mesh network that brings together everything that surrounds people. Therefore, information received from unknown sources must be perceived as very useful and must be carefully considered.

Many find it difficult because intuition is not expressed in words, and the answer to questions comes in dreams, in the form of ideas or unclear feelings.

The inner voice is rarely formed into a clear and clear thought. Therefore, you should accustom yourself to unraveling the signs that the subconscious sends. It signals a lot. If a person dreams that he was bitten by a snake or that a lion attacked him and grabbed his leg, this is not a fantastic adventure at all. This is the body's cry for help. Organs and systems indicate the development of a disease or inflammatory process. Therefore, if no symptoms are observed, it is still worth monitoring your well-being.

How to develop intuition: ways of development

Naturally, it is worth trying to strengthen your intuition. This is necessary in order to:

  • understand yourself better;
  • feel people's attitude;
  • understand what business is worth taking on;
  • anticipate dangers;
  • navigate an uncertain situation;
  • find a way out of difficult situations;
  • understand what needs to be left in the past;
  • don't worry about trifles;
  • determine the degree to which something is needed;
  • be aware of the success of the plans being implemented;
  • find answers to any questions;
  • seek internal resources;
  • engage in creativity;
  • develop your talents, etc.

This is completely doable. By anticipating trouble in advance, you can prevent it. In the same way, it is important to get ahead of whether the fears that a person experiences are real when starting a new project or deciding whether to accept a new job offer.

Following his intuition will also make it clear what he wants or does not want and why. Its purpose is to help people better navigate their living space. It processes incoming information instantly and gives an equally immediate response. Therefore, if someone asks to borrow money, and everything inside the person screams that the debt will not be repaid, it is better to trust your feeling. Apparently, the ear has already recorded the lie in the words, and the eyes have noticed the dishonest expression on the face.

There is no need to be afraid to start an internal dialogue with certain people. Naturally, everything will happen only in the imagination. Then they can be asked the most difficult and inconvenient questions, which are unlikely to be possible in reality. You shouldn’t think of answers for him. It is advisable to let go of the situation and look at it from the outside, as if it were a film in a cinema, where the viewer does not have the opportunity to interfere in the conversations of the characters.

The interlocutor will say everything that is necessary. Sometimes it will seem simply fantastic, but life will demonstrate the correctness of his answers. There may be a reluctance to hear his words. You don't need to think about all this. It’s better to leave the flow of life as it is and it will help you sort everything out.

Therefore, those people who listen to their inner voice more often are usually more successful than those who ignore it.

Such abilities can be innate or acquired through constant self-improvement. For example, successful businessmen are those who do not miss the right chances and know how to avoid dubious situations that lead to ruin. They very quickly recognize people who are useful to them, find the information they need, and are not shy about asking or refusing. This happens because they have learned to automatically listen to their sixth sense and follow its advice.

Methods for communicating with your intuition

There are entire manuals on its development. In order to learn to hear your inner voice, you need to learn:

  • trust yourself;
  • conduct internal dialogue;
  • learn to turn to your intuition when necessary;
  • get answers to your questions at any time;
  • do not doubt the correctness of the decisions made;
  • accumulate positive energy;
  • consider your emotions;
  • examine all incoming data;
  • do not dismiss strange thoughts;
  • meditate;
  • study your dreams;
  • try not to lose your mental balance;
  • being alone more often;
  • love nature;
  • look at the water for a long time;
  • be decisive;
  • analyze other people's advice.

These skills will give you the opportunity to identify your own priorities, feel what is most important in life, and isolate the most necessary of what needs to be done.

The development of intuition will lead to the fact that it will become possible to realize your hidden artistic talent. Oddly enough, the cleansing of internal channels allows many talents to fully manifest themselves. Someone discovers the ability to write poetry, sing or draw.

You shouldn't try to do it professionally. There is nothing wrong with reciting or dancing poorly. But activation of the corresponding zones in the cerebral cortex will allow you to break even deeper into your previously hidden resources.

Sometimes, while singing or doing yoga, quite strange thoughts come to mind. Don't dismiss them right away. It is better to take them for granted and think carefully, and then check your guess. It is possible that at that moment he had a real insight.

Sometimes intuition appears uninvited, and sometimes you need to be able to concentrate to hear its quiet voice. It is best to do this in complete darkness, alone, with a vivid mental image of the situation. It is better to close your eyes, sit or lie down comfortably and relax.

What helps other people get through to their subconscious is:

  • drawing;
  • handicrafts;
  • drawing;
  • music;
  • dance;
  • oriental practices.

Ability to use sixth sense clues

When the connection with intuition becomes strong and reliable, you can resort to it at any time and even make decisions based on it.

You need to keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Information received from outside is not everything. It is necessary to clearly analyze your reaction to these messages from the Universe.

Intuition will give a clear answer. For example, if an unpleasant event does not cause any emotions, and a harmless incident terrifies, it means that what is behind them is not what it seems on the surface.

The thoughts in your head are usually crowded in complete darkness, but when you have such insight, it usually feels like someone has turned on a light bulb.

When a boss threatens to fire him, but his subordinate finds it funny to listen to him, it means that the manager is simply out of sorts. He would have long ago refused the services of an employee if he was not satisfied with him. Therefore, it is better to trust yourself and not panic ahead of time. Moreover, you shouldn’t throw a resignation letter on his desk; in his temper, he might even sign it.

The opposite situation can also happen. A woman sees her husband calmly talking with a colleague. But her heart breaks at the same time. Nothing suggests that there is anything between them and yet her subconscious is just screaming about it. It gives a warning of impending disaster and suggests trying to prevent it before it is too late.

Therefore, it is necessary to constantly develop the ability to listen to your inner voice and practice it. If it has already arrived, you need to make it a part of your life.

Of course, you should not replace the ability to think logically with intuition. But you should learn to combine and check one with the other. For example, if a person is afraid to fly on an airplane, it is better to listen to the voice of reason, look at the sky and make sure that most of the planes take off and land safely.

But, if before the flight you had a dream that a catastrophe happened or the alarm clock did not ring at the appointed time, then you may need to cancel the flight.

You need to trust your intuition and not question its clues. Unlike intelligence, she rarely makes mistakes. Another thing is that a person is not always able to correctly read its clues.

Therefore, it is necessary to make the sixth sense your friend and assistant. It can lead in any situation:

  • in the business sphere;
  • in personal relationships;
  • in professional activities;
  • in creativity;
  • learning;
  • in science.

It is advisable to develop observation skills, not to ignore your negative and positive feelings, and to analyze your guesses. They need to be put together into a single picture in order to understand whether these are guiding paths or a detailed plan of action.

The ability to distinguish one from the other is no less important, for example, in personal relationships. A woman can easily guess that she is becoming the object of adoration of some man, but she is unlikely to make hasty conclusions about her upcoming marriage. You need to analyze his actions, not his words. He may be on his knees, begging for a quick marriage, but something inside tells her that he is not sincere. It is difficult to understand this with your mind, which means it is better to wait for sleep or during meditation to get an answer to the disturbing question.

It is better to take your life under internal control, especially since there are excellent intuitive methods for this. By following them, a person will most often choose the necessary and correct path.

The ability to hear your inner voice will expand your horizons to enormous limits. Do not think that someone can be deprived of this ability from birth. Intuition is a direct projection of the subconscious, and every person has it. You just need to reach out to him and make it a habit to constantly communicate with him.

Now you know how to develop your intuition. Leave comments and share your experience. See you again!