How to develop intuition and hidden abilities - exercises. How to develop intuition and hidden abilities yourself

Each of us periodically utters this phrase: “I knew it...”. Intuition or life experience? This main question, which you should ask yourself.

Foresight is the gift of both intuition and wisdom. We all have the ability to predict the future. Many people call them the sixth sense or intuition. Intuition, in turn, is a complex ability that includes both life experience and logic. In any case, this is a type of extrasensory abilities, the development of which we wrote earlier.


So, intuition is logic + life experience. Logic is a whole branch of science. In simple terms, it shows a person's ability to draw conclusions based on a certain situation or set of data. If a person is angry, it means he was offended. If he was offended, there could be many reasons for this. You can express your opinion and it may be correct. But how did you come to it? The answer is simple - knowledge and effective work brain

Our example is primitive, but real life many people show true miracles of intuition. The clearest example is detectives and investigators. They can paint a huge picture from small grains, connecting all the details together.

Sixth Sense

Many scientists believe that best indicator The fact that you have precognitive abilities is déjà vu, a kind of manifestation of the sixth sense. We previously wrote that deja vu is a kind of look into the future. This phenomenon suggests that the gift of prediction is not only experience, but also the development of the brain and the power of energy. The main thing is to learn how to correctly interpret déjà vu in accordance with the work of your brain and worldview. No one but yourself can learn this.

The sixth sense can also manifest itself in non-visual images. These are experiences when, for example, you are driving somewhere, and cats are scratching at your heart, you are not in the mood, you are depressed. Then you arrive, and trouble awaits you on the spot. This is a prime example of how the sixth sense can manifest itself.

It is very difficult to develop it, since we inherited it from our ancestors. According to scientists, at the dawn of civilization, people were able to communicate telepathically because the brain was larger and worked much faster. Psychics advise using special talismans to improve the almost completely lost sixth sense.

How to develop intuition

Method one: practice. Practice every day, trying to guess some simple things - how a colleague will be dressed at work, names strangers, their hobbies, date of birth. Try to somehow connect the details of their behavior and communication style in order to come to some conclusions. Decide logic puzzles and constantly train your memory. Intuition is only an incredibly small part of magic. The main success depends on the functioning of the brain.

Method two: broaden your horizons and accumulate knowledge. Our life teaches us a lot. When parents tell their child that he or she may fall out of a tree, in most cases this indicates that they have experienced this themselves or know someone who has experienced this. This is life experience. Absorb everything that happens around you, so that in the future you can save yourself or your loved ones from trouble or trouble.

Method three: projection of thoughts. there is very little magic in extrasensory perception as such, but it can also play its part important role in the development of intuition and the gift of foresight for each person. They say that any reflective surface can be used as a window into the future. Use talismans to improve these abilities at the same time as mirrors. To do this, turn off the lights at night and try to look at something unusual in the mirror. The same can be done with a glass of water. At night, light candles, find a transparent container for water and try to peer into the calm water surface. Think about what you want to see, so that this image is projected onto the surface of the water or even onto the walls of the glass. The main thing is silence and loneliness.

Many experts believe that psychic abilities can also be assessed by eye color. This theory will help you assess your own potential in advance. Remember that everyone can learn to see the future. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.05.2016 07:12

You can find out what fate has in store for the new year 2019 with the help of interesting fortune telling. Your intuition...

In life, everyone wants to avoid as many mistakes as possible and achieve the best option of your future. How can you improve your intuition? There are 5 simple techniques that will help you train your sixth sense.

1. Contact with the right hemisphere

Since everyone is taught from childhood to develop logical thinking, we, by inertia, try to listen to the voice of reason, which in practice does not always pay off. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of intuition, and the left hemisphere for the work of logic.

In the body, contact with the hemispheres is recorded in the hands: left hand contacts the right hemisphere, right hand- with the left. To develop the work of the right hemisphere and, as a result, intuition, you need to train by performing familiar actions with your left hand. The simplest example is learning to eat or brush your teeth with your left hand, ideally writing or drawing. This will improve your contact with the right hemisphere of your brain and at the same time make your intuition work better.

2. In which hand is the coin?

You will need a second person for this exercise. Ask your assistant to put his hands behind his back and hide the coin in one of them. Once he's ready, have him put his hands out in front of him and you try to guess which hand the coin is currently in.

Do the exercise 10-15 times. After this, pay attention to what your sensations were in your body before you managed to guess the location of the coin, and what they were like before you gave the wrong answer. Notice and record the difference. Continue the exercise, paying attention to the sensations. Your efficiency will increase.

3. For bedtime

To perform the following technique, you need to have new habit. When you go to bed, the first thing you should do is release all tension and relax completely. And then move on to dialogue with the unconscious. To do this, think about the question that worries you the most, and mentally ask your subconscious to give you the answer to it in a dream.

You can develop the work of the right hemisphere and, as a result, intuition, if you perform familiar actions with your left hand: eating, brushing your teeth, drawing, writing

Keep a piece of paper with a pen next to your sleeping place. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember about your dream. The answer can be given in the form of a metaphor that only you can understand, or in direct text. For the purity of the experiment, repeat the exercise several times with one question, for example, throughout the week. Then you will better learn to understand the answers of the subconscious and be able to solve them.

4. Who and why?

Make it a rule that every time the phone rings, do not look at the screen, but try to guess who it is. After two or three days you will notice positive changes in the functioning of your intuition.

After this skill has been honed, move on to the second part of the technique: having guessed who is calling, try to feel for what purpose, and then pick up the phone and clarify the purpose of the call.

5. A powerful argument

Another interesting way development of intuition - determining the weight of the decision. There are situations when you hesitate between two answers and cannot decide what is the right thing to do. This exercise will help you.

First, practice getting an answer to a question for which you know the correct answer. Sit up straight, relax, bend both arms at the elbows, turning them palms up, while they should be suspended in the air, and not lying on your knees.

Every time the phone rings, don't look at the screen, but try to guess who it is. In two to three days you will notice positive changes in your intuition.

For example, you remember exactly that you ate scrambled eggs for breakfast today. Mentally place the answer “scrambled eggs” in one palm, and, for example, the word “cabbage” in the other.

After that, ask yourself: what did I eat for breakfast today? Notice the feeling in your palms. The correct answer will seem to put more pressure on the palm, having more “weight”. Do the technique for several days with various questions, the answers to which you know. And then move on to issues in which you find it difficult to make a decision.

The benefits of developing intuition

When you learn to listen to your sixth sense, you will be surprised how often it can be beneficial. Choose a profession or decide to leave for a new place, make useful contacts, improve the quality of your diet by choosing good products, get rid of many unnecessary habits and doubts, determine whether you are starting a relationship with the right man.

Start training your intuition and notice the positive results.

about the author

Coach, personality transformation consultant.

Amazing stories about how one moment brought a person closer to success or saved a life are amazing. The unusual and spontaneous decisions made by people in a particular situation were based on a mysterious inner feeling. No one could really explain what this sensation was. “At one moment I felt something terrible and did not get on the minibus,” say those who managed to avoid the accident.

Outstanding people often explain their luck by their ability to find themselves in right time V in the right place. They seem to feel where to go, what to choose, etc.

Scientists simply call this phenomenon of “luck” intuition. Moreover, they believe that intuition is the result of the work of the brain, and every person has the power to develop it.

How to develop intuition - 7 simple ways?

From the point of view of science and psychology, intuition is the opposite of reflection. From this we can conclude that in order to develop intuition, you need to learn to relax and not concentrate on exciting problems. The following exercises will help you with this:

  1. Write down everything that worries you on separate sheets of paper. That is, one sheet - one problem. On other cards, indicate solutions to existing problems in the same way. Turn over and shuffle the cards in each group. Take cards from each deck one by one, relying on your intuition. Funny and ridiculous results will amuse you and distract your attention.

    Sit down, turn on soulful music, pick up pebbles or other objects and count them out loud. Try to focus on the process itself.

  2. When communicating with a person, listen to his mood, track his emotions, embarrassment and insincerity. This method perfectly develops the subconscious and the ability to feel “here and now.”
  3. Keep a journal dedicated to glimpses of your sixth sense. Record the prompts from your inner voice and their results. For example, in the morning you felt that it was better to walk than to crowd into a stuffy bus. Trusting your intuition, you chose to take a walk. What happened in the end? Are you satisfied with your choice?
  4. Take one day, preferably a day off, and live it following fleeting sensations. At first you will doubt and feel uncomfortable, but then you will understand that the first stage of developing intuition has already been completed. Don't be afraid, what if this day turns out to be the best day of your life?
  5. Intuition develops faster in those who are in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Think about what kind of person you are, what you want, how others treat you, etc. You must have a clear understanding of yourself and your relationships with loved ones, colleagues and friends.
  6. When making decisions, try to ask yourself questions in an affirmative and specific form. For example, instead of asking: “Should I go to a meeting or not?”, you need to ask: “Should I go to a meeting?”
  7. As you know, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for processing non-verbal information, the ability to fantasize and daydream. Therefore, to strengthen intuition, it is this that should be developed. There are many exercises for this purpose, such as practicing writing with your left hand.

Trust your intuition, but don't forget your reason. How did you learn to understand people and develop your inner sense in the form of intuition?

Everyone has intuition (otherwise known as the Sixth Sense), but the level of its development varies. Intuition is often understood as receiving information outside of traditional perception, through the connection of the superconscious. The development of intuition allows a person to do right choice from all the many options.

Intuition (intuitio (lat.) - “contemplation”) is called the connection of a person with his Subconscious, special condition, which helps to contact directly the Higher Self and is what allows communication with the Information Field of Events.

The Sixth Sense as understood by psychotherapists:

  • The way of making vital decisions;
  • The ability to directly perceive the truth without evidence or reasoning;
  • One of the main functions of personality, which determines a person’s attitude towards the world and himself;
  • Understanding the truth directly, without the participation of the senses.

The concept of “Intuition” is familiar not only to psychotherapists; it is mentioned everywhere in esoteric and occult practices.

For those who believe in Higher power people, intuition is penetration into a certain space that opens up the future. Everything is accessible to esoteric intuition.

Methods for developing the Sixth Sense

  • Affirmations, meditations and mantras that remove barriers of consciousness;
  • Accumulation of professional and life experience in some field of knowledge;
  • Exercises to develop a sense of intuition.

Every person can develop intuition, but not all people can listen to its inner voice. Just like other special abilities, the sense of intuition must not only be awakened and developed, but also trained and supported. Therefore, each person must find a personal way to develop intuition.

Methods for developing the Sixth Sense H. Silva

Jose Silva method - complex effective techniques based on thought control. This method allows you to use intuition to solve problems. The author of the method studied in detail the interaction of the hemispheres of the human brain. He argued that a person can achieve his highest potential when he learns to use both hemispheres correctly. All successful people think at the level of alpha waves.

According to the Silva method, intuition is a sudden, inexplicable belief that arises unconsciously. This premonition is a natural ability designed to protect people from possible dangers. People develop or suppress their intuition by accepting or ignoring it.

Developing intuition using this method is a set of simple methods that allow you to learn to correctly hear and interpret information received from your inner voice. A person should learn to turn to subconscious experience, since such a skill gives the ability to make only the necessary decisions.

This method provides the most powerful tools to solve all issues. After watching a video teaching how to work using the H. Silva method, you will learn to cooperate with your assistant - the brain.

Silva Method Part 1

Silva Method Part 2

Jose Silva offered specific techniques for working with the sense of intuition:

The subconscious can answer any question if you adhere to the following criteria:

  • Specific and positive formulation of the task.
  • The question is asked without the “not” part.
  • Only 1 question is formulated at a time.

By observing these simple rules, you can easily get a subconscious answer.

Jose Silva argued that people do not have innate intuition, it is just a skill that can be taught.

Developing the Sixth Sense with Reiki

Reiki intuition is a special inner feeling of what to do, and not a voice telling you what to do. In order to be sure that you are receiving the correct answer from the subconscious, you must be able to listen to your state and trust it.

People who practice Reiki are sure that if a person hears some kind of voice that tells him in an edifying way what to do, this is not at all a manifestation of intuition, but on the contrary, a very bad thing. Such voices may indicate that Dark Forces are trying to manipulate you.

Modern people are heavily bombarded with information (for example, through the media, etc.) and receive many false external signals. Few of them ordinary people today can scan space and freely receive information from it, and this is precisely what intuition is in the understanding of Reiki.

One of the main goals of Reiki is to calm the mind. When a person conducts Reiki sessions for himself, he frees himself from the blocks hanging in his consciousness. He begins to concentrate on himself and on energy, learns to hear himself. It is the calming of the mind that gives a person a well-developed intuition.

During Reiki sessions, a person can, using the channel of the Almighty, ask any question of interest. The answer to this question will definitely be received: it can happen in a few minutes, hours, days, or even in a few weeks. The speed of receiving an answer greatly depends on how capable a person is of receiving information.

There are situations when a person is at a crossroads and needs to make an instant decision. At such moments, it is important to listen to yourself: the answer is within you. Somewhere inside himself, a person always feels what he needs to do and how he needs to act correctly in order for everything to work out. the best way. However, in order to unconditionally trust one’s feelings, a person must have a certain level of spiritual development.

Another practical side of using intuition in Reiki is the ability to recognize lies. It happens that they tell you something that seems to be absolutely sincere, but you feel some kind of inconsistency from within, you have internal resistance to what was said. This feeling indicates that you internally feel a lie. This is exactly how intuition works in you at this moment, through Spirit and Conscience.

So, the development of intuition through Reiki occurs through:

  • peace of mind;
  • awareness of how to do the right thing,
  • insight.

Mantras for intuition

Spiritual practices contribute to the rapid development of intuition. The most popular among them are mantras and meditations.

Mantras for the development of the Sixth Sense in combination with meditation allow a person to approach the boundaries of the unknown, thanks to special concentration of the mind and certain postures. Such mantras are read exclusively during the waxing moon. Working with such mantras, a person discovers special abilities in himself that affect both him and his environment.

Mantras that develop the Sixth Sense:

  1. Mantra for opening the Third Eye: “Om KassiyanaHaRaShanatar.”
  2. Mantra for the rapid development of intuition: “HaRoHaRa2.
  3. A powerful mantra for gaining superperception: “Om RaoRemFaoFeroEimForRam.”

A person who uses mantras for intuition acquires such abilities as transmitting love to his loved ones and receiving it, treating diseases with the help of strong biofield, see the future, warning of possible disasters. The use of mantras implies the greatest responsibility of man for knowledge.

Some other methods for developing intuition

Psychologists who practice working with this feeling recommend:

  • cleaning channels of perception;
  • neutralization of the emotional background;
  • harmonization of the internal state.

After this, an intuitive channel opens in a person, which allows him to perceive information.

Books on developing intuition

And finally...

Human intuition is an amazing tool, but you shouldn’t rely only on your feelings and emotions. People must use not only developed intuition, but also logic. It is only important to know when to give preference to an intuitive feeling, and when it is better to rely on logical thinking.

Intuition works great in tandem with logic, strengthening it. What to do if the subconscious does not want to cooperate with you? Act! The answer comes only to those who are active.

Intuition is an integral link inner world person. Intuition helps us cope with various difficulties, follow the intended goal and not give up when something doesn’t work out. When a person discovers this inner vision, life becomes much easier for him: it’s as if a third eye appears, which instills confidence and guarantees that success awaits in all endeavors. No one would probably refuse to have additional knowledge to attract success into their life. Meanwhile, everyone has a sixth sense, but not everyone makes efforts to fully improve it. How to develop intuition and what needs to be done for this?

Ways to develop intuition

The development of intuition begins with the inner awareness that you need it, and not someone else. Intuition itself is a quite useful and significant thing. Many people would like to attract her into their lives, but do not know where to start.

Such knowledge does not come in one moment; it needs to be accumulated within yourself for a long time before you feel its invisible presence in life. Listening skills own body and thoughts are an integral component of any success. All significant achievements have been achieved in this world because someone set such a goal, made an effort and moved forward. When you are attentive to the changes taking place inside and outside, you always know what to do right. Sometimes people get the impression that the subconscious has been illuminated by a bright ray that sheds light on current events. It’s as if pitch darkness suddenly becomes a clear day and everything can be seen from different angles.

It is also necessary to be able to listen to yourself if you are going to achieve success in own business. Intuition will come in handy here. It will be important for you to know in advance what you can count on and when the case justifies possible risks. If a person does not have such internal knowledge and simply acts on someone else's advice, he is doomed to failure in advance. Success in any business is determined by intuition, that is, an internal vision of the situation.

The role of emotions in the development of intuition

An attentive attitude to emotions allows you to predict the situation in advance and understand whether movement is happening in the right direction. How you feel when you act a certain way is of utmost importance. For example, if, when starting a new business, you feel uncontrollable fear within yourself, this indicates not only indecision. In fact, our inner vision always knows how this or that idea will end. Therefore, failed projects often begin with the awareness of panic, simple desire get rich. The sixth sense tries to warn a person about impending danger, but it can be quite difficult for it to reach a consciousness that has closed itself in egoism. In a good cause that leads to development and prosperity, we are always lucky. Sometimes you don’t even need to make a significant effort: everything seems to work out by itself.

If you do not pay attention to emotions, you can completely lose all control over the situation. And then it seems that nothing in the world is no longer under our control. Intuition disappears when it is not given enough attention. Some people do everything to stop hearing the voice of reason within themselves, and then they are surprised that a streak of failures begins to haunt them. It is important not just to pay attention to your feelings, but to be as reasonable as possible in making decisions.

Developing intuition through talent discovery

Every person has the ability to do something. But not everyone can see significant prospects in themselves, notice something special. It always seems to us that we do not have any gift and tend to downplay our merits. Intuition helps you believe in yourself and realize your lasting value in this world. With the help of talents, you can develop your inner vision. How? The fact is that when we know what our talent is, we almost always have the opportunity to act without hindrance to achieve what we want. Intuition will tell you which road is best to take and what to devote your time to. If a person trains himself to listen inner voice, then you will never be deceived. Any dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction disappears when there is something to strive for and something to direct your efforts towards.

The development of natural talent contributes to the simultaneous development of intuition. If we devote enough time to our favorite activity, then an internal vision of how to correctly implement it in life comes. Intuition really has the ability to lead the way, shedding light on the boundaries of the unknown. The more time a person devotes to his sixth sense, the easier it is for him to live in the world, the more amazing it becomes for him. Not everyone understands that natural gift, given by God, - This is a great responsibility. Many people question their abilities, do not develop them in any way, and hide from reality in illusory ideas. Gradually disappointment sets in, a reluctance to do anything in life at all. Intuition, like a ray of light, fills everything around with special meaning and gives special meaning to every day we live. Only with the help developed intuition the individual truly has the opportunity to move forward, set goals and achieve them. Without the ability to predict and certain internal expectations, no development would be possible in principle.

Intuition and the development of individuality

Every person is somehow different from those around them. Each of us is unique, and this circumstance allows us to remain individuals. We have individual character traits, some special abilities and talents. All this simultaneously brings us closer to the world of people and makes us special. A person could not exist without social interaction, without the opportunity to express his internal resources externally. The development of individuality in a general sense contributes to the maturation of an intuitive vision of life. That is, a person living in harmony with himself and the whole world begins to develop confidence in himself, his own capabilities, and prospects. Intuition will always tell him where he needs to prove himself in time, show some merits or, on the contrary, modestly remain silent. In any case, an internal idea of ​​oneself will always help in difficult situation. A person will be able to make the right decision and not regret it in the future.

Individuality is never given to us too easily, it must be defended. Sometimes emotional clashes with others occur, as a result of which a person must prove that he is capable of something great and significant. And intuition will help with this again. Otherwise, the person will be disappointed and unlikely to want to act actively in the future.

Intuition will help you achieve your goal

Intuition leads a person to new achievements. When it becomes possible to at least somewhat predict the future, we begin to look forward more confidently and make grandiose plans that would suit us in all respects. You can't live without a dream! Without it, life becomes boring and monotonous, easily predictable. When there are no goals, the necessary roads along which you need to go do not open. If you live by the principle of least resistance, then it turns out that life itself will not send a gift at the right time. We simply won't notice new opportunity, we will not take any action to preserve the result. Many people, day after day, simply miss out on new opportunities without trying or making a decision.

It is necessary to set achievable goals in order to systematically move forward and know that you are not living in vain. Having an intuitive sense of what is happening is more important than blindly taking any steps. Intuition itself helps to liberate thought, freeing it from the space of darkness. We suddenly begin to clearly understand how to move forward, what is really worth directing our efforts to, and what is better to postpone or leave completely. The sixth sense comes out an indispensable assistant in a person’s struggle for a happy worldview. If it is possible to calculate the situation several steps ahead, then it is better to do this in order to achieve maximum results.

Spiritual practices that develop intuition

These include meditation, yoga, and various exercises to restore balance within the individual. When interacting with different people, we often find ourselves involved in difficult situations, from which we then don’t know how to get out. Classes with a spiritual mentor can help restore strength and restore mental balance. To different people different exercises are needed. It cannot be said that the same actions help everyone. Intuition opens easily and quickly, but, most often, unnoticed by the person himself. It’s just that suddenly, at one fine moment, you begin to feel happier than before, you know what to do to achieve your goal. The development of the sixth sense creates extra energy, which can be used for creative purposes. Spiritual practices very powerfully help us gain insight, understand the mistakes of the past, analyze the present, and find our place in the world.

Meditation refers to ancient sources receiving positive energy. Through meditation, intuition is revealed like to the most delicate flower. It happens naturally, bringing with it joy and peace. All you need is to learn to control your breathing, that is, to become aware, turned to yourself, sensitive, perceptive. Today, thousands of people already practice meditation, there are various techniques revealing intuitive thinking. Many people became happier than before when they acquired a new experience of immersion in themselves, learned to breathe correctly, deeply, to live in the core of their capabilities, and not on the periphery.

Yoga helps you relax after a hard time working day, put your thoughts and feelings in order. Intuitively, a person always strives to feel better, to relieve the burden of all kinds of burdens and worries. Regular yoga classes have a positive effect on your cardiovascular health. vascular system, teach you to think positively and look into the future with confidence. In the process of such exercises, the muscles of the body are activated, and breathing is also restructured. Thousands of people have already chosen systematic yoga classes and have only benefited from this decision. The development of intuition is directly related to whether a person strives to work on himself and what efforts he makes for this.

Selflessness as the basis of intuition

This important aspect, which should never be forgotten. No matter how happy you are in your profession and personal life, pay attention to those who are nearby. Perhaps there is a way to learn something meaningful, to gain experience of care and patronage. When other people are grateful to us for something, we become happier. Intuitively comes the realization of what exactly needs to be done and how to act in each individual case. You need to strive as much as possible to give more, to please your loved ones with something pleasant. Helping strangers is doubly valuable and greatly influences our inner worldview. When there is a person in the world for whom you act, everything has a special meaning.

Thus, intuition is closely related to the process of self-knowledge and self-improvement. In order to develop intuitive thinking, you need to remain a sincere and self-sufficient person.