How to wash the brilliant green from different surfaces? How to remove the smell of dog urine on the carpet with improvised means Remove green paint from the walls

Among the antiseptic medicines familiar from childhood, a solution of brilliant green occupies an honorable place. A broken knee, an abrasion, a scratch were necessarily treated with iodine or green paint. Now these tools are also used. Sometimes after that, bright spots remain on clothes, furniture, hands, which are not so easy to wash, wipe off or wash off. But there are time-tested methods to remove such contaminants.

What removes stains from greenery from different surfaces

Careless handling of brilliant green often leads to the appearance of pollution in the most unexpected places - on hands, clothes, floors, bathrooms, furniture. Spots of greenery must be removed quickly, since fresh pollution is removed more easily than old ones. However, if they appeared on your things a long time ago, you can get rid of them.

How can you wipe stains from greenery: types of surfaces and cleaner - table

Surface type Means
Hand skin
  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • nail polish remover;
  • petrol;
  • laundry soap;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar;
  • Body Scrub.
  • alcohol;
  • facial scrub.
  • alcohol;
  • vodka with citric acid.
white cottonchlorine bleach
  • acetone;
  • alcohol.
Light and colored cotton fabrics
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol.
Knitwear and other delicate fabricsalcohol
Synthetic materials
  • washing in a washing machine;
  • alcohol.
Wool productslaundry soap
Upholstered furniture and carpets (natural and synthetic)
  • washing powder;
  • stain remover for light upholstery;
  • soda;
  • alcohol;
  • starch;
  • ammonia.
Parquet, laminate, linoleum
  • detergents;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • acetic acid with potassium permanganate;
  • soda;
  • alcohol.
polished surfacesalcohol
Tile, sink and bath
  • alcohol;
  • liquid stain remover.
Plastic surface, refrigerator
  • alkaline soap;
  • petrol;
  • kerosene;
  • for white surfaces - cleaning agents with chlorine.
rubber doll
  • alkaline soap;
  • toothpaste;
  • alcohol;
  • ultraviolet.
Wallpaper vinyl and non-woven
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda;
  • starch.
painted wallsalcohol
Products made of genuine leather, leatherette
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda.
  • alcohol;
  • toothpaste.

Zelenka got on fingers, nails, hair or body: what to do

Sometimes brilliant green gets on the hair, skin of the hands and other parts of the human body. Especially often this happens in the treatment of children with chickenpox, when the rash must be lubricated with this medication.

How to wash your hands

You can remove such contaminants from your hands with the help of solvents - nail polish remover, gasoline, acetone.

  1. Soak a cotton swab in any of these substances.
  2. Wipe the contaminated areas of your hands with it.
  3. Wash your hands with soap.

Ordinary laundry soap is also suitable, which should be used immediately after the appearance of pollution. The longer the green remains on the skin, the more difficult it is to remove stains.

How to wash baby skin and face after chickenpox

An equally effective remedy for getting rid of green spots on the skin is alcohol. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in it and gently wipe the contaminated area. Avoid contact of any cleanser with mucous membranes.

If you have been ill with chickenpox, you should not resort to too intense exposure to the delicate skin of the face, as this can cause persistent scars.

For children's skin, it is better to use gentle cleaning methods, such as laundry soap. Hydrogen peroxide will also work.

  1. Moisten with a cotton pad.
  2. Wipe the contaminated area of ​​the body with it.

This tool is completely harmless and can be applied to the skin repeatedly. However, its effect is very low.

How to quickly clean hair from green hair

If the stains are on the hair, use alcohol or vodka with the addition of lemon in a 5: 1 ratio.

  1. Gently apply this solution to the strands of hair using a cotton swab.
  2. Rinse with warm water after 5-7 minutes.

To cleanse the skin after chickenpox, this method - the use of alcohol and lemon juice - is unacceptable.

How to get rid of the green that got on clothes

Zelenka from T-shirts, shirts and other things made from natural materials can be washed off with ordinary boiling water.

  1. Take any dish that is convenient for you and pull a fabric with a stain over it.
  2. Then gently pour boiling water over the stain.
  3. After completing the procedure, wash the clothes in the usual way.

This option is ideal for removing stains from the things of a newborn baby, since in this case chemical compounds that can harm the health of the child are not used. But not all types of fabrics can be cleaned with boiling water:

  • fibers of artificial materials are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures;
  • multi-colored underwear can shed.

How to wash white cotton and bed linen, kitchen towels

If a white cotton fabric (sheets, towels, T-shirts and other linen) has suffered from greenery, chlorine bleach will help to cope with pollution. It must be used with great care, as such agents sometimes damage the structure of the tissue.

  1. Dilute the bleach with water, following the instructions on the package.
  2. Soak the soiled item in it for 2.5 hours.
  3. Wash the product in the usual way.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide to clean light-colored fabrics.

  1. Soak a cotton pad liberally in this solution.
  2. Apply it to the stained area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, wipe it thoroughly.
  3. Rinse off the hydrogen peroxide, along with traces of contamination, with clean water.

Removing green from colored shirts, t-shirts, sheets

To remove stains from multi-colored fabrics, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. It is necessary to apply this method with great care, since under the influence of hydrogen peroxide the material may slightly discolor.

Acetone solvent for denim

If the green has got on jeans, you can use acetone to remove it.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in this substance.
  2. Moisten the stained area with it.
  3. Rub well and rinse with clean water.
  4. Wash the product with laundry soap.

How to clean delicate fabrics, synthetics and wool

If a product made of delicate fabrics and knitwear has been damaged by brilliant green, you can save it with the help of any transparent alcohol-based composition, for example, ammonia.

  1. Treat dirt with a cotton pad soaked in the selected product.
  2. Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.
  3. Wash the product in the usual way.

When removing green stains from woolen clothes, the use of bleaches and chemical solvents is unacceptable. They can cause irreparable damage to the structure of the fibers. In this case, it is recommended to wash the item by hand using 75% laundry soap. Synthetic fabrics can be machine washed.

How to remove green stains from carpets

Washing powder is used to remove green stains from carpets: it is recommended to treat colored surfaces with a product marked Color, and light ones with bleaching agents.

  1. Dilute the washing powder in warm water, whipping it into a thick foam.
  2. Apply it to the stained area of ​​the carpet.
  3. Scrub dirt with a brush.
  4. Using a damp sponge, carefully remove the remaining foam from the coating.
  5. Repeat the procedure one more time.

This cleaning method is ideal for synthetic and natural carpets. If the dirt is old, it is advisable to use a stain remover or alcohol. If none of the methods helped, contact the services of specialized dry cleaners.

How to clean carpet from greenery - video

How to remove green stains from upholstered furniture

If upholstered furniture has suffered from stains of greenery, the following means are used to remove them.

If furniture with light upholstery is damaged, you can use ammonia or ethyl alcohol, vodka to remove stains.

How to clean a leather sofa and things made of eco-leather, leatherette

To clean products made of genuine leather, dermantin, eco-leather, you can use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and soda slaked with vinegar directly on the contaminated area. Also suitable are alcohol-containing wipes designed to clean household appliances.

How to remove green from hard surfaces

Often, in the process of use, brilliant green gets on various solid surfaces, each of which has individual characteristics.


If green paint accidentally spilled onto a floor covered with linoleum, the following actions must be taken.

  1. Use detergent:
    • apply a small amount of dishwashing gel to a cloth dampened with water;
    • wipe the contaminated area;
    • rinse off with warm water; wipe the surface of the linoleum dry.
  2. Use acetic acid and potassium permanganate:
    • Mix 50 g of acetic acid with potassium permanganate (take the powder at the tip of a spoon and dissolve in 1 tsp of water);
    • soak a cotton swab with the resulting composition;
    • gently wipe the stain with it;
    • wash off the contamination with warm water;
    • wipe the surface dry.

When working with such substances, it is necessary to protect the skin of the hands with rubber gloves.
To get rid of green stains on linoleum, baking soda applied to the stain and filled with vinegar will help. After completion of the reaction, the surface must be wiped with a damp cloth or brush, removing the remnants of soda.

Laminate and wooden parquet

If laminate and parquet, furniture made of unpainted wood is damaged by green stains, the following is used to clean surfaces:

  • alcohol;
  • alkaline soap, which should be rubbed liberally on the stain;
  • cleaning powder applied to the dirt for 30 minutes, after which it is recommended to wash it off with a damp cloth.

Old stains on natural wood items

If the greenery is firmly ingrained into the structure of a natural tree, the situation can be corrected by grinding the surface. By removing the top layer of parquet, you will automatically remove the dirt itself. If the halo from the green paint does not disappear, it is recommended to sand the wooden surface, and then varnish the treated area again.

Tile, sink, bath

Often greenery is processed in the bathroom. Careless handling of this product can cause stains on tiles, sinks. In such a situation, you can use alcohol-based liquids or stain remover, as well as other cleaning products designed for home plumbing.

How to remove green from a tile - video

Plastic, plastic tables

If the green is on plastic surfaces, cleaning products containing chlorine will help get rid of it. However, they can only clean white plastic items. For colored plastic, you can use alkaline soap, alcohol wipes, gasoline, washing powder and kerosene. These tools are effective only when removing fresh stains of greenery. With their help, you can also get rid of such contaminants on the surface of the refrigerator.

Zelenka on a doll

Sometimes favorite children's dolls suffer from greenery, especially after playing "Doctors". To remove such contaminants from a plastic doll, products designed to clean plastic will help. If the toy is rubber, other methods are used.

  1. A fresh stain from greenery can be wiped with Domestos cleaner.
  2. In this case, it is necessary to work with gloves, since the components of this composition are very aggressive.
  3. After processing, the toy must be thoroughly washed using soapy water and wiped with a dry cloth.

In some cases, whiteness will help save the situation, but it sometimes leaves ugly stains on the body of the doll. You can also try to wipe the green with alcohol or toothpaste. But if after such procedures the stain remains in the same place, put the doll in the sun for several hours: the ultraviolet will discolor the spots.

Zelenka on the walls and wallpaper

If the brilliant green got on the painted walls, the same alcohol and hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of the stains.

  • apply the selected product to the place of contamination;
  • leave for 2-3 hours;
  • rinse with water.

So you can clean and vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. If greenery got on paper wallpaper, they will have to be re-pasted. An equally effective remedy for removing such stains on the walls is baking soda.

If green paint has got on walls covered with white water-based paint, you can remove it with alcohol. Unfortunately, plastered surfaces cannot be cleaned in this way. In this case, you will have to use a mechanical method - scraping off the top layer of the coating and re-plastering.

Zelenka by car

Some drivers, who have a habit of parking their cars in the wrong places, often face the revenge of passers-by who generously douse their “iron horses” with green. You can get rid of such contaminants with toothpaste or alcohol.

Video: how to remove greenery from various surfaces

Using simple and proven methods, you can remove fresh green stains from various surfaces. This work will take less time and effort than the destruction of old pollution. Be careful when using brilliant green, try to avoid the appearance of new spots.

Zelenka, or "Brilliant Green solution" is an excellent antiseptic that helps with minor cuts, abrasions of the knees or scratches. But greenery has one significant drawback - it is very difficult to wash it.

fig.1 - common green

Almost all parents, when a child has even the slightest scratch, abrasion, or even a small pimple, try to smear them with green paint as soon as possible (Fig. 1). But in addition to its healing properties, greenery also has a very insidious quality. After its application, very difficult to remove traces remain. There are several ways to remove green stains.

The main rule for removing such stains is not to delay cleaning, the longer the greens remain on the skin or surface, the more difficult it will be to clean.

If the stains are not touched at all, then they themselves will come off under the influence of sunlight and water, but sometimes it is necessary to clean quickly (with green hands it is not always convenient to go out to people)))))

Then you have to try a little, sweat and dance with a tambourine))))))

How to wash the green from the skin

fig.2 - you can clearly see why green is called brilliant

Often, such a need arises for mothers after they have treated a child's wound and found traces of brilliant green on their fingers (Fig. 3). And when a child gets sick with chickenpox, traces of brilliant green after recovery remain almost throughout the apartment.
You can wash off the green with plain soap and water. However, this will have to be repeated 20 times and spend several days.
Perfectly wash greenery can wash liquids containing alcohol -

  • vodka
  • herbal alcohol solutions
  • alcohol-containing lotions
  • cologne
  • directly salicylic alcohol itself (not technical, when it comes to the skin of a child)

All of them are very good at washing fresh stains of greenery.

A wonderful result will give the use of food or medical alcohol with the addition of lemon juice.

fig. 3 - green on the skin after the third hand washing

The best way to remove brilliant green (Fig. 2) on the skin of young children is with hydrogen peroxide. This safe remedy can even treat the navel of a newborn. Just make sure that the solution does not get on the mucous surfaces (in the nose, mouth) and in the eyes.
The use of baby cream allows, if not completely removing green spots on the skin, then making them less juicy. Baby cream should be rubbed into the skin. then wash your hands well. We repeat the procedure several times. Each time the spots will become more and more lighter.
Well in such cases, steaming hot baths help the skin. To improve the effect of such baths, you can add chlorphyllipt or potassium permanganate to the water (a few grains of manganese per liter of water). It is best to additionally use a soft brush, foam sponge or something similar. For babies, of course, this method with a brush is not suitable because of the thin, delicate skin.

If a green misfortune happened in the summer, then you can use sorrel juice.

How to wash green from clothes

For most women, getting a drop of green on trousers or a dress is a real misfortune, because they have no idea how it can be washed. And you can wash this droplet quite easily.

If the item is made of wool, then the stain should be thoroughly moistened with soapy foam and rinsed with cold water. We do the same when removing stains from woolen carpets.

You can remove green from white clothes with high-quality bleach. It must be applied liberally on green spots and left for the time indicated in the instructions. After that, the green stain is easily washed off and does not leave marks.

If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Colored clothes should be treated with a bleach for colored fabrics (preferably Vanish) or a stain remover. We leave it like that for a few hours.
One of the best remedies for dealing with various stains, including green stains, is Amway SA8 bleach. He is able to remove any stain within a few minutes.
Another good option for dealing with stains is Pyatnol. An undoubted advantage of the funds is the low price.

The sooner you apply stain remover or bleach to stained areas, the better the result will be.

How to wash greenery from furniture and wood

All of the above methods can remove stains of greenery from the upholstery of upholstered furniture.

fig.4 - how to remove greenery from furniture

Green stains can be removed from a polished cabinet or table surface (Fig. 4) with an eraser. It must first be moistened (preferably with something alcohol) and rubbed well. Dishwashing liquid, something like Fairy, also helps a lot.
Parquet and wood flooring can be cleaned with regular acetone, clean benzene or oil thinner. The smell, of course, will still be the same, but the result will exceed all expectations. However, stains must be removed from these surfaces very carefully so as not to damage them.

You also need to remember that not all wooden surfaces can be processed with what is at hand. If you apply thinner to a lacquered glossy surface with a stain of green, you will only worsen everything even more.

How to wash the green from linoleum

Here it will be more difficult to cope. These stains can neither be scrolled several times in a washing machine, nor soaked in a basin. This requires painstaking manual work. You can remove green stains from the surface of linoleum or laminate with a rag soaked in one of the products that I recommended to you for washing clothes. A cloth richly soaked in the product should be put on a contaminated place for a while. After that, the problem area should be washed well with ordinary powder.

Linoleum is well cleaned with alcohol in half with lemon juice.

There is also a guaranteed, but rather dangerous way - we fill stains from greenery not linoleum with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid (from 3 to 4%) or bleach. On top of the problem area we put a sponge or a wet cloth. After a couple of hours, thoroughly and abundantly rinse with water. I want to warn you right away - these substances are quite active and dangerous, you need to use them, and even more so, store them with extreme care and caution.

Good luck with your stains!

  • The main methods of dealing with the smell on the carpet
  • table vinegar
  • Lemon acid
  • Potassium permanganate solution
  • Medical alcohol
  • Laundry soap
  • General recommendations

Many four-legged friends live at home, who give joy, comfort and warmth to their owners, but sometimes they also bring trouble. It is quite unpleasant to smell the specific smell of dog urine coming from a beloved expensive carpet, but removing it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This problem is not new, so housewives have already identified the most effective arsenal of tools that will allow you to return the carpet to its original state.

The surest and fastest way to remove the smell of urine from the carpet is to take it to the dry cleaners. Professionals will carry out all the necessary work, and there will be no trace of the stain and its smell. But this option can be quite costly, which is why few choose it.

In second place in terms of speed and quality are industrial carpet cleaners. You just need to choose the right product for your type of fabric and clean the carpet according to the instructions. Often, such cleaners are already in the apartment with a four-legged pet, and if not, they can be bought at any hardware store. In addition, many pet stores offer a range of specialized products to choose from that are specifically designed to remove the smell of dog urine. Not only do they remove odor, but they also kill germs that can be harmful to both dogs and humans.

For those who want to do an economical cleaning, there are many ways to do it with the help of available tools at home. Keep in mind that you need to not only remove the stain, but also eliminate the smell of urine, otherwise all the work will be wasted, so follow the instructions and bring the matter to the end.

This product is familiar to many housewives, as it is often used to remove stains and odors, while the vinegar itself, although it has a sharp aroma, quickly disappears when the window is open. Acetic acid neutralizes ammonia, which is a constituent of urine, so vinegar is perfect for this purpose.

It is necessary to mix warm water and 9% table vinegar in equal proportions, the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe carpet is treated with the resulting solution. The best option would be to pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it evenly over the surface of the material, but you can also use a regular rag. Then you need to wait 10 - 15 minutes for the product to be absorbed, blot the place with a paper towel and let the stain dry.

Additionally, you can use baking soda, it also perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors, for this you need to pour it on a stain treated with vinegar when it is only slightly damp.

After about 10 minutes, the carpet should dry, after which it should be vacuumed, the smell of urine should no longer bother. If you haven't used baking soda, you don't have to vacuum the carpet, you just need to clean it with whatever suitable detergent you normally use.

Citrus fruits are also often used to remove various odors. In this case, you can prepare a solution of lemon juice or acid in equal proportions with water. They need to treat the dog urine stain like vinegar, and may need to treat the surface several times until the smell is completely removed.

The second option is to wipe the affected area with a lemon peel or slice. After you treat the stain once, you need to let it dry completely, then repeat the procedure. This is done until the smell of urine is completely removed from the carpet, after which it must be washed in the usual way and vacuumed.

This method for removing dog urine odor is less commonly used because it can only be used on dark carpet, as potassium permanganate can stain light surfaces. It is necessary to dilute the crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water to get a solution of a weak concentration of light pink color. If the stain is already old and strongly eaten, you can prepare a more concentrated mixture, but it should be applied carefully so as not to spoil the color of the product.

Use the solution to treat the dog urine stain with a rag or spray bottle and leave to dry completely. If the first time it was not possible to completely get rid of the smell, the procedure must be repeated. After that, it is not recommended to wash the carpet, you can only vacuum it normally.

Sometimes alcohol or vodka is used to remove a dog urine stain and remove the smell. These products are good because after they can be used to remove the stain, the dog will no longer pay attention to this area. Alcohol or vodka is applied to the affected area with a rag or spray bottle, and then rubbed. After 10 - 15 minutes of such manipulations, you need to remove excess liquid with a paper towel or napkin.

This all-purpose cleaner also removes urine stains and odors from carpets. To do this, rub a small amount of soap into shavings and mix with warm water until a thick slurry is formed. It should be applied to the stain and left to soak for 10 - 15 minutes. After that, the excess solution must be removed with a soft sponge, and then wash the area in the usual way. After drying, the carpet will no longer smell.

Whichever method you choose, you need to take into account some of the nuances so that after cleaning the carpet there are no negative consequences:

  • all actions must be carried out with rubber gloves so that a concentrated solution does not get on the skin;
  • you should not scold the dog for the spot, if it is a puppy, you need to teach him to ask to go outside, and if the dog is an adult, with whom this has not happened before, then it must be shown to the veterinarian;
  • before you start cleaning and put on gloves, it is recommended to treat your hands with a greasy cream;
  • during cleaning, open the window, this will help not only to quickly remove the smell of urine, but also will not allow the smell of the cleaning agent to soar in the air for a long time;
  • if the attention of the puppy is always the same area of ​​​​the carpet, sprinkle it with a solution of water and a few drops of ethereal mass of cinnamon or eucalyptus, the dogs do not like these smells.

Everyone has used greenery at least once. This usually happens in stressful situations when a wound or cut needs to be treated. The risk of leaving a stain on clothes, furniture in such cases is very high. Do not rush to throw away the soiled thing - it can still be saved!

You need to act depending on the type of fabric. Short hair, wool and coats fabrics can be washed with ordinary soapy water. It will be better if you take laundry soap for this purpose. Of course, after one attempt, the stain will not disappear. It is also recommended to apply a soapy solution to the stain and leave for a while, then rub with a brush or hands and rinse with clean water. Repeat these manipulations until the green is completely removed. Fabrics with smooth surface, products from skin help save ordinary hydrogen peroxide. Simply apply peroxide to a cotton swab and rub the stain. Be prepared to repeat these steps several times. Another good remedy for removing "green" spots from leather products is alcohol. However, you need to be careful with alcohol if the skin is colored, since paint can also come off with the stain.

If the stain is on fur coat, for starters, calm down, everything is fixable. Dilute a small amount of shampoo or powder in water until a rich lather is formed. Apply foam to the stain, leave for a couple of minutes, then remove the foam with any soft cloth. It is advisable to do this in the direction of the pile. Let the product dry and comb the fur. Repeat if necessary.

How to remove stains of brilliant green from bed linen

Will come to the rescue again hydrogen peroxide. Treat the contaminated area with peroxide, hold for about an hour and wash in a washing machine. If bed linen white color- add bleach and wash on the "boil" mode.

linen from colored fabrics save olive or sunflower oil. Just put a drop on the stain, leave it in this state for a couple of hours and wash.

Another way to save bed linen is a solution alcohol and water. Dilute the components in equal proportions and apply to the contaminated area. Then wash at a temperature of 60-90 degrees.

table vinegar help to restore the damaged item. Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions and add a teaspoon of sunflower oil. Apply to fabric and leave for 2-3 hours. If the stain is less noticeable, wash in the machine. Otherwise, re-treat the stain in the same way.

Removing green from a white shirt

If brilliant green is on a white shirt, try using starch. Wet the contaminated area and sprinkle some starch. Rub it with a brush, it will be better if you leave the thing in this state for a couple of hours. Then rinse thoroughly with water. Now pour some stain remover, hold for a while and wash.

Another option is to use Vanish. Just pour a cap on the stain, hold for a while and wash. Repeat if necessary. The best effect can be achieved by soaking the product with Vanish overnight.

A little-known, therefore rare way is to use bathroom and toilet cleaner. Apply the product to the contaminated area and rub. Rinse well in running water. In this case, you do not need to leave the product for a long time, as you can ruin the fabric.

With colored clothes

10% will help you with this problem ammonia. Apply the solution to the product, leave for 10-20 minutes and wash with laundry soap or powder.

A good and inexpensive way is to use for this purpose laundry soap. Just wash the stain and leave for 2-3 hours, then wash in the washing machine at 60 degrees.

You can not bother and use any stain remover. Luckily, there are plenty of them on the market right now. Apply to the stain, hold for a while, and then wash in the washing machine with the addition of the same stain remover.

Potassium permanganate solution Removes stains of brilliant green from colored fabrics well. Dilute potassium permanganate in warm water, the solution should be weak - pale pink. Soak the item in it for a couple of hours, then wash with the addition of a stain remover.

Removing stains from carpet

In most cases, removing brilliant green from carpets is problematic. This is explained by the complex structure and the presence of pile. First, use a 10% solution ammonia. Apply a little solution to the contaminated area, rub a little and rinse. Then lather the stain with laundry soap - it should become much paler or disappear altogether.

To cope with cleaning the carpet can ordinary hydrogen peroxide. Pour the solution onto the stain and rub. Repeat if necessary.

Use a carpet cleaner. Dilute it in water and wash the stain.

If you decide to trust the professionals in this matter and give the carpet to the dry cleaner, do it as soon as possible. A fresh stain is much easier to remove.

Removing green stains from jeans

Denim fabric differs from others in its rough structure. To remove brilliant green from such matter, use acetone. You do not need to dilute it, just moisten a cotton swab and rub the contaminated area. Then rinse with water and wash as usual.

It will help save soiled jeans and a regular stain remover. Pour the cap on the cloth and leave for 2-3 hours. When washing, add a little more stain remover to the washing machine.

Removing greenery from the sofa

Removing such stains from upholstered furniture should not be put off indefinitely, otherwise the risk of permanently damaged things increases. Take advantage starch- moisten the contaminated area with water, pour starch and rub lightly, leave it in this state for a couple of hours. After complete drying, remove the remaining dirt with a brush.

Soda- a good option to get rid of a fresh stain. Dilute soda in a small amount of water, apply the resulting slurry to the stain. Rub and rinse with water.

Deal with this problem very well. stain removers. Apply to the contaminated area, hold for about an hour and rinse.

You can use divorced laundry detergent. Dissolve it until a rich foam forms and process the furniture.

How to wipe the brilliant green from the skin

In this case, it will help hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton swab with peroxide and simply wipe the contaminated areas of the skin.

Another proven method is lemon. Cut a slice of lemon and rub the stain. From the first time it will not be erased, so repeat the procedure.

A mixture of citric acid and alcohol Works great on green stains.

A good way to remove brilliant green from the skin, but requiring great care- usage bleach. After you have rubbed off the stain, wash the skin area with clean, warm water and soap. Attention! Do not use this method to remove green stains from your face.

Ethanol also works well with greens. Soak a cotton swab in the alcohol solution and gently rub the stain. You may have to repeat, but not earlier than after 2-3 hours.

Removing green stains from clothes after chickenpox

Chickenpox always requires the treatment of sprinkled skin with brilliant green. And almost always there are traces on the clothes. To bring them out quickly and simply will help the following methods.

Very good and cheap method laundry soap and washing powder. Grate the soap and mix with the powder in a ratio of 1/1. Before washing, soak the laundry in warm water, add a mixture of soap and powder. Wash stains and rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide quickly removes fresh stains from brilliant green. Just apply the solution to a cloth and rub it in a little. Next, wash the item in the usual way.

Baking soda- one of the most harmless ways to remove brilliant green. Pour baking soda over the stain, scrub with a brush or sponge, and then shake off. Repeat if necessary.


Removing green stains is not difficult and not expensive if you start fighting them right away. If for some reason the stains were set a long time ago and have already eaten in, it would be better to seek help from dry cleaners.

In every family in the home first aid kit there are several tools that cannot be dispensed with. These include brilliant green - an antiseptic alcohol solution of brilliant green, which helps with abrasions, cuts, and also with chickenpox. And everyone knows that traces of brilliant green are difficult to remove. if she got into open areas?

How to wash the green

Very often, in a hurry, you can plant a stain of brilliant green on your skin or clothes. Without the use of special means, bright spots of brilliant green will disappear within a few days, gradually fading in the light or the sun. But in case of lack of time, you can still try to get rid of stains with the help of improvised means, and the sooner you start this process, the more effective the result will be. Surely in every house there are a lot of funds than to wash greenery from hands.

Method 1: alcohol. The most reliable and fastest way to get rid of green spots is salicylic or medical alcohol or any alcohol-containing liquid. Alcohol wipes will work too. It should be remembered, however, that the skin must be intact, otherwise pain will occur. To quickly get rid of stains in alcohol, you can add lemon juice in a 1: 1 ratio.

Method 2: lemon. If you have patience, you can rub the stains with lemon slices. It is better to change them periodically until the spots become pale and disappear.

Method 3: hydrogen peroxide. If the skin is sensitive and irritation appears on it at the slightest impact, alcohol can be replaced with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The effectiveness of this drug is an order of magnitude lower, but the harm is also less.

Method 4: Facial Scrub. One of the practical means of wiping brilliant green from the skin is a facial scrub. On wet skin, apply a small amount, rub lightly, and then rinse and apply any hand cream.

Bleach has an excellent effect, the spots disappear in a short time, but it acts very aggressively on the skin. Organic solvents will also help: kerosene and gasoline. After using these products, thoroughly wash the skin with soap. When using these products, the skin should be without damage.

How to wash brilliant green after chickenpox

As a rule, very often there are spots of brilliant green in children after chickenpox. A spotted child is not a very pleasant sight, so gentle means must be used to wash the green from the skin of the child.

These products include greasy baby cream, the already mentioned hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice or vitamin C solution, which is sold in pharmacies.

Spots of brilliant green on the delicate skin of a child should be smeared with baby cream and left for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Hydrogen peroxide can be slightly diluted with water and a swab dipped in liquid, wipe the spots. If the child is not prone to allergies, lemon juice or vitamin C ampoules for injection are suitable as a cleanser. It must be diluted with water and lubricated with brilliant green spots.

Despite the persistent staining of the skin, Zelenka has a number of useful properties. It does not burn the skin like iodine, helps with the resorption of scars and scars, does not cause allergies and is an excellent antiseptic. And the spots that remain on the skin are just an annoying nuisance that you can get rid of.

We hope these tips will help you quickly and easily. wipe green from skin.