The bioenergetic structure of a person is visible on modern devices. Measurement of human bioenergetics Devices confirming the work of bioenergetics


The bioenergy therapist corrects the human biofield, which allows you to treat not only the body, but also the subtle structures of the body. What is biological energy? In fact, this is the energy of biochemical processes, which is produced in each cell during the processing of nutrients that enter the body with food. Energy is a necessary condition for life in the physical body. It is biological energy that makes it possible for all processes in the body to proceed correctly, is responsible for generating heat and maintaining normal body temperature.

The heat generated in the body goes not only to the needs of the body, but also radiates into space, as a result, every living person has his own thermal circuit, which is called a biofield. In general, the biofield is not only thermal energy, but also a number of other biological fields, including electromagnetic, sound and infrared. All these biophysical fields can be fixed with the help of special devices, so their existence has been scientifically proven.

When the energy balance in the body is disturbed, the biofield is weakened, diseases occur. Bioenergy therapy is a direction in alternative medicine, focused on eliminating these disorders by influencing the human biofield with the biological energy of a bioenergy therapist healer.

Bioenergy therapy - natural healing of the soul and body

People, and other living organisms, exist in a kind of ocean of energy. Nature itself, our world is a huge variety of energies and their fields, and the human energy field is a component of the energy fields of the cosmos. Among them, of course, all forms of energy that obey the laws of physics. For example, none of the scientists will deny the existence of an electric and electromagnetic field, the presence of which can be determined by special devices. Sensitive devices also record the bioenergetic field around the human body. Such a field is also capable of being captured by some people with extrasensory abilities - bioenergy therapists. A parapsychologist, an energy therapist can not only feel the biofield of other people, but also use their own bioenergy for healing purposes.

Energy healing, which is also called bioenergy therapy, consists in a complex correction of the patient's biofield, which allows you to treat not only the body, but also subtle structures, combined into one capacious word "SOUL". Unlike conventional medicine, in which it is customary to treat only the body, and, as a rule, “in parts” (which is what doctors of a narrow specialization do), energy medicine - bioenergetics - is based on the total effect of the biofield, which has a general effect, like on the body (at the physical level) and subtle structures (at the energy level). Thus, bioenergy therapy is the most natural method of healing, using the same principles by which all living things are created and exist. While the chemicals used by modern medicine, for the most part, are alien to humans, they are an artificial and imperfect mechanism for regulating the functioning of the body, therefore, they often do not provide a cure for chronic ailments, but only briefly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

It is also worth noting that the bioenergy therapist does not treat individual diseases, organs or organ systems (unlike "standard" medicine), but the whole person, who is a unique creation of nature and God.

Treatment by a bioenergy therapist - elimination of the cause of the disease

What is the cause of any disease? In violation of the correct circulation of energy. With an energy imbalance, all body systems suffer, including the endocrine, immune, and nervous systems, which leads to the development of various diseases. Usually a person does not have one chronic disease, as a rule, there is a whole “bouquet” of ailments. All this confirms that the body is a single, integral system, and treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating the true cause, and not the consequences.

Since the main cause of diseases is a violation of the flow of energy, it is necessary to restore it. The healer's help consists in activating a person's own regenerative reserves through bioenergetic influence. To do this, the bioenergy therapist uses his own biofield and the ability to concentrate his energy on the palms, and then direct this "healing beam" to areas of the patient's biofield that need correction. A complex method of healing, treatment with bioenergetics not only leads to heating of certain tissues and organs, improving blood circulation in them, but also restores the proper functioning of the endocrine and immune systems. Naturally, the functionality of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, excretory systems improves, that is, in fact, all the main regulators of the body. As a result, a systematic cure of the disease occurs.

Bioenergetics: treatment with hands without touch

To conduct a diagnosis and treatment session, the bioenergy therapist does not even need to touch the patient. The doctor acts on the biofield, so he is able to capture the state of energy by simply moving his hands near the patient's body and above his head. A bioenergy therapist not only heals with his field, but also starts the processes that are inherent in a person by nature, activating self-healing. At the same time, the doctor changes psychological attitudes, changes a person's attitude towards himself, his body, body, removes the stereotypes of the disease and awakens the stereotypes of health. Thus, the method of active-passive bioenergetic therapy, developed and successfully applied in clinical practice by the candidate of medical sciences, Dr. Kudrin, consists in the fact that the healer recodes the "code" of the disease. The result of the systematic work of both the doctor and the patient is healing and a significant improvement in the quality of life.

Vita bioenergy protection device is designed to protect people from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from computers, televisions, cordless phones, microwave ovens and other household appliances, as well as electric and motor vehicles, power equipment at enterprises.

The design and principle of operation of the Vita device are protected by a Russian patent for an invention. The device has passed comprehensive tests in terms of technical and hygienic parameters in the leading organizations of the Ministry of Health and the State Standard of Russia, which confirmed its high efficiency. Only after three years of practical testing, it was decided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Center for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor of Russia to include the VITA device in the new CATALOG (PPE) "Personal Protective Equipment" in section No. 9 "Electromagnetic radiation".

The device "Vita" is a high-tech device - the result of many years of work by a team of Russian scientists.

Structurally, the device is made in the form of a rectangular bar weighing 70 grams and having a size of 95x65x8 mm with decorative overlays on the sides. The device is sealed and cannot be damaged by moisture or dust.

The device does not require an external power supply and its duration is practically unlimited.

To maintain performance, do not expose the device to temperatures above +65°C. Avoid strong impacts, falls and mechanical destruction of the protective case. The impact of an alternating electromagnetic field of high intensity is unacceptable (as in the working volume of microwave ovens or during the operation of industrial solenoids). Contact with aggressive chemical environments that can destroy the plastic of the device case is unacceptable.

With proper operation, the device will serve several generations of owners.

The high efficiency of the bioenergetic safety device is confirmed by scientific studies carried out by leading research institutes (Institute of Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) when exposed to radiation generated by mobile communications and computers on the cell culture of the human brain and embryo, on the parameters of the interferon and immune status of laboratory animals on the growth and vital activity of various microorganisms, etc.

The world has changed in the last 100 years. The discovery of radio waves has turned our planet into the most "radioactive" space body in the solar system. We radiate more electromagnetic waves than the average star. Cell phones and microwave ovens, televisions and computers, trolleybuses and subways add their weighty contribution to this round-the-clock stream of radiation from radio and television transmitters. Power lines entangled around the globe radiate a powerful low-frequency magnetic field. Electromagnetic smog penetrating modern cities is detrimental to human health. Doctors have noted a sharp increase in a number of diseases over the past seven decades. Constant exposure to doses of centimeter and millimeter radio waves causes vegetovascular dystonia, cancer, angina pectoris, cataracts, nervous exhaustion, migraines and extreme fatigue. For some types of diseases, the increase, compared with the beginning of the century, is up to 40 times.

And this is not surprising: the cell of the human body is defenseless against constant electromagnetic attack. Daily "homeopathic" doses of modulated millimeter waves lead to a reorientation of water clusters in biomembranes, damaging and weakening cellular tissue. Man, as a species, was formed in the natural magnetic fields of the planet. The geomagnetic component is very important for the biological comfort of the body. The ancestors were well aware of this. It was not for nothing that a cat was the first to be allowed into a new house, and a bed was placed exactly in the place where she lay down. And head to the north - along the geomagnetic lines. Electromagnetic chaos in modern cities is thousands of times greater than the quiet whisper of natural fluctuations necessary for human health. We are cut off from the natural roots that feed the nervous system with life-giving rhythms. How can one be surprised at the pathological growth of suicides and nervous diseases? "Mother Earth" can no longer "ground" the tormented bioenergetics of a modern city dweller.

We are all familiar with the depressed state during magnetic storms that accompany explosions on the Sun. The body actively resists perturbations of the Earth's magnetic field. In the same magnetic storm, only less powerful, humanity lives the last century of its history. An electromagnetic drop sharpens the stone of our health not by force, but by frequent falling ...

The problem of protecting the gene pool of human civilization from the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves has acquired world significance and is recognized by the World Health Organization as the most important and vital.
Attempts to protect themselves from electromagnetic waves have been made for a long time. All kinds of protective suits and screens protect the body well from X-ray radiation or a computer monitor screen, but, unfortunately, they do not cope with the main task - they do not protect the human body from the information component of the magnetic signal. And it is the main destructive factor. Suffice it to say that in terms of its manifestations, the information component of the signal is similar to the effect of biologically active substances and some poisons on the human body.

Under the influence of weak magnetic fields, even water changes its characteristics. Its electrical conductivity changes, the growth of most microorganisms slows down, the subtle chemistry of the reactions of the human endocrine system is disturbed. A person is 80% water. From the point of view of electrodynamics, it is nothing more than an aqueous solution of salts - a conductor of the second kind.

Biochemical disorders of the endocrine and immune systems caused by electromagnetic waves are especially harmful for children under 12-14 years old. Their body is most susceptible to such violations. And the weakening of immune mechanisms in childhood affects throughout life.

Unfortunately, technology is increasingly invading our lives and the lives of our children, who love computer games and TV shows so much. We are not able to get rid of the electromagnetic shackles without fundamentally changing our lifestyle or place of residence. Our "electric servants" demanded payment from us for their labor, and the bill was prohibitive.
But there is a solution!
Long-term studies of EMW protection methods ended with a remarkable discovery. Russian scientists have found a fundamentally new approach to solving this problem. As a result, a revolutionary method has been developed for almost complete neutralization of the effects of electromagnetic waves in a wide frequency range. Russian scientists brought the discovery to the stage of an industrial device, which since 2000. began to be produced by one of the Moscow research institutes.

The lightweight and compact device is called the "Vita Bioenergy Security Device". The device does not need external power and its operation is not limited in time. Neutralizing the impact of magnetic waves within a radius of 1.5 meters, it reliably protects its owner.

The development under the motto "Circle of absolute protection" is recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Comprehensive tests in the laboratories of the State Standard of Russia also confirmed the highest efficiency of the device. For its unique characteristics, the development of Russian scientists that has no analogues in the world, awarded them. A. Chizhevsky at the IV International Congress "Medicine-2000", the medal "Golden Quality Mark XXI century" and the diploma "For compliance with the criteria for the safety of human life." The design and principle of operation are protected by a Russian patent for an invention. The recognition of the most important scientific and practical activity of scientists was the fact of awarding to the supervisor on November 25, 2003 DIPLOMA laureate Mikhail Lomonosov Prize with a gold medal for outstanding contribution to the development of science and education.


According to Eastern ideas, reflected in all health systems created in China, India, Tibet and other Asian countries, the physical integrity, functionality and health of any living organism is ensured by its energy system.
In short, the human energy plan is a complex system of bioenergy fields of varying density (what can generally be called a biofield or “energy flesh”), and an equally complex system of energy channels through which bio-energy circulates, which is the basis of everything what is commonly referred to as "wildlife".

Eastern medicine has long believed that due to the unity of this bioenergetic basis of life, there is a direct connection between a person and all living beings, with nature in general.

Thus, a person can restore his energy potential, balance and health directly from nature, heal inherent integrity of nature, in which a person from birth is included by default.

With disorders, disturbances, distortions in the energy system of the individual, this connection is lost, the flow of energy is distorted and the state of the biofield worsens. On the physical plane, this is expressed in a weakening of the immune system, a drop in the protective functions of the body and subsequent diseases of the organs that modern Western medicine deals with.

The impact of the state of the energy system on physical health can be described by the following analogy. From the point of view of modern European medicine, the human body is the most complex biochemical laboratory, where the process of chemical transformations is continuously going on. And all the problems of our body essentially consist in the fact that failures begin in this laboratory, leading to the loss of the body's ability to process some substances, synthesize some substances, remove some from the body, etc. All this leads to a violation of the balance of substances, which creates the whole spectrum of diseases for us.

The root of all the problems of our health Western medicine (and together with it - mass consciousness) sees, first of all, in lack of certain substances. And we hear about it all the time: iodine deficiency leads to such a range of diseases, selenium deficiency leads to such and such a range of diseases, vitamin deficiency ... micronutrient deficiency ... antioxidant deficiency ... oxygen deficiency ... hormone deficiency ...

Accordingly, in order to correct this situation, it is necessary to make up for all these deficiencies: regulate nutrition and take various supplements, and when the body gets sick, take a lot of pharmacological preparations, since our own biochemical laboratory does not produce the substances necessary to protect against diseases (again, from - due to the lack of such and such substances) ...

What role energy plays in all this cycle, what place it takes in these processes and where it comes from is not entirely clear. At least, there is no such understanding at the level of mass consciousness.

To clarify the question of the place, role and significance of energy in the life of an organism, let us expand our analogy. Consider an external analogue of our body - an industrial chemical laboratory or a chemical industry plant.

At the entrance here we have raw materials, "building material" - an analogue of our food. The output is some kind of product useful for the whole society (some substance, polymeric material, fuel, etc.) - on the plane of the body, this is some kind of compound necessary for life (enzymes, hormones, antibodies, etc.) .)

Further, in order to obtain the final product of this laboratory or plant, in addition to the feedstock, a lot of other substances - reagents - are needed under the influence of which the initial product will be processed, as well as an appropriate temperature regime and many other regimes.

The transformation process must proceed in a strict sequence: all these reagents must be introduced into the initial material in stages and in strict proportions - otherwise we may not only not get the desired final product, but also create an emergency situation when chemical reactions get out of control ...

It is possible to list the components and conditions necessary for chemical production for a very long time, but there is one thing without which all this chemical production (as, by the way, any other) is not possible at all: electricity.

Without it, raw materials will remain raw materials.

It can be said quite definitely that electrical energy is the basis of any production. If it is absent or insufficient, the raw materials cannot be fully processed and will remain a useless mass lying inside the plant or, even worse, decaying and poisoning the atmosphere.

And no amount of “filling the gap” of the various ingredients of the starting material or reagents will solve this problem: even in the absence of any shortage of these physical materials, if there is not enough current or low voltage in the wires, the recycling process will not work correctly, or will not occur at all - if the current or voltage in the network decreases to the appropriate level.

How is this problem solved in the chemical industry?

Of course, the power supply system is being adjusted: short circuits are eliminated, burned-out transformers are restored, electrical panels are repaired, old wiring is replaced, etc.
Note: the restoration of the process of chemical transformations does not take place on the plane of the materials being converted themselves, but in a completely different sphere, outwardly not connected in any way with the feedstock and its molecular transformations!

We, on the other hand, are trying to solve the problem with regard to our body precisely on the plan of filling the lack of raw materials or reagents.
And then we are surprised - a person takes various supplements, medicines in batches, eats well, but the disease does not recede, the problem is not solved.
And often it is aggravated, since pharmacological drugs have a lot of side effects.

Yet the talk about energy within the framework of scientific medicine is rather vague.

Yes, it is confirmed that the human (as well as any living) organism has internal electricity. Its parameters are called (voltage, current strength, etc.).
The nature of this electricity, it seems, is galvanic - that is, again, formed as a result of biochemical reactions ... Energy in the body arises primarily from food. At the level of mass consciousness, we talk about food like this - “we need to reinforce our strength.”
In addition, many specialized “energy” dietary supplements have now appeared. Since we don’t know exactly what is happening inside our body and where it comes from, we traditionally trust medicine that deals with this issue, which has the appropriate devices, and which Based on his research, he tells us that the energy in us comes from food.
But here's the catch - only medicine based on the European tradition and existing within the framework of the European (so-called "Newtonian-Cartesian") scientific paradigm says so.
But at the same time, Eastern medicine, which has a history of many thousands of years (and, by the way, emerged immeasurably earlier than European medicine), says something else. And, without denying that we really get a certain type of energy from food, others are called the main source (more precisely: the main sources) of energy.

In this case, a Westerner usually says that Eastern healers spoke this way from ignorance and superstition, as well as from the fact that they did not have instruments and laboratories ... But why, with all this ignorance and superstition, Eastern medicine has been so effective in all ages, Western man is silent. Or he says that, they say, there are no statistical data confirming this effectiveness, but we know about the successes of Western medicine from the cradle. Well, since there was no science of statistics even in the not very distant past, there is nothing to cover this "trump card" with.
Yes, and there is no need.
Since the eastern healing and health tradition is quite alive and by the very fact of its more and more widespread distribution in the world (including in Western countries) it constantly confirms its effectiveness. According to some indicators, for example, environmental friendliness and the absence of side effects, Eastern medicine is clearly superior to Western medicine.

Without belittling the role of food and medicines, the Eastern tradition has always focused on human energy as the basis for the normal functioning of all body systems.

We will not consider here the question of energy sources, methods of its replenishment, etc. All this has long been described in detail and in detail in the literature on zhen-jiu, qi-gong, su-jok, and yoga. In practical terms, Eastern healers deal with energy channels - conductors of bio-energy (in our analogy with the chemical industry, these are electric wires through which electricity is supplied to all controls and mechanisms involved in production).

In short, energy channels (more commonly referred to as "meridians") are a complex network of longitudinal and transverse pathways through which energy circulates.
Like the circulatory or nervous systems, the energy system permeates the entire body.It consists of energy centers (in the Indian tradition called "chakras"), similar to nerve plexuses (and in our analogy with the chemical industry, these are transformer and distribution substations). Further, it includes a relatively small number of large meridians (like the arteries and veins of the circulatory system) and a very large number of small meridians (like the capillaries of the circulatory system).

Circulating along the meridians, energy ensures the vital activity of the whole organism, stimulating all the processes occurring in it, heating all its parts, maintaining bio-electrical balance (polarity), providing a connection with the energy flows of nature (in the analogy of the chemical industry, this is a connection with power plants that produce electric current - HPPs, NPPs, fuel generators and other types of electricity sources).

If suddenly someone hears for the first time that the human body also has some kind of energy system there :), he can see how it looks schematically according to the ideas of modern oriental medicine.

The importance of the energy system for maintaining human health is as great as little studied in the European tradition. Although in recent years there has been a synthesis of Eastern and Western ideas about the human body.
Nevertheless, at present, energy channels do not have anatomical localization and therefore are not recognized by European science (and, accordingly, by mass consciousness, too).
The devices used to detect bioactive points and really fix them, also cannot yet fix the entire meridian, although according to Eastern ideas, bioactive points are part of one or another meridian.

There are many ways to influence these points: acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, etc., each of which has its own purpose and its own specifics. One of these methods is holistic massage.
This technique works mainly not with points, but with meridians as a whole, activating the flow of energy in them, improving their permeability and eliminating energy stagnation in various zones of the body.
The largest meridians are mainly located shallow from the surface of the body, as for the small meridians (in the Indian tradition called "nadis"), they completely cover the entire human body from the outside, penetrate the skin and muscle tissues, and inside they approach each organ.

The speed of information exchange at the level of the human energy system is an order of magnitude higher than at the level of the nervous system (although, as is known, this speed is incredibly high already at the level of the nervous system). Thanks to such an ultra-fast information exchange, at this level there is an almost one-time connection of all body systems, that is, this is the level that ensures the unity of the whole organism, the level at which the human body is integral.

A holistic approach to healing, based on a deep understanding of the importance of the energy system for human health, is aimed primarily at restoring the energy system of the human body through various healing techniques.

The need to help a person at the biofield level is currently extremely relevant, since in the current situation of the ecological crisis, it is difficult to talk about real health care without work on this plane.
Many destructive or simply unfavorable electromagnetic fields, a large number of various artificial radiations from various devices, household appliances, computers, mobile phones, radio, television and other stations literally permeate the entire space of life, especially in cities.
In addition, the violation of the ecological balance of the planet gives rise to numerous failures in the general magnetosphere of the earth and creates the possibility of penetration of various kinds of dangerous cosmic radiation.
All this adversely affects the state of the human energy system, and therefore she needs help at her own level.
Holistic healing techniques work on this level as well. Techniques aimed at correcting the human biofield are organically woven into the healing process: special attention is paid to massage of those areas on the body that stimulate the movement of energy, activate the energy system (palms, feet, ears, etc.)
In addition, during any of these holistic wellness techniques, attention is paid to working with the breath. Simple, but deeply effective methods of respiratory self-regulation, well studied and practiced in yoga and qi-gong, are also organically woven into the healing process.
All this in a complex and gives a soft correction of the biofield: replenishment and distribution of energy, restoration of the natural polarity of the biofield, elimination of energy stagnation.
The course of such a holistic recovery restores the energy potential of a person, harmonizes his energy system and evens out biofield distortions.

* * *

The dynamics of the interaction of energy, psyche, and physics in a person

The interaction of these three main aspects of human life can be represented as the following diagram:

The human psyche and the physical body are two completely different worlds, so far from each other that there is no direct connection between them.

A physical body is a set of exactly the same atoms as in any other physical object that exists in the Universe.
The atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen are absolutely identical, even in the human body, even in a tree, in a stone, even on Mars, even on Pluto, even in a neighboring galaxy.

The psyche itself is completely immaterial.
Feelings, thoughts, awareness, inspiration, memory, thinking, creativity - all these properties of the psyche do not consist of either atoms or subatomic particles, and accordingly, they cannot be measured by any physical device, they do not have any physical parameters at all.

Human energy is a kind of "bridge" between the psyche and the physical body.
It is energy that allows the psyche to have access to physics.
Energy is equally "implanted" both in the psyche and in physics.
You can even say this: energy is the same part of the psyche as part of physics.

Consequently, energy is subject to influence both from the side of the psyche and from the side of physics!

What are the main mental factors of energy destruction?

Ignorance, lack of genuine knowledge about the world
- rigid mental attitudes
- a contradictory picture of the world
- affection
- addictions
- dependencies
- mental trauma
- internal conflicts
- psychological disorder, loss
- general mental stress

The main physical factors of energy destruction include:

bad dream
- wrong breathing
- weakening of mitochondria
- physical injury
- general muscle tension, muscle hypertonicity

The actual energy factors of energy destruction are as follows:

Distance from nature
- a lot of hard electromagnetic fields, man-made radiation
- geopathic zones
- conflict communication with other people (as well as communication with people who are in a state of deep internal conflicts)

Thus, the restoration of energy, the restoration of a high level of vitality, should include both work with the physical body, and work with the psyche, and work directly with energy, and all this against the backdrop of a deep understanding of oneself, one's path, the meaning of one's life...

As already mentioned, the psyche here is the defining, key factor.
If you completely straighten the psyche, then physics will definitely return to normal. We have all heard about the various cases of "miraculous healing" of people as a result of some deep psychological experiences - the influence of holy elders, shamans, talented psychotherapists, personal insights, insights, and finally, of course - love.

And vice versa - we constantly observe in life that the "uncorrected" psyche destroys the fruits of the titanic labors of doctors who treat a person, invest, literally put him on his feet, pulling him out of death, and then the person again succumbs to his habits and addictions and very quickly again finds himself on hospital bed...

But cases of "miraculous healings" in the average statistical perspective are extremely rare.
Their percentage is so small that we cannot seriously count on such healing. Accordingly, we must rely on what we have: medicine, psychology, energy practices, etc.

First of all, in the work on the restoration of energy, it is important to establish the process of studying all, without exception, one's internal conflicts and their complete study.

There should be no conflict!

The human psyche is extremely plastic! Even being in the most unfavorable external circumstances, being surrounded by troubles, a person can maintain peace and tranquility in his soul.

And vice versa, even living in full chocolate, a person can live up to his ears, mired in internal conflicts.

Those. the first "starting stone" here is precisely this: there should be no internal conflicts!
They can and should be dealt with.

Even seemingly fatal situations, such as the trauma of loss, are solvable.
This is what such areas of my activity as body-oriented psychotherapy, rebirthing, integrative practice, astropsychology are devoted to.

But since I am not a holy person, and not an enlightened one, I cannot exert such a strong influence that would immediately “break through” until the complete healing of the physical body, and therefore in our work we need to pay attention to physics itself on its own plane: normalize sleep, restore proper breathing, improve digestion, relieve muscle tension through massage, etc.

And for this, my students and I have a whole set of massage techniques.
In addition, we teach pranayama (the art of yoga breathing), articular gymnastics and spontaneous yoga.

In particular, in terms of nutrients necessary for the healing of mitochondria - the main "energy agents" on the physical plane, "small power plants" of our cells, as scientists call them.

As for the actual energy techniques, of them we practice only the Reiki technique.
It is quite enough for us to fully involve this element in our work.

* * *

Further, on this page I would like to touch on another topic that is very relevant for many people interested in bioenergy.
This topic is especially important for specialists working with people: doctors, psychologists, massage therapists, teachers, etc.
If such a specialist is attentive to his feelings, to his states, then sooner or later he begins to notice that after working with some people, he literally feels "like a squeezed lemon" - exhausted, gloomy, and sometimes irritated ...
If this specialist begins to study the issues of bioenergetics, then he quickly discovers the existence of such concepts as "discharge of negative energy", "discharge of problematic fields", etc.
And also discovers the concept of "energy protection".
Some popular books on bioenergetics really exaggerate, scare with all sorts of dangers associated with this "drain of negativity" on a specialist working with people.
After reading all this, there is often a concern about this problem and the question arises of working with all this "negative energy" that he receives from clients.

There are many approaches to solving this issue. Throughout my practice, I have come across many such approaches.
I won’t list them all and classify them, but I’ll just tell you about mine.

I will cite here my letter to one of my colleagues who was interested in this particular issue, and I answered her in sufficient detail.


Alexey, hello. I am a psychologist and at the same time a beginner masseuse.
I have been sitting and studying your site and the Holistic Wellness Forum for a week now. I find a lot of useful information.
I am especially interested in everything related to bioenergy.
I have carefully studied everything that you have written and said about this, but there is a question about energy protection.
I know that when working with people there is a powerful energy exchange and there is always a danger that any negative can be dumped on you. I have clients after which I feel like a squeezed lemon ...
Colleagues tell me, they say, why do you remove their negative energy from clients? Why don't you close?
And I really don't know how to do it?
Tell me, how do you protect yourself from this negativity?
And what do you advise me?

There are a lot of techniques for working with fields, and over time, any practitioner develops their own, individual ones.
The main thing is to learn and understand the basic principles of all this "energy ecology".

First, it is necessary, in my opinion, to clearly define what concerns the so-called "energy protection".

I believe that either REALLY ignorant people or conscious people are talking about it ... how would it be more correct ... dark magicians.

And in order to understand this position, you must first look at the situation more deeply, from a more fundamental level.

The fact is that the process of energy exchange itself is a completely natural phenomenon, it is the same metabolism, only at the energy level :)

We are EVERYONE in a state of constant and intense energy exchange.

Another thing is that our consciousness is so "imprisoned" that we are almost not aware of it.

You, however, due to your individual characteristics, due to the course of your destiny, got some expansion of consciousness and you began to realize these processes.

So, all of us - whether we know about it or not - constantly take something from someone, and give something to someone. We “remove” from someone, “dump” onto someone :))

This is fine. It's just life.

In life in general - a wise and amazingly well-organized process - we will never take on more than the norm, and we will never lose more than what is necessary at the moment.

The fear of "taking too much" has absolutely nothing to do with REALITY! :)))
This fear is a product, firstly, of our general ignorance, and secondly, again, of the conscious manipulations of dishonest magicians.

Let's consider the situation purely objectively, so far without the "human factor" :)

Here you feel that you "took" something on yourself.

Firstly, the very thought-form "I took something upon myself" is already incorrect, it already lays a "distorting element".

After all, what is our "I"?

This phenomenon is purely, so to speak, subjective, just like computer "hardware" and "software".
"Software" (a set of programs installed on a computer) cannot take over anything - it is virtual.
Everything is "taken" by the "hardware" - it is stored on a hard disk or removable media.
At any time, you can destroy this software "identity" on your computer (reinstall the system), but all useful information will not go anywhere, being stored on a hard drive or removable media, flash drive ....

About the same and our "I".
It does not take on anything, it is only a "registering and distributing structure."
And takes over our body(in its holistic, integral understanding: physics, energy, emotional plane, mental plane).

So, our body has taken something upon itself, and our "I" has, accordingly, registered it.

And this is where the "human factor" begins.

If he is properly “sharpened”, then you understand that since the body has taken it upon itself, then he has EVERYTHING to cope with it.

And you, firstly, DO NOT Hinder the body from coping with it, and secondly, if you know how to do it, you also HELP it.

How not to interfere, I think, is already clear: just don’t worry about it, don’t panic, don’t indulge, believe in the wisdom of your body and the wisdom of Life in general.

Just do not interfere with objective field exchange processes :))

Now how can you help?

In order to see this, you need to understand, again, a more general principle.

Where does the so-called "negative energy" go?

What is its "universal solvent", converter?

Let's look, again, at the physical metabolism: where do the numerous slags, wastes, dirt produced by our technocratic civilization end up?

What is their natural utilizer?

That's right: ELEMENTS!!!

Something is dispersed in the air, something is dissolved in water, something is burned in the fire, something simply rots in the ground...

So the elements are also present on the plane of energy.

They are exactly the same as on the physical plane :)

Just as we have an energy body (“shell”, “double”, “field form” - a lot of names), so each element has an “energy body”.

The ratio of energy slags with energy elements is exactly the same as the ratio of physical. slag with physical the elements.

Accordingly, any inharmonious fields and energies must be given to the elements, it is in them that the final form of stay of all types of energy (as, in fact, the initial form of their stay - it is no coincidence that in some traditions the elements are called "primary elements" :))

So our help to the body, first of all, is to provide it with the most complete contact with the elements!

What is "maximum complete" contact?

This does not mean purely mechanical (we have a lot of such and such), but conscious! :))

That is, one must get to know the elements precisely as LIVING, to find out their character, their, so to speak, disposition ...
In short, literally make friends with them :))

You have to get right into them...

Living Beings...
Unknown Creatures...
Unknown, because we do not perceive them as living, we are tightly closed from them ...

So we need to slowly open up! Nobody forbids us, sobsnna :))

And this, by the way, is an absolutely amazing, fascinating process!
There are no words to describe here - everyone has their own mystery, their own sacrament.
It’s not worth talking about this at all, talking exaltedly, it should be as secret and intimate as, in fact, what we call “intimate life” ...
Otherwise, the elements will not contact us...

They don't like fuss...

Elements, as already mentioned, this is precisely the fundamental level.
And therefore DIRECTLY to establish contact with the elements is usually a very, very slow business (although it seems so simple :)) ...
This is a matter of many years of practice.
But there is also a level “closer” to us: these are all living beings who have contact with the elements, which is called “by default” :))

That is, these are all living beings who do not have an “egoistic principle”, which, just the same, separates us from life in general and from the elements in particular ...

If a living being has no ego, then it is simply ONE with all the elements, even without knowing anything about them :))))))

And therefore, at first, all the elements of nature help to cleanse very well: trees, grass, stones, stumps, flowers, animals, etc.

We all know very well how much animals, especially pets, take off from us.
If we have direct friendly contact with an animal, then the animal simply by default will take a lot of things from us from negative accumulations.
And you can also keep this in mind, count on this channel ...
Only an important point: if you use this channel, then it is imperative to ensure the fullest possible contact of your pet with the elements. That is, he must walk often, a lot, and precisely in the forest (or park), where there is land, trees, bushes, etc. - and do not interfere with him to rage as he wants :))

And here it is necessary to come to terms with the fact that the animal can be very dirty and will have to be washed :))))))

But it will be healthy, and it will help you a lot ...

If a pet does not have access to nature, then it will definitely get sick ...
And this is extra karma for you ...

In general, trees are the best help in this regard!
After all, they have a more complete contact with the elements than animals ...
Trees are our greatest friends and helpers, healers and benefactors...

By the way, in terms of your headaches, take a walk in the park and press your forehead against different trees (any one you feel like) - this helps a lot ...

In principle, everything that I have described here in terms of working with the elements and nature, INTUITIVELY we all already know (and many practice :)).
There is nothing fundamentally new here.
I remember when they told me this, I even had something like disappointment - nothing wonderful :)
I was expecting some ingenious magical techniques, almost rites, rituals, spells :))
But it turned out to be so simple...
But then I became convinced that simplicity here is only at the level of information, intellect ...
And on the plane of reality, practice - everything here is very wonderful and surprising ...
It's like love ... At the level of words, everything is, in general, rather boring and not interesting: well, two people met, they say all sorts of tenderness to each other, they sleep together, and sometimes they quarrel, cry ...
So what? There is nothing miraculous or surprising.
But we know that in fact it is a whole world, the universe ...
So here - in words, everything is quite obvious, as they say, the goat is clear :))
But it just seems...

When there is an expansion of consciousness similar to yours and conscious inclusion in the energy exchange, it is necessary not only to intuitively understand, but to consciously begin the practice, the process.
In a sense, "planned" :))
And in this process, you kind of turn on (well, or rather, you try to turn on) that part of you that participates in energy exchange, which, in fact, has an increased sensitivity.
Thus, this contact with the elements, which I am talking about, must take place precisely on this plane, and not just as before, purely intuitively.
That is, you kind of establish a kind of "psychic contact" with the elements :))
And he will help you later.
Such a contact, if it is established, will then work even when you are in the city, in the midst of people.
It will be enough to sit in a corner and restore this contact.

And so, as this contact deepens (namely, the PRACTICE of communication, getting used to, comprehension), your "throughput" will naturally increase - and this will be your BEST PROTECTION !!! :)))

Well, now, I think, it has become quite clear why this widespread (and also gradually imposed) principle of "closing" or "protection" is fundamentally erroneous, unnatural (and I would even say - unnatural).

Trying to close yourself, to defend yourself, you close yourself not only from the "bad", but also from everything else, since on the field plane we are blind, the field processes are not obvious to us!

This is on the physical plane, which we have three-dimensional, we can take the board and defend ourselves from the very side where the blow comes from, but on the field plane everything is completely different!
There the dimension of space is different, there is no right, no left, no bottom, no top!

And the impulse to protect us comes precisely from our three-dimensional perception, from our three-dimensional mind!

As a result, when this impulse is realized in the field environment, we simply close ourselves tightly from everything in general!
From the whole stream of life, from all metabolic processes!

Well, imagine: enter the river and try to "close" from its current.

Or go out into the street, into the crowd of thousands of passers-by and try to "close" from the traffic :)

Obviously - it will require colossal energy!

But even having spent it, we still cannot achieve such a "closure", but only exhaust ourselves.

Or another metaphor: imagine that your liver decided to “shut down” from all the “dirt” that enters it ...
Well, it's unfair - to disentangle dirt for the whole body!
Tightened up… Closed…
Dirt has stopped coming in...
Well, how wonderful the whole body will feel! :))))

So, any defense requires energy - your own, which, by definition, is limited.
This means that for any such protection there is always a stronger "scrap" :))

And those who instill this principle know this very well!

They know that you yourself will still not be able to effectively defend yourself, and having thoroughly exhausted yourself, will you look for someone? :)))

That's right: THEM! :)))
Those most mysterious kind of guys, with the seal of secrets on their foreheads :)))
Next to which you will immediately feel a certain “awe”, and often a “respectful fear” :))

They will protect you for a quite affordable (at first :)) price (having previously told you, to your greatest amazement, all your past, present, future, striking you with knowledge of the most intimate details of your life, etc.)

And at first you will feel just great ...
Maybe they will even take you on as a student and teach you this ... well, just such and such ...

And then…

Then it will be quite sad...

Or you will not meet any of them, but you will simply stew in your own juice for some time, trying various forms of “protection” - of which thousands have now been invented.
And, having exhausted your internal forces, either you will become a neurotic, or the instinct of self-preservation will work, and you will lose the ability of such an expanded perception.
Accordingly, then the problem will disappear by itself :)

The next point related to the "human factor" is our vanity, ambition, desire for self-affirmation.

We know such words, but in 99% of cases we are not really aware of these qualities in ourselves, and of that 1% percent who are aware of them intellectually, 99% are not aware of them in dynamics, i.e. at the time of their manifestation.

That is, these qualities are always in the shadow of our consciousness, and are always easily included regardless of our desire or unwillingness.

And these qualities constantly introduce distortion into this general exchange process: distortions, primarily related to the DESIRE to take on more, to help as many people as possible, to heal and make everyone happy :))

In itself, this desire, of course, is not bad, because in its essence it comes from the depths of our souls, but when it begins to be realized in the environment of the ego-personality, it is easily intercepted by the ego-qualities.

And this desire of ours often leads to the fact that we really grab too much (and again: our egoistic "I" does not take anything on itself, it's virtual, but it takes the body - by the way, that's why our "I "So it tends to strive to grab too much :)))

And now the body enters such a volume that it cannot naturally process without losing harmony, so to speak - in passing.
The body suffers - here you have pain in the forehead, skin problems (and if I tell you about my ordeals, it will be completely sad, because I naturally have a lot of vanity and ambition :)))
In this case, it is necessary, firstly, to learn to honestly RECOGNIZE the fact of this egoistic movement, to repent, and secondly, to work on increasing the "throughput" of your body.

By the way, an interesting point, in esotericism, our body is called nothing more than a "conductor" :))
Accordingly, if the fate fell to be consciously involved in these field processes, then we really need to become "good guides" :))

For many years I have been living with a metaphor that my teacher gave me, and which I somehow remember very well.
“Just imagine a tub of slops,” he said, “terrible and fetid :))
And so they threw this tub into a puddle.
And she became dirty, terrible and fetid.
If the tub is thrown into the Volga, then in a minute there will be no trace of this dirt!
Because the water is stagnant in the puddle, but it flows in the river!
So just don’t be a puddle and you won’t have problems with pollution :))"

And now, when he presses me hard, when "I", having piled many, many different baddies into the body, begins to raise his hands to the sky, to moan "oh, what a poor, unfortunate I am," I remember that there is no need to be a puddle, and this helps to collect and move oneself to the intensification of metabolic processes.
I’m still very far from the river, of course, but some kind of stream has been established :))
Everything is no longer a puddle :)))

So let's, instead of sitting or lying down and sausages from the severity of the soul, let's go under the shower, turning to the water as if it were alive, then sit by the candle, quietly looking into its clear flame, and then - into the park or forest, wander it’s mindless there, we’ll sniff the air, breathe in carefully, hug the trees, sit on the ground, or even lie around ...
We will sit by the park river, hold our hands in it, giving all the weight of the soul ...
And then - out of town, to sit by the fire ...
And then - a hike in the mountains ...
Well, and so on - there is NOTHING complicated, abstruse here ...
There are a million options for all tastes, possibilities ...
Maybe you even have a dacha or a house in the village!
If there is, then there is generally a huge variety of interaction with the elements.
All garden work, if not done mechanically, cleans and revitalizes very well.
Any work with the earth cleans very powerfully ...

So here it is: nature, nature, nature, and again nature!
Is it worth noting here that from this point of view, if possible, it is worth avoiding the now so widespread usual “pop tourism”, all these resorts, hotels ...
There is sometimes even more mental dirt than here, in Russia, despite all the outward beauty of the surrounding "resort nature" ...

If you want the process of energy purification to be at sea, then you should think about resting as a savage, in places where there are no such crowds of people, such parties as in resorts.
There are such "wild" places, people gather there who are looking for just such a contact with the sea, you just need to make some effort to find them.

As for energy cleansing through psychological practices, of all that I have encountered, the best technique that works well in this regard is rebirthing.
But in no case is it a group process, where you can more likely get additionally polluted, rather than cleaned up (more on group processes here).
We need an individual rebirthing, with a competent, experienced specialist who understands the issues of mental cleansing.
And here we need that kind of rebirthing, which is called: "cathartic rebirthing".
Here (moreover, there are even audio materials posted there - my conversations, where I tell a lot of things, including on the topic that we are discussing here)

For me personally, if the city sucks me in and I can’t get out into nature for a long time, cathartic rebirthing is a real salvation.
Yes, actually, and in nature (more precisely - in the village) I practice it with pleasure.
In the atmosphere of a village, this type of rebirthing works even more powerfully than in a city.

In addition to rebirthing, I practice spontaneous yoga - this is also a very effective practice.
It is very related to rebirthing, but has its own completely unique features.
This is my main yoga practice, which I do almost daily.

Well, that's all for now...

Ultimately, everyone who wants to maintain their energy at a good level must develop their own system of practice, as adapted as possible to it.

But this is already such a vast topic that it is unproductive to write about it.

It is better to get specifics on this topic (practices, methods, technologies, etc.) either in person, or at least via Skype.

Either go to a Skype session, or get out to me in Moscow.

* * *

Continuation of the theme of bioenergy

"Man is the result of a meeting of two cosmic forms of life: protein-nucleic and field."

Academician V.P. Kaznacheev

Earth and people

A geophysicist with experience in studying terrestrial and near-Earth physical fields from Yakutia to Indochina, the planet Earth seems to be a dense body of the globe (more precisely, the geoid) in the shell of "thin", invisible layers, which are also called the Earth's aura. These are the atmosphere (with an ionosphere layer above 1000 km), the magnetosphere (up to a height of more than 10 Earth radii), electromagnetic, radiation, gravitational and other fields.

On the one hand, at the field level, the Earth communicates with space, with other planets (on which the ancients substantiated astrology). On the other hand, the aura of the Earth protects it from harmful external influences. Without the atmosphere, flying into which the vast majority of space "garbage" burns out, there would be a continuous rockfall on our heads; without the ozone layer, which absorbs hard cosmic radiation, our form of life on Earth would be impossible; with the loss of gravity, the Earth would fly off its orbit around the Sun and, together with us, would crumble into dust, etc. Now there are ideas about the noosphere (the sphere of the mind), about the information field around the Earth, which contains information about everything, including each of us (in the Hindu representation of the Akashic Records).

And the Man? By Image and Likeness. It also has a dense body (hence the concept of "flesh") and an "aura", which ancient icon painters used to paint on icons.

Some ideas about the Human aura: aura is a human biofield, a manifestation of his vital energy; it is a manifestation of the Soul and Spirit of a person; this is a protective field of a person, his immunity in energy form; this is a hologram that contains all the information about a person in a field form ... These and similar representations see the physical essence of the aura - the life energy of a person: Slavic "alive", Indian "prana", Chinese "qi", Japanese "ki", etc.

Where does a person get energy from? The most obvious is from food. "Food is a combination of inorganic and organic substances obtained ... by a person from the environment to build and renew tissues, maintain life and replenish energy consumed"(SES). "A significant part of these substances is "burned" (oxidized) in the body, as a result of which energy is released"(PME). As in a fire with a chemical reaction of fuel oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, energy is released in the form of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies - including heat and light.

Blood plasma has an alkaline reaction, which means that to one degree or another it is an electrolyte. In one mm3 of arterial blood, there are 5 million erythrocytes with hemoglobin carrying oxygen (ie, 5 million potential fires in the chemical process of metabolism in only one mm3 of blood). From the point of view of physics, a pulsating blood flow with charges of particles (not only erythrocytes) rushing in it is an electric current. According to the laws of physics, in the Earth's magnetic field (which also pulsates in its own way), this blood flow creates a regular electromagnetic field (EMF) of a person. You can add to this the nervous system that communicates electrically. According to modern research by Marco Rado (4;5), the heart (our third brain in addition to the brain and abdomen) produces the strongest EMF, which is 50 times stronger than that created by the brain. Enough. "Occam's Razor" requires the minimization of the essential. There is no need to invent any special mechanism for the formation of a human electromagnetic field. It would be strange if a person did not have such a field.

But this is not yet an aura, not a biofield - chaos, one might say, of "soulless" energy. This energy is transformed into a biofield, as I imagine, by the homeostasis mechanism of this electromagnetic field, which is just as necessary for the field part of the body as the homeostasis of the dense body (this is evidenced by the homeostasis of the thermal field around the 36.6 C mark). The most important integral function of homeostasis is known to be performed by the central nervous system (CNS). And since the heart with its powerful EMF is the most essential part of the central nervous system, then "we can easily say that our sixth sense is located in the heart", Marco Rado says It is no coincidence, therefore, that the heart occupies so much space in proverbs, sayings, poems and songs of the peoples of the World.

One of the first experiments to prove the human biofield was "Perelman's Turntable" (not Grigory - Yakov). A piece of paper folded in a certain way, planted on the tip of a vertically standing needle, remotely, with energy from the operator's palm, began to rotate. A similar experiment was carried out with an Bekhterev biometer.

Academician Yu.V. Gulyaev emphasizes that "there are no mystical biofields, there are real physical fields of biological objects."

At present, in auroscopy, energy-informational adaptometry in the studies of the Vlakhovs (1), O.V. Tumshevits (9), in the energy clinic of S.S. Konovalov (2) with visualization and detailed decoding of the aura, it was proved that "the human body has electromagnetic, informational frameworks - matrices that can respond to the effects of external electromagnetic radiation"(9). They moved, as they say, from the mystical, paranormal to the category of physical reality. Achievement of principle, I would say - ideological. But in the mass consciousness, the concept of a “thin”, field part of the general structure of the human body with an aura, a biofield, extrasensory perception, dowsing, not perceived by ordinary sensors, is still dominated by a vague, indefinite, perceptual (according to G. Leibniz) understanding.

It seems that just recently genetics, cybernetics… kinesiology were in such a position… There are countless examples of how yesterday's paranormal becomes normal with a new step in science, and the transcendent becomes orthodox.


We, like a fish in water, live in an ocean of energies. "Energy, as a general quantitative measure of various forms of motion of matter ... according to the law of conservation of energy, links together all natural phenomena" (SES).

As a branch of biology, bioenergy studies the mechanisms and patterns of energy conversion in the processes of vital activity of organisms (SES).

Academician V.A.Kaznacheev called the field form of a living organism primary, organizing, and the molecular, protein-nucleic essence is a consequence of this organization. I.P. Pavlov showed that "every thought ends with a movement." M. Sechenov "Each impulse, or grouped composition of nerve impulses, must end in a motor reaction." That is, fundamental science from the principle of determinism shows how the effect (motion) is uniquely related to the cause (energy).

According to the analysis of the biofield of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences A.K. Maneev, the following conclusions were drawn: "Only a wave, field structure can provide the holographic nature of the biofield. This structure is continuous (continuous). In the biofield, the entire system instantly reacts to any impact. The mechanisms of human memory can only be explained on the basis of the biofield."

According to my observations, electrocardiograms show not monopulses, but superpositions of different frequencies with different amplitudes. Perhaps it is worth paying attention to the fact that some of these frequencies are close to the frequency of the Earth's electromagnetic field (about 20 Hz) and it is possible for a person to communicate with the information field of the Earth on a resonant basis?

In auroscopy, at S.S. Konovalov (2) determined that the border of a person's aura is at a distance of about a meter from his body. Dowsing measurements show that the boundaries of the biofield, as a rule, are farther. From this we can assume that the aura and the biofield are not the same thing, i.e. the aura is part of the spectrum of the human biofield.

The biofield of a person, I understand, as the integration of all his fields, as a general characteristic of his energy - life force (according to Paracelsus vis vitalis - as a matter of course). The biofield, although it is regulated by homeostasis, has a certain dynamics in life. Otherwise, there would be no such concepts as "stress", "depression", etc.

With a discursive approach, I think it is quite clear that the natural use of bioenergetic communication is psychology.

Classical psychology usually operates with various kinds of bodily manifestations, secondary signs, with verbalization, the translation of the signs of the first signal system into the second. Psychodynamics, for example, proceeds from the fact that "the human psyche has its own movements and interactions of energies ... this is the dynamics of the internal energies of a person." This approach is used in transactional analysis, psychodrama, systemic constellations, body-oriented psychotherapy (as "manifestations of the struggle of mental forces" according to Z. Freud), etc. The words "resource", "energy" are often used. According to Adler, for example, give a person a "resource", then he will cope with his own problems. But the real, physical meaning of what “resource”, “energy” is is very indefinite (obviously, it was noticed long ago that “in all experiments, great damage is done by the fact that physicists do not know biology, and biologists do not know physics”).

With a holistic approach, if these methods are combined with direct measurements of the biofield, i.e. with real human energy, it is possible to quantitatively record the dynamics of energy processes, better evaluate the present, predict the future, understand the relationship between cause and effect.

It was noted above (1,2,4,5,9) that the modern practice of working with human bioenergetics is very successful. However, the tools and algorithms of these methods are cumbersome, complex, and not accessible to everyone. But, if we recall, for example, dowsing, then practical psychologists can get a simple and convenient tool that significantly expands their capabilities (more on that below).

About the Higher Power. Obviously, a person communicates with the outside world not only with his bodily sensory system, but also at the field level. And in this a great place is occupied by what is called the "Higher Power". Different cultures and traditions talk about it in different ways. Nature. God. Spirit. Noosphere. Information field.

Many of our contemporaries who are close to psychology speak of this as a real Force:

  • V. Kurovsky. Supreme Magus of the Slavic Vedic Tradition (3);
  • S.S. Konovalov. Doctor of Medicine, head of the energy clinic in St. Petersburg (2);
  • V.A. Polyakov. "Universals of psychogenesis" (6);
  • Authors of "Psychology of the Third Millennium" (7) and others.

Following those who laid the foundations of science - from Pythagoras to Einstein - the followers of the worldview synthesis believe that "Faith can deepen the understanding of the world, and science can deepen the experience of faith."

Not being able to get to the bottom of the Absolute Truth, I personally live with the question: "Can a rational being, using the riches of Nature, not recognize the Force that created It?" As a physicist (in Greek physis - nature) with the realization that Physics, by and large, is Nature, which is, first of all, Physics.

extrasensory perception

We know that in Nature the sensitivity of living organisms in their interaction with each other and with the external environment is very diverse: extranos of service dogs; dowsing of bats and dolphins by ultrasound, whales by infrasound; sensitivity of dolphins to a magnetic field; big-eyed eagles and eyeless cave dwellers; sensitivity of cold-blooded snakes to a thermal field; "selfish" sensitivity of fish to vibrations of the aquatic environment and electrical in some inhabitants of this environment; navigation…

All this and much more like it exists in Nature. This means that a person is not ordered, and in some it manifests itself. Why not everyone? Most likely because of the same reason, for example, that they lost their tail and hair. As superfluous, the "reverse course" of evolution is reduction. Why would a person in a modern environment created by him have the same sensitive sensors that he needed 50 thousand years ago in that environment of his habitat?

From the medical fact - "an organ gives rise to a function" - we know "what does not function, then degrades, dies off." Law. Here are 90 percent of people today, and "forgot" a lot that in extreme situations, it happens, wakes up. In our taiga, power line linemen, having met a bear, like squirrels, instantly found themselves on the tops of poles. The writer I.A. Bunin (1923) in his "Cursed Days" described how he, lying down in the grass across the ditch from the highway, saw a snake, "tossed his legs so wildly in the air that he arced back across the ditch and stood on his feet on the highway..." "We do not suspect what amazing powers and abilities still lurk in us from cave times" he says. Everyone knows examples of this. I experienced it myself when changing the environment. Having lived for half a year in nature (taiga, mountains), I quite definitely begin to feel and realize how much the perception of my sensors is aggravated. And - also a medical fact - people who have lost their sight begin to recognize banknotes by touch. Regeneration. Treatment. From Hippocrates it is known that a cure is impossible without the efforts of the organism itself, "For Nature, without extraneous instructions, without learning from anyone, does its due."

So, with a relativistic approach, it can be quite convincingly argued that approximately 10-15% of people (artists, musicians, perfumers, tasters, biolocators and other psychics) who have not lost the "gift of God" are quite normal people. It's time to create radiation standards similar to the human biofield (I'm not saying that it's easy) and test those who need it. At the same time, they would cut off the charlatans who discredit the very phenomenon of extrasensory perception.

Dowsing. Despite the obvious progress in the research of the biofield, the fact of its field, "thin" structure, not perceived by ordinary sensors, still dominates. And here, in my opinion, the dowsing method (radiesthesia, R-method) is unjustifiably forgotten. "Biolocation is the ability of animals to determine the position of an object in relation to itself or its position in space." Flights of birds over thousands of kilometers with a return to their nests; a wild horse, having escaped from a zoo in England, returns to its herd in Mongolia ... From the rock paintings, one can judge that people also used this "gift of nature" before our era. From recent centuries, as I know from the history of geophysics, there were "dowsers" and "miners" who found ore and water by this method.

The modern Chernobyl experience is fundamentally important: dowsing showed the same level of radioactivity as special devices - dosimeters. But dowsing tools are much simpler. For example, an L-shaped frame made of non-magnetic metal. The sensitive device in dowsing is the operator himself, who has natural data and practice for this, and the frames, like the arrows of this device, are only a means of visualization (the author mastered dowsing in one of the amateur schools, where there were amazing masters). The practice of dowsing in medicine has shown that the best effect for doctors is radiesthesia; in France and England it is officially practiced now. For details about dowsing, for example, see L.G. Puchko (8)

And the Nobel Prize! The American J. O "Keef, the Norwegians May Brit and Edward Moser discovered the GPS (navigation and location) mechanism in the human brain cells. They were announced Nobel Prize winners in physiology or medicine for 2014. The facts proven over the centuries have gained modern scientific foundations. The fairy tale has become come true.


One of the practices of helping Homo patiens, which the author has mastered, is psychoenergy-suggestology. The founder of this direction, Academician of the International Academy (London), Doctor of Medicine A.V. Ignatenko, claims that "psycho-energy-suggestology is the science of the future." The concept is based on the system "Man - Earth - Space" in the combination of two principles - Spirit and Matter. The physical mechanism A.V. Ignatenko postulates as: "In the cells of the brain, there are processes that ensure the remote interaction of the brain with the outside world, probably of a quantum wave nature"(correlates with the ideas of the Vlakhovs (1), Tumshevits (9) about torsion, lepton, etc. fields).

In 1997, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation organized a special course in this direction, having mastered it, the author of this article received a diploma in psychoenergy suggestion with the right to practice in Russia and Europe. During practice since 1997, the method has been somewhat transformed.

  • He refused suggestion in the form of hypnosis and NLP, believing that a person's consciousness should be "here and now" with a person responsible for his decisions.
  • I decided that it is psychologically important to determine the status of the participants. According to objective criteria, the "patient" (sick) accepted in medicine does not always correspond to reality (and called "sick" so he can feel and position himself). "Client" - with a clear commercial background - is also not the best option. I found it more acceptable to call "Acceptor" (receiving). Leading the procedure, as is customary in dowsing, he called the "operator".
  • He refused bodily contacts, switching to dowsing, believing that bodily contacts are not always psychologically neutral, and remote dowsing is more objective, despite the fact that the behavior of the frames is visualized by both parties.

A brief description of the procedure for replenishing the energy (biofield) of a person

The person (acceptor) asked for help. This means that, first of all, at the bodily level, he feels unwell (as a manifestation of the state and his biofield). The operator mentally refers to the information field whether it is possible to help this person. If "Yes", he feels a surge of energy in his "working" hand. It also means that the information field gives the appropriate adjustment to the acceptor's biofield (similar to the tuning of radio stations to one wave, which is a condition for radio communication). From the standpoint of general psychology, this means ensuring safety, a comfortable atmosphere for the psychologist to work with the patient (what is called the "clean approach"). Dowsing (frame) the border of his biofield is determined for the visitor (let's simply call it the biofield). As a rule, it is no more, and often less than the distance of an outstretched arm (clear confirmation that he came with a problem). Further, the acceptor is conveniently located in a chair, relaxes, closes his eyes. The operator, receiving the necessary energy in the “working” hand (for example, of different colors for different chakras), with the movements of the “pump” type of hand, pumps this energy where necessary according to the procedure until the feeling is “enough” (well known to Reiki masters and competent massage therapists). Upon completion of the procedure, the operator tells the acceptor about this. He opens his eyes and talks about his feelings during the procedure (very informative "feedback"). His biofield is measured again. Usually it increases by at least 1.5 times, often up to several meters. An improvement in mood, tone, often euphoria of the acceptor is clearly visible. The energy of the operator during the procedure is not only not wasted (as is typical for shamanic practices or in the same Juna), but, on the contrary, noticeably (up to 50%) increases (sort of like the legitimate "interest" of the intermediary and, as another evidence of the interaction I know from my own experience that after such a procedure, it happens that you don’t just walk, but fly over the Earth, barely touching it with your feet.

The dowsing method is also convenient to use for diagnosis. Similarly, "Yes" - "No" in kinesiology. But no physical contact. With frames in both hands, for example, "Yes" - the frames are opened, "No" - they are crossed. A clear algorithm for working in binary code is important. Simple and uncompromising, like a multiplication table.

The procedure of replenishment of energy can be carried out with oneself. Through breathing (such as pranayama). Or with your energy counterpart (phantom) as an acceptor. Technologically, this is similar to working with "images" in various constellations, transactional analysis, etc. (and - for intelligent psychologists - it happens, it works). And in practice it may not be the same. Since the "images" can be very vague and even completely inadequate (depending on who imagines what), and, the "energy twin" of the biofield, based on its wave nature, is (as Doctor of Philosophy A.K. Maneev says, it can be considered , as a human hologram, or according to the Vlakhovs (1), as an "energy-informational holographic matrix") is a holographic representation of a real human biofield.

I am far from thinking that by engaging exclusively in bioenergy, you can replace everything and everything. People are all very different. Psychologists, clients, patients, operators, acceptors… Who is with whom, when, in what, in combination of what methods… will come together better and begin to understand each other — only God knows.

In a symphony orchestra there is a place for a drum, a trumpet, and a violin. But everyone is subordinate to the main thing in music - melodies. This is where the symphony is born.

Human bioenergetics is his inner melody, as a living organism of the Nature of the speciesHomo sapiens.

Marat Portnyagin

Geophysicist, psychoenergetic suggestologist, psychologist, PPL member

Bioenergy and health

If we return to classical modern medicine, then to this day its cycle continues, aimed at clarifying diagnoses and developing new, stronger medicines.
At the same time, approaches to the prevention and treatment of diseases, regardless of their pathogenesis, have appeared and exist, based on non-specific effects that activate the immune system and normalize bioenergetic processes. The basis of these methods has long been used by Eastern medicine. With the help of a self-regulation system (except for acute and severe conditions), order is put in the body. Of course, this requires knowledge of physiological processes and efforts, without which it is impossible to be healthy.

So, what is a person and his fundamental principle - a cell? Man is a complex biological system consisting of interacting organs. In turn, they consist of cells representing the same system of complex bioenergetic processes that c. Recently, more and more attention is paid to biophysics, biologists, physiologists, since ultimately our health depends on them. For example, with the help of genetic engineering, a lot can be achieved, but if the entire complex bioenergy system of the body does not work in an optimal mode, its efforts will not be able to heal a person.

What is a cell in the most general terms?
The cell consists mainly of phospholipids and proteins as energy substances, as well as a complex complex of interconnected electrolytes, enzymes, vitamins and other substances. The cell membrane outside is denser and has a charge. There is no charge on the inside. The protein part of the membrane on the surface has mucous-like substances (mucoids), which promote the adsorption of various substances, due to which some substances can pass into the cell, others cannot. Due to the uneven distribution of ions inside and outside the cell, a potential difference is created, which is the driving force of bio-processes. Inside the cells are lysosomes (special cell structures-organelles) containing many hydrolytic enzymes that contribute to faster biochemical reactions, and mitochondria containing respiratory enzymes. Finally, in the center of the cell is the nucleus, which contains the holy of holies: the chromosome apparatus, which contains all the information about the body. It also has its own complex relationships, its own potential difference, its own metabolism. And this structure, visible only through a microscope, lives, breathes, extracts energy, releases slags, etc.

How is food digested at the cellular level? The process of splitting carbohydrates, proteins, fats and the formation of amino acids as the last stage of food processing goes through two phases: 1st - anaerobic, fermentation, when substances are broken down into water, carbon dioxide and lactic acid; in this case, part of the energy goes to heat, and the other part goes to the addition of phosphorus to the nucleotide with the formation of adenosine diphosphoric acid. Then the 2nd phase turns on - aerobic, in which the respiratory enzymes of the mitochondria carry out oxidative processes with the release of an electron and the conversion of adenosine diphosphoric acid into charged adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), which subsequently goes to energy processes in the body again with the formation of water, carbon dioxide and the conversion of lactic acid to pyruvic. The energy released goes to heat, and the other goes to chemical bonds and the formation of ATP. But the reserves of released energy, as a rule, are not large, which is why a cell whose training effect is no more than 2 days must work all the time. These data are consistent with studies conducted by Professor Karaseren and colleagues (England), which proved that when jogging, the body produces the hormone norperinephrine, which has a general tonic effect, relieves stress, eliminates depression and makes a person friendly, sociable. The action of this. the hormone stops after 2 days, which is why, if a person has not trained for more than two days, then one must start, as it were, from the beginning. It is estimated that there are about 2,000 mitochondria in a cell, these little power plants, the energy of which per mass of muscles is equal to the energy of a jet engine taking off vertically, and the efficiency is about 80%.

Even with minor damage to the cell, mitochondria swell, their number decreases (normally they live 10–20 days), the aerobic phase is blocked, fat oxidation stops, food processing stops during the fermentation process, pyruvic acid does not undergo further decay, lactic acid, accumulating, acidifies environment, causing the cell to become ill. Let us dwell on this because it is here, at the cell level, that the primary disturbance occurs, the breakdown of biochemical and energy processes, the decrease in the function of the immune system, which subsequently transform into various diseases. The cell membrane is a thin sieve, a biofilter, slagged, less necessary substances enter through it and, accordingly, less toxins are removed, and self-poisoning occurs. This is facilitated by hypokinesia, smoking, alcohol, poor nutrition and other factors.
From an energetic point of view, the basis of a cell is an atom, which consists of a nucleus and an electron. The nucleus is nucleons (neutrons and positrons), which are bundles of energy. Thus, the energy exchange in the human body, for all its complexity, is reduced to the universal exchange of the same electrons, protons. And how does the energy system inside the body work and what is the immune defense system, which has been talked about so much lately?

Just as at one time cybernetics and genetics were in the pen in the country, so now immunology continues to be somewhere in the backyard and, perhaps, only R. Petrov, with the persistence of a real scientist, continues to say that it is impossible to live without immunology. The illiteracy of our medicine in this regard is blatant. Suffice it to say that a doctor's degree in the United States is not issued without an examination in immunology at the level of our graduate students. As soon as possible, official medicine needs to understand that tomorrow it will be impossible to treat a patient without immunological knowledge. Let me remind you in general terms what the body's immune system is.
It is known that the protective functions of the body are performed by both cellular and humoral factors of immunity (T- and B-lymphocytes, their subpopulations, lysozyme, properrine, antibodies). A close connection between the activity of the central nervous and immune systems has been proved, in which subcortical formations, in particular the hypothalamus, reticular and limbic formations, play an important role.

According to a number of scientists (M. Hartwich), the activity of the immune system is associated with the thymus gland, located behind the sternum in the upper part. It is believed that it is from here that the command comes from the cells of the bone marrow, the lymphatic system, elements of the defense system - T- and B-lymphocytes. As you know, the main task of the immune system is to search for and destroy alien, diseased, weakened cells, microbes, viruses that are active, toxic decay products, that is, to repair the body. At first glance, everything is simple: to be always stronger than any damaging factor, for which, of course, you need to work hard to keep the immune system in constant combat readiness.

You see how everything turned out to be connected in one knot: be it phenibut, methods of electroneurolepsy, ultraviolet irradiation of biological fluids, the points of application of which are also located in subcortical structures.
Signals from these formations enter the adrenal glands, which secrete adrenaline and a number of hormones, the most active of which is cortisone. Its main function is to convert proteins into sugar. It is known that during any work, especially in stressful situations, the body's need for sugar (glucose), the supply of which is limited, sharply increases. But since proteins are the structural and functional elements of cells, it is unprofitable to use them to produce sugar. For this purpose, the body uses proteins that do not carry a specific functional load and are located in the lymphatic system (lymph nodes, bone marrow, thymus, spleen). The state of the immune system and human health as a whole depends on the body's ability to withstand external and internal stimuli, use the cells of the lymphatic system to meet the energy needs of the body during its life.
Where does the energy that underlies the vital activity of the organism come from and, in relation to a person, is called biological energy? First of all, from food, which is the energy of the Sun concentrated in it.

Recently, bioenergetics has attracted more and more attention of people trying to understand the essence of human existence. It seems to us that the most acceptable theory explaining this process is the theory of Physical Vacuum, according to which the world around us is permeated with electromagnetic waves and ultralight elementary particles. On the surface of the human skin there are several hundred biologically active points, the so-called Kenrak channels. Their radiation creates total quantum shells around the human body. Today, the existence of an ethereal body around a person has been proven, exactly repeating the boundaries of the physical, astral, or emotional body, which is also part of the physical, but depending on the state of being able to leave it, and the mental, one’s own “I” (see Fig. 6, 7). These quantum shells, holograms, are inserted into each other like nesting dolls, and each of them contains all the information about the body, being its informational counterpart. Atomic-molecular human body, its lepton holograms behave differently. According to A. Okhatrin and N. Sochevanov, the half-life of the etheric body is about 9 days (that's why Yu. Longo, using this energy, can make a dead person rise and go), the astral - about 40 days, and the mental does not disappear anywhere, but it connects to the Unified Information Field of the Universe, the Cosmic Mind, where the data bank about a person is located, starting from its inception. Therefore, it becomes clear reading information about a person, his past. Who was he, for example, 100, 200 years ago, in the present and in the future. Currently, intensive work is underway to identify the possibilities of reading information from any person, regardless of his desire and putting new information into it. Academician V. Kaznacheev warns humanity that the psychic abilities of a person can be used with the help of information and energy transfers for various purposes: creation or destruction. For example, like-minded people, creating a powerful collective concentration of energy "eidos", can influence each of the people or all of humanity. It turns out that everything in the world is interconnected. If two people are nearby, their quantum shells intersect and an intuitive connection goes through Kenrak's channels, an exchange of information without words. You are good or bad, it all depends on who you communicate with. There is a popular belief that a kind word leads to good, success in the deeds of the one to whom it was said and, conversely, the word of a curse, an evil wish entails illness, failure. There are known cases of death of people in good health, which doctors could not reasonably explain.

However, with the help of bioenergy specialists, it has been proven that if strong psychics from three different points direct their negative energy to one point at a certain time, a person can die from a heart attack. Today, the process of exposure can be recorded, i.e. documented by devices created by Academician of the Russian Academy A. Okhatrin. It is necessary to remember and know that, by "inflicting" blows on a person, the aggressor punishes, first of all, himself, receiving a reflected blow. It's like a returned karmic boomerang. Auto-training, meditation, which have become familiar to us, is nothing more than the return of unity with Nature, in which processes take place at a subconscious level, where a person has all the information. There is no time as such, we invented it for the convenience of life. Our life is both a moment and infinity, when the future and the past, in principle, also do not exist. But, if we, for example, are ready to commit a crime against the living now, then there will simply be no future, it will become a nightmare. The process of perception is continuous, just as we cannot break a thought into pieces, it is an endless formation that goes on the level of the bioinformation field, and which can be transmitted by symbols or words. The greatest value a person has is life, and if we realized that every moment is perhaps the last, then it would be better. In Nature, all living things communicate by field signals, only in humans this ability has become dull. Many people know that cats, dogs, pigeons can find their owner, for example, who has moved to live in another place, tens, hundreds of kilometers away. How do they do it? Yes, at the same field level. That is why it is not difficult for specialists now to explain the ability of a psychic to read any information from a living or inanimate object, whether it be diagnostics or finding an object.
About each person, as well as about an inanimate object, there is personal information in the cells of the Unified Information Bank, located in dimensions that are still unknown to science. A person creates shells around him from thin matter, where causal relationships do not disappear anywhere, and by which one can say whether he is alive or dead, sick or healthy. At present, the word "psychic" no longer causes the negative attitude that was in the recent past. True, it is time for the formation and, most importantly, the practical use of this phenomenon, as F. Khantseverov says, in our country they want to be the best, unlike foreign countries where psychics work at the state level. Their capabilities are sometimes amazing: diagnosis of diseases, treatment, search for missing people, minerals, reading information, etc. Russian scientists have been working on the use of this phenomenon in medicine for more than 20 years. The main goal, which was pursued in this case, was to learn how to use the dowsing method without possessing pronounced psychic abilities. It is known that each person has his own biofield, the so-called aura, but does not know his own capabilities. Remember the history of the formation of Alan Chumak as a psychic. After all, he once received a task at a television studio to expose psychics as charlatans and prepare devastating material. And what happened? Bioenergetics specialists, having determined Chumak's energy abilities, led him to the path he is on, and other people made incriminating materials about this new direction on television. The method was based on the method of dowsing or dowsing, which has long been known in geology.

The total quantum shell surrounding a person has even contours in a healthy individual, which can vary depending on the state, but are somewhere in the range of 40 - 50 cm. In healthy people, especially those who are physically and spiritually rich, the biofield can increase from several up to tens of meters. You have probably met people who, as it were, radiate energy, in their society it is easy for you, you do not experience any unpleasant sensations. You are simply in a strong positive bioenergetic field. The aura envelops a person like an inflated oval ball, and this is confirmed by measuring devices, the same one who can see the colors of the biofield notes that in a healthy person this oval has a golden color and a smooth surface of an ellipsoid. In a sick person, the aura changes color and has dips and surges. The reason lies in the fact that the frequency response of the radiation is changing, which differs from the generated frequency of a healthy cell. By choosing the optimal characteristics of an electromagnetic field with a longitudinal component, creating an "uncomfortable" oscillation mode and introducing them into the body in resonance with a diseased cell, it can be knocked out of rhythm and it will die. Isn't this the secret of the work of psychics, who, becoming emitters of electromagnetic fields, suppress the vital activity of diseased cells or make them work normally. This method, especially in the hands of a doctor, is indispensable, it allows not only to diagnose, but also to evaluate the result of your influence on the patient's body. It seems to us that in the near future, in the last courses of medical and biological universities, the study of bioenergy issues will take its rightful place, just like dowsing.

Any doctor can master the method of assessing the state of bioenergetics. Well, if this is combined with the development of extrasensory perception. At the same time, he will act not as a narrow specialist, but as a generalist, considering a person in the unity and synchronism of his manifestations, understanding the dependence of the occurrence of certain disorders. Knowledge of various non-traditional approaches to a sick person, the basics of separate nutrition, manual therapy, correction of the biofield shell, the possibilities of natural factors will allow the doctor not only to make an accurate diagnosis, but also to cure almost any disease without medication, with the obligatory implementation of all recommendations by the patient.

Now, having mastered the dowsing method, some doctors successfully read information about the past, present and future, carry out diagnostics from a photograph, at a distance, and successfully treat various diseases without using any medicines.

It is very important to work on the patient's trust in you, his mental attitude. All this will make it possible, using the enormous reserve capabilities of the body, to treat people, regardless of what they are sick with. This is the ability of a person to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance himself with the environment. It is closely connected with morality, which, according to Dahl, is defined as "will, love, mercy, passion." As you can see, the will is put in the first place here.

What can be expected from a person who says one thing, thinks another, and does a third? We say: he is immoral, but from the point of view of bioenergetics, he is sick. If there are many such people, the society, the system, is hurt. Morality is, first of all, truthfulness in everything, which is why we are now so acutely experiencing a shortage of mercy, conflicts, squabbles, anger, egocentrism have become common. The mental state is closely connected with the physical, that is, health largely depends on the mood, and all these concepts: mental, physical, moral, seem to pass into each other. Violation of one state is already a disease. A person, fortunately, is so perfect that it is almost always possible to restore his health, only efforts are needed that increase as the age and severity of the disease increase. To be healthy, as A. Martynov says, one must lead a righteous life, the forms of which can be varied, but the essence is the same: a person must be in harmony with the internal and external environment, and the spiritual sphere is higher than the material one. The higher the spiritual potential of a person, the greater the biofield around him, the more powerful the protection of the body. Due to the wrong way of life, envious, domineering, egocentric nature, frequent illnesses, a person loses a lot of energy, and to compensate for it, he switches to the level of vampirism when he begins to feed not from the Cosmos, but from other people. For example, a person who has gone into an illness, with his story, evokes pity in other people, and at the same time is fueled by energy from them. This is unconscious vampirism. More dangerous vampirism conscious. For example, a mother in relation to her children, a boss in relation to subordinates, making people dependent on themselves, creating in them a feeling of pseudo-guilt. "I love you, and you ...", "I gave you everything, and you ...", "I do everything for you, and you ...". Subsequently, such people become dependent on those who provide them with peace of mind, they become weak-willed. Although everything is arranged noblely, and the connection is established voluntarily, but the result is the same - there is an energy loss, when one after such a meeting is bad, and the other is good. This energy drain is compensated in a very peculiar way: unmotivated behavior, explosive emotions, alcohol, smoking, various diseases and even suicide, which can be considered as hopelessness and inability to protect oneself from constant energy leaks. And vampires have a craving for energizing not only from one, but from many people. Introducing them into an emotionally unstable state in which people lose energy faster, creating conflict situations, such people, especially "leaders", feel better. Everything else is of little interest to them. The study of energy exchange between people has shown that it has an indirect or direct impact not only on family or industrial relations, but also on health.

Special attention should be paid to the bioenergetics of the spine. Normally, energy flows go along the spinal column from the bottom up, reach the cervical vertebrae and on the sides, left and right, go down to the coccyx, into the kundalini zone. Normally, we have a minus in the coccyx area, plus in the head area. By the way, there are many streams around the body, going both from left to right and from right to left, that is, clockwise and counterclockwise.

Consider the main flow that connects the chakras, energy zones located in front along the spinal column.

Violation in these energy flows causes various diseases. Chakra is a kind of nerve centers that are regulators of all psychophysiological processes occurring in the body. They are located: 1st - the center of vital energy and instincts - in the coccyx area; 2nd - sexual-digestive center - in the region of the lumbosacral region; 3rd - the center of physical energy - at the level of the navel; 4th - the center of spiritual energy (spiritual warmth) - in the region of the heart; 5th - center of emotions - in the region of the thyroid gland; 6th - center of will and intellect - in the forehead in the brain; 7th - spiritual center - in the region of the crown, where the hole of Brahma is. There are also chakras - in the area of ​​the pancreas, the heart. Each chakra works in the same way as any organ, in its own range of frequencies and, like a battery, has the energy necessary for its work, but all chakras are interconnected. The freer and cleaner energy flows through the spinal column, like a bioenergetic radio station, the healthier a person is and the better the energy exchange occurs, both horizontally (with people, animals, plants, nature) and vertically (with the Cosmos, noosphere). Let's imagine that the highest quality bioenergy flows into the human body through Brahma's hole, and the transformed one comes with food and air. The ancients already knew that the cleaner the internal environment of the body from the point of view of the spiritual and physical spheres, the better the distribution of bioenergy throughout the body. The rougher the chakras work, the more slagged the body, the worse the conductivity of the system, the lower, animal instincts prevail in a person.

For example, you have constant headaches that are not stopped by any medication. The point here is this. An "energy plug" appeared at the level of the cervical vertebrae, which impedes the passage of energy. At the same time, the upper part of the body is, as it were, in constant energy hunger. In order to exist normally, the organism begins to suck in energy from the Cosmos through the hole of Brahma. Streams of energy coming from above meet with streams coming from below, as if near a gateway and burst the energy shell, causing severe pain. By removing this plug, you can almost instantly remove the headache. For example, A. Martynov finds corks, feeling them with his palm, and then pulls them out like nails. We use this technique: one palm is in a bent position, when the index and thumb are connected, as it were, into a ring, and with the other hand we make a clap on this ring. Do you remember how you did it in childhood, when you put a piece of paper on such a circle, hit it and got cotton by tearing the piece of paper?
You do the same when punching energy plugs, directing the palm you hit perpendicular to the spinal column.

The human biofield, the aura, is a rather fragile formation, depending on the state you are in: tired, healthy, sick, and it doesn’t cost anything to break it. Sometimes a person complains of malaise, and doctors cannot determine the cause. The point here is most likely a loss of energy. In Rus', such concepts as the evil eye, spell, curse have long been known. At present, it can be said with certainty that this is a material process that cannot be eliminated by conventional means. How does the evil eye happen? Here is how A. Martynov describes this state. In a state of irritation, envy, anger, jealousy, malice, etc., strong electromagnetic vibrations arise, which, with a certain direction, push through or pierce the biofield shell of the victim. The evil eye is defined as follows. If the energy chakra is working normally, and the organ that is subordinate to it is sick, then the person has an evil eye. Depending on the severity of the evil eye, the state may not change soon, but you can accurately determine the time of the evil eye. Now bioenergy specialists have no doubts about the fact that all oncological diseases, diabetes, chronic inflammatory processes are field diseases, and it is impossible to cure the patient without eliminating the energy drain. We (the Neumyvakins) determine the presence of the evil eye using the dowsing method, which, depending on the nature of the rotation of the frame, determines the time of the evil eye, the amount of energy that the patient loses daily. If the percentage of energy loss does not exceed 10, a person can compensate for it for a long time due to the additional load on all body systems, unless, of course, he is healthy for the time being. But if the energy loss is more than 10%, then they "worked" for sure. As a rule, this event is associated with marriage, the birth of a child, jealousy and is mostly associated with women. The evil eye is a kind of hole in the energy shell, through which energy leaks, which in turn negatively affects the overall energy level, reducing protective capabilities, weakening the immune system. Such a hole can only be repaired in the field, that is, with the help of the hands of a psychic in compliance with a certain ritual. The spell, just like A. Martynov, is associated with the dependence of a person on a vampire. A curse is a strong loss of energy, in places of leakage of which ulcers, abscesses form. A case is known from practice when a patient turned to the doctors, whose curse came due to the fact that she put a candle "for the repose" on a living person in the church, saying only that his name was Alexander. Within a month, her perfectly healthy son dies. His name is Alexander, another month later, his brother, Alexander, and the person on whom she put the candle is alive. Doctors could not do anything with the patient, who was, as it were, stuffed with abscesses, and, despite the fact that such patients cannot be treated, they are, as it were, "damned". In the end, the doctors restored her health. What happened to her later is unknown, but after her treatment, the doctors themselves could not work for 2-3 weeks. Corruption also refers to one of the common negative effects when a phantom (wax or rag doll), hair, urine is used to deliver an energy strike, blood damage is especially strong, etc.

Let us consider in more detail the process of bioenergy formation in the body and the essence of the human soul. Each person in his life has repeatedly wondered what he is, what place he occupies in the system of the Universe, where our ancestors came from and where we disappear after death. In the process of its intrauterine development, in a short time, a person goes from an amphibian to a freshwater creature. The evolutionary development of man is complex and of course interesting to know, but to reduce the emergence of man, for example, to the idea of ​​his origin from a monkey today would be primitive. At present, archaeologists are finding traces of intelligent activity over many millennia, and, despite the cataclysms that have occurred during this time in Nature, the monkeys, as they were monkeys, remained the same, not approaching one iota to man. It seems to us that the main reason for the human drama is that, while discovering and expanding physical laws, we forgot about the laws of the Universe, such as the law of Harmony, Spirit, Psychic Energy (Causality, Reincarnation, Attraction of like with like, etc.). It is these laws that should underlie human activity. And a person in his egoistic aspirations, when the intellect, the mind, enslaving the spiritual principles, dominates everything else, one of the manifestations of which is the technocratic process of the development of civilization, destroying the relationship in Nature, contributing to its death, should not forget that only in the unity of the spiritual and physical possible harmonious development of society.
At present, more and more people are beginning to understand that man, the Earth, the Universe are inextricably linked with each other, that there is nothing random in Nature, everything is thought out, interconnected, and the sooner these artificially disparate parts are united into one whole, the better.

The process of energy transfer in the body is very complex, but in a simplified version it is as follows. Spouses V. and S. Kirlian proved that in the body there are high-frequency currents that make up the essence of energy, by the infrared glow of which one can determine the energy state of a person, for example, the nature of his disease. An important role in the transfer of energy is played by nerve cells - neurons that work as magnetrons and convert currents of action; running along the nerve fibers, into high-frequency currents. Action currents are a physical process that generates a magnetic field in the region of the neutron, as a result of which an electron is drawn into it, with the help of which they are converted into high-frequency currents. In 1962, the Koreans discovered the Kenrak channels, which are tubular structures located in the skin and ending in the so-called biologically active points. through which information is exchanged with the outside world. Since our body is a self-regulating system, where there is everything for the development and restoration of ongoing processes, to ensure uninterrupted operation, it provides several duplicating systems: the first system is chemical reactions, where at a complex biochemical level (trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and etc.) there are redox processes that ensure the normal material and energy level of cell activity; the second system is nervous, where the reactions are carried out more quickly, and the third system works on a subtle, mental level. It is here at the bioplasmic level that the normal functioning of the cell is maintained.

All three systems are closely interconnected, and the body at any given moment knows about the work and condition of each cell. Under normal conditions, the body works offline, and if we received information about the work of the whole organism at once, we could go crazy. Each cell, a group of cells with a common functional purpose, has its own system, its own frequency mode of operation, and only in the event of failure of its own resources, the general forces of the body are connected to correct the defect. Everything works within a certain tolerance of boundaries for each organ, which depends on the degree of fitness, adaptive mechanisms and many other factors. What binds the cells, keeping them at a certain distance and not interfering with each other's work? Forces of interaction between energy shells, fields, many varieties and the nature of the action of which is not yet fully clear. Professor Yu. S. Simakov explains the biofield effect as follows. The cell is surrounded by its own energy field, which carries information that connects it with the whole organism and constitutes a single information field. At the same time, DNA only reflects the information essence of this field, while the carrier of hereditary information is not the cell nucleus, but its morphogenetic field. Simakov cites the following experiment as an example. A planarian flatworm is randomly cut into ten pieces, and after a few days each piece turns into a whole worm, only a small one. Why did this happen? Yes, because each cell "remembers" and carries information as an integral system, where it was programmed. Where was it? It turns out that this something did not disappear anywhere, but existed in some other dimensions, which Yu. A. Fomin called information and administrative structures. Thus, the information about the living or non-living does not disappear anywhere, it goes into another state and is in the Unified information field of the Universe, from where it can be read, unfortunately, only by those who have opened information channels connecting them with the Cosmic Mind. Empirically, introducing a person into a hypnotic state, and connecting through the Unified Information Field of the Universe to a specific person, his soul can be brought to such a creative level that is not characteristic of this individual. A. V. Martynov, walking around the Hermitage and looking at the busts and portraits of people who lived in the past, reads information about them in such detail that art critics only shrug. The difference between living matter and non-living matter lies in the fact that in living matter there is a bioenergetic shell that ensures the integrity of the structure of heterogeneous cells located in a single organism that develops according to a certain program. Living matter has self-consciousness, which differs from simple (plant) to complex forms (human). A living system must work as a well-coordinated mechanism that ensures self-preservation and self-reproduction. If this process is disturbed, illness or death occurs. The philosophical definition of life boils down to the fact that life is a form of existence of matter, which in turn is a manifestation of information.

Recently, a lot has been written and talked about geopathogenic zones. What it is? Although the nature of these fields is not clear enough, their positive or negative influence is already sufficiently known and belongs to the category of weak energy ties. In a number of regions of the Earth, these ties become very strong and various cataclysms are observed there: earthquakes, floods, conflict situations between people, which are closely related to each other. Today it has been established that people who commit violence against other people are surrounded by heavy microleptons in the form of gray or dark clots, which leave their mark on the portraits of the dead (Okhatrin). Since everything in Nature is interconnected, with widespread social tension, this dark cloud of bioenergetic connections becomes a huge destructive force, the consequences of which are difficult to predict. What is observed in a number of regions of the former Soviet Union: the rupture of close, including tribal ties, interethnic conflicts, in which the satisfaction of political ambitious aspirations prevails over the solution of moral, environmental problems, leads to the fact that society has no prospects, in such it cannot exist for a long time. This is on a global scale.

If we return to the problem of geopathogenic zones, then they have always existed, only they were not given due importance. With the development of bioenergy, it is impossible to ignore this phenomenon. The fact is that on Earth, in addition to powerful non-pathogenic zones, there is a rather significant geobiological grid, the lines of which run from north to south at a distance of 2 meters from each other, and from west to east - 2.5 meters. If you draw such a grid, then at the places of their intersections there are clots of energy, conditionally taken as plus or minus. Moreover, places where this grid is compacted, reduced in places of earth faults, in lowlands, floodplains of rivers are taken as a minus, which further affects the health of people and animals. That is why earlier dwellings, as a rule, were built on elevated places.

Geopathogenic zones concentrate not only the physical fields of the Earth, but also negatively affect people's health. The fact is that if you look from above, then in the places where the lines intersect, the geopathogenic zones form, as it were, a grid with clots of energy above the pluses and minuses. As V. Pichugin proved, this energy, which he not only sees, but also photographs, goes from bottom to top. What is more characteristic, this energy is a breeding ground for the so-called demons, which, according to V. Pichugin, M. Dmitruk and others, are one of the varieties of the field form of life at the lowest level. These heavy bundles of energy exist at the intersections of the zones, where there are electrical networks and, most importantly, in human souls, whose psychosphere is also entangled in dark thoughts and feelings. Non-resistance to evil is the basis of the life of evil spirits, which, like a vampire, feeding on the energy of a person, turns his life into a nightmare. Psychics who do not know how to regulate their own bioenergy, during both individual and collective sessions, by influencing, pierce the weakened aura of people, feed themselves and turn another person into an energy-unprotected and energy-dependent person, i.e. further exacerbate his condition, illness.

Influencing the human psyche on a subtle energy level, these negative energy clots can even take materialized forms, images (a person really sees devils), which makes people go crazy. At present, the ruined soul, according to M. Dmitruk, is a means of existence of evil spirits, which, provoking a person to sinful deeds, introduces him into an unstable emotional state, when he has less control over his actions, lives with this negative energy and makes a person unhappy and sick .