A touching story about a father and son. Parable of two fathers

Of course, every father works to make his family feel good, and especially his children. But this does not mean at all that you can not give your child time on weekdays, referring to fatigue and the fact that “I actually earn money for you.” Money is not exactly what our children really need. They need attention, love and care. And even an hour spent by dad with a child will make the baby much happier. About this parable.

One day, a man returned home late from work, tired and twitchy as always, and saw that his five-year-old son was waiting for him at the door.

Dad, can I ask you something?
- Of course, what happened?
- Dad, how much do you get?
“None of your business,” said the father. - And then, why do you need it?
- I just want to know. Please, tell me, how much do you get per hour?
- Well, actually 500. And what?
- Dad: - the son looked at him from the bottom up with very serious eyes. - Dad, can you borrow 300 for me?
"You only asked so I could give you money for some stupid toy?" he shouted. - Immediately march to your room and go to bed! You can't be so selfish! I work all day, I get terribly tired, and you behave so stupidly ...

The kid quietly went to his room and closed the door behind him. And his father continued to stand at the door and get angry at the requests of his son. “How dare he ask me about my salary so that he can ask for money later?”

But after a while he calmed down and began to reason sensibly. “Maybe he really needs to buy something very important. To hell with them, with three hundred, after all, he has never asked me for money at all. ”

When he entered the nursery, his son was already in bed.

Are you awake, son? - he asked.
- No, dad. I'm just lying down, he replied.
“I think I answered you too rudely,” said the father. - I had a hard day, and I just broke. I'm sorry. Here, keep the money you asked for.

The boy sat up in bed and smiled.

Oh daddy, thanks! he exclaimed happily.

Then he reached under the pillow and pulled out a few more crumpled banknotes. His father, seeing that the child already had money, got angry again. And the kid put all the money together and carefully counted the bills, and then looked at his father again.

Why did you ask for money if you already have it? he muttered.
“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I just have enough,” answered the child. - Dad, there are exactly five hundred. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home from work early tomorrow, I want you to have dinner with us.


There is no morality. I just wanted to remind you that our life is too short to spend it all at work. We must not let it slip through our fingers without giving at least a tiny fraction of it to those who truly love us, the closest people.

If we are gone tomorrow, our company will very quickly replace us with someone else. And only for family and friends, this will be a really big loss, which they will remember all their lives.


God took the strength of the mountains, the greatness of the trees,

The warmth of the summer sun, the calm of the quiet sea,

Generous soul of nature, comforting hands of the night,

The wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle's flight,

Joy of the morning in spring, faith in the mustard seed,

Patience eternity, the depth of the need for the family.

Then God united these qualities when there was nothing more to add,

He knew his masterpiece was complete

And so, He called him... PAPA

- I can do everything! - the son said to his father, having learned to write the first letter.
The father smiled and gave him a primer.
- I know the world! - said the son, going around open rooms in the house.
The father smiled and led him out into the garden.
- I am the most, the most, the most! ..
And my father kept smiling and smiling and smiling...

Parable about father and son

One day, a man came home late from work, tired and twitchy as always, and saw that his five-year-old son was waiting for him at the door.

Dad, can I ask you something?

Of course, what happened?

Dad, how much do you get?

It's none of your business! - the father was indignant. “And besides, why are you doing this?”

I just want to know. Please, tell me, how much do you get per hour?

Well, actually, 500. What?

Dad-- the son looked up at him with very serious eyes. — Dad, can you borrow 300 for me?

You only asked so I could give you money for some stupid toy? he shouted. "Go to your room at once and go to bed!" You can't be so selfish! I work all day, I'm terribly tired, and you're acting so stupid.

The kid quietly went to his room and closed the door behind him. And his father continued to stand at the door and get angry at the requests of his son. How dare he ask me about my salary, then to ask for money? But after some time, he calmed down and began to reason sensibly: Maybe he really needs to buy something very important. To hell with them, with three hundred, after all, he has never asked me for money at all. When he entered the nursery, his son was already in bed.

Are you awake, son? - he asked.

No, dad. I’m just lying down,” the boy replied.

I think I answered you too rudely,” said the father. — I had a hard day, and I just snapped. I'm sorry. Here, keep the money you asked for.

The boy sat up in bed and smiled.

Oh daddy, thanks! he exclaimed happily.

Then he reached under the pillow and pulled out a few more crumpled banknotes. The father, seeing that the child already had money, got angry again. And the kid put all the money together, and carefully counted the bills, and then looked at his father again.

Why did you ask for money if you already have it? he muttered.

Because I didn't have enough. But now I’ve had enough,” answered the child.

Dad, it's exactly five hundred here. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home from work early tomorrow, I want you to have dinner with us.

Once upon a time there was a girl who was very unlucky with her dad. From the moment she first began to understand this, she began to pray: "God, give me another dad." And so every day and several times a day.

In the end, the apostles could not stand it and ask God: “Why don’t you answer the girl’s request? She's suffering so much." God replied: "It's not so simple" ...

But the apostles insisted and God allowed them.

That night, the girl dreamed of the apostle Peter and said to her: “God heard your prayer. Today you will be given the opportunity to choose another dad. Just keep in mind - from this day your whole life will be different. Do you want this? The girl replies: “Yes, of course I want to.”

Peter brings the girl to Big hall where there are many, many different fathers. The girl chose for a long time, and finally, she chose the Most Wonderful Dad. Then she signs an agreement that she chose this dad and that she is ready for her whole life to change. The girl falls asleep.

Morning comes, the girl wakes up in a new wonderful room, the doors open, the same Wonderful Dad comes in, kisses her, smiles at her, brings her a wonderful toy as a gift, leans towards her ... and - takes the girl into wheelchair.

Dad teaches son:

Remember, son clever man always doubt everything. Only a fool can be completely sure of something.

Are you sure about that, dad?


Father and adult son are sitting in the park ...

Father - What is it?

Son is a sparrow

Father - What is it?

Son - I just said, dad, it's a sparrow.

Father - What is it?

Son - sparrow, dad, sparrow!

Father - What is it?

Son - Why are you doing it? I told you a hundred times that it was a sparrow! Can't you hear?
(father follows notebook)

Father - read aloud...

Son - "Today is mine younger son, who recently turned three years old, sat with me in the park. Sparrow stopped in front of us. My son asked me 21 times what it was and I answered 21 times...it's a sparrow. I hugged him every time I answered the same question, without irritation, only with big love to my little boy"

“But the child may not be able to do something?”

There is a trial at which the issue of transferring a Russian orphanage child to Italian family(Such procedures necessarily take place through the court). The judge, through an interpreter, reads to the future father what the child he takes for upbringing cannot do. No emotional movements are noticeable on the man's face. The judge thinks that he does not understand what kind of problem child he is taking into the family. She approaches the man and again, through the interpreter, explains each point of the child's problems. And again nothing is reflected on the face of the Italian. Then the judge begins to slowly read each item and looks into the eyes of the future father, trying to make sure that he understands what in question. Finally, after her demands to answer whether he understands how sick his child is and how many things he cannot do, the Italian turns to the judge with the question: “But can a child not be able to do something?”.

"My son will never be a shoemaker!"

There is a well-known story told by A. Adler. Adler studied very poorly at the gymnasium. One day the teacher called his father and told him that his son could only be a shoemaker, because he was completely unable to cope with the lessons. However, the father very clearly answered the teacher-predictor: “My son will never be a shoemaker!”

He returned home and did not read morality to the child. At the same time, every day he studied mathematics with his son. After some time, the boy became the first in the class. His father taught him how to overcome difficulties, and gave him information that later allowed him to create a theory that, unlike the theory of 3. Freud, great importance in the formation of personality attached to the influence of the family.

"Coin for beating"

Natalya Ilyinichna Sats cites this episode in her memoirs. Once, when she was a child, her playmate beat her. She was terribly hurt, and she ran home to complain to her father. The father took her by the hand, and they went to the apartment where this boy lived. The girl was already triumphant, anticipating the victory over the offender. Imagine her surprise when her father handed the boy a coin and said that every time he beat his daughter, he would give him the same coin until she learned to stand up for herself.

And before going to bed, the father said to his daughter: “It’s not good for you, my student, to complain! There will be many difficulties in life. Learn to overcome them, not whine. Learn to fight and win!

W. Livingston Larned " Father's remorse"

“Listen, son. I say these words while you sleep; your small hand is under your cheek, and curly blond hair is matted on a damp forehead. I snuck into your room alone. A few minutes ago, as I was sitting in the library reading the newspaper, a heavy wave of remorse washed over me. I came to your bed with the consciousness of my guilt.

That's what I thought, son: I took mine out on you Bad mood. I scolded you when you were getting dressed to go to school because you only touched your face with a wet towel. I chastised you for not cleaning your shoes. I yelled at you angrily when you threw some of your clothes on the floor.

At breakfast, I picked on you too. You spilled your tea. You greedily swallowed food. You put your elbows on the table. You buttered the bread too thickly. And then when you went out to play and I was in a hurry to catch the train, you turned around, waved at me and called out, "Goodbye, dad!" - I frowned and answered: “Straighten your shoulders!”

Then at the end of the day, it all started again. On my way home, I noticed you playing marbles on your knees. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you in front of your comrades, forcing you to walk home ahead of me. Stockings are expensive - and if you had to buy them with your own money, you would be more careful! Just imagine, son, what your father said! Do you remember how you then entered the library where I was reading - timidly, with pain in your eyes? When I glanced at you over the top of the paper, irritated at being disturbed, you hesitated at the door. "What do you want?" I asked sharply.

You did not answer, but impetuously rushed to me, hugged my neck and kissed me. Your hands squeezed me with the love that God put in your heart and which even my dismissive attitude could not wither. And then you walked away, treading your feet, up the stairs.

Well, son, soon after that the newspaper slipped out of my hands and a terrible, sickening fear took possession of me. What has habit done to me? The habit of finding fault, scolding - such was my reward to you for being a little boy. You can’t say that I didn’t love you, the whole point is that I expected too much from my youth and measured you by the yardstick of my own years.

And in your character there is so much healthy, beautiful and sincere. Your little heart is as big as the dawn over the distant hills. It manifested itself in your elemental impulse when you rushed to me to kiss me before going to bed. Nothing else matters today, son. I came to your bed in the dark and, ashamed, I knelt before you!

This is a weak atonement. I know you wouldn't understand these things if I told you all this when you wake up. But tomorrow I'll be a real father! I will be your friend, suffer when you suffer and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when an angry word is about to come out. I will constantly repeat like a spell: "He's only a boy, a little boy!"

I'm afraid I saw you as a grown man in my mind. However, now, when I see you, son, wearily huddled in your bed, I understand that you are still a child. Yesterday you were in your mother's arms and your head lay on her shoulder. I demanded too much, too much."

Sad anecdote.

A little girl asks her mother: “Mom, who earns money?”

- "And who brings the children?"

- "Aist".

- "And gifts for New Year

- "Father Frost".

— “Who screws in the light bulbs that have burnt out?”

- "Uncle Vasya from the Housing Office."

“Mom, then I don’t understand why we keep our father in the house ?!”

Svetlana Kopylova "Rich and Poor"

The father of a rich family took his son to the village:

Let the boy see life without illusions.

He wanted his son to realize

How poor people can be.

They spent a day in a poor man's family,

His father asked him on his return,

Did the son like it, and did he understand how

People are poor these days.

Liked it, of course! - the son answered.

The father asked, "What have you learned?"

I have never met such good people, dad,

And how rich they are - he was surprised:

We have one dog, they have four dogs,

We have a pool, they have a sea bay,

We have a garden, they have endless forests,

And for some reason I felt sorry for us ...

Not because the lanterns shine in the garden for us,

And the stars illuminate their expanses ...

They are ready to thank God for everything,

And we are always missing something...

Now I know, papa, how poor we are!

Father, when he heard these words, -

Lost speechless and clearly depressed,

But I couldn't find an answer.

And my father, touching upon the issues of being,

He always teaches one prayer:

Thank you for what I have in my life

And three times - for all that I do not have!

Parable from Andrey Yakushev

In one family, the marriage did not work out. rich enough and successful husband could never find mutual language with his wife. In the end, they divorced. Stayed with mother Small child. The divorce process itself was scandalous and long: after several lawsuits ...

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    It's all his fault Ingush parable

    Some boy stole a chicken somewhere and brought it home. The father praised his son. The boy liked stealing. And a year has not passed, as the son has already brought someone else's cow. And then the father praised his son in every possible way. Years passed, the son became a real thief. Embarrassed, he decided to take away ...

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    wolf cub Eastern parable

    One man caught a wolf cub and began to feed it with sheep's milk. And he himself thinks: “If a wolf cub grows up with a sheep, then he will be able to protect the sheep later. He will stronger than dogs and will not guess about his wolf origin. But the wolf cub grew up and became ...

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    Once in the city of Karkatapura, a king called Suryaprabha ruled. There lived in his kingdom a merchant whose name was Dhanadatta. And his wife Hiranyavati gave birth to a daughter, who was named Dhanavati. Once it happened that all the wealth of Dhanadatta at will...

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    Hypnosis Christian parable

    A father and son read a book about hypnosis and suggestion and wanted to do an experiment. They went into the nursery, and the father said to the boy: - Son, you must imagine in your mind one of the members of our family and inspire him to come here. - Okay, dad, - ...

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    Be content with little Parable from Nadezhda Nesterova

    In one village lived an ancient old man. The old man wore the most simple clothes and he never sat idle: either he dug a garden, or he fiddled with cattle, all the time he was making something. The old man had three sons. They lived in poverty, but in peace and harmony. Sons in everything...

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    And I love my son Ingush parable

    Once an old man, his son and grandson went to the mowing. The day was hot and the sun shone mercilessly. The boy was without a hat, and the sun could bake his head. Then his father took off his hat and put it on the boy, while he himself remained with his head uncovered. Then the old man took off his...

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    How to choose a husband modern parable

    The mother instructed her teenage daughter: - Choosing a husband is a responsible matter. This must be treated wisely. Look at dad here. He can fix anything: he repairs the car himself, and he can fix everything in the house: electricity, plumbing ... And furniture, if ...

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    Oath of the wolf Ingush parable

    A boy was tending sheep. Somehow a wolf came up to him and said: - Give me one sheep. I'm old and that's why I'm asking. And so I would take it without asking. Give a sheep - I will thank you. - I can not give without father's permission. “Then go and ask, while I watch the sheep.” ...

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    Who loves father more? Parable from Alexandra Lopatina

    The leader of the tribe was old and strong. The leader had three adult sons. In the morning they went into their father's house and bowed. - Your wisdom, father, keeps our lives! exclaimed the eldest son. - Your mind, father, multiplies our wealth! - said the middle son. - ...

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    I'd better keep it in my head Ingush parable

    It is the duty of a father to teach his sons, so a certain old man different occasions gave advice to his son, and he was rather tired of it. One day my father said: - Don't hang out with these people, - then he named some family, - I know them well. They are capable of any...

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    Father's love for son Ingush parable

    When the prophet Muhammad's son Ibrahim died, the smell of roasted meat spread throughout the city of Medina. This greatly offended the son-in-law of the Prophet Ali ibn Abu Talib. He was indignant that on the day when there is mourning in the house of the prophet, someone indulges himself with delicious food. Ali decided...

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    One day the head of the police of the city, next to which the School House was then, came to visit the Teacher: - Teacher, can I ask you one question? - You have already asked one question, - Teacher laughed, but, seeing that the guest was embarrassed, he added, - Ask ...

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    Wrong place Burmese parable

    Once, artists wandered into a small village. The villagers quickly built a platform for them and all, as one, came to watch the performance. And not far from the place where the platform was arranged, there was a monastery school, so that the novices could also ...

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    Answer to the question Confucian parable

    Chen Kang asked Boyu, "Did your father say anything special to you?" - No! Boyu replied. - But one day, when my father was standing alone, and I was walking hurriedly around the yard, he asked: “Do you learn Songs?” I answered: "No!" He said: “He who does not learn the Songs cannot do anything ...

  • 16

    Father and Son Parable of Kryon

  • Parables. About dad and not only ...

    One day a man came home late from work, as always tired and twitchy,

    and saw that his five-year-old son was waiting at the door.

    Dad, can I ask you something?

    Of course, what happened?

    Dad, how much do you get?

    It's none of your business! - the father was indignant. - And then, why do you need it?

    I just want to know. Please, tell me, how much do you get per hour?

    Well, actually, 500. What?

    Dad ... - the son looked at him from the bottom up with very serious eyes. - Dad, can you borrow 300 for me?

    You only asked so I could give you money for some stupid toy? he shouted. - Immediately march to your room and go to bed! .. You can’t be such an egoist! I work all day, I'm terribly tired, and you're acting so stupid.

    The kid quietly went to his room and closed the door behind him. And his father continued to stand at the door and get angry at the requests of his son. “How dare he ask me about my salary so that he can ask for money later?”

    But after a while he calmed down and began to reason sensibly:

    “Maybe he really needs to buy something very important. To hell with them, with three hundred, after all, he has never asked me for money at all. ” When he entered the nursery, his son was already in bed.

    Are you awake, son? - he asked.

    No, dad. I'm just lying down, - the boy answered.

    I think I answered you too rudely, - said the father. - I had a hard day, and I just broke. I'm sorry. Here, keep the money you asked for.

    The boy sat up in bed and smiled.

    Oh daddy, thanks! he exclaimed happily.

    Then he reached under the pillow and pulled out a few more crumpled banknotes. His father, seeing that the child already had money, got angry again. And the kid put all the money together, and carefully counted the bills, and then looked at his father again.

    Why did you ask for money if you already have it? he muttered.

    Because I didn't have enough. But now I just have enough, - answered the child. - Dad, there are exactly five hundred. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home from work early tomorrow, I want you to have dinner with us.


    There is no morality. I just wanted to remind you that our life is too short to spend it entirely at work. We must not let it slip through our fingers without giving at least a tiny fraction of it to those who truly love us, those closest to us. If we are gone tomorrow, your company will very quickly replace us with someone else. And only for family and friends, this will be a really big loss, which they will remember all their lives. Think about it, because we devote much more time to work than to family.

    The problem of the relationship between parents and children will always remain acute and painful at all times and centuries, and it will never be exhausted to the end by any of the philosophers, sages and psychologists. Only the people themselves, realizing their mistakes, can resolve this intra-family impasse. As with any psychologist, I am often approached by clients with a request to solve intra-family problems. How to help a person when he does not see his mistakes, how not to injure him at the moment stressful situation, to help him find the right solution without edification? In this situation, I use a metaphorical technique, bibliotherapy and fairy tale therapy techniques. This is the most loyal way out in the current situation: a person listens to a parable with a seemingly similar problem and casually approaches the solution of his problem, to the realization of his mistakes, a certain way out is gradually drawn.

    Mother and son

    She was kneeling in front of her son, She asked to be let into the house... And he was indifferent, regretting, That he answered the bell and opened the door. She did not take her eyes off her son, She hoped and still waited. Loved? Well, of course I loved it! Otherwise, she would have died, but did not come. She sobbed and did not understand, How could all this happen? Perhaps a drop of pity remained? She just had nowhere to go. She was just scared, lonely ... And he threw a cigarette butt and said: Perhaps it will be cruel, Get out of here ... I did not call you! He slammed the door, as if backhanded. The soul took a sip of pain over the edge! big point bold put: Live, do not want to live, so die! What kind of power is needed for this? What kind of love is needed then? Rising from her knees, she crossed the house, And wandered from here to nowhere.


    Quite old. Where can she go now? In a nursing home? - Burn with shame! She raised three sons under her heart, With such warmth she speaks of each. It's time for the sons, where more, And then, as God will judge. An old woman goes to the city, through the harvest, With a bag of dried berries and mushrooms. First to the smaller one: "How is the smallest one? From the cradle he was sick. He would quit smoking." To meet her, he spread his arms: "Mom!" And the doors didn't close. How happy her son is! He scooped up a handful of raspberries, He puts him on the couch, pushing the cat, He gives tea to his dear guest, And in the morning: "Now, mother, where?" With shortness of breath, uphill, to the middle old woman. And here is a familiar house in front of her. "Stay ma." And there was not enough spirit, and a lump of resentment came up to the throat. And the matchmaker stood at the post at the unsteadiness, And the guest - the mother overcame a tear. Daughter-in-law in the kitchen, without extinguishing a smile, Cut off a pie for the road. And with a soft, sticky cake in your pocket To the station, and a long-distance ticket is taken. And in the morning it was in a thick fog, Among the mute stones, the dawn caught. So I found a horomina for my son. So why doesn’t he call her home, And doesn’t kiss the mole above the eyebrow, And doesn’t take an accordion to celebrate? Under the obelisk is the elder. Is mom happy? A handkerchief, wet over the eyes, slips, She hugs a cold stone with her arms, And burst out: "Take me, son!" Very old, where can she go now? To a nursing home? Burn with shame. She carried three sons under her heart, She speaks of each with such warmth!


    One day a little boy came home from school and gave his mother a letter from the teacher. Out of nowhere, the mother suddenly began to cry, and then read the letter aloud to her son: “Your son is a genius. This school is too small and there are no teachers here to teach him anything. Please teach it yourself." For many years after his mother's death, he was looking through old family archives and came across this letter. He opened it and read: “Your son is mentally handicapped. We can no longer teach it at school with everyone else. Therefore, we recommend that you learn it yourself at home. The boy's name was Thomas Edison and by that time he had already become one of the greatest inventors of the century. Edison sobbed for hours on end. He then wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally handicapped child. Thanks to his heroic mother, he became one of the greatest geniuses of his age." Appreciate your mothers! Only they love us for who we are and believe in us, no matter what.


    Once upon a time Orphanage a chita came to choose for herself a son or a daughter. Seeing one boy there, They wished to take him home very much. Left alone with the boy, With a sweet smile they said to him: You are glorious and suit us completely: We would gladly take you to us: And he, lowering his eyes, was silent. Well, why don't you answer? Look: we give you a dump truck. And here are sweets, if you wish. Thank you," the answer sounded politely. But there are a lot of toys, a lot. And what else do you have for the kids? we have a dacha and a car. And looking into the boy's eyes, He added quietly - I don't have only a son. Tell me, what would you like? We'll buy you if we can. The husband and wife were silent in embarrassment, Afraid of their carelessness, To sadden the boy even more. I don't need anything. Nothing! I just want to be loved. Tears and sadness became clear, Souls of boys, lonely pain: Oh, how he yearned for love, In his orphan, hopeless lot! And what did they offer him? Toys, sweets, wealth. Living without affection and relatives, Love was needed only mom and dad. The boy got up, Well, I went "And took a step towards the door. And the husband and wife, consonant in soul, Pressed to themselves: Dear, believe us: We love you! You don't leave! Be a beloved son. And the boy was crying quietly on his chest, Mom and dad, hearing his name.


    Hurrying to dirty deeds, sneaking through the streets like a thief, Mother threw her son over the orphanage fence. He lay down in the grass for a little while and moved away from the blow. He could not yet stand on his feet, but he crawled very well. Not submitting to failure, getting on all fours with difficulty, He crawled with bitter crying not childishly to seek his new house. The rain was drizzling, and the gray city seemed to be yearning too, because the boy once called the one behind the fence his mother. Yesterday he pressed against her arms, against her chest: Yesterday he smiled, not knowing what was ahead. As he fell asleep, he made plans: to play cars in the morning. He didn't want to get up so early when his mother woke him up. He called her, but soon realized that he would not achieve anything. The mother on the other side of the fence no longer heard him. And, continuing to cry loudly, looking for comfort and warmth, he crawled into the booth, where the dog lay down to feed his puppies. The dog jumped up in horror, ready to join the fight, not understanding what had happened, And what to do next. A look like a shot, but ... a misfire! And pity drove out anger. As if the grief of a little man in a dog's heart gave way. She did not touch the boy, feeling that there was no evil in him. And with a friendly ringing bark, she seemed to be calling people. The kid soon left the booth, trusting in the hands of others. The dog turned out to be sensitive not only to its own puppies. And they will be the topic of conversation For all years, and maybe centuries, the mother on the other side of the fence. And the mother of six puppies


    Once upon a time there was a blind girl who hated herself for her blindness. She hated everyone else, except her own. loving groom. He always supported her. One day she told him: "If only I could see this world, I would marry you." And then someone became a donor, giving her their eyes. When the bandage was removed, she was able to see everything, and she saw her fiancé. And he asked her, "Now that you see, will you marry me?" The girl looked at him and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She didn't expect this. The thought of having to look at those unseeing eyes for the rest of her life was unbearable to her, and made her backtrack on her promise. Her boyfriend left crying and soon wrote her a letter saying, "Take good care of your eyes, my dear - before they were yours, they belonged to me." This is how our brain often reacts when our status changes. Only a few remember what life was like before, and who supported them in the most deplorable situations. Life is a gift Today, before you sneer, think of those who cannot speak. Before complaining about the taste of your food, think of those who have nothing to eat. Before complaining about your spouse, think of those who alone pray to God for a companion. Today, before complaining about life, think about those who died too soon. Before complaining about your children, think about those who cannot have them, despite their great desire. Before complaining about the mess and dirt in the house, think about those who live on the street. Before you get upset about the distance you have to travel, think about those who walk it. And when you're tired and complaining about your job, think of the unemployed, the disabled, and all those who would dream of your place. But before you raise your finger and condemn another, remember that each of us is a sinner. When sad thoughts overcome you, smile and think: "You are still alive and needed!"


    We pretend that we don't care, but we ourselves understand that this is not so. We say we hate when we really love. We slam the doors, realizing that we will return more than once. We know that the wish will not come true, but we still throw coins into the fountain. see you with different people, but we forget to meet the one and only. We smile when we really want to cry. We say that everything is fine when things are worse than ever. We put our hands in our pockets when we want to take a hand. We turn on music when we are afraid of silence. We make promises knowing that we will never keep them. We talk about the shortcomings, forgetting to list the best. We pretend to be busy, although we just want to be alone. We give a lot of advice, realizing that we will never apply them in our lives. We think that everything is hopeless without trying to do anything. We think that we understand why we live, considering all of the above to be meaningless.


    Appreciate those whose hands with warmth Will warm you when there is a blizzard in your heart Who is dear to you with spiritual beauty, Who looks at problems without fear Appreciate those who did not curse you When others condemned you in trouble Who quietly gave a helping hand While others loudly promised Appreciate those who responded to your pain Worthyly silent with a non-evil look And those in whom there is never pretense Forget those who do not need to be appreciated We are all wrong in some ways Everyone had both joy and anxiety Let them appreciate you as you appreciate you are the People who came into your life from God.

    Psychologist-consultant Statsenko L.V.