How to quickly clean clothes from pellets. How to get rid of pellets on clothes, simple ways

Spools are an unpleasant trifle that can send even the most favorite wardrobe item to the shelf for household items. This is not surprising, because the clothes become old and unkempt in appearance. Today we will talk about how to remove pilling from clothes using all kinds of home appliances.

What causes pellets to appear on the fabric

The nature of the appearance of ugly lumps on the surface of a jacket or trousers can be varied:

  • Washing powder. Automatic machines are equipped with special modes of manual or delicate washing, capable of preserving the original appearance of things. In addition, you should consider the type of detergent that is used in the cleaning process. For each product, choose a powder for directional action: cleaning for synthetics, gel for wool, cotton, etc. An incorrectly chosen drug contributes to the fact that the fabric becomes rough, and vile lumps appear on the surface.
  • External factors. Fiber rolling is caused by friction. As a rule, a thing begins to deteriorate in places where it comes into contact with another, coarser material. These factors are the straps of backpacks or trousers, a jacket worn over a sweater. At risk are synthetic or woolen products, as well as clothes with large villi.
  • Features of matter. All items in the wardrobe are sewn from synthetic or natural matter. Everyone knows fleece, flannel, polyester, silk, knitwear, chintz, cotton and other materials. Regardless of the type of fabric, any item of clothing is not immune to the appearance of spools. Only the rate of appearance of fiber rolling depends on the type of fabric.
  • Wrong care. Many problems with things come from the fact that people are often inattentive to the information that the manufacturer indicates on the label. Important information includes the composition of the product, the rules for washing, drying and ironing. If you do not follow the proposed rules, the pellets will appear much earlier, and with proper care, troubles can be avoided.

How to clean things from spools

To get rid of pellets on clothes at home, experienced housewives offer time-tested methods.

Machine for shaving

The most effective way to remove pilling on clothes is to use a razor. It is important to choose not a used accessory, but a new sharp apparatus. The method is delicate and will require your attention and concentration. Suitable for cotton or knitwear. The scheme of actions is as follows:

  1. To begin the procedure, spread the thing on a flat surface. Ask a friend to help you fix it in a taut position. It is necessary to exclude any possibility of wrinkles and creases.
  2. Take a sharp machine without gel strips. Start processing from the back side, moving from top to bottom. To increase efficiency, move without leaving the matter in short but smooth jerks.
  3. Periodically remove lumps that accumulate between the blades. When finished, go to the front side, and first process the seams. Pay special attention to this. You should not lead the blade along the bend itself, otherwise the fabric will be cut.
  4. As a rule, they resort to using a razor if it is necessary to clean mittens, gloves, scarves or hats, that is, small wardrobe items. "Seasoned" housewives use this method for pants and sweaters.

Important point! Products with long villi are not amenable to shaving. You should be careful with wool or products made from thick threads.

Hair trimming with scissors

The technique is suitable for removing large lumps from the tissue. Small nail scissors with thin blades are used. Care must be taken not to over tighten.

  1. Lay out your clothes on a flat surface and point a bright lamp at them so that you can perform all the manipulations in daylight. Hold the scissors parallel to the surface, and carefully cut away any unwanted fiber crowding.
  2. Haircut should start from the back, gradually moving forward. Sleeves, seams, neck and other small elements are processed last.

Removing pellets from clothes with the help of scissors is designed to care for wardrobe items with a complex and intricate texture.

The use of adhesive tape

Using adhesive tape to remove is a simple but ineffective method. The procedure is carried out in several stages.

  1. Unfold and secure the item.
  2. Cut a wide adhesive tape into pieces of 5-10 cm.
  3. Apply to the area with the pellets, press firmly and pull back sharply. So you rip off all the neoplasms, and at the same time remove dirt and dust. If necessary, repeat the manipulations several times.

Scotch will not cope with large lumps, but small ones will definitely succumb. The tape is used to clean coats, jackets, hats, scarves or fine knit sweaters.

An improved analogue will be a special roller with a roll of adhesive tape with a handle for cleaning clothes. You can buy it in any supermarket. However, its effectiveness is 15-20% lower than that of adhesive tape.


This method is suitable for the care of clothes with a long pile: mohair, angora, etc.

  1. Take a tool with soft bristles, clean it and scald it.
  2. Direct the brush along the fabric fibers, otherwise the product will be irreparably damaged. Comb the thing several times “in rows” until the spools are completely gone.
  3. Once you comb and remove the clumps, prepare a solution of 3 liters of water and 70 ml of vinegar for soaking. Send the processed product to the basin.
  4. Rinse the clothes, then lay them out to dry on terry towels. Keep wardrobe items away from radiators and out of direct sunlight. After drying, comb the garment with a brush.

Lump remover

Today, there are many devices designed to take care of the wardrobe. One of the most popular devices is the machine from the pellets on clothes.

  • The device looks like a small box, which has a compartment with blades that are protected by a grill.
  • The machine for removing pellets from clothes works like this: when passed through the fabric, the lumps fall into the holes and are cut off there. After that, they are moved to a special compartment for "garbage".
  • The cost of the machine depends on its type. There are devices that run on batteries or on batteries. The price of the latter is higher (about 1000 rubles). You can buy a battery operated car for 150-250 rubles.
  • The product is suitable for cleaning wool, knitwear, angora or mohair.
  • In the settings of the machine, you can set the height of the blades, which is why the decor elements are not damaged during processing.

Other removal methods

  • Sandpaper. If the fibers roll on a fabric without lint, then you can clean the surface with zero sandpaper. So you simultaneously comb the thing and cut off small neoplasms.

  • Bread crumbs. Dry a piece of loaf in the oven. Lay the clothes out on a flat surface and rub the fabric with it. If the cracker is strong, it will cut off lumps and not damage the material.
  • Gum. Chew the gum, then roll the wet substance over the wardrobe item, collecting all the extra details. Plasticine works the same way.

The sooner you detect a problem and start solving it, the more likely it is to save your clothes. Do not expect a large accumulation of unnecessary, fallen balls. Regularly inspect the condition of surfaces prone to the appearance of neoplasms, and remove the first ones that appear in time. So your wardrobe will look beautiful and well-groomed.

Video: 5 ways to remove pellets from clothes

Pills on clothes are an unpleasant problem that can significantly worsen the appearance of a thing. On some things, pellets appear after the first wash and, often, your favorite wardrobe items “move” to the country very soon. To date, there are special machines that can save the wardrobe from early aging, but you can remove pellets from clothes at home with improvised tools. Read our article on how to do this correctly, and also in it you will find recommendations on how to protect a thing from the appearance of spools.

Pellets on clothes: causes of appearance

Why do pills appear on clothes? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, because everything depends on the quality of the fabric and the way it is cared for. Although, even with a careful attitude to clothing, spools are not uncommon. Often, they indicate that the thing has begun to wear out, and the fabric is “aging”. There are such main reasons for the appearance of pellets on clothes:

  • synthetic fibers in fabric. It should be noted that clothing made from natural fabrics and impurities of synthetic fibers is most susceptible to the appearance of pellets. On things made of artificial fabric, it is very rare to notice pellets or even their slightest manifestations;
  • improper care of clothes. Caring for this or that clothing is based on the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the tag. Very often, it is the wrong washing or the use of the wrong detergents that lead to the appearance of spools;
  • elongated broaches of thread on the fabric. This feature of a thing can be seen immediately upon purchase with the naked eye. Among other things, such a broach of the thread indicates a low quality of the fabric;
  • looseness of the fabric. Or, in other words, poorly twisted threads, which are also an indicator of poor quality fabric;
  • intense friction of the fabric on various surfaces. For example, in the armpit area, when clothes come into contact with the bag and wear out in a short time through friction.

How to remove pilling from clothes

You want to keep a great look of your favorite clothes for as long as possible. But it is quite difficult to insure it against the appearance of pellets, and if such a problem has already appeared, then you should try to cope with it through mechanical devices and useful life hacks.

  1. The machine from the pellets on clothes.

Removing pills from clothes with a typewriter is a pleasure. This inexpensive, unpretentious device can greatly facilitate the process of caring for clothes. In general, the machine consists of three components: a handle-holder, a motor and a “fan” with knives for cutting pellets. The device very carefully, without damaging the surface of the fabric, removes protruding pellets from the surface of the thing. The device is recommended for use on woolen and knitted clothes. How to use a clothes pilling machine:

  • insert batteries into the device;
  • turn on the machine, adjusting the power according to the type of fabric;
  • machine the desired area.

  1. Shaver.

The number one remedy for pilling on clothes is a regular razor. This is a fairly well-known method that many people use. However, removing pilling from clothes with a razor can “injure” the fabric. This method is suitable for knitwear. But things from angora, mohair or cashmere can suffer significantly. How to remove pellets from clothes with a razor:

  • secure the blade in a Soviet style safety razor. It is best to take the blade not new, but already a little dull;
  • stretch the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric on which there are pellets as much as possible;
  • guiding the blade along the surface of the fabric at a slightly angle, cut off the pellets, moving from the bottom up.

  1. Scotch.

To remove pellets from clothes, you can use ordinary stationery tape. The method, of course, is not the most effective, but it is quite suitable for updating things and eliminating small spools. It is worth noting that the adhesive tape in this case should be chosen as sticky as possible. The principle of action is akin to waxing: glued the strip, smoothed it, quickly tore it off.

How to apply the method. Method 1:

  • wrap the adhesive tape on the palm in several layers;
  • stretch the area of ​​fabric that needs to be updated;
  • With sharp movements, apply your palm to the fabric, then quickly tear off.
  • tear off a strip of tape;
  • stick adhesive tape on the fabric in the place where the pellets form;
  • smooth the tape with your palm;
  • tear off a strip of tape.

  1. Scissors.

Removing spools with scissors is a laborious and rather tedious process. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the fabric by cutting a hole in it. Nevertheless, as an option for saving clothes from pellets, it will do just fine. How to apply the method:

  • lay out the fabric, stretching it to the maximum;
  • “comb” the clothes in the place where the spools accumulate with a comb with rare teeth;
  • cut off the spools one by one.

  1. Dry cleaning.

If the thing is really dear to you and there is an opportunity to use the services of dry cleaning, then it is better not to be stingy and give the clothes for processing there. Experienced employees with the help of special units can easily remove pellets from clothes and bring the thing into proper shape.

  1. Toothbrush.

Removing pilling with a toothbrush is a great option for fabrics such as angora, mohair, cashmere, etc. A toothbrush should be chosen with soft bristles and as if combing pellets from the fabric. The method is quite effective. You need to apply it like this:

  • unfold the thing, stretching the fibers as much as possible;
  • place the toothbrush in the problem area and move along the fibers, combing out the spools;
  • after processing, rinse the thing in water with vinegar;
  • dry by placing on a dry towel away from direct sunlight and heaters.

  1. Roller with sticky tape.

This method works in much the same way as tape. It is not very effective, but it will help to improve the appearance of the thing. How to remove the pellets with a roller with adhesive tape:

  • lay out the thing on any surface or put it on yourself;
  • run the roller up and down the fabric several times.

Prevention of the appearance of pellets on clothes

Pill-free clothing is the desire of many. Getting rid of this problem is not easy, but you can try to prevent it by following a few simple rules for caring for clothes.

  1. Compliance with the regime of washing, drying, ironing, socks. I mean, care for clothes in accordance with the recommendations on the label.
  2. Proper washing powder. The choice of washing powder should also be according to the recommendations on the label. In addition, today there are several varieties of washing powder to prevent pilling. If the fabric is subject to rapid wear, then it is best to choose just such a washing agent.
  3. Items that are prone to pilling are best washed on a gentle cycle or a hand wash program.
  4. Do not "run" clothes. If the pellets began to appear on the fabric, then it is best to remove them immediately, without waiting for the appearance of new ones and without waiting for premature aging of the tissue.
  5. Knitwear should only be washed at low temperatures. Such clothes are best washed at a temperature of 30-40 degrees.
  6. Do not twist, rub or soak knitwear when washing. And we iron only at the temperature indicated on the label (according to the composition of the fibers).

How to get rid of pills on clothes. Video

Everyone wants to look perfect, so that you can say "dressed like a needle." If the thing is new, recently purchased or worn only a couple of times, then there should be no problems with its ideal appearance. But the favorite sweater, which is worn almost constantly in the cold, is quite difficult to keep in the reference state. Spools, hooks can appear on it, which give an untidy and unattractive look to the clothes and its owner. How to get rid of unsightly pills on clothes quickly and easily at home, read our article.

Why do pellets appear on woolen products

A quality item will keep its perfect appearance for a long time with appropriate care and respect. It is important to properly wash, wring, dry, straighten sweaters, knitted skirts and dresses, taking into account all the manufacturer's recommendations on the labels. But no matter how the thing is taken care of, sooner or later pellets form on it: they appear as a result of friction of clothing parts against other things, natural fibers begin to separate into separate threads, and thus these defects appear.

They quickly appear on the sleeves of sweaters, the back, children's tights, socks and spoil the overall look of the thing. Experienced housewives recommend starting to deal with pellets immediately after they appear. At the first stage, when there are few of them, single pellets can be removed from clothes simply with your hands, plucking them with your fingers or carefully cutting them off with small sharp scissors.

Simple and effective ways to clean clothes

You can remove the spools from your favorite warm woolen sweater with the help of improvised means that you have at home:

  • toothbrush;
  • adhesive tape (construction or stationery), a special roller with adhesive tape;
  • old razor;
  • combs with small frequent teeth;
  • special trimmer.

As practice shows, you can quickly clean clothes in different ways, but it is important not to spoil your favorite thing, so before the procedure you need to figure out which tool is most suitable for a particular material from which a sweater, dress, hat is made.

Method one: removal at the initial stage

If the pellets have just appeared and there are very few of them, you can use adhesive tape - transparent clerical or white construction tape. It is necessary to firmly press the adhesive tape to the area where defects have appeared, and tear it off with a sharp movement of the hand. Together with it, the pellets will also be removed.

This method is categorically not suitable for things knitted from a fluffy thread: angora, mohair, cashmere. If you use it, then your favorite sweater may turn out to be with unsightly "bald patches". You can also try to remove woolen lumps using a roller with adhesive tape, but it must also be sharply torn off the fabric so that the pellets remain on it, and not on clothes.

Method two: using a razor

The most common way to quickly remove pilling from a "smooth" knit garment is to "shave" it. You need to take a razor with slightly blunt blades and short shaving movements to remove defects from the canvas. This method is perfect for jerseys with grits and smooth viscous.

But it is necessary to monitor the force of pressure, otherwise you can accidentally cut the fabric and ruin your favorite thing. Therefore, it is recommended to use not a new razor, but a slightly blunt one to minimize the risk of cuts. It is most convenient to “shave” sweaters, dresses, tights with disposable plastic razors, directing the blade from top to bottom. At the same time, the product itself must be straightened as much as possible and stretched the area to be processed. Pantyhose can be cleaned by pulling on the hand, for example, for children, or by putting it on the legs (adults).

Method three: toothbrush

If suddenly there was no extra razor at home, which is not a pity to use for household needs, or if the adhesive tape has run out, you can use a toothbrush, it is desirable that it be with hard bristles. It is necessary, as it were, to “comb” the problem areas on the clothes, removing the spools from the knitted fabric. This method of stonecrop is best suited for “fluffy” clothes: sweaters from angora, cashmere, mohair. The toothbrush combs and fluffs the product, simultaneously removing defects. After such cleaning, the sweater or dress will look like new. This method works a little worse for jerseys of coarse and smooth knitting.

Method four: combing

You can remove the pellets using an ordinary plastic or metal comb with fine and frequent teeth. It captures all the woolen balls well, tearing them off, it is best suited for cleaning mohair and angora clothes. But for knitwear with a large knit, this method can be a real disaster: the comb does not so much remove the spools as it grabs the threads and pulls them out.

Method five: special means

If pellets often appear on things, there are a lot of them, they irritate and make you feel bad, then you need to deal with them with special means. The best assistant is a pilling machine (trimmer), which does an excellent job with defects on knitted fabrics and any woolen fabrics. Such machines can run on batteries or from the mains, the height of the blades is adjustable, there is a container for collecting cut balls. The cost of such a gadget is comparable to the price of several razors.

What is the best way? Summing up

The method of removing the pellets directly depends on the type of thread that is part of the product, therefore, for different clothes, your own method will be effective:

  1. To remove pellets from mohair, cashmere, angora, you need to use a toothbrush or a plastic comb with fine, frequent teeth.
  2. Knitted clothes with a smooth knit can also be “combed” or “shaved”, with a large one - only “shave”.
  3. Scotch tape or a roller with duct tape can help remove pilling from clothes only at the initial stage of their appearance.

In various forums, the Internet community recommends using sandpaper - “zero”, toothpicks, matches (burn them with fire) to remove tissue lumps on things. But these exotic methods can only lead to damage to clothes.

Fight or warn?

There are several rules that will help even young housewives in the struggle for the perfect look of their favorite thing:

  • clothes should be washed in the correct mode indicated on the labels;
  • it is advisable to choose gentle detergents, for example, liquid washing powders, add special conditioners to the rinse water;
  • knitwear does not need to be twisted and soaked;
  • knitted products made from natural materials “do not like” machine washing - only hand washing in cool water will help them maintain their shape and appearance.

It is desirable to remove the pellets immediately after the appearance of the first woolen lumps - then it will be much easier to preserve the appearance of the thing. To remove defects from expensive clothes, it is best to use the services of dry cleaners. Careful proper care - and your favorite thing will delight you with its appearance for a long time.

When purchasing new clothes, every woman wants them not to lose their original appearance for a longer time, to remain as new. But even on quite good clothes, spools suddenly begin to appear from nowhere, making things unpresentable. Such an unaesthetic spectacle can spoil the mood of any of us. How to remove pellets, why they appear on clothes - it will be useful to learn more about this.


Pellets are usually formed by contact and friction of the fabric with something. For example, touching a bag with a skirt, a sweater with a coat or jacket. In places of close contact, rubbing of the surface occurs. It is believed that pills on clothes talking about low quality. They mainly appear on things made from fabrics with a pile or a loose weave of threads. But there are other reasons too:

Violation of the rules for care is washing in excessively hot water, using the wrong powder;
a combination of natural and synthetic fibers in the fabric;
looseness of the material, insufficient twisting of the threads or their long broaches, which can be seen upon purchase.

Preventive measures

The appearance of pellets on clothes is easier to prevent than to try to remove them later. For this you need:

- follow the recommendations indicated on clothing labels;
- wash by hand or in a delicate mode things from woolen and loose fabrics;
- add fabric softener when washing;
- do not use too hot water;
- when buying, pay attention to the quality of the fabric;
- If necessary, give such things to dry cleaning.

How to remove spools?

If they still appear, it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible. If there are a lot of spools, it is more difficult to do this. There are plenty of ways to help take them off your clothes.

1. With a blade (disposable safety razor without soap strip). When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to lay out the thing on a flat surface and pull it so that there are no wrinkles. Not suitable for embossed fabrics, there is a possibility of damage.

2. Pills from clothes can be combed out, if there are not too many of them yet, with a toothbrush. A sponge for dishes is also suitable here.

3. It is convenient to clean the felt pile with a wide adhesive tape. This method eliminates damage to clothing. It is necessary to properly stick the strip on the fabric, and then sharply remove it.

4. Who is not too lazy to fiddle for a long time, they can cut off the pellets with nail scissors.

5. Use special additives for softening fabric fibers when washing. After washing several times with such a tool, you can get a thing with an already more updated fabric.

6. Dry cleaning gets rid of pilling, but, unfortunately, this method is applicable only to outerwear.

7. A special device perfectly copes with the problem - a trimmer that collects pellets with a sticky roller or cuts them off.

There are enough ways to remove the pellets, you just need to choose the most convenient for yourself. But it is better to immediately purchase things of good quality and properly care for them.

Surely every hostess was worried about the question: “ How to remove pills from clothes?". Of course, the easiest way would be to take the thing to a dry cleaner, where it will certainly be brought to its proper form, but sometimes it is completely inappropriate to spend money on something that you can do yourself. Yes, removing pellets from clothes is not easy, but if you know what you need to use, then this activity is quite capable of returning your things to their original appearance. The method of disposal depends directly on the thing itself and the material from which it is made. So, for example, not every one of the methods presented here can remove the pellets from the coat.

In order to answer the question: “How to remove pellets from clothes at home?” - it is necessary to clarify for what reasons they appear. And this is why it happens:

  • natural fabrics are most often subject to the formation of pellets, as they have a fleecy structure;
  • the wrong temperature and detergents for washing things can also increase the chances that spools will soon appear on clothes;
  • washing mode unsuitable for specific clothes;
  • constant impact on the fabric, friction.

Thus, knowing the reasons for which pellets occur, you have the opportunity to prevent their occurrence, so that later you don’t have to ask yourself: “How to remove pellets from clothes?”. But if they did appear, then let's look at the ways in which you can remove them with improvised means.


Hard washcloth

You can remove pilling on clothes with a hard washcloth in the following way: take a new hard washcloth, do not wet it and start cleaning the clothes, directing the washcloth along the fibers of the clothes.

Breadcrumbs can also help remove pilling from clothes. To do this, you need to choose a large cracker and run it along the fibers of the clothes. Do this carefully so as not to crush it.


Removing pilling on clothes at home with sandpaper is very simple. To do this, choose a fine-grained sandpaper and slowly run it over the clothes. This method can only be applied to clothes that do not have a pile. Otherwise, you can simply damage the thing.

old toothbrush

This method will help remove the pellets on clothes that have a fairly long nap. In order to get rid of the spools, it is necessary to brush along the pile with a toothbrush, gradually removing all the spools.

dense scallop

This method will help remove only large spools. To do this, simply comb the clothes, trying to remove as many pellets as possible.

Tape or duct tape

This method of removing spools is ineffective, since only small spools can be removed in this way. The principle of operation is similar to waxing: the adhesive tape is applied to clothes, pressed down, after which it abruptly comes off along with the spools that have managed to stick.

Removing pellets with scissors is a very long and tedious task. In addition, if you do it carelessly, you risk damaging the clothes, which will not make them look better. To remove the pellets from the clothes, you need to carefully cut them with scissors, trying not to hook the fabric.

Razor or blade

You can only remove pilling with a razor from small clothes. In principle, it is possible with large clothes, but it will take a very long time. The principle of operation is as follows: the fabric that requires cleaning from the pellets is stretched, after which a new razor is taken and with its help all the pellets are “shaved off”. Shaving should be done from the bottom up, against the direction of the villi. In addition, on clothes with a long pile, it will not be possible to remove the pellets in this way.

Special device for cutting pellets

This method of removing pellets can safely be called the easiest. The specially designed pilling machine will help you quickly and easily remove all the pilling on your clothes. In this case, the main thing is to monitor the height of the device so as not to damage the clothes.

Thus, after reading our article, you will learn how to independently remove pellets from clothes at home. And in the event that you don’t succeed, you can always take the clothes to the dry cleaners.