Family and family values ​​in Italy. Emigration from Russia and family life in Italy. The main disadvantages of the "Italian family"

Most Russians have never been abroad, and if they have been, it is exclusively on tourist trips. Tourists often see the most better side life, thanks to which there is an opinion that everything is good everywhere, but not in Russia.

Italy gave birth to the concept known throughout the world as dolce vita. Tourists who are attracted by the rich cultural heritage, mild subtropical climate, wonderful beaches, seek to capture the main touches of this lifestyle, and try to adopt foreigners who come here in search of a better destiny.

It seems that against the backdrop of world-famous architectural landmarks, surrounded by vibrant landscapes, in Italy, life flows in a special way - rich, dynamic, stormy - in a word, like in a movie. It is natural that dolce vita is a purely Italian concept.

This theme is also heard in a detailed story about living in sunny Italy by a native of Belgorod, and now a resident of the small resort town of Pineto (Abruzzo region, Teramo province) on the Adriatic coast and the wife of a native Italian. Now Olga is a housewife. At my request, she told me about how the life of an Italian family looks from the inside.

About home bookkeeping

The most significant item of expenditure in the family budget is utility bills. By the way, receipts for public utilities are paid mainly once every two months, for water supply and drainage - once every three months.

Almost half of my husband's salary is eaten up by paying for a "communal apartment", buying gasoline for two cars (each of us has our own) and medicines (they are quite expensive).

How much does a "communal" cost? Our family uses gas for an average of 1,000 euros per year. For water we pay about two hundred euros annually, for a landline phone with internet - 390 euros. Payment for electricity costs about 540 euros per year, garbage disposal - 250 euros. Is it a lot or a little? Judge for yourself: our family's income is 2,200 euros per month.

Regarding electricity, gas supply, telephone with Internet, in Italy, subscribers themselves choose the company that provides these services, competition reigns in the respective markets.

Various tariff offers. Say, a month ago we used the services of an organization offering consumers a cheaper tariff for electricity in the evening and at night and a more expensive one during the day. Then they decided to change the energy supply company, since such a tariff prompted that most of the homework carried over to the night.

At some point, I decided that it was burdensome and that I had had enough. Therefore, my husband and I chose a tariff from another organization. Now we pay the same for electricity consumption both day and night.

Pretty much in Italy expensive products nutrition. But a wide range, and you can choose food for every taste. A big plus is that all products are of high quality and buyers do not even have doubts.

For compliance sanitary norms there is very tight control. There is no chance of running into expired food in the supermarket or food that was stored or transported improperly.

Most Pineto residents buy their goods in supermarkets, as well as in specialized small shops. Let's say meat and cheese, I often buy from the same store. There is no market in Pineto that would work on all days.

Our market is only open on Saturday. In neighboring cities - on other days of the week. Markets usually sell fruits and vegetables. There are also clothing markets where you can buy clothes and shoes.

It is probably not news to you that in Italy there are very strong family ties, especially when compared with other European countries or the USA. Italians closely communicate with members of their family "clan". In Italy, these are numerous relatives, close and not so close - aunts, uncles, cousins ​​and cousins ​​who gather for celebrations - weddings, anniversaries.

All family members meet at Christmas. It is also customary to invite one of the relatives to dinner on Sunday or on holidays. But a dinner is just a dinner, and not a “gull” that is arranged in Russia.

At a dinner party, an Italian hostess serves two or three home-made hot dishes, coffee with dessert, and fruit. But the family in Italy is not only to arrange gatherings at the laid table.

If someone gets to the hospital, relatives visit him, are on duty near the patient, although the patient is constantly looked after by attentive medical staff, and the hospital provides good nutrition and no need to carry food from home.

The family will also come to the rescue in the event that one of the relatives gets into trouble. It can be financial difficulties, judicial red tape. Usually in complex life situations Italians, first of all, count on the support of their "clan", and not friends.

In Italian families, children are spoiled. The whims of the child are usually satisfied. For example, in some families, teenagers from the age of fifteen are allowed by their parents to go to a disco. At discos, there are all sorts of temptations, to put it mildly, useless for young people, to which they can succumb due to lack of sufficient life experience.

The school curriculum in Italy is complex. Without the help of one of the parents or grandparents, not every student can cope with homework.

Therefore, when a child begins to go to school (from the age of six), many working mothers have a choice: to continue working and hire a governess for the child or quit and devote maximum time to studying and raising their child.

There is no such thing as "extension" in Italy. In the first grade, children, one might say, get used to studying at school. The first grader's homework consists of coloring special notebooks.

Primary school has five grades. Incomplete secondary education - plus three more classes, and then another five years of study at the lyceum. And only after the lyceum - higher education.

Universities study from three to five years, after which specialization lasts for another two years. Faces are different. Scientific and classical lyceums provide the highest quality education. They are chosen by boys and girls who plan to receive higher education. You can choose a professional lyceum. This is an analogue of Russian technical schools and vocational schools.

Children preschool age usually go to kindergarten. It can be either a public kindergarten or a private one. Children in the kindergarten do not sleep, which is inconvenient. At 16.00 there are no more pupils in kindergartens. If the baby does not have lunch, then he can only be in the garden until twelve o'clock.

We gave our son to the garden in three years old. near us state kindergarten no, that's why the first two months, so that the baby got used to the team, I took him to a private one. He was there for two hours five times a week. For this we paid 80 euros per month. Also exclusively paid are the lessons of the child in sports sections. For example, attending swimming training costs 40 euros per month.

About the rest

On the weekends, it is not customary for Italians to sit at home watching TV. Spouses, alone or with children, go to cinemas, cafes, pizzerias. As for restaurants, prices are quite high, but Italians do not refuse such pleasure: if it allows family budget, then why not have lunch or dinner at a restaurant once a week.

But such, as they show in the television series, when the hostess did not want to bother with dinner - the family went to the restaurant every day - of course not.

The resort of Pineto has clean, comfortable sandy beaches, where there is a rental of equipment for water sports, everything for beach volleyball, all kinds of entertainment on the water ... Tourists come to Pineto to relax on the Adriatic coast (the water here is crystal clear). Most of all Germans and residents of the northern part of Europe.

Citizens also do not neglect the opportunity to soak up the beaches. The city has plenty of restaurants, pizzerias, bars, souvenir shops. All this for every taste and wallet.

In Italy, places are specially reserved for supporters of outdoor recreation. Usually barbecue is served at picnics, not shish kebab. It would not even occur to an Italian to arrange a picnic somewhere in the forest, in an unauthorized place. The penalty for this will be very significant. Mushroom pickers are also not allowed to go on a "silent hunt" without a special license to pick mushrooms.

Those who like to relax in a crowded place accompanied by loud music will have to go out of town - discos are located at a decent distance from cities. All discos from Pineto are twenty kilometers away. They open at twelve at night and work until the morning. Thus, the authorities protect the peace of citizens from loud music and bright lighting of entertainment facilities.

Quite often I heard the phrase: “Well, what are you cooking in Italy? One pasta." This is a misconception. Certainly, Italian Cuisine famous for flour products. These are pasta, lasagna, ravioli, and tortellini (Italian dumplings with cheese, meat or vegetables), and of course, pizza.

All these foods are present in in large numbers varieties. They are tasty, quite affordable, safe, so Italian housewives can always choose whether to cook some dish themselves or use a semi-finished product.

It should be explained that semi-finished products are of varying degrees of readiness: some are enough to heat up in the microwave, while others only serve as part of the dish that women cook at home. This is very convenient, but most of my friends still cook themselves.

In general, homemade food is highly valued in Italy. If I treat someone to my dish, then it's - "wow!". Store-bought, even tasty, do not deserve such respect.

Everything you need to improve your culinary skills is here. All food products quality, always fresh. You can buy any delicacies of the highest grade. It's no secret that Italians love to eat tasty and satisfying food, so food is a pleasure.

About the feeling of beauty

I will not reveal secrets if I say that the vast majority of Italians are aesthetes. All of them must be beautiful. Starting from the house and the yard and ending general view cities. And the authorities are worried that no one will spoil the picture of the urban landscape.

For example, in Italy you will not see any high-rise building, in which some balconies are glazed, while others are not. Either all are glazed, or none. And the fact is that the owners of apartments decide this at meetings by a majority of votes: whether the balconies will be glazed. If the majority has made a decision, then the dissenters have no choice but to obey the will of the majority. Otherwise, a fine. And a big one.

The cities are clean. Household waste exported depending on the season. Pineto, as I noted above, is a resort town, therefore, when the number of people in the city almost doubles in summer, garbage is taken out more often. By the way, in Italy separate waste collection: organic waste is taken out separately, paper separately and plastic separately. Separation of waste is carried out by each person himself.

Love for comfort and neatness are also manifested in the fact that Italians keep poultry and livestock exclusively in country houses. In the cities it is officially prohibited. Such a strict requirement, however, does not apply to pets: dogs, cats.

There are four-legged "residents" in almost every house. Moreover, the Italians for the most part choose non-pedigreed pets. You can often see how mongrel dogs are walking on reins on the street.

About the cult of youth and grooming

Italians take great care of their appearance. This applies, among other things, depending on the place of the event and the time of day. Simply put, during the day you will not see people dressed in evening dress, and it would never occur to anyone to go to a solemn event dressed in the “Casual” style.

Italian women are usually dressed in Italian brands from natural fabrics. A win-win in the daytime for women - dark blue jeans and White shirt. If the Italians somewhere meet before dinner a woman with a bright evening make-up V elegant dress, and even in shoes with “stiletto heels”, they will decide that the señora did not spend the night at home and is returning from the party.

There are many beaches in Pineto, and there are many vacationers on them, but in the evening on the promenade, in city cafes and pizzerias, you will not see people in beach flip-flops, in shorts and T-shirts, in which they were on the beach during the daytime.

If the girls are in shorts and slippers, then these are “going out” shorts - of the appropriate cut and from expensive fabric, and the slippers are leather, can be decorated with rhinestones. By the way, for Italians, a miniskirt and shorts over the age of 40 is a taboo. Even if the figure allows.

I have heard that in Italy the lords are very fond of fur coats. And they boast of them even in relatively warm weather. Have not noticed. At least in Pineto in fur coats from expensive fur I saw older women at Christmas. But popular.

Relatively jewelry , then they are understood here. fashionable White gold with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, pearls, in a word, expensive jewelry stones. Preference is given to elegant, not massive products. It is also important that it is from a well-known brand.

Every Italian makes sure that the “jewelry” does not go too far. Here, women know that you can overdo it and become like a Christmas tree. In Italy, this is not a demonstration of wealth, but bad taste. To complete the picture, it must be said that Italians, and not only women, but also men, also carefully look after themselves.

For women, visiting beauty salons is an everyday thing. Do all sorts of things cosmetic procedures: peeling, masks, anti age procedures, waxing. I'm not talking about manicures and pedicures. Manicure with varnish application costs from ten euros, "French" - about 20, and painting on nails - much more expensive.

Men use face creams. No one considers this "not a man's business." In general, looking younger than your age and taking care of your health is a worthy goal for all middle-aged Italians.

At the end of the conversation, I asked my friend what, in her opinion, is the famous dolce vita. Olga, thinking, answered in a philosophical way: this is an understanding that life is fleeting and you need to enjoy the pleasures that it gives, here and now.

And she added, smiling: “In my opinion, for Italians, dolce vita is more of a kind of travel brand that attracts travel lovers. And what's wrong with that? Italy deserves that kind of attention."

For Italians, the family consists primarily of the husband, who is the head of the family, and who is also confident that he makes all the most important decisions in the house. Secondly, from the wife, who actually bears all the burden of responsibility on herself.

If there are children in an Italian family, then the boys are spoiled to the point of disgrace, and they remain firmly attached to their mothers all their lives, even at a fairly respectable age. Girls, on the contrary, are not spoiled at all, because they are considered the future keepers of the hearth, and they must always soberly assess the situation.

A man, on the other hand, will worship his mother all his life, and even being married man, will still visit his parents' house often for lunch or to bring his dirty shirts. Everything related to the family, the Italians take very seriously.

The process of courting a man for a woman can take quite long time, or a sudden feeling may flare up and a wedding is planned in a matter of days. Italian men very romantic and passionate nature.

In order to win a woman, they are capable of the most reckless acts. The whole courtship process takes place during very beautiful walks, candlelit dinners, joint trips out of town to picturesque places in Italy.

Acquaintance with the parents of both young people takes place in a very friendly and warm atmosphere. True, there is one caveat: the influence of Italian mothers on their daughters or boys is very large, so the main thing is to like and like the mother, and then consider that the main thing is done.

Italians are modern in nature, but in a number of small towns and villages old traditions have been preserved, which are treated with great respect even by those who left their native nest and moved to big cities.

However, all the same, the meetings and acquaintances of the parents of young people are noisy, with abundant conversations and the absorption of national Italian dishes. The rapprochement of both sides happens very quickly if the parents of both young people feel sympathy for each other at first sight.

Italians are famous for their strong families and a close-knit relationship with the family. Moreover, the family for them is not only the closest relatives, but also everyone who is connected with them at least by some family ties.

On holidays or weekends, Italy gathers in full force to celebrate a family event or National holiday, and sometimes visits to relatives begin, which can drag on for a while.

Family ties are so important that it even happens to meet a big family business, in which all relatives who have an idea about business and know how to properly conduct business are involved. It also happens that one of the family members, having got a prestigious job, tries to drag as many of his relatives there as possible.

In Italian families, it is customary to jointly solve all problems or make decisions about weddings, celebrations or the birth of a child. This happens at a general family council, which usually gathers with one of the relatives, where sometimes up to three dozen people gather at a common negotiating table.

At the family council, all the most important issues can be discussed, global family problems, quarrels are not uncommon, accompanied by loud cries and all kinds of outpourings of emotions.

However, the most important thing is that everything that happens in the house will always remain only within its walls and will never go beyond the family. Relatives will never take dirty linen out of the hut, no stranger, even the closest friends, will know about what happened outside the walls of the house during the meeting of the whole family.

The seriousness of the attitude towards the family is even expressed in the fact that Italians always carry with them photographs of their family and their children, both men and women, so that at any moment they can brag to their colleagues about their successes, their strong and friendly family and the success of their charming children.

Every time the children achieve some kind of success, it becomes the main discussion between parents and co-workers. Sons in an Italian family grow up as spoiled children, they are spoiled by everyone, both parents and grandparents, older brothers and sisters.

Boys grow up with the knowledge that they have a very high value in the family. However, actually wise and cunning women Italy only maintain this confidence in them, calmly running the household behind his back as they see fit.

For the man herself main task make your beloved woman happy. He does everything possible so that the family does not need anything and the woman is not constantly loaded with her household chores.

At any opportunity, the spouses must go out of town or spend pleasant evening in a restaurant or cafe, and such exits are not always planned in advance. This is the whole impulsive nature of Italians, especially men, who do everything possible to please the family and have a good time with her.

A woman for an Italian man is an object of worship for her beauty, her ability to lead household and gratitude for the birth of children. A man will gladly help his wife with household chores, although there is no distribution of responsibilities in families.

A woman remains the keeper of the hearth, she arranges that atmosphere in the house that is able to preserve the warmth of love and closeness of two people living under one roof.

Children for Italians are real flowers of life, which all relatives begin to pamper. However, parents raise their children with respect for national traditions, instill in them a love for the family and family relationships, and also teach them that a man and a woman should treat each other with respect.

In no case should a man put himself above a woman and humiliate her dignity, because the main thing for a man is that his beloved woman and children be happy.

The atmosphere in the families of sunny Italy is emotionality, love and temperament!

high degree interpersonal relationships in the family, especially Italian mothers, has a comprehensive effect on the nature and methods of education in Italy. Raising children in Italy is, first of all, the excessive guardianship of the child, even when the child has grown up, the mother will certainly need to track his every step.

A common result of Italian upbringing is a strong emotional bond, sometimes taking the form of dependence, between parents and children. Children at any age trust their parents and bring up many intimate issues for discussion, including here also intimate secrets.
In many ways, this solves the problem of isolation and alienation of adolescents in the country. Close and warm family relationships distinguish the concept of education in Italy from the general picture of education abroad.

Since like gives birth to like, from those brought up in an environment firmly united family relations kind-hearted and able to love personalities grow up.

There are practically no manifestations of feminism in Italy. Which in many ways positively affects the upbringing of children in Italy. Citizens of the country in many aspects of life take the side of conservatism.

Of course, the women of Italy are moving forward to a career and personal development, but still, family values remain their top priority!

Men in Italy reinforce this trend with their desire to have housewife girlfriends who raise children, rather than hyper-careerists and active businesswomen.

"Joy of life" for Italians is not empty words. This concept is closely connected with the concepts of life and development of family relations, raising children in Italy. Family and upbringing of children is not just the base and foundation of society, the family for an Italian is a warm and cozy nest, overflowing with mutual understanding, love, feelings and support.

A unique feature of Italy is the 85% percentage of the family business against the backdrop of the picture of the country's business sectors.

Despite the influence catholic church on morality and the formation of family relationships, Italians are strangely tolerant of moral indulgence in relation to petty fraud and adultery.

Italians are naturally sunny optimists! They cannot imagine life without filling it with beauty, emotions and celebration. All this has a positive effect on family life and is reflected in the results of raising a child in Italy.

Having a baby in Italy
modern upbringing

In Italy, the child is “exalted to the skies”! Children are endlessly pampered, corporal punishment is prohibited in modern Italy! Until the age of 10, no one is seriously involved in raising a child in Italy. Children independently absorb the understanding of human relationships in the family and on the street. Numerous tourists consider Italian children to be the most ill-mannered kids in Europe.

Some Italian parents (and almost half of them) almost never punish their children. Moreover, they do not even scold them. They think that in this way the child develops harmoniously and expresses himself.

Italians are surprisingly tolerant of children, even the most restless, completely uncontrollable.

Social life children

It is customary to take children with you everywhere - to weddings, concerts, parties, dinners and aperitifs. From the very cradle, the Italian child leads an active " social life". Newborn babies almost immediately begin to walk and carry with them - Italian mothers and fathers do not experience any special fears, except, perhaps, the fear of infecting the baby with something. Belief in the evil eye and the desire to protect the baby from strangers is alive only in small southern towns or among the numerous foreigners who settled in Italy.

Children's fashion

Children are dressed like miniature adults and are introduced to all aspects of reality. They are taken to restaurants, to all family gatherings and rituals. In Italy, children mature much faster than in the Nordic countries, because from childhood they learn all the skills necessary to perform on the stage of life.

From the early childhood Parents introduce their children to all aspects public life. For Italy, the usual picture is when two or three young mothers sit in a cafe, discussing the latest secular news, and the kids frolic nearby. Moreover, the reaction of others to the noise and din in the restaurant will be calm. Subsequently, such an educational tradition is reflected in the character of a simple Italian - a freedom-loving, morally relaxed person.

Despite the significant economic decline, which is very clearly observed in Italy in last years, Italian parents did not get rid of the habit of pampering their children. If a child, passing by a toy store, points his finger at another plastic car or doll, then he will certainly receive this toy. However, often such behavior of parents should be regarded not as attention to the needs of the child, but as simple servility. Toddlers scream so much that it is easier for them to buy a toy than to explain why this cannot be done. Thus, parents give their children not the most best example. This is how it goes from generation to generation.

Italians are very kind to their families. After all, this is the only place where, in their opinion, you are always welcome, supported, never betrayed or abandoned.

Family is sacred. Therefore, all significant ones gather relatives, including distant aunts, for a large festive table. So, at a wedding, baptism, Christmas, on New Year the family will definitely be there. In addition, it is customary among Italians for all relatives to arrange Sunday dinners at home or in a restaurant.

Especially tender feelings Italians test to children. We can say that in Italy there is a cult of the child. At home, he is pampered, not punished, allowed to do almost anything. Parents take children, even the smallest ones, with them to restaurants, shops, churches, and visits. Children in Italy are welcome everywhere!

However, it is not customary to discuss offspring in society. So, for example, Italians do not comment on the child's education or health, do not complain about his behavior.

The inhabitants of the sunny country show excessive respect for the elders. In addition, it is customary to consult with older family members on any occasion.

As far as women are concerned, Italian women are considered very emancipated and independent among European women. In addition, the fair sex grow up capricious and demanding. However, tradition often forces them to obey men in public and not argue with them.

In addition, it is not customary for wives to raise their voices at their husbands in public. If a woman does this, it means that she has the right to do so. Therefore, she is a man's mother, sister, or aunt, as they are considered "more important" than the wife, and are often given more attention.

It is worth asking any Italian or Italian woman what is most important for them, and there is no doubt in the answer - the family will come first. The family for the natives of the Apennines is the meaning of life and a reliable rear, the basis of existence and the center of a personal universe. serious attitude To marriage ties, family cohesion and mutual assistance - character traits Italian mentality.

big italian family

Traditionally, the Italian family includes a wide range of relatives. Listing them, it is easy to lose count: after all, in addition to the spouses themselves and their offspring, the family includes the father-in-law with the mother-in-law and the father-in-law and mother-in-law, as well as uncles and aunts, siblings / half-brothers and sisters, cousins ​​and cousins, second cousins with sisters (and those who are in high levels of kinship), nephews with nieces, sister-in-law and brother-in-law, in short, everyone who is related to the family.

When such a family gathers in full strength at a festive table or just at a Sunday dinner, there is no need to complain about the lack of interlocutors or impressions, and the generally accepted return visits to relatives sometimes last several days. But Italians gather with families not only on the occasion of a wedding or an anniversary: ​​it is also customary to discuss problems and solve them all together. Whether someone from the family got into a bad story, whether someone needs money to open a business, whether a conflict has arisen - any situation will certainly be discussed at the family council, where thirty people can gather at the table. Often, negotiations are accompanied by stormy emotions, heated discussions and cries - but all these outpourings will never go beyond the house or apartment of the relative from whom family council. Italians don't share details. family gatherings even with the closest and longest friends.

Family ties have a huge impact not only on the personal but also on the business life of Italians. A large family business, covering almost all able-bodied relatives, is also found today, as well as cases when a family member who has fallen into a solid company gradually employs his relatives in it.

home furnishings

The interiors of even poor Italian apartments are stylish and elegant. The family nest is equipped with endless love and diligence, and most of the worries about comfort are taken over by wives. Trying to reach perfect order and harmony, they match curtains, tablecloths and sofa cushions; they serve the table on a weekday no worse than on a holiday; decorate the bedroom with silk linen. In incessant troubles, they are supported by high appreciation from their husbands: the Italian will always notice the beautiful elements of the situation and praise his wife.

But to appearance wives, Italian husbands are not at all picky. A good wife on weekdays is characterized by modesty and a minimum of cosmetics. And vice versa: an overly elaborate outfit and hairstyle for no obvious reason can arouse suspicion. A disheveled wife cleaning the house or hurrying to the store in a shabby dress will not cause the slightest condemnation. The main thing is that on Sunday or for the reception of guests, Cinderella does not even turn into a princess, but into a queen. Festive makeover Italians can be fantastic, and only a very experienced eye recognizes a modest housewife in a spectacular beauty with catchy makeup, casually wrapping herself in a mink coat.

A coat made of valuable fur in the wardrobe of Italians has a special place. The practical value of a fur coat in the Italian climate (excluding the mountainous regions and the north of the country) is small, but it is not bought for warmth. A fur coat is an indicator of status and a symbol of prosperity: for example, if the spouses own at least modest real estate, the wife must certainly have a fur coat made of natural mink. Wear the status symbol at Easter, Christmas, and large family gatherings in between. religious holidays- even if the air temperature reaches + 25 C, and tourists in sundresses and T-shirts frolic around. The rest of the time, the prestige of the family is called upon to emphasize the numerous gold jewelry that Italian husbands willingly give to their wives.

How to Negotiate with an Italian Mom

An Italian mother - she is also a mother-in-law - is a character that largely determines the weather in the house. The daughter-in-law, who came to her taste, acquires in the face of her husband's mother a generous patroness who showers her with gifts, and a defender who defends her interests in any trouble. If the mother does not like the daughter-in-law, then many trials await her. In general, Italian mothers treat their sons with stormy adoration, and rarely approve of their choice.

According to the Italian mother, profitable marriage is primarily for the wife, but the beloved son could evaluate himself higher and find someone better. The daughter-in-law has no choice but to come to terms with the “marriage of three”, where the mother-in-law will always be in the role of the third. It is useless to count on the support of the husband in the confrontation with the mother-in-law: he is sure that the mother cooks better, and cleans cleaner, and irons more thoroughly. Therefore, it is not worth bringing the matter to confrontation: the daughter-in-law will never emerge victorious from this fight.

The ability to improve relations with relatives, especially numerous and active in southern Italy, is an integral part of the course of a young fighter ... that is, a young wife. Important role mutual visits and presenting of gifts are played here at Christmas, Easter, birthdays and other holidays. The list of relatives can be very long, and diligent housewives stock up on gifts in advance at sales.

Quarrel in Italian

A typical Italian quarrel resembles a sudden and fleeting thunderstorm: thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, the elements rage - but after 5 minutes the sun will shine again and the birds will sing on the branches strewn with raindrops. And just as with a thunderstorm, with the Italian quarrel it is sometimes impossible to understand where it came from and how it began. The most common reason is the problems and troubles that have piled on the Italian husband. The whole day he is forced to restrain himself, and only at home can he take his soul away and throw out everything that has boiled up, assigning his wife the role of a lightning rod.

Therefore, it is necessary to react to such emotional outbursts, as to natural phenomena: it rustled and passed. Moreover, the culprit of the quarrel in a few minutes will apologize, laugh, hug - and become the same. It is very difficult to quarrel with an Italian for a long time, so you should not take his attacks and cries to heart.

Divorce? Divorce!

Until 1970, divorce in Italy was social phenomenon absent, and this circumstance undoubtedly left its mark on the perception of divorce by Italian men. They are in no hurry to officially dissolve the marriage, even if the spouses are no longer connected. In Italy, there is a legal variant of relations called "separatione" - separation. After three years of such residence, you can file for divorce, but most likely the Italian will not do this - also because Italian men perceive divorce as extremely dramatic.

In Russia, after a divorce, men often begin a second youth with trips to clubs and stormy romances. And for an Italian, the post-divorce time is a black streak and a period of genuine suffering, and he will not “wash down” grief, fight it with the help of a psychologist, or run away from him on a high-altitude hike. Italian men suffer openly, do not hide their anguish from others, and endure divorce more painfully than women. The exceptions are early marriages, when the spouses were actually each other's first and only partners. IN similar marriages husband and wife are so bored with each other that divorce is perceived as liberation and causes a surge of energy.