Pedagogical Council “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of communication between educators and children. Teachers' council in preschool "social and personal development of a child - preschooler" Teachers' councils in preschool on social emotional development

Pedagogical Council

"Social and personal development of preschool children"

Target: To improve the work on the formation of social and personal qualities of the child.

The plan of the teachers' council

    Implementation of the decisions of the previous teachers' council.

    Communication using multimedia presentation“Social and personal development of preschool children. The phenomenon of children's subculture.

    Brainstorm(practical part: work in groups) (according to the program "Rainbow") using a multimedia presentation.

    Message "Emotional well-being of a child in a group in interaction with peers"

    Presentation of work experience"Socio-moral education of preschool children"

    Message "The use of gaming technologies in the social and personal development of preschoolers."Games-trainings with educators.

    Results of thematic review"The state of work on the social and personal development of preschoolers"

    Results of the competition"Creating conditions for the social and personal development of children"

    Discussion of draft decisions.

The course of the teachers' council

Warm up: Communication game "You don't know what I like yet"

Rules of the game: an object is passed in a circle. Each participant continues the phrase: “You still don’t know what I love” (option - do it in your free time) ... (some fact about yourself that is unknown to most is called) ”

Task: set a goal for this game, name the possible options for this game with children.

1. Introduction . (senior teacher)

Modern society requires initiative young people who are able to find "themselves" and their place in life, restore the Russian spiritual culture, morally stable, socially adapted, capable of self-development and continuous self-improvement. The basic structures of the personality are laid in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility for educating such qualities in the younger generation.

In this regard, the problem of social and personal development - the development of the child in interaction with the world around him - becomes especially relevant at this modern stage.

This fact is reflected in the main federal documents.

The concept of modernization of Russian education emphasizes: "The most important tasks of education are the formation of spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability to successfully socialize in society."

The standard of preschool education, one of the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education, puts forward requirements for the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age: Tosocial and communicative development of his pupils.

    Development is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

    development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life and society

Thus, being a priority, the social and personal development of children today is brought to the rank of strategic directions for the renewal of Russian education, including preschool education, and is directly related not only to pedagogy, but also to psychology, which studies the influence of the social environment on the development of the child's personality.

Social development (socialization) is the process of assimilation and further development by an individual of the socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system of social relations, which consists of:

    labor skills;


    norms, values, traditions, rules;

    social qualities of a person that allow a person to comfortably and effectively exist in a society of other people, the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children (tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, opinion, behavior, values, the ability to accept the point of view of the interlocutor, which differs from one's own).

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage in the socialization of a child in the general process of assimilation of the experience of social life and social relations. Man by nature is a social being. All the facts describing cases of forced isolation of small children, the so-called "Mowglis", show that such children never become full-fledged people: they cannot master human speech, elementary forms of communication, behavior and die early.

Social and pedagogical activity in the conditions of a preschool educational institution is the work that includes pedagogical and psychological activities aimed at helping the child, teacher and parent in developing their own individuality, organizing themselves, their psychological state; assistance in solving emerging problems and overcoming them in communication; as well as help in becoming a small person in society.

2. Determination of the main directions of social and personal development of a preschool child / teacher Dmitrieva E.V. /

The foundations of social and personal development originate and develop most intensively in early and preschool age. The experience of the first relationships with other people is the foundation for the further development of the child's personality. This first experience largely determines the characteristics of a person's self-consciousness, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people. Many negative phenomena among young people observed recently (cruelty, increased aggressiveness, alienation, etc.) have their origins in early and preschool childhood. This prompts us to turn to the consideration of issues of social and personal development of children from preschool childhood.

What should the activity of the teacher be aimed at in order to implement the social and personal development of preschoolers.

The most important basis for the full-fledged social and personal development of the child is his positive sense of self: confidence in his abilities, that he is good, he is loved.Adults care about the emotional well-being of the child (support, encourage, help to believe in their strengths and capabilities), respect and appreciate regardless of his achievements, advantages and disadvantages, establish trusting relationships with children; contribute to the development of a child's self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms (to have their own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at their own discretion).Adults respect the interests, tastes and preferences of children (in games, activities, food, clothing, etc.).

Adults contribute to the development of a positive attitude of the child to other people: educate respect and tolerance regardless of social origin, race and nationality, language, religion, gender, age, personal and behavioral identity (appearance, physical disabilities). Adults help children understand that all people are different, it is necessary to respect the self-esteem of other people, take into account their opinions, desires, views in communication, play, and joint activities. Encourage manifestations of benevolent attention, sympathy, empathy. It is important that the child has the desire and ability to help, support another person.

Adults create opportunities for introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, help to realize the need for people in each other. To do this, children should be encouraged to play together, organize their joint activities aimed at creating a common product. In the process of staging a performance, building a common building, making an artistic panel together with peers and adults, etc., the child acquires the ability to set common goals, plan joint work, coordinate and control his desires, coordinate opinions and actions. Adults contribute to the development in children of a sense of responsibility for another person, a common cause, a given word.

Adults pay special attention to the development of communicative competence child. Help children to recognize the emotional experiences and states of others - joy, grief, fear, bad and good mood, etc .; express their feelings and experiences. To do this, adults, together with children, discuss various situations from life, stories, fairy tales, poems, look at pictures, drawing the attention of children to the feelings, states, actions of other people; they organize theatrical performances and dramatization games, during which the child learns to distinguish and convey the moods of the characters portrayed, empathizes with them, and receives patterns of moral behavior.

Adults help children develop social skills: help to master various ways of resolving conflict situations, to negotiate, to follow the sequence, to establish new contacts. An important aspect of the social development of a child in preschool age is the development of elementary rules of etiquette (greet, thank, behave at the table, etc.). Children should be introduced to the elementary rules of safe behavior at home, on the street (know who to contact if you are lost on the street, give your name, home address, etc.).

It is important to create conditions for the development of a careful, responsible attitude of the child to the environment, the man-made world: take care of animals and plants, feed the birds, keep clean, take care of toys, books, etc.

The process of social and personal development of preschoolers includes various activities: (presentation)

    Game activity - makes the child feel like an equal member of human society. In the game, the child gains confidence in his own abilities, in the ability to get a real result.

    Research activity - allows the child to independently find a solution or refutation of his own ideas.

    Visual - allows the child to get used to the world of adults with the help of work, fantasy, to know it and take part in it.

    Objective - satisfies the cognitive interests of the child in a certain period, helps to orient in the world around.

    Observation - enriches the child's experience, stimulates the development of cognitive interests, gives rise to and reinforces social feelings.

    Communicative (communication) - unites an adult and a child, satisfies the various needs of the child in emotional closeness with an adult, in his support and appreciation.

    Project - activates the independent activity of the child, ensures the unification and integration of different types of activities.

    Constructive - makes it possible to form complex mental actions, creative imagination, mechanisms for controlling one's own behavior.

Thus, each type of activity contributes to the process of social and personal development of preschoolers.

4. Tasks for the social and personal development of the PEP for each age group. Examples of working with children on the implementation of tasks from the experience of their work. /Group Teachers/

5.Practical part of the teachers' council

5. 1. Socialization through play

In order to contribute to the social development of the child, the adult needs to encourage all kinds of play. . Communication is an integral part of it. During the game, the development of the child moves at a rapid pace: social, mental, emotional ... Children most often reproduce the life of adults in a playful way - they play shop, doctor, kindergarten or school, "daughters-mothers" ...

When creating an imaginary situation in the game, the child learns to participate in social life, "trying on" the role of an adult. In the game, options for resolving conflicts are being worked out, dissatisfaction or approval is expressed, children support each other - that is, a kind of model of the adult world is built, in which children learn to adequately interact.

1. (Disassemble the Situation. Give an answer ")

1 part of the situation . “The kindergarten teacher, during a tour of the zoo, introduced the children to various animals - their habits, lifestyle, appearance, etc. Upon returning to the group, she brought into the room the toys of the animals that the children had met, expecting them to start playing “zoo”. But the children did not play “in the zoo” on that day or on the following days.Why?

part 2 of the situation - “The teacher repeated the tour and introduced the children not only to animals, but also to the work of people in the zoo: the cashier sells tickets, the controller checks them and lets visitors in, the cleaners clean the cages with animals, the cooks prepare food and feed the animals, the doctor treats sick animals, the guide tells visitors about animals, etc. Some time after this repeated excursion, the children independently began the game “to the zoo”, in which the cashier, controller, mothers and fathers with children, a guide, “animal kitchen” with a cook, “animal hospital” with a doctor, etc. were presented. All these characters were introduced into the game gradually, the game continued for several days, all the while enriching and becoming more complex.

1 part of the situation : “During a trip to the dacha, the children received many vivid impressions of the railway: they saw the train for the first time, got into the cars themselves, heard announcements on the radio about the departure of the train, etc. The impression of the trip was quite strong: the children enthusiastically talked about the trip, drew trains, but the game did not ariseWhy? »

part 2 of the situation : “Then another, additional excursion to the railway station was held with the children. During this excursion, the children were introduced to how the head of the station meets each arriving train, how the train is unloaded from luggage, how the driver and assistant inspect the condition of the train, how the conductors clean the cars and serve passengers, etc. After this excursion, the children immediately had a game of “railroad”, in which characters familiar to them participated.

CONCLUSION: / D.B. Elkonin. \ The reality in which a child lives can be conditionally divided into two interconnected, but at the same time different spheres. The first is the sphere of objects (things), both natural and man-made; the second is the sphere of activity of people and their relations.

These results indicate that the role-playing game is especially sensitive to the sphere of people's activity and relations between them, and that this reality is its content. Thus, the content of an expanded, developed form of a role-playing game is not objects, not machines, not the production process itself, butrelationships between people that are carried out through certain actions. Since the activities of people and their relationships are extremely diverse, the plots of children's games are very diverse and changeable.

4.2 Consider how cognitive activity affects the social development of the child's personality.

Consider some methods increasing the cognitive activity of preschoolers:

Method of analysis and synthesis

4.2.1. . Imagine that the teacher and children are looking at a picture that shows a builder with a construction tool in front of a house under construction. What techniques can a teacher use to increase cognitive activity?

( Offers to name the signs by which the guys determined the profession of a person. Such elementary analysis is a necessary starting point for a more complex, causal analysis that allows you to consider causal relationships and dependencies between the signs identified in elemental analysis. The synthesis corresponding to such an analysis helps the child to understand essential, significant connections and relationships.
Continuing to look at the picture, the adult invites the children to think:
why does the builder need a trowel that he holds in his hand;
why is the crane so tall;
why do you need to build such a big house;
who can be pleased with the work of a builder, etc.
Thinking about these questions, children begin to delve into the essence of phenomena, learn to identify internal relationships, as if they see what is not shown in the picture, learn to draw independent conclusions.)

4.2.2. Method of comparison (by contrast and similarity, similarity.)

Question to the child: “What is the difference between an elephant and a wolf?” or “How are a wolf and an elephant alike?”

Which question is more appropriate to ask the child: comparison by similarity or by contrast?

(When using this important methodological technique, an adult in each specific case must decide which comparison to start with - from comparison by similarity or by contrast. Comparison by contrast is easier for children than comparison by similarity. It is much more difficult for a child to find similarities between them)

4.2.3. Classification reception

For example " Divide the pictures into two groups - in one, select everything that the cook needs for work, and in the other, the doctor. (4-5 years)

The complication of tasks goes along the line of increasing the number of objects for grouping and along the line of complicating the basis for classification.
For example, older preschoolers are offered various items or their images in pictures: a winter hat, panama hat, toothbrush, ball, soap, skis, pencils.

Task: select the items that the girl will need in the summer, the boy in the winter. Explain the decision. And now, from these same items, choose those that are needed for the game, in order to be healthy; what will help to tell about you?

4.3.3. Modeling and design method

The combination of verbal explanation, practical implementation and game motivation in this method contributes to an increase in cognitive activity. For example, children, together with their parents, are busy arranging a children's room: you need to determine a place for a play corner, for books, for plants and animals. You can offer the child to first make a model for placing objects out of a small builder and justify their proposals.

4.4.4. QUESTIONS First of all, you should consider how and what questions you put before the child in a conversation with him about what he has read, viewed, observed. Most often, the conversations are dominated by questions of a reproductive rather than a problematic nature. From a child, an adult requires a repetition of what he has just heard, and not reflection, reasoning. Often, such questions simply do not make sense, as the answer to them is too simple for children.

Exercise: Children of the older group are shown a picture with domestic animals depicted on it. In this case, cats and kittens. The traditional question "who is in the picture?" appropriate for younger children, but completely useless for older children who are interested in problematic, causal questions.What, ask them?

(“Why do kittens frolic, but an adult cat doesn’t?” or “How can one name this picture in one word?”)
If an adult learns to correctly formulate his questions, then it will become clearer to him how to teach children to ask questions to an adult.
You can stimulate children's curiosity with a direct sentence: “Do you want to know something else about the North Pole? Then ask, and I will try to answer you.
Learning to independently search for answers to your questions is necessary, especially for future schoolchildren, but here tact and a sense of proportion are required from an adult so as not to extinguish the desire of children to ask

4.4.5. Good results are brought by the method of experimentation and experimentation. The value of these techniques lies in the fact that they enable the child to find a solution, confirmation or refutation of his own ideas.

Conclusion: cognitive activity - socially significant personality trait.

The constant increase in children's interest motivates play activity, activity in self-expression, search and finding an answer, manifestation of a guess, revealing the secret of the game and creates a positive emotional mood, promotes intellectual activity.

Slide: Game methods for the development of communication skills in preschool children.

Using game situations in communicative development:

At preschool age, it is very important to develop communication skills in a child. This is necessary so that the baby is adapted to life in society, has an active and responsible social position, can realize himself, can always find a common language with any person and make friends. The communicative development of children contributes to the change and development of his emotional sphere, the child begins to be aware and better control his emotions.

A variety of gaming pedagogical technologies contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of the child. In particular -organization of a variety of game situations that ensure the development of positive experience and value orientations.

The task is givenname possible games and play one of them with colleagues

1. Epifanova S.V. To develop the ability to establish contact with an interlocutor, the following exercises are offered to children.

    "How can we be called differently?"

The leader is selected. He becomes in a circle. The rest of the children, imagining that they are his mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, friends who love him very much, pronounce his name.

    "Smile" - the children sit in a circle. They join hands and, looking into the neighbor's eyes, give him the most expensive smile there is.

    "Compliment" - the children stand in a circle and take turns, looking into the neighbor's eyes, say a few kind words, praise him. (You always share, you're funny, you have a beautiful dress...") The receiver nods his head and says, "Thank you, I'm very pleased!" Instead of praise, you can just say "delicious", "sweet", "milk".2. To improve the ability of children to communicate without words, they first let the children recognize the depicted gesture (in a drawing, photograph, filmstrip), and then offer games:

    " Guess" - one child reproduces the gesture, while others guess its meaning;

    "Gaits" - one child depicts the gait of someone (a person, animal, bird, etc.), and the rest of the children guess who it belongs to;

    "Foreigner" - one child, depicting foreigners with the help of gestures and facial expressions, asks how to get to the zoo, to the pool, to the square, and the rest of the children, also with the help of gestures and facial expressions, answer his questions;

    "Tell poems without words." "Make a proverb."

3. To improve the ability to clearly and clearly pronounce words, children are offered:

    pronounce a familiar quatrain - in a whisper, as loud as possible, like a robot, at the speed of a machine-gun burst, sad, joyful, surprised, indifferent.

Teach kids to negotiate. Such a game will help to avoid conflicts in the children's team - the Peace Path of Friendship:

Children disperse in different directions of the carpet and slowly walk towards each other, saying the words:

- I walk along the path - I release anger into the wild.

I don't want to be sad

And angry too.

"The path of friendship can reconcile us with friends."

Children meet in the Application Circle (large hoop)

5. For development in childrenempathy (conscious empathycurrent another person) and empathic behavior they are offered:

Participation in a puppet show, dramatization of fairy tales, either as spectators or as actors (there is a rapprochement with the character; free choice and role-playing helps the child to deeply understand the work of art);

Narrative creative games, with the repetition of scenes - the child plays first one role, then another immediately (this helps to teach children to see the emotional state of another);

Talking on the phone with fairy-tale characters, expressing their attitude to a particular character;

- the following exercises, games:

· "Describe a friend" - two children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes of the other, and then it turns out who turned out to be more accurate;

· "Give a gift to a friend" - with the help of facial expressions and gestures, children depict a gift and give it to each other;

· "Princess - Nesmeyana" - children try to amuse one child in different ways: they tell an anecdote, a funny story, they offer a game ...;

· "Comparisons" - children compare themselves with some animals, plants, flowers, and then, together with adults, discuss why they chose such a comparison;

· "Magic shop" - an adult invites children to buy something for their friends, relatives in a magic shop, then specifies why.

Board decision:

    Use a variety of forms and methods in working with children on social and communicative development (game technologies, ICT, design, cooperation with the social environment).

Deadline: permanent

2. Contribute to the enrichment of children's games in terms of the development of dialogue, role-playing communication, role-playing relationships and actions, updating and replenishing the attributes of games, their diversity depending on the age of children and planning

Deadline: permanent

Responsible: educators of all groups

3. Implementation of constant work with children on moral education, using a variety of forms and methods of organizing educational activities.

Deadline: permanent

Responsible: educators of all groups

4 .WITH build the educational process for the implementation of the NGO "Socialization" on the basis of integration with other educational areas and types of children's activities.

Deadline: permanent

Responsible: educators of all groups

5. To arrange mood corners in the group in order to track the emotional state of the child in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational impact and provide timely correction and full support for the development of the child's personality.

Responsible - group educators).

Teachers' Council "Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction"

Purpose: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with the parents of pupils.

1. clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents.

2. to increase the professional competence of teachers in organizing new forms of interaction with parents in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard;

3. to activate the pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;
4. to support the interest of teachers in the further study of this topic.


  1. Speech by the senior educator: "Interaction between kindergarten and family in accordance with GEF DO"
  2. "Homework. Project auction.
  3. Summarizing.
  1. "Preschool childhood" is a unique period in a person's life, when health is formed, personal development is carried out.

At the same time, this is the period during which the child is completely dependent on the surrounding adults - parents, teachers. Therefore, improper care, behavioral, social and emotional problems that arise at this age lead to severe consequences in the future.

The change in state policy in the field of education entailed the recognition of the positive role of the family in the upbringing of children and the need to interact with it. Thus, the law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated December 26, 2012 states that “the state policy in the field of preschool education is based on the following principles: the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, the rights and freedoms of the individual, the free development of the individual , education of mutual respect, diligence, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, respect for nature and the environment, rational use of natural resources, love for the Motherland, family. In this law, unlike the documents of previous years, respect for the family is recognized as one of the principles of education, that is, the family is transformed from a means of pedagogical influence into its goal.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" introduces the federal state standard for preschool education (hereinafter FSES DO). GEF DO is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education.

The GEF DO also formulated requirements for the interaction of a preschool organization with parents.

GEF settings for preschool education:

  • desire for interaction
  • desire for cooperation and co-creation, joint projects
  • desire for openness
  • the desire for dialogue, the desire to be heard by teachers
  • fatigue from declarativeness in communication, the desire to move from words to deeds
  • the desire to understand the relationship "child-mother", "child-father".

At the center of the standard are requirements for conditions, including psychological and pedagogical ones. Among which -cooperation with family.

The standard approves the personality-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction between adults (parents (legal representatives), pedagogical and other employees of the Organization) and children.

Among the main principles:

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) supporting the initiative of children in various activities;

5) cooperation of the Organization with the family;

6) introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state ... "

It is emphasized that one of the principles of preschool education is the cooperation of a preschool organization with the family, and the Federal State Educational Standard is the basis for assisting parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of violations of their development.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a preschool organization is obliged to:

  • inform parents (legal representatives) and the public about the goals of preschool education common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only the family, but also all interested persons involved in educational activities;
  • ensure the openness of preschool education;
  • create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities;
  • support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health;
  • ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on the identification of needs and support for educational initiatives of the family;
  • create conditions for adults to search for, use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as to discuss issues related to the implementation of the Program with parents (legal representatives) of children.

The basis of the new concept of the family and preschool organization is the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social structures are called upon to help, support, guide, and supplement their educational activities.

So, one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is "interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child."

Therefore, an active course is needed to create a single space for the development of the child, both in the preschool educational institution and in the family.

The world is constantly becoming more complex. Today it is no longer enough to get an education once and work in a specialty. To maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to learn something all the time, to engage in self-education throughout life. Continuing education is becoming a necessity. The modern family is increasingly in need of a variety of knowledge: medical, pedagogical, psychological, legal: The activities of the kindergarten teaching staff cannot remain aloof from the changing situation in society. Working with the family should take into account modern approaches to this problem. The main trend is to teach parents to solve life problems on their own. This implies changes in the "teacher-parent" system, requires efforts from the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution. Even teachers of the past - K. D. Ushinsky, E. N. Vodovozova, L. N. Tolstoy and others - spoke about the need for parents to acquire pedagogical knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, about the need to combine knowledge and experience. Teachers of preschool institutions are called upon to help modern parents in this, despite the fact that information on the issues of raising a child can now be obtained in different ways. These are periodicals, and the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. But only the educator communicates with children and parents every day, sees the problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. He provides assistance to parents in various forms.

Methodology of interaction.

It is often heard from educators of different ages and work experience that it is easier to work with children than with parents. But it is known that success in shaping the personality and raising a child can be achieved if the principle of unity of action between teachers and parents is observed. Cooperation of a preschool institution with a family implies mutual understanding and interaction between educators and parents.
But what is interaction and what is meant by this word? Does the family interact with preschool or kindergarten with the family? Is it possible to put an equal sign between the words "interaction", "cooperation", "commonwealth"? In order to reveal these concepts, each group will discuss 1 concept for 5 minutes (1 group - interaction, 2 - cooperation, 3 - commonwealth) and after the time is up, the representatives of the group will speak to us. (Performances of teachers).

"Interaction" - the joint activity of teachers and parents in raising a child, as a qualitatively and effectively organized mutual communication, exchange of experience, joint search for solutions to possible problems.

“Cooperation” is communication “on an equal footing”, where parents act as equal partners, and not as “students”. The term "collaboration" underlies interaction.

"Commonwealth" - an association of someone based on friendship, unity of views, interests.

Question for teachers: “Is mutual friendship possible without communication, and therefore without interaction? ”(Of course not) Since the commonwealth implies an openness of the heart towards each other, that is, the presence of empathy, the commonwealth is the highest point of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. Thus, we understand that the kindergarten and the family, using new forms of interaction and cooperation, should strive to create a single space for the development of the child.

We know about existence of a role of the teacher, the parent, the adult. Moreover, each role can have its own reality, so each of the participants in the process of teaching and raising children, for example, a teacher, a parent, will be right, but in his own way.

Parents are, first of all, adults who feel competent in raising their child (remember how a mother flares up if strangers make comments (even fair ones) to her child. You can often hear a rather aggressive reaction to such comments). If a parent has a problematic, special child, such a position can become defensive at an unconscious level, and then the position of the kindergarten teacher “we will teach you” turns out to be ineffective, encountering natural resistance from the parent.

Teachers are also adults, they also need understanding, respect for their work. Obviously, without successful communication and interaction with the child's family, good results are almost unattainable.

Let's remember what forms of interaction exist.

"Business game"

Target: formation of skills for a differentiated approach to the organization of work with parents; optimal ways to resolve conflicts; search for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents; acquisition of experience of joint work of the teaching staff.

Conduct form:two working groups, senior educator expert.

Game progress.

Part 1. Theoretical.

Questions for the first group:

  1. How do you understand parenting?
  2. List ways of working with parents.
  3. Home visit. When is it appropriate to visit the family?
  4. Working with difficult families. What kind of family do you find difficult? Do you have such families? What kind of work should be done with difficult families?

Questions for the second group:

  1. What are the main tasks facing a preschool institution in working with parents?
  2. Questioning. What it is? List the pros and cons of surveying.
  3. Do you consider such forms of work with parents as an open day, an open lesson, a newspaper release to be effective? What does this mean for teachers and parents?
  4. In what case is the child's bad behavior discussed:
  • In his presence
  • Without him
  • In the presence of all family members

2 part.

If we turn to your pedagogical dictations, we will see that 75% of teachers believe that in order for the family to understand the daily life of the kindergarten and actively participate in it, it is necessary to “include parents” in the activities of the preschool institution as often as possible, i.e. that they take an active part in the work of the DOE. And according to the questionnaires of parents, we see that they lack special pedagogical knowledge (the minimum).

Therefore, we will divide the work with parents into two blocks: pedagogical education of parents and the inclusion of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions.

The task of teachers is to determine what forms of work should be used in solving the main problems in the first and second blocks. Write them down.




Pedagogical education of parents

Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents

Lectures, seminars, workshops, open classes, work of creative interest groups, parent-teacher meetings, consultations, visual agitation

Inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution

Creation of conditions for the inclusion of parents in the planning, organization and control of the activities of the DU

Competitions, circles, Newspaper release, competitions, quizzes, joint events

3 part. Game exercise "Modern family - what is it like?"

Target: to conduct a cross-section of the ideas of the teaching staff about the modern family, to analyze the ideal attitudes towards the family of pupils and real conditions.


  • Each group is given a set of magazines, base paper, glue, scissors. The task of teachers: to depict a modern family in the form of a collage using any illustrations.
  • To the expert group to portray the family, ideal in their view.
  • After 20-25 minutes of joint work, each group of teachers talks about their idea of ​​the family.
  • (The leader of the pedagogical council sums up the work done, emphasizing the valuable and unique vision in each microgroup)

4 part. Solving pedagogical situations.

Target: game modeling of the teacher's behavior in situations of resolving conflicts between the teacher and parents.

  1. While getting ready for a walk, one of the pupils suddenly took out a note from his coat pocket addressed to the teacher of the group, asking the mother not to harden her child after a daytime sleep. The reason was not specified.Would you comply with a parent's request? What will be your next steps?
  2. The teacher decided to talk to the mother of a five-year-old child about the boy's pugnacity.How will you start the conversation?
  3. The educator invited all parents to the subbotnik, placing information about it on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is dissatisfied. Saturday had to be postponed.What can explain what happened? What to do next?
  4. In the afternoon, a car with sand for children's sandboxes drove up to the kindergarten. The sand was unloaded onto the asphalt near the entrance. "In the evening, ask your parents to move the sand," the head teacher suggested to the teachers.How will you ask your parents for help? And if they refuse, what will be your actions?

5 part. Game exercise "Define a logical sequence."

Learning task: determine the optimal sequence of actions of the teacher in preparing and holding a meeting with a group of parents.

The progress of the exercise.

Each group receives cards containing fragments of holding or preparing a meeting with parents. After consulting during the regulated time, the players present the sequence of actions in organizing and holding the meeting, commenting on their choice.

For the first group.

  1. The topics are determined, and the forms of holding meetings with parents are selected based on their applications and requests, as well as taking into account data on the families of the pupils.
  2. The teachers responsible for the preparation and conduct of each of the meetings are determined. It can be group educators, speech therapist, music. worker, medical worker, etc.
  3. The days of the meetings that are convenient for them are agreed with the parents.
  4. The structure and content of each regular meeting is thought out: a plan or a detailed scenario is drawn up using the methods of activating parents.
  5. Parents are notified in advance of the topic of the meeting and are prepared to participate in it.
  6. The opinion of parents about the benefits of the meeting in an oral survey, through questionnaires, etc. is ascertained.

For the second group.

1. Broadcasting a positive image of the child to parents.

Target: building trusting relationships with parents

2. Transmission to parents of knowledge that could not be obtained by them in the family.

Target: familiarization with the problems of the family in the upbringing of the child, the formation and reinforcement of the installation for cooperation.

3. Acquaintance with the problems of the family in raising a child.

Target: give parents the opportunity to show their willingness to cooperate.

4. Joint research and formation of the personality of the child.

Target: building trust between parents and teachers

The winners receive the "Clever" medal.

It is important to understand that any parent, even the most inept, from the point of view of pedagogy, wants the best for his child. The same goal is pursued by teachers. Parents may simply not know that they lack special knowledge, parents may lack pedagogical endurance and time. The situation of communication between a teacher and a parent is largely educational for the latter (the means of learning in this case is how the specialist speaks, what he reports about, what facial expressions, gestures, intonation the message is accompanied by, etc.)

Pedagogical situation:

“The parent is not happy, angry with the teacher, because his child was punished and deprived of the opportunity to play with other children.” How do you behave in communication with a parent? (answers of teachers)

When dealing with angry adults, you should:

Show the interlocutor your respect for him, noting out loud the fact of the existence of irritation, anger (“I see you are angry”) and give him the opportunity to speak out;

Persistently set boundaries, set them ("I see you are angry, but I will listen to you, but I am not ready to listen to abuse, insults");

Based on the situation, make the necessary decision that depends on you, including offering the communication partner such actions that would help him cope with his own condition (offer to sit down, drink water, etc.);

Avoid hasty conclusions like “You are always like this”, You are like that all the time, etc.;

Meet the parent who was angry the next day, because most of us need confirmation that the relationship is restored or not damaged.

The professional behavior of a teacher is a reflection of his moral personality and professional competence. Ineffective behavior also indicates the problems of the teacher, fatigue, exhaustion, professional deformation of the personality.

Competent communication is the key to good mental well-being of the teacher and his professional longevity.

Possible difficulties in organizing interaction with the family.

In fact, there are many difficulties in organizing communication: this is a lack of understanding by parents of the importance of the kindergarten regime, and its constant violation, the lack of unity of requirements in the family and kindergarten. It is difficult to communicate with young parents, as well as with parents from dysfunctional families or those who have personal problems. They often treat teachers condescendingly and dismissively, it is difficult to establish contact with them, establish cooperation, and become partners in the common cause of raising a child. But many of them would like to communicate with teachers "on an equal footing", as with colleagues, to come to a trusting, "spiritual" communication. What is the success of communication?

This is the desire to make contact, to improve relations, to help each other, to see in the other an equal partner, to hear him, to recognize the right of the other to a different position and to understand this position. Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on topics that are common and significant for both parties, if each of them enriches their information baggage in the process of communication.

Who has the leading role in organizing communication? Certainly a teacher. To build it, it is important to have communication skills, navigate the problems of upbringing and the needs of the family, and be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher should let parents feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show parents that he sees them as partners, like-minded people.

Professional competence of the teacher

All this leads us to the conceptteacher's professional competence"in the field of communication with parents of pupils.

What kind of teacher can be called competent in the field of communication with parents? (statements of teachers)

Personal qualities and attitudes (personal component)

  • Readiness for continuous professional improvement in the field of communication with the parents of pupils
  • Awareness of one's own mistakes and difficulties in organizing communication with parents
  • Installation on trusting and non-judgmental interaction with parents
  • Patience, tact, observation, respect...

Let's draw a portrait of a teacher with a high level of professional competence in the field of communication with the parents of pupils.

Portrait of a teacher

  • Has a strong need for self-improvement in the field of communication with parents
  • Recognizes the role of parents in the upbringing of children as leading and the role of the teacher as their "assistant"
  • Strives for active and meaningful communication with parents in order to assist them in raising children
  • Has a high degree of dialogue in communication with parents.
  • In communication with parents, he shows attention, restraint, tact, and other professionally significant qualities.
  • He has knowledge about the family, the specifics of family education, methods of studying the family and the educational needs of parents.
  • Takes into account the social needs of parents (interests, educational needs) when organizing communication with them.
  • Knows how to plan future communication: select the necessary information, traditional and non-traditional forms of organizing communication and methods of activating parents.
  • Has developed communication skills.

A teacher who is competent in the field of communication with parents understands why communication is necessary and how it should be, knows what is necessary for communication to be interesting and meaningful, and, most importantly, actively acts.

Many teachers experience difficulties in communicating with the parents of pupils. Someone believes that parents are to blame for everything, who do not care about children and their development, who do not want their child to grow up good. It's hard to agree with this. Parents do not always have enough time to communicate, there are also categories of difficult parents, but something else is important.

Teachers need to see the causes of difficulties - not only in their parents, but also in themselves.

The conclusion is unequivocal: it is necessary to constantly work on the professional competence of teachers in communicating with parents. Consider an example code of communication.

Sample communication code:

  1. Always strive to be in a good mood and be pleasant in communication.
  2. Try to feel the emotional state of the parents.
  3. Finding an opportunity to tell parents something positive about the child every time is the best way to win over parents.
  4. Give parents a chance to speak without interrupting them.
  5. Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good manners and tact.
  6. In a difficult situation, try to set an example of compliance - you can’t drop your dignity by doing this, but you can strengthen it.

"Assessment of the level of communication skills of the teacher with parents."

Purpose: development of non-judgmental perception of a communication partner.


And now you are asked a few simple questions. You need to answer quickly, unequivocally “no”, “yes”, “sometimes”.

  1. You will have an ordinary conversation with one of the parents. Does her anticipation unsettle you?
  2. Does it cause you confusion and dissatisfaction with the order to make a report, information in front of your parents?
  3. Do you put off an unpleasant conversation about a difficult child with his parents until the last moment?
  4. Do you think that it is not necessary to personally talk with parents about the peculiarities of upbringing in the family, but rather to conduct a questionnaire, a written survey?
  5. You are offered to prepare a general parent meeting for parents of a preschool institution. Will you make every effort to avoid this assignment?
  6. Do you like to share your experiences from communicating with parents with colleagues, management?
  7. Are you convinced that communicating with parents is much more difficult than with children?
  8. Do you get annoyed if one of the parents of your pupils constantly asks you questions?
  9. Do you believe that there is a problem of "caregivers and parents" and that they speak "different languages"?
  10. Are you embarrassed to remind your parents of a promise they forgot to keep?
  11. Do you get annoyed when a parent asks you to help sort out a difficult educational issue?
  12. When you hear an obviously erroneous point of view on the issue of education, would you prefer to remain silent and not enter into an argument?
  13. Are you afraid to participate in the analysis of conflict situations between teachers and parents?
  14. Do you have your own, purely individual criteria for evaluating family education and do you allow other opinions on this matter?
  15. Do you think that it is necessary to educate parents, and not just children?
  16. Is it easier for you to prepare information for parents in writing than to conduct an oral consultation?
    Score answers: "yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - O points.
    The points received are summed up and it is determined which category the subject belongs to.

"Psychological exercise"

The exercise is aimed at mastering relaxation and concentration techniques that help increase the energy potential. Conducted by music director.

  1. Standing, bring the shoulder blades together, smile and wink with the left, then repeat with the right eye: “I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot.”
  2. Putting your left palm on your forehead, then repeat with your right: “I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me.”
  3. Rubbing palm on palm, repeat: “I lure good luck, I become richer every day.”
  4. Standing on tiptoe, close your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: "I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best."
  5. Hands to the sides, clench your fists, making rotations with your hands: “I have no obstacles on the way, everything will turn out as it should.”
  6. Hands on the belt, making inclinations to the right - to the left, repeat: "I always keep peace and a smile, and everyone will help me, and I will help."
  7. Hands on the belt tilt back and forth, repeat: "Any situation is subject to me, the world is beautiful - and I am beautiful."
  8. Bouncing on the right, then on the left leg, repeat: "I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great."
  9. Clasping his hands in the castle, taking a deep breath: "The universe smiles at me, and everything works out for me."

Effective ways, forms, methods of involving parents in the life of preschool educational institutions.

Usually, the reading of the report is necessarily included in the parent meetings, this should be avoided, it is better to conduct a dialogue using the methods of activating parents. The use of non-traditional forms: "Oral Journal", "Pedagogical Living Room", "Round Table"; by the type of TV shows and entertainment programs, games aimed at attracting their attention to the kindergarten: "Pedagogical field of miracles", "Pedagogical case", "KVN", "Talk show"; campaigns “Let's paint the verandas”, “We are designers”. One of the forms of information and analytical work is a mailbox. This is a box or notebook in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, ask questions to teachers, the head or senior educator. It is necessary to focus on the use of the DOW website. Parents can ask questions on the site. The questions asked are covered at parent meetings or given by specialists in writing, or on the website of the preschool educational institution. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the teacher and is effective when time constraints prevent the teacher from meeting with parents in person.

2. “Homework. Project auction.

I invite each teacher to present their project on interaction with parents. Each of you has three chips, you can give them all for one project, or one chip for 3 projects, or 2 for one and 1 for another. At the end of our auction, we will determine which project received the most votes.

The teacher will receive a medal "Master of his craft".

3. Summing up.

Today we discussed one of the most important tasks facing preschool educational institutions. What conclusions you draw from the material of this teachers' council, write on the sheets - this will be the decision of the teachers' council.



Teachers' Council No. 3 Topic:"Social and personal development of preschool children"

“If today we teach as we taught yesterday,

we will steal from our children tomorrow"
John Dewey

Conduct form: round table

Good afternoon, dear teachers! I am glad to see you today at our teachers' council, which is directly devoted to the problems of studying the social and personal development of preschool children.

The choice of this topic is due to the need to activate the theoretical knowledge of teachers on this issue, improve the skills to apply them in their pedagogical activities.

So here we go!


To help children enter the social world, improving the work on the formation of the social and personal qualities of the child.


1. Raise a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him.

2. To develop social skills in children: mastering various ways to resolve conflict situations; ability to negotiate; keep order; make new contacts.

3. To form the child's communication skills - the ability to recognize emotional experiences and the states of others, the expression of one's own experiences.


  1. Report "Social and personal development of preschool children" - Danilova T.I.;
  2. Auction of pedagogical ideas: experience of using technologies of social and personal development in work with children (technology, NNOD) - Suslova N.A., Kuptsova E.M., Romanova T.E.;
  3. Discussion of draft decisions.

Warm up

You will be presented with five provisions, if you agree with them, follow the required actions. Be careful!

  1. If you think that the most important thing in the activities of teachers is love for children, clap your hands.
  2. If you think that practical experience is more useful for raising children than theoretical knowledge, stomp your feet.
  3. If you are sure that each person has a different communication style, touch the tip of your nose.
  4. If you think adults learn to communicate the same way children do, nod your head.
  5. If you think that emotions are not important in communication, close your eyes.

I see that your eyes are open, and we all understand that emotions are one of the ways to cheer up, relieve tension and emotional stress. So you are ready to work, you are in a good mood. Today I suggest that you remember, systematize the knowledge about the work of raising a child in the world of social relations.

  1. Implementation of the decisions of the previous teachers' council - Danilova T.I.
  1. November 2014 teachers' council "The readiness of pedagogical workers of the preschool educational institution to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard." Solution: The creative team was recommended to plan activities aimed at eliminatingdifficulties in the professional activities of preschool teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (up to 11/18/14). This decision has been made. An Action Plan has been drawn up to hinder the professional activities of preschool teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in MBDOU No. 39, responsible persons have been appointed, deadlines have been set, there are some results. Plan attached.
  1. Report "Social and personal development of preschool children" - Danilova T.I.

“The beginnings laid down in a person’s childhood are like carved

on the bark of a young tree, letters growing with it,

forming an integral part of it"


Currently, socialization is given special attention. It is no coincidence that the social and personal development and upbringing of preschoolers is one of the main components of the draft State Standard for Preschool Education.

The FGOS provides:

  • development of preschoolers in the assimilation of norms and valuesaccepted in society, including moral and ethical values;
  • development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;
  • the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;
  • development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy;
  • formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;
  • the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and community of children and adults.

The need for social education was also discussed by great teachers and philosophers of the past: Socrates and Plato, Ya.A. Kamensky, K.D. Ushinsky and L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Makarenko and V.A. Sukhomlinsky, but they understood it somewhat in their own way: they believed that the path to creating the foundations of personality is possible through conversations about justice, truth, honor, duty, beauty, Motherland, courage, fidelity, etc.

Problems social and personal development and education of preschool children lie in the changes that are taking place in our society and state.

In the context of the ongoing instability of the socio-economic, political life of the country continues:

  • an increase in the number of children who find themselves in difficult living conditions;
  • the number of divorces and the number of incomplete families;
  • conditions for keeping children are deteriorating, there are families with child abuse, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Statistics show that almost 50% of the country's child population (about 18 million) is in the zone of social risk. There are 573 thousand orphans in our country. Every year, about 100,000 children in need of care are identified in Russia. Unfortunately, children who do not have a positive experience of family life often repeat the fate of their parents.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions are concerned about changes in the moral, social and communicative development of preschoolers, their behavior. Modern children hardly learn certain moral norms, they have become more selfish, capricious, spoiled, often uncontrollable. As a result, manipulation of parents, difficulties in communication and interaction with adults and peers, this is due to a complex of socio-psychological problems (aggressiveness, shyness, hyperactivity, passivity of the child).

Modern society requires initiative young people who are able to find "themselves" and their place in life, restore the Russian spiritual culture, morally stable, socially adapted, capable of self-development and continuous self-improvement.

The basic structures of the personality are laid in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility for educating such qualities in the younger generation.

In this regard, the problem of social and communicative development - the development of the child in interaction with the world around him - becomes especially relevant at this modern stage.

Analyzing the problems of modern preschoolers, the following typical features can be distinguished:

  • despite changes in the world, society and family, preschoolers remain children, they love to play (the content of games has changed, along with role-playing games, children choose computer games, games with modern puzzles, constructors);
  • there have been significant changes in the intellectual sphere of children, they have become more informed and inquisitive, freely oriented in modern technology, in adult life, which is facilitated by the saturation of the environment in kindergarten and at home;
  • there are changes in the moral, social and personal development of children, in their behavior, communication.

The problems of preschool childhood are caused and aggravated, among other things, by the inability and unpreparedness of some families to create conditions for the harmonious socialization of the child, the weakening of successive ties between family and preschool education.

The main task of the stateand society in relation to children - providing optimal conditions for the development of their individual abilities, the possibility of self-regulation, the formation in the child of the foundations of a respectful attitude towards others, the ability to communicate and interact, familiarization with universal human values.The task of a modern preschool educational institutionis that pupils come out of its walls not only with a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also independent people with a certain set of moral qualities necessary for later life, the assimilation of social, ethical norms of behavior, non-violent interaction with adults and peers .

The experience of the preschool educational institution shows that it is important to form in preschoolers the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, to ensure overall mental development, to form the prerequisites for learning activities and the qualities necessary for adapting to school and successful learning.

The term "socialization" comes from the Latin word socialis - public, which means "the process of mastering a certain system of knowledge, norms and cultural values ​​that allow the growing preschooler to actively and competently participate in society."

Social Development -this is a process during which the child learns the values, traditions of his people, the culture of the society in which he will live. Socialization continues throughout a person's life, but the preschool period is extremely significant for the child's entry into the world of social relations, which, according to L.S. Vygotsky is viewed as “growing into human culture”.

In kindergarten, they stand in front of teachers tasks:

  1. Provide pedagogical support to children with learning problems, difficulties in communication, adaptation;
  2. Contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the group; be able to manage the behavior of children;
  3. To develop the social competence of preschoolers (cognitive, general cultural, communicative, value-semantic, personal competencies necessary for entering society);
  4. To improve the legal literacy of pupils; include in socially significant activities.
  5. Take into account individual and gender differences;
  6. To study families and provide advice to parents, improve their pedagogical competence in matters of upbringing and solving social and pedagogical problems of the child.

The specificity of preschool age is that the social development of the child is carried out under the influence of an adult who introduces the child into society. The child cooperates with competent adults, as a member of society, he is included in the system of human relations, where there is a dialogue of personalities, values. The development of patterns and norms of behavior, the search for the right attitudes in life occurs in a preschooler in interaction with peers, educators, and parents.

Adults open the future for children, act as intermediaries, accomplices in relation to the activities of children, in order to help children gain their own experience.

Social development is no less necessary for the individual than the development of intellectual, creative, physical abilities.

The modern world is arranged in such a way that one of the conditions for success is the ability to work fruitfully in a team, to find ways of interaction, mutual understanding with the people with whom you work. And, of course, the spiritual comfort, emotional satisfaction of your child will directly depend on how his relationships with other people will develop, what role he will play in the team in which he will be, and who he feels like.

Our task is to educate an active creative personality, capable of self-realization, able to establish harmonious relationships with other people, with oneself.

Differences between FGT and GEF, see Appendix

  1. Message from work experience: “The use of gaming technologies in the social and personal development of preschoolers” - educators: Tkachenko S.I., Trubina T.N., Antsiferova A.S.;
  2. Message from work experience: “Emotional well-being of a child in a group in interaction with peers” - educators: Gotina N.M., Mikheeva G.V.;
  3. Presentation of the work experience "Social and moral education of preschool children" - educator Morozova T.V.;
  4. Cooperation between a preschool educational institution and the family as a condition for the social and personal development of preschool children - educators: Kumaneeva T.I., Rumynina M.V.;
  5. Brainstorming - Danilova T.I.


  1. What areas are included in the educational area "social and communicative development"?

(“Socialization”, “Safety”, “Labor”)

  1. Name the areas with which the educational area "Socialization" integrates and give examples for your age group.
  2. What are the effective forms of work used to solve the problems of social and personal development of children in preschool?

1. NOD
2. Problem situations
3. Search - creative tasks
4. Plot - role-playing, leisure, educational, folk and didactic games
5. Educational conversations
6. Watching videos
7. Theatrical performances
8. Musical leisure, entertainment
9. Interactive games, presentations, exhibitions, projects, etc.

  1. Try to change the form of delivery so that the content of the phrase reaches each child. To give an example: "Girls should wear skirts." And you can say this: “In skirts, girls become beautiful and attractive. All our grandmothers and great-grandmothers wore skirts. These are women's clothes. Seeing a man in a skirt, you will always determine that this is a real woman.

Try changing the phrases:
- "You have to be a neat girl."
- "You can not offend girls."

“You have to listen to your parents.”
- "We need to help my mother."
5. Analysis of situations:

  • “The kindergarten teacher, during a tour of the zoo, introduced the children to various animals - their habits, lifestyle, appearance, etc. Upon returning to the group, she brought into the room toys of animals that the children met, expecting them to start play in the zoo. But the children did not play “in the zoo” on that day or on the following days. Why?
  • Sasha brought a new interesting game to the kindergarten, all the children are keenly interested in whether Sasha will let them play this game too. Sasha replies: "What will you give me?" and does not allow you to play for free. Your actions.
  • The teacher on a walk organized sports competitions in teams. The team that Sveta was in lost several times because of her sluggishness. The team captain expressed dissatisfaction: "If you don't know how to play, don't play!" The girl stepped aside, began to cry, and after this incident, despite all the persuasions of the teacher, she no longer took part in children's games. How to renew the desire to play with Sveta?
  • Three children run around the kindergarten, run into their comrades. The remarks of the educator are answered that they are playing "war". What should a teacher do?
  • The girl joined the group. The guys invite her to the games. But she refuses all invitations. How should the teacher react in this case? How to involve a girl in the game?
  1. Auction of pedagogical ideas: experience of using technologies of social and personal development in work with children (technology, NNOD); - Suslova N.A., Kuptsova E.M., Romanova T.E.;
  2. Reminders for teachers: Training games with children. Algorithm for a situation of a search nature - Danilova T.I.;
  3. Communication game "You still do not know what ..."

Rules of the game: an object is passed around in a circle. Each participant continues the phrase: “You still don’t know what…”

I liked working with you, you showed your communication skills, the ability to communicate, interact constructively, and presented your experience in the social and personal development of children. I am very pleased that you are using non-traditional forms and methods in your work with children.

  1. Discussion of draft decisions.

Board decision:

1. Improve the work on the social and communicative development of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education -preschool teachers, constantly

2. In working with children on social and personal development, use game technologies -educators, constantly.

3. In the process of playing activity, provide children with more independence, assign themselves the role of the organizer of the game, a secondary participant or observer -educators, constantly.

4. Daily plan role-playing games and weekly work on the moral education of preschoolers -educators of all groups, all the time.

In conclusion, I would like to urge you to follow the words of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky: “I want not to teach, but to talk sincerely, to think together and guess!”.

preschool childhood- the time of the initial formation of the personality and what this personality will be like, to a large extent depends on the teachers.

Modern children live in an era full of contradictions, saturated with information, constant changes, and the transience of events. Live communication with adults or other children is gradually being replaced for them by watching television programs, films, and computer games. The behavior of the child often repeats what he saw on the screen. At the same time, he does not have enough reserves of physical and mental health to cope with such loads. Children become impulsive, it is difficult for them to control their emotions, to understand their own experiences and the feelings of other people. And without this, the formation of a harmoniously developed personality is not possible.*

From the practice of working with preschoolers, it can be seen that from year to year, children come to kindergarten with a depressed emotional sphere. They cannot express their feelings, and if they express them, then this happens in a harsh form, which causes problems in communicating with peers and adults. The child closes in on himself with his problems, fears.

The radical transformations that have taken place in recent years in Russia pose special challenges for the system of preschool education. Care for the emotional well-being of the child is a priority today.

Thus, the relevance of the study is determined, firstly, by the increased importance of empathy, secondly, by the insufficient development of this problem in relation to preschool age, and, thirdly, by the state of the issue in practice related to the need to establish the priority of personal interaction based on empathy as universal human value. Therefore, the problem of our study was to comprehend the scientific foundations for building a pedagogical process that allows a teacher to develop empathy in children aged 5-7 years, and its implementation in an educational institution. The identified contradictions led to the choice of the research topic: * "The development of empathy in the process of forming interpersonal relationships in preschool children" The object of the study is the process of personality development of a child in preschool age in an educational institution.

Subject of study: pedagogical conditions for the development of empathy in preschool children.

Purpose of the study: creation of the necessary pedagogical conditions for the development of empathy in children aged 5-7 years. *

The object, subject and purpose of the study determined the range of research tasks:*
1. To study both the essence and the structure of empathy as a property of a person.
2. Analyze the pedagogical conditions conducive to the development of empathy.
3. Describe the criteria and determine the levels and development of empathy in children 5-7 years old.
4. Create a program for the purposeful formation of empathy in preschool age, taking into account the age sensitivity and individual characteristics of children.

Given the relevance of this problem, the following research hypothesis is put forward: * the development of empathy in preschool children will be implemented more effectively if the necessary pedagogical conditions are met. *
The design of this process will be based on the understanding of empathy as a personality trait in preschool age, expressed in comprehending the emotional states of another person, understanding his feelings and experiences, striving to provide support and effective help to other people, as well as self-realization in interaction with others.
Levels will be identified and criteria for the development of empathy in children aged 5-7 years will be described, ensuring their emotional and moral development.
The creation of special pedagogical conditions will be considered as the leading condition that determines the effectiveness of the development of empathy.
The development of empathy will be built as a process in which the child is projected to gradually master the methods of emotional and moral attitude towards peers and the world around him in various types of joint activities.

The problem of the development of morality occupies a significant place in scientific research, which has shown that the foundations for focusing on the emotional state of a peer begin to be laid already at preschool age. In the scientific literature* there are different approaches to the definition of empathy as a property of a person and empathy as a process, the levels of its development, the stages of formation, the mechanisms of formation. However, we note that at present there are no universal criteria for determining empathy. An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature only makes it possible to single out a certain set of features that reveal its essence.* Despite the fact that quite a lot of attention is paid to the development of empathy in the scientific literature. The problem of constructing a dynamic model of the process of developing empathy in a child at preschool age remains unresolved, in which pedagogical conditions would be sufficiently developed and specific technologies would be presented. For more effective development of empathy in preschool children, I developed the “Feel and Understand” work program. During the implementation of the work program, I tried to find the best methods and techniques for the development of empathic feelings in children.

Since the development of empathy is a sequential, step-by-step process, it requires appropriate step-by-step actions on the part of the teacher. In this regard, the choice of pedagogical technology as the most important condition for the development of empathy in children of older preschool age is logical.

The implementation of pedagogical technology will allow the educator:

Make the process of solving problems consistent, orderly, thoughtful and conscious;
achieve the predicted result;
as opposed to a method, method or technique, to answer the question: “How and why do I do this?”

The system of work on the development of empathy in preschool children includes four stages.*

1st stage. Diagnostic*

Target: studying the features of empathy in children of senior preschool age
The main areas of diagnostics are related to the study of:
emotional susceptibility of older preschoolers;
features of children's manifestation of empathy;
The purpose of our experimental study is to study the age-related sensitivity of preschool children (5-6 years old) to manifestations of empathy in their behavior.
To determine the age characteristics in the manifestation of empathy for a peer, we, together with a psychologist, used a number of proven diagnostic tasks.
After analyzing the results, it was concluded that, on average, about 54.7% of children in a forecasting situation tend to show empathy and help others. The results obtained are presented in diagram1.*
The diagnostics carried out confirmed the need for work in this area.

2nd stage. Formative*

At this stage, the “language of emotions” is mastered, fixation on the emotional states of others and their recognition includes:
- highlighting a fixed emotion
– recognition of intonation and intoned speech
- teaching pantomime - gesture, posture, expressive movement
- speech and behavioral ethics on an emotional basis (various forms of etiquette - polite expressions, polite forms of behavior).
— empathic reading of the work*
The aim of the second stage is the development of the ability to see another, to perceive his experiences, feelings, problems. For this, the following were carried out:
- conversations ("Lessons of politeness", "Lessons of kindness", "How to understand another person");
- analysis of problematic situations such as: “You offended your friend, try to make peace with him. You want to play with the toy your friend plays with. Ask him.";
- reading fiction with subsequent questions on the text (Why did he do this? What did he feel at the same time? ...);
- analysis of proverbs and sayings (example: the guest is satisfied - the owner is happy, the heart is happy - and the face blooms, ...);

3rd stage. Educational *

At this stage, in order to arouse interest in children, to create an appropriate emotional mood, I introduced a cycle of games - trips to the island of Good Deeds.* The main purpose of travel games is:
enrichment of children's ideas about empathy as sympathy, empathy, assistance;
expansion and enrichment of children's ideas about emotions and feelings, ways of their verbalization;
One trip is designed for two or three meetings with children. About eighteen game interactions are planned (if necessary, the number of meetings can be increased by including additional literary material). After each journey, new objects appear on the island, such as: an apple tree of joy, a garden of conscience, a river of kindness, and many others.
The content of travel games can be included:*
fairy tales, poems and stories of empathic content, the plots of which are material for dramatizations, conversations with children;
personal experience of preschoolers;
solution of moral situations.
It uses a wide range of methods and techniques aimed at enriching the child's individual experience of feeling; allowing you to turn to your own feelings, experiences, feelings, analyze them, realize and find their expression.
etude games based on the plots of fiction;
conversations with children;
problem situations;

4th stage. fixing

The 4th stage is fixing, generalizing, The main goal of this stage is:
activation of empathic experience in children;
consolidation of the experience gained.
The form of work was:
individual, subgroup and group play interactions with children;
inclusion in regime moments and regular improvisation games based on events from the lives of children.
Used methods and techniques:
problem situations that require an independent solution, activation of the empathic experience of children;
the introduction of literary material of empathic content for independent dramatizations of preschoolers in order to enrich the empathic experience and maintain interest in fiction;
observation in nature (living and inanimate objects);
joint, collective activity, collective work;
birthday celebration.

The result of the work was the island of "Good Deeds", this is not only the result of children's work, but a constant reminder of moral behavior, we also jointly designed the Magic Book * (photos of children, statements of children's attitudes towards manifestations of empathy with each other, illustrations of literary and fairy-tale characters, which can be called empathic).

In order to determine the success of the work done to increase the level of development of the emotional sphere, the development of empathy, the ability to empathize and sympathize, the diagnostics were re-conducted, * the results of which showed, based on the data obtained, it was concluded that, on average, 77.6% of children have quite high level of empathy.

As a result of the work carried out, the children became more attentive to each other,* began to show sympathy not only for close people and peers, but also for others around them. The facial expressions of the children became more expressive and plastic,* all the children willingly participated in theatrical activities,* actively participated in discussions. After all, when a child is in a harmonious balance with himself, when his inner state is colored with positive emotions, and he knows that he will cope with any situation within himself, this gives him confidence.