Has anyone interacted with Italian men? Everything you need to know about Italian men

Sunny Italy, with its Cote d'Azur, masterpieces of fine art and architecture, delicious cuisine and sacred nature, constantly attracts Russian girls. Many choose to leave their cold homeland and move closer to ancient civilization. And some even “use” Italy as the main geographical point of “sex tourism”.

Oh, these passionate men!

Russian women are often attracted to Italian men. However, popular judgments about their “mad” mentality stop them, not allowing our “cold ladies” to open their hearts to sultry strangers.

Is the character of a normal Italian really so specific? Yes it is. The Italian character is a real hurricane of passions and emotions, concentrated in one person. But, despite such an ardent disposition, a native of the Mediterranean can become for you the most gentle, zealous and sensitive husband, who, alas, is not so easy to find in the vastness of our vast Motherland.

In fact, the Italian mentality is truly far from ours.

First of all, you must understand that men in Italy are not exclusively interested in what is happening in the world. Consequently, if you say that you are from Russia, do not be surprised by such associative expressions on his part as “perestroika”, “cold”, “vodka”, “red caviar”, “bear”, “balalaika”, and, permissibly, “ Putin." Italian men are not exclusively interested in something new, therefore such simple epithets are exceptional that you will be able to hear about your native area.

Interesting Personality Traits of Italians

Italian men: what are they like?

This question is often asked by women who dream of getting a temperamental Italian as their husband.

The first thing you should pay attention to is their amorousness. They say that Italians are not in love only if they are dead. And this humorous expression has some truth behind it. And even if a man is not really in love with you, he will desperately and masterfully pretend that he is in love, because “love affairs” for him are life itself, its sacred purpose.

He will not only shower you with compliments (and perhaps expensive gifts), but also plan the wedding date, the names of the children, the nickname of the first pet...

As soon as you succumb to his tricks, he will begin to aggressively call you to him, or impose himself on you. And if you refuse, you will be considered cold (like all Russian women!).

What can bring an Italian to natural panic is criticism and ridicule. If you try to make fun of a new man in a “good-natured” way, but your humor seems too caustic or offensive to him, you risk being branded not only as a cold, touchy person, but also as an evil bitch.

An Italian man will throw out a phrase like “you don’t respect me at all!” and turns away. If in any other representative of the stronger sex the hunting instinct leaps up at the moment, then in the Italian there is only resentment and irritation. The fact is that these men do not have a bit of self-criticism, and consider themselves the most virtuoso and charming lovers on every globe. And how dare you doubt this?!

But the bitterest disappointment awaits you when you finally end up in bed with this home-grown Casanova. The fact is that sex with an Italian is extremely unimportant (of course, speaking of most of the statistics). Many of our compatriots would rate him a “solid C”.

It turns out that a man from Italy is something like an arrogant bird: every evening he struggles, trying to awaken hope in you for his amazing “bed abilities”, and as a result, waiting for something brilliant, you get something something that the whole “Russian Vanka” is proud of, otherwise it’s even more dreary and ordinary. But they also have some nice features. Let's say, Russian women will be guaranteed to be bought by an abundance of compliments and words of praise coming from every passerby, and even the baker from the bakery.

Italians are extraordinarily polite, something our men have been lacking for a long time. They will invariably give you a hand, push back your chair, take off your coat and treat you like a queen. They are extremely well-groomed: they are invariably dressed with taste (however, the cult of clothing in Italy is obligatory in itself), they smell wonderful, they are clean-shaven and “fresh.”

Rules for communicating with Italians

Unions of Italian men and Russian women, despite the nature of the former, are still successful. Only if a foreigner, having arrived in Italy, knows how to behave positively with local representatives of the stronger sex.

So, here are some rules that will help you when communicating with Italians:

  • Don't give him your phone number. Or rather, give it only if you yourself are confident in
    your desire to continue the relationship. Learn the main lesson when communicating with representatives of this nationality - it is unthinkable to abandon them or “send them off”! If the Italian is serious about seducing you, there is no point in resisting him - the fame will be squeezed in a vice and hidden greatly in the soul. Please note that for every “No” you will hear the question “Why?” And also be morally prepared for telephone terror if you acted rashly and still gave the Italian your mobile number. By the way, it is possible that your newly made admirer will begin to control his every step: as soon as the Italian feels “agreement” on your part (even if this is trivial flirting!), he will consider you his woman and decide that he must certainly be aware of everyone what is happening in your life;
  • Don't take it seriously. Italian “high society” conversations and witty monologues may seem like sheer nonsense to us, and therefore, when communicating with representatives of this nationality, it is appropriate to “turn off your brain” for a while. Do not go too deeply into the passages of your counterpart; on the contrary, your brain can literally boil from the information entering it, which is traditionally not in much demand;
  • Don't talk about diets. And don’t practice them before visiting a warm country! The fact is that Italians love women “with bodies” - cute, plump women with beautiful lips and colorful eyes. No, of course, they also respect slender women, but they are not too used to them. The average Italian woman is many times fuller than the average Russian woman. Therefore, do not exhaust yourself too much with diets and workouts when you go looking for the Italian “prince.” And under no circumstances voice your ascetic menu in their presence - by doing this you will not only provoke bewilderment, but also upset your interlocutor;
  • Don't expect anything unnatural. Despite the imaginary determination and assertiveness, do not expect real serious actions towards yourself from the Italians. This is only acceptable if your new beau really falls in love with you. On the contrary, the matter will not move forward, and nothing will go beyond words. Italians are amazingly uninitiative men when it comes to winning women. The same goes for bed - orgasm, dear ladies, is in your hands. And these men differ from Russians only in their attractive bodies. In sex, don’t expect any advantage;
  • Get ready for hot passions and jealousy. Yes, this is not a stereotype at all. Italians are monstrously jealous creatures. And they certainly won’t skimp on emotions during the next scene a la Othello, which can be accompanied not only by raised voices, but also by breaking dishes, for example.
  • Also keep in mind that Italians:

    • They elevate parents to the status of saints and can live with them for up to 45 years;
    • They love to contemplate female beauty;
    • They start families at 35-40 years old;
    • They prefer to marry people the same age;
    • They cook and clean the same as women.

    Some women, imbued with the culture of the country, decide to name their child accordingly.

    Among the wonderful Italian names for men:

    • Abele;
    • Adolfo;
    • Adriano;
    • Antonio;
    • Battista;
    • Biagio;
    • Valentino;
    • Gavino;
    • Gaston;
    • Dino;
    • Gerardo;
    • Luciano;
    • Marco;
    • Niko;
    • Ottavio;
    • Paolo;
    • Romeo;
    • Cecilio;
    • Teodoro;
    • Feliciano;
    • Ernesto.

    If you decide to start a family with an Italian, may success smile on you and you will meet a truly worthy person!

    Sunny coast, amazing food, tanned handsome guy nearby - have you ever dreamed of this?

    It doesn’t matter where you met an Italian: on a business trip, on vacation or online. You don’t have to rack your brains over what to say and what to do, because the instructions are already ready!

    You can not only inflame his feelings, but build a happy long-term relationship with him.

    So, 7 rules, which will help the Italian to like it. Take a notepad, pen and write down!

    1. Be emotional

    A man is a result, a woman is a state, a process and emotions. If you are emotional, and your man is Italian, know that you are already very lucky.

    The Italian does not hide his emotions, he can laugh and cry with or without reason. When his favorite team loses, if the girl of his dreams agrees to be with him, if his mother is sick or a passerby smiles...

    That’s why their communication is filled with gestures and expressive facial expressions. And he expects the same from his partner. Gesture, explain, talk about what you like, smile, laugh, in a word, don’t be afraid to express your feelings and yours.

    Any man will be pleased with your sensuality and desire to convey your thoughts with the help of it, and especially an Italian.

    2. Challenge him

    A man is a hunter, and in the case of an Italian, this statement can be multiplied by 10. Italian men love the chase: they love to conquer, catch up and beautifully court.

    The trick to dealing with an Italian is to find a balance in the game. You seem to be missing, but he must be absolutely sure that he can reach you at any moment.

    Don't give him too much of yourself. Your hobbies, your friends, your dreams should remain with you, no matter what kind of man is next to you.

    Although relationships are important in everyone's life, with her own interests and her own life, she will be much more attractive than a dependent girl.

    3. Marriage is a formality

    By the way, Italian men really pay attention to quality items and accessories, so your wardrobe should be literally impeccable.

    Yes, still! There is nothing wrong with asking your man to buy you a pair of good shoes and help you choose.

    You'll see, a normal Italian man will only be happy with such a request.

    7. Male friendship

    In the case of the Italian, as in many other respects, the concept of “male friendship” can be safely multiplied by 10.

    For Italians, male friendship is sacred. In restaurants and cafes throughout the country, small groups sit at any time of the day.

    Over morning coffee, at lunch, over a glass of wine in the evening or at football. You just have to accept it. There will often be guests in the house and a cozy atmosphere.

    And, by the way, Italian men love their well-deserved rest and know a lot about it. So you will also have to learn to rest.

    Within the standard

    Don’t forget that you need to look for an approach to any man and each one is individual. The Italian way of thinking and worldview is different from the city and country you are used to.

    To understand this, you need to be flexible and adapt. The language barrier, for example, has not been abolished.

    A smile and femininity can move mountains, but if you can’t put two words together in Italian, start with courses, because Italians love their language.

    American, Russian or Italian - any man remains a man if you feel like a woman. Your task is to discern a worthy man in him and understand how to interact with him.

    Good luck,
    Ksenia Litvinova, psychologist at FazaRosta.

    We’ll figure it out! I’ll share my impressions and tell you everything I know. I live in Italy, married to an Italian. We have many friends all over Italy. There are people to look at and people to discuss.

    Italian men must be examined from all sides to detect special signs.

    Italian appearance will not tell you anything. Among them there are brunettes, and blonds, and bald. In the north they look like Germans, in the south - even worse, like gypsies or Asians. There are very beautiful, bright ones. But there are few of them. You need to look. There are types , at which you look and think: “God, who is this or what is this?” That is, a typical Italian face is impossible to imagine.

    Let me give you an example. Famous Italian personalities: Adriano Celentano, Toto Cutugno, Albano, Gabriel Garko, Toto, Francesco Totti, Raoul Bova. They are all Italians, and they are so different.

    I also have photos of our friends. I chose the best ones. Admire them, girls!

    An Italian friend, an Italian husband, an Italian living in the north or south of Italy - they change their color like chameleons.

    I would note the following special signs that are unique to Italian men.

    They are temperamental, jealous, narcissistic types. They love themselves and believe that they are the best men on the planet. They know and know how to find an approach to any woman, they look after them beautifully, not forgetting to put the “stuff on their ears.” They say a lot. 30% of what they hear will be true.

    I won’t say that all Italian men are 100% like this. There are exceptions.

    I wrote about Italian temperament, emotionality, and gestures in a separate article. I won’t repeat myself, you can read everything

    Let's talk about the attitude of Italian men towards women.

    Italians, depending on where they live in Italy, north-south, differ in their mentality and their temperament. The blood in their veins boils and hits their head in the direction to the south. The more south an Italian man’s origin is, the hotter it is.

    How do Italians behave when they see a woman they like?.

    Let's take the Campania region - southern Italy.

    We're walking around the city alone, with a friend, with my husband. You're dressed modestly. Jeans, a T-shirt, tourist sneakers. What's going on? Southerners will openly look at you from head to toe, devour you with their eyes, make comments about everything to you without embarrassment parts of the body. If you are alone, they will come up to you and start getting to know you right away. Southern Italian men are professional hunters of women.

    The center of Italy - Rome. We go for a walk. On the streets we catch the gaze of Italian men. What kind of look is that? An Italian saw a beautiful lady, admires you and envy your companion. You can hear a compliment addressed to you.

    If you are on an excursion or on vacation alone, go to a bar. There is an opportunity to meet an Italian. The person you like will offer to have coffee with him. This is how all Italians begin their acquaintance, regardless of the region of Italy.

    We are in Rimini, northern Italy.

    Here and closer to the north live hard-working Italians who keep their heads cold and have blue blood.

    On the streets of the city practically no one looks at you. They see that you are a foreigner, which means you are a tourist. And there are many of them.

    Again, an exception. My husband and I were in Florence. In the Accademia gallery, everyone was staring at the statue of David. I was made to laugh by a Japanese man who was running around the statue and secretly taking photos of David. It is forbidden to take photographs in the gallery. And then I noticed one person who was looking at me with head to toe. Walking through the gallery, I again noticed the pursuer, who, like a peacock, had already fluffed his tail and posed better than David. As it turned out later, it was a group of Italians from Naples. Everything is clear, an Italian from the south. And an Italian hunter always the gun is ready.

    Bottom line: You can tell an Italian from the north and south by the way they look at you and what they say to you.

    I want to meet an Italian!!! I want, I want! Are you dreaming of an Italian boyfriend? This is what awaits you.

    It’s very easy to meet an Italian. Come to Italy on vacation alone, and that’s it!

    Having received your treasure, we remember that Italian men are very jealous. Be patient, girls! You will be monitored both day and night. You will have to hang your phone on a cord and wear it around your neck. Excuses that you were in the shower, were busy with work, did not hear bells will not work. For Italians, we women are all the same and dream of only one thing. About what? Where to go, where to go... Everyone, I think, knows the continuation of this saying.

    And then the instructions. The most important thing is, don’t spend too much time making excuses for why you didn’t answer the phone call. Otherwise, you’ll end up in a mental hospital. If he likes you, he won’t go anywhere. But he’ll still control you. They’re such jealous people.

    I advise you to treat Italians using their own methods. Call and write to your boyfriend whenever you want! Answers calls at any time of the day - excellent, he has nothing to hide from you.

    There are also pleasant moments. Italian men look after you beautifully. They will give you compliments, take you to restaurants, give you gifts, and give you excursions around the cities of Italy.

    Among Italian men there are many interesting and educated types. But there are also “collective farmers”. You will understand this already on the first date.

    If an Italian wants to continue the relationship with you, he will introduce you to friends and family.

    Advice from personal experience. Don’t meet Italians on social networks! Your chosen one is not there! A serious person is not looking for a lifelong friend on a social network. On the streets of Italian cities, it’s 50/50 to meet your destiny. The best option is for your friends to introduce you to an Italian. And you You will already have a small dossier in your hands: who he is, where he lives, with whom he lives and what he breathes.

    Concluding the article, I want to please you, not everything is so scary! Look, look for your Italian! With Italian men you will feel desired and loved, life will be filled with bright colors. And the downsides…….And you try to find the ideal man on the planet!

    So we smoothly move on to our next topic, “Italian Husband.” And I will talk about this in a separate article.

    See you on the blog pages!

    While Italy is well known for its food, art and scenery, there's another national treasure: it's no secret that Italian men have a reputation for being the most romantic in the world.

    This article is for those ladies who are single and sometimes fantasize about the love that can be found on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

    Yes, Italian men deserve to be dreamed about and talked about. But don't book your plane tickets to Italy at least until you read this article and chat with me, because there are some things you should keep in mind before falling on the chest of the first Mario, Francesco or Valentino, whom you will meet when you step off the plane.

    Advice one. Remember that they love to be beautiful and demand the same from their companion

    Italian men are good. Even those who are not blessed with a purely athletic or otherwise sculpted figure know how to put on a show for the ladies. In Italy, being beautiful is not just an attribute, it is a way of life.

    When Italians leave home for the day, they dress to make a good impression - and trust us, they don't disappoint.

    From the gel in their hair to the polish on their shoes, Italian men look like they're headed to the runway where their own super-liner awaits, even when they're just out for an evening stroll through a small-town square.

    Italian men can spend hours admiring themselves and putting themselves in order. They take pride in their appearance. They will likely spend more time in front of the mirror than you do when you go out. His eyebrows will be perfectly combed and he will smell like he took a bath in a can of cologne.

    They are beautiful. But that doesn't mean they don't expect the same from you.

    He expects the same level of excellence from you, the absence of which may result in harsh criticism.

    He will definitely notice that your shoes don't match your bag. It could be that the first thing your guy friend says when he says hello will be “Wow! You must have gained at least five kilos since we last met!”

    At first, you might think that his openness may be constructive and encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle, but upon closer examination, you may find that he is simply an ill-mannered ass.

    Tip two. He's romantic... But is this romance meant only for you?

    If you allow an Italian man into your life, you will soon feel like you are the only woman in the world.

    Exactly. He will take you on romantic walks, spend the entire evening with you, call you pet names within minutes of meeting you, and sometimes declare his passionate love for you before you even know his last name.

    He will buy you flowers, invite you to a candlelit dinner, and then a moonlit walk around the square. He will insist that he didn't experience even a semblance of joy in life until he met you. I hope you don’t believe a single word he says (at least on the first evening).

    Yes, Italian men are intoxicating.

    But this romance is not only for you. She is for any woman who would be in your place too. Italians just know how to look after people - that's all.

    Are you going on holiday to Italy and want a little summer romance? No problem. Looking for a husband? Be careful.

    An Italian man will tell you that you are the love of his life and there is no one more beautiful than you.

    Don't fall into this trap! Of course there are exceptions, but in my experience they are rare.

    Enjoy yourself, but protect your heart and don't expect him to put a ring on your ring finger.

    Tip three. He likes to have fun...

    Italian men like to enjoy life, laugh and not worry too much about business. He will take you on a mini trip to the coast or take you to a concert in the square. He enjoys eating, drinking and spending time in the company of his friends and family. Dating with him will always be exciting. But family life is not always fun...

    Tip four. He is passionate and impulsive.

    Meeting and having a first date with an Italian can be bright and stunning. And believe me, the passion doesn’t end there. Italians are known to be some of the best lovers, and from what I know from my own family experience and that of my girlfriends, this is true, but not quite in the way you think.

    While Russian men are criticized for being indifferent after sex, Italian men are above all praise.

    You won’t have to quickly leave in the morning after a stormy night, trying not to knock your heels and quietly close the door while he snores indifferently. No. He will make you coffee. He'll take you home. And he will treat you with the same respect and interest that he showed when he was courting you...

    They are impulsive. Perhaps even too much.

    Many foreigners in Italy are often unfairly perceived as "cold" or "dry" because they are a bit more reserved than the natives. This is because Italians are ruled by emotions. He is passionate about everything he does, thinks and says, and this can relieve him of fatigue very quickly.

    He will show his full range of emotions at every opportunity, and will seem overly theatrical when expressing himself.

    Every word that comes out of his mouth is accompanied by a hand gesture, and you'll learn Italian if only because you'll wonder if he's angry at you or just interested in what you're saying.

    Tip five. Italians are great, but they're mama's boys

    You know that many, including Russians, live with their families, with their older generations, but Italians take this to a completely new level. There are no things in this world that are stronger than the bond between an Italian mother and her son.

    Half of Italian men of marriageable age live at home with their mothers, a phenomenon well known in Italy that suggests Italians are big mama's boys.

    Do I think I'm exaggerating? In Italy, three out of ten marriages end in divorce due to the close bond between Italian men and their mothers. So remember this when dreaming of a romantic life with an Italian: most likely, it will be a life of three - you, your chosen one and his mother.

    While Italian men can become some of your best friends, I wouldn't fall in love with them quickly. Here's my advice for women traveling in Italy or looking for love on dating sites. Be careful, take your time, just enjoy the conversation and make sure that you only see flirting as a good time.

    And in order not to make mistakes in meeting Italians, sign up for a consultation with me, and I will teach you the correct behavior with them.

    Last time we talked about myths, about the traits supposedly inherent to this people, but today I would like to discuss such a sensitive topic as the courtship of an Italian. Oh, you could devote ten or even more posts to this topic and it wouldn’t be enough))) So what are they like, Italians in love?

    So, you have won the heart of an Apennine resident, what follows from this?! And the fact that now your life will change 180 degrees)))) An Italian will never be the first to admit his feelings without being sure of reciprocity. Therefore, be prepared that from the beginning he will offer you friendship. By the way, this is probably the only country where friendship (I emphasize friendship) between representatives of the opposite sex is possible. After that, he will begin to surprise and amaze you. Even with fairly modest financial resources, an Italian in love will begin to create madness and wastefulness, well, in his opinion, of course))) He takes you to Paris for the weekend, and you will find out about it a couple of hours before departure via SMS. Of course, he will try to show you the best in his country, and in particular, he will start taking you to expensive restaurants. Attention!
    If an Italian pays for you in a restaurant, it means he cares about you. Under other circumstances, he will not do this.
    He will be unusually gallant, witty and romantic. Oh, you will be bombarded with such phrases that you will pinch yourself on the arm, wondering if you were all dreaming. Well, you can’t even imagine how unusual this will be, Russian men don’t have such imagination, I’m telling you for sure! You will be given some kind of cute name, but not a hackneyed kitten or bunny, no! You will be sung, just like that and no less! Remember Pushkin on his first wedding night could not sleep, but sat and admired his wife? The Italian will not be able to sleep for at least a week and to all questions and your confusion he will only answer that he does not understand why God gave him such happiness. True true!
    Present. The best is something that can be shared with him. Well, if he rides a board, get ready, soon you will get it too))) Even better, of course, is a trip together and somewhere where he either hasn’t been yet, or where he liked it. It may be trivial, but it seems that he is lucky first of all... that's right, himself!
    Flowers. As mentioned earlier, an Italian in his right mind would never give you flowers on his own initiative. He loves them, they’re beautiful, but he won’t give them as a gift. Why? Stupid and wasteful.
    He will take you to the best restaurant in his opinion, together and preferably by the sea. It's romantic and helps move the relationship in the right direction.
    Attention! Have you been introduced to friends? Wow, congratulations, you've taken it to the next level! After this comes the level - Take the fortress, you will be invited home if you live alone or when there is no one, if you live with your parents. Did you pass this one too?! Master! The next, virtually impossible level is Iron Mamba, you understand, yes, what I mean? Well, the very last stage, if you have not yet lost patience and desire, if you are still in your right mind and do not look with longing at the planes flying above you, then you will face a level where even stones crumble into sand and the blood vessels in your ears burst from stress. Don't worry, it's late now, you're out for Sunday lunch with your family! Bingo!!!
    What else can I add? Italians in love are infinitely sweet, you will be simply captivated by their charm. No one knows how to care so endlessly beautifully as they do. Very tender and uncontrollably passionate. So there is a chance you won’t see Paris on the weekend, as well as on the next one, and during working hours between them. And then again. And in general))) Handsome, strong, well-groomed men, yeah!)))
    Well, next time I’ll tell you which girls attract Italians the most and which ones don’t; how to understand whether his intentions are serious and where they most often meet.