Minimally invasive facial rejuvenation techniques. Age-related changes in the face. invasive procedures in cosmetology

Minimally invasive procedures are procedures that provide less intervention in human body than open surgery. Facial rejuvenation plastic surgery involves general anesthesia, quite a long rehabilitation period accompanied by swelling painful sensations, and minimally invasive practice is much less traumatic, is performed without incisions, is not fraught with serious complications, and has a short rehabilitation period.

Our doctor recommends precisely minimally invasive methods of facial rejuvenation as the most optimal options for counteracting dermatological aging at the age of about 30, with no deep wrinkles Oh. It can also be a trial procedure before further surgery. Minimally invasive techniques give a result comparable to a full-scale surgical procedure for a circular facelift.

When minimally invasive methods are indicated

We recommend resorting only to minimally invasive rejuvenation methods if you are relatively young, wrinkles are not deep yet, and also if you have diseases in which it is actually contraindicated Plastic surgery.

The future is minimally invasive

Surgical operations last 3-4 hours, require general anesthesia, hospitalization, there is a risk of scarring, as well as hematomas (in the early postoperative period). The duration of rehabilitation is 4-6 months.

The minimally invasive method has several advantages:

  • the duration of the operation is calculated in minutes, not hours;
  • local anesthesia is applied;
  • performed on an outpatient basis;
  • rehabilitation lasts 4-5 days.

More and more people are choosing the non-surgical method. Minimally invasive technologies that appeared at the end of the last century are becoming even more effective and affordable. Their harm is minimal, complications are also minimal, and they give an excellent effect.

Minimally invasive areas of rejuvenation in the clinic

Successful non-surgical rejuvenation in the clinic can be obtained by such manipulations:

  • Injections (hyaluronic acid, dysport, xeomin);
  • Thread lifting of the face (aptos,);


With this method, biologically compatible fillers (fillers) are introduced into the subcutaneous layers. They return young volumes to the face, smooth wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin, restoring its elasticity and firmness (this cannot be achieved with plastic surgery).

These can be injections:

  • Hyaluronic Acid: natural ingredient inherent in the skin, actively restoring skin elasticity and density.
  • Botox, dysport, xeomin: all preparations contain the bacterium Clostridia Botulinum, which paralyzes the facial muscles. As a result, existing wrinkles are smoothed out, new ones are not formed.

The effect is manifested instantly, but the duration of exposure to drugs is limited: from six months to 5 years.

Thread lifting

These are (aptos, mesothreads), which are injected under the skin, and then fixed on microhooks. The threads, when pulled, tighten sagging tissues, fixing them in given state. The threads are injected in certain directions with instruments that provide virtually no marks on the surface of the skin. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia for 30-40 minutes. Within two years, the threads gradually dissolve, but all this time they stimulate the activity of skin cells that produce collagen. The skin retains its elasticity for several years after the dissolution of the threads.

In terms of simplicity, the procedure is comparable to injection methods, gives almost instant results, does not leave scars, significantly postpones the moment when without traditional plastic surgery no longer manageable.

laser resurfacing

The laser gives a powerful effect of renewal, as well as tightening due to the removal of the upper layers of the epidermis. By this method:

  • Superficial wrinkles are removed, deep wrinkles are leveled.
  • Scars, stretch marks are removed.
  • Achieved healthy color, even tone faces.

Laser resurfacing has a strong lifting effect, stimulates the production of new collagen, which lasts a year after the procedure.


Despite the simplicity and minimum consequences, minimally invasive technologies also have contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin diseases, hemophilia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • exacerbation of diseases internal organs;
  • immunodeficiency.

You can get more detailed advice regarding all the pros and cons of minimally invasive techniques by making an appointment at our Center. An experienced doctor will objectively assess the condition of your skin and recommend optimal procedure to achieve the desired effect.

Facelift is a procedure that every woman thinks about sooner or later, although in Lately facial rejuvenation is actively used for men. Aging is a natural process, but needless to say, this is exactly the naturalness that we would like to avoid as long as possible. When all procedures available at home have been tried, but have not brought desired result, then it remains only to turn to cosmetology or plastic surgery. This article discusses invasive and non-invasive facial rejuvenation techniques.

Indications and contraindications for facial rejuvenation

What is a facelift? These are varieties of deep facial rejuvenation, manipulations that allow you to smooth out wrinkles, remove nasolabial folds, eliminate soft tissue prolapse and get rid of bags under the eyes.

Indications for facelift (invasive and non-invasive):

  • deep nasolabial folds vertical wrinkles on the cheeks;
  • double chin;
  • sagging skin in the area, eyebrows, forehead;
  • lowering of the outer corners of the eyes;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • eyelid ptosis;
  • wrinkled skin in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, temporo-zygomatic region;
  • folds and wrinkles, sagging skin on the neck.

Facelift, as a serious plastic surgery, requires a responsible approach and preparation. Before the procedure, you must make sure that there are no contraindications.

Facelift contraindications:

  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies affecting normal blood clotting;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • malignant tumors.

After making sure that there are no contraindications, you can proceed to the choice of a modern method of facial rejuvenation.

Types of facelift

Modern cosmetology and medicine have a large number of facelift techniques. To make right choice, contact a specialist and share your concerns - based on the identified skin imperfections, the specialist will select the type of operation that will bring the desired result as close as possible.

Consider the most common facelift techniques and their differences:

  1. Rhytidectomy is a traditional technique that involves removing excess skin and distributing the remaining cover by stretching. The manipulation ends with the imposition cosmetic sutures. The disadvantage of the operation is that facial features and facial expressions often change - this is displayed in the form of an unnatural smile, narrowing of the eyes.
  2. Endoscopic facelift is a manipulation using an endoscope, due to which hardly noticeable scars remain (with traditional dissection, scars are more visible). It is recommended to use when eliminating skin problems in the upper part of the face (forehead, temples). When operating on the lower part of the face in this way, the result will be subtle and short-lived (traditional intervention would be more suitable in this area).
  3. Short-scar lift (mini-lift) – performed through small incisions, recommended for patients with a slight loss of skin elasticity in the neck and lower face. Also suitable as a correction after undergoing a full facelift several years ago.
  4. SMAS lifting is a more modern technique that can replace rhytidectomy. It is also called a deep lift with the capture of dense tissues. Manipulation is based on raising the layer of facial muscles with aponeuroses, excising excess skin and muscles, and further stretching the dermis. Such actions strengthen not only the epidermis, but also muscle fibers, which is reflected in the duration of the effect after the operation - it remains stable for several years.
  5. Thread facelift is a minimally invasive procedure based on the subcutaneous injection of special absorbable or non-absorbable threads. Thanks to the frame created in this way, the skin is smoothed.

The effect of the operation and its duration largely depend on the facelift specialist and facial care during the recovery period.

Recovery after the procedure

It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with how rehabilitation after a facelift proceeds in order to be ready for changes.

The first hours after the operation, when the effect of painkillers ends, may be characterized by slight pain and a feeling of tightness of the skin.

Swelling of soft tissues may increase in the first 3-5 days after surgery, and then the skin gradually returns to normal .

The patient is under medical supervision for 24 hours. Then, after bandaging, round-the-clock supervision is no longer required, and he is allowed to go home. The bandage can be removed on the 3rd day.

It is necessary to prepare yourself for the discomfort that brings and physical sensations and dissatisfaction with the appearance after a lift - it is impossible to avoid hematomas, scars, swelling, pain - this normal phenomena during the recovery period.

In order for the regeneration process to pass quickly and without complications, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules, namely:

  1. Do not engage in heavy physical labor. It is necessary to avoid all kinds of loads that increase arterial pressure(limit to 1-2 months).
  2. It is forbidden to take drugs that slow down blood clotting (aspirin) - this will avoid bleeding, which can complicate healing.
  3. Do not drink alcohol.
  4. Avoid exposure to the sun, do not visit the solarium (limit for 2-3 months).
  5. For a month, do not take a hot bath and do not go to the bathhouse.

As a caring cosmetics, use only those products that the doctor will prescribe. Most often, these are creams and ointments that promote the resorption of hematomas and positively affect the healing process.

Apart from home care, a visit to a physiotherapist is required, who will prescribe a course of procedures aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration in postoperative period. Special exercises, gymnastics for the face will help in a short time to overcome the feeling of skin tightness.

For good result and long-lasting effect, it is recommended to carry out complex rejuvenation faces.

You can appreciate the result of a cosmetic procedure only after complete healing. After all the recovery processes are over, the skin will look younger, firmer and fresher.

Non-invasive rejuvenation treatments

Before turning to surgery, they use all possible non-invasive techniques - hardware facial rejuvenation.

Modern cosmetology can offer such procedures using a laser:

  1. Photorejuvenation of the face - carried out by the action of a laser with long wave 515-590 nm, the procedure is painless and does not injure the skin.
  2. Fractional facial rejuvenation is a type of laser therapy used to remove pinpoint skin problems. The technique allows you to choose the wavelength for any part of the surface, which is positively reflected in the result of exposure.

Photorejuvenation of the face and other techniques using a laser are used for:

  • elimination of hyperpigmentation;
  • removal of rosacea;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • with excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • loss of skin elasticity.

To complete the effect laser rejuvenation persons are recommended to take a course of 3-6 sessions.

Can be used as adjunctive therapy after plastic surgery.

Contraindications to photorejuvenation of the face and other procedures using a laser:

  • breastfeeding, pregnancy;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • chronic diseases in the decompensation period;
  • malignant formations.

Laser lifting is effective and can be used both as an independent procedure and in combination with others. modern methods(ultrasound, oxygen facial rejuvenation, injection methods of lifting).

Laser facial rejuvenation is characterized by a short recovery period that takes only 3-5 days - during this period, slight swelling and redness will completely disappear.

You can choose the appropriate facelift technique only after consultation and examination by a specialist. Ways to overcome age-related changes differ from each other and have certain subtleties of application, so you should contact a qualified plastic surgeon.

By choosing a highly qualified specialist and adhering to the recommendations during recovery, you can get rid of bags under the eyes for a long time, “ crow's feet”, deep wrinkles on the forehead and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Who has not experienced the widespread belief that only invasive procedures in non-surgical face and neck rejuvenation programs can be truly effective?

Moreover, it is believed that the more aggressive such an impact, the more effective it is. Unfortunately, not only clients, but also some specialists in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology succumb to this popular misconception. Let's see if all patients need "beauty injections", deep peels, laser remodeling, photorejuvenation, thermage, etc. to achieve a rejuvenating effect?

Is it really possible to achieve impressive face and neck rejuvenation results without replacing natural self-regulation mechanisms with artificial ones? Let's oppose these two fundamental concepts of patient management, find a reasonable compromise and an optimal solution.

It should be noted that in the issue of non-surgical rejuvenation of the face and neck by invasive and non-invasive methods, the principles of restorative cosmetology differ from the principles of classical cosmetology in that they focus not only on the aesthetic effects that occur with the skin. In the field of view of restorative cosmetology, there are also facial dysfunctions that caused such evidence of age as gravitational, "shortening" of the neck, "sunken" eyes, folds, pastosity, swelling of the face and neck. Thanks to scientific developments, last years technologies have appeared, the use of which has made it possible to achieve outstanding results in non-surgical facial rejuvenation programs using non-invasive methods. Such a technology is a new method of restorative cosmetology - the method of "restorative layered therapy", in which each type of therapeutic effect is consistently aimed at restoring and correcting a certain tissue layer:

  • muscle,
  • fascia,
  • position of the bones of the facial skull,
  • vascular bed,
  • and then the skin.

Remove facial hair easily, quickly and permanently - LASER EPILATION OF THE FACE AND NECK .

We perceive a face as young if we see it wide open eyes, rounded, taut cheeks, a well-defined oval, bright color skin, active facial expressions without pronounced wrinkles. What are the reasons and how do those changes in the face and neck that we associate with age begin?

AESTHETIC AGE CHANGES IN THE FACE is a long chain of changes in different systems organism, which has its own causes, stages and mechanisms. To understand why the method of "restorative layering therapy" is effective, consider what changes happen to the face and neck with aging.

Anatomical and morphological age-related changes in the face and neck:

  • change in microcirculation;
  • change in the ratio of the bones of the facial skull;
  • changing the configuration and shape of the face due to the redistribution of volumes;
  • total external ptosis of the soft tissues of the face and neck, starting from the forehead;
  • designation of the main points of fixation of soft tissues along a vertical line.

Biochemical age-related changes in the face and neck:

  • production of cicatricial type I collagen in areas of greatest stagnation;
  • development of the glycation process - the growth of damaged cells in all soft tissue layers of the face and neck (outwardly manifested by senile age spots And yellowish color skin).

Physiological age-related changes in the face and neck:

  • osteoporosis of the bones of the facial skull;
  • decreased elasticity of the ligaments under the influence of gravitational ptosis;
  • a decrease in the volume and strength of facial muscles, which, accordingly, leads to a thinning of the dermis, subcutaneous fat;
  • a significant reduction in both supply and discharge vessels and, as a result, congestion, violation of lymphatic and venous outflows, pastosity.

Biomechanical age-related changes in the face and neck:

  • distortion of the tension of the tissue field of the face and neck;
  • change in the position of the bones of the facial skull and temporomandibular joints;
  • change in myofascial tone (both in the direction of tension and in the direction of weakening).

One of the most important reasons The formation of age-related changes in the face and neck is an inadequate redistribution of fluids in organs and tissues, as well as a violation of the unhindered flow of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid. What is it connected with?

It is known that any changes in the body to some extent affect the state and tone of tissues, triggering the mechanisms of aging in the form of myofascial tension (overload). If muscle tone increases, the muscles spasm and shorten. A change in the tone of even one muscle disrupts the biomechanical balance of the entire muscular and, very importantly, bone structure of the face, blocks the work of the lymph nodes and contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid, causing swelling. This is how folds and sagging are formed. By creating excessive pressure on tissues, edema leads to disruption of microcirculation and, as a result, to malnutrition of tissues.

If the stage of edema is very pronounced, very long or regularly renewed, then the edema, turning into stagnation (lymphostasis), impairs the mobility of myofascial structures. As a result, they weaken, and the mechanism of tissue damage along the “edema - fibrosis - sclerosis” vector is launched, which changes the biochemical, neurophysiological and mechanical properties of the tissue. As a result, the tissue ages prematurely (scarring). In other words, the majority of age-related aesthetic defects originate where - due to overload and unbalanced tone of the entire group of mimic and chewing muscles, muscles of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the neck - there is a loss of tissue mobility, distortion of the tension of the tissue field of the face and neck, displacement of fat packages, change positions of the bones of the facial skull and temporomandibular joints. All this leads to disruption of the unimpeded flow of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid, causing damage that changes the properties of tissues and leads to their aging.

With non-surgical rejuvenation of the face and neck by invasive methods, a fairly large group of patients can be identified with a number of contraindications, the most common of which are vascular disorders. These contraindications include gravitational ptosis, hernias of upper and lower eyelids, facial edema (pastose, "loose faces"), etc. - that is, conditions associated with metabolic disorders.

Now imagine that these structures, which already do not cope with their functions, receive additional volume in the form of edema caused by fillers based on hyaluronic acid or your own fat... Edema, added to the already existing stagnation, will definitely start (exacerbate) the process of tissue damage, and under the additional weight of the tissue will begin to sag even more. It doesn't happen otherwise. Thus, important condition success and duration of the result of programs aimed at rejuvenation of the face and neck, the stage of layer-by-layer restoration of subcutaneous structures. Only then can invasive correction methods be recommended, if necessary.

To restore subcutaneous structures and achieve an aesthetic effect of rejuvenation, it is necessary to work with the following facial dysfunctions:

  • tonus-muscular-fascial imbalance;
  • dystrophic changes in connective tissue structures (fibrosis);
  • liquid stasis (interstitial, lymphatic, venous);
  • violation of blood circulation and microcirculation;
  • emotional-mimic imbalance (facial patterns).

FACE AND NECK REJUVENATION PROGRAM for non-surgical non-invasive rejuvenation of the face and neck is compiled individually and is divided into several stages. Each of them includes several procedures, the number of which depends on the severity of age-related skin changes and the condition of the subcutaneous structures at the time of contacting the clinic. I consider a thorough visual and palpatory diagnosis and restoration of subcutaneous structures with aesthetic osteopathic tests and techniques to be mandatory, provided right combination with other methods.

Non-surgical methods of neck rejuvenation are less diverse than non-invasive methods of facial skin rejuvenation. However surgery, aimed at tightening the skin of the neck, is far from ideal option. Among the risks inherent surgical facelift neck skin, can be distinguished possible infections, uneven skin contour (in the case of neck liposuction), nerve damage and even deformity of the earlobe or distortion of the hairline. In some cases side effects can be corrected by corrective surgery, however, in this case, there is a problem of a longer recovery period and the inconvenience associated with it. Dr. Dvora Ancona and Valerio Pedrelli present the results of a comparative study of two technologies for neck rejuvenation.

Neck rejuvenation with radiofrequency fractional microneedles

Recently introduced innovative technology Hybrid Energy™ (Surgen HE, Pollogen, Israel), which is based on the use of hybrid energy, i.e. combined radio frequencies and auxiliary electric power.

Study ex- vivo skin samples using HE technology (hybrid energy) demonstrated the ability of this technology to rejuvenate the neck by creating controlled microdamages that stimulate the process of renewal of the epidermis and dermis, as well as an increase in the density of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans.

Technologies fractional rejuvenation individuals provided ample opportunities for the use of non-invasive anti-age procedures associated with minimal risk, painful sensations and recovery period compared to more aggressive methods.

Fractional rejuvenation technologies deliver energy to specific, small areas of tissue. At the same time, the skin located in the gaps between such "islands" remains unaffected. The healing process is initiated by unaffected areas of the skin, which allows for a short recovery period and pain relief, as well as reducing the risk of complications and providing excellent results. Fractional RF technologies are gaining popularity and have already become an accepted method of getting rid of wrinkles, sagging skin, as well as to improve skin texture. Such technologies provide a high security profile and minimal downtime.

Neck rejuvenation: a comparative study of two technologies

  1. Hybrid energy fractional neck rejuvenation technology (powered by Pollogen Ltd.'s Surgen™ platform) using a disposable microneedle tip (gen36) attached to a handpiece. Needle length - 0.5 mm, thickness - 150 microns. To enhance the effect of thermal exposure, an auxiliary Electric Energy (apparatus A).
  2. Another device. IN apparatus B disposable tips with adjustable length microneedles are also used, the length of which varies from 0.5 mm to 3.5 mm. The thickness of the microneedles is 200 microns. In this study, only 0.5 mm microneedles were used (on both devices).

This comparative study, presented by Dr. Dvora Ancona and Valerio Pedrelli, showed that both RF microneedle devices resulted in increased skin firmness and overall improvement. appearance neck.

  • The retrospective study was also aimed at evaluating the effect of RF fractionated microneedles and hybrid energy for neck rejuvenation, as well as comparing with the effect of other RF technology using thicker, adjustable length microneedles.
  • Only healthy patients with normal parameters skin, absence dermatological problems and diseases. Skin phototypes: I - III. The study was carried out in winter time as patients were advised to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun for 6 months after therapy.
  • For both devices, the operating modes were selected in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturers.
  • The evaluation of the results was carried out according to the following criteria:

Evaluation of photos (before the first session and 6 months after the last session) taken with the same camera at the same distance from the patient, under the same lighting.

Visual examination (skin elasticity, side effects, wrinkles);

The level of patient satisfaction.

Figure 1. Case 1: Patient after HE procedure (Group A). (A) before and (B) after 6 months.

Figure 2. Case 2: Patient after HE procedure (Group A). (A) before and (B) after 6 months.

Group A (Hybrid Energy Technology was used for neck rejuvenation) did not require local anesthesia. Therefore, the total session time has been reduced. Patients in group B (a different type of radiofrequency microneedles were used for neck rejuvenation) required surface anesthesia, resulting in an increase in the duration of the session, but the intensity of pain in this group was still higher.

Microneedle devices using hybrid energy (length of microneedles - 0.5 mm, thickness - 150 microns) provide painless penetration. The microneedles of apparatus B penetrated the skin by means of mechanical pressure, resulting in bleeding and pain. The thickness of the needle also plays a role in the intensity of pain and the duration of the recovery period.

The satisfaction of patients from group A was slightly higher compared to the satisfaction of group B. The reason for this is increased soreness and more long time recovery in patients from group B, as well as the presence of hematomas, temporary swelling and redness, which disappears after a few days.

Figure 3. Case 1: Patient after procedures with Apparatus B (Group B). (A) before and (B) after 6 months.

Figure 4. Case 2: Patient after procedures using Device B (Group B). (A) before and (B) after 6 months.

Based on the results of the study, it can be argued that the thickness of the microneedles plays a role in pain tolerance and the duration of the recovery period in patients. Fractional RF microneedle technology using hybrid energy is effective method rejuvenation of the neck and face with minimal pain and minimal recovery period.

Based on Prime magazine.

With almost every new day, such a service sector as cosmetology is enriched with various the latest methods and procedures that promise to save us from all sorts of problems that relate to our appearance.

If we talk about serious anti-aging procedures, then one of the comparatively in cosmetology is carboxytherapy, which is not practiced by every salon.

Read more on the topic:

The essence of the technique

What is carboxytherapy? In what cases is it desirable and even necessary to use it? In what cases does the method have contraindications? In order to start any procedure with your face and body, need to know as much as possible about it, about its benefits, effectiveness or, in some cases, about its harm.

So, this is a rejuvenation technique by introducing carbon dioxide into the skin. Non-injection or non-invasive carboxytherapy differs from injection in that it is applied to the skin special agent, which already contains carbon dioxide molecules in its composition.

Why is the additional carbon dioxide supplied to our skin so necessary? After all, he, delivered to our body, replenishes required volume oxygen in tissues, because the oxygen starvation affects the state of the cells, bringing the skin of the face into an unpresentable appearance. The lack of oxygen almost always leads to a lack of firmness of our skin, its elasticity, and therefore to premature aging skin.

Indications for the use of carboxytherapy

Non-invasive therapy quite effectively and efficiently helps to solve all these problems with a lack of oxygen in as soon as possible. At the molecular level, carbon dioxide penetrates the epidermis of the skin, then enters blood vessels by thinning the blood. This approach enhances metabolic processes in cells, saturating the subcutaneous fatty tissue and the dermis with oxygen.

Such sessions clearly improve the texture of the skin, provide a tightening, a kind of lifting of the skin, strengthen muscles and minimize scarring on the tissue. Also, as a result, puffiness disappears and the number of wrinkles decreases.

Self - non-invasive therapy - enhances the effect of others cosmetic procedures, and is also intended for those patients who are afraid of needles.

Before the session the patient is examined by a specialist, on the basis of which the indications for use are determined, or vice versa, the presence of certain contraindications.

How is the session going?

During therapy, use special preparations, which contribute to the entry into the skin of the necessary components. Due to the action of carbon dioxide, an instant dilation of blood vessels occurs, an influx of oxygen is carried out and nutrients into skin cells.
Who is primarily shown with the delivery of additional oxygen to skin cells?

It is believed that the most vulnerable in the fragility of collagen fibers from a lack of oxygen, moisture and other useful substances, is the age of women from 30 to 40 years. As soon as the skin begins to age and lose its former elasticity, you can first go for a consultation with a specialist.

Creases and wrinkles are a clear indicator that you need to undergo a course of non-invasive carboxytherapy, and vascular changes and couperose. An unhealthy complexion, pallor, post-acne and acne are harbingers of the fact that you should periodically look into the salon, because the proposed course hides very positively scarring.

Pros, cons, contraindications

Non-invasive carboxytherapy is absolutely safe procedure, has no complications, has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore has no special contraindications. The course is suitable for various age groups, with absolutely any type of skin.

This technique, which restores intracellular respiration, does not have any serious consequences. On the contrary, only benefit, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews satisfied patients.

Prices for such rejuvenation depend on the technique and the cultivated area. On average, this is 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles.