What does a cosmetic seam look like after a caesarean section. How to determine the type of facial skin and choose the right care How cosmetic looks like

1. Make eyebrows

Eyebrows of the correct shape, suitable for your face shape and eye shape, dyed in the salon with permanent paint, will transform your face and will not require a pencil or mascara. Just comb them with a brush and you're done!

2. Choose clothes in the right shade

If you choose the color of your clothes wisely, you can easily make your face fresher, skin tone healthy, and overall look rested. The rules are simple: if you are a white-skinned blonde, choose pastel warm shades. If you’ve been tired lately, haven’t been getting enough sleep and your face looks sickly pale, while your hair color is from light brown to dark brown, choose cool shades of pink, yellow or red, shading them with contrasting white. If you are a dark brown-haired woman, pay attention to warm shades of gray, sea blue, wine and emerald green. And if your type is light skin and dark hair, then your win-win option is any combination of black and white.

3. Watch your hair

15. Wash your face properly

Washing according to the Lazlo system will relieve your skin of acne and comedones, restore its healthy color, blush and delay the need to visit a beautician for a long time!

In most cases, a caesarean section ends with an external cosmetic suture, which heals with the formation of a thin, inconspicuous scar. The duration of the recovery period and the quality of the formed scar largely depend on the care of the wound surface. Complications after the application of suture material are rare and are successfully eliminated with timely access to a doctor. Over time, the appearance of the scar can be corrected with the help of cosmetic, hardware and surgical procedures.

A caesarean section (CS) is an abdominal operation, accompanied by a sequential dissection of several layers of soft tissues, which, after removing the child, are connected using suture material.

In most cases, the edges of the external incision of the anterior abdominal wall are fixed by applying a cosmetic suture, after healing of which a thin, inconspicuous scar is formed that does not cause physical and psychological discomfort to the patient.

Types of external cuts and seams

Regardless of the position, size and other features of the incision on the uterus, the dissection of external tissues can be longitudinal and transverse. A longitudinal (vertical) incision is called a corporal caesarean section and is performed over the entire surface of the abdominal wall from the navel to the womb.

As a rule, this type of operation is carried out only in emergency situations when emergency care is required for the mother or baby. In this case, due to the high risk of tissue divergence under load, their integrity is restored with a conventional, rather than cosmetic, suture.

Other indications for corporal caesarean section:

  • pronounced adhesive process and the inability to access the lower segment of the uterus;
  • varicose veins in the lower segment of the uterus;
  • significant prematurity of the fetus and the unpreparedness of the woman's body for childbirth (not formed lower uterine segment);
  • planned removal of the uterus after surgery;
  • the presence of a longitudinal scar after the previous operation;
  • fetal pathology: transverse position, fused twins, etc.;
  • the need to extract a live fetus from a dead or dying woman.

Currently, for uncomplicated planned CS, the Pfannenstiel laparotomy is most often used, which provides the best aesthetic effect with a high scar strength. A small transverse incision is made in an arc above the pubis. The resulting scar actually merges with the skin fold in the lower abdomen and often becomes difficult to see.

Performing a cosmetic suture

The technique of suturing the edges of the wound and the type of threads are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the operation and the presence of certain diseases or complications. To apply a cosmetic suture, special atraumatic needles and other instruments used in plastic surgery are used that do not injure the skin and subcutaneous fat. The suture material is a very thin mono- or polyfilament thread made of lavsan, silk or synthetic material.

Currently, subcutaneous sutures are most often used, which dissolve on their own within a few weeks after surgery. If for some reason their imposition is not possible, the integrity of the tissues is restored with non-absorbable threads. In this case, the ligature is removed approximately 7-8 days after the operation. The removal of the suture material usually coincides with the day the patient is discharged home.

Features of a cosmetic seam

Cosmetic seam has its own distinctive features:

  • It is performed with atraumatic needles (the thread is a natural continuation of the needle) and very thin threads.
  • Passes through the skin.
  • Practically invisible on the surface of the skin.
  • Forms a thin and inconspicuous scar that does not cause discomfort.

When applying a cosmetic suture, the surrounding tissues are much less injured than when using the conventional sewing technique through all layers of the skin. This technique not only allows you to achieve an optimal aesthetic result, but also significantly reduces the risk of complications and speeds up recovery.

A thin postoperative scar is formed through the use of special self-absorbable threads: silk, lavsan, vicryl or prolene. This material is able to withstand a significant load and ensure reliable healing of the postoperative wound.

Often, after discharge from the maternity hospital, women ask themselves the question: how to remove the cosmetic suture on their own? Obstetrician-gynecologists answer: it is not necessary to remove cosmetic intradermal sutures. After 70-120 days, the suture will dissolve on its own without the use of any additional procedures. With the development of complications (inflammation of the seam or divergence of threads), it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor.

seam care

Women who have had a caesarean section are wondering how many days the suture heals. In the absence of complications, superficial tissue repair occurs within two weeks, and the scar is finally formed after 12-18 months. The duration of the recovery period directly depends on the quality of care for the wound surface.

Postoperative care

While in the hospital, the wound surface is treated daily with antiseptic solutions and sterile dressings made of breathable materials are applied.

Within two to three days after the operation, the woman in labor is shown taking painkillers. To prevent infectious and inflammatory complications, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.

Physical activity is increased gradually to prevent possible damage to the ligature.

Home care

For normal tissue scarring after discharge, the following rules and recommendations must be observed:

  • Until complete healing, disinfect the wound surface (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine and other antiseptics in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions).
  • Wear a postpartum bandage that limits the mobility of soft tissues and excludes the possibility of their divergence.
  • Take air baths several times a day, exposing the lower abdomen.
  • Limit physical activity and lifting of heavy objects weighing more than 2 kg (the child should be picked up, pressed to the chest).
  • Avoid mechanical impact on the wound surface (rubbing or scratching the stomach, wearing uncomfortable clothes with pressure belts and belts, using hard towels or cosmetics).
  • Showering is allowed only after the suture has been removed.
  • Control the recovery of the uterus and muscle layer using ultrasound at the time prescribed by the doctor.

A healed scar can be lubricated with sea buckthorn, olive and other oils. After consulting a doctor, drugs such as Solcoseryl and Contractubex can be used to speed up the scarring process.

Feeling good after surgery

The rehabilitation period largely depends on the individual characteristics of the woman in labor, the professionalism of doctors and the quality of the operation. However, for some time, the vast majority of women after surgical delivery may experience discomfort of different nature and intensity.

The following symptoms are a variant of the norm:

  • Moderate pain in the anterior abdominal wall for 3-5 weeks.
  • Isolation of an ichor (clear or yellowish liquid) with a slight admixture of blood from the wound during the first 5-8 days.
  • Convex and dense to the touch scar (up to 2 months after surgery).
  • Moderate skin itching within 1-2 weeks after childbirth.

Even if the listed symptoms do not cause significant concern to the patient, they should be reported to the attending physician. If pain, itching, burning and discharge do not stop within the specified period or increase over time, mandatory medical care is required.

Possible Complications

Early complications after surgery include:

  1. Inflammation of the wound after infection. Accompanied by suppuration and swelling of the seam and the surrounding skin, fever, chills, deterioration in general well-being.
  2. The divergence of the contours of the wound and the rupture of the threads. Most often occurs due to early removal of threads, high physical exertion or injury.
  3. Bleeding and hematoma as a result of extensive vascular damage or some vascular diseases in a woman in labor.

The listed early complications are diagnosed in the hospital or in the first days after discharge. Treatment depends on the nature and severity of the pathology and includes antibiotics, hemostatic drugs, additional dressings or additional wound closure.

Many of the consequences of a caesarean section manifest themselves months after childbirth. The most common late complication is ligature fistulas, which are formed as a result of rejection of the suture material by the body or infection of the threads. Their symptoms are:

  • redness and slight pain in the scar area;
  • intermittent suppuration;
  • the gradual formation of one or more holes in the skin (fistulas), in which ligature stitches are visible.

In case of detection of signs of ligature fistulas, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for the surgical removal of the remnants of the threads and the treatment of the wound.

Other rarer long-term effects of surgical delivery include hernias (protrusion of soft tissues on the surface of the scar) and keloid scars. The seal does not pose a threat to health and is purely a cosmetic defect. Such scars usually occur only in patients with a predisposition to excessive tissue growth.


In advanced cases, surgeons are forced to completely excise the existing scar and apply the ligature again. It depends on how badly the muscle layers, subcutaneous tissue and skin are affected. Often, a cosmetic suture is replaced by a regular one.

The rehabilitation period after repeated surgical intervention increases several times, and the newly formed scar will be more convex, rough and noticeable. Therefore, if any suspicious symptoms occur that signal violations of normal wound healing, you should immediately seek medical help, avoiding serious consequences.

Scar behavior in subsequent pregnancies

During the second pregnancy, many women who have undergone a cesarean section report pain and a feeling of tightness in the scar area. Unpleasant sensations increase with the growth of the abdomen and are most pronounced at the ends of the arcuate scar. This is due to a denser structure of the skin and subcutaneous fat at the place where the threads pass and the formation of strong adhesions in the surrounding tissues.

If more than 2 years have passed since the previous operation, the scar is considered healthy and there are no contraindications for a new pregnancy, there is nothing to worry about. To soften and increase the elasticity of the skin, the scar can be lubricated with oil or ointments and gels recommended by the doctor. Do not forget that the uncontrolled use of drugs can seriously harm not only the expectant mother, but also the fetus.

Cosmetic and surgical correction of the scar

Unfortunately, a well-made cosmetic suture is not a guarantee of the formation of a neat thin scar in the future. Some women years after CS complain of uneven, brightly colored, bulging or depressed scars.

There are several ways to correct:

  • Peeling and scrubbing using special cosmetics that can be used at home. It is recommended only for minor improvement in the appearance of the scar after consultation with a beautician or therapist.
  • Hardware polishing of the scar using abrasive nozzles in specialized clinics of aesthetic medicine. To achieve a stable visible result, it is necessary to carry out several sessions of procedures.
  • laser resurfacing(fractional thermolysis), which provides a deep effect on the scar and allows you to get rid of pronounced irregularities.
  • Drug injections preventing the growth of keloid scars.
  • Abdominoplasty- surgical tightening of the abdominal muscles with the formation of a new smaller scar.

It should be remembered that each of the listed methods of influencing deep skin and muscle defects has a number of contraindications and does not allow you to completely get rid of scars.

In extreme cases, ladies are embarrassed to run out to the bakery without makeup, or for many decades they get up an hour and a half before the husband wakes up to put on a marathon. Of course, everyone chooses his own lifestyle. This article in women's magazine JustLady is not about exposing hot advocates of 24-hour make-up - it is for women who want to look naturally beautiful and well-groomed without makeup.

Step one. Psychological readiness

Any external change is preceded by an internal process. Believing that you can look beautiful without makeup may not be so easy. This is not only due to prejudice - after all, one often hears the opinion that a woman cannot do without a gram of cosmetics. look well-groomed a-priory. You need to be prepared for the “withdrawal syndrome” of makeup - if you applied foundation, blush, painted your eyelashes and lips every morning for several years in a row, you may have to get used to the look of your own face without makeup in daylight. Well, get to know the new you – the real you. Do not forget that with the "withdrawal syndrome" you will seem to yourself more pale and inexpressive, not because it is so, but in contrast to the usual appearance "in parade".

In addition, it has been verified: 2-4 weeks after the rejection of decorative cosmetics, the complexion and lips become even and brighter, the quality of eyebrows and eyelashes also improves.

Step two. Work with sources

Using decorative cosmetics, we essentially draw our face, changing its proportions, the size of the features. Being ready to look beautiful without makeup, look at yourself with different eyes. Pay special attention to the shape and condition of the eyebrows; it would be better to contact a beauty salon to correct them. If your eyebrows are naturally light and you are used to coloring them at the same time as your eyes, try permanent coloring. Gentle dyes are used for it, a specialist in the salon will help you choose the optimal shade. It looks more natural than a pencil or eyebrow shadow, and, most importantly, even without makeup, a face with beautifully defined eyebrows immediately becomes noticeably more expressive and well-groomed.

Step three. Skin is everything

To look well-groomed, you need to have well-groomed skin. This axiom is both simple and difficult to implement. Yes, decorative cosmetics can mask some skin defects, but far from everything and far from perfect, you should not forget about this either.

To look beautiful without makeup, treat the condition of your skin with the utmost attention: 1-2 times a week, gently cleanse it with a scrub, make masks, visit a beautician regularly, do not try to eliminate acne and inflammation on your own, and, most importantly, clearly dose hygiene procedures. : cosmetologists are sure that you should wash your face with water no more than twice a day, and it’s even better to do it only once, before going to bed, in the morning limiting yourself to cleansing milk, lotion, or a piece of tonic ice (for example, frozen infusion of green tea, mint, chamomile).

Day care and night care are equally important: day care products protect and maintain moisture levels, night care regulates the mechanisms of natural regeneration.

Step four. transparent hint

A conscious rejection of decorative cosmetics, of course, does not mean that any contact with cosmetics should be avoided. Dye-free products enhance natural beauty and help look prettier: pay attention to the transparent colorless veil powder, which mattifies the skin and gives it a light porcelain effect, the transparent caring gel for eyelashes and eyebrows, which makes the look more open, and, of course, hygienic lipstick or transparent gloss.

Step five. The sun - enemy or friend?

Long-term work cannot be written off if you want to look well-groomed for many years. Even when it's overcast, be sure to use sun blocking products (UVA/UVB), and don't leave the house without good sunglasses on bright days. This habit will help to avoid many problems, including ugly and conspicuous violations of skin pigmentation, the appearance of premature wrinkles and photoaging, all kinds of skin diseases. Characteristically, sun blocks won't stop your skin from benefiting from outdoor activities at all; just an acquired light tan will be really helpful.

By the way, if you like the “sun kiss” effect, use day care products with light pigment: they improve the complexion without clogging pores and without creating a mask effect.

Step six. Don't Forget Your Hair

Gorgeous hair is an important part of the look of a well-groomed woman. If you want to look beautiful without makeup, then choose natural hair colors and hairstyles that do not require complex styling. Extreme coloring or an avant-garde haircut line can clash with a lack of makeup, so keep that in mind.

If you do not have time to get your hair in perfect order, limit yourself to washing your hair. Cleanly washed and just lying hair is always better than not quite fresh hair, which they tried to reanimate or disguise with styling. Remember to use a detangling conditioner and rinse your hair with cool water at the end of washing - this will smooth the keratative scales and give your hair a natural shine.

Step seven. The path to beauty is through the stomach

Nothing helps look well-groomed and beautiful without makeup, like proper nutrition and sufficient fluid intake (8-10 glasses per day). A diet rich in fiber stimulates metabolism, helps the body get rid of decay products faster, a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats provides the body with everything necessary for cell growth and repair, pure water maintains an optimal fluid balance, ensuring proper blood and lymph circulation. No stagnation means no swelling, puffiness, oxygen deficiency. Well, good food gives energy and improves mood!

Step eight. Check out the pharmacy

Vitamin C, B vitamins, retinol, silicon, selenium, zinc, biotin - this is not just a list of the composition of the vitamin complex, but a list of the main assistants that help look well-groomed at any time of the day or year. All these vitamins and microelements directly affect the condition of the skin, hair, nails and in a matter of weeks make you more beautiful without makeup. But! Be sure to strictly follow the recommendations for taking vitamin preparations: an overdose will not improve the effect, but will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Step nine. Lips for kisses and smiles

The delicate skin of the lips deserves a separate discussion. For lips to be inviting and sugary, they need attention. Make it a rule to briefly massage your lips with a toothbrush - this will improve blood circulation and remove dead particles. Careful regular peeling using a very mild product will help to improve the result, and the use of hygienic lipstick with natural shea butter and other valuable nuts will help to fix it. In addition, lips need UV protection as much as the rest of the face. And don't forget to smile!

Step ten. Did you get enough sleep? sleep some more

It is believed that women need an odd number of hours of sleep to feel normal. Each of us can test this empirically; however, the main thing is not parity, but sufficiency of rest. Only regular sound quality sleep ensures that the nightly cycles of skin regeneration will be completed and benefited. Do not stay up late at night, do not eat spicy and salty foods at night (and do not eat at night at all) and, if possible, go to bed during the day for 30-60 minutes. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the appearance, but also on the nervous system, the harmonious state of which is quite important in order to look well-groomed and beautiful without makeup.

Olga Chern
Women's magazine JustLady

Naturalness is always in trend. Today, girls spend a lot of effort trying to apply makeup that will emphasize all the advantages, but at the same time remain invisible. But if you follow some beauty rules, you can look great without using any beauty products.

We invite you to check out 10 simple tricks that will help you look natural and flawless without cosmetics.

Make your brows look great

If your face is bare of makeup, your eyebrows are sure to become the center of attention. Their shape will depend on your face. If the eyebrows are too light, they can be tinted with paint or henna. When choosing a color, make sure it matches your hair tone. If you weren't born with thick brows, apply castor oil with vitamin A to them daily. You'll soon notice amazing transformations in your brows.

Highlight your eyes

In order to make the look more expressive, you should curl your eyelashes, and then use a transparent gel for them. You can also go ahead and get eyelash extensions.

Also take care to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Start reviewing your diet. Dark circles are often the result of iron or vitamin deficiencies in the body (which are found in high amounts in liver and red meat). Choose eye creams with a whitening effect or with retinol. Cold compresses with mint or green tea are also very helpful.

Whiten your teeth

A bright smile will add 100 points to any appearance, so make sure nothing gets in the way of looking attractive. Use a whitening toothpaste, especially if you have been drinking coffee or wine. But remember that you should not be too zealous, as toothpaste can have a very harsh effect on the teeth. If your teeth are naturally gray or yellow, professional whitening can be done.

Remember lips

Nutrition, hydration, and exfoliation within reasonable limits are important not only for your face, but also for your lips. Lip balms can be replaced with any natural oil. Once a week, massage your lips with a toothbrush or your fingertips. To do this, moisten them in advance and dip them in sugar.

Take care of your hair

Dull hair and a haircut that you haven't updated in a while will only make your face look worse if it's not wearing makeup. Choose simple hairstyles and natural colors, as more radical options will be out of tune with the natural look. Trim your split ends regularly, use beauty products to protect against overheating, and don't overdo your styler. You can use coconut oil, it will add shine to your hair and help fight dryness and dandruff. Rinse your hair with infusions of their herbal extracts, this will also help them look shiny.

Use sunscreen

UV radiation is one of the causes of premature wrinkles, as well as other "bonuses" of aging. It can also lead to the development of cancer, especially if you have fair skin. Therefore, products with SPF should not only be used at the beach in summer, but throughout the year.

Focus on your skin

Beauticians believe that we should not wash our face more than twice a day, and even better, do it only at night. In the morning, you can use cleansing milk, lotion, or an ice cube. Most importantly, do not rub the skin too much, as such procedures can harm it. It is also useful to make face masks once a week (from white clay, for example). If your skin is not too sensitive, you can gently exfoliate it using a variety of facial scrubs.

get enough sleep

Proper sleep (at least 7-9 hours) is essential for good skin condition and overall health. Go to bed before 11 pm, because after midnight the body begins to produce one of the main "cosmetic" hormones - melatonin.

There is a direct relationship between the condition of our skin and the food we eat. Oily sea fish, seeds and nuts, vegetable oils are among the most important foods. These are sources of fatty acids, vitamin E and carotene, which are the main weapons in the fight against free radicals. Also, dairy products should be included in the diet, because they are the key to a healthy microflora.

Find your color

The right choice of clothing color will improve your skin tone, hide imperfections and make your appearance more expressive. Skin without a foundation looks paler, so it is very important not to aggravate the situation by choosing too dark and cold shades. White is also not the best option. Focus on pure bright colors: blue, turquoise, emerald, peach. Ideally, you should define your color type and choose clothes according to its rules.

Persistent, high-quality and spectacular makeup is a must for many modern girls. Even the most disproportionate and “non-winning” facial features are corrected with decorative cosmetics.

Almost every woman has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is needed for face makeup. The list of funds is individual for everyone, but there are some rules regarding the contents of the cosmetic bag.

Cosmetic bag: what should be followed in its filling so that the makeup is always flawless?

When choosing cosmetics, you need to rely on the type and condition of the skin of the face. As you know, it can have a tendency to be greasy and salty, be dry, have a normal or mixed type.

When compiling a list of what you need for face makeup, you need to remember about the nuances. Namely: the type of face and its shape, the condition and type of the epidermis, the length and density of the eyelashes, the shape of the nose, eyebrows, lips.

There are makeup tools you can't do without

For example, girls with oily skin will not be able to do without matting cosmetics. This will help to keep makeup longer, and even, matte skin looks much better than a wet, shiny face.

In the case when the skin is dry, the main properties of tonal products, powders and correctors should be - nourishing ability and moisturizing.
Normal and mixed types are suitable for universal products.

Women with a thin lip line should make sure that a contour pencil is always present in their cosmetic bag. Its task is to naturally increase the lips. It is recommended to choose the color of the pencil based on the tone of the main tool., be it lipstick or liquid gloss.

If nature has not awarded the girl with thick and dense eyebrows, then they can, in the literal sense, be drawn. Fortunately, the current cosmetics stores offer a variety of pencils, colored gels, mascaras and eyebrow shadows. Today, there are even stencils for mass sale to create chic eyebrows of any shape.

Popular "makeup tools"

Classic Toolbox, used to create the main types of makeup, is as follows:

Makeup base sponge
  • hard spongy sponge with large pores, which becomes wet when in contact with water (required for preliminary cleansing and elimination of "dead" skin cells);
  • sponge - sponge made of latex material (for even distribution of the base under the tonal base);
  • powder puff (used to work with loose or dry powder);
  • tongs designed to give the eyelashes a curled shape;
  • tweezers;
  • cosmetic discs and cotton swabs;
  • wipes (you will need both wet and dry);
  • makeup brushes;
  • miniature mirror.

It is important to know! Cosmetic brushes should be considered as a separate category in this list. It's no secret that for high-quality and competent face makeup, you need to have a whole arsenal of these tools.

To make a successful make-up, brushes of various sizes and shapes are required.

It would be ideal to have the following types of brushes in your cosmetic bag:

  • thick, thick brush for loose and dry powder;
  • brushes with which blush is applied and shaded;
  • eyeshadow brush with a flat shape;
  • brush - "dome", which also draws shadows (it is often used to create "smoky");
  • brush - applicator for shadows;
  • double-sided brush (for modeling eyebrows - one side, for applying mascara - the other);
  • a brush with which, with the help of eyeliner, you can draw the legendary "arrows";
  • slanted brush, which can be used to draw a line of eyebrows;
  • thin brush for applying lipstick;
  • brush - "fan";
  • a brush with which a tonal basis is applied;
  • brush for applying concealer.

Tools and tools to create a unique image

Remarkable! Some resourceful ladies are finding an alternative to dedicated makeup brushes. They simply buy art kits, made of squirrel or goat hair, and successfully use them on their faces. It turns out, by the way, no worse.

What to stock up for a facial cleansing procedure?

The list of those products that are used in cleansing procedures that precede the creation of the main facial makeup should be compiled taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin. As you know, for each type of skin there is a list of cleansers. In addition, depending on the condition of the epidermis, the cleaning procedure may differ.

Daily, cleansing manipulations are a must. After all, the skin constantly "holds back the blows" that are applied to the body by the external environment. These include air quality, the impact of hard water in megacities, and environmental factors.

The most popular facial cleansers are:

  • cleansing gels (if the gel is intended for cleansing oily pores, then it has a tightening effect; in case of use on dry skin, you need to choose products with moisturizing abilities);
  • masks that cleanse the skin (have the effect of toning and moisturizing, matting properties);
  • scrubbing compositions (may have a creamy texture, or gel, also contain various inclusions, for example: particles of apricot or grape seeds);
  • gommage (this is a scrub-type remedy, but it does not contain hard blotches, gently cleanses, more suitable for girls whose skin is dry and very sensitive);
  • tonic compositions for the face (more often used for problematic T - zone).

Important to remember! Oily skin needs more frequent care.

Many make the mistake of treating glossy areas with alcohol-containing products. Under such influences, the pores begin to be more actively "greasy", in a similar way the skin is protected from excessive dryness.

Do not forget that washing with water at a temperature above room temperature automatically causes the pores to produce sebum. That's why wash your face with cool, clean water.

Universal cosmetics used in creating daytime, calm make-up

Connoisseurs of spectacular images know that everyday make-up should not be too catchy, pretentious and bright. But at the same time, his task is to “present” the face of the hostess in a favorable light so that the merits of appearance are conspicuous, and the shortcomings are hidden from sight.

In fact, make-up for weekdays does not require colossal skills. Information about what you need for face make-up, a list of cosmetic novelties, etc., can be found today in any paper or electronic publication.

A good selection of quality cosmetics will always be useful.

Taking into account personal needs and characteristics of appearance, to create a calm, natural and even make-up, The cosmetic bag should contain the following products:

  • a line of cleansing products for facial skin;
  • Base makeup;
  • tonal, light remedy;
  • powder (loose - for initial application, compact - for adjusting makeup during the day);
  • corrector (for visually getting rid of skin defects and redness, eliminating dark circles under the eyes);
  • gel - fixative for eyebrows (you can buy a color one, this will save on pencils and eyebrow shadows);
  • mascara (it is better to choose the product that will make the eyelashes velvety, soft and natural, while not weighing them down);
  • shades of natural, not catchy shades;
  • blush that matches skin tone;
  • pencil or eyeliner;
  • transparent gloss or lipstick of a natural shade.

Girls who know how to competently draw facial contours can well afford this maneuver in creating daytime makeup. However, we should not forget that going too far with this procedure can seriously spoil the image.

Proper masking of facial areas with modern means

You can mask problem areas on your face with the help of various modern means. Today, many beauty bloggers, in their video tutorials, share the basics of camouflage and the list of products that will be needed for this.

Among the main concealers: palettes with correctors of different colors, corrector pencils (sticks), tonal bases with a dense consistency that allows you to create an even coating, highlighters, whitening powder for highlighting.

Compact powder also has excellent properties that allow you to hide defects and even out the skin.

In order to properly mask defective areas, you need to know the type of your skin, its belonging to a certain color tone.

Based on these characteristics, corrective products are selected.

So, for example, for those who the skin is oily and has large pores; light gels with a toning effect are suitable. They will help shrink pores by slowing down the production of sebum.

With normal skin, you can use various tonal foams, lotions, fluids.

The main thing to remember is that "heavy camouflage" on the face should not be used often. Otherwise, the skin will be overloaded, and instead of a light and natural look, you can get a theatrical mask.

What means to emphasize the eyes?

The list of cosmetic products that can successfully highlight the eyes is also quite diverse. Usually, girls choose what they need for face and eye makeup, based on individual preferences.

How to choose a pencil for each type of eye design

In the top funds that emphasize a beautiful look, most often there are:

  • all shades of liquid eyeliners;
  • mascara of different colors (lengthening, creating volume, giving a bend, waterproof);
  • shadows (can be matte, glossy, waterproof, liquid, crumbly, etc.);
  • eye makeup pencils.

Means for visual correction and eyebrow shaping

Today you can give any shape to the eyebrows, using tweezers and special stencils, colored gels with fixing properties, shadows and pencils. There is also the option of coloring the eyebrows with a special paint. Such a short procedure, at home or in the salon, will reduce eyebrow care to a minimum.

Each cosmetic bag should contain a transparent gel or wax to fix the eyebrows. The price range in the acquisition of such funds is quite large. For example, when buying a branded, colored gel from a well-known makeup artist, you will have to pay about a thousand rubles or more. But there are also inexpensive options for good quality gels.

The list of cosmetic products for lip makeup:

  • multi-colored contour pencils;
  • liquid "lipstick - gloss" for lips (transparent or colored);
  • "balm - care" for lips (has a fatty base; it can be both colorless and colored; often with different sweet tastes of fruits and drinks);
  • ordinary lipstick in a tube (matte, glossy, "super-resistant", with reflective particles, etc.).

The nuances of the evening make-up

Unlike daytime, evening makeup should make a splash. It allows the use of bright and rich colors, glamorous shine, crystal radiance, sparkles, bronzers.

Highlight the eyes, for going to an evening event, black eyeliner will help. With its help, the famous “retro arrows” are created, which make the look languid and bewitching.

Knowing how to contour the face, you can create a unique look that photographers will hunt for.

By highlighting advantageous areas on the face, using highlighting, and strokes that darken imperfections, many ladies successfully correct their appearance.

However, it is worth remembering that even “permissiveness” in makeup for evening trips should be beaten with taste. For example, red lipstick is in fashion for everyone today, but not every shade of it is universal. Therefore, each girl will have to choose her own tone of lipstick. Naturally, in this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the color and style of the outfit for the event.

An elegant look is a combination of sophisticated makeup and an appropriate outfit.

Some makeup artists advise using artificial eyelashes for a bright make-up. They are attached to cosmetic glue, give the image an intrigue, and a spectacular zest to the look.

Do not forget to put in a cosmetic bag, before an evening event, napkins that matte the skin. They are necessary for quick "rescue" of makeup from unnecessary, oily sheen.

What to look for when choosing the means used in creating makeup?

What do you need for face makeup? Each lady makes a list based on her needs, financial capabilities, natural data and many other conditions.

Going to the store, for the contents of your cosmetic bag, you need to consider:

  • the period during which the selected product is fit for use;
  • brand (in addition to well-known, publicly available products, there are luxury cosmetics, the price for it is much higher, so those who have the opportunity prefer more expensive, venerable brands);
  • personal preferences and appearance parameters;
  • color variety of cosmetics;
  • time and place in which specific types of cosmetics will be used;
  • the condition of the skin of the face, eyelashes and eyebrows.

Proper makeup: clear instructions

  1. Before applying the main make-up, it is necessary to prepare the skin. For this, various cleaning procedures, peeling, removal of excess hairs with tweezers are used.
  2. Then, with corrective means, problem areas are worked out: allergic rashes, skin roughness, fine wrinkles, acne and other defects are masked.
  3. At this stage, a base for makeup and a tonal base are applied. You can work both with your hands and with the use of a cosmetic sponge. It is necessary to carefully distribute these funds over the entire surface of the face, shading the borders.
  4. If there is a need and the required skills, then facial features are contoured with special means, achieving an even tone and a clear drawing.
  5. The stage of applying powder, which is important to gently "drive" into the skin, with a brush. For dry powder, it is preferable to choose a brush with natural bristles, and for oily products, tools with artificial bristles that do not absorb the product are suitable.
  6. Eyebrow shaping and fixing.
  7. Applying the desired shade of shadows (depending on the purpose of the makeup), drawing arrows (if necessary).
  8. Applying mascara or applying false eyelashes.
  9. Application to the lips of the selected product. You can use a contour pencil, suitable shades of gloss or lipstick.
  10. Use a light blush for a daytime look, and a richer blush for an evening look.

Applying all these tips in practice, you can not worry about your image and external characteristics. Do not forget that any kind of makeup requires good lighting, high-quality cosmetics and the presence of taste.

Makeup brush video guide. Newbies, see:

Basic makeup kit. Video from a cool makeup artist:

Best Eyebrow Makeup. Review in the following video: