Removing blackheads on the face: how to choose the optimal cosmetic procedure? How to remove blackheads on the nose: cleansing masks

Oily skin, pimples and blackheads on the nose and face spoil the lives of not only teenagers, but also adults. These problems occur in both men and women. Today in our article we will talk about comedones.

Comedones– acne on the face and body in the initial stage, the characteristic difference lies in their appearance. Comedones can be open or closed.

Closed comedone– a clogged pore, the accumulated fat cannot come out, forming a characteristic tubercle. Some experts do not consider these formations to be acne. However, they cause discomfort to young boys and girls. We’ll talk about how to get rid of closed comedones next time.

Today we will talk about open comedones, popularly called "black dots" . In this case, the time is open, but due to dust and dirt, the top has turned black.

The most common place where blackheads can appear is the nose. But actually it is not. Forehead, back, cheeks - on almost any part of the body. But it’s one thing when this part of the body is covered with clothes, and you can live without discomfort, it’s another when it’s on your face and everyone can see it. Sometimes one can envy the youth of Japan who wear a mask not because they are afraid of getting infected and getting sick, but as an accessory to hide acne.

But in our country, this trick will not work, just like the veil, which ladies used for a long time, elegantly hiding skin imperfections.

I'll tell you how to remove blackheads on your nose and face, and then you won't need a mask or a veil.

You won't be able to remove blackheads on your nose and face forever. But if you regularly take care of your skin, your overall condition can become much better.

Cleansing and tightening pores are two tasks that you will have to do every day. You can also periodically visit a cosmetologist, but home care is very important and without it the result will be short-lived. Let's look at some homemade recipes to get rid of blackheads on the nose.

Blackheads on the nose - clean them

The cleansing process includes two stages: preparation and removal (extrusion). It is imperative to prepare the skin, otherwise during the second stage you can seriously harm your skin and your health.

The easiest way to prepare your skin for the procedure is to steam your face.

Steaming helps to expand the pores, and the accumulated sebum will come out of the blockages with minimal effort, and removing blackheads on the nose will not be difficult. Which steaming procedures you choose depends only on you and your capabilities. Here are some examples:

  • Steam bath. It can be made in any way, the main ingredients are: a saucepan, hot water and a blanket. Bend over the saucepan, cover your head with a blanket and breathe for 10 minutes. You can add various herbs and essential oils to the water. Suitable herbs include chamomile, sage and St. John's wort. Essential oils – eucalyptus, tea tree and lemon. This bath will not only prepare your skin, but may also help with some upper respiratory tract diseases.
  • "Hot" masks. This is already an industrial production and you can’t do it yourself. The compositions of these masks contain a steaming effect. For example, in pharmacies and stores you can buy ready-made blue clay masks, “hot” scrubs and strips with a special steaming effect.
  • Hot compresses. Although it bears this name, it should be used with caution after it has cooled. Brew chamomile. The compress can be made from cotton fabric. Dip into the broth and squeeze out. When visiting a bathhouse, sauna or bath, apply this compress to your face. Thanks to steam and water, clogged pores will begin to open.

After the preparation stages, you can proceed to the next one, but even here there are some nuances. After all, this is a face, and it’s not worth taking risks, so Correctly squeeze out blackheads on the nose and face.

Before any cosmetic procedure, you should always wash your hands. When removing blackheads on the nose, use medical gloves and sterilize your hands; to do this, just dip them in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or any other similar product. Select a comedone and press with your fingers on both sides of it. For a steamed face, this method is very suitable. The pimple should immediately succumb and all the sebaceous contents will come out of it. Do this manipulation with each black dot. If something doesn’t give in and pressure doesn’t work, leave it and don’t touch it. Pressing too hard will damage the skin and may cause scarring and acne. After you have removed the blackheads on your nose, treat your skin. For this, products such as salicylic acid, any tonic for problem skin, and you can choose an extract with a tightening effect are suitable. It is better to carry out all procedures in the evening so that the skin can rest and regain its natural color, and you do not have to use cosmetics.

The cosmetics market offers a lot of different options on how to cleanse the skin of comedones, and one of these products is cleansing patch. It will allow you to avoid baths and manually removing every blackhead on your nose. Instructions for use are included, but it works on the principle of wax strips: stick on, wait, then peel off quickly. It’s very easy to make this patch at home and get rid of blackheads on your nose. Prepare a mixture of gelatin and warm milk. Place the container in the microwave for 8 minutes or more, depending on the power. When the mass swells, apply it to your nose. Now wait until the mask dries, you can safely remove all the comedones that have stuck to it.

Can be purchased device with vacuum effect, which you can use at home. The negative pressure on the skin, which is created by a special nozzle, allows you to pull out all the sebaceous fat from the pores.

It is recommended to remove blackheads on the nose and face by steaming and squeezing no more than once a week, but it is better to wait two. If you do it more often, the pores can increase in size and the situation can turn from positive to deplorable.

Black dots on the nose - lighten them

How to remove blackheads on the nose if it is not inflamed? It might lighten them up. Prepare a soap solution in a small container. Use the most common soap, it is better to take baby soap, it does not contain fragrances or dyes. Add salt and soda to this solution. Salt should be fine in the amount of half a teaspoon, use the same amount of soda. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared solution, remove excess water from the pad and, without pressing on the skin, treat problem areas. After the procedure, rinse your face with water at a pleasant room temperature.

You can also use lemon juice to combat comedones. If there is no juice, take a liquid solution of ascorbic acid. The main thing is to mix it with water in equal proportions. It is enough to wipe your face with this solution once at a time.

If the skin on your face is very oily, you can wipe it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide once every two, or better yet, once every three weeks. When carrying out the procedure more often, the water balance of the skin will be disrupted.

Cleanse your face regularly and take proper care of your skin in between. For this you may find it useful simple mask recipes, they will help not only nourish the skin, but also moisturize and keep it clean:

  • Oatmeal mask. Grind the cereal and add warm milk to create a thick porridge mixture. Spread this mask over your face and wait a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Clay mask. Dilute any powdered clay that is sold at the pharmacy with water and apply to your face. Wait until completely dry. Moisten a porous sponge with water and clean your face from the mask.
  • Honey mask. You will need thin honey, apply it to your nose, then tap it with your fingers and massage the problem area. When white pellets form on your palms, you can finish the procedure and wash, but not with hot water.
  • Rice mask. Cook 1 tablespoon of rice soaked in water overnight. In the morning, pour out the water and spread the paste on your face, after 10 minutes wash your face.
  • Coriander and turmeric juice solution, prepared in equal parts, is suitable for daily use in problem areas.

Recipes for brightening masks:

  • Replace soap foam for washing with kefir or yogurt. The kefir product is suitable as a mask, spread on problem areas of the nose and allow time to dry, then rinse.
  • Wipe problem areas with a mixture of sour cream and coarsely ground sea salt in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Mask of aloe, egg white and lemon. Prepare one egg white and two teaspoons each of lemon and aloe juice. Divide the resulting mask into two parts. Apply one part first, once it dries, you can apply the rest on top.
  • Tomato mask. Turn fresh tomato into a paste and spread over your face. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Fresh potato mask. Grate the potatoes, selecting the smallest cells. Spread the mask on your face and wait 10 minutes. Rinse with water.

I would like to note that water quality plays an important role. Bottled, boiled or mineral water - choose your option for washing. Agree, why should the skin on your face accept tap water if you don’t drink such water yourself?

Use all the masks described above after you have steamed your face, at which time the skin is sensitive to all components. Or make masks separately from other procedures. Always wipe your face with disinfectant at the end.

Blackheads on the nose - tighten pores

We managed to clear the skin of open comedones, but how to prevent new ones from appearing? Here you need to carry out procedures that will reduce pores, i.e. they will be tightened and thereby prevent possible reappearance or infection after facial cleansing procedures. Let's look at some useful tips: how to tighten pores and disinfect skin:

  • beaten egg white will create a thin film when applied to the skin;
  • wipe your face with a piece of ice made from brewed herbs (chamomile, celandine);
  • cleanse your skin during the day with a disinfectant lotion made from cucumber juice and vodka, in a ratio of 2 to 1;
  • A tablespoon of calendula tincture per glass of mineral water is an excellent antiseptic.

Dear readers, I would like to say that while eliminating the consequences, one may not notice the causes. If the suggested options do not help you, consult a doctor, because any strange manifestations on the skin indicate that something is not working correctly inside the body.

Having blackheads on your nose can undermine your self-esteem and confidence. In this article we will conduct a detailed analysis of the causes of their occurrence and methods of treatment.


Blackheads are a mild type of acne, usually appearing as dark spots, that are most often found on the face but can also form on the back, shoulders, arms or chest. The main reason for their appearance is the blockage of hair follicles with dead skin cells.

A hair follicle becomes clogged when its opening becomes clogged. Each hair follicle contains a hair and a sebaceous gland, which produces sebum, an oil needed for hydration. Dead skin cells often mix with this oil and collect at the opening of the hair follicle, leading to the formation of comedones.

In some cases, the comedone remains under the skin. Then a pimple forms. Sometimes the skin over the comedone separates, revealing its contents. Contact with air leads to oxidation, and the cork turns black - this is how black spots are obtained.

Oily skin

Increased sebum production increases the risk of blackheads. Therefore, people with oily skin most often suffer from this problem.

In addition to this, the problem of acne can be caused by the accumulation of bacteria on the skin; hormonal changes, such as during menstruation; taking hormonal drugs.

Some experts believe that there are a number of foods that can trigger acne. To date, there is not enough medical research data to confirm or refute this theory.

If your skin is oily, try to avoid using oil-containing products, as they can worsen the condition. This applies to cosmetic products, as well as sunscreens and lotions.

How to squeeze out correctly and easily?

To begin with, squeezing out blackheads with bare hands is a bad idea, as this can introduce bacteria, which will lead to inflammation of the follicle. Here is a quick guide to proper and painless squeezing:

Hot towel on nose to open pores before removing blackheads

  1. Cleansing: It is best to start the procedure by cleansing your face using mild cleansers. It is best to wash your face with warm water; it does a better job of removing impurities from the face and also helps to expand pores.
  2. Moisturizing: Next, you need to moisturize the skin in order to facilitate the process of removing comedones. Apply a thick layer of moisturizer or lotion.
  3. Place a small piece of cling film on your nose, making sure it does not block your nostrils
  4. Wet a towel with warm water, wring it out and place it on your nose for 5-10 minutes. Under the influence of heat, the contents of the pores will soften and become more pliable.
  5. Wrap your fingers in a cloth and place them at the base of your nose
  6. Squeeze your fingers and move up and down your nose.
  7. If the pores are not completely cleaned, wipe your face with an antiseptic solution and repeat the procedure later. It's best to do this the next day.
  8. Finally, clean your face with an antiseptic to prevent scarring.

If you have a lot of blackheads on your nose

Particularly severe cases of acne require medical attention. If the number of blackheads is too large, or they cannot be treated at home, then you should seek medical help.

Topical vitamin A products, such as adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin, help prevent the formation of clogged pores, which helps remove dead skin cells more quickly.

Medicines containing benzoyl and antibiotics may also be prescribed, especially if in addition to blackheads you suffer from cysts or large acne pimples.

Other possible treatment options for many forms of acne include dermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser therapy. All of this is discussed in more detail below in the treatment section.


The presence of blackheads does not cause physical discomfort, so the problem is still more aesthetic than medical. However, this does not mean that it does not require treatment.

Here are some tips on how to finally get rid of the problem of acne:

Cosmetical tools

In any pharmacy or cosmetics department of supermarkets you can see a wide range of products to combat blackheads.

The drugs most often contain resorcinol, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. These components fight excess sebum secretion, bacteria, and promote high-quality exfoliation of dead skin cells. Such drugs are applied topically, directly to the affected area.

Manual extraction

A dermatologist may use a special tool called a beauty loop to clean out the pores. With its help, pressure is created around the clogged pores, and, if necessary, a small puncture is made with a needle on the back of the instrument (available on some types).

Tools for removing blackheads and cleaning pores

Removal strips

Today we see a fairly wide range of strips for removing blackheads. On their surface there is a special adhesive layer that draws out the contents of the pores.

Cleansing strips for the nose - a good, but short-term effect

All you need to do is stick the strip on the skin and then remove it after a certain period of time. Use this product exactly following the instructions and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

However, some experts are skeptical about this method as it produces short-term effects. As an alternative, you can use enzyme masks or steaming the facial skin followed by squeezing out comedones.

Overall, nasal strips are a good, affordable option. And despite the short-term effect, they can help you feel more confident.

Procedures in beauty salons


Microdermabrasion is resurfacing, that is, cleansing the face of “dead” cells using peeling performed by a device. This grinding is carried out with a nozzle on which diamond chips of various grain sizes are applied.

Chemical peeling

Peeling is the chemical removal of an impressive layer of outer skin using acids of varying concentrations. It helps open up youthful skin by separating the top layers. It can also remove plugs from hair follicles, which helps heal acne on the nose.

Laser treatment

Nowadays we have the opportunity to treat acne with a laser beam.

Other popular means

In addition to the already mentioned treatment and prevention options for acne problems, you can also pay attention to the following products:

  • clay masks with kaolin;
  • tea tree oil based cream;
  • full course of dermatological treatment;
  • strengthening and restoring serums;
  • liquid lifting for skin.


By following a few simple rules you can significantly prevent the appearance of blackheads. Here are some of them:

  • Wash your face twice a day using gentle cleansers. It is not advisable to do this more often, since drying out the skin can only worsen the situation.
  • Use oil-free cosmetics.
  • Remove dead skin cells in a timely manner using exfoliating scrubs and masks.

They can occur at any age, but are especially common in teenagers. As a rule, the nose area is most affected. It becomes covered with small black dots, which noticeably spoil the appearance. But comedones are not a death sentence; you can easily get rid of them. It is enough to choose the appropriate method and effective product that suits your skin type.

Cause of blackheads on nose

Before you remove blackheads on your nose, it is worth determining the cause of their appearance. Often these formations on the skin of the face indicate health problems. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the definition of the problem.

In adolescents, comedones appear when:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • expansion of skin pores;
  • poor diet and bad habits;
  • excessive cleansing and use of decorative cosmetics.

Thus, the appearance of blackheads on the nose is influenced by external and internal factors. Once you have determined the cause, you can choose a cleaning product and method.

How to avoid blackheads on your nose

When comedones occur, teenagers begin to actively look for methods to combat them. Many even try to find out in medical reference books what to do if there are blackheads on the nose, how to remove them? And this struggle often takes a lot of money and a lot of time.

It is much easier to prevent this “disease”. To do this, you should pay attention to certain things:

  1. Review your diet by eliminating fatty, fried and sweet foods.
  2. Wash your face 2 times a day using toilet soap.
  3. Use a scrub 2 times a week to remove dead epithelium.
  4. Use hypoallergenic, oil-free cosmetics.
  5. Limit touching your face, especially with dirty hands.

You should carefully monitor the cleanliness of gadgets, bedding and other items that often come into contact with your facial skin.

Methods for cleaning skin from blackheads in the nose area

There are several standard methods that will determine how to remove blackheads on a teenager’s nose. They are conventionally divided into 4 large categories:

  • Mechanical impact. It is carried out using special devices or devices. Don't squeeze dirt out of your pores with your hands.
  • Cosmetic effect. To do this, you can seek help from a cosmetologist. The specialist will determine the range of services and select treatment.
  • Cleansing cosmetic products. You can use scrubs, peeling, cleansing masks and lotions.
  • A complex that includes a healthy lifestyle using natural ingredients.

Each item includes a whole range of procedures, tools and actions. Having chosen one of the presented options, it is worth deciding on its components.

Remove blackheads at home

If you don’t have the financial resources or time to constantly visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist, then procedures that can be performed at home would be an ideal option.

How to remove blackheads from nose at home:

  • The most common option is cleansers. Additionally, components are used that whiten the skin of the face.
  • In cosmetic stores you can buy special brushes and washcloths to clean pores of dirt.
  • Steaming facial baths, warming compresses. Other thermal effects are also possible, as a result of which the pores expand.
  • Cleansing face masks.
  • Shock therapy for the skin using thermal contrast.

At home, you should use those procedures and products that will not aggravate the situation regarding the appearance and removal of blackheads on the face.

Cosmetics to combat blackheads

How can you remove blackheads on your nose without causing skin problems in the future? It is worth choosing effective means that have been tested by time and people. The most popular are special products that can be bought at a pharmacy or cosmetics store.

The most popular options are:

  1. Skinoren cream or gel effectively and quickly cleanses pores of impurities. An analogue of the product can be “Zinerit”.
  2. Particularly popular are adhesive strips for mechanically cleansing the skin of the nose from blackheads.
  3. So-called black masks also cope well with the problem. They produce a mechanical action to remove surface dirt and blockages.
  4. Pharmacy products - retinoic ichthyol or zinc ointment.

Pharmacy preparations are not limited to ointments. You can use clay masks and washing lotions. Several products can be used at the same time.

It is worth considering that the nose is very inconvenient to clean due to its irregularities and its location.

Fast and effective means and methods

It is not always possible to effectively remove blackheads on the nose using standard cosmetic or pharmacy products. Express methods and medications can come to the rescue. You can perform quick cleansing procedures at home. There will be no secondary redness or irritation of the facial skin:

  1. Apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the problem area of ​​the nose and leave the mixture on for about 10 minutes.
  2. moisten with hydrogen peroxide and apply for 2-3 minutes to the skin where the blackheads are concentrated. Rinse off any remaining liquid with warm water.
  3. Dilute two tablespoons of gelatin mixed with activated carbon in 2 tablespoons of warm water. When the gelatin swells, heat the mixture in a water bath. After the contents have cooled, apply to problem areas, and when the composition turns into a film, remove.

There are other express methods, but they are not safe - allergic reactions may occur.

Non-standard means

To clean your nose from blackheads, you can use non-standard products that are not very popular. But the components for creating the mixture are always at hand.

We offer you 2 non-standard but effective recipes. One will tell you how to remove blackheads from your nose with toothpaste:

  • First you need to choose the right toothpaste. A high-quality one should contain soda and components of medicinal herbs. With its help we will make a scrub mask.
  • Mix 5 g of soda with the described toothpaste until a paste-like mass is formed.
  • Apply it to problem areas and leave there for 10 minutes.
  • After time has passed, remove the scrub using a damp cotton pad.
  • Residues should be washed off with liquid soap and water. And immediately after the procedure, use a moisturizer.

Another recipe suggests using soda to remove blackheads on the nose. But in this case, you should remember that you can use it only if there are no injuries to the skin around the nose.

So, you need:

  • Make a paste mixture of baking soda and salt in a 1:1 ratio. Add water until you get a soft paste.
  • Wash off makeup from your face and moisturize it by washing with water at room temperature.
  • Place a small amount of the mixture on a cotton pad.
  • Apply the finished product in a circular motion, without trying to rub it into the skin too much.
  • The procedure should last about 3 minutes, after which the product is washed off with warm water without soap.
  • Give your skin a little rest and apply a mild moisturizer.

Folk method

There is another method for removing blackheads on the nose at home quickly and effectively - mechanical cleaning. By the way, this procedure has currently received a lot of negative reviews. This occurs due to improper execution and non-compliance with hygiene standards during its implementation.

Mechanical removal of comedones should look like this:

  1. Steam your face over a bath using a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and sage.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and treat them with cotton wool moistened with alcohol or an antiseptic.
  3. Wrap your fingers in damp, alcohol-free wipes.
  4. Using light pressure movements, remove impurities from the pores. Thanks to steaming, you don't need to put in much effort.
  5. Wash with cool water without using cosmetics.
  6. And to narrow the cleaned pores, wipe the treated areas with a piece of ice.

Mechanical cleaning at home can be carried out no more than once a week. If you have problems with blood vessels, then it is better not to resort to this cleaning option.

There are a lot of options that tell you how to remove blackheads on the nose correctly. In this case, it is worth considering a few tips to promote high-quality and effective impact:

  1. Choose products that suit your skin type.
  2. Do not use cleansers if the skin on your nose is damaged or inflamed.
  3. It is necessary to remove makeup efficiently, especially powder and foundation.
  4. Every evening, you can additionally apply a solution of ascorbic acid to the skin.
  5. Kefir can be an analogue of ascorbic acid.
  6. In summer, do not use foundation and powder. As a result of sweating, they enter the pores, inflaming them.

Skin care after cleansing

How to remove blackheads on the nose becomes clear after reading several recommendations. But you need to look up how to care for your skin after cleansing.

  • Immediately after pore-dilating procedures, wipe the skin with a piece of ice or wash with ice water.
  • After cleansing, try not to use cosmetics that will lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • After cleaning, do not use decorative cosmetics for at least 2 days.

Blackheads or comedones greatly spoil a person’s appearance. At the initial stage of development, they may remain invisible, but if they are not dealt with, the problem gets worse. What is a comedon? This is a waste product of the epidermis, representing a plug of sebum, dust and dead skin cells. It clogs the canal, and over time its upper part opens slightly and darkens. This is what we call a blackhead on the nose, chin or forehead. Getting rid of them can sometimes be difficult.

Reasons for appearance

Medicine identifies a number of reasons why a person develops black spots on the skin:

  • Improper or insufficient cleansing of the skin on the face - infrequent washing, using too hot water, the habit of “falling asleep in cosmetics”, using perfumes with poor quality composition, etc.;
  • The use of care and decorative cosmetics and preparations that do not correspond to the individual skin type;
  • Using products that have expired;
  • Internal causes - hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Environmental factor (air pollution), climatic conditions;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Imbalance of intestinal microflora, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order to get rid of blackheads, you should know about the basic methods of eliminating comedones.

Methods to combat blackheads

It is necessary to carry out procedures to combat comedones in a comprehensive manner. Don't expect that just washing your face or applying cleansers will remove blackheads forever. But they will definitely begin to disappear if you follow the conditions below:

  • Every day, cleanse your face with specialized soap-based cosmetics (foams, gels, mousses);
  • Cream-based moisturizers and protective products are not used in the presence of blackheads - they are replaced with gels. Do not use cosmetics if the description does not contain the phrase “No fat”;
  • After cleansing your face, apply a tonic tightening agent to the skin to tighten the pores;
  • For deeper cleansing, use facial steaming, then scrubs and massages (no more than twice a week);
  • After using abrasive cleaning products, apply a pigment-constricting mask to the skin;
  • Limit exposure to ultraviolet radiation, do not sunbathe;
  • Follow a dietary regimen, avoid foods that increase the intensity of sebum production.

Salon cleaning

The best way to remove blackheads is in a beauty salon. There are different types of manipulations:

  • Manual– manual cleaning of comedones is carried out after steaming the face. A special tool is used - an applicator with replaceable nozzles. There are several types of attachments: strainer, Uno spoon, Vidal needle, Vidal loop. The procedure is traumatic, so at the end the face is treated with liquid nitrogen and a soothing mask is applied. The skin takes a long time to heal;
  • Vacuum cleaning– clogged pores are cleaned with a special device using negative pressure. No pain is felt, but in comparison with the manual method, this method is less effective;
  • Ultrasonic cleaning– the device affects the skin with high-frequency vibrations, removing dirt and fat from the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Laser cleaning– deep cleansing with removal of the old layer of the epidermis;
  • Chemical peeling– cleaning using products based on fruit acids;
  • Hardware cleaning– carried out using a “brossage” apparatus with rotating brush attachments. Enzymatic peeling is first applied to the skin and steamed;
  • Cryomassage(cold exposure) – is a procedure that consolidates the effect after manual cleaning. At least 10 procedures will be required.

Cosmetical tools

Today, the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries produce dozens, if not hundreds, of drugs designed to combat comedones. But you can remove blackheads with the help of inexpensive pharmaceutical products. Many of them are not only effective for this purpose, but also have a more extensive effect, bringing the skin to a normal healthy state. We will name the 3 most popular remedies.

Zinc ointment

Inexpensive pharmaceutical zinc ointment has a drying effect on inflamed areas of the skin, but excessive drying does not occur, since the ointment contains petroleum jelly. Zinc also has a regenerative and antiseptic effect, stopping the growth of bacterial microorganisms. The ointment has a narrowing effect on enlarged pores. The drug is applied to the cleansed area of ​​skin for 10 - 15 minutes, and then washed off with water.


Differin, a remedy for the treatment of acne and blackheads, is recommended by experts. It is based on adapalene, an artificially obtained analogue of retinoic acid. "Differin" has a sebostatic property, reducing the production of sebum. It also destroys existing comedones and prevents the development of new blackheads. The drug contains anti-inflammatory components that have a regenerating effect on active foci of inflammation. Apply a small amount to the skin at night, do not rub. In the morning, treat the area with moisturizer. If Differin gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth, rinse thoroughly with water.

Ichthyol ointment

The main component of the ointment is ichthyol (ammonium salt of shale oil sulfonic acids), which has a dark tint and a sharp characteristic odor:

  • Pulls out comedones and dissolves their contents;
  • Activates blood circulation in the skin;
  • Improves overall skin immunity, accelerates its regeneration;
  • Has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Apply directly to affected areas. If the inflammation is particularly severe, squeeze out a pea-sized amount of ointment from the tube onto a gauze pad, apply it to the sore spot and stick it with a band-aid. You need to keep the ichthyol ointment on your face for a maximum of 2 - 3 hours, then wash it off the skin with warm water and disinfect your face with salicylic acid or hydrogen peroxide.

Home Remedies

At home, facial cleansing to remove and prevent blackheads is not only possible, but also necessary. The more thoroughly and regularly you take care of your skin, the fewer problems it will have. The main activities are:

  • Steaming the outer skin;
  • Manual mechanical cleaning.

To remove blackheads using home remedies, use:

  • Cleansing and whitening masks;
  • Scrubs and peelings;
  • Strips for blackheads (for T-zone).

If you constantly combine these methods, you can achieve cleansing and improvement of the condition of the skin on your face in a very short time.

Manual removal

Many cosmetologists do not recommend removing blackheads manually at home. Why? The main concern is that a person will not properly treat areas of the skin and hands with antiseptic agents and will introduce an infection into the body. If you still decide to remove it manually, follow these rules:

  • First, steam your face, treat it with a disinfectant (salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine);
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and wipe them with alcohol;
  • Comedones are not squeezed out with bare hands: grab an area of ​​skin with a sterile cotton pad.

If the blackhead does not give in, you should not press too hard. This indicates a deep location of the comedones and insufficiently intense steaming of the face. If you apply excessive pressure, you can injure the skin and introduce an infection into the wound.

Facial steaming

Squeezing out comedones is a process that inevitably traumatizes the skin. You can minimize trauma by steaming, during which the top layer of skin softens and the pores open.

When to steam?

  • For single or combined comedones;
  • With frequent acne on the skin;
  • In the presence of enlarged and contaminated pores;
  • When using dense base foundations (foundation creams), which provide more thorough cleansing of the skin.

When should you not steam?

  • In the presence of rosacea - dilated capillaries and spider veins on the face due to the fragility of blood vessels;
  • With regular use of anticoagulants to thin the blood;
  • During the period of exacerbation of dermatological diseases;
  • In case of exacerbation of seasonal allergies.

How to steam your face correctly?

To prepare skin affected by blackheads for cleansing, steaming is carried out as follows:

  • Take a small enamel pan, pour in water (200 ml) and put it on the fire to bring to a boil;
  • While the water is boiling, remove your makeup and wash your face thoroughly. His skin must be absolutely clean;
  • If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them;
  • Dry your face with a clean towel;
  • Add a few drops of essential oil (rosemary, orange, pine, juniper, geranium, etc.) to boiling water;
  • Put your hair in a bun, put a towel on your head so that it falls over your face;
  • Lean over the water so that the steam hits it. A towel is needed to prevent steam from escaping into the air. Don't move your face too close in the water. Stand firmly - the pan must be fixed on the stove so that you do not accidentally tip it over;
  • The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes maximum. This limit should not be exceeded;
  • After steaming, cleanse your face or apply a cleansing mask.

You need to steam your face no more than once every 10 to 12 days.

Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate is used to remove blackheads on the skin due to a number of properties that this chemical component provides. Baking soda dissolves excess oil on the skin, dries it and at the same time produces an antiseptic/antibacterial effect. Made from sodium bicarbonate, the scrub mattifies the skin, evens out its surface and brightens the tone. You can use soda to remove comedones as an independent component, or as an ingredient in homemade cosmetics.

Baking soda as an exfoliant

A washed, steamed face is rubbed with a pinch of baking soda for several minutes. If you experience a slight tingling sensation, do not worry: this is a normal reaction. However, if there are irritated or inflamed areas on the skin, and even more so - open cuts, wounds and cracks, you should not use soda.

A softer option involves first lathering the skin with foam or gel, and then adding soda. You can first lather the required amount of foam in your palm and add a little sodium bicarbonate and sea salt to it. After applying the peel, wash your face with clean water and lubricate your skin with moisturizer.


A scrub is an abrasive cosmetic product used to remove dirt and dead particles from the upper layer of the dermis. They also effectively cleanse pores clogged with dirt and cell waste. It will be easier to open a comedone, the structure of which is a dense plug, with a scrub after steaming your face. Scrubs also act as follows:

  • Brings the functioning of the sebaceous glands back to normal;
  • Saturate the skin with vitamins, microelements and minerals;
  • Improves complexion;

Possible types of ingredients for preparing a scrub:

  • Soda and salt;
  • Cinnamon and honey;
  • Ground coffee and honey;
  • Clay (blue or white);
  • Olive oil and oatmeal;
  • Sugar and aloe juice.

There are several ways to prepare a quality scrub at home. We will give a universal recipe:

  1. Prepare an abrasive material - poppy seeds, crushed nuts, grains or fruit shells;
  2. Steam your face in a steam bath with herbs to open the pores;
  3. Add an abrasive material to the binder (oil, honey, aloe juice) and apply to the problem area;
  4. For 3 to 5 minutes, massage the skin with your fingertips, rubbing the scrub over it. Massage movements and the presence of abrasive particles will help to catch comedones and remove them out;
  5. You need to carry out cleansing movements along the massage lines of the face;
  6. After the procedure, wash your face with warm water. If the scrub contains strong astringent ingredients that cannot be washed off with running water, you can use a soft foam;
  7. Apply a tightening toner to a cleansed face to close the pores, and after a few hours apply a nourishing cream.

If you have blackheads and oily problem skin, you should use the scrub no more than twice a week. For those with dry skin, use once every 10 days is suitable.


In cosmetology and folk medicine, there are many used to cleanse the skin of comedones. They can be divided according to two criteria: the first type has a mechanical principle of action (that is, as it dries, it is removed along with the contents of the pores), the second type is deep cleansing masks. Here are two of the most popular recipes.

Mask with baking soda and raw egg

Used for problem skin, but only in the absence of damage to the skin (wounds, cracks, inflammation, etc.). Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a beaten chicken egg and apply to the skin using a cosmetic sponge. During application, rub the composition over problem areas for 5 - 7 minutes. Leave the mask on for another 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water. You can use this type of mask no more than three times a week.

Mask with starch and glycerin

Has a strong cleansing and tightening effect. A pharmaceutical ampoule of glycerin is mixed with aloe vera juice (30 ml) and a teaspoon of potato starch (can be replaced with corn starch). Stir until smooth and apply to face. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water. To consolidate the effect, you can wipe the skin with a solution of glycerin, cold water and lemon juice the next day. This mask removes superficial blackheads and prevents the appearance of new ones.


An effective cleanser for blackheads is prepared on the basis of ordinary food gelatin (teaspoon), milk (20 ml) and activated carbon (1 tablet). Grind the charcoal in a coffee grinder and add gelatin to it. Mix all ingredients well and add cold milk. The mixture is placed in a water bath and kept over low heat until it becomes homogeneous. The future mask should cool, but not harden completely. Apply the product to your face (specifically, to problem areas). Be careful not to get the gelatin mixture on your lips or eyelids.

The mask should completely harden within 15 - 25 minutes. During this time, do not talk and try not to use facial expressions.

After the specified time, begin to remove the frozen gelatin, lifting it from the edges and gradually pulling it off like a stocking. If the recipe and technology are followed, the contents of the pores will remain on the surface of the removed gelatin film. The skin is treated with any tightening lotion.

Oatmeal mask

There are two main recipes for preparing oatmeal cleansing masks to get rid of blackheads.

Recipe one: mask-scrub

Suitable for deep facial cleansing if your skin is oily. Mix two tablespoons of rolled oats with a teaspoon of ground coffee and add water. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply to face and massage into skin in circular motions for at least 5 minutes. Then leave the product on for another 5 – 7 minutes. After the specified time, wash your face with a decoction based on chamomile, mint or calendula. Apply nourishing cream to your skin.

Recipe two: oat mask with kefir

Take coarse oat flakes (1 dessert spoon) and soak them in kefir for 10 - 15 minutes. Add a spoonful of honey, salt on the tip of a knife and a little oatmeal to the mixture. Apply to face, leave for 15 – 20 minutes. When you wash off the composition, rub the area of ​​the wings of the nose and chin and other problem areas with your fingertips. Water for washing should not be hot. Afterwards, pat your face dry with a napkin and apply nourishing cream. It is better to do this mask at night.

Egg white mask

A protein mask that creates a film effect will be an excellent way to eliminate sebaceous plugs and the blackheads they cause on the skin. To prepare the product, take 1 - 2 chicken eggs and separate the raw white from the yolk. Proceed carefully to ensure that the white is clean and free of any yolk impurities. Also for mixing the composition and further steps you will need:

  • Two plates;
  • Fork or whisk for whipping;
  • Paper towels.

Beat the egg whites with a whisk until smooth. Divide the paper towels into small pieces. Soak them in egg white. Wash your face with foam: the skin should be cleansed and slightly steamed. Gently glue the napkins soaked in the protein mixture onto your face, avoiding the skin area around the eyes.

The mask is kept on the face for 20 - 30 minutes until the protein dries completely.

The napkin should harden - this is a signal that it is time to remove the mask. Use gentle movements to separate the tissue from your face. It might be a little unpleasant. Rinse off the remaining mask and apply a little beaten yolk to your face: this will soothe and moisturize the skin. After another 10 minutes, wash your face completely and pat dry with a clean paper towel.


The use of cosmetics and medications to eliminate blackheads is a measure to combat the consequences. To eliminate the cause, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Be sure to wash your face at least twice a day. Washing your face in the morning is especially important. Use special cleansing cosmetics (foams, gels). A mild, fragrance-free cosmetic soap will also work;
  • When washing your face, do not rub your face too much. The movements are smooth and massaging. Pay attention to the T-zone: the area of ​​the forehead above the bridge of the nose, nose (wings) and chin;
  • Try to choose care cosmetics that suit your skin type. If it is oily or combination, you need drying components. If you use products for dry skin with a similar type of skin, the problem will worsen;
  • Spend less time in the open sun and use sunscreen. Visits to the solarium are limited;
  • The use of scrubs and masks against comedones will give results only if done on a regular basis.

Attention: try not to squeeze out inflamed comedones. Even if the procedure is carried out with clean, but not sterile, hands, there is a high risk of infection and aggravation of inflammation.

What's important to remember?

Careful attention to the composition of the diet is a necessary condition for the treatment of comedones. Your skin is stressed and not in its best condition if you overuse products such as:

  • Coffee;
  • Chocolate and cocoa;
  • Spices and seasonings;
  • Alcohol;
  • Any fatty, sweet, salty products, smoked foods and marinades.

An imbalance in the body, the external manifestation of which is black spots on the face and other parts of the body, requires an integrated approach to treatment.

This means that the problem must be eliminated from the inside too. Visit a cosmetologist, but also consult a dermatologist. You may need to consult a nutritionist. If you have problems with nutrition or diet, it is better to contact specialists in advance rather than wait until blackheads appear on your face.

Today we will tell you a recipe on how to remove blackheads on the nose at home. And this is much easier to do than you might imagine.

If you had seen my face 5 years ago, you would have been simply horrified! There were all kinds of pimples - big and small, they were everywhere. I was ashamed to go out. I was treated with available folk methods - chamomile and celandine. They didn't help as much as I would have liked.

I developed complexes, my mother tried to help me, but the acne didn’t want to go away. It seems that I have already come to terms with my problem. And I even learned to live with acne.

But one day a friend of my mother came to visit us. And seeing the terrible state of my face, I was very surprised that we still haven’t bought an amazing product. She gave us its name - and that’s how I learned about Acnelocin. I read it and decided to try it.

We were able to purchase the product without any hassle, and at an attractive price. And most importantly, after 2 weeks of daily use, I began to notice that my acne began to not only decrease in size, but also disappear.

As a result, by the end of the full course of treatment there was not a single pimple left on my face. And now for a whole year I don’t know what acne is.

Now I advise all young people with problem skin to use it. And even though many people believe that acne can be cured with iodine or brilliant green, only this amazing medicine helped me!

My experience with acne treatment

Good afternoon

She persistently tried to cure me with a variety of ointments and gels, tablets and traditional medicine. but nothing worked. It seemed that there would always be more than love between us. We will also be connected by acne. It was very, very unpleasant.

And then somehow my beloved girl, in search of another acne remedy, came across this amazing article on the Internet. Here we talked in detail about such a remedy for acne as.

We decided to try it right away - maybe we’d be lucky too. , received it by mail and began to act.

Surprisingly, I was able to notice the first results within a week! The pimples not only began to decrease in size, they stopped being red, stopped itching and began to literally go away.

My beloved liked it so much that she decided that the course of treatment should be completed completely. And we were right! Only a month has passed and now I have clear skin - not a single pimple, not a single scar or other trouble!

I am very grateful to my girlfriend for literally saving me from acne. It’s so great to look in the mirror and see your face, not acne!

And then, quite by accident, I came across a product called Inblanc on the Internet. This whitening milk could be ordered right here, which is what I did.

I received my purchase quickly and started working on the same day. I used whitening milk 3 to 5 times a day and was able to see the first results in just a week. The pigment spots on the forehead became lighter, but on the cheeks did not respond to treatment.

But I didn’t give up and used whitening milk for the full course of treatment. And you know - everything passed! Literally after 3 weeks from the start of use, the spots began to simply disappear. And then one fine moment in the evening there was still the last speck. And in the morning he was no longer there!

Whitening milk literally brought me back to life. Now I like my face, and today I recommended the whitening milk to my pregnant friend - an ugly pigment spot appeared on her face, which greatly spoiled her beauty.