Cheeks sag: causes of the phenomenon, prevention, methods of tightening at home. Gravitational ptosis

> Gravitational ptosis

Earth's gravity is relentless, and in matters of aging it plays a key role. The soft tissues of the face that have lost their elasticity, under the influence of gravity, descend with age, forming a picture of gravitational ptosis.

Quite often, women aged 35-45 turn to a cosmetologist for the first time with a complaint about the so-called jowls and changes in the shape of the face. It should be noted that "flewed" is a household concept, but, unfortunately, in the Russian language there is no capacious and accurate analogue,
and in English there is: jowl. If “flews” became noticeable on the face, then the process of gravitational ptosis began a very long time ago, and changes in the oval are its obvious result.

Gravitational ptosis occurs from about 35-40 years old and affects, first of all, the soft tissues of the middle third of the face. Therefore, with a visible lack of volume in the medial part of the middle third and with pronounced nasolacrimal and nasolabial grooves, as well as nasolabial folds, it's time to correct them and prevent more pronounced changes.

Why is the face down?

For the most effective correction of ptosis, which would satisfy the doctor and the patient, a clear understanding of the processes of its formation, the points of application of correction methods (targets) and the classification of changes are necessary. Only in this case it is possible to choose the optimal solution and achieve the desired result. Gravitational ptosis - as one of the manifestations of aging - is not a pathology, but a natural process in human life, since age-related changes affect all tissues and structures of the face. Although the process is called gravitational ptosis of soft tissues (skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles), age-related changes in bone structures must also be taken into account, because the resorption of certain parts of the facial skeleton leads to the fact that soft tissues lose their foothold.

The following processes take place in the soft tissues themselves. Dystrophic changes lead to thinning of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity. Degradation of collagen fibers, a decrease in water reserve and delayed regeneration make themselves felt with the first wrinkles and a decrease in skin tone.

In the subcutaneous adipose tissue, on the one hand, atrophy of fat packages, both deep and superficial, is observed, and on the other hand, they are displaced and fat accumulates in certain areas, for example, infraorbital (SOOF), fatty body of the cheek, etc. Ligamentous apparatus and the superficial muscular aponeurotic layer (SMAS), which acts as a holding frame for soft tissues, weakens with age and allows fatty tissue to move down. Facial muscle aging is characterized by a decrease in muscle mass and a decrease in the contractility of the fibers.

Clinical signs

All of these changes lead to the formation of clinical signs of gravitational ptosis:

  • . drooping of the eyebrows and sagging of the upper eyelids;
  • . formation of nasolacrimal and nasocuccal grooves;
  • . formation of nasolabial folds;
  • . drooping corners of the mouth;
  • . change in the oval of the face, the appearance of wings;
  • . sagging chin;
  • . drooping of the tip of the nose and sagging of the earlobes.

For a more accurate determination of the severity of gravitational ptosis, a classification of changes is necessary. However, a universal classification has not yet been developed, since it is practically impossible to unify age-related changes for all individuals, even if we take a racial attribute.

In people of the same age, the changes can be different, the parts of the face (upper, middle, lower thirds and neck) also change at different speeds, almost every person has differences in the changes in the halves of the face, sometimes they can be quite pronounced. Thus, it is optimal to navigate according to the classification of Professor A. E. Belousov, who created a gradation of signs by face zones and distinguished the degrees of ptosis of the eyebrows, ptosis of the cheeks and soft tissues of the neck.

Eyebrow ptosis is determined by the presence and severity of the fold of the upper eyelid:

  • 1) initial: skin fold is minimal;
  • 2) moderate: the skin fold is significant, but does not reach the eyelash line by two to three millimeters;
  • 3) significant: the skin fold reaches the eyelash line or is one to two millimeters higher;
  • 4) extreme: the skin fold covers the field of view.

Ptosis of the cheeks is determined by the clarity of the contour of the lower jaw:

  • 1) initial: there is practically no omission of cheek tissues;
  • 2) moderate: noticeable relaxation of the tissues, the cheek has a double contour;
  • 3) significant: pronounced "flews" that do not pass to the neck;
  • 4) extreme: pronounced "flews" passing to the neck.

Thus, the main task for a cosmetologist when working with gravitational ptosis is lifting: lifting soft tissues, returning them to their original position and fixing, if the technique allows this.

Methods for correcting gravitational ptosis

Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of methods for correcting gravitational ptosis, the use of which can postpone surgery for several years, which, however, is the most effective solution to this issue.

In addition, the use of lifting threads, which occupy an intermediate niche between cosmetology and plastic surgery, also allows you to achieve excellent results without resorting to surgical interventions.

Methods for the correction of gravitational ptosis can be divided according to the points of application: methods that stimulate the formation of collagen and skin elasticity, reduce the amount of fat deposits, replenish the volume deficit in empty areas and provide a redistribution of volumes on the face, as well as changing muscle activity.

  • . Mesotherapy (the main drug is DMAE to reduce the skin, as well as indirect lipolytics to reduce the amount of fat deposits in problem areas). . Mesoscooter therapy to stimulate regeneration after injury and skin contraction.
  • . Biorevitalization with preparations based on collagen or its stimulants (amino acid compounds and peptides). Combined preparations act as not only a building material, but also a stimulator of collagen synthesis by your own skin cells.
  • . Hardware resurfacing, laser and RF technologies used to tighten the skin frame and, again, reduce the skin flap; radio wave lipolysis.
  • . Chemical peels (mid-level peels with TCA and Jessner's solution are especially effective), as well as retinoic peels (in mono form or in combination with chemical peels) to strengthen and lift the skin.
  • . Contour plastic in the aspect of volumetric correction and reinforcement, taking into account reference points.
  • . Botulinum therapy to eliminate the negative effects of depressor muscles, especially in the lower third of the face.

The most effective, giving the fastest clinically significant result, is a combination of contouring and BTA therapy.

In the upper third of the face, where the main clinical symptom of gravitational ptosis is drooping of the eyebrows, botulinum toxin injections can raise the tail of the eyebrow and the entire eyebrow by about two to three millimeters. Modeling the temporal region with fillers and introducing them directly under the tail of the eyebrow also helps to recreate natural volumes and achieve eyebrow elevation.

The middle third of the face is a vast field for work, where volumetric correction allows you to restore the lost volume of the cheeks, zygomatic zone, infraorbital region and affect the manifestations of ptosis in the lower third and in the neck.

With the help of fillers, it is possible to correct the nasolacrimal and buccal sulci. Techniques of layer-by-layer injection of drugs allow you to create volumes, giving the face a younger look and pulling up sagging tissues. More dense fillers located on the periosteum restore the lost points of support for soft tissues, and gels with a more elastic structure, introduced into the superficial fat packs, form the lost volume.

In the lower third of the face, combination therapy is most effective, taking into account all the mechanisms for the appearance of external signs of ptosis. If in the middle third the restoration of volumes was true, then when correcting the contour of the lower jaw, we can use “camouflage” methods by introducing gels based on hyaluronic acid so as to align the oval line with the level of the already descended tissue and soften the visible difference. In addition, reinforcing techniques with the direction of the vector to the reference point of the angle of the lower jaw will allow to smooth this line a little. As for age-related changes in the lips and periorbital zone, the correction of lowered corners of the lips by introducing the gel into the commissures and lateral edges of the lower lip, as well as the correction of marionette wrinkles, is effective here.

The second participant in combination therapy, botulinum toxin, allows, with proper use, to achieve amazing results in terms of lifting. Depressor muscles of the lower third of the face, with their activity increasing with age, contribute to the formation of manifestations of gravitational ptosis. Relaxation of the depressor of the corner of the mouth, with minimal dosage, gives an effective result in the form of raising the corners of the lips and changes the facial expression to a more positive one. And the correction of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck, platysma, is able to redistribute muscle activity and volume, which will be expressed in lifting not only the lower third, but also the middle one.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma) - a wide flat muscle originating from the thoracic fascia - extends from bottom to top along the anterior and anterior-lateral surfaces of the neck, spreads over the edge of the lower jaw and is woven into the skin. When conducting mimic tests, the presence and severity of platysma strands are evaluated, which indicate its increased activity and tone.

When carrying out such a correction, it should be remembered that the effect is achieved not only by relaxing the depressor muscles, but also by activating the antagonist muscles - the levators of the middle third of the face.

Thus, the redistribution of muscle activity allows you to align the line of the oval of the face.

The use of botulinum toxin in combination with volumetric correction can give good clinical results, the severity of which will depend on the degree of manifestations of ptosis. Today, such a correction is considered as an important component of non-surgical face lifting. When selecting patients for such procedures, the best results are to be expected in patients with initial signs of ptosis (first and second degree).

Thus, modern cosmetology offers a wide range of methods for the prevention and correction of gravitational ptosis. With their proper combination and timely implementation, you can postpone a visit to a plastic surgeon for a long time and keep your face toned and fresh.



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The combination of the two causes facial ptosis, a condition where the skin sags. If you do not start to fight the changes in time, then the contour and shape of the face will change, the oval will turn into a square due to the weighting of the lower part.

Symptoms of facial ptosis

The process of biological aging of the body is manifested in a decrease in firmness and elasticity of the skin. Collagen fibers degrade, water balance is lost, cell regeneration slows down. These processes cause the appearance of wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and soft tissue shift.

Gravitational ptosis of the face, deforming its oval, occurs against the background of ongoing changes. Thinned tissues are unable to resist the action of natural forces of attraction.

Ptosis of facial tissues is a condition when, under the influence of attractive forces, they noticeably fall. Flews appear in the lower part, the corners of the eyes and mouth go down.

The initial signs of changes appear after 35-40 years, their intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The parts of the face sag at different speeds: the upper part (in the eye area) suffers first, then the lower and middle parts.

The dynamics of the development of defects in appearance is divided into three stages:

First stage

  1. Creases appear on the upper eyelid, visible only when the eyes are open
  2. The bend of the eyebrows is smoothed out, they acquire a horizontal position.
  3. The nasolabial folds deepen.
  4. Blurring is outlined in the lower part of the jaw contour.

Second degree:

  1. Thickening and overhanging of the skin over the bridge of the nose.
  2. The appearance of "crow's feet", wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.
  3. The fold of the upper eyelid takes on a pronounced shape and does not disappear when the eyes are closed.
  4. Sagging of soft tissues in the eye area, which leads to a rounding of the lower eyelid.
  5. Ptosis of the corners of the mouth, giving the appearance of dullness.
  6. Adipose tissue descends from the cheekbones, creating an overhang over the nasolabial fold.

Third degree:

  1. Sagging processes extend to the neck.
  2. Noticeable longitudinal folds are formed in the chin area.
  3. All symptoms of grade II gravitational ptosis increase, wrinkles and furrows become deeper.
  4. The contour of the lips is smoothed, the entire skin becomes thinner.

Early ptosis of the face: causesskin deformities

Such a phenomenon as ptosis begins its effect on the tissues of the human body immediately after birth. Gravity inexorably pulls the skin down, but the high elasticity of the young epidermis does not allow it to sag.

If the skin is weakened by improper care, lack of fluid and vitamins, poor environment or other factors, facial ptosis may appear at an early age.

The first to lose elasticity is the skin under the eyes, becoming covered with a network of fine wrinkles. Pronounced nasolabial folds appear next.

Why are the aging processes actively triggered in young women? The causes of tissue sagging are associated with the processes occurring in the body. This is a complex problem that involves facial muscles, body fat and the lymphatic system. Cosmetologists divide deformities into two types:

  • Topical. There is a decrease in the tone of facial muscles due to stretching of some areas and shortening of others. Loss of skin elasticity and weakening of the muscle frame are two sides of the same process, because muscle fibers are closely intertwined with the dermis. The lethargy of muscle tissue invariably affects the condition of the skin.
  • Volumetric. Age-related biological processes affect all parts of the body, including the face. Tissue regeneration worsens, blood circulation and lymph outflow are disturbed. All these causes cause swelling, making the skin more voluminous. The accumulation of adipose tissue in the cheek area is one of the reasons for their sagging. Manifestations of ptosis are more noticeable in women who are prone to fullness.

Early deformity begins around age 30, while the usual age for severe sagging of the lower face is 40-45 years. Such manifestations are often hereditary. Their opposite is a genetic predisposition to late aging, when gravitational ptosis appears only at the age of 50.

Salon ways to solve the problem

Sagging skin and wrinkles do not pose any threat to health, but their harm to the psychological state of a woman is enormous. Modern cosmetology offers its own arsenal of effective and not very effective methods to help fight tissue deformation and wrinkles. Treatment involves the following procedures:

  1. Hardware: laser resurfacing, tightening the skin frame, microcurrent therapy, peeling.
  2. Injection: mesotherapy - treatment by introducing drugs under the skin that stimulate its regeneration, injections of hyaluronic acid, botox.
  3. Plastic surgery: face and neck lift, thread insertion, blepharoplasty (eyelid correction).
  4. Various types of massage.

Treatment of I and II degrees of ptosis occurs with hardware and injection procedures, and the last stage of sagging of the lower part of the face, eyes and lips requires surgical intervention by plastic surgeons.

Ptosis of the face: how to fight at home

If treatment in beauty salons and clinics is not available to you, you can try to correct appearance defects at home. Sagging areas are corrected in several ways:

  1. Massage is an effective tool to strengthen facial muscles. It can be performed not only in the salon, but also at home. There are several types of procedures, but modeling massage is considered the main one. It corrects the oval of the face, relieves puffiness, removes the second chin, and reduces wrinkles. The execution technique includes light stroking along the contour lines. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, the course is 14 massages.
  2. Masks - tightening or lifting masks perfectly restore the blurry contour of the face. For their preparation at home, non-chemical substances and food products are used: cottage cheese, oatmeal, honey, chicken eggs and more. Lifting compositions smooth fine wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. For dry skin, a mask according to the following recipe is suitable:
  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sour cream;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Oatmeal is poured with boiling water and left to swell. After 10-15 minutes, add the remaining ingredients, mix and apply on the face.

For oily skin, another recipe is suitable:

  • 1 protein;
  • 1 teaspoon of orange juice;
  • melted honey.

Mix the products thoroughly and apply to clean face skin. Remove the mask with a damp cloth.

Biological aging of the whole organism is clearly reflected on human skin. Not only does it fade, but it also begins to sag under the influence of gravity. There is a gravitational ptosis, that is, the "sliding" of soft tissues down under the influence of gravitational forces.

A condition that really causes a lot of trouble. For example, gravitational ptosis of the face affects its outline, also manifests itself as overhanging eyelids and eyebrows, loss of a clear demarcation between the chin and neck, and other cosmetic troubles. It turns out that all this can be resisted.

Why does the skin on the face sag

Living on Earth, there is no escape from the force of its attraction. These are the laws of nature, according to which our aging depends on gravity.

Women, and even some men, turn to cosmetologists about the “growing down” chin, sagging cheeks, bags under the eyes and other formations. Such a state is a clear indicator of gravitational ptosis, which began earlier in them, but now it has declared itself with such clear indicators.

Gravity-induced sagging of the skin and fat deposits usually begin to appear after the age of 35 and usually signal themselves on the plastic tissues of the intermediate third of the face. Therefore, one should always pay attention to the resulting severity of the nasolacrimal, nasobuccal grooves and nasolabial folds. Such a sign is a weighty reason for taking measures to prevent profound external changes.

To achieve the most effective results regarding the correction of ptosis, it is necessary to understand the course of its formation, to know the classification of the expected changes, the factors leading to them. You need to know that this phenomenon is not a disease, but a natural development that determines aging. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the sagging of the skin, the fatty tissue and muscles under it, but also the age-related destruction of bones, which deprives these tissues of support.

The skin is "pulled" down, forming wrinkles. First of all, the periocular cover is affected, which causes the formation of nasolabial folds.

There are different types of aging:

  • deformational - characterized by withering of the skin, the formation of jowls and sagging of the chin. Looking at such a face, you notice that it seems to have slipped down, however, there are still few wrinkles;
  • tired - usually characteristic of thin people with a diamond-shaped or oval face shape. The characteristic signs of such aging are sunken eyes and cheeks, lowered corners of the lips, and tear grooves that have appeared. In general, one gets the impression of an eternally exhausted person;
  • finely wrinkled - the outlines of the face practically do not change, skin sagging, jowls, and an additional chin are not observed. But the whole skin is covered with wrinkles. And this can happen even in young people;
  • muscular - characterized by the absence of pronounced folds, omissions. This is usually characteristic of representatives of the Mongoloid race.

Directly for the layers of soft tissues of the face, the following processes remain significant:

  • skin - loses its elasticity, gradually becomes thinner, dehydrated, inhibition of recovery processes causes the formation of folds and wrinkles;
  • subcutaneous fatty tissue - accumulates in one place, moves and fills the areas with fat (cheeks, the area around the eyes);
  • muscles - wither, losing their volume and contractile function.

Clinical signs of gravitational ptosis

A characteristic indicator of ptosis associated with aging is that the plastic facial tissues slide down, forming certain rather noticeable changes:

  • sagging eyelids and lowered eyebrows;
  • quite noticeable nasolacrimal, nasobuccal furrows and folds in the nasolabial part of the face;
  • lowered tips of the mouth;
  • flew and distorted the contour of the face in its lower third;
  • double chin;
  • sagging earlobes and downturned tip of the nose.

However, such changes are different even among people of the same age. Such differences are noticeable by the speed with which these modifications occur in different parts of the face. If you take half of it, then there are practically no two people with similar clinical signs.

The omission of facial tissues is characteristic of any age. When this might start, no one can say for sure. After all, this depends on several factors, including genetic predisposition, the state of the environment, how early facial care began, etc.

Obvious examples of transformations on the face are mainly visible at 45-55 years old. It is at this age that the skin on the neck, for example, becomes so thin that the edges of the platysma (neck muscle) are clearly visible through it, which also began to “creep”. Gravitational ptosis of the chin and jowls is also well observed in the outline of the lower jaw. It is impossible not to notice also deep folds in the corners near the mouth, as well as in the region of the nasolabial part of the face. This is especially true for clients who are overweight.

Causes and degrees of sagging

There are several moments that cause ptosis. Its appearance depends on:

  • type of aging (see above);
  • facial tone and the number of mimic wrinkles;
  • musculoskeletal imbalance and omissions of fat accumulation caused by it;
  • lack of essential substances in the skin;
  • disorder of blood and lymph flow;
  • disruptions in the water balance;
  • lack of elastin and collagen.

It is quite understandable that if you know and do not give the opportunity to develop such causes, as well as pay attention to your genetics, which is very clearly seen in the representatives of the older generation in the family, you can get around the problem of sagging caused by attraction. Of course, you can not write off the type of skin aging.

The process manifests itself in different places, but not simultaneously and ambiguously. According to how gravitational ptosis makes itself felt, there are such degrees of it:

First degree

  • supraocular eyelids are lowered (their severity is different);
  • the eyebrows are noticeably aligned horizontally, such a change in their position is caused by the omission of the outer parts;
  • nasolabial sulcus and nasolabial fold inconspicuous;
  • the lowered corners of the mouth are also not very pronounced;
  • blurry oval of the face - the result of the loss of contour expressiveness of the lower jaw;

Second degree

to the signs of the first degree of sagging are added:

  • wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • "crow's feet" - skin folds caused by the drooping of the outer edges of the eyebrows;
  • alignment at the same level of the outer and inner corners of the eyes (usually the outer is always in a position 4-5 mm higher);
  • bags under the eyes;
  • even more deepened nasolacrimal grooves and nasolabial folds;
  • the corners of the mouth are so lowered that the face constantly looks sad;
  • fleas ("bulldog cheeks") - are formed as a result of sagging skin and the movement of fatty formations;

Third degree

signs are added:

  • violations of the bones of the facial skull;
  • noticeable thinning of the skin;
  • smoothing a distinct outline of the lips;
  • even greater deepening of facial wrinkles, folds, furrows, jowls, etc.

Therapeutic methods

They suggest a significant number of methods and techniques that allow stopping the treatment of gravitational ptosis and delaying the surgical solution of this problem for several years, which is still the most effective therapeutic technique. All these areas, including techniques that help stimulate collagen production and renew skin turgor, reduce the amount of fat in the skin, replenish and redistribute the missing volume in it, etc., are effective in their own way.

Their choice is always correlated with the degree of damage, the individual characteristics of the client and the type of correction required. Mainly applied:

  • mesotherapy - allows you to reduce fat reserves in the most vulnerable places;
  • mesoscooter treatment - restores the skin when it is injured and loses its springiness;
  • biorevitalization - supplies the skin with substances important for its regeneration and encourages its cells to independently produce collagen;
  • chemical peels - tighten and strengthen the skin;
  • contour plastic - allowing injection of skin healing with hyaluronic acid;
  • grinding with devices, laser and RF technologies that tighten the skin structure.

By the way, the most effective way to treat gravitational ptosis is considered to be contour plastics connected with BTA. First of all, such therapy is indicated for the first and second degrees of gravitational ptosis, when injection and preparation methods can still be used. But the third degree of such a problem is an indisputable path to the operating table.

The main and most difficult thing in all this remains the unmistakable definition of the method of treatment. It is necessary to stop at the one that will allow you to get rid of the negative signals of aging, and will also help rejuvenate the skin of the face without distorting its natural shape. Needless to say, the task is not easy.

If, for example, a lift is performed using non-surgical lifting or plastic techniques, its volume will not be added, therefore, rejuvenation will not become noticeable. And the use of fillers or Botox to smooth out wrinkles will not allow you to even out the outline of the face, and besides, it can ruin facial expressions.

Therefore, when planning to get rid of the manifestations of gravitational ptosis on the face, attention should not be focused on the choice of procedure. It is better to look for a skilled cosmetologist who will accurately select a set of restorative measures, depending on the degree of damage and the characteristics of the client.

Additional activities

In order for the treatment of ptosis to be successful, masks, massage and gymnastic exercises for the face will be a good addition to it.

Face masks for sagging cheeks

One masks on the gravitational ptosis of the face can be affected up to forty years. For those who have crossed this line, masks alone will not help. It will be necessary to connect to them, in addition to the main treatment, also massage and exercises.

Masks should be done at least 2-3 times a week. The necessary ingredients are mixed until smooth and adjusted on the face for 15-20 minutes. After that, you need to lie down, if you walk, you can get a completely different result. After the time has elapsed, rinse the mixture with cold water and wipe the face with an ice cube.

You can use the following components:

  • 1 tsp lemon zest, sour cream and tangerine juice;
  • in the above proportion, potato starch, milk and honey;
  • banana, a drop of vitamin E solution, 1 tsp. cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 st. l. persimmons, 1 tsp potato starch;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated potatoes, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Face massage

Any massage for gravitational ptosis copes with this problem. You can do it yourself. Here are a couple of recommendations:

  • for the eyelids - with the help of circular movements performed by the index fingers, carefully move along the area between the outer corners of the eyes and the temples;
  • contour - gentle tingling is performed, and then stroking from the middle of the chin to the earlobe. Neck massage involves stroking its right side with the left hand, and the left side with the right. This technique will provide tightening of the skin.

Such a massage is desirable to do every day. Using a mask will enhance its effect.

Exercises for a fresh oval face

Various types of them effectively help to correct the facial outline, improve muscles, relieve their tension. Gymnastics with gravitational ptosis, along with good sleep, an effective night cream and massage, is a great way to tighten the skin of the face in the lower part of it.

  • having established uniform breathing, slightly squeezing the cheeks with the palms (fingers should stick out the ears) inflate them for 4-6 seconds. The duration of the procedure is equal to one breath. Repeat 10 times. It is better to do this exercise in the morning;
  • stand near the mirror, fold your lips as if you are going to pronounce the sound "o". Touch the tongue to the inside of the cheek and make circular movements;
  • tilting your head back and pushing your lower jaw forward, stretch your lips with a tube, as if you are going to pronounce the sound “oooo”. Thus, a lift of the lower part of the face is provided. This famous Hollywood exercise is called "The Wolf Howls at the Moon". The use of cream during this exercise will protect the tissues from excessive stretching;
  • sit down at the table, put your chin on your palms, and rest your elbows on the table. Raise your chin with your palms, and resist with the lower part of your face. Run 3-7 times;
  • describe soft semicircles with your head to failure in one and the other direction. In order not to harm the spine, the exercise should be performed smoothly, without straining;
  • try to touch your nose with the tip of your tongue.

To see the result from such gymnastics, you need to do it for 2-4 weeks.

Facial aging

How to get rid of age-related sagging face

(scientifically - ptosis)?

First, let's talk about why facial aging .

1. In the dermis (middle layer of the skin) there are different fibroblasts that produce 2 types of collagen:
- collagen 1
- collagen 3
Collagen 1 is a thick fiber that provides resistance and firmness to the skin.
Collagen 3 is thin, water-soluble fibers that give the skin elasticity and tone.
By the age of 30, the production of collagen 3 slows down, and at the age of 45-50 it practically stops.
This is how facial aging occurs: loss of elasticity and sagging of the skin. To slow down this process, we need to activate the work of fibroblasts.

2. But not only fibroblasts are responsible for aging face and sagging skin. There is also aging of muscle tissue. With age, the muscles shorten and decrease in volume, the tone decreases. There are many systems for training facial muscles.

3. To avoid early aging face Don't lose weight suddenly. Prevention is always cheaper and safer. Therefore, during weight loss, you need to develop an action plan in advance that will allow the skin not to sag when losing weight. The most important thing is the complex effect.

Facial aging:

procedures for prevention

1. Facial muscle training:

  • - Gymnastics for the face 1-2 times a day (including with an ice cube)
  • - bodyflex for the face
  • - face yoga
  • - gymnastics by Camille Voler or Nadia Payot
  • - facebuilding Eva Fraser
  • - facelift by Maria Runge

and others.

2. Dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals

3. Cosmetics to improve skin elasticity (there are 2 types: with a delayed effect and instant action) they need to be combined.

Creams, with a "delayed effect"- These are creams, the result of which can be seen in 3-4 weeks. Small molecule-cytokines serve as transmitters of information. These creams also protect against UV, dehydration and oxidation.

-Instant Creams, the so-called tensins instantly tighten flabby skin, such a tightening lasts until the first wash.

4. Mesotherapy (cocktails of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, coffee enzymes, etc.

5. Cryoplasty (including homemade - wiping with a piece of ice or a frozen decoction of herbs.)

6. Plastic and drainage massage(facial massage with spoons, etc.)

7. Acupuncture or needle self-massage(a massager with spike-like protrusions, made from stone or wood that suits you).

8. Regular contrast showers.

9. Lifting face masks (including homemade ones made from natural products).

10. Mesothreads

Plastic surgery, no doubt, works wonders, but what to do when there are already signs of age-related changes, but you want to preserve your youth without resorting to plastic surgery?
The answer to this question: mesothreads. As a result of the development of new methods and the improvement of the old, well-known and proven in cosmetology, this new non-surgical method of rejuvenation and treatment of aging skin has appeared.
A new technique for reinforcing mesothreads was developed in leading clinics in Southeast Asia. During the procedure, thin self-absorbable threads are used, which are already actively used in cardiovascular surgery today. The thread is inserted under the skin with a thin atraumatic needle, lifts sagging tissues, and also activates and stimulates the synthesis of new collagen, which in turn makes the skin more elastic and elastic. Improves blood circulation and skin structure.
Mesothreads form a new voluminous frame of the facial skin, which is created taking into account the anatomical features and points of fixation of soft tissues. Reinforcement with mesothreads allows you to save the result for up to 1.5 - 2 years. It is also very important that the mesothreads are completely non-traumatic. Installation does not require cuts, and the thickness of the threads themselves is only 0.1 mm. The injected mesothreads dissolve after 8 months, leaving a layer of new collagen in their place, which will keep your skin elastic, soft and smooth for a long time.
Mesothreads allow:
raise eyebrows;
restore the shape of the cheeks;
eliminate nasolabial folds;
create a clear oval face;
eliminate wrinkles and improve the structure of the skin on the neck and décolleté;
eliminate flabbiness of the skin of the face and body.
To whom is this procedure indicated?
Anyone who wants to improve their appearance and at the same time does not want to undergo a surgical facelift. The procedure for reinforcing the face with mesothreads has no age restrictions and is indicated for both women and men.

Facial aging. Home masks for prevention.

These are masks - with a "delayed effect". Do 2-3 times a week. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Be sure to lie down, because. if we walk with a mask, then we will achieve an absolutely opposite result. Wash off with cold water. It is highly recommended to wipe with an ice cube.

    • Lemon zest 1 tsp
    • Sour cream 1 tsp -
    • Mandarin juice 1 tsp
    • Potato starch 1 tsp
    • Milk 1 tsp
    • Honey 1 tsp
    • Banana
    • 1 drop vit. E
    • Cream 1 tsp
    • Oatmeal 2 tbsp
    • Honey 1 tbsp.
    • Persimmon pulp 1 tbsp. l.
    • Potato starch 1 tsp
    • Grated potatoes 2 tbsp.
    • 1 tbsp. olive oil

Try another miraculous mask.

Our expert - plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences Anvar Salijanov.

The discovery of botulinum toxin seemed to revolutionize cosmetology. After all, since then it has become possible to smooth out even the deepest wrinkles with just a few injections. However, the enthusiasm of the first years soon subsided, because it became obvious that a smooth face is not yet a sign of youth, because, for example, people with hyperactive facial expressions already have wrinkles in their youth, however, they do not look old because of this. Much of our perception of age depends on the quality of the skin, as well as on its deformations that occur over the years.

Everyone ages differently

The best way to combat age-related changes is preventive measures available to absolutely every woman. This is proper nutrition, exercise, walks in the fresh air and a positive outlook on life. It's no secret that good-natured and cheerful people not only feel better, but also look younger than their dull and gloomy peers.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that different people age differently. The point is the type of aging, of which there are only four (sometimes a fifth is also distinguished - combined). Each type of aging requires a different approach to preserve youth.

Type No. 1. Muscular. It is distinguished by well-developed facial expressions and a thin layer of fat over the facial muscles. Such people should place special emphasis on deep skin hydration.

Type number 2. Deformational. Such aging is typical for women with pronounced fatty tissue and oily skin. This type is characterized by the early appearance of deep wrinkles, jowls and a second chin. The best anti-aging remedy in this case is weight loss.

Type number 3. Tired. It is considered the most favorable for cosmetic effects: if in the evening the face looks tired, then in the morning it is fresh again. The best recommendation for owners of a tired face type is a healthy full sleep, during which the skin will be restored and the complexion will improve.

Type number 4. Finely wrinkled. It is due to a lack of lipids in the body, so that the clear oval of the face of the owners of this type is preserved for a long time. In addition to the constant use of moisturizing milks and oils, it is important for women with fine-wrinkled aging to stop smoking so as not to dry out the skin even more.

Everything has its time

With timely prevention of ptosis, you can forget about surgical methods of correction for a long time. At the earliest stages of aging, you should do gymnastics daily to strengthen the muscular frame, massage to improve the tone of the facial muscles, and also use anti-age cosmetics. It is also necessary not to overeat, stop smoking and not abuse alcohol, drink more clean water, take vitamins.

With more pronounced signs of aging, namely, the appearance of jowls and the drooping of the corners of the eyes and mouth, it is recommended to resort to a course of physiotherapy, hardware and injection techniques. At the last stage of aging, when deep furrows and wrinkles can no longer be dealt with by sparing methods, surgical methods of rejuvenation should be considered.

Click to enlarge

The surgeon will help

Circular lift, which is done in different ways, is able to eliminate pronounced nasolabial folds and cheeks, improve the oval of the face and the condition of the neck. Moreover, this operation guarantees a noticeable and lasting result.

Endoscopic lifting often the best alternative to a facelift. So, for example, by endoscopically tightening the skin of the forehead, one can raise the eyebrows, thereby externally eliminating the pseudo-excess skin of the upper eyelids. If this feature is not taken into account and eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is performed, the frowning overhanging of the eyebrows can only intensify. Endoscopic lifting of the middle zone of the face allows you to eliminate pronounced lacrimal grooves and eliminate cavities in the central region. But it is better to correct the chin and neck area not by endoscopic lifting, but by using a classic lift. It's more efficient.

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)- one of the most popular plastic surgeries, since the eyelids are the most mobile part of the face, and their wear is most noticeable with age. The upper eyelids are operated on more often, less often the lower eyelids.

Platysmaplasty (neck plastic surgery). The purpose of the operation is to tighten the platysma (subcutaneous muscle of the neck) so as to eliminate excess skin and subcutaneous bands under the chin. Platysmaplasty is usually performed simultaneously with a circular facelift.