The guy punished his girlfriend for treason, a real story. Flagellation in social life

Winter. At seven o'clock in the evening, the darkness is impenetrable. The lights are off, I'm standing by the window. There is light almost everywhere in the house opposite. Some of the windows are uncurtained. Everything in the same apartment, day after day, at about the same time, a seemingly strange thing for our time happens: a boy comes home from school, puts an open diary on the table, pulls a belt out of his pants and lowers them down to his ankles, lie down on a chair, throwing the belt over his back. The mother returns from work, looks tired at the school diary and beats the kid on the ass twelve times. Nothing more, nothing less, like a ritual. The same happens in other apartments. Time is inexorable, but many things remain unchanged. The reasons and methods are different, the goal is the same. Watching what was happening, I had no doubt that I had chosen the right topic for my PhD in psychology. And for a year now I have been going from library to library, collecting information on the topic "Punishing children." It's amazing how much I managed to find materials, including entries from old diaries and memories from different years ...

Record of Elena, events of 1785.

I was eight years old, I studied at home. My grandmother taught me to read and write, and I was ready to endure any severity just to learn. Grandma sat down to study with me when all the household chores were already done: nothing was devoid of her control, sometimes she fell asleep over a book. But it used to be, she was annoyed and screamed, probably also because of fatigue. No matter how hard I tried, poking my finger at the shabby little book, I could not read the word correctly. Then she said, stretch out her hands, took a prepared stick and gave it to her hands several times to increase her mind. I tried to ask for forgiveness, cried from resentment and pain, but it was all useless. I must say that after six months my reading became tolerable.

Memoirs of Katya, 1873

It was a fun day, my sister and I frolicked, chatting incessantly. The nanny watched us patiently, without interfering in anything. My father returned from work, and I rushed to the dining room to help set the table. I enjoyed taking care of him, seeing his contented smile, partially hidden by a thick mustache. Mom was embroidering something, the sister climbed onto her father's knees and sat, dangling her legs. I proudly carried the tray, but forgetting to look under my feet, I stumbled, spilled tea on the carpet, and even broke a cup from my mother's favorite set, but she did not react in any way, as if it was not her concern. My father just raised one eyebrow. The nanny grabbed my hand, dragged me out of the room by force, and locked me in a dark closet for the rest of the evening. No fresh air for you, no company in the form of shadows. For some time I didn’t even dare to breathe, my pulse was pounding in my ears, my palms were sweaty. That day I peed for the first time in years.

Record of Alexander, events of 1899.

I did not like to study, no matter how hard I tried, science did not go to my head. While the teacher was trying to explain something, I looked at the lines on the palms of my own hands or dreamed about how, having escaped from captivity, I would race down the street, cutting through the air. Sometimes inattention got away with me, and sometimes there were days like this. The teacher called me to the table, forced me to lower my pants in front of the whole class and unfastened me with a ruler, so much so that it seemed that I could no longer sit down. Then he allowed himself to be put in order, ordering him to kiss the “tool of science” several times. I did not dare to disobey, although I wanted not to kiss, but to spit on her. No, I was not ashamed, I was overcome by anger, each of the class had already been in my place, and some even a couple of times. These actions were an integral part of science and education. If a teacher could make a list in what form and how often during the year he "taught" children in this way, it would look something like this: seven hundred and eighty-four blows with a ruler, nine hundred and fifty-six blows with a whip, and four hundred and thirty-two slaps.

Memoirs of Cyril, 1930

The boys and I ran around the yard all day, playing with the dog. I was sweating, the dog tore my trousers. I didn’t want to return home, I wish I could delay this wonderful feeling of wild freedom longer. I forgot about the lessons, and I didn’t want to do them. There are still many school days ahead, and how many such simply happy moments will be remained a mystery. My father returned from work late, but still managed to show up before me, as usual, in a bad mood. Willow rods have been soaked in salt water since yesterday, as if reminding me that it doesn’t matter how I behave, if dad doesn’t have a good day, then I won’t do well either. The more often I was flogged, the less I wanted to follow the rules established in the house. Let them know that even pain will not drive disobedience out of me! This time I could not hold back my tears, I felt as if my back and legs were being stung by an iron rod heated over a fire. The traces from the body then did not leave for a long time, but this was not a reason for grief, rather the opposite. I showed off my fresh crimson streaks, throwing a few extra punches into my story for the sake of importance.

Record of Denis, events of 1939.

I was, as my mother would say, a tomboy, convinced that one who never dared to disobey his parents was not a child at all. Anything can happen ... For the most part, I know what I fall for, and I agree with everything. Everyone is flogged on our street, and this fate has not passed me by. That's how my parents were raised, and that's how they treat me. It's like a tradition passed down from generation to generation that you can't argue with. Immediately after school, I did not manage to get home, then I met one friend, then the second, I came to my senses when the sun had already set. In the stomach sucked - he ate the last time in the morning. I didn’t have time to cross the threshold, when my mother attacked me with the words: “Oh, you bastard!”, And slammed ten buckles, it’s good even through my pants. I got it for being hungry all day, and for the fact that my parents were worried. But this is nothing, it happened and it got worse.

Memoirs of Slavik, 1987

I was standing in the corner with my hands up and holding one of the thickest books in the house.

Tears rolled down their own cheeks. I no longer had the strength, but I knew that if I gave up, a twig would come into play. It was a shame, I still didn’t understand why I was punished, and dad somehow didn’t go into details. I only know that I ate two sweets instead of one. During my torment, the family calmly watched TV, my parents got it with great difficulty, and I didn’t even know how to switch channels - I didn’t have enough strength, although my friends had long succeeded in this matter. I spent the whole day waiting for me to be allowed to watch it even a little, but now I stood humiliated and angry, counting the minutes when I could give up, and pondering how to take revenge.

Recorded by Zhenya, 1990.

I don’t know how it happened, but I was rude to my mother, not that much, but still. It was a difficult time, only dad worked. I took food from home and fed hungry street kittens. Mom got angry, started screaming, but she never punished me herself, she always wanted to be kind, so she waited for her father, complained about my behavior, and he was already deciding what to do. All I had left was a painful expectation, in favor of which the choice would be made: buckwheat or peas with salt. They put me on my knees in the grits. The feeling was as if hundreds of small sharp stones dig into the skin and corrode it to the bone. Then my mother blew on her sore knees, smeared them with green paint, sealed them and told everyone she knew that I again did not look under my feet.

Memoirs of Bogdan, 1995

Ooh, damned! - Grandma pounced on me, and I tried to escape, but a burning pain overtook me and even added excitement.

When she got tired of running, I had the opportunity to consider the consequences of my own slovenliness. First, blisters swelled on the skin, I took cold water into the basin and dipped my legs in it, I felt better from the cold. After a while, the pitied places began to itch, but I was not angry with my grandmother. After all, he earned the same, but she raised me alone. In summer, there is no need for nettles in the village. He tore his clothes - on his legs, got smeared - on his legs, forgot to feed the dog - again on his legs. But in the winter it hurt less.

I watched the boy pull up his pants and remembered my childhood. I was fortunate to be born into a deeply religious family. The word of God was instilled in me from the very moment I spoke. As a rule, I was an obedient child, but within the limits that I was kept, it was easy to make a mistake: I forgot to pray before breakfast, I ate something forbidden during fasting, I mentioned the name of the Lord in vain. I was never punished right away, I was allowed to comprehend my misdeed. Before going to bed, they beat me with a belt until I cried, and then they gave me the Bible in my hand and forced me to memorize it. I am thirty, I know almost all of the Holy Scriptures and I never beat my children.

Nina, you can live with me until you find a job and rent an apartment, - said Irina Alekseevna, - but while you live here, you will have to follow my rules, besides, my maid, Natalya, asks for two weeks on vacation, so you will temporarily fulfill her duties.

I agree.

Do not interrupt, I have not yet given you a word, - Irina Alekseevna said this phrase in the same benevolent tone, but there was something in her voice that did not allow you to disobey, - there were a lot of rules, Natalya will explain to you. You yourself will write down all your misconducts and violations in a notebook, and on Saturdays you will report to me and receive punishment. Any questions?

What is the punishment? What do you have in mind? - if Nina had not been sitting in a chair, she would probably have swayed in surprise.

I mean the only true punishment that can be applied to young girls - spanking on the bare ass.

From the improbability of what was happening, Nina refused to believe her ears - she, an adult girl of twenty-three years old, was offered to be flogged! It was so unthinkable that she was speechless. Meanwhile, Irina Alekseevna continued:

If you think that you can follow all the rules perfectly and remain without a spanking, you are mistaken, you will definitely deserve punishment in a week. And you already deserved the first spanking because you lost your job so stupidly. If you stay with me, - Irina Alekseevna made a short pause. Nina, to her surprise, despite the seeming impossibility of agreeing to such incredible conditions, caught herself thinking that she would have to take this measure, because this was the only way out, and, without even having time to think about her words, she said quietly:

I had no doubt that you would agree, - Irina Alekseevna smiled slightly. In general, her tone and facial expression did not fit with the words that she uttered. She talked about spanking an adult girl as something taken for granted, normal. - Go to Natalya, she will tell you about everything, and in the evening at twenty zero zero, be kind to appear in the living room for punishment. The first flogging will not be very painful, its purpose is to introduce you to the positions in which you will be flogged, with the instruments of punishment. Is it clear?

It's clear, - Nina actually understood everything not very well, especially about poses, but, having agreed once, it seemed not so difficult to agree further. Harder, it would seem, was to disagree.

The evening passed like a blur. Natalia, the maid, spoke about the rules, which mainly related to the temporary regime, as well as the frequency of cleaning in the rooms, and were very simple. Nina could not make up her mind to ask about the spanking, she was very uncomfortable that she would be punished and Natalya would find out about it. Nevertheless, she found out that Natalya herself works for a salary and is not subjected to flogging. She pays for her mistakes with deductions from her salary. When it was five minutes to eight, Natalya said:

By the way, won't you be late for your punishment? You might get more than you're supposed to if you linger.

Nina, despite her surprise and shame at the fact that Natalya, it turns out, knows everything, hastily jumped up and went into the living room. Irina Alekseevna was already there, followed by Nina, Natalya entered the room.

So, Nina, are you ready for a spanking?

Yes, - Nina did not say, but rather whispered.

Then let's start. It is customary to flog girls completely naked, exposure only below the waist is also acceptable, but since this is your first spanking, strip naked, and you, Natalya, take Nina's clothes and take them to the closet - she won't need them yet.

Nina, seemingly from the side, watched her hands, unbuttoning the buttons on her blouse, burning with shame. Meanwhile, Irina Alekseevna continued:

Next time, to save time, you will undress beforehand and come here naked. And you will arrive early.

Nina, meanwhile, took off all her clothes and remained in her panties and bra.

What are you delaying? Undress all the way. And while I’m going down, I’ll call Arkady Petrovich, - and, seeing that Nina froze, holding a bra in her hand and in panties pulled down to her knees, Irina Alekseevna explained: - the meaning of punishment is not only in the pain of spanking, the girl should also experience shame, and the stronger the shame, the better the punishment will be remembered. Therefore, it is better if a man flogs, or at least is present. Arkady Petrovich is my neighbor, he shares my ideas about raising girls and has already been warned about your punishment today, - with these words, Irina Alekseevna left, leaving Nina to think about the upcoming prospect. Nina once again experienced a state of shock from what she heard and did not even notice how Natalya gathered all her clothes and, taking a bra from her hands and picking up panties from the floor, left. Not having time to think about what was happening, Nina heard voices in the corridor and instinctively covered her pubis with one hand, and her breasts with the other.

With horror, she saw that Irina Alekseevna entered the room, accompanied by not one, but two men - about fifty, with a respectable appearance and graying hair and younger, of athletic build, who looked at Nina with a pleasant smile.

Meet Nina - my relative, - said Irina Alekseevna, as if not paying attention to the fact that Nina was standing naked in the middle of the room, all red with shame, bashfully hiding herself. - Nina, when you expect punishment, keep your hands at your sides. And take off your shoes - it's customary to flog girls barefoot. - Nina took off her house shoes and lowered her hands, revealing a clean-shaven pubis and small neat breasts to the eyes of men. Lowering her head, she blushed even more with shame - her nipples, usually small and not prominent, turned pink, swollen and now stood, although Nina did not experience arousal.

Meet Nina, this is Arkady Petrovich, - Irina Alekseevna pointed to the senior guest, - and this is Sergey Alexandrovich.

The elder nodded, and the younger, having examined Nina and especially lingering on her protruding nipples, came up and kissed her hand.

Very nice, Nina, you can just call me Sergey. Are you staying with Irina Alekseevna for a long time? - Sergei began the conversation, as if not noticing that Nina was standing in front of him completely naked, waiting for punishment.

I don’t know yet, I wouldn’t want to abuse hospitality, - Nina herself was surprised that she was able to maintain a conversation in this form.

So, they were guilty before Irina Alekseevna? Nothing, a good flogging did not harm anyone, - Sergey continued as if nothing had happened, - by the way, what will they flog you with? Belt, rod, cane?

This is the first flogging, besides, the rods are not prepared. I think, for starters, mostly with a belt and a little cane, for the purpose of familiarization, - Irina Alekseevna answered for Nina.

Will there be no rose? Today you are lucky, - Sergey said, turning to Nina, - but it's a pity. I wanted to ask Irina Alekseevna for permission to flog you with rods - to remember the past, so to speak.

You can flog her with a belt or a cane if you want, just not hard, this is still Nina's first spanking. And I didn’t know that you like to flog, ”Irina Alekseevna said with a sly smile. Nina, on the other hand, got used to the situation a little, as far as it was possible, and listened to strangers discussing who and what would flog her. She no longer felt shock, only deep, all-encompassing shame. And Sergei, meanwhile, answered:

Yes, you know, I often punished my first wife. It did her good, yes ... Well, okay, this is not the case now. By the way, Nina, let me give you a compliment - you have a stunningly beautiful pedicure - jumping from topic to topic was, apparently, Sergey's habit.

Thank you, Nina said. The pedicure was really beautiful - it was done in the salon only yesterday, French, it looked great on Nina's regrown, rather long toenails. They were polished and covered with a colorless varnish, and the edges were painted white, visually lengthening the already long nails. Nina had beautiful small feet with graceful neat toes, and was fully aware of their beauty, often noticing the glances of men riveted to them, so she did pedicures regularly and tried to wear open shoes more often. Now, having heard Sergey's compliment, she experienced an ambivalent feeling - firstly, she, as a woman, was pleased with the compliment (and Sergey was nice to her, she already understood this), but, secondly, the circumstances in which the compliment was made swept her once again with a wave of such burning shame that the color flooded her face again, and her nipples seemed to swell and become even larger.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, adultery was a ground for divorce. In the 20th century, punishments for treason were transformed. In such families, spouses treated each other with hostility, did not appreciate each other - therefore, betrayal often accompanied such relationships, despite the censure of society.

Unfortunately, in our time and in our society, adultery no longer arouses surprise or condemnation in anyone. But there are countries and peoples for which marriage is not just a stamp in the passport, but really something sacred, where infidelity is a crime for which punishment is due. Spouses who decide to commit adultery face various punishments. The punishment applies to both men and women.

In November 2013, the Vietnamese government issued a decree that provides for a fine for treason. If a wife likes, for example, her husband's brother and someone from the tribe finds out about the betrayal, then the unfortunate lover will be forever expelled from the community. Such punishments were received by traitors in the old days. You will learn about the punishments that traitors receive in our time in our next video. Follow the new issue, and you will be aware of many facts of history and modernity ....

The Spanish code of the 13th century called Seven Partides, compiled under King Alfonso X the Wise, strictly forbade women to have relations with non-Christians, specifically with Jews and Moors. The wisdom of the king, apparently, was manifested in the fact that the punishment depended on the status of the woman.

Thinking about punishing wives for treason, people of the past showed imagination. It contained two groups of women. One included thieves and prostitutes, the other included wives whom the spouses could not set on the right path on their own. In the house of correction, women fasted, prayed, worked from dawn to dusk, and were subjected to corporal punishment. The last time a British judge referred to this common law rule was in 1782. By the way, he was then called “Judge's finger” and ridiculed until his death.

The activists fought to be considered not ordinary criminals, but political prisoners, and when they were denied this, they protested peacefully - arranging hunger strikes. So many women were kept at home by this prospect, even if the husband fought, drank, took her money and took her mistresses.

The tradition of separating mothers from children also moved to the New World, and there, too, then laws had to be passed to protect women. The British and Americans, not in some kind of gloomy Middle Ages, but 60-70 years ago punished women for extramarital pregnancy.

If women were taken to church, they could be given cheap rings to pretend they were married. But the punishments were relatively mild: women were fined and required to dress decently.

According to popular notions, only a woman could be guilty of adultery, but not a man. Interestingly, the further south the region, the more severely punished for female infidelity - up to and including beatings with a fatal outcome; and the further north, the softer they treated infidelity. In medieval Europe, wives convicted of treason were punished with life imprisonment in a monastery or disfigured, depriving them of their nose, lips or ears. The death penalty for adultery was also widespread.

Now the Thais are one of the most peaceful and friendly nations, and in ancient times they came up with the most cruel punishment possible. If a woman cheated on her husband, hoops were simply removed from her neck, and she either died from a fracture of the cervical vertebrae or remained crippled. In the Roman Empire, unfaithful women were sold in the marketplace to everyone. Subsequently, their noses were cut off. Naturally, male adultery, in principle, was not considered an act deserving of blame.

Any connection between a woman and an outsider was considered a betrayal of a woman. Her husband needed to punish his wife's frivolity. If he forgave the traitor and continued to live with her, then he was supposed to be punished.

The nobles were tolerant of treason. The peasants were much more severe about treason and condemned it. However, punishment did not become an obstacle to adultery. A wife who was caught cheating was forbidden to bear her husband's surname. Penance for wives was for many years (up to 15 years), or she was sent to a monastery.

Women were strict about infidelity “Such women doubly sin - they violate purity and corrupt the law ... A husband could punish his wife on his own - drive her out of the house, taking her dowry. But a woman could take revenge on a homeowner for the humiliation she had suffered - in the Yaroslavl province, for example, wives could break windows, smear the house with soot and the gates with tar.

At the same time, in Sparta, adultery was not considered an act worthy of even reproach, not to mention punishments. In pre-Petrine times, a husband could get away with a year of penance and a fine, a woman always suffered a heavier punishment than a man. In case of treason, they are immediately removed from the culprit. For treason, a woman here is waiting for 100 blows with a stick and a prison. If a woman was convicted of treason, then after the divorce she had to join the spinning mill, and she was forbidden to remarry. To prove the betrayal of his wife, the husband had to bring witnesses.

Alena's notes
If a husband was “caught” in treason, then his punishment consisted in a shameful conversation with a “spiritual father”. As a rule, these are deceived wives. By the way, there is nothing surprising in the fact that for treason they can be imprisoned.

wife punishment

Found in VKontakte, the source is unknown.

Here is how it was. Last week, one evening, my wife and I went to bed. I tried to roll up to her, but in the end I heard:

You know, I don't want anything. Just hold me in your arms.

And she said the most terrible phrase that a man can only hear from his beloved:

“Well, really, dear. I think you just don't get my feminine emotional needs.

I thought, "Why would she?" In general, nothing happened that evening, we just fell asleep.

“Well, dear, I think that’s all. You can go to the checkout.

I could hardly contain myself when I said:

“No, dear, I don’t want anything.

Do you know what the expression "slept off your face" means? All this gamut of emotions - misunderstandings, chagrin, indignation, anger. ran across the face of my beloved.

“Well, really, dear. I just want you to hold all of this in your arms.

- It seems to me that you simply do not capture my male financial capabilities.

So now I don't have sex for a long time.

wife punishment
For reflection 🙂 I found VKontakte, the source is unknown. Male look. Here is how it was. Last week, one evening, my wife and I went to bed. I tried to roll up to her, but in the end I heard: - You know, I don’t want something. Just hold me in your arms. - WHAT??? And she…

Punishing a wife with a belt - a piquant measure of education or a manifestation of violence?

The relationship between spouses, both in the distribution of family responsibilities and in sexual terms, is their conscious choice and their secret. The main thing is that each member of the family does not feel slighted or humiliated, at least according to psychologists. Some couples even use a variety of methods of punishment and encouragement, so to speak, resort to the methods of "carrot and stick". For example, if you forgot to pick up your child from kindergarten - you cook dinner on your own, or you sit up with friends - you can not remember a new dress for at least another month. But recently a friend told me about this type of punishment practiced in her family, like spanking with a belt in a soft spot. A husband punishes his wife with a belt - something new, isn't it? Is it good or bad? How does this affect family relationships? Does this cause feelings of resentment and humiliation?

Today I would like to discuss exactly this topic, the subject of which, oddly enough, is gaining relevance every day. The basis of the discussion will be the discussion of such a piquant method of education on the example of my girlfriend.

To begin with, I will make a small digression and voice the opinion of the main character of the story regarding such a non-standard method of education used in their family. By the way, it should be noted that she does not consider spanking with a belt something non-standard and beyond the bounds of decency. Moreover, the rule was established at the very beginning of living together and was never perceived as violence or an attempt to humiliate the other half by hurting her in this way. Although, in my opinion, such a norm of behavior is not suitable for every woman, and not every man is prone to physical influence in relation to his beloved. But, as they say, to each his own, so there can be no unequivocal opinion on this matter.

Let's get back to our heroes. Probably, you will think that the husband of the “poor thing” is a despot or a retrograde who, by punishing his wife, asserts himself and gets rid of negative energy. Not at all, oddly enough, but he is the exact opposite of the presented image. This is a rather charming and well-mannered young man who has achieved considerable success in business. In addition, he sincerely respects women, appreciates their work and is inclined to perceive his wife as an affectionate and feminine guardian of the family hearth, on which, by and large, the duration and quality of family relationships depend. It’s just that spanking, in his understanding, is a kind of piquant moment that adds variety to the daily life of spouses and, at the same time, is a useful, and sometimes inevitable, method of education.

Given the similarity of views of both spouses, I would say that they feel quite comfortable and do not consider their family special or one where the rights and freedoms of a husband or wife are infringed. Each of them has all the opportunities for self-realization and career growth, as well as understanding and support from the second half. At the same time, spanking with a belt does not affect everyday relationships in any way, but rather disciplines and develops internal organization, which is important not only in everyday life, but also at work.

It is worth noting that the spouses, who became the unwitting heroes of my story, not only have strong family relationships, but are also good friends who can always help each other. We can say with confidence about them that they were lucky in choosing the second half and they are really happy. Neither the husband nor the wife allow themselves to impose their opinion on the second of the spouses, everything happens by mutual agreement and taking into account the requirements and wishes of each family member. And this applies not only to everyday issues, but also to professional ones, which, by the way, cannot be said about many married couples in which such piquant rules do not apply. They are quite tolerant in relation to each other's hobbies and interests.

By the way, punishment with a belt has a rather positive effect on the sexual life of the family under discussion. Spanking with a belt brings an additional erotic shade to the relationship of partners, is a fertile ground for erotic fantasies, so you definitely can’t call their sex boring and monotonous.

To make it clearer, I will add that the heroine of the story does not have a panic and enslaving fear of her husband, moreover, the relationship between husband and wife is quite democratic. She happily returns home, looking forward to her husband from work, but he will not miss the opportunity to pamper his wife with some surprise, to do something pleasant. At the same time, each of them is convinced that it is their concept of family happiness that is correct, and if some couples adhered to just such a model of behavior, perhaps the number of divorces and broken families, not to mention broken children's destinies, would be much less.

The only taboo that the spouses adhere to (and this is very important) is the inadmissibility of the implementation of punishment in the presence of children. I note that they have been married for more than 6 years and have children. Children, in principle, should not see any manifestations of violence, especially between parents.

On this, my story about how a husband punishes his wife with a belt has come to an end, but you are free to draw conclusions regarding the positive and negative aspects of this method of education yourself. As for me, if such a concept really suits both, it is their right and their choice. After all, they don’t spank neighbors who interfere with sleep and listen to music until midnight)

I want to tell about one event that happened between me and my manager. This event happened when I worked as a secretary in one of the firms. My manager's name was Andrew. He was not much older than me, we addressed each other by name, but on you. At that time, Andrei ordered to go to his house and get an urgent business assignment. When I arrived, he invited me to go into the room, then put a chair in the middle of the room and told me to sit down. He himself settled down in a large cross opposite me and slowly dragged on a cigarette.
I understood that Andrei wanted to say something important and waited with my hands on my knees. But Andrew for some reason was in no hurry. He calmly smoked a cigarette and this hung silence gave rise to in my soul at first bewilderment, then slight anxiety. But what Andrew said then plunged me into horror and complete confusion. Christina, if you think that our meeting will be purely business, then you are deeply mistaken. More precisely, my intention was to meet with you of this nature, but what you just did changed my intentions to the opposite. I asked you to carry out my yesterday's order immediately. You just completed it today. I’m used to my tasks being carried out unquestioningly, so now I have every reason to punish you deservedly. Of course, this is not about depriving you of bonuses. Most likely, you will repent and understand your guilt if you are subjected to certain humiliations and bullying. Andrey stood up and, coming up to me, threw my head back, tightly grabbing my hair. This will be a good lesson for you, so that you know how to behave with me. Punishment, as you might guess, will not just be moral, I'm not inclined to read long notations, but physical, or rather bodily. And such a punishment involves undressing the punished. At the same time, Andrey's hand slipped along my open neck and slightly penetrated the collar of my blouse. I froze. Now I will remove from you item by item of your clothing, starting with the top, dispose of the open places at my own discretion, then I will remove your underwear as well, until you are completely naked. At the same time, I will put you in frank positions that open up access to the objects of punishment on your body. All roundness and all recesses will be subjected to bullying. The mouth will also not be spared. Andrei took my chin and saw the confusion that reigned in my eyes. His fingers touched the corners of my lips and slightly opened my mouth. At the same time, Andrei continued, for the convenience of punishment and a better feeling of guilt in each position, your hands and feet will be tied in different ways. I do not need your verbal reaction to what is happening, so I will put a gag in your mouth. It is true that there are no devices for the convenience of punishment in the form of crosses for crucifixion, or blocks for hanging in this room, but trust me, the punishment will not seem lenient here either. Andrey released me, sat down in the armchair again and slowly began to wrap up the cuffs of his snow-white shirt. Of course, you could also receive such a punishment from a woman, but it seems to me that when a man is your accuser, this even adds spice to the procedure. You agree with me? I can not hear? Yes, I muttered. I think that it is this factor that you will perceive most painfully. - Andrei continued again, dragging on his cigarette. This is far from a sexual relationship. I will be in clothes, even in a tie and shoes. You, on the contrary, will be stripped naked, bound, your postures will be shameless and humiliating. Your fate will be in great contrast to my freedom and power over you. But you yourself deserved all this and it will serve as an atonement for you. And the last. I know that you are a very attractive girl, modest, watch your appearance, and if you dress in a skirt, then watch well, so that she does not inadvertently ride up a little. Andrey lifted the bottom of my skirt a little up, exposing the lace elastic of the stockings. I am neither alive nor dead, and shocked by his words, I did not dare to put it down. You, undoubtedly, sacredly guard your feminine virtues and the forcible disposal of your body by an outsider will be the most shameful thing for you. In this case, what I will do with you now will be the most terrible dream and dishonor for you. My task is simplified by the fact that you have an education, you are no longer 15 years old, you are already a mature woman with your own dignity and developed female shame. Therefore, when I force you to go through the most sophisticated shamelessness, dishonor and humiliation, it will be even more acute and painful for you. This is what will be your punishment, this is what I am fighting, this is what will hurt you more than any physical pain. And now I will prepare you. Andrei took out four leather straps and a long thin cord from the desk drawer. Strap after strap he began to put on my wrists and ankles. When that was done, he tied one end of the cord to the strap of my one hand, then passed the other end through a metal ring embedded in the strap of my other hand and similarly through the strap of one of my legs. You ask me why I didn't resist? I was completely overwhelmed by the will of my boss. What could I do against a man, in a separate apartment. And now let's dance a little. - Andrey suddenly suggested. Turning on the tape recorder, he lifted me up and pulled me against him in a slow swaying dance. Andrey wrapped the free end of the cord around his wrist. The lace was not tight and I put my hands on his chest. At the same time, Andrey's lips began to gently kiss my temples, eyes, hands played with my hair, rolled down and pressed strongly to him. I didn't understand anything. Why did he thread this string? Why all this talk at the beginning, what kind of punishment is this? Thinking about all this, I suddenly felt the lace tighten and pull my wrists together. I scaredly vhgyanul Andrey in the face. Let's dance, dear girl, dance. - Demandingly, with a smile on his lips, he said. Not letting go of me in the dance, Andrey wound the end of the cord around his hand. My hands clasped each other and began to pull up to my leg, forcing me to bend slightly. Andrey's lips were looking for my lips, for which he was already throwing my face up. I had to bend more and more. Andrey hugged my torso already somehow from the side, but continued to repeat Let's dance!. Then he moved to the back of my body and wound the end of the cord a few more turns, forcing me to completely bend over. Taking my waist and pressing my buttocks to him, he continued to sway and demand that I also continue to move, because although it was not very comfortable for me, but my legs were free, I could keep my balance in an easy dance. But can you imagine what position I was in?! Then Andrey, pressing lightly on my leg, made me get down on one knee. Passing the lace under his foot and unraveling it, he lifted me up, hugged me from the front and continued the dance again. The cord began to tighten again. Now one of my hands, which was behind, and the other in front, began to tighten between my thighs, in the crotch area. The stretching lace lifted the hem of my long skirt higher and higher. One hand of Andrey was winding the cord, the other was checking how high the skirt was pulled up. In the end, both my hands were clasped with each other right between my legs. Swaying in a dance, Andrei led me around the room and soon we were near a large mirror. Well, you yourself showed me what kind of underwear you are wearing. Now I know what to do with you next - he said, turning me around in front of the mirror from all sides. The lace began to stretch again and I again found myself in a kneeling position. The cord was also passed through my second leg. Andrei's hands lowered my face to the floor. I felt his knee pushing my legs apart and resting on my buttocks. The lace began to stretch again for the umpteenth time, forcing my arms to cross behind my back. I remember that Andrey did all his actions to the music, and even now the contraction of his hands took place with light jerks to the beat of the drum. Now I think that all this was not casual. And then, after a couple of minutes, my hands were tied together. Next, the legs began to pull up to them, both of them, since Andrei prudently threw a loop of the lace on my second leg. And only after doing all this, Andrei tied the end of the cord into a knot and let me go for the first time. I was lying on the floor on my stomach, my arms and legs were tied back together in one knot, and I felt my skirt pulled up a little. In general, as Andrei promised, my posture was humiliating and scary for me. Andrey took something else out of the desk drawer and bent over my head. Having collected all my hair at the back of my head with one hand, he sharply threw back my head and wrapped my neck in a wide short belt, like a collar. Buttoning it up and not letting me come to my senses, he inserted a gag in the form of a ball into my half-open mouth, with a string passed through it, which Andrei immediately tied behind my head, and which made it impossible to spit it out. With a gag, I could now only mumble and moan. Having finished with this, Andrei untied my legs, without disengaging my hands, and lifted me up. Do you think it's over, he asked. No, now everything is just beginning and for this I will tie you tighter. In the hands of Anrei appeared. Something from pieces of a thick rope, with some kind of loops and knots. The rope was much thicker and coarser than the cord that Andrey used when dancing. I imagined how this rope entangled my limbs and, unexpectedly for myself, noted that I had much less fear of this rough bondage than I had at the beginning. The music continued to play. Andrei threw a large loop over my head on my shoulders, tied the other ends around my waist, somehow passed the third through my back, under my armpits, then tied it around my breasts. My elbows were also strongly tightened to each other, which made my breasts stand out in relief. In general, I did not remember how all this was done, only Andrey himself could figure out this ingenious interlacing of rope scraps. But in the end, my upper torso looked like (I saw it because Andrey led me to the mirror again) like a piece of macrame. The rope pattern was symmetrical and the white rope on my black blouse looked very distinct. I would even say that she emphasized my entire figure. Apparently, there was some sense in this, but then for me all this was new and unknown. Andrei put me back on the chair. You are half ready, he said. His fingers slowly began to unbutton the buttons of my blouse on my chest. Having finished with this, Andrey slowly began to expose my chest, carefully passing the fabric of the blouse under the ropes that tightened me. He did not manage to remove it completely, but, apparently, this was not part of his intentions. Soon my breasts were only covered in a bra. The bra had a front closure, and so after a couple of minutes my breasts were exposed in the same way. Both breasts, emphasized by the ropes that pulled them together, stuck out forward, and the nipples of betrayal swelled. Andrei's hands began to stroke and pinch them. I felt the mixture of my feelings of shame, fear and uncertainty penetrate the feeling of desire, the usual feeling of sexual arousal. And as far as the feeling was ordinary in nature, so unusual was the strength and pace of its penetration into my soul. I remember how my body shook when Andrey attached one small clothespin to the tips of the nipples. I groaned and writhed in my bonds and, it seems to me, this turned on even more. Suddenly Andrey lifted me from the chair. Looks like it's time to work on your lower part, he said. In front of me, two long ends of a rope dangled from my waist. Andrey's hands pulled the belt of my skirt and passed both cords through it. Then his hands slid down my buds and I felt his touch under my skirt. By touch, Andrei pulled the elastic band of my panties and passed both cords under them. Then, with a sharp movement, he parted my legs. Over the next few minutes, I felt how Andrey's hands, being in my panties, now in front, then behind, but without removing them, tie a rope around each of my thighs, tie knots in my crotch area, and then bring the remaining ends between the buttocks up from under the skirt in the region of the spine. Andrey wanted to tie these ends to the hands of my hands, but for some reason he changed his mind. And my hands remained tied only in the area of ​​​​the hands and elbows. Oh, it would be better if he then tied them to my body! But I didn't have to choose. And now both released ends of the rope that passed between my crotch and buttocks were in Andrey's hands. Let's dance?, Andrei pressed me half-dressed to him and pumped this time strongly, strongly to the beat of the music. His hand, holding the ends of the rope, then weakened the tightness, then strengthened it. And, my God, the excitement swept over my body again. It was embarrassing for me to realize how Andrei heard my moans coming from under the gag, but I could not help myself. Andrey led me in the dance somewhere to the window, into the corner. There, he moved behind me, and, grabbing my hands, began to lift them up. Once again that day, my body began to bend forward, this time with the only difference that my hands were behind my back and went up, not down. Andrei pressed me against the wall, near the water pipe that stretched upwards. A rope hung from somewhere above. Andrei passed its end through the ring of one of my straps and pulled my hands even higher and tied a knot. My long curls hanging down didn't let me see what Andrei was planning to do to me now. But, in a second, I already understood this, feeling how Andrey was pulling up my skirt from behind to the top. Now he surveys my buttocks, dressed in black panties, lace stockings. He sees those ropes that entangled the thighs, and others laid between the buttocks. I could not even move - upturned hands forced me to be in a motionless tilted state. I want to take care of these roundness of yours, - Andrey said. - But for this, as I already promised, I have to undress you. And with these words, Andrei, grasping the elastic band of my panties, abruptly pristplet them from my buttocks. Your posture is simply magnificent and nothing will prevent me from performing a mild execution. Has anyone whipped you yet?” he asked, pulling out his trouser belt. Without waiting for an answer (and how could I answer with a gag in my mouth), Andrey swung and gave a light blow to my buttocks. I twitched, but Andrey's hand, holding the ends of the ropes passed between the buttocks, returned me to my place. I felt them tighten, digging into my crotch. I felt the second slap and again the twitching of the ends. Then more and more. It was truly torture. The rope burned my heated areas, blows rained down on my buttocks, I was at the same time, as it were, in clothes and at the same time all naked, I had a gag in my mouth, my whole body was entangled in a rope, my hands were tied and raised up, giving a pose in which what Andrei was doing to me now was very convenient for him. It’s not enough to say that no one has ever done this to me, I just couldn’t even imagine it. Finally Andrei decided to untie me. He lowered his skirt, but did not lift his panties. In his hand, I saw a long, probably about a meter, round stick, at the ends of which hung short strings. Apparently this was my new test. A second later the stick was threaded between my legs. A new dance of my torment and torture has begun. Andrei put one end of the stick on the edge of the bed, and held the other himself. I kind of sat on it. Andrei put his free hand around my shoulders and with soft dancing movements and turning the stick began to turn my back to the bed. A few seconds later, I rested my calves on her. Andrei, grabbing my waist, threw me onto the bed on my back and threw my leg over the stick. Now it has been placed over my knees. In a second, Andrey, grabbing onto its ends, threw back my legs and pulled his knees to my chest. The skirt slipped off my hips, exposing my buttocks and panties. Without letting my legs drop, Andrey quickly tied the ends of the laces passed through the ends of the stick through the ring on my collar. This was my new pose. With his next movement, Andrey removed the panties from my legs completely. Then, passing the string through the rings of the straps on my legs, Andrey stretched them wide to the sides and tied them to the ends of the stick. My entire crotch and buttocks were wide open and accessible. Andrey's hands lay on my inner thighs and began to feel the nearby places, stroking, pinching and massaging them. I closed my eyes and felt like I was about to lose consciousness. Waves rolled over me one after another. And Andrey became more and more sophisticated in his tortures. All my recesses were tested with his fingers, clothespins hung in some places, a vibrator was inserted deep inside me. Convulsions shook my body, tears flowed from my eyes, I writhed and moaned, risking breaking my arms and legs.

I am unable to tell in detail what happened later and how long it lasted. Just the state of my excitement at that time reached the unimaginable. I was on the verge of insanity. I remember how Andrei untied my legs and put on women's pantaloons through them. They tightly fit my buttocks, preventing the vibrator from slipping out. I still remember how Andrei completely untied me, closed the metal chain on my collar and, putting me on my knees, and then on all fours, pulled my neck to the foot of the bed near the floor. I also remember the tremors of orgasm that swept through my body, I remember the sticky warm liquid splashing into my mouth and the moans of my tormentor.