The position of the management system of military patriotic education of youth. The role of military-patriotic education of youth at the present stage. Centers for Patriotic Education

All military personnel of the country are constantly concerned about the question of will there be a salary increase for the military in 2018 because their work is financed by the state budget, which has recently been experiencing a serious financial shortfall. In principle, employees of this category of state employees should not complain, because the authorities have never spared money on their material support. However, the key word in this matter is that they are state employees, therefore, their salaries cannot be called too high, which means that an increase in any of the representatives of the military profession will not hurt.

A qualified wage specialist, Nicolas Studer, believes that in the near future the income of state employees will grow due to some stabilization and improvement in the work of the economic system. In Russia, as it has already become clear to many, wages are too sensitive to, because, for example, salary increase for military personnel was canceled, and in general, the income of state employees fell by 10%. It is noteworthy that in the case of even a slight economic growth, the salaries of Russians also increase by 1-3%, so no one can doubt that all the processes in the country are not interconnected.

Today in the Russian Federation there is a rather favorable situation for economic recovery. The expert explains his statement by saying that when the ruble exchange rate fell in 2014, the competitiveness of products manufactured by Russians increased, and today the salary of an average Russian (when translated into US currency) is the same as that of a Chinese, although before that it was much higher. However, this also has a certain advantage for Russia, because with the same level of productivity, international investor companies will prioritize Russia over China, and this, in turn, will have a positive effect on its economy.

Discussing salary increase for the military in Russia, latest news about which a huge number of people worry, Nicolas Studer mentions that the wages of the average worker in the country should be tied to several factors, the most important of which is. The minimum wage should increase in proportion to salaries, and rightly so, although in some countries today the level of GDP is used as a reference. The minimum wage in Russia, according to the expert, should also be increased independently, because today it takes into account the needs of only one person, and he, as a rule, has other children with their own needs who need to be fed.

As a rule, the minimum wage should be 30-60% of the average salary, but in Russia this trend has not yet been observed, and at the moment it only reaches this indicator by 20%. The expert notes that recently the level of the minimum wage in the Russian Federation has increased by 4%, which indicates that the country is moving in the right direction.

The question is what will happen to the salary of the military, it is worth discussing especially carefully, because this category of civil servants deserves special attention of the government, because it is they (and more specifically, the army, of which they form the basis) that ensure state security and make the country a powerful force that everyone has to reckon with. Today, the income of one average soldier is considered relatively high. It depends on exactly what functions this or that person performs, what rank (meaning military) he received, as well as on what position he holds and how many years of experience he has. Today, the authorities even pay a salary of 2,000 rubles to servicemen who were conscripted into the army in a charming manner (in accordance with legislative norms).

Each person can count on receiving bonuses for good work, as well as on the registration of all kinds of allowances, therefore military rate for 2018 in Russia will be formed according to the same rules as before.The average salary of a serviceman will be about 50,000 rubles, but a person also receives bonuses for good work, so no one will have to consider such wages as low.

Naturally, the incomes of state employees should grow literally every year (this is exactly the information contained in the code of laws of the Russian Federation), but due to the crisis, the authorities had to slightly change this rule, so over the past few years, even such a procedure as indexation was carried out incompletely.It must be said right away that indexation of salaries of military personnel in 2018 in Russia will be carried out in full, that is, the authorities have already decided that wages will be increased by an indexation coefficient equal to inflation - about 5.5%.

Military personnel consider such a bonus to their own salaries simply ridiculous, because it will remain invisible to many of them, but the government has not come up with an additional option to improve the material allowance of citizens of this category of citizens. The issue of additional indexation was discussed, which was supposed to cover inflation during the time when the authorities were not able to carry out this event. However, the crisis continues and the economy is still in a difficult state, so the authorities do not have the funds to carry out this event.

In general, it can be said that an increase in the salary of the military in 2018 in Russia will be completely insignificant, because there are simply no funds for a radical change in the material allowance of civil servants (naturally, for the better) in the country today, therefore, their level of wages by and large will remain the same. On the eve of the next presidential elections, the situation, of course, can change, because the president wants to stay in his place, therefore. It is in his interests to give people some guarantee that under his rule their level of prosperity and quality of life will only improve. However, so far no one has made any "pre-election" specific promises, so experts are in no hurry to give accurate forecasts in this regard.

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Many are interested in will there be a reduction in the military in 2018, because for several years the number of civil servants has gradually decreased and the number of layoffs has reached a literally critical level. However, is it possible to reduce the number of people who ensure the security of the country? Russia needs a professional army, which must constantly be in a state of full combat readiness, because the number of enemies in this country is constantly increasing. The level of the army depends on a huge number of factors, including new models of military equipment, so the authorities need to think about modernizing the military system as a whole, but there can be no talk of cuts. Russia is a living force, the basis of which is precisely the army, so it must be carefully protected.

In recent years, our country has been living in difficult conditions and the government is forced to cut more and more budget expenditure items, which inevitably leads to a decrease in the standard of living of the population, and especially of some categories. The army is the pride of Russia, consistently occupying the strongest positions in the world. But the army consists of the military, for each of which the amount of monetary allowance plays a crucial role.

The limitation of the monetary allowance of the military began in 2016, when the indexation of their salaries was canceled. And the last significant increase in allowance was even in 2012. Adding to this the rise in inflation, we get clearly disappointing figures. The current situation naturally causes dissatisfaction among the military, and besides, the possibility of increasing income from next year is a big question.

So, let's move on to specific numbers.

In 2017, 2,835,792 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget for national defense, in 2018 the amount will decrease to 2,728,307 million, and in 2019 it will amount to 2,816,027 million rubles. At the same time, the share of defense spending in the budget is rapidly falling: since the abolition of the indexation of the monetary allowance of the military, it has decreased by 6%. In the period from 2016 to the present, taking into account the growth of inflation and consumer prices, the income of law enforcement agencies has decreased by almost 2 times, or rather by 43%.

In anticipation of the indexation of monetary allowances for military personnel

The economic crisis led to a rapid increase in the budget deficit. As a result, the authorities switched to austerity, including cutting funding for the military. This year, the moratorium on increasing the salaries of the military continues to operate, but already in 2018, experts expect the resumption of indexation of the salaries of the security forces.

The Russian economy has overcome the acute phase of the crisis and is moving on to the stage of recovery. The growth in oil prices provides additional budget revenues, which allows officials to improve the budget deficit forecast. In addition, inflation figures are approaching the target value, which reduces the cost of potential indexation. However, the position of the Ministry of Finance on this issue remains uncertain. The main priority of the department is to minimize the budget deficit.

What affects the amount of money allowance

Against the backdrop of uncertainty with the increase in monetary allowance in 2018, every soldier must understand from which articles it is formed. For those military who have a significant service life, some factors can be used to receive higher allowances:

  • salary is determined by both the title and the position held;
  • part location. There are good allowances for a number of regions;
  • secrecy. The allowance under this article may exceed half of the salary;
  • qualifying exams. Their successful delivery allows you to increase the allowance by a third of the amount of the salary.
  • risk conditions. The allowance for them can reach the value of the salary;
  • bonuses for personal achievements;
  • rewards and bonuses for excellent service;
  • compensation for paying for accommodation and one-time payments for settling in a new place of residence.

Finance Ministry maneuvers

The Ministry of Finance proposes to cancel the mandatory indexation for the military in 2018. Representatives of the department emphasize that the increase in budget spending should be consistent with current realities.

The issue of raising the salaries of military personnel should be discussed as part of the budget process, the Ministry of Finance insists. Such a position caused a flurry of criticism from State Duma deputies, primarily representatives of the defense committee. The depreciation of the monetary allowance of the military poses significant threats to the country's defense capability, deputies emphasize, which is absolutely unacceptable.

As a result, the positive results of the reform of the armed forces carried out earlier may be lost. In the near future, the government will have to find a balance between the desire to balance the budget and the social security of the military. At the same time, the authorities will take into account macroeconomic dynamics, which will determine the potential of the domestic budget.

What to expect in 2018?

A new stage in the decline in oil prices next year, included in the pessimistic forecast, will lead to losses for the domestic budget. As a result, officials will be forced to resume the austerity regime, which will jeopardize a possible increase in military salaries in 2018.

However, the State Duma Defense Committee took the side of the law enforcement agencies, declaring that, based on the current political situation, as well as the increasing role of the army in the country, a strong restriction on the income of military personnel is unacceptable.

Also, an obvious prerequisite for the resumption of indexation of monetary allowances is the upcoming presidential elections in Russia.

In any case, you should not expect high increases. Expert opinions differ on this issue. Some believe that the income of military personnel will increase at the rate of inflation, that is, by five and a half percent. Others argue that the exact figures will depend on the money released from the budget, while the surcharge will not exceed four percent.

From the new year 2018, Russian military personnel expect a significant increase in their salaries. Already from January, the military will start earning 1.5 times more compared to the level of salaries as of 2012. At least that's what officials say. Salaries will be indexed to inflation.
According to official data, from 2018 the salaries of military personnel should be increased by 4% minimum, that is, by the same percentage by which public sector salaries will be increased. The Russian military is prematurely happy about positive news, because their salaries have not been indexed for four years.
Employees of the National Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will begin to receive more

The Russian government announced its plans to index the salaries of military personnel in 2018. The allowance from the new year is provided for employees of the National Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Officials developed a project to increase the salaries of military personnel last year. At the same time, the rules were adjusted. However, the project with the regulations was considered this year. From 02/01/2018, there will be an increase in the monetary allowance of the Russian Guard by 4%. The exact date of the increase in wages is still unknown today: the Ministry of Economic Development has not declassified this information.

During the current year, the government was supposed to consider a bill to increase the salaries of Russian military personnel. When this issue is discussed, the final decision is made, the officials of the State Duma will definitely take into account the planning of the budget for 2018, as well as the situation with the economy in the country. All factors will be taken into account when approving the bill and setting the exact amount of indexation. Preliminary data obtained recently from official sources indicate that the indexation will be carried out at 4%.
From January, the salary of officers can be from 45,000 rubles

According to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, from 2018, an increase will be made to the salaries of Russian military personnel. The Minister of Economy said: the monthly salary of privates will be at least 20,000 rubles, and officers - 45,000 rubles. The salary of military personnel in 2018 will depend on the level of qualification, as well as the region in which the military institution is located. The region where the institution is located is an important factor in determining the salaries of military personnel. In 2018, wages will be charged from the regional budget. Experts say that military personnel should not count on high salaries.

The government continues to consider the draft law on expenditure obligations, which are performed at the expense of the federal budget. As part of it for the period 2017 - 2019. a limited amount is provided for the payment of monetary allowances to servicemen - 448.7 billion rubles. That is, it is unlikely that the government planned to raise salaries. At the same time, both the military and civilians working in the Ministry of Defense fall under the bill.