How to invite a person to a meeting: tricky tips. Can a woman be the first to ask a man out on a date?

Did you like some man and terribly want to invite him on a date? Today we will tell you how to do it unobtrusively so that it does not refuse. Here you will find a list of suitable phrases, invitation methods. We will also discuss the topic: is it possible for a girl to call a guy first for a meeting. In addition, you will learn how to hint at a date, what to say and write.

The first step on the part of a woman is appropriate if:

  • the guy has been sympathetic to her for a long time;
  • the couple has known each other for more than a day;
  • a man is distinguished by increased modesty or isolation;
  • the girl is head over heels in love, and she doesn't care how it looks from the outside.

In advance, you need to clarify the marital status of the guy, so as not to invite a married man on a date.

Women's initiative is not as scary as it seems. But if a man is indifferent, you should not be active - there is a high risk of being refused. It is undesirable to invite him even when it will negatively affect the reputation of a woman (the boss invites a subordinate).

Invitation methods

If the lady nevertheless decided on such a gesture, she needs to correctly submit an offer. It can be done like this:

  • via SMS - this can be convenient if a woman is afraid of rejection;
  • through social networks;
  • directly, in person;
  • under an indirect pretext in real communication (there is an extra ticket to the cinema, theater, to a concert).

In real communication, it is worth finding out what the guy is fond of, and only then call him somewhere. Otherwise, going to a classical music concert may seem unattractive to a football fan.

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Phrases for making a date

Excessive ranting is not welcome here, so the following phrases will do:

  • I have an extra movie/theatre ticket, would you like to come with me?
  • I have an exhibition/performance coming up soon and it would be a real pleasure to have you at the event.
  • We have so much in common! Would you like to continue communication tomorrow over a glass of wine in a restaurant?
  • It would be interesting for me to continue this conversation with you tomorrow in an informal setting.
  • It's my friend's wedding/birthday at the weekend, let's go together.
  • I am looking for a company for a trip out of town for the weekend, are you free?

Phrases should be unobtrusive and short.

Usually, girls are embarrassed to invite men directly somewhere and are afraid that they may be refused, so they look for a suitable excuse. It could be a friends wedding, going to the movies, or even a broken laptop that needs to be fixed urgently. The task of the girl is to offer the man some leisure that can smoothly flow into interesting communication.

These phrases can also be used for SMS invitations. They are quite short, but at the same time effective.

For the next meeting to take place, you need. How to prepare for it, how to behave, what you can say, how to dress - in another material there are all the answers.

We have prepared instructions for you. These tips will help you get rid of fear, choose the right clothes, prepare phrases for a conversation, and think over your behavior.

Here you can find . You will find out where is the best place to go in spring, summer, autumn, winter, what not to choose.

Our article on why will help you avoid mistakes. You'll find out what girls do wrong and won't do the same.

And here you will find tips on how. The information is broken down based on the selected location, season. It also says what to avoid.

How to hint a guy on a date

The initiative on the part of the woman does not have to be direct, you can just hint at a date and make him call first. Here's how to do it:

  • The girl should emphasize that she will spend the next weekend alone, and this upsets her.
  • If a man mentions an event, such as a concert, you can talk about your desire to go as well.
  • A lady should establish tactile contact: accidentally take a man by the hand, hug him.
  • When communicating, it is worth being cheerful, laughing at men's jokes, so that he wants to continue the conversation in an informal setting.

The main thing in such a situation is to focus on the man. A lady should emphasize in all available ways how interesting she is in the company of a guy, how much they have in common. Common interests will be an incentive to continue communicating at a concert of your favorite band or watching a new movie.

Useful video on the topic:

Modern men rarely show courage in dealing with ladies, so a woman's initiative can turn into quick personal happiness.

There are often situations when your acquaintance, whom you sympathize with, does not take a single step towards rapprochement. In this case, you will have to take the initiative in your own hands. The easiest way to get to know the object of your attention better is to have a cup of coffee. But you need to do this as unobtrusively as possible, because you don’t know why he refuses you attention.

Thank you coffee

The most popular and effective method is to invite a friend for coffee in gratitude for any service. But this method is only suitable if you communicate regularly.

Come up with a problem that only your friend can solve. Ask him to help you with a job (if your subject is a colleague), look at the lock on or on (if you have one), rid your computer of viruses or install new software.

If your friend is not very proactive, then you will have to ask, because without help you will not be able to cope. Well, in gratitude, boldly (even persistently) invite him for a cup of coffee, albeit in a cafe, and not to your home. What happens next depends only on you and your enterprise.

make-believe date

This method is very fond of writers and directors of romantic films. But he is quite capable of helping.

Ask your friend to go with you to a cafe to meet with or business partners to play the role of your boyfriend. If there is a share of adventurism in his character, then he will certainly agree to help you. And, playing with feelings, it is easy to transfer them to reality.

Even if you don't have any appointments, you can always ask friends or relatives that your target doesn't know for help. Or you can not ask anyone, but pretend that they called you and canceled the meeting, and since you are in a cafe, it’s a sin not to drink a cup of coffee.

Directly invite for coffee

This method is the most sincere and most effective. Just go up to your friend and invite him for coffee. If he is well brought up, he will not be able to refuse, and you will make an indelible impression with your sincerity.

These are just three ways to invite a man you know for coffee. In fact, the ingenuity of women knows no bounds. But, regardless of the outcome of the meeting, only a man can appoint a second one. Otherwise, you may be ill-mannered and intrusive.

In the days of our grandmothers, girls waited for the guy to take the initiative and offer to meet. You can, of course, follow the traditions, but waiting is so boring! What if you ask a guy out on a date? Here are some tips that will come in handy depending on the situation.

You will need

  • In any situation, you need to have a fresh make-up, well-groomed hands, a neat hairstyle (of course, the hair must be clean!) and a stylish outfit. First of all, you must like yourself.


Be brave.

If you see someone you haven't met before (say, in a cafe, at a museum, or even at a bus stop), you first need to decide if he is worth asking him out on a date. Go up to him and start a short conversation with him about anything - about the dish he has chosen (in a cafe), about the artist whose paintings hang in front of you (in a museum), about the weather (at a bus stop). After 10-15 minutes of conversation, you will understand if you want to go on a date with this. If an inner voice tells you that this is a worthy option, be frank and ask directly whether he should go with you to another cafe, or another exhibition, or just take a walk in the park. Whatever you hear in response, keep a cheerful and casual look. Girls with despair in their eyes are not attractive. If your company is pleasant, he will agree. But there is no trial, and in general, look, there is another pretty one over there, maybe you should go up to him?

Be sophisticated.

If you're in love with a guy who goes to yoga classes with you, for example, you have the advantage of demonstrating your worth on a daily basis. Always wear beautiful bright clothes to class, make sure your hair and makeup are impeccable. During the break, start a friendly conversation with him about your classes (or work - if you are colleagues). Smile at him, try to make him laugh, laughter together is a great start. During the conversation, as if by chance, touch his hand. If he gets the hint, then the next time you'll most likely exchange phone numbers. Well, if you can't wait, invite him to drink a glass of juice in the bar of your fitness club or in a cafe nearby. This way you can determine whether it's really "your" object without adjusting the event.

Be honest.

If you like him for a long time and you would like more than just being friends, just admit it to him. Ask him to sit down and tell him directly how you feel about him. This confession can be a little dumbfounded for a guy, especially if until now he has not had a reason to notice your sympathy. If he feels the same way about you, you will inevitably arrange a date. If not (or if he looks a little shocked by this news), tell him that you shared your feelings with him because you trust him, and that you don’t expect the same in return. Explain that yours is very important to you and you want to keep it. Be sincere when you say it.

Be mysterious.

This method is good for a club or any other place where a lot of people gather. Swiftly walk past him and "accidentally" hit him with your shoulder. Then turn to him, smile broadly and apologize. He will most likely smile back. When he does, smile again and step back. When talking with friends, try to be in his field of vision. While sipping your drink, periodically catch his eye and smile at him. If he correctly perceived your signals, he will invite you to dance. Dancing with him, you can take another step towards rapprochement, because in order to chat on a noisy dance floor, you need to speak to your partner in your ear.

Be enterprising.

At the bar, ask the waiter what that young man over there is drinking, and send the same drink along with a note to his table. If it's in a cafe, send him a gift in the form of something sweet, such as a cake, accompanying the gift with a napkin with your name and phone number. You can also invite him to keep you company.

Any guy would love that kind of attention, and if he doesn't react in any way, he's probably just a bore. However, if you think he's just being shy, approach him and strike up a conversation.

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Helpful advice

And remember, whatever you do, whatever advice you follow, be yourself.


  • Danielle Chong, Boston University.
  • the girl invited the guy on a date

Even in recent times, it was considered inappropriate and even shameful for a girl to take the initiative when communicating with the opposite sex. Times have changed, and so have manners. Is it worth it to wait until the guy you like invites you to meeting? Or maybe it's better to cast aside doubts and complexes and call him somewhere yourself. Of course, any girl can be rejected, but it can also happen that a guy will gladly agree to meet.


Be prepared for what might happen to you.
If she watches the object of her sympathy for a very long time and harbors hopes and dreams inside herself, it will be very difficult for her to come to terms with the refusal of her beloved. She can fall into depression and. The best way out of the situation is to perceive everything as a kind of game. For example, you can imagine that you are on an argument, so it's easier to relax and be natural. Rejection should not be taken as a personal tragedy. Everyone has different tastes, so the rejection of this or that person is not for you, but just a sign that he has different tastes and interests. It will be very ugly if, after he has refused you, you will mock him or humiliate him. You must be able to endure defeat with dignity.

invite to meeting only themselves.
You should not ask your girlfriend to call on your behalf, which you care about. It looks childish and does not decorate you in the eyes of your chosen one. This situation can initially provoke a rejection, even if the young man likes you. You must muster up the courage and approach yourself.

Seize the moment.
invite to meeting better one on one. Do not approach if he is surrounded by friends. His reaction to the invitation may be feigned, for example, he may be embarrassed or want to refuse to show off his "popularity" to his friends. It is better to offer to meet face to face, then no one will stop you from talking frankly.

Don't make plans.
Do not torture yourself with unnecessary excitement and do not build a conversation plan. You will see that your plan is still not being implemented, since the intended words will surely fly out of your head. Just outline for yourself the main idea that you want to convey to the chosen one.

Be natural.
inviting guy on meeting, do not behave in a way that is unusual for you. Naturalness is a great quality in a person that always attracts people. A sincere smile during a conversation can charm guy even if he saw you for the first time. Remember that you are an attractive girl and be confident in yourself and in your attractiveness. When a person loves himself, he subconsciously makes others treat him positively.

Invite woman dating is equally difficult if you know each other for a day or know each other from school. The more you like a girl, the harder it is to take the first step. But do not despair. A good mood, a positive attitude and a few simple rules will help you pass this difficult test with honor.


1 Think over the invitation in advance. A slight excitement is forgivable, but a confused, inconsistent speech will not add to your attractiveness in the eyes. Most like it when a man is confident. However, self-confidence should not be confused with self-confidence. The girl is more likely to forgive excessive timidity than assertiveness or familiarity.

Be natural. Don't try to turn into the man you think the woman you're interested in will like. People are often attracted to opposites. A strict business woman can look at quivering romantics, and a student of the philological faculty can look at broad-shouldered ones. Guessing women's preferences is impossible, because girls themselves often do not know who they like until they meet their man. Perhaps you.

Pick the right moment. Do not approach when she is upset or angry about something. Most likely, at such a moment she will not want to talk to anyone, even if you want to cheer her up. It is unlikely that the offer of a meeting immediately after a busy day will please. Not everyone can quickly switch from a work rhythm to a more relaxed type of communication.

Invite for a date by phone. This method is convenient if you do not encounter too often. It has its own advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, on the phone you will feel more relaxed and better able to hide your excitement. On the other hand, you will not see the immediate reaction of the interlocutor to the proposal: the thoughtful silence of the handset will tell less than a glance or a movement of the eyebrows. When setting up a date, be specific in choosing a place and time. From excitement, you can mix up the subway stations, and she misheard. To avoid misunderstandings, clarify the agreement again.

If you cannot call or meet in person, write about the invitation via SMS or through social networks. This one is also suitable for shy people. It is easier to write a short message than to address in person. Remember at the same time that if it is easier for you to apply, then it is not so difficult to refuse. inviting woman on , choose a less indirect way.

Don't despair if you get rejected. If a woman referred to employment, it is quite possible that this is true. Sitting in a tower waiting for a handsome prince is not fashionable now, and there may be a hundred different things that prevent her from accepting an offer. Call her again in a few days or a week. But don't be too intrusive either. Gallant perseverance should not turn into persecution. After two proposals, the woman will assess how interested you are. If the sympathy is mutual, she will invite you herself.

There were times when only guys asked girls out on dates. But these days, a girl no longer has to sit alone waiting for an invitation. If you want to ask a guy out on a date, all you need to do is prepare in advance, radiate confidence and respond appropriately, no matter how the situation arises.


Part 1

Preparing for a date invitation

    What's the worst that can happen? The worst thing - if he is a decent person - will be if he says "no". Do not forget about this, and only then prepare for the invitation. This will help you endure the pain if that happens.

    Find the right place and time for the invitation. You need to find an opportunity to meet him in a casual setting without undue pressure. Maybe in the hallway, near the coffee machine, on the sports field after a workout, or wherever you usually encounter him. Pick a place where you won't be disturbed and a time when he is most likely to be relaxed and stress-free. Here's what to consider when choosing a location and time:

    • A little privacy will do the trick. You don't have to be completely alone, but it will be more convenient for both of you if the conversation takes place in a place that is not too crowded. People don't always answer honestly when their friends are around and feeling pressured, so some privacy will help you get an honest answer.
    • Don't make it a problem to catch him the first second alone. If you're in company together, lower your voice a little and say, "Hey, can I have a second?" - and take a couple of steps back.
    • Don't wait for him. Every morning silently waiting for him at the entrance to the classroom, calling him all the time and hanging up, constantly asking friends about him - this is how stalkers behave. This will surely turn him off.
    • Do not bother him in real life or on the Internet. Being generally aware of his life is normal, but following his every move is already an unhealthy obsession.
    • Choose a reasonable place and time. Talking about a date after classes in a theater group is normal, sending SMS at half past one in the night is, to put it mildly, not very good.
  1. Come up with the content of the date. If you're asking a guy out for the first time, you'll feel a lot more confident about having a specific plan for where to go and what to do. This will save you the stress of coming up with something to do when you're already on a date, and you won't have to say "Hmm... I don't know" when he asks about your plans. Here are some ideas to get you started:

    • Do not dwell on negative thoughts like "he will laugh at me", "he will reject me", "he will say that he just wants to be friends" and so on. Remember that guys have the same torment and thinking when they approach a girl, which is why many of them remain just friends. You won't know the truth until you ask, so take heart and invite him. You can! You may be surprised by his reaction: in fact, most guys are much easier to talk about such things than with girls.
    • Invite him to school dances (if you are in high school). Many schools have parties where girls invite boys. It all depends on your school, so find out if you have a similar event - maybe in the spring, on Valentine's Day, or on some fall holiday. This is a great occasion!
    • Plan a classic date. Or, if you already know this guy well enough and just want to spend more time with him, invite him to a regular evening together. Plan dinner at a restaurant or at home - order food or cook something yourself, and after that you can, for example, watch a movie, go to a concert or show, visit a museum, or another place of interest to both of you.
    • Choose an activity that this guy especially likes. If he loves cycling, jazz concerts, or sushi, take him on a bike ride, jazz club, or Japanese restaurant. He will feel more at ease and more likely to agree.
  2. Prepare an exit strategy. Although you need to focus on the favorable outcome of the situation (yes-yes-yes!), and not on the worst, you need to be aware that there is still a minimal chance of failure. Maybe he likes someone else, maybe he only sees you as a friend - in any case, you will get through it. But if you want to make the most of the situation and not lose your temper, then come up with a backup plan in case something goes wrong.

    • Come up with a reason to leave early. Saying you need to study for a test, go to a tutoring class, or you're running late for a meeting with a friend will sound better if you prepare it ahead of time.
    • Think of something to ask him if you see that he is not in the mood. If you approach him and he is obviously not goodbye, think of something else you could ask him about so it doesn't look weird that you approached him. Ask about math homework or what time today's football game starts.

    Part 2

    Other Strategies for Asking a Guy Out
    1. Use the extra ticket trick. Buy two tickets to a movie, a concert, a variety show, or anything that might be of interest to this guy. And then, when you start talking to him, casually mention this event and add: “Oh, my girlfriend left me alone ...” If the guy does not bite on this, ask directly - just say: “Maybe you want to go? I wanted to see this show to death, it should be fun.” Let your words sound casual, as if you just thought about it.

      • This is the perfect way to invite a guy without pressure.
      • However, be careful. If you are too vague about your intentions, he will think that you are just having a friendly meeting, and not a date.
    2. Invite him on a group date. A group date is another easy way to see if a spark will fly between you. If you and your boyfriend spend time with several couples or just with friends, then it will feel less like a date and more like a hangout. Just tell your boyfriend that you and your friends are going bowling, to the movies, to dinner, or whatever, and invite him to join.

      • He will understand that you are asking him out on a date, but neither of you will feel the same pressure as if you were spending the evening alone.
      • If the group date goes well, you will soon be able to arrange a meeting in a more private setting.
      • Try not to be too vague about your intentions. A guy can mistake a group date for a regular friends party. It will be embarrassing if during a date he does not guess that this is a date.
    3. Invite him to do what guys like. Choose something interesting that the guy you like and his friends like to do, and invite the guy to join you. Maybe he's into basketball, or likes to cheer for his favorite team on the soccer field, or just watches games at the local bar or restaurant, or likes hiking and outings. An invitation to do something more masculine will sound more inviting and casual than the prospect of a candlelit dinner.

      • First find out what to him like to do. Perhaps what most guys like is not very interesting to him.
    4. Take him to the movies or to a concert. This is a light variation of the "extra ticket" strategy. According to this strategy, you should first strike up a casual conversation with the guy. Then mention a movie that's playing in theaters or a band that's coming to give a concert, trying to find out his preferences. Wait for him to react - how much he likes this band or movie, and if he doesn't get your hint, say: "I really wanted to see this movie too. Would you like to go this weekend?"

      • If you really want to be casual, you can add: "No one else comes to mind who would like to go with me" or "None of my friends like this group..."
    5. Invite him with a note. Leave a note in his locker, textbook, bag, guitar case, or any other place that is important to him. Just write: "Do you want to go somewhere?" and leave him your phone number. Works great with guys you barely know and no one feels pressured. The method is not only effective, but will also make the guy think you are cute and a little creative.

      • If you want more romance, you can even invite him with a letter, the main thing is not to overdo it and not scare him.
    6. Invite the guy over the phone. If you really want to ask a guy out on a date, but are afraid to do it in person, just call him and ask if he wants to go somewhere on the weekend. You can even call him in front of a close friend or two for moral support - if they don't ruin everything with their giggles and squeals, their presence will help you calm down and gain confidence. And if he refuses, all you have to do is say goodbye and hang up.

    7. Let him know how you feel about him.

      • Don't worry, just talk a little first and then move on to your question.
      • When you are about to talk to him, have your girlfriends within sight to come to your aid if needed.
      • Give him reasons why you like him and then tell him that you like him. You will increase his self-confidence, and, possibly, the likelihood of obtaining consent.
      • It is best to ask if he is free on a particular day. If yes, share your plans, and if he likes them, he will most likely say yes.
      • Let him know that if the date doesn't work out, you're still ready to be friends with him, and if it works out, move on to the next one. He needs to know that you won't get angry. Say, for example, "You know, you're smart, kind, funny, and I like you. If you're free on Friday night, let's go to the movies and have dinner together. We can go alone or call someone else. If it doesn't work out, it's okay, we'll stay friends." At first, you can not offer to invite someone else, but clarify when he agrees: "Just you and me, or will we invite one of our friends?" This way, he will see that you care about his opinion.
      • Another way is to say, "My friend and I are going out to dinner and she invited her boyfriend over. Would you like to come with me? I like you, you're cool, smart and very nice. What do you say? Are you free on Friday night?" Wait for his answer.
    • Always listen to what the guy says and react accordingly.
    • Try to get to know him a little better first.
    • Think about his feelings. Even if you feel uncomfortable, be yourself.
    • Invite calmly so that he does not feel pressure or anxiety.
    • Wait patiently for an answer. If a guy says he needs time to think, let him think. It is better to give him time, rather than rushing to make a decision, otherwise, if he likes you too, he may be scared.
    • If he says "no", don't worry! There are many other guys in the world. Do not show how sad you are so that he does not feel guilty. Just relax and smile.
    • Befriend him first, and when the time comes, tell him how you feel and how much he means to you.
    • Try to talk in private. If his friends are with him, he may want to play the tough guy and turn you down.
    • If a guy is going through a breakup with his previous girlfriend, he may not be ready for a date or, conversely, just look for a replacement for her.
    • Make sure you are interpreting his signals correctly. If you are mistaken, you may find yourself in an awkward position.
    • Don't expect a guy to show his feelings for you (if he does). He may be nervous or unsure of reciprocity on your part.


    • Even if you asked a guy out on a date, it doesn't mean that you have to do it. anything you don't want. If something goes completely wrong, get out of the situation right away and don't worry about being polite, only about your safety.

Very often, girls are faced with a situation where an interesting acquaintance occurs, and the guy they like is slow to invite them on a date. I want to see you, but it's a shame to impose myself, and it is traditionally believed that the first step should be for a man. In addition, there is a possibility that, having tried to win a man, you will have to “fight” for him throughout the relationship.

What women's gatherings do without discussing the topic of how the guys got lazy and are waiting for the first (and not only the first!) Step from the weaker sex? Many note a rather frightening tendency for men to expect that they will be conquered, fight for their attention, be active and decisive. Driven by such moods, the "knights" are waiting for feats from beautiful ladies: calls, messages, confessions, offers ...

How to invite a man on a date, and at the same time not lose your positions, not change roles with a man? - this question is asked by many girls, faced with the need to take the initiative. In some cases, it is certainly justified (for example, modest, shy guys need some kind of push, inside), but there are situations that do not require any activity on the part of a woman.

How to casually invite a man on a date?

  1. The first step is to come up with a reason for the meeting, as natural and believable as possible. So it will be easier for a girl to voice an invitation (not everyone is ready to come up and say in the forehead: “I like you! Let's go for a walk!”), And the risk of being refused will be minimized, since the invitation will look like a request for help, keep company, etc.
  2. Choose the right time and place (both for the date itself and for inviting to it), as well as the method: during a personal conversation, via SMS or a call, correspondence on a social network.
  3. The right attitude is half the battle. No matter what emotions rage in your soul, outwardly you need to try to be as calm, friendly as possible, not to betray your excitement. The invitation should sound natural, friendly, at ease.
  4. Find the right approach to a man, make him feel his own need to meet.
  • “I heard that a new club is opening soon, they promise a cool concert program. Haven't had fun for a long time, I would like to go. Will you go?";
  • “Did you hear that nosoha and ostriches were brought to our zoo? So interesting to see…”;
  • “I can’t find a place for myself with joy: next week, finally, the premiere of the new Ice Age! Would you like to keep me company?";
  • “We were going with a friend to go to the city day, but her schedule has changed, and on this day she will have to work. It’s so insulting… It’s boring to go by yourself, won’t you help me out?”;
  • “I have a bike rental open nearby, so cheap! I have not taken it yet, but my girlfriends rode, they were very pleased. Won't you keep me company?";
  • “Are you busy Friday night? So I want to go to the skating rink, but I skate badly. A cheerful company and strong hands would not hurt me to tear me off the ice if I suddenly spread out enchantingly ”;
  • “Did you hear Luna Park is coming??? Finally! Come with me? This year I plan to go around all the rides without exception!”.

Those. the essence of the strategy is to imperceptibly, in the process of conversation, “write” your invitation, to captivate the guy with something interesting, so that he wants to go there himself, and he will gladly agree to keep the company.

What not to do:

  • "hint" more than 2-3 times, otherwise from the outside it will look like a frank hunt;
  • invite him in front of witnesses (colleagues, classmates, acquaintances) - the date has not yet taken place, and everyone is already aware of this;
  • do not rush to invite him soon after breaking up - he may feel nostalgic for past relationships, and there is a possibility of refusal;
  • avoid obsession, do not whine: “Well, please, come with me!”, - if he doubts;
  • avoid any romantic component, for example, write a message in verse (a man may regard the first step as an encroachment on his freedom, imagining how he is already being dragged to the registry office and occupying all the free hangers in his closet with their dresses);
  • counting on a serious relationship and inviting a guy on a first date, it is better to refrain from any manifestations of sexuality so as not to create the impression of easy accessibility.

How do men of different zodiac signs relate to the manifestation of female initiative?

Considering that people born under one or another sign of the zodiac have some similar features, then they react to certain life situations more or less typically, predictably.

A Pisces man, for example, even if he has sympathy for a woman, due to natural indecision, does not dare to call her on a date for a long time, thinks in detail, weighs all the pros and cons. Therefore, he will be grateful to the woman for the initiative and the first step. However, you need to be careful not to spoil the impression of yourself and not frighten him away.

The same can be said about Libra men, Cancers, Virgos - sometimes they lack decisiveness, and the initiative coming from a woman will be perceived positively only if she is devoid of obsession and haste.

Male lions, twins, calves, scorpions, due to their activity and assertiveness, do not need the first step on the part of the girl - they will do it themselves immediately and with all determination. Aries tend to want to immediately try to clarify the situation, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the question may follow: “Is this a friendly meeting, or do I mean a little more to you?”.

The behavior of a Sagittarius may seem strange and twofold, and all because he, like no one else, needs an emotional response from a partner. So the representative of this sign will probably also respond positively to the girl's offer to spend leisure time together.

6 reasons why a guy might be procrastinating on a date

  1. One of the main phobias of the strong half of humanity is the fear of being rejected.
  2. Too tight schedule, lack of free time, which is why the initiative, although it is in the plans, is constantly postponed (“I need to finish the quarterly report ...”, “I’ll just return from a business trip, call her and invite her to the cinema”, “I need to urgently finish my diploma ... I’ll finish it and celebrate: I’ll call her on a date!”).
  3. Excessive shyness, indecision. He can have the most tender feelings for the girl, walk around her, not daring to call for a walk.
  4. He has a girlfriend.
  5. Not interested in dating for a given period of time due to personal reasons (experiences associated with a recent breakup, unrequited love for another girl, etc.).
  6. He does not approve of the initiative on the part of a woman, believing that it is contrary to his nature as a conqueror.

What to do in case of refusal

For female pride, rejection is the worst thing that can be, especially if the attempt to invite the man you like on a date was the result of much thought and mental rushing. However, it should be understood that this event is far from a tragedy, and you need to be grateful to a man for honesty (if, for example, it turned out that he has a girlfriend, and this is how he motivates his refusal). You need to try to cope with emotions so as not to give out your disappointment and discontent.

A good way out of this situation is a phrase said with a sweet smile like: “You know, I proposed exclusively in a friendly way - I don’t invite men first on dates. But it's okay, I respect your position, you're doing well.

It has long been a stereotype that a woman should not take the first step and show her feelings until the man himself begins to court, pampering the lady with flowers, movie invitations and other pleasant moments. But unfortunately, life is most often not like a movie, and it happens that it is a woman who sometimes has to take the first step when, for example, she has strong feelings or sympathy. And, first of all, it is worth considering one important point: how to invite a man on a date so that he does not refuse?


There are such situations that the girl definitely feels that the guy is interested in her, but he does not have enough determination to invite her. In this case, you can cheer him up, push him to the idea that it would be nice to go somewhere together.

And there is nothing shameful, as some people believe, if a girl herself invites a guy.

If the first date happened on her initiative, then it would be more logical to wait for the second step from the man. Well, if the pause is prolonged, there are two options for the development of events. Let go of the situation and not get upset, this is not the right person. Or forget about all prejudices and try again.

There are situations when a guy likes, but he does not pay any attention and, perhaps, does not even notice that a girl is interested in him.

Here you need to act carefully, first test the ground, find out what he is interested in, try to establish at least minimal friendly contact.

If this is a person from the team, it may be possible during a coffee break to start a conversation about his favorite films, games, books, music. It can be anything.

Any man really likes it if a woman is interested in his hobbies, and especially if she praises him for some actions.

Maybe he plays the guitar well or has a literary talent, an excellent athlete or an experienced rock climber. Be sure to know all its strengths and weaknesses, then it will be easier to act.

It is worth, for example, to say that all my life I dreamed of going to the mountains, but I could not find a companion. Most likely, he himself will offer to go on a hike with him. Or let him know that you also like the same group as him, and, by the way, notice that you have an extra ticket. The main thing is not to miss the very moment when you can find these points of contact, which will bring you closer to the desired date.

Another option is when the acquaintance happened by correspondence, and for some reason the new acquaintance is slow with an invitation to a date. Here the algorithm of actions is very simple. In the process of correspondence, people try to learn as much as possible about each other, respectively, share their thoughts, stories about themselves. It is enough to show interest in a topic and throw a completely innocent phrase: “How do you look at discussing this over a cup of coffee?”. Most likely, the answer will be positive.

And to make it clear that this is just a friendly conversation, it is better to make a first date, for example, in a coffee shop, at lunchtime or in the afternoon on a day off.

But most importantly, you need to take into account that a man should not be in a relationship with another girl, and even more so should not have a family. Firstly, destroying other people's relationships for the sake of one's own goals is simply unacceptable, after this troubles will surely follow, and it is unlikely that one will be able to enjoy cloudless happiness. Well, and secondly, there are more chances to get a refusal from a man, which will be quite predictable.

And a bad experience for a long time can discourage you from taking a step towards the first. So, before moving towards your goal, you should definitely find out if the person is open for relationships, and if there are any obstacles.

How to formulate and convey an invitation?

You always need to take into account the nuance that a man can provide, but this is not at all a reason to start doubting his attractiveness or thinking that a mistake was made somewhere. The circumstances may vary. And one of the reasons may be that he recently broke up with his girlfriend, and the guy is simply not ready for a new relationship.

But you need to try to make sure that he does not refuse. And therefore, armed with the knowledge gained about him, you should book tickets to the theater or cinema, to a concert or football.

Depends on what you can find out about him. And just at any opportunity to report that there were plans to go to a match (concert, cinema) with a friend, but, unfortunately, she could not.

In fact, the phrases can be anything, but they must sound believable. So do not come up with too fantastic tales. Whatever text comes out of the girl’s mouth, it will be clear to the guy that she doesn’t mind spending time with him.

On the other hand, if something goes wrong, the girl has absolutely nothing to worry about, she just did not want the ticket to be lost. That's all. But if the time goes well, then the representative of the stronger sex will figure out how to spend it next time.

If it is very scary to take the first step on your own, afraid of being rejected, you can use SMS. The text is usually written in the simplest way.

For example: “There are two tickets for a cool performance. Critics are very acclaimed. A friend got tickets, but at the last moment she had to go to work. Would you like to keep me company?" Or this option: “We gave two tickets to the concert. I know how much you like this group. We can go together."

For more timid girls, there is an even better and more reliable option. You can invite a young man to spend time with friends. Most often, in such cases, there is no refusal. And there you already need to take the situation into your own hands and try to spend as much time with him as possible and communicate.

Where to call?

On the one hand, many believe that inviting the first on a date is something indecent. On the other hand, only very confident girls who know that they will not be refused or guess that the opposite sex also has sympathy can afford this.

There are a lot of options where to call a guy. An offer to visit a newly opened bar to form an opinion about it is likely to be accepted by a man. And then, of course, he takes you home. It's time to say that the meeting could be repeated.

In addition, it is not forbidden to simply invite them to take a walk in the park, the embankment, talk and admire the beauty if it is spring, summer or autumn.

In the process of walking, different topics can arise that can bring two people closer.

If you act decisively, and do not probe the situation, you can immediately invite you on a romantic date, book a table in a restaurant or a trip on a yacht, depending on what places to stay in the city. A movie for an evening session may turn out to be a good option, most importantly, choose a movie that would be of interest to both. Theater, concert hall are also suitable. This is an opportunity to discuss what you saw after the event over a cup of tea or a glass of wine.

This is only suitable if the man has a positive attitude towards such events. Otherwise, there is a risk of rejection.

If a girl wants to arrange a completely unusual date, then everything depends on her imagination. After all, it can be anything: roller skating, skating, skiing, horseback riding, hot air ballooning, skydiving, a master class on making interesting things together or a trial dance class. It all depends on the preferences of the partner and the understanding of the girl, what he can be ready for, and what, most likely, he will refuse.

In the next video, you will find a tricky trick that is guaranteed to help you go on a date with a man.

How to behave on a date?

If the long-awaited date has taken place, and there is a desire to meet further, you need to behave in such a way that the guy will definitely want to take a walk again. It is quite easy to do this. It is not necessary on the very first evening to try to force him to somehow express his feelings and push him to any action.

The best option would be to behave unobtrusively, keep up the conversation, show interest in everything that he says, laugh, joke himself, flirt a little.

During the meeting, it will be clear how you should behave - more restrained or you can allow some little things eg hold hands, kiss on the cheek goodbye. Beyond that, you shouldn't go on a first date. Perhaps a man will want to continue the evening and get closer, but we must remember that the first impression is indelible.

You have to be very careful not to spoil anything. But, of course, the best way is to rely on your intuition.

How to dress?

Any girl feels comfortable and confident if she looks perfect. Therefore, the image must be carefully considered.

Be sure to do a hairstyle, but the one that has already been done before, the one that goes and is time-tested. No experiments like perms, dyes, haircuts.

All this may not be very successful, and then the mood will be spoiled, in some cases you will have to refuse the meeting. Restrained makeup will come in handy, you should not paint too brightly.

When it comes to clothing, the smartest thing to do is to wear your favorite outfit that you feel comfortable in.

There is no need for a skirt that is too short and an excessively deep neckline. None of this is good for a first date. New shoes are also not an option.

They can behave unpredictably, and all thoughts will no longer be about a date, but how to get home faster and throw off their shoes. Therefore, it is better to wear beautiful and favorite shoes, not necessarily even with heels. One or two pieces of jewelry, combined with each other and with the overall style, will also look elegant.