What does the bride like in the groom. - wedding trials for the groom. Help for the groom from friends and guests

On the way of the groom there is an obstacle - a ladder. Each rung of the ladder carries a test for the groom.

He will be able to move from one step to another only when he answers the question asked. The questions asked can be very varied and unexpected.

For example:

  • - What is the day you met your fiancee?
  • - Where did such a significant event take place?
  • Do you remember the hour of your first date?
  • What size shoes does your betrothed wear?
  • - What is her waist size?
  • - Give the full name of your future mother-in-law.
  • On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday?
  • Name your bride's favorite flowers.
  • - What kind of men does your betrothed like the most: handsome, smart, strong or generous?
  • - What does your father-in-law drink more willingly: tea or vodka?
  • What color are your bride's eyes?
  • - Name your favorite color.
  • Name your favorite season of the year.
  • - What would your bride prefer: a candlelit dinner, going to a disco, or witchcraft over a new culinary recipe?
  • - Where does she prefer to relax: on the sea, in the mountains, in the forest?
  • Name your bride's favorite perfume.
  • - What kind of cuisine does your future wife prefer: Chinese, European or Russian?
  • - What does your beloved prefer in the morning: a newspaper or coffee in bed?
  • - What will come first for the wife: family or work?
  • How many children does your fiancee want to have?
  • What does she love most: reading, sewing, cooking or something else?
  • What dish will your fiancee never eat?
  • What item would she never wear?
  • What animal does your future wife associate you with?
  • - Do you dream about your bride in a dream?
  • Does your lover believe in horoscope?
  • What was your fiancée's favorite subject at school?
  • What affectionate nickname did your fiancee have as a child?
  • What was the first word your future wife said?
  • Do you remember the words you used to declare your love to your fiancee?
  • - What does your wife think: who will be the boss in the house?
  • What does she like more: ice cream or cakes?
  • - What do you think: if such an opportunity presents itself, will your wife go to rest at the resort without you or not?
  • - What animal does your future wife want to have at home?
  • What dream did she have as a child?
  • What does your fiancée like to do more than anything in the world?
  • Does she like to play sports?
  • What century would she like to be born in?
  • - On which cheek does your beloved have a mole?
  • What will your wife's last name be after marriage?
  • - How many friends does she have?
  • Does she like talking on the phone?
  • - How does she react to the complements of an unfamiliar man?
  • How much time does your future wife spend in front of a mirror?
  • What is her favorite brand of car?
  • Does she like to dance?
  • What brand of wine does your fiancée prefer?
  • - If your fiancee caught a goldfish and she promised to grant any wish, what wish would she make?
  • What book did your future wife have?
  • Who is her favorite movie character?
  • - Does your fiancee agree with the statement that with a sweetheart paradise and in a hut?
  • - What does your chosen one love more: giving gifts or receiving them?
  • - What qualities does your chosen one not tolerate in men?
  • - What does your bride prefer on her day off: sit in front of TV, go to the theater or go to nature?
  • What is her life motto?
  • What kind of music does your loved one listen to the most?
  • Describe your future wife in three words.
  • Who is her favorite writer?

If the groom does not know the correct answer to the question or answers not quite accurately, then he pays the ransom. The test ends only when the groom is successful, i.e. having answered questions or paid a ransom that will suit the bride's guests, he will overcome the last rung of the ladder.

What other questions to ask, the organizer's imagination and sense of humor will tell. Just do not forget to clarify the answers with the bride so that everything is honest.

For convenience, it is better to make special Question-Answer cards, which can then be collected in a book and handed to the groom - especially if he is completely confused in the answers. A deck of cards can also be used as cards.

Hello beautiful fellow!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Where have you been and what have you found
And why did you come here?

The groom replies: "For the bride."

For the bride, you say?
Well, what will you give us?
Get ready to ransom
To take the bride!
Is it bad, did you bring good?
Answer my question:
Who are you called, who are you?
Why did you complain to us?

The groom answers.

First girlfriend:
We don't know the groom at all
And we want to know everything about him.
Let a friend be a witness slowly
He will list the merits of the groom.
If a friend does not name ten qualities in advance,
There will be a full turn from the threshold to the gate.

The witness names the qualities of the groom.

First girlfriend:
And you, friends, why are you silent?
Well, praise a friend!
Friends praise the groom.

Second friend:
But the mother-in-law is still crying,
My daughter won't let me out of the house.
We will persuade her
If we give her champagne!

Third friend:
Oh, how the neighbors roar
Tears are shed day and night.
But they love sweets -
Will give for candy!

First girlfriend:
And how friends suffer:
They know neither sleep nor rest.
If we give them a drink,
Then, come on, let's persuade.

Well thanks, come on in
But neither jump nor crawl
You are not allowed! And no scissors...
So think how to go!

The groom's way is blocked by a ribbon, which he must burn. If you don't guess, fine.

The bridegroom is met at the entrance by the girlfriend's husband. Posters on the walls:
“Petrov (the surname of the groom)! Stop! Well-wisher."
“Remember, all future children are yours. Neighbour".
“Now you will be wearing a collar. Jack (name of the bride's dog)."
The friend's husband draws the groom's attention to the posters and dissuades him. They reach the door to the bride's apartment.

Well, (name of the groom), you did not succumb
And he was going to get married.
So that no one doubts
You confess your love!
Shout loudly, do not melt:
"(bride name) I love you!"

The groom must shout so that the bride can hear.

First girlfriend:
Something bad he screams -
Maybe your throat hurts.
And if so, then pay -
You put down her name!

A tray is given and on it you need to put the name of the bride in money. Approaches the second door, 3 hearts are attached to it.

Here you stand at the door
How to open them sooner?
Here are the hearts
They have the keys
Pay to get them!
Pay and choose
Pick the right key.

When they find the key, they go into the corridor. There are 3 glasses on the table. One is salt water, the other is sweet, and the third is sour.

Second friend:
Here are the glasses! Choose.
And drink some water!
With what face do you drink it,
So you will live life with (name of the bride)!

Drinks. For each next pays.

Third friend:
To have a sweet life -
Make it so that from a glass
The water has flowed!

An almost full glass is given. The groom must guess to leave the coins there. After that, they let the groom into the room.

Fourth friend:
We ask the groom to stand on a stool,
Now let's see how he is dressed.
Yes, dressed - shod in fashion,
And the jacket is not a hoodie,
As if sewn in the "New Fashion" -
It's just lovely how it sits.
White shirt, eyes with fire,
And he has a mobile with him,
In general, we can be calm:
Looks like a decent groom.

Or maybe you're not the one
What are you called?
With malicious intent, you achieve the bride.
To prove your right
You must describe the bride.

The groom describes the bride.

Yes, we are in the same place.
We swear that the bride
Cheerful, slender, sweet
And the mind, and all took.
We value the bride
We just won't give it up!

First girlfriend:
And the bride is far away
It's not easy to get to her.
To get her hands
You have to work hard!

Each of the girlfriends asks for money for the dignity of the bride:
For brides ringing laughter -
Give us candy for all of you!
For the bride's smile
Give us a bar of chocolate!
For the bride's muzzle -
Give me the green paper.
For beautiful legs -
Give each friend a three.
Give us copper money,
So that we can see that you are not poor!
For the bride's gait -
Give me a bottle of vodka!
For Machines, clear eyes -
Give beautiful poetry.

Third friend:
Poems are well read
Are you dancing well?
You dance to us more cheerfully
Dance of the little swans!
To get the bride
You must jump like a goose.
Yes, ask your friends
To go along with you!

The groom and his friends perform the dance of little swans to their own accompaniment.

Fourth friend:
And the bride is a beauty today
You will love her dress.
So what a smart bride's dress -
Give us grape wine!

The groom serves wine.

First girlfriend:
Yes, the wine is not Khukhra-Mukhra.
You must call the council
Name eight brands of wine!

The groom names the brands of wines.

Second friend:
How do you know so much?
Can you use it yourself?
We don't need drunkards
Rogues, drunks.
Go back or sing a song
The choice, okay, we'll leave it to you.
There is only one topic here -
About love and everything.

The groom sings a song.

Well, (groom's name), well done
You are a real singer!
They sang a song for us
Well, let's go further together.
Sang us a song about love:
Where there is love, there are kisses.
You kissed the bride
Enjoyed that moment.
You look here now
Find the kiss you need!

Sheets with imprints of lips are taken out, and the groom chooses a kiss for the bride.

First girlfriend:
Are you an artist by any chance?
If today you are a hero -
Draw with your hand
Portrait dear, dear!

A sheet is taken out and the groom (possibly with his eyes closed) draws a portrait of the bride.

Second friend:
That's it, the bride is waiting for you.
She is a beauty.
you painted a portrait
And portrayed her.
We found it for you
Take it and take it to the registry office!

The groom and guests are led into the kitchen. In the chair is the husband of a friend, disguised as a bride. The groom says that such a "bride" does not suit him.

Third friend:
Doesn't fit?
How so?
Okay, pay up.
Let's try to find it!
But first tell us
How do you know everything about (name of the bride).

Fourth friend:
What do all these numbers mean?
Well, answer quickly!
Give money for mistakes.

The poster is brought out. It has different numbers on it. The groom guesses what they mean. This may be the date of birth of the bride, her apartment number, foot size, passport number, date of acquaintance, etc.

Figured out the numbers
Questions have been taken!

Sample questions:
Mother-in-law's favorite fruits.
The station where the dacha is located (name of the bride).
Favorite flowers of the bride.
The bride's favorite soft drink.
Favorite color of the bride? and so on.

First girlfriend:
And in infancy, do you know what a beauty you were?
It is necessary to quickly guess and kiss the portrait!

Under the ceiling in the room there is a rope hanging on it on clothespins 5 photographs of babies, one of which is the bride in infancy. The groom must first guess his sweetheart, and then jump and kiss her photo. If he can’t, then friends give the groom a lift so that he gets to the photo. Each unsuccessful attempt is also penalized.

Second friend:
Here is another challenge
Money to us - if failure.

There are many notes with different names in the hat. Among them is the name of the bride. It is necessary, without looking, to find a leaflet with her name. For each wrong - a fine.

Third friend:
Well, everyone was pleased, like ...
We announce in front of the people -
We have such a girl.
Go straight ahead, turn left here.
Here she is, her light,
Here the bride languishes.
The pelvis is taken out.

Fourth friend:
Here you see this pelvis.
Put in it now
Neither goat nor lamb
Not a bad pig.
For the bride, put
What does she need for her soul?

The groom himself must stand in the basin.

Witness(through the door to the bride).
Your fiancé promises - he will be gentle, he will be quiet.
He won't forget this day
He will carry bags of money.
He will give everyone, please,
Do not run away from worries.
He took everything, as they say.
How do you like the groom?


The groom enters the bride. They happily embrace and kiss. And then it turns out that the bride is in one shoe!

First girlfriend:
The bride lost her shoe.
And she punished her girlfriends
For you to save her
I found a shoe before the wedding -
Three packages in front of you.
Choose any one.

Three packages are being taken out. In one - a slipper, in the other - a man's shoe, in the third - the bride's shoe.

Second girlfriend(when choosing a slipper).
We didn't think, we didn't guess
What shoe are you looking for?
Secret thoughts, of course,
We know yours, my dear!
But, after all, in slippers, finally,
Not fit for marriage!
You, dear, pay off,
Grab another package.

third girlfriend(when choosing men's shoes).
Oh, what a grief -
This is Borya Moiseev
He presented us with a shoe.
Is that the girlfriend you were looking for?
No, you do not suffer from deviation -
You seem to know the way out.
You give us money
Choose another bag.

The groom, when he found the right shoe, can put it on the bride's leg.

And now the way for the couple -
May only happiness await in life.
Well, we are here with the whole herd
Let's pour some cups together.

A wedding is a very responsible event and every bride and groom want the celebration to go as planned, without surprises and failures.

Often, professional hosts are hired to conduct a wedding event, who can control events according to plan, but this does not always work out. There are unforeseen surprises, there are offensive failures.

At Jefferson and Jesse's wedding, things don't go exactly as planned. They walked to the altar, and coming up, the groom said that he loves not only the bride, there is another person in the hall whom the groom loves madly.

The hall froze after these words, because there were many cases when the groom during the wedding told the bride about love for another or somehow disrupted the celebration in another way.

And he called the 8-year-old daughter of the bride named Giovanna. She was brought up all this time without a father and the bride hoped that the groom could replace her father.

Then the groom swore to the girl that he would love her and protect her from everything bad.

The girl listened to these words with tears in her eyes and gratitude, then they embraced. This touching moment could not help but bring tears to all the guests!

original bride price

Ransom "Three girls under the window"

At the entrance of the groom, the witness and bridesmaids meet.


- What is it that you don’t sit still at an early hour, answer us quickly, who did you come to?

The groom answers.


- Oh, to the bride, not the reason (our glorious).

What is her name?

The groom calls the name of the bride.


- Yes, there is one girl, but she is obstinate and proud,

It takes a lot of hard work to get it right. Do you have a good company to fulfill her desires?

So we will not give it away, we want to test you.

What is your fiancé? Not pockmarked and not crooked? Bogatyrskaya is the strength? Call voice? A sharp eye?

As you love your bride, shout to us at a time.

And let the friends not stand, let them shout with you in unison.

The groom, together with his friends, should shout loudly to the bride: “(name of the bride) _______________, I love you!"


- Enough already here to yell and scare the neighbors.

We do not let you into the entrance, we continue the test. Come on, guests, tell us what the groom is good for, praise him.

Otherwise, we won’t let her in, well, praise as soon as possible!

Friends should praise the groom, name all his positive qualities.


“Now listen to it all together.”

What a wonderful bride!

And we have a bride - poppy color,

Without a ransom, there is no way to go to her.

And now we need a big bar of chocolate for it!

The groom gives the girls chocolate.


- For a round ass - we have a box of chocolates!

The groom takes out a box of chocolates.


- For the bride's heel - we have a fist of coins!

The groom pays.


- For a transparent veil - a bottle of cognac!

The groom takes out a bottle of cognac.


- For the bride's slender camp, you put a glass of wine!

The groom gives a bottle of wine.


- All ages are submissive to love and all peoples, and if so, Shout “I love you,(name of the bride) __________________

In 5 different languages.

And if you didn’t bother to learn overseas letters,

I will give you, my friend, a hint,

In return, you must give money.

The groom shouts words of love, friends suggest. If he does not know, he buys from the witness leaflets with declarations of love written in a foreign language.

Everyone goes to the entrance.


- Go up the stairs, promise what you will do around the house.

On the steps are sheets of paper (colored hearts), on which the first letters of phrases are written,

denoting household chores, for example. MP - wash dishes. The groom goes up the steps and names the things he will do. If he didn't guess, he pays.


"VM" - take out the trash;

"DR" - make repairs;

"VD" - to raise children;

"ZD" - make money;

"VP" - wipe the dust;

"GZ" - prepare breakfast;

"DC" - give flowers;

"VD" - do everything;

"XvM" - go to the store.


If you sing a love song to the bride.

And to emphasize the solemnity of the moment,

I suggest you buy musical instruments.

The groom takes out money, and the girls give the guests: a toy children's drum, a toy guitar, rattles, a microphone for the groom. To improvised music, the groom sings a love song.


- And now you, our bird, tell us fortune-telling on a camomile. Here is a chamomile in front of you, tear off any leaf.

There is a secret touch in these petals of colored numbers.

You can quickly guess the meaning of the number and get the bride.

Otherwise, do not blame me, redeem, be kind!

On the wall hangs a paper chamomile with written on tear-off petals in numbers. The groom tears off one petal at a time and guesses what this number means.


- Age of the bride;

- Bride's apartment number;

- Birthday of the bride;

-The floor where the bride lives;

- Mother-in-law's birthday;

- Bride's house number;

- Dating day;

- Bride's foot size.

If the groom cannot guess the number, he pays.


- Here's another task for you, a little test.

In these beautiful balls - red, yellow, blue, There is one reason (only a secret) -

Why do you(name of the bride) __________________.

Pop the ball, do not be sorry, look for the answer in it soon!

On the wall of the entrance hang inflated balloons with papers embedded in them, on which is written the reason why the groom is getting married. The groom pops the balloon, takes out a piece of paper, reads, pays if he does not like the reason for the marriage. And so on until a piece of paper with the words "for love" comes across.


"By calculation"


- I'll tell the bride about the calculation. It is unlikely that you will be together!

"Friends advised"


- Yeah, good reason. This is how men get married!

"Mom ordered"


- It can be seen that you are an obedient boy, but make decisions

you really need it!

"I love good food"


- You don't need marriage. Come to the cafe for lunch and dinner!

"Clean socks are over"


- To solve the problem is very simple, act like all men. You don't need a wife. Buy a washing machine!

"For love"


- You're not here anymore. Now we believe you.

Well, of course, for love!

Everyone goes up to the floor where the bride lives.


- Though marriage for love,

Come closer to the door and knock softly.

You must love your future mother-in-law

And so try to win her heart.

The groom comes to the door of the bride's apartment, knocks on

the door, it opens and the mother-in-law meets the groom on the threshold of the house.


- Do you want a song, do you want a joke,

Do you want any trick

Show yourself ,

Like, here I am!

Come on, don't waste your time

Come on, surprise your mother-in-law!

The groom must "surprise" the mother-in-law (sing, dance, etc. in front of her). After that, everyone goes to the apartment.

There are 3 closed boxes of shoes on the floor in the hallway. In the 1st men's shoe, in the 2nd slippers, in the 3rd shoe of the bride.


You only have a little bit left, it's not cheating.

Guys, we have one problem - on the eve of the celebration, the bride's wedding shoe suddenly disappeared.

In fact, it’s not worth going down the aisle barefoot,

Well, let's be bold(groom's name) __________________ ,

You open the box!

Why are you suddenly quiet? Guess, fiance.

If your instinct is developed, you can easily find a shoe!

The groom chooses a box, opens it.

If there is a man's shoe in the box.


- How so! What grief!

It was Borya Moiseev who presented the shoe to us. Do you suffer from deviations?

You seem to know the way out.

Pay for your mistake

If in a box of slippers.


- Secret thoughts, of course, we know yours, my heart,

But after all, in slippers, finally, it is not suitable for the crown!

So you pay

Find suitable shoes for the bride!

If the bride's shoe is in the box.


- Yes, you suffered(groom's name) __________________ ,

Convinced of my love

And now, very quietly, go through the narrowed door.

After all, she, for sure, was waiting for the groom.

You see, there is a door in front of you, then her big heart. Quickly buy scissors, you enter the door with a heart. Let the hearts beat stronger and they merge into one!

On the door to the bride's room hangs a canvas with a painted scarlet heart. The groom buys scissors from the witness and cuts out this heart.

Final words of the witness:

- The performance was amazing to everyone, it ended so beautifully! You will be rewarded for perseverance and patience.

Well, bolder, come in, hug your betrothed!

In the early morning (a couple of hours before the start of the wedding ceremony), a wedding cortege arrives at the bride's house. The protagonists of the ransom are the groom and his friends, who are usually called the "brothers of the groom." On the threshold of the house are the bridesmaids and her close relatives. Each door has 2-3 people. The groom, along with his support group, participate in contests to get to his beloved bride as quickly as possible. Each stage can be conditionally called a "station"

Station one (at the gate)

Hello fiance, dear!
I see that you came to the bride's house!
Love brought you here
Your voices sparkle with it again!

To see the bride soon
You'll have to go through a lot of doors!
You need to prove that you are the best
That you are loving, gentle, and not stubborn!

Well, let's start our tests! And we immediately want to listen to friends who decided to support you today. Dear friends, I give you one minute. During this time, you need to come up with as many compliments as possible that will characterize the Bridegroom. The main thing is to speak quickly, without thinking about compliments for a long time. Well, for each pause you will have to pay off with coins of any denomination. So, one, two, three!

Competition "Compliments to the groom"

station two
Girlfriend: Hello, overseas guests! What fate did you end up in our kingdom?

Groom (answers)

Girlfriend: But, as you probably already guessed, nothing just happens. To see the bride sooner, you need to pass our station, which is called "Quiz".

(The groom is given a “bouquet” of balloons. Each balloon contains a piece of paper on which a question is written. The groom bursts balloons, answering questions.)

Possible questions:
Date of birth of the future mother-in-law?
Exact date of acquaintance with the second half?
Does your significant other have moles on your body? How much exactly?
How many children does your beloved dream of?
Under what circumstances did you meet? (Detailed answer)
What shoe size does your fiancee wear?
The exact home address of the bride.

(If the groom answers the question incorrectly, he gives the bridesmaids gifts or banknotes).

Competition "Wedding Quiz"

station three
Hello dear! What feeling brought you to this house today?

Groom : Love

Girlfriend: Indeed, love is the brightest feeling that a person can experience in his life. Love is beautiful in all its manifestations. It can be different: insidious, unpredictable, gentle, pure, but most importantly - real! We believe that you have only the highest feelings for your beloved, and now you will prove it to us!

(The girlfriend shows the groom whatman paper on which the word "LOVE" is written)

For each letter of this magic word, you need to come up with a word that will tell us the whole truth to the bride. (For example: L - beloved, u - young ... etc.) But the soft sign is the word bonus, say what you want, the main thing is the truth.

Competition "Love"

station four
Dear and respected groom and his support team! To get to the bride - you need to show your artistic abilities. You should sing any love song, but only in chorus. Let it be just one verse, but it will sound loud, clear, artistic and positive!

Competition "Song of Love"

Girlfriend: Well, well done! You managed to prove to all of us that you are a worthy candidate for husbands for our beloved friend. You just have to call her (loud, loud)

The groom calls the bride, she answers him, the door opens - the lovers meet!

Girlfriend: Dear bride! Know that with you there is a worthy life partner who is ready to do anything for you! He loves you and that's the most important thing! Be happy!