Abstract of nodes for drawing "everything for mom". GCD abstract for drawing in the senior group “Autumn sky. Introduction to watercolors

Educational field: artistic creativity

Integration educational areas: socialization, communication, health

GCD name: drawing

Theme: "Mustachioed - striped."

Purpose: To teach children to convey the image of a kitten in a drawing.


correctional and educational: To consolidate the ability to depict animals using

brush and paint skills.

correctional-developing: Develop figurative perception and imagination.

correctional and educational: Cause joy from the created image. Learn to see the variety of images, the expressiveness of the image.

Tasks of integration of educational areas:

Communication: Strengthen the skill of matching adjectives with nouns.

Health: Develop movement coordination fine motor skills hands

Socialization: Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards work.

Vocabulary: cat, fluffy, tabby, animal, paws, claws, sketch, paint over, etc.

Equipment: a sheet of paper, watercolors, a jar of water, a napkin.

Preliminary work:Examination of paintings, illustrations in books.Reading a work.

NOD plan:

1. Organizing time. Solving riddles.
What animal are the following riddles talking about?
I can wash clean
Not with water, but with a tongue.
Meow! How often do I dream
Saucer with warm milk!
He arched his back,
Who it? Stretched sweetly -
That's all charging.(Cat).
mustachioed muzzle,
striped coat,
Washes often
And I don't know about water.
Even on the iron roof
Walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.
Go hunting at night
And how in the daytime she sees everything.
Often sleeps, and after sleep
She washes herself. (Cat).
All furry
Mustachioed herself,
Sleeps during the day
And tells fairy tales
And wanders at night
He goes hunting.
-Well done! You correctly guessed all the riddles.

2. Conversation about the cat.

What are the animals? (wild and domestic)
-Why are they called that?
-Name your pets.

What benefits do they bring to people?
Look at the pictures and answer the following questions:

Where does the cat live?
-What does she like?

- What is the body of a cat covered with?
What color is the cat's fur?
What body parts does a cat consist of? (torso, paws, head, tail, ears)
-How many paws does a cat have? (four)
-How many ears does a cat have? (two)
How does a cat wash?
What are the names of the kitten's father and mother? (cat Kitty).
Guys, the cat Murka also came to our group. She was so sad. She doesn't seem to have any friends. Do you think we can help her? How? Right. We'll draw her friends. And Murka will see how we do it.
3. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Left, right, up, down.
And now we look around
To see the world better.
Let's look closer, further
Exercising the eye muscle.
We'll see better soon
Check it out now!
Now let's press a little
Dots near your eyes (near your nose)
We give them a lot of strength
To amplify a thousand times!
4. Drawing a cat.
- Guys, today we will draw a cat. Let's put a piece of paper in front of us. In the middle of the sheet, draw a torso from a semicircle. Then on the left side of the semicircle draw a head. Then draw the ears on the head with two triangles. After we draw the tail oval shape. And paws. Let's paint the head and torso.
5. Physical education.
Quickly get up, smile, Higher, stretch higher
Come on, straighten your shoulders, raise, lower,
Turned left, turned right
Touched hands with knees
Sit down, get up, sit down, get up
And they ran on the spot.
6. We continue the drawing.

And now Now we draw eyes, mouth, nose, mustache and stripes.
7. "Come up with a nickname"
- Guys, well done, all done well. The cats turned out great. Each of them has its own character, appearance. Looking at them, I want to give them a nickname. And what do you call them? If the cat loves to play - Toy. If it scratches - Scratchy, If the cat is red - Ginger, If striped - Tiger cub.
8. Playing the picture, analysis and evaluation works . Cat Murka is also happy that she now has so many beautiful, kind, cheerful friends. She is very grateful to you and says “Thank you” - meow-meow-meow. And she also gives you these portraits as a keepsake.

Outline of the GCD on acquaintance with non-traditional technique drawing "Drawing with a fork."

Description: Lesson summary is aimed at middle and senior preschool age. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. The material can be useful for preschool teachers, young professionals and students.

Target: Introduce children to new technology creative activity- drawing with a fork.


- educational. Teaching children the methods and techniques of non-standard drawing techniques.

- developing. Development creative thinking and imagination when creating a drawing unconventional method.

- educational. Education of accuracy, independence, attentiveness when working with gouache and a fork.

Priority educational area. Artistic - aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas. Artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Activities. Informative - research activities, visual activity, communicative activity, motor activity.

Material and equipment.

- sheets of A4 paper

- sheets of paper ½ A4

- gouache

- markers

- disposable plastic forks

- napkins

- cups - non-spill

GCD progress.

Educator. Guys, today we have with you creative occupation. We will draw on a free topic. What does it mean to be free?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, we will draw the drawing that we ourselves will come up with, showing our imagination and fiction. Take a look at your tables. Are we ready to be creative?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, there is gouache, but no brushes. Not order. We'll fix it now. Where are our brushes?

The teacher looks into the cabinet with the office and discovers the loss of brushes.

Educator. Guys, the brushes are gone!!! What are we going to draw? Let's eat them together!

The teacher and children are looking for brushes in the group. In the game kitchen cabinet, they find a cup from under the brushes, but there are forks in it.

Educator. So so so. Someone decided to play a trick on us and changed our tassels for forks. What do we do?

Children's answers.

Educator. What if we try to draw with forks?

Children's answers.

Educator. Fine. We just need to prepare our fingers for unusual drawing.

Finger workout.

To draw beautifully

Gotta play with your fingers

Here is a large one, this one is medium,

Nameless and last

Our little finger is a baby.

Oooo index forgot.

We will show the goat's horns

And even deer antlers

Let's not forget bunny ears

We will lead with a finger.

To draw beautifully

You have to play with your fingers.

Educator. Then let's start our experiment. Take a large sheet of paper. Dip the fork into the paint can, just like you would dip the paintbrush. Now let's draw a straight line on the sheet.

Educator. It turns out?

Children's answers.

Educator. Rinse the forks in cups of water and dry with a paper towel. Now let's pick up another paint and draw a wavy line. If there is not enough paint for the entire line, dip the fork into the paint again.

The teacher does this stage of work on the board, then the children on the sheets.

Educator. Well done. Rinse the forks again in water and wipe with a napkin. The third time we collect paint and draw small straight lines.

The teacher does this stage of work on the board, then the children on the sheets.

Educator. Umnichki, so we learned to draw with a fork. Tired?

Children's answers.

Educator. Let's loosen up a bit.


One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend down, unbend,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three head nods.

For four - arms wider,

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.

Educator. And now it's time to return to the topic of our lesson. Who remembers what the theme is?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, today you and I draw whatever we want, i.e. drawing on a free topic. So let's not waste a minute and start drawing.

The children start painting. The teacher approaches each child and asks the subject of the drawing, if there are difficulties, prompts, directs. Shows you how to use felt-tip pens to complete the drawing.

Educator. What wonderful drawings you have! You are all great fellows! Who wants to tell about his drawing to all the guys?

Children take it in turns to come out and talk about their drawing. The teacher helps the narrator with leading questions.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the work done and sums up the lesson.

Educator. Guys, did you like our new brushes? What did you like? What didn't you like? What was difficult to do? What new did you learn about the fork? Would you like to paint with forks again?

Children's answers.

Educator. With such an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with a fork, we met today. Now we know that the fork is not only cutlery, which cutlets are eaten with, but also an unusual brush for drawing, with which you can create such wonderful pictures!

Several examples of drawings.

Demina Ekaterina Alexandrovna

"Construct for drawing in senior group using non-traditional technique drawing "Mustachioed striped"

caregiver: Hemerova Anastasia Andreevna - MBDOU No. 82 of the combined type, Kamensk-Uralsky
Group: older
Subject:"Mustachioed - Striped"
Activities: productive, visual
Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development.
Forms of organization: group, individual
Target:. development of curiosity and activity in the process own activities in creating expressive and interesting images in drawings
Planned result:
In the process of their own activity (in drawing), they strive to create expressive and interesting images.
They show the ability to show intent, have ideas about the shape of the object.
Demonstrate the ability to bring the matter to the end, show independence, initiative.
They demonstrate the ability to draw a kitten with gouache paints, the ability to paint over using the poke method.
Demonstrates knowledge about gray color, about the method of obtaining it

Tasks of joint activity
Educational tasks: to cultivate independence, initiative, accuracy, the ability to bring things to the end, an adequate assessment of their actions, careful attitude to animals.
Development tasks: To develop the ability to accept an idea, the ability to correlate an object with reality, thinking, figurative perception, imagination, attention; sensory perception (ideas about the shape, color of an object)
Learning tasks:
Fine: teach children to convey in the drawing the image of a kitten (based on geometric shapes, circle-head, oval-torso)
Technical: To improve the skills of drawing wool by the method of "poking with a hard semi-dry brush". Improve the technique of drawing with gouache paints: dilute to the density of sour cream
color: Improve the ability to mix two colors to get new color(white + black = gray), encourage children to choose colors (gray, black).
Compositional: To teach children to arrange the drawing in accordance with the shape of the object (the position of the kitten, vertically or horizontally).
Tasks taking into account the characteristics of the pupils of the group
Learn to hold a pencil and a brush correctly (Semyon, Anya)
Continue learning to depict animals using the skills of drawing with gouache paints using the poke method (Semyon, Savely)
Develop speech (Sasha, Vasya.)
Principles preschool education(FGOS DO):
1) building educational activities based individual characteristics each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter referred to as the individualization of preschool education);
2) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;
3) support for the initiative of children in various types activities;
4)Shaping cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;
5) age adequacy of preschool education (correspondence of conditions, requirements, methods to age and features of development).
Principles of education: the formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and a teacher, the creation of a positive emotional background and atmosphere of emotional uplift, education through interaction.
Learning principles: the principle of accessibility, visibility, the principle of systematicity and consistency, the principle of activity.
Education methods: conversation, encouragement.
Teaching methods: conversation, demonstration, display, stimulation with entertaining content.
Means of education and training:
Visual: presentation "Such different cats», demo material“cats”, an algorithmic scheme for drawing a kitten, equipment for the lesson (gouache, palette, brushes, a simple pencil, drawing paper)
Verbal: riddle, poem "Mustache-striped".
Educational and methodical set:
1. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education / Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation order dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.
2. Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school". Ed. N.E. Veraksy. – M.: Mosaic-
Synthesis, 2014
3 Komarova T.S. Classes for visual activity in the senior group kindergarten. Moscow - Synthesis. year 2014.
4. Utrobina K.K., Utrobin G.F. fascinating drawing by poke with children 3-7 years old. Moscow. 2007

Activity progress:

Stage 1. Motivation for joint activities.
to interest children in upcoming activities Artistic word, conversation, stimulation with entertaining content, questions, There is no nicer beauty!
Teacher activity
Paws - soft pillows,
Upturned ears.
Well, think a little.
Guessed? It's a cat). G. Utrobin

Guys, what is this riddle about?
View the presentation "Such different cats."
While watching, the teacher talks about cats.
- The cat in the world of animals occupies a special, honorable place. This is an amazing creature: proud and independent, gentle and affectionate, good-natured and intelligent. No cats are the same. They differ from each other in the color of their coat and eyes, they have different tempers. The body of cats is flexible. Whiskers and eyebrows help them detect scent, determine jumping distance, even determine wind speed. And the cat's tail always shows what mood the cat is in: calm, playful or irritated. Run, jump - them favorite hobby. The cat is an excellent hunter.
What does a cat like to do?
If you want to admire cats different breeds, you can go to a cat show.
Have you been to a cat show?

Let's organize our own exhibition with drawings of cats.
-I suggest you draw cats, but what kind - you have to guess. Listen to an excerpt from the poem "Mustached - Striped" by S.Ya. Marshak.
- Have you guessed which cats we will draw? (Children's answers.)
- Let's draw striped cats and cats, and we will have our own exhibition. We can invite children from other groups to admire.
Children's activities:
Listen to the riddle
Watch the presentation, listen to the story
Make assumptions and answer questions
Planned result:
Children are motivated, take an internal position for the upcoming activity,
show an emotional response

2nd floor app. Updating the knowledge necessary for the upcoming activities.
2.1. Perception
Task: develop the ability to accept an idea, form ideas about the shape, color of an object, exercise in conveying one's attitude to the depicted
2.2 Joint planning.
Task: learn to draw a kitten, improve painting techniques with a poke, use an algorithm, give an idea of ​​the final product of the activity
Demonstration method, story, explanation, questions
The activity of the teacher:
The teacher organizes a dialogue with the children. Shows and comments on the actions.
Consider with children illustrations depicting kittens.
The teacher asks leading questions:
Describe the kitten's body, head, paws, tail?
Guys, look carefully and tell me what kind of eyes, nose, ears, mustache the kitten has?
Tell me, does a kitten have a larger head or torso? On what geometric figure Seems like? What paws and tail?
What is the kitten covered with, what kind of fur coat does he have? What color is the kitten?
Invite one of the children to summarize the story.
Thus …

Please tell me where to start drawing a kitten? (I encourage children to discuss drawing techniques).
Yes, from the beginning closer to the upper left corner we will draw the head. What shape is the head?
(showing the method of drawing the head).
-Now draw the torso, what shape is the torso? (I show the method of drawing the torso).
Our kitten is lying down, so only the front paws are visible.
- draw the kitten's front paws (I show the technique of drawing the front paws).
And he hid his hind legs under a fluffy tail. (showing the method of drawing the tail).
We draw triangular ears, round cheeks, eyes, mouth, and of course a mustache.
Our cat has fluffy fur, how can we show this in our drawing? We will draw using the poke method.
Guys, and our kitten gray color, with black stripes, but we don’t have gray gouache, what should we do?
(obtaining gray by mixing white and black).
I begin to paint over the kitten with pokes along the entire outline, and then inside. (explaining to the children that we draw with a dry brush, hold it vertically vertically, do not type a lot of gouache on the brush, after removing the excess on the palette)
-This is such a beautiful kitten!
In the process of drawing, I advise you not to rush, so that the fur turns out to be fluffy and there are no white gaps left on it.
Children activities
Collaborate with the educator, enter into a dialogue, respond
Planned result
Consider, compare, establish the ratio of parts
Collaborate with the teacher
Express their thoughts
Proficiency in monologue and dialogic speech
They get gray gouache by mixing white and black. They show the ability to take an idea, represent the shape of an object, color
Have an idea of ​​how to draw

3.Change of activities. Physical education minute
Task: relieve muscle tension
Explanation Display
Teacher activity
Fizkultmnutka "Cat's habits"
We'll show you a little, They walk silently on tiptoe.
How softly a cat steps.
Barely audible: top-top-top,
Tail down: op-op-op.
But, raising his fluffy tail, Jump easily on the spot.
The cat can be fast too.
He rushes up bravely.
Here's a jump, another jump,
Either forward or rebound.
And then meows: “Meow! They run to their places.
I'm running to my house."
G. Utrobin
Children activities
Repeat after teacher
Planned result
Children are relaxed
Ready for further activities

Stage 4. Verbal reproduction of methods of action (questions for clarification ee)
Task: develop memory, thinking, attention
(reproduce drawing work plan)
Teacher activity
Guys, what are we going to draw? (kitten)
- How do we start drawing? (from the head). Then what (torso, paws, tail, draw a muzzle)
-What technique will we use to draw the fur of our kitten? (We will draw with the poke technique)
Well done, all right!
Start drawing.
Children activities
Planned result
Demonstrate knowledge of the method of drawing a kitten, drawing techniques, reproduce the algorithm of work

Stage 5. Practical application of methods of action.
Task: create conditions for independent productive activity, improve visual, technical and compositional skills, bring the matter to the end.
Demonstration Conversation.
Teacher activity
- guys, sit down at the tables correctly, back straight, legs together.
I monitor the activities of children and correct if necessary:
Children activities
Children draw independently, following the sequence and instructions of the teacher
Planned result
Children independently draw, improve visual, technical and compositional skills
place the drawing in the center of the sheet, decorate with details, master the "poke" technique,
Able to get things done

Stage 6 Analysis of the work products of the action of children's work.
learn to compare your work with illustrations,
improve the ability to assess their work, form adequate self-esteem performance results;
Teacher activity
The teacher thanks, encourages children who make interesting additions to the drawings.
-Well done boys. You all did your best and we got wonderful kittens. Now let's lay out all your drawings on the table and see what kittens your friends have drawn.
-Guys, choose the kitten you like the most and explain why you chose this particular drawing.
Children activities
Children listen, enter into a dialogue, together with the teacher sum up
Planned result
Analyze the drawings, explain the choice, evaluate the results of their activities
Can compare their work with a sample
Demonstrate the ability to control, correct

Stage 7. Openness.
to orient children to independent activity in sensitive moments.
Emotional stimulation.
Teacher activity
The educator pays attention to the result of each child, encourages them to "continue" activities.
What do you think, is it possible to add drawings of kittens to our exhibition? What color are the kittens? At home or in the evening, you can draw kittens of a different color and complement our exhibition of drawings.
Children activities
Listen Respond With a desire to draw independently
Planned result
Enter into a dialogue with the teacher, answer the questions posed


Educational: To acquaint children with a new non-traditional drawing technique - “palm drawing”. Learn to convey the image of the sun, spring flowers, structure and shape using the palms of your hands. To consolidate the knowledge of color (green, yellow, red, blue, purple, orange).

Developing: develop fine motor skills. To develop in children a vision of the artistic image and design through color scheme- multicolored. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Educational: to cultivate accuracy when working with paints. Cultivate interest in visual arts. Cultivate respect for nature.

Love and care for yourself close person- mom.

Material: Paper sheet, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange and red finger gouache, illustrations of the sun, flowers, brushes, napkins, jars of water.

Integration of educational areas.

Artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, cognitive development, physical development, social and communicative development.

Course progress.

1 part. Organizational.

Children stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, a holiday is coming soon - Women's Day. On this day, all women are congratulated. In every family there are women - this is mother, grandmother, sister. On March 8, all fathers and children congratulate their beloved mothers and grandmothers, give them flowers and gifts. And we will congratulate your mother?

Children make a circle.

Physical education "One, two, three, four, five - we will congratulate mom"

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text.)

One two three four five -

let's congratulate mom! We walk in place.

Dear, beloved,

The most beautiful. We clap our hands.

And gifts We stretch our palms forward.

And flowers raise your palms up and put them together in the form of a flower

We give moms me and you.

P we put our palms on ourselves and on the one standing opposite.

2 part. Main (Team work adults and children)

Educator: What do you think you can give mom on March 8? (Review of illustrations depicting spring flowers.)

Educator: Do any of you know what these flowers are called? ? (Help the children if they are at a loss.)

Look at them, how beautiful they are. What color is it? Each flower has a stem on which the flower stands. It's called "stalk". And these are the leaves. What color is the stem and leaves? (green).

Today we will be magicians. We do not need a brush today, we will draw with our palms. And we will draw a bright spring sun with warm kind rays that warm the earth and colorful flowers sprout on it! We will give this drawing to our mothers and grandmothers.

Educator: Roll up your sleeves and carefully watch how we will draw the rays of the sun. I dip my palm in the paint and apply it to the yellow circle - this is the sun without rays. And I clean it up - the yellow circle turned out to be my palm print. Look the palm is dirty, what should I do? (Children's answers.)

Yes, wiping with a damp cloth is fine.

Let's practice with you, as if the paint is standing next to us.

Dip your palm in the paint, apply it to a sheet of paper. Let's try again (2nd time) Dip in paint and apply.

Educator: before starting work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Flower"

Our red flowers

The petals are unfolding. (Then they open in the form of a bowl, in front of the face.)

The wind breathes a little (Then the brushes move counterclockwise and then clockwise.)

The petals sway. (Hands lean left and right.)

Our red flowers (We press our elbows to each other, we close the brushes in the form of a boat.)

Close the petals (Show with fingers how the petals close.)

They fall asleep quietly

And they nod their heads.

Educator: Now we will draw the rays of the sun! Gently, one at a time, dip your palm into the paint, and apply it to the circle! We work carefully. Pick up paint on your palm well so that the rays of the sun are bright.

And what color is our paint (yellow). Well done. (Help in the process of work.)

When you're done, dry your hands with paper towels.

Oh what fun spring sunshine we made it! Let's love them! The sun is warming and warming the earth, and now multi-colored flowers will appear in the clearing, so bright and cheerful - they will look at the sun and enjoy spring with it!

The teacher, together with the children, goes to the table where the paints are. Explanation and demonstration of the educator.

Educator: I will also draw a flower with my palm. To do this, I will dip my hand in red paint and attach it to the top of the sheet. And now I'll wipe my hand with a rag. Next I need green paint. I'll take a brush, dip it in green paint and draw a green line from top to bottom of the flower - the stem.

Here is the flower. And now you try to draw tulips in turn under our sun.

(Independent work of children. Help children in drawing flowers.)

3 part. Summary of the lesson

Educator: The sun is looking from heaven.

That's so clean

Good, radiant.

If we got him

We would kiss him.

Teacher: Well done guys! Well done. We got a beautiful gift! Today mommy will come for you, or maybe grandmother, and she will be very happy with such an unusual, cheerful, a beautiful gift. Now let's go wash our hands so that they are clean.

Elena Chernikova

Integration of areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Target: Develop an interest in history and traditions folk culture, to attach to Russian folk applied art.

Tasks: To acquaint children with the history of the creation of Russian wooden nesting dolls. Show characteristics toys - nesting dolls, show how to paint the silhouette of a nesting doll.

Demonstration material: toys - nesting dolls, illustrations of nesting dolls, coloring nesting dolls, audio recording of Ruslanova's songs.

Handout: cut from landscape sheets matryoshka templates different size, pencils, watercolor, brushes, jars of water, rags.

First part of NOD

Guys, what toys do you like to play with? (children's answers)

Now you have a lot of toys and they are all different: plastic and rubber, plush and fur. But with your great-grandparents, everything was completely different, their parents made toys from straw and clay, from rags and wood.

Now Veronica will give us a riddle, and if we guess it together, we will find out what kind of toy we will talk about today.

Veronica makes a riddle of an unknown author:

Near different girlfriends,

But they are similar to each other.

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy.

(children's answers)

Of course, guys, this is a nesting doll.

Many years ago, master Vasily Zvezdochkin lived in Sergiev Posad, and he had a friend, artist Sergey Malyutin. They wanted to please their children with a bright unusual toy, and they came up with a fun nesting doll.

Their nesting dolls were made of wood. First, wooden blanks had to be dried, then sawn into blocks of different sizes. From the blocks, the master turned on a lathe figures in the form of a detachable egg, first the smallest, then more, and so on until the largest. IN big toy he put in a smaller toy, and so on until the smallest one. Finished nesting dolls were painted by his friend, artist Sergey Malyutin, with bright colors. The most interesting and difficult thing was to draw the faces of the dolls: expressive eyes, crimson lips, bright cheeks, neat bangs. When the toys were painted, they were varnished several times.

Matryoshka was liked by both children and adults. The name of the matryoshka was given consonant with the word "mother", "mother", and this toy symbolized a happy large family.

Look, guys, at nesting dolls - let's think about what they have in common and how they differ from each other. (children's answers)

What do you think, if we play with them, who can they be to each other? (children's answers)

Let's discuss the clothes of nesting dolls - bright scarves, elegant sundresses, multi-colored aprons. Clothes are decorated with dots and circles, straight and wavy lines, bright colors.

Let's look at the illustration of nesting dolls. There are two nesting dolls, one is bigger and the other is smaller. And they are also very similar to each other, like mother and daughter, or like older and younger sisters.

And in the book you can see nesting dolls - coloring. Here the artist showed us how with a simple pencil draw a face, outline the contours of clothes, jewelry, flowers.

I have silhouettes of nesting dolls, they are different - big, smaller and small, and they are not painted at all. Let's each of you choose a silhouette for yourself, and paint it the way you want.

But first, let's play a little. A physical minute is being performed on the words of L. Kazantseva:

Both we and we have clean hands.

We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs,

And we have, and we have new boots.

We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs,

We want to dance, we want to dance a little.

Practical part of GCD

Offer the children a choice of nesting doll silhouettes.

Children outline the face, highlight and decorate clothes.

While the children are painting, an audio recording of Ruslanova's songs is playing.

Job Analysis

The teacher lays out nesting dolls, offers to find the most cheerful, brightest, most tender, most modest, etc. nesting dolls.

Samuil Marshak wrote funny poems:

Eight wooden dolls

Chubby and ruddy

In multi-colored sundresses

They live on our table.

They are all called matryoshkas.

Offers to arrange nesting dolls by height, by color.

Thank you for your attention.

Related publications:

"Magic kind flower". Synopsis of OOD in the senior group (literacy and drawing) Target. Repetition and consolidation of the past. Practical mastery of the norms of speech. Generalization of children's ideas about kindness as valuable, inalienable.

Synopsis of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group. Drawing. "Fantasy compositions from the palms." Target. 1. Ability to circle.

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