Demo material my family. Developing tasks for children on the topic “Family. grammar practice "My family"

The speech therapy corner plays an important role in working with the family.Visual and informational material on the lexical topic "Family" can be used in the design of a corner of a speech therapist in the middle group. This material includes games for the development of fine motor skills, games for the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, advice and recommendations to parents on conducting conversations with the child on the topic being studied.

Check if your child knows:

  • What is a family (relatives, native people)?
  • The composition of your family?
  • Names of immediate family members (sister, brother, uncle, grandmother, etc.)?
  • Name and patronymic of mom and dad, their professions?
  • Who is he for grandparents (grandson, granddaughter), for parents (son, daughter), for brother and sister?

Do the “Family” finger exercise with your child:

This finger is grandfather, (bend fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb on one hand)
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is dad
This finger is mom
This is my finger
Together - a friendly family. (we clasp and squeeze fingers)
These fingers are grandfathers (bend fingers on both hands)
Those fingers are grandmothers...
These fingers are girls and boys.

Together with you we teach children.

Explain to the child what a family (native people) is. Name all members of your family (mother, father, son, daughter), look at photographs of the closest relatives (grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle).

Explain to the baby that he can be called simply by his first name (for example, Masha), or you can call him affectionately (Masha). And all family members can also be affectionately called: mother - mother, mother, grandmother - grandmother, grandmother.

Think of as many kind words as you can.

We call family members in the singular and plural.

1. The game "One-several"

Instruction: you have a grandmother, and the guys have ... who? (grandmothers) You have a sister, and other guys have ... (sisters)

2. Game "One-many"

Instructions: one daughter, but many ... whom? (daughters)

We use adjectives in speech.

Invite the kid to come up with two or three beautiful words about each member of his family:

  • Mom (what?) - good, kind, beautiful.
  • Dad (what?) - tall, strong, etc.

We use verbs in speech.

Invite the child to answer what mom / dad / sister / grandmother, etc. does.

  • Mom (what does she do?) - cares, loves, hugs, cooks
  • Dad (what does he do?) - repairs, plays, works, helps, etc.

Match lotto pictures or find a picture of a family. Let the baby answer by looking at the pictures - this will help him quickly find the correct answer and learn the knowledge gained on the lexical topic "Family".

Zhurakovskaya Yanina Viktorovna,
teacher-speech therapist of the highest category,
GBOU kindergarten No. 864, Moscow

1. Full name of the student ___________________________________________________________

2. What grade is your child in ___________________________

3. Age________________________

4. Home address _______________________________________________________________

5. Parents: Mother_______________________________ Father__________________________

5.1. Age of parents __________________________________________________________

5.2. Parents' education (secondary, incomplete secondary, special secondary, higher) ____________________________________________________________________________

5.3. Occupation of parents (industrial workers, employees, university professors, pensioners, housewives involved in business, entrepreneurship, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________________

5.4. How many years the family has existed (up to 5 years, 6-10 years, 11-15 years, 16-20 years, more than 20 years) _____________________________________________________________________________

6. Family type:

· Complete.

· Incomplete.

· Maternal.

· Alternative (relationships are not legally formalized).

Large family (how many children) ________________

7. Composition of the family (living together):

  • Mother.
  • Father.
  • Grandmother.
  • Grandfather.
  • Sons (specify age).
  • Daughters (specify age).
  • Other family members

8. Income per family member per month _______ rub.

9. Living conditions:

  • Normal (comfortable apartment, own house).
  • Unfurnished apartment.
  • Dormitory room.
  • Other ______________________________



Family card

1. Full name of the student ___________________________________________________________

2. What grade is your child in ___________________________

3. Age________________________

4. Home address _______________________________________________________________

5. Parents: Mother_______________________________ Father__________________________

5.1. Age of parents __________________________________________________________

5.2. Parents' education (secondary, incomplete secondary, special secondary, higher) ____________________________________________________________________________

5.3. Occupation of parents (industrial workers, employees, university professors, pensioners, housewives involved in business, entrepreneurship, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________________

5.4. How many years the family exists (up to 5 years, 6-10 years, 11-15 years, 16-20 years, more than 20 years)

6. Family type:




Alternative (relationships are not legally formalized).

Large family (how many children) ________________

7. Composition of the family (living together):

  • Mother.
  • Father.
  • Grandmother.
  • Grandfather.
  • Sons (specify age).
  • Daughters (specify age).
  • Other family members

8. Income per family member per month _______ rub.

9. Living conditions:

  • Normal (comfortable apartment, own house).
  • Unfurnished apartment.
  • Dormitory room.
  • Other ______________________________

10. Family way;

  1. Positive (normal relations in the family) _________________________
  2. Contradictory (there are problems, but are resolved) _____________________
  3. The family structure is unfavorable due to:
  • hereditary diseases.
  • Conflicts, scandals in the family.
  • Bad habits.
  • Former conviction.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Addiction to drugs.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Other ___________________________________________________________.

11. Psychological and pedagogical culture:

mother _______________________________ father _________________________________

  • High level.
  • Average level.
  • Low level.

12. To what extent do you personally have the following:

  • Knowledge of children's interests.
  • Ability to apply pedagogical knowledge in practice.
  • The ability to take into account in the upbringing of children their age characteristics.
  • The ability to objectively analyze specific situations that have arisen in the family.
  • The ability to analyze the motives of behavior.
  • The ability to arrange a child for frankness.
  • Ability to set educational goals.
  • The ability to find adequate age, means of educational influence on your child.

13. The availability of assistance to the family in raising children from the school.

  1. There is (what) _____________________________________________________________
  2. No______________________________________________________________
  3. Don't know__________________________________________________________

14. The state of health of the child:

  1. Soreness (how many times have you been sick in the past year) ______________
  2. Observable signs of a child’s predisposition to health disorders (anxiety, irritability, high fatigue, disinhibition, lethargy, anxiety, headaches, dizziness, poor appetite, inattention, restlessness, touchiness, tearfulness, stubbornness, pugnacity, aggressiveness, obsessive habits: nail biting, sucking fingers, etc.).
  3. Complaints from parents (underline as appropriate): excessive fatigue after school, lack of sleep, sleep disturbance, fear of the dark, loneliness, disobedience, conflict, unreasonable rise in temperature, poor appetite, nausea, motion sickness in transport, intolerance to sharp sounds, heat, stuffiness, cold , sweating, allergic reactions, bedwetting, other complaints
  4. Are there any complaints from the child about feeling unwell? When do they occur most often?


15. Assessment of the role of the child in the family:

  • We reckon with him (her).
  • The child does not earn, which means that he does not have his own voice.
  • Never thought about it.

16. The level of moral education of the child:

  1. High. 2. Medium. 3. Low

17. Student self-assessment:

  • Overpriced.
  • understated,
  • Adequate ___________________________

18. How does your son (daughter) study?

19. Subjects for which the highest and most stable score


20. Subjects for which the lowest score


21. What is your son (daughter) interested in?


22. Do you think that the school should have a social teacher who knows and understands the problems of a particular family and is able to provide practical assistance in shaping the child's personality. ________________________________________________

23. Who currently has a significant impact on the formation of your son (daughter): immediate family, friends (girlfriends), "party".

24. What specific help does your family currently need:

  • natural.
  • Material.
  • Assistance from a social educator.
  • Help of a psychologist.
  • Other help ________________________________________________________________

25. You understand your child, and he receives the necessary help from you _____________________________________________________________________________

26. You understand your child's problems, but you can not help him in resolving them _________________________________________________________________

27. You stopped getting along with your child, this manifests itself in the form _____________________________________________________________________________

28. You follow and read special literature that helps you raise children _________________________________________________________________________

29. You do not read literature that can help in the upbringing of children _____________________________________________________________________________

30. What, in your opinion, mistakes are taking place on the part of the school in shaping the student's personality ____________________________________________________________

31. What mistakes do you make, miscalculations in raising your son (daughter)


32. What hinders you in raising children:

  • Insufficient knowledge of family pedagogy.
  • Family discord.
  • Lack of free time.
  • Lack of uniform requirements in education.
  • Other reasons (specify) ___________________________________________

33. Which of the indicated shortcomings and to what extent are inherent in your son (daughter)?

Indifference - Selfishness


Marina Rudich

To familiarize pupils of the middle speech therapy group with the lexical topic " Family"Themed was made lapbook.

Target lapbook: to clarify and expand the ideas of pupils about the members families their professions to develop thinking, memory, coherent speech.

In the manufacture lapbook Internet materials were used.

- "Members families"

pictures with which pupils call members families describe them.

- "Poems"

- "How We Grow"

with the help of didactic cards, you can make chains and track how we grow

- "Who owns"

first version of the game: in front of the pupils we lay out subject cards and cards with the image of members families. We propose to select each member families items that suit them.

Second option: posting a dick picture families to him 5 pictures with the image of objects and ask what is superfluous.

Third option: we post subject pictures and ask to whom these items may belong and why.

- "Professions of members families"

using pictures you can make short stories about professions play a game

"Whose profession is this" "Guess the profession" "Choose only male professions."


- Make up a story

- "Collect a picture"

- "Coloring pages"

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