Clock teaching children to tell the time. When is the right time to get acquainted with the clock? New acquaintances: hour, minute, second

Hello dear readers. Today I will tell you how easy interesting form we learn time on the clock. My child has been raving about telling the time on the clock for the last eight months. It all started with the fact that I began to warn about the end of his games (cases, classes) in five minutes. Based on the information of teachers and psychologists, my baby was not yet ready to understand the time and I delayed these classes as best I could. But seeing her son's genuine interest in watches, I decided to try to explain. My son, who is now 3 years 8 months old, can tell the time just as well as I can. I hope you enjoy our games and learning activities and can be used with older children.

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Genuine interest of the child is the key to success in learning

The age of three years was a red line in the character of my son. There was a feeling that the crisis of three years began the next day. I had to rebuild, adjust, in some ways even “break” myself. To avoid whims due to the end of the game, I warned about this five minutes in advance:

- Alexander, in five minutes we will eat, please finish the game. (one of the examples)

Of course, I understood that the child does not have a developed sense of time, that five minutes is an empty phrase. But after repeating this several times, I heard the question:

Mom, how long is five minutes?

I brought my son to the electronic clock and showed how much time they had, he himself calculated how much it would be if five minutes were added to the data at that time. But the child did not return to the game, he stood and watched the numbers change. And when five minutes passed, he calmly came to me and we began to do what I wanted at that moment.

This picture was repeated several times, as soon as I warned about five minutes, Alexander stood in front of the clock and watched them. Then he developed a favorite phrase “in five minutes”, he mainly used it with his dad, who called him to do something right away. For example: "Alexander, let's go home," and in response: "We'll go in five minutes."

The son became interested in all hours, as well as the time at which something constant should happen. Not realizing what time it was, but feeling that it was already late, he asked me:

  • Why hasn't dad returned from work yet?
  • Is it time to watch the evening cartoon?

In general, I think it’s clear that the child’s interest in watches and in determining the time was great, but I kept pulling and pulling with this topic. I understood that telling the time on the clock does not mean being able to feel it.

Is it possible to learn time on a clock at an early age?

I remember exactly that my grandmother taught me to tell the time at the age of 6. My husband says they were taught this in first grade at school. Now in many gardens Dominican Republic I don’t know how in Russia, they teach this at the age of 5.

What did I see when I decided to give the knowledge so interesting to my child? That he coped with the definition of time by the clock remarkably in his 3 years 8 months. Today he can answer what time it is, just like you and me. But what about the understanding of time itself, which cannot be touched, and if you play too much, you may not feel it? We work with this according to the daily routine, according to verbal instructions, and so on. In order for the child to have a sense of time, you need to go through a certain path, but we are not in a hurry anywhere.

Materials with which we teach time

Let me tell you how we managed to solve this issue. We teach time using some materials, some of them are purchased, others I made myself and I will let you download. Something can be replaced, I will try to give my recommendations.

One of the main parts of our knowledge of time was the book by Galina Petrovna Shalaeva "Hours and Watches". I will describe our classes in detail so that it is clear which way we went in training. I think that resourceful mothers will be able to organize this process without this book. Although, I’ll still note that we really liked it and I’ll tell you that you can download it on Ozone.

First, we learned what watches are and why we need them. Literally on the page each type of watch is presented, the text is large and understandable:

  • wrist;
  • desktop;
  • street;
  • station;
  • clock in the stove;
  • on buildings;
  • electronic;
  • alarm;
  • with a cuckoo;
  • floor;
  • floral (these are flowers in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt);
  • underwater;
  • hours at airports;
  • wall;
  • sand.

We took out all my mother's and father's watches, the child was simply stunned by their number and brilliance, he looked like a little crow. We walked around the apartment and looked at what kind of clock we have. It turned out that wall, electronic, alarm clock, sand.

If you do not have such a book, you can print pictures of the missing clock. Then explain to the baby about each species in your own words. Or purchase a copy of the book online, it is available in many online stores.

What is day and night: download a book

Along with reading the book, we talked about what a day is, what do they consist of? From night and day. No wonder it is said: "Day and night - a day away." There are 24 hours in a day. During this time, the planet Earth makes one complete revolution around its axis. We already went through this when. Alexander read a poem on the topic, designed in a book I made on Doman.

You can download it for free via this link. Before downloading, review its content to see if it is suitable for your child by age. If you are not familiar with the Doman method, I will clarify that the book was made for the practice of reading by preschoolers. Text on one page, pictures on another. For printing, the function 2 pages on 1 sheet is used.

We read Shalaeva's book gradually, on the first day we read about what watches are and examined the available ones. On the second day about the dial and hands. And when we got to the definitions of “exactly one hour”, “half an hour”, our main assistants were our watch with spinning arrows and the Kumon workbook “Learning to tell the time. An hour and half an hour."

Each lesson in a notebook was put on our watch. Thus, the child does not just draw arrows on the dial, but practices their independent exposure.

Detailed description workbook can be read in the article.

We study the dial: hour and minute hands

We learn time on the clock starting from the dial. From the book, we learned what a dial is, which hand is minute and which hour, how the hands move.

Using the text from the book's spread and the clock with spinning hands, we will talk about them below, you can explain the dial to the child.

We tell that the circle in the center of the clock is called the dial. It has numbers on it. The clock has two hands. One is short, thicker, moving slowly. When she makes one circle on the dial, twelve hours have passed. This hand is called the hour hand.

hour hand
Hour after hour,
Slowly, not lagging behind
And he takes us with him.

The clock has another hand - the minute hand. It is longer, thinner than a watch and moves faster. To show one hour, the minute hand must move through all 12 digits, while the hour hand only moves from one digit to the next.

Minute hand -
You are the watch sister.
Minute hand -
You are long and fast!
Count down the minutes
It's not a joke!

Here our purchased watches with moving hands were very useful to us. It's one thing to look at the pictures in a book, it's another to set the arrows yourself. This model double-sided: on the one hand, you can learn hours and minutes, on the other hand, draw the hands yourself. That allows an adult to understand how much the material is learned.

There are similar options Here.

If you are working with a small child, then I strongly advise you to pay attention to books with clocks. They have text with pictures that will captivate the baby and a built-in clock with movable hands.

The Tale of the Dial Hands

Children perfectly absorb information through a fairy tale, so let's learn time with this wonderful mini-tale. It is better to tell from memory, holding a watch in your hands and showing all the actions of the characters.

Once upon a time there was a watch king. He ruled his round watch kingdom, where twelve watch subjects lived. The king was serious and distrustful - he was very much worried whether all his subjects were in place, whether anyone had gone to another kingdom.

Two assistants served the king - arrows Tik and Tak. Tic was tall, thin and agile. He had no difficulty running around all the inhabitants of the kingdom in one hour. So - low, plump, unhurried. He slowly, breathing heavily, went from house to house and spent a whole day or twelve hours on his work. Tik and Tak sometimes met, but not for long - Tik was impatient to be the first to report to the king that everything was in order, so, shaking Tak's hand, he quickly ran to the palace.

Physical education about arrows

During a physical education session, perform all the movements that are mentioned in the poem. Learning to determine the time is not immediately, it is a rather long process. If you spend this physical education session several times, then the child will definitely learn the poems by heart. Ask him to say the words with you.

Following the hour hand
Don't rush, let's go with you.
Tick-tock, tick-tock
We go step by step!
Tick ​​tock, tick tock
Step-step, one more step!

And now, let's speed up our pace, let's run after the minute hand. We run in a circle and say:

Behind the minute hand
We're running fast
We are in a hurry
We are in a hurry!
minute hand
We want to catch up.
minute, minute,
One minute again!

And now, let's wave together right hand clockwise and say:

Let's wave together
Right hand
We are clockwise!

Again, join hands and slowly walk counterclockwise, saying:

We start moving
Now we know with you
This is the direction!

Discussing questions for understanding time

  1. How many hours in a day?
  2. What two parts can a day be divided into?
  3. What four parts can a day be divided into?
  4. What time of day is the brightest?
  5. What time of day is the darkest?
  6. Tell me what you do in the morning, afternoon, evening and night?

Alexander did an excellent job with all the questions, which I will not hide surprised me, I was happy with his answers like a child.

A very important part of our life has become the daily routine, which we have always adhered to. But now, when we learn time, it hangs visually on the wall. The poster is very large on two sheets of whatman paper, I walk around and admire it.

To make a poster with my own hands, I took photos of my son in the moments that are displayed on it. As you understand, the child perfectly associates the ongoing actions with himself:

  • wakes up: drinks milk;
  • washing and brushing teeth;
  • breakfast with your favorite porridge;
  • ready to go to kindergarten;
  • having lunch after kindergarten;
  • quiet time: drinking milk;
  • dinner;
  • bathing;
  • pajamas dressed: milk, a fairy tale, a kiss.

Learning time on the clock from cartoons

At this stage, wonderful cartoons came to our aid. I think that all children love and know Shishkin's school, it is their cartoons that more clearly explain this topic.

Shishkin's school Determine the time by the clock: part 1

Shishkin's school Learning time on the clock: part 2

And Alexander and I also learned such a short and rhythmic song about the tick-tock clock.

Watches made from natural materials: creative work

TO creative pursuits can be attributed - completely unplanned hours from natural materials. We walked around the park, where Alexander raised two sticks and began to set the time with them.

- Mom, look, it's seven o'clock, and it's four!

Arriving home, I took out the available materials: acorns, cones, straw, acacia seeds and the same sticks found by the child. The styrofoam was really a little damaged, but we didn’t do the work for the exhibition. Alexander helped fasten the acorns, lay out the materials in their places. I myself applied hot silicone, and he pressed the materials where necessary.

Learning time on a clock with Roman numerals

When we studied according to the book by Galina Shalaeva, we came across watches with Roman numerals and even no numbers at all. I'm sure it's done last pages books, in order to check if the child was able to remember the location of the numbers on the dial. But Alexander immediately became interested in what kind of numbers these are and why are they different? We had to get the book “Numbers and Numbers” from the series “Why? From what? Why?”, in which this question is explained quite clearly.

This is the explanation that came out of Kiyuziner's sticks. The most interesting thing is that Alexander from my explanation caught the essence immediately. When I laid out 4, 5, 6, I explained to him that the stick is on the left when the number is less and the stick is on the right when it is more. Alexander was eager to try it on his own, so I put in ten, and he laid out nine and eleven himself. I'll tell you a secret that I have met adults who were confused in Roman numerals, but it turns out that they are given to children so easily.

Well, do not dwell on the explanation without practice. Again, this watch with Roman numerals turned out unplanned. During the evening, the child laid out their different models.

This is how, dear readers, we learn time on the clock. I hope that you have found the information you need in my article. The most important thing is, of course, to have the interest of the child in this issue. And if you saw him in more early age than the explanation of the clock is usually introduced, then do not be afraid to give the baby something that interests him so much. My child is proof of this. I would be glad if you share the article in the social. networks using the buttons below.

No one can live without understanding the essence of time modern man. Therefore, parents are faced with the need to teach the child to correctly tell the time by the clock. Practice shows that if you do it right, the training process will be quite simple and even give pleasure to an interested kid. Let's get acquainted with the recommendations of experts.

Process Difficulties

Teaching a child to understand the "subtleties" of the dial is fraught with a number of difficulties.

  • Some children, even those who know numbers well, do not want to learn new things, believing that you can always check the time on a mobile phone or electronic watch.
  • On the standard dial, two numbers are used - from 1 to 12 (hours) and from 1 to 60 (minutes), it is quite difficult to distinguish them for some kids.
  • Finally, in order to understand the time, the child must be able to count up to 60. It is also desirable to understand the rules for multiplying by 5. Since experts advise learning time from the age of 5, many parents are first forced to go through the count with the baby.

Despite these obstacles, the time must be determined, so moms and dads should be patient and help the child figure out difficult question.

How to develop the most significant areas for a child in 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready scripts complex developmental classes in pdf format;
  • Video recommendations for conducting complex games and for their independent compilation;
  • A plan diagram for compiling such activities at home

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The concept of time

Before teaching the baby to recognize hours and minutes by the dial, it is necessary to give him an idea of ​​​​what time is. This concept is abstract, it is impossible to see or touch it, so the work ahead is not easy.

Boring explanations from an adult can forever destroy a child’s desire to study, so the “lessons” should be carried out in a playful way, trying to come up with something new every time.

On early stages You can invite your child to play these games.

  • "Day and night". The ability to distinguish between day and night is formed. As a rule, the occupation does not cause difficulties.
  • "When it happens." The child is given a specific situation (for example, children go to kindergarten). He needs to determine whether it occurs during the day or at night.
  • "Parts of the Day" The task is aimed at the formation of the concepts of "morning", "day", "evening", "night" and their distinction. First, the parent, asking leading questions, helps the child answer what happens in the morning (the children get up, go to wash, go to the gardens, and so on). Then he consolidates the knowledge gained, inviting the baby to independently list the signs of morning - not only the actions of the child himself, but changes in the world around him (it becomes light, the sun appears).

After such classes, the child should understand the following concepts:

  • day;
  • parts of the day - morning, afternoon, evening, night.

When the baby understood what a day is and that every day is divided into 4 parts, you can proceed to the next stage of learning.

First lesson

Teaching a child to tell the time on a clock is not easy, so the first step is to get him acquainted with the dial. Parents need to visualize the idea of ​​time by drawing a circle and dividing it into 4 parts, meaning parts of the day. Having provided such a drawing with arrows, the child should be given the opportunity to control their movement himself. The work is structured as follows: an adult describes one or another part of the day, the kid must guess what is being discussed, and use the arrows to set the correct time interval.

It should be remembered that children distinguish the concepts of the temporary group according to the characteristics of their activities, so we must strive to ensure that they remember that in the morning the kids get up, in the afternoon they have dinner, in the evening they come home, at night they sleep.

In order for the child to quickly memorize new words for him, you can invite him to listen to audio fragments or read verses that mention the names of the parts of the day:

  • "Sunny Day" (Y. Akim);
  • "It's already evening" (S. Yesenin).

When the child learns to accurately select the necessary time interval on the simulator dial, relating to the morning, evening or other part of the day, you can proceed to the next stage of work.

Account rules

To learn how to use the clock, the baby must know numbers up to 60, as well as count in fives and tens. How to work in this direction?

  • To learn counting up to 60 with a child - work should be done constantly, but in the rhythm that is convenient for the baby: you should not require him to remember all the numbers at once, because everyone has their own abilities, which must be taken into account.

Gradually, the child will remember the numbers, this technique will also help: ask him to write down a series from 1 to 60, pronouncing each number. The key to success is regular repetition, so it is necessary to ensure that the baby independently refreshes the numbers in his memory every day until he fully remembers them.

  • The next part of learning is memorizing multiples of five. This will help make the job of teaching time easier. First, you need to explain to the child that the numbers that we will now study end either in 5 or 0. Let him find these numbers in random order among the entire set of numbers from 1 to 60.
  • When the child has learned to cope with this task easily and quickly, it is necessary to complicate the task for him - to find numbers that are multiples of 5, in order: 5-10-15 and so on. Each "find" must be spoken aloud.

An adult should listen carefully to see if the child finds everything correctly. If he calls all the numbers, be sure to praise him, if he missed some - offer to try again, but be more attentive.

  • Write out all the numbers that are divisible by 5 in a single row and hang the sheet in a conspicuous place. Constantly repeating them, the child will quickly learn to count in fives.

Introduction to the dial

The next part of teaching a child to tell time is to present him with a clock face. With a circle divided into 4 segments, he is already familiar, but now knowledge has to be expanded. Psychologists recommend purchasing special children's watches with funny drawings And big numbers so that the kid was interested in working with them.

You should tell the child that the clock is a kind of pie (or orange), which is divided into pieces (or slices), all together they are called a dial. On the "pie" there are numbers from 1 to 12, there are also two arrows:

  • a small thick one denotes hours;
  • long shows minutes.

Why is the hour hand thicker? Because an hour is a longer period of time than a minute.

If the child immediately encountered difficulties and does not understand the meaning of the minute and hour hands, you can purchase a special training set with a cardboard clock, with which the child will quickly master the necessary concepts.

Having examined the clock, having learned about the purpose of each hand, it is necessary to observe their movement, while the second hand can be mentioned (so that the baby does not have the feeling that something is being hidden from him), but not considered in detail so as not to confuse the child. You can say this: “This hand, which moves faster than all the others, shows seconds, the shortest units of time. Count one, two, three. That's seconds."

Self-drawing the dial with the help of parents will help to consolidate knowledge. It is important to use colored pencils or felt-tip pens, coloring each "piece of the pie" in a different color to visualize 5-minute segments. It is important for adults to check that the child correctly places the numbers from 1 to 12 in the circle.

Watch study

Now you need to teach the child to understand the time. Parents should tell him the following.

  • There are 24 hours in a day. That is, morning, afternoon, evening and night together equal 24 hours.
  • There are only 12 digits on the watch dial, so the small hand for the day goes full circle twice.
  • It should be said that the division of the dial can be compared to orange slices: several slices (each of which is equal to a segment of 5 minutes) together form a whole - the dial.

Now you need to show the child that when the hour hand points to any number, it points to the hour. For example, if it is on the number 4, then it is 4 o'clock. With the help of special watch simulators, you need to practice setting the hour hand to one or another number and calling the time.

Then the task becomes more complicated, it is necessary to clarify that the location of the minute hand on the number "12" means the exact time. Also, using a cardboard dial, try to set the hour, six hours and other options.

Introduction to minutes

When the baby has learned to determine the exact time, the task should be complicated for him. First, parents explain the following points:

  • 60 minutes in an hour;
  • on the dial there are small divisions, not signed, each of them means minutes.

You can argue with the child why the minutes are not signed, lead him to the correct answer - in order to save space on the dial.

Now, taking a cardboard clock, we show the child the movement of the minute hand from 12 to 1, saying that 5 minutes have passed. What time is it now? He should answer: 4 hours 5 minutes.

Ask the child to show 4 hours 10 minutes. After going through the whole circle and pronouncing each time value, you should complicate the task: ask the preschooler to put on the clock, for example, 6 hours 15 minutes, then - 8 hours 50 minutes.

If something does not work out, you should not shout at the child and be nervous, it is important to understand the cause of the difficulty. The kid can confuse the hour and minute hands - then the simulator must be replaced with a more visual one. Perhaps he just forgot to count by fives and tens - then he should be remembered.


To consolidate knowledge, you should play the game "Clock" with your child. She will need the clock that the family has: children's, old wall clocks big arrows, cardboard. A fictional story will help set the game atmosphere - for example, we need to help fairy tale hero get home by correctly solving riddles about time from an evil sorceress.

There are two types of jobs.

  1. The parent says the time, the child puts it on the clock. For this task, a colorful cardboard version with arrows is best suited.
  2. The time on the dial is set by an adult, the task of the baby is to name it exactly. You should act on the principle of "from simple to complex".

It is better to do it every day, but not for long, so that the child does not have time to get tired and lose interest in learning.

Comparison of time and part of the day

In order for the baby to perceive the abstract category of time even better, you should teach him to compare a specific hour and a period of a day.

  • An adult sets the time on the dial. The child must recognize him, say what time it is, tell what he usually does at this time, and conclude what part of the day it is.
  • An adult uses two dials, on one of them morning time, on the other - evening. Then he asks the question - what time do you usually go to bed? The task of the child is to understand by the clock what time they show, decide for themselves whether it is morning or evening, and answer the question.

In case of difficulty, the preschooler should be helped with a few clarifying questions.

Minutes training

The most difficult thing is to tell the children how to navigate in time if the minute hand is not exactly at 5 or 10, but between them. Parents should tell the baby that between these numbers there are 4 divisions, each of which corresponds to a minute, it is best to demonstrate this with a large clock.

It is also necessary to tell the baby that often even adults cannot determine the time by the clock to the nearest minute, rounding it up. For example: if the hand showing the minutes has only slightly moved from 5 to 10, then only one minute has passed. And to the question "What time is it?" you can answer "Six minutes past one." The exercises with the clock described above will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Every parent should understand that the child needs to understand the terminology before he goes to school, so the work should be done regularly. But do not force the baby to exercise, it is best to use game form and turn each "lesson" into a kind of adventure.

For many children, the clock face is a certain difficulty. How to teach a child time by the clock? Perhaps some of our recommendations will help you and your baby master this difficult task more quickly.

Time orientation is essential. But the learning process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The clock has two numbering systems (1-12 and 1-60), which is difficult to comprehend at a young age.

Where to begin?

It’s worth starting to acquaint a kid with watches from the age of five, he is already beginning to imagine what a sequence is, when yesterday comes to replace today, and tomorrow follows him, that morning replaces night, etc.

It is worth buying a watch without glass, or making it yourself with your baby. The watch must have a large dial and hands that can be rotated and removed.

The main point to consider in order to start studying: the baby must be able to count up to 60.

Understanding will come easier if the child knows and understands the principle of multiplying by five. The minute hand, which indicates 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes, will make it easier to navigate in time and show how many minutes have passed since a certain hour.

Let's start learning. Hour hand

Explain to the child that the dial has an hour hand and a minute hand. After the child understands this, remove the minute hand and explain how the hour hand works, showing one three hours, six, etc.

You can draw an action next to each number that the baby usually performs at this time. For example, the number 8 stands next to washing, 12 - with dinner, etc.

This training may take you several months. Do not rush things! Let the kid understand the principle of time. Then you can start learning the concept of the minute hand.

Explain to the baby that the hour hand moves faster in the hour circle, it is longer than the hour hand. The whole circle of the minute hand passes in 60 minutes, and then the hour hand moves to another figure, the next one.

To determine minutes, write small numbers from 1 to 60 around the clock face. Tell that the divisions between the numbers are 5 minutes, and the hand goes full circle in 60.

When the baby has mastered what minutes are, explain to the child how 30, 15 minutes, an hour are counted, and then ask him to tell you about it. Ask him to count 6 minutes, 17 minutes, using the divisions of the hour scale.

The learning algorithm can be as follows:

  • We introduce the child to the device of the dial,
  • Familiarize yourself with the concept of the exact hour,
  • Introduce the concept of half an hour,
  • Introduce the concept of five minutes.
Try further learning on a real watch. The kid, of course, will not immediately be able to master all the complexities of counting time, but the fact that he will already be able to more accurately determine the time is without a doubt.

Try to ask him questions about time during the day, remembering this quite often: “What time is it now? How many minutes have passed since this or that event? After all, without training, this skill cannot be developed so easily.

Take paper plate, and let the child put minute notches on it and write the main time indicators - 12, 3, 6, 9. From the center of the circle to these numbers, you can draw lines and color the resulting segments in different colors. Then, using pencils instead of arrows, show the time you set.

Ask your child often: “What time do we go for a walk?” , "How much time is left until bedtime?" etc.

Do not force things, believing that it is time for the child to learn the skill of time. Do it gradually, by the way, or when he himself talks about this concept.

Not even all adults have a well-developed sense of time, because time is an abstract concept, it cannot be felt or seen. What can we say about how children perceive it ... It will take several years before the child learns to clearly understand the length of time, use the clock and plan his time.

Understanding time is not an easy category, but soon after birth, the baby feels its course: he gets used to the feeding regimen, feels and sees the change of day and night. Getting a little older, he is already more clearly aware of the change of seasons, mastering the concepts of "morning, afternoon, evening, night."

a little later baby learns about the seasons, months, days of the week. All these categories will smoothly lead the baby to get acquainted with the clock.

For a child, time is often associated with a particular event. He will never say: "I was at the sea in June", "I ate ice cream at three o'clock", but will say: "I met Nikita when I was at the dacha" or "I ate ice cream when we went to the zoo".

Watches are a means by which you can teach a child to navigate in time and determine it. How to acquaint the child with the clock unobtrusively and with interest at home?

Where to begin?

Use a watch with large, clear numbers and easy-to-turn hands. Or let it be a clock layout that only shows the hours (no minutes) and has a single hour hand.

Tell the child that this hand shows exactly the clock and therefore is called "hour". Show in which direction it is moving, and say that this direction of movement is called "clockwise." Let the child turn the arrow in the right direction.

Work out the concept of "exactly one hour" with your baby - such a rough division will be enough for a start. To do this, set the arrow to a certain hour and talk to the child that it is, for example, "three o'clock exactly." When the baby is comfortable, ask him to set some time. After practicing this skill, set the hour hand to a certain hour and teach the child to determine and show the position of the hour hand in an hour (two, etc.) or, conversely, an hour ago (two, etc.).

hour and minute

When the baby is comfortable with the hour hand, you can begin to get acquainted with the minute hand. Add it to the clock layout. Pay attention to the child that the minute hand is long and thin, and the hour hand is short and thick. Before moving on to the next step, consolidate your baby's knowledge of the hour and minute hands, let him learn to clearly distinguish between them.

Explain that in one hour the minute hand travels a full circle, and when the hour hand shows "exactly" the hour, two, etc., the minute hand is always raised straight up to the 12 mark. Now practice the concept of "exactly" with the hour and minute hands .

Then gradually move on to half. Show the baby where the arrow is on the dial if not a whole hour has passed, but half. Have him practice setting the minute hand at half an hour and telling the time.

When all of the above is worked out and the baby learns to navigate, you can move on. Move to the position of the minute hand when 5, 10, 15... 60 minutes have passed. To do this, use a clock layout, on which, next to the numbers depicting the number of hours, there are numbers showing the number of minutes.

Why is this needed?

Knowing the time by the clock is not an easy skill. To make it easier and more interesting for a child to master this skill, it is important to show its value. Toddlers can be interested in time if you associate it with events that are close and interesting to them: for example, watching interesting programs, going for a walk, visiting, etc.

Emphasize that knowing the time is important in order not to be late for anything. Draw a poster at home that will show a large clock with a specific hour and an event in the child's life that corresponds to this time. For example, at 8 o'clock the child gets up: in the picture, the parents depict a clock with an arrow at 8 o'clock, and next to it is an image of the morning rise, the process of washing, breakfast. To begin with, 4-5 events will be enough, repeating every day at the same time in the morning, afternoon and evening. Ask your child: "What time do we go for a walk?" or "What time are we looking" Good night, kids!"?". The child, looking at the picture clock, will learn to call the time. Gradually you can change events and, accordingly, time. So your baby will easily master the basic skills. And after mastering them, it will be possible to move on to minutes.

Article provided by the network of centers early development"Baby Club"


My daughter began to understand time only in the third grade. Well, since it didn’t work out for us right away, but now we’re just humble)))

to begin with, your child must master the temporary day: morning-afternoon-evening-night, after mastering the concepts: today-tomorrow and yesterday
patterns are being fulfilled because the child's perception at this stage should be visual, and as soon as all this is mastered, proceed to the study of time
a preschooler child does not need to know the definition of time as such, you can only teach what the clock hands are called, but a clock template or a time template is well suited for studying time

Comment on the article "How to teach a child to tell the time? Clock games"

Time. Brainstorm.. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in Time. Brainstorm. Today I will take the youngest to the local camp, stay with the oldest and I have to make an effort to teach her the clock.

If the child missed test whether he is obliged to write it and how this assessment will be put in the journal, if on the day Until the pace goes down, until it settles, during this time you can do for all the missed d / s. At 37.3, my child is already quite capable of doing d / c without ...


If the child missed the test, is he obliged to write it and how this mark will be put in the journal if there is "n" on the day of the pass.

03/23/2016 09:53:23, TMA

No. Because education is a child's right, not a duty.

We teach the child to determine the time and train the memory: getting to know the daily routine, the dial, the hour and minute hands. How to teach a child to understand time? Here I teach - I teach him to understand by the arrows, and nothing ... Are there any thread techniques, techniques, how to help ...


Buy an electronic wristwatch and if, for example, he watches cartoons on TV, let him follow the beginning. Well, or what she loves, but does it in a certain way. time is the main thing track yourself.

Learned when there was a need to know the time.

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, extra classes, hobbies. She learned everything quickly and without problems. For my son, I changed the houses for a steam locomotive all over the wall and hung it above the bed.


To do this, you need to memorize the composition of numbers up to 10 very well. This knowledge is vital when solving examples for addition and subtraction. In order to remember the composition of a number well, you just need to repeat the pairs that make up this number a lot of times. There is an application for iPad and iPhone that makes this process easier for the child by turning it into a game with attractive chips and sounds. The application has already been tested by many users for several years. This application, despite its simplicity, is very effective, it is very well spoken of by specialists in Singapore, and many educational institutions around the world use it in their practice. Especially for website visitors, we give 5 gift promo codes for this application:
You can download the Composition of Numbers up to 10 app from the App Store:
For best effect encourage the child to play the game and be sure to repeat the passage in a couple of days.

What are you doing

10/31/2017 11:43:56 AM, Nastyusha TV

With children, you need to be childish with humor, how can I say it is easier to look at everything, not to be loaded, because the main thing is what kind of relationship will remain after. How to teach a child to be independent if he cannot do his homework without the help of his parents? Only experienced teachers...


In the summer, we found one passage for compulsory reading. I ask my girlfriend: "When do you plan to sit down to read? When to play the violin?"
- Read at 2 o'clock, play, then I'll take a walk.
- That is to play at 18 o'clock?
- Yes, call me at 16, I'll watch "..." and play.

If I had doubts about the fact that she would play after the TV with a creak (sorry for the pun), then she voiced these doubts. If they were confirmed, then the next time I said:
-Last time after the TV it went very badly. Let's do it before the transfer.

Sometimes she agreed, sometimes not. And they had again "with a creak". Well, they fixed it by the "method of natural consequences."

For some reason, the time appointed by the child himself is more mandatory, or something. Than something that someone else has appointed.

Are there other activities besides school? IMHO, when a child is limited in time, he is more collected.

Mine knows that until four (conditionally) she has to do her homework, because then she has to run to some classes. And in the evening it's better to have a telly, a book or board game than a mother who came after work angrily hissing about unfinished lessons :-D

Well, besides, it helps us “If you don’t keep up with the lessons, we’ll turn off the gas” :-) (We’ll wean you from dancing, horses - while it’s working ...) True, she does the lessons under the control of her grandmother or grandfather, but the process does not seem to delay , does not reach the scandal.
I do English with her in the evening myself (or rather, I control and answer incomprehensibility), but I sit down to do it without any scandals (although of course not right away - who wants to :-) ...)

Actually, I mean - maybe start some favorite hobby, for which the daughter will be ready to quickly make a "obligation" and do what she loves?

But I wonder when children are taught to determine the time? What age child can use this gadget? To make children want to wear them, these watches are similar to adult electronic bracelets - fitness trackers or smart watches.

Time for a child is an abstract value. Small children do not differentiate time at all; for them, any state is infinite. In the course of growing up, the baby observes the change of day and night, the seasons, some landmarks appear on his personal timeline: birthday, New Year and other fixed holidays.

Understanding time by the clock is a necessary skill for all people. And while most of us have permanent access to digital watches, mobile phone, or a computer monitor, most parents are still convinced that the child should understand the traditional analog clock.

Where to begin

At the age of 3-4 years, it is time to introduce the child to the concepts of day and night, morning and evening, to analyze their fundamental features and the order of alternation. In order to reinforce these concepts, you can use special aids: cubes for the smallest or cards for older children.

You can start teaching a child to tell time from the age of 5-6, when he already understands what a sequence of events is. He knows the past, present and future. He understands that after day comes night.

In order for a child to be able to understand time using mechanical and electronic watches, you will have to learn to count up to one hundred. Some kids can count to 100 by age 5, while others can count by age 7. All of this is considered normal. However, without this skill, understanding the mechanism of time movement is impossible.

The main skills of the child in the development of time should be:

Visual recognition of each number from 1 to 12;

Ability to write these numbers;

Counting skills through 5 (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30).

If your child already knows, understands and can do all this, you can begin to study the concept of time.

How to explain to a child what time is

What is the time on the clock for children? A certain figure that adults call, looking at the clock. And if there is no clock in the house and adults use telephones instead, then the abstract concept of time is not at all clear to the child.

In the process of teaching a child the definition of time, it is important to help him master this concept and feel its length or intervals for concrete examples.

So, start with simple claps, each of which is equal to one second. Clap with your child to the clock, which has a second hand. At the same time, explain that now you are clapping your hands in time with the time.

Later, start paying your child's attention to the duration of his game or watching a cartoon. For example, one episode of your favorite animated series lasts 20 minutes. Voice it. Or time your child's time to get dressed.

Next, you need to explain to the child that our day is a day in which there are 24 hours. 12 of them he rests and sleeps. The remaining 12 hours are given to do all the important things: breakfast, lunch and dinner, playing with friends in kindergarten or preparation for school and so on. And each of these activities requires a certain amount of time.

Such simple exercises will help the child navigate in time periods and understand that each action requires a certain amount of time.

What to teach

For clarity, you will need children's toy watch that are on sale in Melitopol toy stores. The watch should have a large dial and movable hands. It is desirable that the designations of the numbers corresponding to the minutes be indicated on the clock - 1 - 5 minutes, 2 - 10 minutes, etc.

The dial can also be cut out according to the template and pasted onto cardboard. Having made cuts on the dial, the values ​​​​of the time intervals are indicated on the cardboard, which the child can peep if necessary.

Stages of learning

Explain to the child that the watch consists of a dial, numbers and hands - minute and hour. The minute hand is noticeably longer than the hour hand.

When he remembers this, leave only the hour hand and numbers. Show how slowly the arrow moves. Explain that if the hand is on the number one, it means one hour. If a little further, then a little more than an hour. Work full time - it's easier to move on to studying minutes.

Next, move on to mastering the minute hand. The child must understand that it is longer than an hour and moves faster, that is, it moves to the next digit more quickly. Draw small numbers around the clock face to define the minutes from 1 to 60. Explain that the division between the two numbers includes 5 minutes and that the minute hand takes 60 minutes, or one hour, to complete a circle. Give the child tasks to show you by moving the arrows 10 minutes, 15, 20.

Introduce concepts such as a quarter of an hour, half an hour.

Now tell me how to determine when one minute has passed. Show how the clock will look like 7 minutes, and how 8.

Write or draw with your child his daily routine. Opposite the event, draw a clock face with the image of time. For example, next to 7 the child wakes up, at 9 he has breakfast in the kindergarten, etc. First, draw just a few pictures. Don't rush time. But constantly ask the child what time it is.

Practice moving the arrows. Set the game dial to different hour values ​​and ask the child to name the numbers they stopped at. Use the training exercise books.

Your favorite characters in the training videos will also be able to help you figure it out by the hour.

Learning to tell the time with an electronic clock

The child can recognize the indications on the electronic clock more accurately. Match the values ​​of the clock with the hands and electronic clock. It may be interesting for a child to wake up with an electronic alarm clock or, under the supervision of an adult, set a timer on electrical appliances.

To consolidate the result, offer your son or daughter motivation. For example, say that we will eat sweets in certain time- 3:45. When the clock shows this time, let the child call you. Also go for a walk and go to bed at time intervals. Such a mini-exam will be a fun and rewarding pastime. And it will certainly bear fruit.

The main thing that needs to be conveyed to the child in the process of teaching him to tell time is the fact that time is running constantly, it never stops. Perfect for illustration hourglass.

Understanding this process will not only help you better navigate the hours and minutes, but also lay the foundation for careful attitude a person by time, will help in the future to plan your affairs more efficiently, and therefore achieve great results in any chosen business.