Drawings of funny dogs for embroidery. Cross stitch dog (33 schemes for the new year)

Each needlewoman who has pet, seeks to capture his image on the canvas, that is
. Cross stitching a dog pattern is a fairly simple task that even a beginner can handle, especially if you have a ready-made embroidery kit on hand. Let's look at examples of patterns by which wonderful pictures of dogs are embroidered.

We embroider dogs with a cross

If you want to embroider an image of your pet, then a special computer program, thanks to which you will create a diagram with your own hands. To do this, you need to upload a photo of a dog and specify the required image size. The program will automatically calculate the size of the canvas and color scheme, and you can create incredibly beautiful cross-stitch.

If you just love such beautiful animals as dogs, then we present you with a selection of interesting schemes depicting various breeds. The first diagram shows a dog with very kind eyes and a small nose. Long and fluffy hair gives it even more cuteness. This animal can become devoted and faithful to its owner, and most importantly, become a true friend. To work, you will need to have colored floss threads, a white canvas, a special needle for cross stitch embroidery, scissors and a hoop, a disappearing marker and, of course, a pattern.
For convenience, draw a canvas into squares with a disappearing marker. Thus, you will gradually embroider each square until you finish the job. Stitches are made in the color that is shown on the key to the diagram. The main thing is to ensure that the crosses are as identical as possible, otherwise the flaws will immediately be noticeable in the picture. If you notice that the stitches have become uneven, it is better to unravel them and start all over again. Pull the needle through wrong side up with bottom corner left. Then make a movement to the upper right corner, as a result you have a semi-cross. Next, pull the needle from the lower right corner and insert it into the left corner, which is at the top. Now you have a complete cross. The stitches should always look in the same direction. If you need to embroider a whole strip in one color, then make a row of half stitches first, and then go back and finish the cross stitch. To change the color of the floss to another, make a few stitches on the wrong side to secure the thread. Knots cannot be made. And now you can start embroidering in a different color.

The following diagram is for more experienced needlewomen. She portrays a sad and thoughtful dog breed Jack Russell Terrier. It should be embroidered with a counted cross. This is a difficult job with a lot of different shades floss. But finished result It will look like it's a real dog. Everything is done so naturally.

Embroider a picture of a dog according to the same principle as described above in the text. The finished product must be rinsed in warm water, dry and iron. After that, the embroidered image of a dog can be inserted into the frame.

Schemes gallery


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Handwork has always been valued, and cross-stitch is an ancient art that is being revived and resonates in the souls of many needlewomen. Although the work is painstaking, but the result of the work is worth it.

Even if you are not an artist, it is possible to create a real masterpiece with the help of fabric, thread and needle.

2018 is the Year of the Dog. Therefore, our task is to learn how to cross-stitch this smart and courageous animal, which will be a symbol of the new year.

Cross stitch technique

Before you master the cross stitch pattern of the dog - the symbol of 2018, you need to learn the embroidery technique. If you decide to try yourself in this type of creativity, then you need to start with small jobs, for example, from children's embroidery. The stores sell kits for every taste and skill level (size, colors, execution technique), so picking up a small kit is not difficult.

To get started, you need tools and materials:

  • round hoop that has a thread tension screw,
  • a special needle with a blunt nose for embroidery,
  • floss threads of the desired color scheme,
  • suitably sized canvas
  • small scissors (you can manicure),
  • scheme for embroidery.

Canvas is a special fabric on which it is convenient to embroider with a cross. These are interlaced threads, between which there are small holes. In this case, all the crosses are the same size. For beginners, canvas already with a pattern applied to it is suitable. Embroidery on such a canvas will not be difficult, but it will allow you to master the embroidery technique. Experienced needlewomen embroider on plain fabric.

Next important point- selection of threads for work. They can be from different manufacturers, but the most practical are floss threads. Over time, they do not fade and do not shed, they rarely get tangled during operation, have a large assortment, so you can easily select the desired shade.

Important to know: A bright and memorable pattern can be obtained if you work in two or three threads. So the picture will look more voluminous, without white gaps. Kit manufacturers recommend exactly this number of threads.

To align the canvas, use a special device - the hoop. They are usually round, but can also be square. The material from which they are made is plastic or wood. They consist of 2 parts, between which the fabric is clamped and aligned. Using the hoop allows you to make the crosses even, and the work neat.

Basic requirements for cross stitching

If all the necessary requirements for embroidery technique are met, then the work will turn out to be of high quality and beautiful. Step by step process for initial stage looks like that:

  • The edges of the canvas must be overcast before starting work so that it does not crumble. This is done manually or with sewing machine. Non-woven fabric will help to strengthen the edges; it is glued along the edges with a hot iron.

  • Then we determine the center of work so that the embroidery on the canvas is in right place and did not "move to the side." Fold the fabric vertically and horizontally, and determine the center. Embroidery usually starts from the center, but this is not necessary, you can start from the edge.

  • We put the canvas (fabric) on one ring of the hoop and close it with the second. We tighten the screw so that the fabric is stretched.

  • We carry out embroidery according to the scheme. We start work in the center and fix the thread. Knots should not be made. Make a few stitches and the thread will fix itself. Or make a loop, as in the picture.

  • The square in the diagram is one cross on the canvas. There is a symbol in the box or it is painted in the color that is used in the work. According to the scheme, we embroider crosses of one color, then move on to another.

  • The stitches of the crosses must be located in the same direction, otherwise they will not turn out even and neat, and the work itself will look somewhat chaotic.

    It is important to know: You can sew crosses not one at a time, but in blocks: first in one direction, and then in the other. The stitches should not tighten the fabric, that is, be too tight. Long broaches of threads are unacceptable, they shine through from the front side.

  • When the work is completed, the embroidery is carefully washed in warm water and ironed from the wrong side. The work can be framed under glass. So it will last for a long time, and a suitable frame will give the picture a finished look.
  • For information: Cross-stitch is not just a hobby. She develops mass positive qualities: accuracy and perseverance, logical thinking and the ability to concentrate on work, attention and patience. And if your child is fond of this creativity, then these qualities (or some of them) will be formed in him.

    A hobby like embroidery has many little tricks and secrets. Let's open a few of them for beginner embroiderers:

    • pay attention to the correspondence between the thickness of the threads and the size of the warp cells so that the work does not turn out to be too voluminous or too faded (due to the wrong choice of thread thickness);
    • see how the color scheme of the picture is combined with the color of the canvas, which can be changed according to your desire (usually the canvas is white, beige and black, but there are other colors);
    • the size of the hoop should cover most of the work, otherwise the thread tension will be uneven, and the base fabric will be deformed;
    • may not iron ready product, and steam it, then the color will be better preserved and appearance work;
    • when choosing a frame, pay attention to how harmoniously the picture fits into it (it is better to contact the framing workshop, where the work will be given the appropriate look);
    • remember that the stitches must be applied evenly and knots on reverse side do not tie up work: all this will ruin your work.

    Important to know: It is best to lightly rinse the created creation first in soapy water, and then in a weak solution of vinegar. It does not hurt to slightly starch the product: we moisten the swab with a starch solution and gently blot it from the wrong side. We also iron from the inside with a not very hot iron.

    Everything, you can present your first work. Save the “first step to mastery” as a keepsake, and the next one can be given to relatives or friends. This wonderful gift for any holiday in which not only your work is invested, but also a piece of your soul. This will fully reflect the disposition towards the person to whom you are presenting a gift.

    Dog cross stitch for 2018

    Embroidering animals is not as easy as it seems. It is necessary to “draw” all the lines so that the muzzle is expressive, the look is open, and general picture reflected the breed. Templates of dog breeds can be selected on the Internet, for which you need to choose the floss yourself. You can use ready-made kits, which is more convenient and simple.

    The choice of schemes in online stores is large, which means that you can choose your favorite plot or breed of the symbol of the year. The picture is selected, it remains to find the color of the threads indicated in the pattern key, and you can start working. Typically, manufacturers in sets complete the threads with a margin, and leave an additional 5 cm on each side on the canvas.

    Even a small picture with the symbol of the year will decorate the diary cover, tablet or phone case, pillow. great job we place it in a frame so that there is a picture of a dog at home, which will certainly bring good luck.

    Consider the stages of work on embroidering a dog with a cross for 2018 or we will conduct a small master class:

    • We take a set and check its contents: diagram, instructions, floss, canvas. We find the center and stretch the canvas on the hoop.

    • The choice of color from which you can start working is arbitrary. It is advisable to work with one color at first, then a scheme is drawn and it will be easier to embroider in the future.

    Important to know: You can use a special marker for work. Put dots on the canvas, where there will be crosses of the same color. Over time, the color of the marker fades and disappears, so it will not ruin the embroidery. The marker is not included in the set, it will have to be purchased separately.

    • If the work is large, then the scheme is usually divided into 4 parts and it is advisable to start with one of them. It is better to use patterns with applied color (again, for ease of work), but the colors on the pattern and floss threads may differ slightly, so symbols are usually drawn on the pattern.

    • When the picture begins to be drawn, the work goes faster, since the result of the work is already visible. Sometimes embroidery is additionally required to more clearly draw the eyes, muzzle or ears of the dog. It can be difficult to embroider shades of wool. Here, as a rule, a wide color gamut is required.

    For your information: Errors are possible during work: stitches are incorrectly placed, the wrong thread is selected, the work is shifted to one edge. Then you have to "embroider" the picture, removing the threads. This is painstaking and thankless work. It is at this stage that needlewomen sometimes abandon its implementation.

    At the end of the work, we stretch it by hand, without wringing it out, dry it and iron it from the inside out. And then we use the work at our discretion: put it in a frame, sew it on a pillow, wrap a gift book. The cross-stitch of the symbol of 2018, the year of the Dog, is completed.

    Such a picture or a small masterpiece is always useful: as a gift, for decorating a house, for sale. Everyone wants to have a symbol of the New Year as a talisman, waiting for an interesting and eventful New Year.

    Any needlewoman dreams of creating her own masterpiece. For example, by the year of the Dog, embroider the breed that she has or that she loves the most. For this, there are special programs, such as "Cross".

    There are so many breeds of dogs that it is impossible to list them all. There are breeds only a few centimeters high (Chihuahua, Yorkie) up to a meter or more (Wolfhounds, Great Danes). The color and combination of all colors of wool is difficult to convey. Having photographed your favorite dog, you will make a photo picture embroidered with a cross. Working in the program "Cross" or another (according to this direction), you can download the embroidery scheme for free. If you just like some breed, then download the photo and diagram.

    You need to upload the necessary photo into it, she will break it into small fragments-cells, and the needlewoman will pick up desired set thread. Such work is more painstaking and time-consuming, but as a result you will get your favorite dog. In addition, the item will be unique. But this is already the highest skill and for beginners it is not available.

    This is interesting: Dog is the 11th sign of the Chinese Zodiac. The time of day that this animal rules is from 19.00. until 21.00. The dog has both positive and negative traits. On the one hand, she is devoted, generous and honest, and on the other hand, she is restless, absent-minded and a little pessimistic.

    Cross stitch for the New Year

    On the websites of online stores for the New Year it is proposed big choice paintings: patterns, New Year's landscapes, embroidered napkins and tablecloths, embroidered stockings in which gifts are put, small sets or postcards for children (snowflake, snowman, Santa Claus). You can make an embroidered toy for a Christmas tree, a needle bed, a thought pillow.

    Handwork has always been valued, and cross-stitch is an ancient art that is being revived and resonates in the souls of many needlewomen. Although the work is painstaking, but the result of the work is worth it. Even if you are not an artist, it is possible to create a real masterpiece with the help of fabric, thread and needle.

    2018 is the Year of the Dog. Therefore, our task is to learn how to cross-stitch this smart and courageous animal, which will be a symbol of the new year.

    Cross stitch technique

    Before you master the cross stitch pattern of the dog - the symbol of 2018, you need to learn the embroidery technique. If you decide to try yourself in this kind of creativity, then you need to start with small works, for example, with children's embroidery. The stores sell kits for every taste and skill level (size, colors, execution technique), so picking up a small kit is not difficult.

    To get started, you need tools and materials:

    • round hoop that has a thread tension screw,
    • a special needle with a blunt nose for embroidery,
    • floss threads of the desired color scheme,
    • suitably sized canvas
    • small scissors (you can manicure),
    • scheme for embroidery.

    Canvas is a special fabric on which it is convenient to embroider with a cross. These are interlaced threads, between which there are small holes. In this case, all the crosses are the same size. For beginners, canvas already with a pattern applied to it is suitable. Embroidery on such a canvas will not be difficult, but it will allow you to master the embroidery technique. Experienced needlewomen embroider on plain fabric.

    The next important point is the selection of threads for work. They can be from different manufacturers, but the most practical are floss threads. Over time, they do not fade and do not shed, they rarely get confused during work, they have a large assortment, so you can easily select the desired shade.

    Important to know: A bright and memorable pattern can be obtained if you work in two or three threads. So the picture will look more voluminous, without white gaps. Kit manufacturers recommend exactly this number of threads.

    To align the canvas, use a special device - the hoop. They are usually round, but can also be square. The material from which they are made is plastic or wood. They consist of 2 parts, between which the fabric is clamped and aligned. Using the hoop allows you to make the crosses even, and the work neat.

    Basic requirements for cross stitching

    If all the necessary requirements for embroidery technique are met, then the work will turn out to be of high quality and beautiful. The step-by-step process at the initial stage looks like this:

  • The edges of the canvas must be overcast before starting work so that it does not crumble. This is done by hand or with a sewing machine. Non-woven fabric will help to strengthen the edges; it is glued along the edges with a hot iron.

  • Then we determine the center of work so that the embroidery on the canvas is in the right place and does not “move to the side”. Fold the fabric vertically and horizontally, and determine the center. Embroidery usually starts from the center, but this is not necessary, you can start from the edge.

  • We put the canvas (fabric) on one ring of the hoop and close it with the second. We tighten the screw so that the fabric is stretched.

  • We carry out embroidery according to the scheme. We start work in the center and fix the thread. Knots should not be made. Make a few stitches and the thread will fix itself. Or make a loop, as in the picture.

  • The square in the diagram is one cross on the canvas. There is a symbol in the box or it is painted in the color that is used in the work. According to the scheme, we embroider crosses of one color, then move on to another.

  • The stitches of the crosses must be located in the same direction, otherwise they will not turn out even and neat, and the work itself will look somewhat chaotic.

    It is important to know: You can sew crosses not one at a time, but in blocks: first in one direction, and then in the other. The stitches should not tighten the fabric, that is, be too tight. Long broaches of threads are unacceptable, they shine through from the front side.

  • When the work is completed, the embroidery is carefully washed in warm water and ironed from the wrong side. The work can be framed under glass. So it will last for a long time, and a suitable frame will give the picture a finished look.
  • For information: Cross-stitch is not just a hobby. It develops a lot of positive qualities: accuracy and perseverance, logical thinking and the ability to concentrate on work, attention and patience. And if your child is fond of this creativity, then these qualities (or some of them) will be formed in him.

    A hobby like embroidery has many little tricks and secrets. Let's open a few of them for beginner embroiderers:

    • pay attention to the correspondence between the thickness of the threads and the size of the warp cells so that the work does not turn out to be too voluminous or too faded (due to the wrong choice of thread thickness);
    • see how the color scheme of the picture is combined with the color of the canvas, which can be changed according to your desire (usually the canvas is white, beige and black, but there are other colors);
    • the size of the hoop should cover most of the work, otherwise the thread tension will be uneven, and the base fabric will be deformed;
    • you can not iron the finished product, but steam it, then the color and appearance of the work will be better preserved;
    • when choosing a frame, pay attention to how harmoniously the picture fits into it (it is better to contact the framing workshop, where the work will be given the appropriate look);
    • remember that the stitches must be applied evenly and do not tie knots on the back of the work: all this will ruin your work.

    Important to know: It is best to lightly rinse the created creation first in soapy water, and then in a weak solution of vinegar. It does not hurt to slightly starch the product: we moisten the swab with a starch solution and gently blot it from the wrong side. We also iron from the inside with a not very hot iron.

    Everything, you can present your first work. Save the “first step to mastery” as a keepsake, and the next one can be given to relatives or friends. This is a wonderful gift for any holiday, in which not only your work is invested, but also a piece of your soul. This will fully reflect the disposition towards the person to whom you are presenting a gift.

    Dog cross stitch for 2018

    Embroidering animals is not as easy as it seems. It is necessary to “draw” all the lines so that the muzzle is expressive, the look is open, and the overall picture reflects the breed. Templates of dog breeds can be selected on the Internet, for which you need to choose the floss yourself. You can use ready-made kits, which is more convenient and simple.

    The choice of schemes in online stores is large, which means that you can choose your favorite plot or breed of the symbol of the year. The picture is selected, it remains to find the color of the threads indicated in the pattern key, and you can start working. Typically, manufacturers in sets complete the threads with a margin, and leave an additional 5 cm on each side on the canvas.

    Even a small picture with the symbol of the year will decorate the diary cover, tablet or phone case, pillow. We place a large work in a frame so that there is a picture of a dog at home, which will certainly bring good luck.

    Consider the stages of work on embroidering a dog with a cross for 2018 or we will conduct a small master class:

    • We take a set and check its contents: diagram, instructions, floss, canvas. We find the center and stretch the canvas on the hoop.

    • The choice of color from which you can start working is arbitrary. It is advisable to work with one color at first, then a scheme is drawn and it will be easier to embroider in the future.

    Important to know: You can use a special marker for work. Put dots on the canvas, where there will be crosses of the same color. Over time, the color of the marker fades and disappears, so it will not ruin the embroidery. The marker is not included in the set, it will have to be purchased separately.

    • If the work is large, then the scheme is usually divided into 4 parts and it is advisable to start with one of them. It is better to use patterns with applied color (again, for ease of work), but the colors on the pattern and floss threads may differ slightly, so symbols are usually drawn on the pattern.

    • When the picture begins to be drawn, the work goes faster, since the result of the work is already visible. Sometimes embroidery is additionally required to more clearly draw the eyes, muzzle or ears of the dog. It can be difficult to embroider shades of wool. Here, as a rule, a wide color gamut is required.

    For your information: Errors are possible during work: stitches are incorrectly placed, the wrong thread is selected, the work is shifted to one edge. Then you have to "embroider" the picture, removing the threads. This is painstaking and thankless work. It is at this stage that needlewomen sometimes abandon its implementation.

    At the end of the work, we stretch it by hand, without wringing it out, dry it and iron it from the inside out. And then we use the work at our discretion: put it in a frame, sew it on a pillow, wrap a gift book. The cross-stitch of the symbol of 2018, the year of the Dog, is completed.

    Such a picture or a small masterpiece is always useful: as a gift, for decorating a house, for sale. Everyone wants to have a symbol of the New Year as a talisman, waiting for an interesting and eventful New Year.

    Any needlewoman dreams of creating her own masterpiece. For example, by the year of the Dog, embroider the breed that she has or that she loves the most. For this, there are special programs, such as "Cross".

    There are so many breeds of dogs that it is impossible to list them all. There are breeds only a few centimeters high (Chihuahua, Yorkie) up to a meter or more (Wolfhounds, Great Danes). The color and combination of all colors of wool is difficult to convey. Having photographed your favorite dog, you will make a photo picture embroidered with a cross. Working in the program "Cross" or another (in this direction), you can download the embroidery scheme for free. If you just like some breed, then download the photo and diagram.

    You need to upload the necessary photo into it, she will break it into small fragments-cells, and the needlewoman will select the desired set of threads. Such work is more painstaking and time-consuming, but as a result you will get your favorite dog. In addition, the item will be unique. But this is already the highest skill and for beginners it is not available.

    This is interesting: Dog is the 11th sign of the Chinese Zodiac. The time of day that this animal rules is from 19.00. until 21.00. The dog has both positive and negative traits. On the one hand, she is devoted, generous and honest, and on the other hand, she is restless, absent-minded and a little pessimistic.

    With the advent of each New Year, many ideas can arise to create a completely different festive mood. For example, to decorate the whole house, you need to use everything that can be at hand. After all, it is winter holidays only carry positive attitude and to create for yourself Magic world, best do various crafts. Also, do not forget about the various New Year's gifts.

    Huge popularity in this vein is acquired by some items necessary to create unusual image. Here you can also use decorative embroidery. Any handicraft, especially holiday embroideries in 2018 it will be possible to use when creating: incredibly beautiful elements of room decor; Christmas tree ornaments; wall panel; congratulations; and so on.

    Embroidery for the design of the main door

    Some representatives of the most European countries on the eve of the New Year or Christmas, according to old traditions, they try to decorate using certain patterns front door. This decoration is original version, which is very often mentioned in other countries. It may look like a small embroidered flag in miniature size. These flags are made different sizes, also they are combined into a colorful twine in the form of a garland. To create this decor very often use quite a simple circuit cross stitch, but it is very easy to create not only for an adult, but for the child himself.

    New Year's embroideries have been in incredible demand for a long time, especially among women. They harmoniously fit into any design of the room. In addition, ideally creates new look in the form of holiday flags. The motifs of Christmas embroideries 2018 are very popular, where everyone can draw a picture with the main character of the next year, that is, with the Dog.

    A special role in these holidays is played by the image of a dressed-up Christmas tree, and under it there are many various gifts, which were packed in different shiny pieces of paper. Or the image of Santa Claus will help create an even more unique look.

    A boot for Christmas is an essential attribute of every New Year. And of course, another great tradition is the tradition of the Western European peoples, and it is the Christmas boot that is placed on the fireplace, chest of drawers or on the closet door. There, on New Year's Eve, Santa will be able to put any present for the little ones. A boot embroidered with a cross looks especially tempting, and creates a unique atmosphere in any room, the mood of all the owners of the house will be especially positive.

    Thus, anyone can create a boot if a person knows some basic skills in cutting, cross-stitching and even sewing. Anyone can design or purchase a similar decoration in their room. But if you still do not have any special skills, then on the Internet you can purchase a standard set for creating a boot, which will include the most necessary items.

    Any decoration of the boot is a snowman. By finished scheme you can easily sew funny snowman, a bear circling forest possessions. And many more interesting things.

    Original decorations for the Christmas tree

    Probably, one of the most important and even beautiful decorations for any apartment or house is a Christmas tree. It is the Christmas tree that turns out to be the main advantage in any home. In addition, almost every owner tries to decorate this coniferous tree, making it one of the beautiful creations of this holiday.

    In addition to the main and even standard sets, which are usually offered in any stores, as well as in the form best toys from different manufacturers, specifically to create extraordinary interior. Thus, you can create any decoration with your own hands using the best technology by cross stitch.

    For a long time, handmade things have kept a mysterious charm and extraordinary power. If they depict dogs loved by everyone, then they literally bewitch. The embroidered pictures look especially realistic, from which cute and funny puppies, strict Dobermans, sad bassets, golden-haired handsome retrievers and cute mutts.

    To create them, you just need to purchase sets in our online store, which contain all necessary materials. The schemes of the paintings are very easy to read, and each set has detailed instructions for their implementation. This allows you to really get pleasure from work.

    Embroidery pictures - it's easy and fun!

    You can start embroidering at any age, because it does not require any special skills. As your first work, you can pick up simple images of a dog on a large canvas. The main thing at the same time is accuracy and attentive attitude to all, even the most insignificant details. In this case, the needle seems to turn into magic wand, with which you can create a charming girlfriend of a Yorkshire terrier or gullible baby spaniels.

    Cross-stitching creates harmony in the soul, because each stitch is another small touch to the portrait of a pet, which will now live forever in your home. An amazing play of colors of perfectly matched threads various shades allows you to very accurately convey the texture of the wool of each breed - short white Dalmatian hairs, funny naughty strands of Chinese crested and luxurious wavy strands of Shih Tzu.

    Types and sizes of dog embroidery kits

    When choosing a picture, you should pay attention not only to the complexity of the scheme, but also to its size. For example, the 30 x 30 cm embroidery of a wonderful biker baby can be used to decorate decorative pillow, and the red dog in the picture measuring 20 x 25 cm can settle in your corridor to protect the house from uninvited guests.

    All kits can also be used to craft original gift for your family and friends. It can be clothes, a fabric bag, a curtain or a bedspread with decorative inserts. After all, products cross-stitched, can be washed, dried in the sun and ironed. Bright and pastel, light and dark, saturated and gentle colors cotton floss are perfectly preserved even after repeated washings. Therefore, the dog embroidered by you in a few years will also look cheerfully and provocatively at its owners, fervently gleaming with dark eyes.

    The rich palette of colors used in embroidery gives the picture extraordinary expressiveness and opens up endless possibilities for imagination. However frequent change thread makes the job much more difficult. Therefore, start your acquaintance with embroidery with simple products, and it would be better to buy sets that require more labor-intensive work after acquiring elementary skills.

    Do not forget also that for the appearance of amazing beautiful embroidery dogs must use the hoop, which can also be ordered in our online store.