How to cut a tunic for full. Tunics for fat ladies: interesting models of large sizes. How to create without a pattern

Anastasia Volkova

Fashion is the most powerful of the arts. It is movement, style and architecture in one.


The hot sun in summer, rest on the shores of the warm sea require bright, spacious clothes. Considering that beauties do not want to be like anyone, it is worth taking care of the wardrobe yourself. Sewing a tunic is not difficult even for a person without experience. A piece of fabric, a simple cut, a little free time - and the outfit is ready.

Pattern of a simple tunic

The choice of material depends on your preferences. It can be natural cotton, knitwear, chiffon or thick silk. For tailoring, you will need a segment equal to the estimated length of the product - it depends on whether you plan to sew a blouse or dress. You can use ready-made scarves - two large pieces. A simple cut tunic pattern involves several measurements - these are girths:

  • hips;
  • chest;

Measurements of the hips and chest should be carried out at the most protruding parts of the body, the circumference of the neck - at its base. Having made a cut on thick paper once, you can sew a sundress for summer, an elegant blouse for a party or a shirt-style dress to go to work using its universal basis. By changing the sleeve, the size of the armhole, the neckline, you can sew unique models. Simple patterns of tunics for beginners can be downloaded on the Internet. It is easy to make them by hand.

Sosem just make a cut of a tunic for a young girl. If the width of the fabric is 1.4 meters, you will need a cut equal to the length of the product with the addition of 5 cm to the seams. Tight knitwear or natural linen will look good. The material is folded in height in half, then cut into 2 canvases. They need to be sewn on the shoulder and sides.

Cutting is easy:

  • put 2 canvases with each other inside with the right side;
  • chop with pins;
  • mark the middle, draw a vertical line.

The next steps for cutting the product:

  • at the top, measure in both directions 11 cm - the width of the neck;
  • on the back from top to bottom - 3 cm, and in front - 10 cm - a cutout in the form of a triangle.
  • set aside along the hem from the middle to the right and left a value equal to a quarter of the coverage of the hips plus 7 cm, draw straight up;
  • measure the height of the armhole - from 20 to 25 cm - at your discretion;
  • smoothly connect its lower part to the sidewall;
  • cut off the excess fabric on the sides.

Pattern of a beach tunic of a simple cut

On the beach in summer, you will be irresistible in a tunic made of light, skin-friendly fabric. You will need a piece of material equal to the height of the product plus 5 centimeters. You need to fold it in half, inside the front side. To cut the back:

  • measure the length from the upper left point;
  • the width depends on your parameters: which is larger - the circumference of the hips or chest - choose the larger one, divide by 4, add 5 cm, make a mark at the bottom right;
  • from the upper left point, lay down 2.5 cm;
  • to the right - a third of the neck circumference plus 5 mm - neckline;
  • from the obtained point, measure the size of the sleeve.

A simple cut tunic pattern suggests that an elastic band will be inserted in the waist area when sewing. Continue building:

  • set aside 40 cm down - waist;
  • from the point of the sleeve, measure down 22 cm - armhole;
  • smoothly connect it to the bottom point of the width of the product, to the waist line;
  • the front of the product is cut out in the same way, only a cutout is made deeper - at your discretion: for the beach you can make it bigger by connecting the edges with a beautiful buckle or decoration.

Pattern of a summer tunic of a simple cut

It does not require much effort to cut a blouse with a sewn-in sleeve. You will need a piece of fabric 0.8 m, 1.4 m wide. To cut:

  • fold the material so that you get two rectangles with a width equal in size to half the coverage of the hips with an addition of 7 cm, which lie face to face;
  • chip off with pins;
  • on top, set aside from the middle in both directions the size - a third of the half of the neck circumference plus 20 mm;
  • at the “cut off” mark in the diagram - at a height of 25 cm from the bottom - you can make an insert from another material.

To cut out the sleeves, you should cut out 2 rectangles with dimensions of 40 by 45 cm. According to the "cut off" mark, which is on the pattern, you can sew in a material of a different color. The sequence of sewing a blouse with a simple cut:

  • sew seams on the shoulders;
  • mark the middle of the sleeve in size 45 cm;
  • combine with the shoulder seam, baste;
  • sew sleeves;
  • Stitch the side seams and the bottom of the armhole.

A simple tunic pattern for full

For women with curvy shapes, buying beautiful clothes can be problematic. To look decent on a summer vacation, you have to tailor your own clothes. When choosing a fabric, it should be noted that for a tunic you need two lengths of the finished product with an addition of 3 cm for the lining. It is better if the material is dense, not translucent. It is advisable to give preference to natural fabrics.

A blouse with a special cut - “bat” will look very elegant. You do not need to make a shoulder seam, the fabric needs to be folded in half vertically, and then in width. The cut is performed like this:

  • chop the resulting rectangle with pins;
  • marked on the pattern “shoulder length + sleeves”, you will have equal to half the width of the fabric, that is, they will remain unchanged;
  • set aside the size of the neck - the size of the circumference of the neck, divided by 3 plus 20 mm;
  • cut the back down 3 cm, in front - according to your desire;
  • connect the bottom of the tunic with the edge of the sleeve along the radius.

With such a cut, the side can be stitched vertically, setting aside a size equal to a quarter of the hip coverage with an addition of 4 cm from the middle of the product to the sidewall. A blouse with a seam along a curve will look beautiful, as in a pattern. For this you should:

  • find the top point - from above 25 mm, from the center line - a quarter of the circumference of the chest plus 20 mm;
  • horizontally from below, set aside a quarter of the coverage of the hips plus 4 cm;
  • connect with a smooth curve, narrowing at the waist, which is located at a distance of 40 cm from the top.

Video: pattern of a summer tunic and dress

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The tunic is a traditional Greek attire, which has become very common among the female part of the population these days. Greek women wore tunics, decorating them with belts and chains. Modern fashion has made it possible to diversify this type of clothing with additional delights. Tunics are ideal as a festive or weekend outfit for overweight women. A dress of this cut allows you to experiment with the appearance without compromising the feeling of comfort.

Unlike the times of the ancient Romans and Greeks, today only women wear tunic dresses. Although among the peoples of the Hellenistic era, men also successfully wore dresses of this cut. Similar clothes are sewn from different materials, which allows you to wear it in both warm and cold seasons. The styles of products are varied: they can be slightly narrowed to the waist or, conversely, expand. The sleeves are made loose, long or not very long. You can often see beautiful sleeveless dresses. Sports tunics are made from stretchy fabrics and, as a rule, there is always a hood. Classic dresses are sewn from elastane and cotton fabric.

Thanks to the universal style of the product, it can be combined with skirts and jeans and worn not only for a walk or a visit, but also for work, a holiday or a date. The range of goods in stores allows you to find the most suitable fashionable tunics for full ones.

2017 has made some adjustments to the color scheme of clothing. In the coming seasons, pastel colors, turquoise, chestnut, shades of gray and eggplant will be relevant.

How to choose a tunic for a full woman?

Girls and women with a dense figure, when choosing a tunic, you need to use the basic rules:

  • the cut of the dress should not be too loose. The tunic will look ugly and it will be very uncomfortable to walk in it;
  • it is better to buy clothes with a high waist. Thus, the fullness and shape of the chest will be favorably emphasized, the waist volume will be adjusted by the style of the product;
  • tunics with three-quarter sleeves visually shorten the arms and make them wider, so it is better to beware of such models;
  • tunics tapering to the floor visually reduce the figure;
  • light linen and cotton tunic dresses are comfortable to wear in the heat;
  • products with an asymmetric pattern visually change the silhouette, but it is better not to buy tunics with decor in the form of three-dimensional figures;
  • no need to be afraid of light shades of fabric. The combination of contrasting colors successfully slim any figure:
  • It is better not to buy tunic dresses made of thin knitwear, as they fit the figure too tightly, highlighting and emphasizing the flaws.

In the photo you can see and choose suitable stylish solutions:

Knitted tunics below the knee length are perfect for going to work. Strict, but very elegant dresses will look worthy on any figure. Yarn for warm tunics mainly consists of wool with the addition of polyamide or polyacryl. Thus, the tunic is a very practical garment. The quality of the wool thread makes it warm, and synthetic additives do not allow wrinkling.

Tunics go well with trousers and jeans, skirts and breeches. There are interesting knitted models of tunics, under which tops and thin blouses are put on.

The colors of knitwear are no less rich than those of summer dresses.

If for some reason you cannot find a suitable tunic in stores, you can always try to sew it yourself. In this case, it will be possible to take into account not only the features of the figure, but also provide for its own finishing elements.

How to sew a tunic?

In order to draw a product model, it is necessary to measure all significant parameters of the body. Excess clothing can interfere with taking the correct measurements and in the end the dress will be too big.

A tunic pattern may look like this if it is made for overweight women:

Or like this:

It is better to choose a product pattern depending on the individual features of the figure that need to be hidden.

So, for girls who want to hide the waist, you can focus on the elongated neckline and high waistline. For those who want to correct the line of the hips, you can take patterns of products with a narrowed waist. The fullness of the arms can be compensated for by long sleeves, and the overall shape of the body can be visually corrected with an elongated tunic to the hip.

Tunics are the most sought-after attribute of a woman's wardrobe. They never go out of fashion. One gets the impression that they are "out of fashion." They are worn by the smallest crumbs, loving fashionistas, business ladies, middle-aged ladies.

Tunic can be worn with jeans and leggings, shorts, trousers. They are beautiful and practical.

Models for women are no less refined than for girls. Stylish, modern cut, will interest an adult lady.

The cutting technique is very simple. Basically, all models are straight or slightly flared. they favorably hide all the flaws of the figure, lengthen the silhouette.

For sewing, it is necessary to measure the volume of the chest, waist, hips, semi-girth of the arm, the depth of the armhole and neck.

All measurements are transferred to the pattern. We draw lines, we cut.

Basically, the tunic consists of two side and shoulder seams. Stitch on a typewriter, overlock. Sew on the sleeve. Iron all seams.

Flared tunic. Hides figure defects.

Slightly flared style. Visibly slimmer.

The model looks great with trousers, while visually does not shorten growth.

Tunic free cut. Suitable for trousers and skirts.

Gorgeous model. Emphasizes the waist.

How to sew a beach tunic, patterns step by step with a photo

A tunic for the beach is a very necessary and important attribute of the wardrobe. You can sew it with your own hands.
1. We measure the volume of the chest, waist, hips, armhole height, neck depth. We make a paper pattern according to the presented sample.
2. Fold the fabric in half, right side inward, fasten with pins. Outline with chalk along the lines. Cut out.
3. Draw a neck with chalk. In the front, the depth from the shoulder line should be greater than on the back, as in the sample in the photo. The depth of the front is up to you. There are no strict rules here. On the back, the recess is no more than 5 cm. Cut out with scissors and start sewing.
4. We glue the neck with doubler. We process with an overlock or a zigzag. We wrap the edging about 1 cm and sweep it by hand.
*** I advise you to steam all the seams after throwing. It will immediately be seen whether the fabric fits correctly, whether refinement is needed. Yes, and then scribbling on a typewriter will be easier and more pleasant. ****
5. Steamed at the seam. If all is well, sew up the seams. Overlock. We wrap 1 cm and make a machine line.

This product is very easy to make. You only need to take your measurements.
For sewing, you need a cut 1.40 meters wide and 70 cm long. Follow the general rules. We make a pattern according to the presented sample.
The result will please you.

The simplest beach tunic, free cut. Any beginner can sew it. The pattern is completely unnecessary.
For this style of tunic, you need a piece of fabric 1.5 meters wide and about 70 cm long, with a height of 170 cm. Sew on a finishing tape, 40 cm for each shoulder, as in the photo. We steam all the seams with an iron. The neckline area can be decorated with braid, beads, beads.

This style of tunic is more refined than the previous two. For sewing, we need a cut 1-1.20 cm long and 1.40-1.50 cm wide.
To sew this tunic, you need to follow the instructions in the photo. There are some nuances, such as an elongated back. According to the presented drawing, you will be able to cut and sew everything correctly.

For this style, you need a cut 1 meter long and 1.4-1.5 cm wide. We follow the instructions. We make a pattern according to the presented photo. Approximately you need two hours to complete this work.

A very interesting model. For sewing, we need a cut 1.4 - 1.5 cm wide, 1 meter long. Very easy to make. An addition to the product will be laces or elastic bands at the waist.
To do this, you need to cut a strip of fabric 5 cm wide. Tighten 1 cm in width, sweep and iron. Sew it to the product in the tunic area. Insert rubber band.

beach tunic step by step video

How to sew a tunic with your own hands without a pattern

Fashion trends change like the weather. Not always in free sale there are models of interest to us. And if there is a necessary thing, either there is no size, or the color is wrong.
Sewing a tunic is easy. Simple models, easy patterns. The sewing process itself takes quite a bit of time. And a new look in your wardrobe.
If you do not have an overlock, choose a fabric that will not fray after cutting, and its edges can be processed with a zigzag. All sewing machines have this feature.
In terms of colors, bright, colored prints look better. It is important that they are not very colorful and do not hurt the eyes.
Well, the most important thing. Choose the fabric that suits you.

And so, measurements:

  • You need to decide on the type of neck. Triangle or semicircle, your choice. For thin ladies, a semicircle is better; it is ideal for a graceful neck.
  • We fold the fabric with the right side inward.
  • Cut out the details.
  • The finished parts of the front and back, fold with the right side in the middle. Baste at the seams.
  • We do a sample.
  • If the finished product is a little too big, you need to reduce it at the seams.
  • We sew the product on the machine. If the allowances are too large, cut off the excess. We overlock the sides of the product.
  • We iron the neck together with the seal.
  • We process with a machine seam.

How to sew a tunic for full, photo models with patterns 5 options

Chubby ladies, it is quite problematic to choose clothes. You will be able to correctly embellish your forms.
Choose soft, flowing fabrics, they will adorn you favorably. But hard and rough, will add volume. The colors are calm, not flashy tones.
As for the style of the future product, it must first be carefully thought out, taking into account all the individual features of the figure and, of course, taste preferences.
If you have plump hips and small shoulders, add embellishment to the neckline. If, on the contrary, you can hide them with a flared bottom, and a corset narrowed to the top.

  1. We measure the area of ​​​​the chest, waist, length, height of the armhole, the desired depth of the neck.
  2. All measurements are transferred to paper.
  3. We put the finished pattern on the fabric, having previously folded it with the front side in the middle. We draw all the lines with chalk and cut out the details.
  4. We sweep the sides, sleeves and try on.
  5. If everything fits well, proceed to sewing. We process the edges of the parts with an overlock, we make a machine line.
  6. We steam the seams well.

The tunic is ready.

We need a light flowing fabric. This tunic is perfect for business meetings. follow the instructions in the photo.
Airy tunic
This style of tunic is quite difficult to perform. It has many composite, detachable parts. Sewing such a tunic requires perseverance and care. The fabric should be light. The product consists of components. The work is painstaking. But the result will please you.
Flowing tunic.
The tunic is pretty easy to make. There are no complex details. The fabric needs to be light and airy.

Follow the instructions in the photo.

A very simple product to make. Consists of only two parts. a little flared.

Gives a special charm.

This style of tunic will suit everyone. It is very easy to sew. There are no complex details. It takes a little patience. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

How to sew a tunic from knitwear, step by step photos of models with patterns 5 options

Knitted tunic. very practical product. It can be worn with leggings, shorts. It is advisable to choose soft and flowing. The pattern is very easy to use. Natural fabrics will not soar in hot weather.
1. We measure the area of ​​​​the chest, hips, the depth of the neck and armholes, the desired length of the sleeve, the volume of the arm in two places.
2. Transfer all measurements to paper.
3. We transfer the finished pattern to the fabric. We draw all the lines with chalk. Croim.
4. We fasten the finished shelves with pins. We outline the sides. We do a sample.
5. If the tunic is a little too big, adjust the width with a seam. And go to sewing
6. Stitch the seams, overlock. We sew sleeves. We process the neck.
7. Steam all seams.
The tunic is ready.
Looks great with trousers. To complete this model, you need a piece of fabric 80-86 cm. Follow the instructions in the photo, you can easily do the job. There are no complex details in the cut, which greatly simplifies the work.

This model is very well suited for slim girls. Fashionistas will be happy with such a tunic in their wardrobe.
The pattern does not contain complex details. Follow the instructions in the photo and you will be fine.

Tunic for everyday wear. Decoration serves as a shuttlecock. To perform this work, you need to expand the upper part of the front by 5-7 cm, from the armhole to the shoulders. This part is cut out obliquely. the back is straight. Make a pattern according to your measurements.

A very successful model. The tunic looks beautiful on thin girls.
The pattern does not contain difficulties, without grooves. Made to your specifications. To complete the pattern, use the instructions for the photo.
You will need two lengths of fabric, 1.4-1.5 wide and 1 meter long.

You don't need a pattern to complete this pattern. You can use a tunic available at home for a sample. Attach it to the fabric folded in half, outline all the lines with chalk, and cut out.
Finish the seams with an overlock and a machine seam. Turn up the hem and sleeves.

Knitted tunic, without overlock. Step by step.

Master class to sew a tunic with your own hands, patterns and models 5 options

master class "Summer tunic with an elastic band"

We measure the volume of the chest, hips, neck, armhole depth. We draw a drawing.
We take into account the volume of the product, add 1-1.5 cm to the allowances. We transfer the prepared pattern to the fabric. Croim. We sweep away. We process the seams on the machine. We iron. The tunic is ready.

master class "Tunic from scarves"

A very simple version of the bat. You can sew such an outfit with your own hands from several scarves.

master class "Knitted tunic"

The tunic can be decorated with beads, ribbons, beads. They are very relevant today. You can add a tunic with a belt, on the hips or waist.

master class "Tunic for a young mother"

Master Class

Master Class

How to sew a tunic from scarves, patterns and patterns 5 options

This option is suitable for all occasions in life. In such a tunic, you can go to the street and to the beach. It can also be worn with shorts and breeches.

Tunic of two scarves, straight cut.

For such a tunic, you will need two scarves. You need to sew them on the sides. Wrap the top about 3 cm and stitch. Stretch a cord or ribbon. It will take approximately 80 cm of braid.

To complete this model, take two scarves. Sew up the side seams. Insert the tails into the ring and sew or wrap and stitch. Finish the top of the tunic with ribbon.

For this model, you will need two scarves. You need to sew them on the sides. For the front, do not sew on each side about 15 cm. For the back, 20 cm. Fasten together with a braid.

This stylish model will become your favorite. The addition will be an elastic band under the bust. To do this, it is necessary to sew on a previously prepared and ironed part of the fabric from the wrong side, and thread an elastic band into it.

Tunic from scarves, step by step.

How to sew a tunic dress, models and patterns 5 options

For sewing, a light flowing fabric is suitable for us. The product is sewn according to the same principle as the tunic, only longer.
To do this, we need a fabric 1 meter long and 1.5 meters wide. Fold the fabric in half, right side in the middle. We cut into two parts.
Fold each part in half. I put one on the other. We attach a pattern. Draw lines with chalk. Croim.
We sew the finished halves together. We process the neck.
The tunic dress is ready.


We measure volumes, build a drawing. We start drawing from the left side. We measure 7 cm from the center. Down 4 cm. When two points join in one line, a drawing of the shoulder will come out.
Choose the type of neck. Approximately 22-24 cm. They need to be divided by 2, and draw a line 12 cm, to the shoulder. Along the edge of the fabric fold, we go down 4 cm, this will be a recess for the cutout on the back. we deepen the front cutout by 8-10 cm.
Further along the same edge we descend from the top by 80 cm, this is long. On the same lines we make a segment for the hips, waist. Don't forget to divide all measurements by 4.
We measure 25 cm for the sleeve.
It is necessary to connect all the graphics and cut. The pattern is ready. She is universal. On it you can sew any dress.

Airy chiffon tunic. Can be used for everyday wear. The lightness of the cut allows the body to breathe in hot weather.
The simplicity of the product allows you to sew the product in 1-2 hours.

Tunic dress with elastic band. There are no complex elements in the cut. Any beginner can cope with the work.

Knitted tunic dress. Fitted, elegantly emphasizes the waist.

Straight fitted knitted tunic with decorative elements. Very elegant. Simple cut. no complex elements.

Stylish business tunic. Ideal for hot weather office wear.

tunic dress step by step

How to sew a tunic shirt, models and patterns 5 options

Very comfortable and stylish outfit. For its implementation you will need natural fabrics.
A product of an even silhouette, slightly fitted, with pockets. There are notches in the pattern. But even a beginner can cope with such work.
Use the sample instructions in the photo.
The job requires a little dexterity.

Tunic shirt straight cut, with sleeves and cuffs..

Stylish, long dress shirt. This season's trend.

How to sew a boho tunic, models and patterns 5 options

Boho is a great style. it masks figure flaws. Easy freedom style. All things free casual cut.
The only drawback of boho is that you need a large amount of fabric for sewing.
This style of clothing is suitable for full ladies.

Lightweight, flowy fabric gives this model extra comfort.

Light, loose tunic. Made in light colors, the tunic will favorably emphasize your elegance.

Bulky and free. A good addition to skirts and trousers. Boho is very trendy this season.

Do-it-yourself tunic styles, patterns 5 options

A tunic is a versatile piece of clothing. It goes well with jeans, leggings, shorts. It can be worn as a dress. An indispensable attribute on the beach.
The tunic can be made in both business and romantic style. There are many varieties of sports tunics.
Each lady chooses first of all convenient and comfortable things.

Most often, tunics for girls are made without the use of patterns. It is enough to measure the height, chest volume, shoulder volume, the desired length of the product.
Mother + daughter sets are very relevant this season. Therefore, if you have some fabric left, sew a tunic for your daughter.

Tunic butterfly for a teenage girl. For its manufacture, you need no more than 1 meter of fabric, a little elastic. And the beautiful tunic is ready.

Tunic for the baby. Ideal for the street and going to kindergarten. Any beginner can handle the pattern and sewing.

Lightweight flared tunic for hot summer consists of two parts, decorated with a ribbon

Stylish tunic. Sewn from scarves, assembled on a ribbon, has only two side lines.

Catchy straight tunic, with short sleeves. Elasticated neckline. Can be combined with shorts or leggings.

tunic for baby, step by step

Every modern woman has a tunic in her wardrobe. These are clothes that are suitable for any age and for any complexion. It is not only modern but also versatile and very comfortable. The length and width of the finished product completely depends on the wishes and preferences of the woman herself.

A tunic is a versatile piece of clothing that suits almost any figure, regardless of whether you are 50, 54, 56, and even 60 sizes. In order to look elegant at any age and weight, you need to choose the right tunic for a skirt or trousers. And it’s already at home or a front-outlet - it’s up to you. Today we are sewing stylish tunics according to mk, which we will look at and use completely free of charge.

If you choose such clothes for a full woman, then it is impossible for her to be knitted in large knit, as it will fill the woman even more and make her a couple of sizes larger. If you are going to sew or buy a tunic, then you need to choose the colors carefully too. It is better not to take large figures, large flowers on the fabric, since they will visually add volume to curvaceous forms.

knitted product

It is very difficult for women who have a non-standard figure to choose clothes. Those who know how to knit should not be afraid. After all, any model seen, the needlewoman will be able to knit for herself, in the color she likes. What matters here is that the size of the resulting dress will perfectly match your size.

You can knit a tunic from thin threads, then the product be thin and light. It can be worn on its own or with leggings. A demi-season tunic will be knitted from woolen or half-woolen threads. Knitted thing will turn out to be of high quality and warm. It can be worn on top of a turtleneck and even on top of a sweater, but this will depend on the quality of the chosen threads.

Before you start knitting, you need to decide on the model and its color, as well as select the threads. Modern models knit a slightly elongated shape. They perfectly hide all the flaws of magnificent forms.

Knitting you need to choose an unusual, original, with different decorative elements.

Examples of dresses for obese women

The following model can be a demi-season tunic for every day.

Since knitting is very simple, the product will be ready within a week. The color of the threads is neutral, the thickness is medium. The tunic can be worn both on a blouse and later on a turtleneck.

For work need knitting needles and thread. It is advisable to cut to size. The main pattern is the front surface, along which two braids are placed. The product is knitted from the bottom and consists of a front shelf and a back one, there are 2 more sleeves. Each piece is knitted separately.

Before knitting the dress, you need to knit a sample of the main knit. Using it, calculate the knitting density and the number of loops that you need for the shelf and back of the product.

We collect the required number of loops on the knitting needles and knit with the main viscous. We arrange the braids on the front canvas so that they go along the line of grooves. Since there will be two braids on the canvas, their knitting patterns are different.

After calculating the number of loops that will need to be reduced, start doing this already at 22 cm of knitting. If you are not tall, then after 62 cm from the beginning of knitting, you will need to make an armhole. A few more rows are knitted in height, then a neckline is formed. This is true for both the front of the tunic and the back.

The finished parts of the dress are steamed or washed, and then steamed. Then they are sewn together by hand, and then the neck is processed.

Tunic with sleeves

looks great for full in dark color. She will not fill the owners of magnificent forms. Her pattern is neat, but not as simple as in the first version.

The product can be perfectly combined with black tight trousers, which women of this build try not to wear.

The model is crocheted of semi-woolen or woolen threads. The pattern for her is the alternation of the front surface and the braid, separated by purl loops. The number of loops of the braid and the front surface can be chosen at your discretion.

The tunic of this model can be knitted both from the neck and from the bottom of the product, not forgetting to make reductions for the trapezoid. The sleeve is slightly flared embellished with a contrasting button.

The collar of the model also looks beautiful. It can be knitted in the same pattern as the entire product, or knitted with an elastic band.

A tunic of this style will be a great outfit for the office, where not very warm in winter in room.

Tunics for summer

If you can’t find anything from the proposed range of goods for your favorite by the summer, then it’s time to do needlework.

A hand-sewn tunic will help to hide the flaws of the female silhouette and emphasize the splendor of forms. First of all, you need to decide on its style and make a pattern, then choose and buy fabric.

For the simplest tunic model, the pattern will be simple.

So that a tunic sewn according to such a pattern does not seem like a nightgown, you can sew an elastic band along the waistline. If this is difficult for you, then the finished product must be worn with a belt, which is also beautiful and elegant, but not always convenient.

The product in this style has not only a free cut, but also different lengths. Depending on its length, it can be worn with trousers, jeans, Bermuda shorts, breeches and boho skirts.

To sew a tunic according to this pattern, you need to buy a light fabric. The model can be made either with or without a sleeve. But it will not make you hot, as it is also spacious. Finished model Made of lightweight fabric, looks like the photo.

This model can be sewn not only from chiffon, besides, transparent fabrics are not suitable for sewing clothes for women with curvaceous shapes.

There is a drawstring on the hip line, along the edge of the sleeve, at a distance of 10-12 cm from the edge, you can insert an elastic band. A boat neckline, a drawstring or an elastic band is a fashion that you cannot do without.

The pattern of the product is quite simple: two rectangles are a shelf and a back of the product. Top of rectangles cut corners. The sleeve is straight.

How to sew a tunic

For all simple models of tunics, the progress of work will be approximately the same:

  1. Make a pattern of the product on paper, according to your size.
  2. Transfer the pattern pieces to the fabric and cut out.
  3. Make shoulder seams.
  4. Sew up the side seams.
  5. If there is a sleeve, then it also needs to be sewn.
  6. Decide on the neck - process the cut.
  7. Sew in the sleeve if there is one, or work on the armhole.
  8. Slowly decide on the length of the product. Do not immediately shorten it, even if it turned out to be long.

Knitted tunics

Such a thing has some advantages: it is light, smooth and pleasant to the touch. The main thing is that knitwear protects from the cold and is hygroscopic.

The model of the classic tunic is elongated, reaching the middle of the thigh. Wear it can be released, and tucked into clothes.

Designers offer a lot of options for a knitted tunic:

  • models for daily wear;
  • beach options;
  • evening patterns.

The tunic can be with a zipper, with buttons, with various inserts or with straps. Which style you choose for yourself depends on your imagination.

In order for a knitted tunic to fit you, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • since the knitwear is soft and light, the neckline on the product should not be too open;
  • overweight women need to choose semi-adjacent models, which have a flared bottom - this will help hide full hips;
  • you should not take the tunic as a bag - its cut should be loose or semi-adjacent.

Soft fabrics emphasize the figure, while dense fabrics, on the contrary, add volume.

A tunic tailored for magnificent forms cannot be of shiny fabric; preference should be given to matte fabrics.

You should not buy fabric of bright colors, with a large or very small pattern.

Preference should be given to fabrics and threads of cold tones.

Hello dear sewing lovers! An important place in any women's wardrobe is occupied by tunics. They are great in many situations. When it’s not very hot outside, we are happy to put on some kind of sleeveless thing, but on top or. And there should be as many such products as possible, in different colors and different styles. Today I want to offer you a simple plus size tunic for women.

Very often, ladies with plus sizes complain that they have difficulty choosing products for themselves in retail chains. In order to make your life easier and save time from running around the shops, you can sew a very comfortable top tunic yourself. If desired, it can be decorated according to your taste and from a simple thing you will get an original and unique one.

This pattern is designed for the following sizes:

bust - 122 cm

waist circumference - 104 cm

hip circumference - 128 cm

height - 168 cm

If your height is larger, then before cutting, determine the appropriate length of the tunic for you and compare it with the length on the pattern. Lengthen the pattern if necessary.

This tunic is made of thin knitted fabric. For a good fit on the figure, it is advisable to choose soft draping materials.


With a fabric width of 170 cm, you need 90 cm.

If the width of the fabric is less than 170 cm, then you will have to take 175 cm.

All measurements on the pattern are in centimeters without seam allowances. When cutting into seams and cuts, you need to add at least one centimeter, and 2.5-3 cm to the bottom hem.

To process the neck and armholes, you will need a length of 67 cm and a width of 4 cm, including allowances.


1. Run the middle seam along the back and iron it.

2. Sew one shoulder seam.

3. With the help of an oblique inlay, process the neck so that it is all on the wrong side only.

4. Stitch the second shoulder seam.

5. Bind the armholes in the same way as the neckline.

6. Run the side seams.

7. Fold in the hem allowance and baste.

8. Topstitch the bottom from the front side.

All seam allowances and open cuts in the process of work must of course be processed with an overlock. If you do not have this mechanism, then if you wish, this operation is possible.

It is desirable to iron jerseys from the wrong side, so as not to leave shiny stripes on the front.

Here is the tunic! As you can see, sewing it is not at all difficult. If you purchase several cuts of different colors or colors, then you will ensure yourself comfortable for the whole season.

Such a thing can be used both for work in the office and for leisure. This will depend on the look of your tunic. It can be decorated, decorated, decorated with ribbons, and much more. With your own hands you will create a thing that can become the highlight of your image, despite all its apparent simplicity. And everything ingenious, as you know, is simple.

I hope that this pattern will come in handy for you and you will be happy to turn your little masterpiece into reality. Good luck and inspiration to all!

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