Crafts from disposable plates for the garden. Crafts from disposable paper plates

Crafts from disposable plates can be done with children of different ages. What pleases is that the material for manufacturing costs a penny, and sometimes it just lies at home idle. Making crafts from disposable plates is easy. These things are sure to keep kids interested.

Paper plate products

What to do with such material? For example, paper plates can be painted with felt-tip pens, paints and pencils. If there is plasticine, then you can sculpt the faces of animals. Using colored paper, you can create various animals, such as a dog or a turtle. Some make carnival masks. For example, it could be a lion. To create a mask, you need to paint the plate itself yellow, inside you should draw the muzzle of the beast. To create more complex animals, it is recommended to use two plates.

Owl from plates

Considering crafts from disposable plates, one cannot help but remember the owl. An older child can do such a thing. To create crafts from disposable plates, you will need to stock up: glue, two plates, paints, scissors, colored paper and brushes.

Making an owl at home

1. First paint two plates brown, then let dry.

2. Cut out two large yellow circles from colored paper, as well as two white circles with a smaller diameter and 2 small black circles.

3. Cut out the owl's beak from orange paper.

4. Cut one plate in half with scissors. As a result, you will get wings.

5. Then glue the eyes and beak onto the plate.

6. After that, glue the wings to the back of the whole plate. That's it, you got an owl.

Similar toys can be used in puppet theater. You can also make a photo frame out of a plate. To do this, it should be colored. Beautiful jellyfish will turn out if ribbons are glued to the plate.

Frog from plates

What other crafts can be made from disposable plates? For example, a frog. To create you will need:


Colored paper (black, white and red);

Two molds from under the eggs;

A glass of water;



1. Paint the plate, chicken egg molds with green paint.

2. Cut out the tongue from red paper, and small circles (these will be the eyes) from black, white.

3. Glue the tongue on the unpainted side, then fold the plate in half.

4. Then stick the "eyes". That's all, the frog is ready.

Crafts from disposable multi-colored plates

Colored crockery is also for sale. Plates, as you know, do not need to be painted. You can create crafts from them right away. For example, if you can cut fish out of colored plates. You can place them in an aquarium drawn on paper.

Bouquet for mom

If, in addition to plates, you also have plastic cups, then you can make an interesting gift with your child.

To make a bouquet you will need:


Green and white plastic plate;

Yellow plastic cup.

Making crafts from disposable plates

1. Cut out chamomile petals from white paper, and stems from green paper. The bottoms of the cups will become the cores of the flowers. They also need to be cut.

2. Then glue all the details of the chamomile.

3. Put the resulting flower in a yellow cup. That's all, the bouquet is ready.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make crafts from disposable plates, photos of interesting products are presented in our article. We hope that thanks to our recommendations you will be able to create fun little things at home. Such activities will develop the imagination and creativity of the child. Good luck!

"Making Animals of Africa from Paper Plates". Master class with step by step photos.

Description: the master class is intended for parents, educators, primary school teachers, teachers of additional education, creative people. In the process of this simple master class, we will learn how to create animals such as a zebra, tiger, giraffe, leopard from improvised materials.
Purpose: craft, gift, applique.
Target: making crafts from waste materials, developing creative abilities of teachers and parents.

- Introduce one of the options for making crafts from paper plates
- To cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste, patience, diligence and accuracy in work.
- To educate labor skills and abilities.
- Develop fine motor skills
- Develop aesthetic taste
- Develop creative abilities and creativity
Necessary materials:
- disposable paper plates
- markers
- PVA glue
- colored paper and cardboard
- acrylic paints
- brush
- scissors
- officer ruler or other ruler with uniform templates

1. In order to make a zebra, on a sheet of black paper we circle all the necessary templates with a felt-tip pen - 6 strips (2 * 5 cm), 1 large circle (4 cm) - for the nose, two small circles (0.8 mm) - for the pupils, two parts for the ears.

2. Cut out all the drawn details.

3. On the right side, glue 3 strips to the plate, at an equal distance from each other. We bend the ends of the strips and glue them to the back of the plate.

4. On the opposite side, glue the remaining three strips symmetrically.

5. At the bottom of the plate, glue a large black round nose.

6. On a sheet of white paper, draw two large circles (2.5 cm) for the eyes and two small circles (1 cm) for the nostrils.

7. Cut out the drawn details

8. Glue two eyes in the middle of the plate, two nostrils on the black circle of the nose. Glue the pupils over the eyes

9. On a sheet of white cardboard, draw two parts of the ears. On a sheet of black cardboard draw a rectangle (4 * 6 cm). On a rectangle, we draw strips about 1 cm wide.

10. Cut out the details. On a black rectangle, we make cuts along the strips, without cutting to the end.

11. Glue black details to the white ears.

12. Turn the plate over and glue the ears and mane to the wrong side.

13. Turn the plate over again and this is what we should get. Zebra is ready!

14. Let's start making a giraffe. We turn the plate over and paint the back side with acrylic paints or yellow gouache.

15. Draw circles of different diameters on a sheet of brown paper. Cut out.

16. Glue the circles on the plate in random order.

17. Draw an oval nose on brown paper. Cut out the pieces and glue them to the bottom of the plate.

18. On a sheet of white paper, draw and cut out 2 circles for the eyes. From black paper we cut out two small ovals for the pupils, and two larger ovals for the nostrils.

19. Glue the eyes and nostrils in place.

20. Cut out two pieces for ears and horns from yellow cardboard.

21. Cut out 2 large circles and several small ones from brown paper. Glue them on the ears and horns.

22. Glue the ears and horns on the back of the plate.

23. Draw a mouth with a black felt-tip pen. The giraffe is ready!

24. Now let's start making a tiger. Color the paper plate orange.

25. Cut out ten triangles-stripes from black paper.

26. We glue to the plate three strips on the left and right sides, one strip on the bottom and three strips on the top.

27. On a sheet of white paper, circle and cut out 2 large circles for the eyes. Cut out two small circles from black paper - for the pupils and an oval-shaped nose.

28. Glue the eyes and nose to the plate.

29. Cut out 2 large triangles from orange cardboard - for the ears. Cut out 2 small triangles from black paper. Glue the black triangles on top of the orange ones.

30. Glue the ears on the back of the plate.

31. With a felt-tip pen, draw a mouth and finish drawing the nose. Tiger cub is ready!

Handmade home decorations are becoming more and more popular. From which only needlewomen do not make various decorative gizmos. One of the most common options is do-it-yourself crafts from disposable plates. Disposable tableware can be not only a practical and convenient item for home use, but also a wonderful raw material for making original decor items and all kinds of accessories. Don't believe? Now we will tell you about this type of creativity in more detail.

Mask "Panda" from paper plates

The mask is a must-have accessory for many children's parties, games and dramatizations. One of the favorites among kids are animal masks. Disposable paper utensils can serve as the basis for making a wonderful Panda mask that can please any child.

To make this mask, you will need the following:

  • Black two-color cardboard.
  • Paper disposable plate.
  • Glue.
  • Pencil.
  • Clothespins.
  • Scissors.
  • Rubber band or braid.
  • Awl or hole punch.

The sequence for making a mask looks like this:

  • Take a disposable plate and cut it in half.
  • Circle the glue stick on the workpiece to make two circles for the eyes. Cut out the slits with scissors.
  • Draw two large circles on black cardstock. These will be the ears for the future mask.

Important! You can use a cup as a stencil.

  • Cut out the ears circled on the cardboard with scissors.
  • Glue the prepared ears to the base of the mask using PVA.

Important! To make the ears stick better to the base, fasten them with clothespins for a while.

  • Draw a panda's face with black paint.
  • To round the mask, cut off the bottom of the workpiece.
  • Make holes on the sides of the mask with a hole punch or an awl. Pass an elastic band or braid into the holes so that the mask stays on the child's face.

Important! By the principle of creating this blank, you can make masks with the faces of other animals. Creativity is highly encouraged here.

Paper plate boat

As you know, February 23 is an important date for any man. It is on this day that all real men want to receive something special as a gift. A good option could be such a do-it-yourself paper plate craft, like a boat.

Important! The main advantage of such a gift is that such a thing can be made together with the child.

To make a boat, you will need to stock up on the following:

  • Disposable paper plates.
  • Scissors.
  • Long wooden skewer.
  • Paints.
  • Glue.
  • Colored paper.
  • stapler.
  1. Take one of the disposable plates and paint it blue. Leave to dry. This will be the sea on which your boat will sail.
  2. After the paint has dried, cut a long hole in the middle of the plate that matches the bottom of the dish.
  3. Take the second plate, paint it any other color you want and leave to dry. After drying, bend it in half, fix it along the edges with a stapler. This will be the deck of your boat.
  4. Insert the resulting deck into the pre-cut hole in the first, blue plate.
  5. Take a wooden skewer and carefully insert it in the middle of the deck of the ship.
  6. Cut a triangle out of colored paper and put it on a skewer, alternating piercings from below and from above. Thus, you should get a sail.
  7. Cut out a flag from a small piece of colored paper, fasten it over the sail.
  8. If desired, you can decorate the boat with some decorative elements or draw waves with white paint.

Any head of the family will be happy to receive such crafts from disposable plates with their own hands, specially made for him by a loving family.

Garden decoration “Cat”

Garden decorations have always been popular among gardening enthusiasts. This is not at all surprising, because it is thanks to the decor that the garden can be made unique and create the right mood in it.

To make a garden decoration, you will need the following:

  1. Disposable plastic plate.
  2. Adhesive colored paper.
  3. Dye.
  4. stapler.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Glue "Moment".

The production sequence looks like this:

  • Take a disposable plate, carefully cut a part out of it. The resulting workpiece should have a moon-shaped shape. This will be the body of the cat.
  • From the remaining piece, carefully cut out a small arc that will become the tail, a circle and a couple of small triangles for the ears and muzzle. Connect two triangles and a circle together so that you get a muzzle. Fix carefully with a stapler.
  • Paint parts of the cat's body with paint.

Important! In order for the color to be richer, it is better to paint in several stages.

  • Connect all parts of the cat with a stapler.
  • Cut out the nose, eyes and antennae from sticky colored paper, stick them on the muzzle.

We make a charming whale, juicy fruit, funny crabs, a funny yellow goose from disposable plates! Disposable tableware can do a good job not only during a holiday or at a picnic - if desired, it can be easily turned into a multifunctional material for children's creativity.

Crafts from disposable tableware are distinguished by volume, clarity of form and variety. The kids are happy to turn the usual cups, spoons, forks and plates into unusual images. Disposable plates are especially easy to transform into various products.

Making various crafts from disposable plates with your own hands is a completely doable task for children, regardless of the age and skill of each child. They will gladly act on the instructions of an adult to get the desired result. It is especially interesting to make crafts from paper plates: with your own hands, a child can color them, decorate them with various decorative elements and turn them into the most unusual characters using stationery glue.

Crafts from disposable paper crafts for kids

The easiest way to work is to take one plate as a basis, paint it in the desired color and glue various elements to create the desired image (or do without them). Characteristic details are cut out of cardboard, colored paper, or molded from plasticine.

Brilliant fruit assortment.

Funny carrot patch.

Goat muzzle.

Sea crabs.

Santa Claus.

From a painted large and small plate, a lovely pig is obtained.

A painted and cut paper plate can be a fun crown.

Crafts from parts of a disposable plate

You can use not a whole plate, but part of it - for example, cutting off the edge in a straight line or cutting a piece of the desired shape. Curly pieces of a plate can also be used in crafts as its elements.

By cutting the plate into two parts with a wavy line, you can get two butterfly wings. We make her body from a cardboard cylinder from toilet paper, the antennae are from the same chenille wire.

PlatypusGolden Goose.

Dinosaur (parts of his body can be made movable using stationery cloves);

Frog traveler

By cutting out the embossed edge of the plate and gluing it to pointed cardboard leaves, you can get an unusual flower, which, if desired, can easily be turned into a frame for a photograph. The edging for the photo can be made from fluffy pompoms or plasticine balls.

And cutting the entire plate in a spiral and leaving an oval center, we get a real cobra. We paint it in a suitable color, glue the eyes and a forked tongue. Ready!

By attaching half of the other to one plate, we will create a flower basket. The flowers themselves can be glued from paper or molded from plasticine, salt dough or modeling mass.

Having fastened two plates with a stapler and leaving one edge open, we get the body of a killer whale. It remains only to glue the fins, tail and fix on the back a fountain of splashes of blue chenille wire.

Crafts from folded paper plates

Interesting volumetric figures are obtained from a plate bent in half:

Birdie: a slot is made in a bent plate, into which a sheet of paper (wings) folded like an accordion is inserted. We cut out a triangular orange beak from cardboard, we use ready-made, factory-made, or home-made, paper or plasticine eyes.

The frog princess: a plate folded in half becomes a mouth, eyes and nose are cut out of an egg carriage. We supplement the eyes with paper cilia, and the mouth with a large tongue.